Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 28, 1817, Image 1

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S inii.ii 1 mu rii ■■■mi _L . V ' * . , I JTOL. XXX1....N0. 1521.] PWNTOD BT «EAN S BHOAD .AEET. WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. lM!r. I___■—l BiP' . I■ .1 I .1. . 1.-. ■ V . ,;. . . li ! ; m . - , . ■ ••• ■ t:-V. ’ 1 I S' ‘ T»8 MffVGIfSTA CHRONICLE, IS PUKJLMHJRD fcvBBV WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY. Wjt Five hollars per annum, PAYABLE IB ADVANCE. ■Lank of 'Augusta, | i3th May, 1817. ■RESOLVED, by a majority of the ■£, wh Je Board of Direction, that ■MEETING of Stockholders be calkd, ■vimr Thirty Days notice thereof accor ■g to the Charter) for the purpose of ■sidMnp the expediency of increasing ■ « APITAL <ToCK m Notice therefore is hereby Given , ■at the said MEETING wilt be held at ■ BANK, on SAIURDAY, the 21st ■ik next at 11 o'clock, A. M. mßy Order, Augustus Moore, Cashier. ■j/* The Editors of the Savannah Republican. Wfledgnfllle Journal, and Wathingt-m JVevs, ■ to publish the above once a week ■'lie mean time. I’a •? w mprmg Goods. r n jj- I William Wright, ■ now receiving per Brig Bdvidere, from JVVw-foWr, I Complete &. Extensive Assort, mentof I GOODS. ■dpted to the Season—-consisting of mulish* French & India H t I Dry Goods, ■ARDVVAR 1 ' & CUTLERY, Shoes of ail Descriptions, Hats, ■ Milhnapr, Stationary, &c. &c. mogether with a Complete Assortment I GROCERIES. ■Great attention has ]>een given in the lection of the above Goods, so as to ■brace almost every article requisite for luatry Stores. They will be offered! ■»mely low by the Piece, or Package, I he N-w Building next above Messrs. IJ- Meigs, & Co. near the upper end ■ ad Street. ■M-y 14. ftm wills on New-Voir, ■ Sale by ts? Thomas. ; Who will DCfiose of ■lO Hhds. New Orleans Sugar ■}> low to rlosi a consignment. I Also—a First Jlate I Northern Gig, ■de of the best materials, and equal in ■ear nee to any ever brough- to this ■May if- . ?.f - "*■■*! - ■»■ I « ■ . *■>. 1— mim I, mrs. Maria A. Tierce * HAS OPENED A ■Boarding House, ■St. Julian Street, Savannah, Geo. ■Here Gentlemen and Ladies of re ■lability, will meet with every polite Hntioo. ■ vunnah, February zy, ts P NOTICE I the Trustees of the michjiond Academy. this Board have sold i I * loti to sundry persons upon con i’ll *“*t the aame should revert to the ■ st u Pon failure to pay therefor at the stipulated, and a number of pur* ■‘ rs being considerably in arrears, that all arrearages be I to the Clerk of this Board, on or ■ r * thc first day of August next, or I Tiosteea will forthwith thereafter ■ t 0 retake possession of the pre. ■ e ’» an( * “gain sell the same—and that i Resolution be published in one of the of this city once * week un* ■hat «ime. I Token from the Minute. l aac Herbert, Clerk To the Trustees of 'he Richmond Academy . April Sd, is ■Griffs Titles, For Sale at thu Office* V uuxha/lGardens. Joseph Carrie, I j ETURNS his thanks to his friends Job and the Public, for the g-eat en. couragement he has received since he has established himself at Vauxhail, and re spectfully informs them that his Garden , House AND '■ DATES. are now in complete order for the recep tion and entertainment of all decent and orderly behaved persons* His Baths ire open every day from sunrise until 9 o’, clock at night, except on s, when they will Jose at iz o’clock in the mor ning. Nj exertions shall he wanting on his part to ensure a continuance of pub* lie favor, and to render his visitors com* lortable and pleasant. His Bar is fur nished with every refreshment that the market affords. By permission of Mr. Shultz he has also established on Sundays umy at his Elegant SPRINGS, a house of Refresh ment—to which ihe attention of all gen. tlemcn, who visit this delightful resort, are respectfully directed. Augusta, May 24, ts Mackenzie & Ponce^ OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by H. and R, Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British, India s. Trench Goods, Which wil be sold iov Ii Cash. Pro duce or on a liberal creti t L ihosc known to be punctual. November 15. ts P* Stovall & Co; Have fust Received , - i Case Cotton ( ambries i do. fancy Muslins 1 do. Jaeonct do. i do, Hosiery 20 boxes Ribbons 1 bale superfine Cassimercs , Canton & Italian Crapes, ass I’d colors Ladies’ aud gentlemen’s Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys of the latest patterns i 14 trunks Shoes Well assorted | 2 do. Wellington and Cossac Boots i 30 bbls. Northern Hum 4U kegs Cut ails assorted 1 Aew ahogany Side Board All oi which wilt he sold very low; they will continue to have frequent arrivals until their assortment is eom pleie. May 17. j Hardware . Goods , i Selected expressly for the Southern Market, Rogers Winthrop, Co; JVo. 229 Pearl Street, New-Fork,. INVITE the attention of Southern Merchants to their a xt‘nsive Stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, im ported by the latestanivals from England, and comprising a most complete assort ment cf Goods calculated lor the South, ern trade, at reduced prices. Every fa. cility will be offered to purchasers and the roost extended credit allowed. , Orders for Goods accompanied with 1 satisfactory references, will be executed and shipped without delay, and the arti cles selected with care and attention. Patent Hoes by the Cask. April 23. 1 4t STAINBACK WILSON JAMES At BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in business under the 6rm ot WIL SUB & BLACK, offer their services to their fronds, and the public irt gtatra!, in the COMMISSION # AND Factorage Line. Th y h. vt the Ware-H use lately oc- • cupi-'d by Messrs, Barrett Sr Sims, every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. Augusta, April SO* ts # .. I " I I * * ' A Great Bargain. "Wwl hraad-fitreet. i 7*i —r ■ |r- ■ 5t ,i , , S" 8* Qc a : p. * SQUARE. : > —: 1 THE subscriber intending to make Augusta his place of residence, of. fers for stle nil that block of buildings together with the lota in Franklin ward, Savannah an I lying about the centre of that city, well known by the name if the Theatre Lots. This Lot fronts three streets and a squire, and i« situated in a healthy part of the town, and a most ex cellent stand for business. Those per sons wishing to purchase the above pro perty, can have it a great bargain, by applying to the subscriber. William H. Oak man, Augusta , or to Messrs. A. Erwin, Lethbridge, & Co. Merchants, Savannah, May 10. ft TO Country Merchants. hubsiTibcrs wish to disperse X. of their remaining STOCK in TRADE, forming a small, but Gen eral Assortment of mu GOODS, dicu divare & Groceries The whole will be sold a bargain, at a liberal credit, for approved phper. Their Stand, May also be bad with (he Goods, if required, at a moderate rent. BEERS A STURGES. Opposite McKenzie, Benntch & co. April 26. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received^ | A FRESH BUPPLt OF SPRING GOODS Consisting of the following articles: Boxes Linens, assorted JL Calicoes, Cambrics, Lcno, Jac onet and Batin btripe Muslim Gingham , assorted Lmig Lawns, ; Dimities, Furniture ditto' Blue and Yellow Nankeens Levantine Ac Florence Silks Elegant Fancy Bilk Shawls Li ueu Cambrics Thread and Colton Laces, Ribbons, assorted , Tortois Combs, assorted j Cheueii Cords. , 1 -aLso-i Jamaica and VV. I. Rum N. E. ditto Philadelphia Wliisky Prime Muscovado sugar j Do. Green Coffee ! Fresh Imperial Tea ; Double relined Loaf Sugar 2000 Bushels Ground Alum Salt 10000 ibs. Swedes iron 800 u do. Waggon l yre ditto 4000 do. Axe Bar ditto 2000 do. German Steel And a number of other articles too te dious to which they will dis pose of on very accommodating terms at wholesale or retaU to suit puroha -BCl'B A. BUGG&Co. May 7. h {£T* They have a few Barrels of PRIME FLOUR on hand. Received, Jor Sale by John Man, t 0 (j ASKS Patent & other hoes 8 Casks Trace Chains, 10 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, 50 Casks Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes, 10 Tons Swedes &. Russia Iron & Steel, Hoop Iron & Nail Rods, 2 Tons Plough Moulds, 5000 Pounds Assorted Casting# 100 Grindstones, 8 Hhds. Molasses, 40 Bbls. Northern Rum & Gin, Hyson Tea, Loaf & Brown Sugar, tic, &c. April 9. ts I * H, DUNToft, HAS JUST RECEIVED And offers for sale on moderate » terms, 10 ARDS. Northern Rum, 8 Pipes Real Holland Gin, 2 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, 2 Ditto W. I. ditto, 6 Ditto Molasses, 10 Q. Casks Tern*rifle & Sherry Wine 60 Bags Green Coffee, Prime Sugar in Hhds. & Barrels, 2 Chests Fresh Hyson Tea, Boxes No. i Chocolate, Loaf and Lump Sugar, —-ALSO ON HAND—— , A General Assortment of DRY GOODS. Many of which are suitable for the SPRING© SUMMER Seasons, together with the following ' ARTICLES: 60 Casks Cut Nails, from 4 to 20d. 10 Do. Wrought Ditto, 6 Tons Axe Bar© waggon tyre Iron Sad Irons, Trace Chains, Steel yards, Coffee MilJsjPßest Gun-‘ Powder, Shot all sizes, &o. dec. —ALSO— > AN IV VOICE OF HARD IF ARE, *—consisting of— Knives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—a handsome assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives—Saddle and Pocket Pistols, Shot Guns, Stirrup Irons, Knob and Stock Looks, 40 duz. Single Bolted Pad Locks, 60 dozen double bolted do. which will be sold at 46 per cent advance on the sterling cost. May t, dw H. Dunton, Has Just Received, 3 Trunks of Elegant Fashionable . Straw Bdhnetsi ’ 7 Doz. low priced Damask do. db. 2 Boxes of very Elegant Artificial Flowery Which are offered low, wholesale and retail. Also, 40 Boxes Fresh Bloom Raisins ; May 14. cw Sarnnntnh, April 26,18 it. “NOTICE, nr*HE Subscribers have entered into X Coparthershlp for the purpose of carrying on the GROCERY BUSINESS, under tho firm of B. B. Fontaine, & Co. S _ * and have on hand a Large and General Assortment, which they will dispose of at low prices lor Cash or Town Paper. Andrew G. Semmes, , .B. B. Fontaine. MKimie*'a Wharf, Ew Executor’s Sale. At 12 o’clock, on TUESDAY, the first day of July, 1817, will be of fered for Sale, at the Market-House in the City of Augusta, ALL that valuable LOT and improvements, situate on the corner of Greene and Centre-Streets, being the southern moiety of the original Lot No. 35, the former residence of Doctor John R. Thompson, deceased, and to be sold in pursuance of his lest will. The situation of this Property near the Market, and fronting on the street leading direct from the Bridge, renders it desirable as well for private residence as for improvements for other uses.—lt has a front on Green Street, of about 165 feet, and about 140 on Centre, or Bridge Street. . —terms— One Fourth—Cash, One Fourth Ist July, 1819, . One Fourth Ist July, 1820, Remaining Fourth Ist July, 1821, A Monguge on the Premises will be required, and Notes with an approved en dorser, bearing interest from' the day of sale. - Thomais Gumming,' y p - John H. Montgomery, j Mr 7 - . * - BANK. CHECKS For Sale at this' OJhce, •John M; Ecjneyi * • HAS taken thehouse formerly o*« cupied by , Richard I, Easter', & tip. and is receiving the following * articles, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms for Ca»A » op approved paper, Vf* ; — Best Muscovado Sik i ' gar, In Hogsheads* • * % Molasses In ditto, f • Jamnica Hum, Spanish Segars, • Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in .ditto, Boston Gin, and Twenty Bags Prinic Greet! COFFEE. > * i| * *» «... - f All those,,indebted .to the late firm of Rdne ji & Mvq, are again invited to call. and make immediate payment to tbo Subscriber, < < . * John M. Edney. April as. - ~-A ~ The subscribers. * Have Just Receivedy 130 Packages British, Firench and India (.001)8, Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated far the Spring and Sam* mer Business—Which they Wt Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat* iog terms. , . \Villiam Sims, &? Co. Marchs ts Alt He Sign of the BUCKS HEAD; Dickinson & Sprague OFFER FOR ,SAU° - A Genefal Assqitfrttuit pf Spring Qifodsi „ Groceries, &c. April 9. -ts *• ~Wheekf\ Bradley'* , & Co. . HaV e just received, 7m addition to their former Auortment, Some very elegant Surtouts, Common do. Kersey Great Coats, Plaid Clicks, Ladies Habits and Pelisees, Black Cassimere Vestb. , ALSO~ 4 Trunks Common Jcwelrjf assorted. f . January 29 ts - Alexander Bryan. is Receiving, and now Opening , A General and extensive Assortment? of ' DRY GOODS, Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY, GLASS WARE, HATS* fife Also, landing from the River* a Cargo He , , complete assortment of Crockery Ware. The whole will he sold low and oh ac commodating terms. December i 3. J.D. Weathers & Ctw Have Lately Received, WO Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugafc*, 30 Bags Prime Green t’ofiec, I 3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica 10 Hhds. Ni E. Rum, ;■ Afj, 3 pipes 4th proof Old dwtnl^ . Brandy, : * 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles. **• ;A L SO 1 -. 1 . A Handsome Assortment op Spring * \\ ell adapted t*o the approaching ; season. All of which will Up sold at fhrrV usual low and accomiuodaUltir tevnuv April -ts