Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 21, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. - ' - # IVOi> g ° t '" W *' <M9,] PMNTEP BT kF - AN »..Ai».i, M «. WEDNESDAY, MAY Vj, IW , ■■ —n n -■ ■■ -■•-■* -•■•»• ■———*—: «y -• ■ - . ‘. ' • THE - - SUGUSTJI CHHamOLE, 18 PUBLISHED gVEgV WEDNESDAY h SATURDAY. At Fh» Cellar* per annum, payable IN ADVANCE. Bank, of Augusta, 13th May, 1817. Resolved, by a nu'joriiy oi the whoj- Board or Dtßßctiotr, that i ..lEETINCi of St<ickho'.d <s> oe calKd, giving Thirty Days i.euce thereof accor ding to the Cht.lrrJ for the purpose of consul »ing the expediency of increasing the ' APITAL STOCK. Notice therefore is hereby Given, That th». s*ui MEETING w*ll Ik. held at the BANK on •, Y, the 2lst Jun-- ncx*. at 11 o'clock) A. M. By Order , l Augustus Moore, Cashier. flj* The Editors of the Savannah Republican , Milledgeville Journal , and Washington Nerm, are requested to publish the above once a week jn the mean time* Ma 1 17. * W' Spring , William Wright, It now receiving per ftrig Bclvidere. from New-Fork, ' A Complete & Extensive Assort ment of GOODS, Adapted to the Season—consisting of British , French & India Dry Goods, j HARDWARK & CUTLERY, Slices of all Descriptions, Hats, Millmary, Stationary, &c. &c. Together with 'a Complete Assortment \ GROCERIES. Great attention has been given in the Selection of the above Goods, so as to embrace almost every article requisite for i Country Stares. They will be offer* d extremely low by the Piece, or Package, in the New Building next above Messrs. R. J. Meigs, & Co. near the upper end Bre ad Street. May 14. tm M‘Kenzie, Bennoch, & c«. , | Have just received and offer for sale, 1050 ps. Yellow & Blue NANKEENS. May 1 4 c ~ rr * i . The Subscriber has Received ! Several well finished Newark Made Gigs, j Which will bt sold I w foi Cash or good Town Acceptance* Several Double Breasted Cot ton Gins, of 45 & sie Saws, Made by Boatwright and Glaze. The Gins may be seen at Messrs. Bru* and Scurry's Ware H use. Greene B. Marshall. _Mgy 14. c Bills on New-York, yV)r Sale by - 6? Thomas. Jfho will Dispose of . ] 10 Hhds. New-Orleans Sugar Wry low to close a consignm '«t. Also—a First Kate Northern Gig, twde of the best materials, and equal in appearance to any ever brought to this piste. May if. ts Just Received. *0 Hhdi. N. E. Rum W do. Whisky • j &B. Howard AIio—BILLS on NEW-YOHK. J A B H. May iy. c bank CHECKS For Sale at tins Ouice. , I: A Great Bargain. ' West Broad- Street * as ae • s j: 'BS ■ ' * I* a 2 i ®i*a f B. '■ . I SQUARE. -. • » THE subscriber intending to nuke Augusta his place of residence, of. firs for sale all that block nf buildings together with the lots in Franklin w*»rd, Savannah and lying about the centre of that city, well known by the name f the Theatre Lots. This Lot fronts three streets and a square, and is situated in a healthy part ci the town and a most ex cellent stand for business. Those per sons wishing to purchase the above pro periy, <:an have it a great bargain, by applying to tht subscriber. William H Oak man, v f Augusta, or to Messrs. A. Erwin, Lethbridge,©Go. Merchants, Savannah, May 10.- y t ~ the Subscribers ... Have Just Received , A FRESH SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS Consisting ts the filluwing articles:. WO Boxes Linens, assorted JL Calicoes, Cambrics, Leuo, Jac onet and Satin Stripe Muslius Gingham *, assorted Long Lawns. Dimities, Furniture ditto Blue and Yellow Nankeens Levantine & Florence Silk* Elegant Fancy Silk Shawls Linen Cambries gw Thread and Cotton Laces, Ml Ribbons, assorted . Tortois Combs, assorted Cbeneil Cords. —Al'zn — Janrni*» mid W. 1. Rum N.-E. ditto Philadelphia Whisky Prime Muse *vudo Sugar Do. Green Coffee , Fresh Imperial Tea Double refined Loaf Sugar 2000 Bushels Ground Alum Shit 10000 lbs.' Swedes Iron 8000 do. Waggon Tyre ditto 4000 do. Axe Bar ditto 2000 do. German Steel .. And a number of other articles too te dious to mention, which they will dis pose of on very accommodating terms at wholesale or retail to suit purcha sers, . i A. BUGG & Co. ! May 7. . a ■ (Jt3* They have a few Barrels of PRIME FLOUR on hand. j Received, for Sate by John Man, | icC ASKS latent & other h6es I 8 Casks Trace Chains, , K) Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, 50 Casks Cat and Wrought Nails and Spikes, ~. . . 