Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 07, 1817, Image 1

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■^**»"*««*^as^^Ssiigßasgaagggss^aa^^s^sscß^^^^g^!^^l^ OAP Kl?gT> SATURDtAIT, JUNE r, 48ir. J ▼,•, I• V.'; ;■>. ;>j> ' . ,- - \ thb JIVGVSTJi CHRONICLE, IS PUBLISHED B#RY At Woe *‘altars per annum, ; v FAY A Sue If AfIVAMCE. _-.:.1' - ... ■' WHOLESALE Hardware Store. gs / ■;. '' i fychdberger & Clerrim, Wave received by the ships John and Edward, and Thomas ihbons, I arrived at Savannah,from Liverpool, their Bpring Importation, Cons Ming in pad of IT" \IVES incl ForkC Pn, Pocket Iv. Sb -e, Butcher Curr uml Sp ,nV Us K» !ves, She. p Shtirsj Scisso s. I Lnr.ets, R. z rs; Till, Cupbpacl, rrunk, Pad, Iron Rim. B.gai*,: neck It icks ; Plated and C m non S; d liy ; Saddle Trees apd t{ca !s, Cirg Fe;’- jiture, flame'-, Brass, Iron. Tinned tud [ pinned Candlesticks Pufons, Check ' krrgc, Worsted and H ir Piush, WVrs • HSc Straining Web Mill, Cross Cu 1 , Fit, kind PanntJ, Cimpins, Veneering, l. n and Brass back, .'the former lid to be equal to any ever shipp -d from luropt) Copper and Iron Te. Kettles, Brass and Bell Mettle Kettles and' Billets, Waffl Irons, Steelyards, Pocket ' looks, iu its, Bread Baskets, Bri Innia, F wt- r and Block Tin Tea and Iffee Pots, Waldrons, Grass md Grain lythes, Common and Pal nt Cutting Ircves, Anvils, Vices, Scrow Ph-tes, lades, Frying P,ns- Twisted Back Inds, Cur.y Comis, Gun Locks, Sh< t ; Igs and P wder Flasks, Fil s, Mould |g S d and Hattets Ir n , Needles, Ifoss and Ir n Wire, Spo ns, Chisels lane Tons, Dr wing Ktvve GpribEts, I ftes Mil's. Awls, l.on & Buiss Hinges, pnh.'Oks, Sledge, PbmsHsng,Gerpr n-„ krs, Shoe and Saddlers Hammers, Spt,e- Icles, Chaise Wl»ip Too igs, Brass Bu» l,u Mounting. & . &n. 1 They have also, .by the Package, BQ Casks '& Cases, — containing — I Assorted HARDWARE, Ditto CUTLERY, I Locks, I Pewter Plates, Di&hes Basons, I Waiters and Trays Gusts, I Common and Patent Hoes, I Trace Chains, &c. &c. I As those GOODS h ive been purchas I Hr Cash, by an experienced agent in ■ thty are enabled to dispose oi |m on as low turns as they can be had ■ N w Y >rk, P il idt Iphin < r Btiltimore. whey havr also on Consignment, a I „ /. small Invoice of domestic Cotton Goods, and a Pew Boxes Sugars, ■Vhi i. . ii jc a id t\tW t y vioae aales. ■Ji 4. f I Oliver R*erd, Just iitccired & AT.w Opening, ILB Trunks Shoes Boots, —•<insisting of— ■ ADIES’ Morocco Bouts, ■J Di to Walking Shoe*, ■ Hi <>o Sandies ditto, I Ditto .Slippers ditto. Ditto IS,an ditto. Childrens* Lea s her Shoes, Gentlemens’ Long & Short Boots ■ Ditto Morocco Shoes, I Ditto ditto* Pumps, ■ Ditto Wax Calf Skin, I Ditto Seal, ■ Ditto Common, ■May 31. —c— (.roods, expressly for the Southern ■ Market, ■Rogers Winthrop, Co. no Fcarf til reel, Nexv-Fork, **. attention ol Southern ■ Merchants to their exunsive Stock ■ HARDWARE and CUTLERY, im “hY thelatestar ivclsfroin England, y comprising a most c.