Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 17, 1817, Image 1

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|i t^18, 3 ■ PRINTED BY KEAN & DUYCKINCK, broad-stueet. SATURDAY, MAY 17,1817. I jmVSTA 'chronicle, 18 PUBLISHED •VERY II if Ft ve Dollars per annum , I pAYABjCBf *W^“Jtt>TANCE. \( A Great Bargain. I West Broad- Street, In ! "" bs be i V e S L I** i l| -SS_ I I SQUARE. . \ Ifl'ME subscribe-.r inrrmiing to make I 1 Augusta his place of residence, of. |krs for sale all that block of buildings llQgfthtr with the lots in Franklin ward, and lying about the centre of Iftat city, well known by the name of the I theatre Lots- This Lot fronts three ■greets and a square, and is situated in » ||«ilthy part of the town, and a most ex l|tllcnt stand for business. Those per. ■ion's wishing to purchase the above pro- Kcrty, can have it a great bargain, by ■Applying to the subscriber. William H. Oak man, Augusta, or to Messrs. A. Erwin, Lethbridge, & Co. Merchants, Savannah% ■ May 10; tt ■till Manufactory. hat -c commenced THE COPPER SMITH’S 1, BUSINESS, /JV THIS cut, Ufcr/ Door to Messrs Longsireet and Hat* rison on the Cross street , IA intend carrying it on in its va- 1 I/"A nous branches, particular.y that of poking Stills. They have now on band b large assortment of STILLS, from 30 |lo 200 gallons, which they have received IfriOi their manufactory at the north, fthey have also for sale, other articles in P*ir line, such as I Copper Kettles I Do Tea Kettles I Do Hand Pumps I Brass Andirons* with Shove! and Tongs to match I Sheet Copper, &c. I Th y will k tp a constant supply of i pills of ill m* a, made of the best mate- j kais, anc in the best manner, ahd will lie able to supply all orders from the ■country in their line. I Oli Stills repaired and all kinds ofCop btc,W;.rk dope at short notice. I Old Copper,. Brass, Pewter and Lead, Received in exchange for the above ar ticles. V I Beach & Alden. ID member 6, THE I Globe Tavern, I AVGUSTA. ■|YHE Proprietor will offer at Public BJL Sale on the 26th instant, at 12 o'- *‘°ck r {if not previously disposed of,) his ■Expired Lease of three years and eight of the above extensive and com ■toraious House, capable of accommodat- Ku persons—the Purchaser to ■*ke all the Furniture and appurtenances V>ereaoto belonging as it now stands, F°getbcr with the New Buildings erected Phd Improvements, made (since theori base) at valuation. ■ Also, the Stock of Com, Fodder, groceries and Provisions on hand, at the ricnt market price.—Possession to be P ,v eßoo or before the first day of June ■7* ’ 7«hout causing a suspension of C*.i L* o*** 0 *** of the House.—Terms to be |«ade known on the day of sale. ■ wry y. td» . ■ Notice. HI «E Subscriber having dissolved hie HgL connexion with the house of Calvin far Ca. has declined business in ■ i place, until thb ensuing Autumn. I* Wm. Montgomery. I M T 7. .. b „• . AUGUSTA CjmONICLB. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received\ A FRESH SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS Consisting of the following articles: * ITWO Boxes Linens, assorted JL Calicoes, Cambrics, Leno, Jac onet and Satin Stripe Muslins Ginghams, assorted Long Lawns, Dimities, Furniture ditto Blue and Yellow Nankeens Levantine & Florence Silks Elegant Fancy Silk Shawls Linen Cambrics ■ Thread and Cotton Laces, Ribbons, assorted Tortois Combs, assorted Cheneil Cords. — ALSO— Jamaica and W. 1. Rum N. E. ditto Philadelphia Whisky Prime Muscovado Sugar Do. Green Coffee Fresh Imperial Tea Double refined Loaf Sugar 8000 Bushels Ground Alum Salt 10000 lbs. Swedes Iron 8000 do. Waggon Tyre ditto 4000 do. Axe Bar ditto 2000 do. German Steel And a number of other articles too te dious to mention, which they will dis pose of on very accommodating terms at wholesale or retail to suit purcha sers. A. BUGG&Co. May 7. h Q3* They have a few Barrels of PRIME FLOUR on hand. Received, for Sale by John Man, 10(3 ASKS Patent &. other hoes 8 Casks >1 race v hains, 10 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, SO Casks Cut and W rought Nails and Spikes, 10 Tons Swedes &. Russia Iron & Steel, Hoop Iron & Nail Rods, 2 Tons Plough Moulds, 500 0 Pounds Assorted