10Tons Swedes St Russia Iron & Steel, Hoop Iron St Nail Hods, 2 Torts Plough Moulds, 500 0 Pounds Assorted Castings, 100 Grindstones, 8 Hhds. Molasses; 40 Bbls. Northern Rum & Gin, Hyson Tea, i Loaf St Brown Sugar, &c. Stc. April 9. . ... ... ts To Country Merchants. rjYHE Subscribers wish to dispose 1, of their remaining STOCK in TRADE, forming a small, but Gen eral Assortment of 1 ■ DEY GOODS* tiardwarehGroeeries The whole trill be sold a bargain, at a liberal credit, for approved paper. * Their Stands May also bo had with the Goods,' if renuired, at a moderate rent. Bh> RS \ fcTUBGFfi. Opposite McKtnxk, Bennoch& to. April id* . £* % : John M. Edney, HAS taken the house formerly oc cupied by Richard t. Raster, © Co, and is receiving tbs following articles, which he will dispose of qn the most reasonable terms for 'Cash or approved paper, Viz;— Best Muscovado Su gar, in Hogsheads, Molasse ? in ditto, Jamaica Rum, Spanish Scgars, Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in ditto, Boston Gin, and ' Twenty Bags Prime Green COFFEE. All thosi indebted to the late firm of Edney W Neve*, are again invited to call arid m k« immediate payment to the Subscriber. , , John M. Edney. April z 3. if H.-punton, Has Just Received, 3 Trunks of Elegant Fashionable Straw B , 7 Doz. low priced Damask do. do* 2 Boxes of very Elegant Artificial Flowers , Which are offered low, wholesale and retail. Also, 40 Box* s Fresh Bloom Raisins • May 14. cw Nine Dozen Elegant Gill Chairs. ° * 4 di(h- boards, 3 B; aureaux, 40 Boses, ekejb 1 doz. Superior 10 Barrels do. do. i € Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar, Do. Ist (p ality Jamaica do. i 1800 Sjlouc Jugs (i pi. to 4 gallons) 100 Grind Strtnes 17000 lbs. English Castings 2000 do. Bar Lead. Just landed hud for sale by . James l. oliVer. V ho hits in Siore—Plula. Whisky © Newyork Gin, in hhds. & bbls. New Antiguaaud Jamaica Rum ditto ditto Teuerifle, Sherry A Sicily Madeira Wine Boxes Hats-—4, 0,8, 10, 12* A 2Dd i Cut Nails ! Bar Iron, , Spanish begars Chocolate, Hyson Tea Boxes Soap, Shot Portable Writing Desks Tea Tables, » Card ditto, Ac. ¥' j May 14. lit Eagle T avern, • AND . ./a . If7 Savannah stage-office. 'T’HE Copartnership heretofore cxist *■ ing at this stknd, under the firm of WM. CHISOLM, & Co. was dissolved on the 25th ultimo by mutual consent, Wm, Chisolm, Richard I. Easter, James A. Black. - % -v % <y t j QJ* The Sabseribers having form ed a countxh-n at the fabove Establish ment, will accommodate Town Boarders, and Transient and Country Gentlemen, as formerly, and solicit a continuation of the patronage of their acquaintances and the public. The business will be con ducted under the firm of. CHISOEM I7 SHANNON, who arc authorised to re ceive all debts due the former establish ment, and will pay »U demands against .the same*' „ ... • » ■ , , Wm. Chisolm, '• t Wm. Shannon, Augusta, May 14 18if. if ' Sheriffs Titles, For Sale at ; to Offices • - H.DUNTON, HAS JUST RECEIVED Arid offers for' sate on moderate terms, » HHDS. Northern Rum, I 2 Pipes Real Holland Gin -2 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, 2 Ditto W. I. ditto, 5 Ditto Molasses, 10 Q. CasksTeneriffe& Sherry Wine 50 Bags Green Coffbe, Prime Sugar in Hhds. ©Bartels, 2 Chests Fresh Hyson Tea, Boxes No. l Chocolate, Loaf and Lump Sugar, *•——ALSO ON HAND——» A General Assortment of DRY GOODS, Many if which are suitable for the SFiUN’G©SUMMER Seasons, together with the following ARTICLES: 50 Casks Cut Nails, from 4 to 20d. 10 Do. Wrought Ditto, 5 Tons Axe Bar© waggon tyre Iron Sad Irons, Trace Chains, Steel yards, Coffee Mills, Bail Gun powder, Shot all sizes, Ao. Ac. —ALSO— . AN INVOICE OF HARD/FARE, —consisting o/ Knives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—>a handsome assortment of' Pen and Pocket Knives—Saddle and Pocket Pistols, Shot Guns, Stirrup Irons, Knob and Stock Looks, 40 doz. Single Bolted Pad Locks. 