Castings* 100 Grindstones, 8 Hhds. Molasses* 40 Bbls. Northern Rum & Gin, Hyson Tea, Loaf & Brown Sugar, &c. &c. April 9. ts John M. Edney, HAS taken the house formerly on- 1 copied by Richard I. Easter , 1 & Co. and is receiving the following articles, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved paper, Viz;— Best Muscovado Su-; v i gar, in Hogsheads, Molasses in ditto, Jamaica Rum, Spanish Segars, Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in ditto, Boston Gin, and Twenty Bags Prime Green COFFEE. All those indebted to the late firm of Edney t tf Hex >es, are again invited to call and make immediate payment to the Subscriber. Jphn M. Edney., April *3. If TO Country Merchants * THE Subscribers wish to dispose of their remaining STOCK in TRADE, forming a small, but Gen eral Assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware & Groceries The whole will be sold a bargain, at a liberal credit, for approved paper. Their Stand,, May also be bad with the Goods, if required, at a moderate rent. BEERS A STURGES. Opposite McKenzie, BennocS& co. April 26. ** ts * H. DUNTON, HAS JUffT RECEIVED •Stid offers for. sale on moderate . terns,' 10 HHDS. Northern Rum, 2 Pipes Real HUund Gin, 2 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, 2 Ditto W. I. ditto, 4 5 Ditto Molasses, 10 Q. Casks Teneriffe & Sherry Wiue 50 Bags Green Coffee, Prime Sugar in Hhds. & Barrels, 2 Chests Fresh Hyson Tea, Boxes No. l Chocolate, Loaf and Lump Sugar, —■—ALSO ON HAND— Jl General Assortment of DRY GOODS* Many of which are suitable for the SPRINGS? SUMMER seasons, together with the following ARTICLES: 50 Casks Cut Nails, from 4 to 20d. 10 Do. Wrought Ditto, 5 TonrAxe Bar & w aggon tyre Iron Bad Irons, Trace Chains, Steel yards, Coffee Mills. Best Gun powder, Shot all sizes, Ac. Ac. —ALSO— AN INVOICE 0E HARDWARE, —consisting of — Knives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—a handsome assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives—Saddle and Pocket Pistols* Shot Guns, Stirrup Irons, Knob and Stock Lucks, 40 doz. Single Boiled Pad Locks, 50 dozen double bulled do. which will be sold at 45 per cent advance oh the sterling cost. * May 7, dw Savannah , April 2b, 1817. NOTICE. THE Subscribers have en'ered into Copartnership for the purpose of carrying on the GROCERY BUSINESS, under the fi«m of '■ \ B. B. Fontaine, & Co. and have on hand a Large and General Assortment, which thvy .will dispose of at low prices lor Cash or Town Paper. Andrew G. Semmes, B. B. Fontaine. M l Kifine , s Wharf. f ETV STAIN BACK AH I) JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves In msiness under the firm of WIL SOA & BLACK, offer thur services to their friends, and the public in geatra), in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett Sr Sims, where every attention will be given to render, general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30. ts Notice. THE Public are respectively informed that the subscriber has engaged himself in the stand lately occupied by Doctors Cunningham A: Meigs, |p the capacity of an APOTHECARY, where a constant attendance to ail prescriptions Will be given day and night. MEDICINES will be Retailed on the lowest terms, and every attention will be paid to give public satisfaction^ — The Institution will select the Choicest MEDICINES, and preparations made with care and exactness. One or two more Physician’s exclusive business can be received, and their commands attended to with punc tuality and promptness, at the charge of their patients. Families can be supplied on the lowest terms, but written orders will al ways be required, to prevent errors of servants, accidental or intentional- MEDICINE CHESTS made and repaired, agreeable to orders for Planters at APOTHECARIES HAIX, immediately opposite the Augusta Book Store . Charles C. Dunn. May T. ts Bills on New-York at sight, for sale by A Slaughter &C. Labuzan. May 7* • P THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just , 130 Packages British, french and India - GOODS, Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated for the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat* ing terms. William Sims, Es Co. MarchS. ts Mackenzie ££ Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, ■ At the Store foritierly occupied by H. arid R. Thomas , An Extensive Assortment of British , Indian French Goods , Which will be sold low for Cash, Pro 'uce or on a liberal credit to those known 'o be punctual. November 15. ts , At the Sign of t/te BUCKS HEAD, Dickinson & , OFFER FOR SALE, A General Assortment of Spring Goods , Groceries, &c. April 9. ts Wheeler* Bradley 9 s * & Co, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, In addition to their former Jhsortrtunl, Some very elegant 6iirtouts, Common ' do. Kersey Great Coals, Plaid Cl'iaks, Ladies Habits and Pelisses* Black Cassimere Vests. —ALSO— 4 Trunks Common Jewelry assorted. January 29 ts '“*—4l - - - _ Alexander Bryan Is Receiving and now Opening , A General and extensive Assortment DRY GOODS, Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY, GLASS WARE, HATS, &c. Also, landing from the River, a Large 8c complete assortment of Crockery Ware. The whole will he sold low and on ac commodating terms. December |3. * J.D. Weathers & Co. Have Lately Received, 100 Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 Bags Prime Green (Coffee, .3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, 10 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 5 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniac Brandy, 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles, ——•also— A Handsome Assortment of Spring Goods, Well adapted to the approaching season. All of which will be sold at their usual low and accommodating terms. April iff. ; ts Mrs. Maria A. Pierce BAS OPENED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, Savannah, Geo. Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite attention. 4 Savannah, February ay. m it H. Dunton, Has Just 3 leeched, $ 3 Trunks of Elegant FashidnatA Straw Bonnets, 7*Doz. low priced Damask vjo. dor 2 Boxes of Very Elegadtf > Artificial Flowers , * Which are offered low, wholesale * and retail. t Also, 40 Boxes. y ' Fresh Bloom Raisins • May 14, ? cw. „ ‘ Nine Dozen Efegant Gilt Chain. * 5 4 Side-boards, 8 Beaureaux, 40 Boxes, each ft do*. Superior Crab Cider, * 10 Barrels do. dQ. * * 20 Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar*, SQ Do. Ist quality Jamaftsa do, 1800 Stone Jugs (l pt. to 4 gallons), iOO Grind Stones 6 * 17000 lbs. English Castings . 2000 do. Bar Lead. r * Just landed and for sale by JAMES L. OUTER. Mho has in Store—Phila. Whisky & Newyork Gin, in hhds. & bbls. New England, Antigua and Jamaica Rum ditto ditto Teneriffe, Sherry & Sicily Madeira Wine Boxes Hats—4, 6,8, 10, 12, & 20d Cut Nails Bar Iron, Spanish Segars , Chocolate, Hyson Ten Boxes hoap, /Shot * Portable Writing Desk* Tea Tables, Card ditto, &o. &o. - May 14. . m —— I y Eagle Tavern, AND SAVANNAH STAGE,OFFICE* T HE Copartnership heretofore exist* * mg at this stand, under the firm of WM. CHISOLM, dr Co. wax dissolved on the SSth ultimo by nrattiaj’ consent* Wm. €hisdm, Richard I. Easter* f' James A. Black. 7 03* The Subscribers having foVin ed a connexion at 4he above Establish* mtnt, will accommodate Town Board? ta. and Transient and Codhti# Gentlemen, as formerly, end solicit A continuation * the patronage of their «cq|Mnfeficls and the poblic. The business will be con ducted; under the firm of CHXSQLMV SHAAHOH, who are authoilp to re ceive all debts due the foriner «tabllifed ment, and will pay all demands agulwi the same. 7 • Wm. * Wm. Shannon, Augusta, May 14, IS IT. if Hardware Goods," Selected expressly for the Southern Market. Rogers tf Co, Jfo. 229 Pearl Jtow-Kork. INVITE the attention of A Merchants to their extensive Stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, ini* ported by the latest arrivals fromEneiabd, and comprising a most ment of Goods calculated for the Soutb* the moat extended credit vT Orders for Goods accompanied mlth satisfactory references, wifi be executed and shipped without delay, and the affl% dcs selected with care and attention. m Patent Hoes by the April 84 i4 t T NOTICE. JE B STOUTENBURGH isjully JCDo authorized to act an rtsf Attorney, doling my absence from AugOsta. John Miiler, May 4 if