50 dozen double boiled do. which will be sold at 45 per cent advance on the sterling ® uB L . May 7. * bw Savannah, April 25,1817. NOTICE. .. •«' a> ;* __ • Copartnvrsldp for the carrying on this GROCERY BUSINESS, j under the firm of , v B. B. Fontaine, & Co. and have on hand a Large. and General Assortment, which they will dispose of at low prices lor Cash or Town Paper. Andrew G. Semmes, .B. B. Fontaine. i . M'Kihne's liharf. aw STAIN BACK WILSON . . AND JAMES A. BLACK; HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm ot WlL* i SON Ist BLACK, offer tbeir services to 1 their friends, and the public in general, in the > COMMISSION . . I AMD Factorage Line. " They have the Ware-House latr y oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett tr Sims, wncre every attention will be giveii to render general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30, v „ ts Notice* “ '■ if »: r j*. 1 , # ir, •* rHE Public are respectively informed that the suoscribcr has engaged himself in the stand lately occupied by Doctors Cunningham & Mxics, in the capacity ot an APOTHECARY, where a constant attendance to all prescriptions will be given day and night. , MEDICINES will be Retailed on the lowest terms, and every at ention will be paid to give public satisfaction*— The Institution' will #’ect the Choicest MEDICINES,' add preparations made with care and exactness*. One or two more Physician’s exclusive business can be received, and their commands attended to with punc tuality and promptness, at the charge of tbeir patients. . { ~ . • Families can be supplied oh the lowest terms, but written orders will al ways be required, U* prevent,, errors of servants,, accidental or intentional. „ MEDICINE CHESTS made and repaired agreeable to , orders for Planters at APOTHECARIES HALL, immediately opposite the Augusta Book Store, % y „* )r < *■ * \, v Charles C. Dunn. May 7. • ' ts Bills on New-York , » ~ at sight, for sale by ... > A .Slaughter St C. Labuzan. j 4 • ■ the SUBSCRIBERS ; Hflve Just Received-* 130 Packages ' Bridsiii Frtijcli and Indii GOODS; Consisting of almoai awry «*£. cle c.lcul.i^for ; il, e Spring mi Sum r , E 7"#- Which tbrp „fer at Wholesale and Retail, on accotbmodat* iog terma. • , . „ .■■. ■ * William Sims; CsP tbi Marchs ffc * Mackenzie© Ponce; . OFFER, FOR SALE,.: . . At the Store formerly occupied by If, '., t \.. and ; R* Thomas* < An Extensive Assortment of Btituhi India k i tench Goods', \, . Which will be uid low for Cub, Pro. Juce or on a liberal credit to those known •u be punctual. ■ s November 11. jjp u : At the of tJie BUCKS HEAD; Dickinson & Spraguc\ OFFER FOR SALi£ r A Oeneral Assortment of Spring Goods* , Groceries; &c., April 9. -t ir ts Wheeler; Bradley’s **Co. y .. , RA> E JtiST RECEIVED, " addition to their Jormer *i„ortment, S o C£.y. er y elegant Surtouts, Kersey Great^*mdp* Fluid Cl iaks, , . Ladies Habits and Felissel* Black. Cassimere Vests. i ( 4 Trunks Common Jewelry assorted. January 89 ts Alexander Bryan c is "Receiving §nd now OfieningC A General and extensive Assortment! ''slj • 1 4 ®f ""S •> DRY GOODS; I Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY; GLASS WAftE, HATS; Also, landing from thr River, a Large U , , complete assortment of C rockery Ware; p< Thtf whole wi|l he sold low and onac# commod firing, terms, r Os ember «3. I; D; W eathers & Ctit „ T" :"o ■'. * ' , , Bate Lately Received, . tOO Reams Wg 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, r t • r 30 Bigs Prime Green C ‘pffee, 3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, 10 Hfids. N. E. Rum. , . v 3 pipes' 4th 1 proof Old CogtiZfc Brandy > , *■. 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles. r JS Handsome Assortment of f Spring Gptidsi Well adapted to the approaching* l ** i X season.' t /' /%, ■ All of .which trill be nctf&iik usual low and accommodating terms. Apra to. : >f Mrs; Maria A; PieteC i-ii •*# • j t> Bis OPLNEJJ a * Boarding H mie; In St. Julian Geo i Where Gentlemen fpd Ladies of re*, spcctabUity, will meet with every poliir. s»Vfthhah, February ij, $ 9 * , v*** . * * - • it