-mphtt assort y« l °* G..f,ds calculat-d for th South-, y irat [ c , at Ei-du?ed priors. Every fa W'r he off.rtd to purchasers and extended credit allowt d. ■i f trs 0r Goods accompanied with ■factory references, wiil t»*. executed ® sh 'PP«d without delay, and the arti ■fX w «th care aid ?t'innn. I went Hoes by the Cask. |Apr.U3. ' t *‘t : 9 # . ir P. Stovall & Co. Have Just Received j #TASR Cotton Cambrio» 1 "T 1 do. fancy MuAliita t do. Jaconet do. , 1 do. Hosiery 20 boxes Ribbons 1 bale superfine Cassimeres Canton & Italian Crapes, asst’d colors Ladies* and gentlemeu*s Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys of the latest patterns 14 trunks Shoes well assorted 2 do. Wellington and Cossae Boots 30 bbh. Northern Rum 10 kegs Cut Nails assorted 1 Mew Mahogany Side Board —also— -1 Case Canton Handkerchiefs, 1 do. Silk and Colton Laces, 1 do. Irish Linens, 2 do. Plates and Supr. Prints, i do. Furniture ditto, 1 do. Cambric Dimity, 1 do. Cotton Cassimere, 1 do. Cotton Ball Thread, assorted, 4 do. l«adies* Straw Hais, 1 do. Artificial Flowers and Shineal Cords, Lace Handkerchiefs, 2 do. Silk Umbrellas & Parasols, 6 do, Gentlemen’s Hats, assorted, 30 Pieces Silks, assorted, SO do. Wo. Homespun, assorted, 2 Bales Humhums, ( 2 do. Superfine and 2d Cljcths, 1 do. Bmuhazctts, assorted, 1 do. Hessians, 3 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs, 200 Doz, Shell am) Mock Combs, Nankeens—Blue and Yellow, Mersailles—White and colored, Florentine Vesting, Linen, Ccnibrii ks & Long Lawns, ' Turkey Red & Pa (eat Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 2 do. Shot Guns, good quality, 30,0U0 Boy’s Marbles, •d n Assortment of School Books, Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, 10 Crates Crockery Ware, 30 Kegs White Lead, Dupont’s Powder and Drop Shot 10 Chests'Pea. Hyson & Hyson tikin 4 Pierces Coffee, 10 Hhds. Prime Jamaica Sugar, With a variety of other ar icles, making a good assortment, suited to this market, recently purchased in New-York and many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be sold low, Wholesale and Retail. June 4. ~ am Tne Subscriber Offers For Sale at the Store of Mr. Washburn, one door door east of Air. Miryv's, A few Excellent Northern Made GIGS, AND ONE BAROUCHE. He also has on boirci. f the Boat Cora* modore Ma< d;nn ug'i, which is expect ed daily, m .re wotk of the same kind, amo- g wh'rb are Two Handsome Dearborn’s, To be drawn i;y two hoists or on..— A'l of which wiil be sold on moderatet terms by # J. B. M‘Carter. ' fry* At the same store may be had SADDLES. BRIDLES and HAR NESS of the best quality, as übeap as can be bought elsewhere. May 31. c TO Country Merchants . THE Subscribers wi-'h to dispose of their remaining STOCK in TRADE, forming a small, but Gen eral Assortment of nar GOODS, Hardware & Groceries The wb>»le wiil be sold a bargain, at a liberal credit, Lr approved paper. Their Stand , May also be had with the Goods, if required, at a moderate rent. BEERS ft, S PURGES. Opposite McKtnvie, Bennoch & co. April 26. ts I,' ‘ t f- Edward Quin & Co. HAV 15 Just Re rei ved b/the ships William it Henfcy, Georgia aud Oglethorpe from Livcrftooi, the fbl lit»*>g articles which they offer for sale on moderate terms:— - 60 ca»ks assorted Hardware and Cmlery 7 do. small sized bcll-inctal Ket tles ami Skillets 2 do. Carpenter’s Planes 2 do. Steelyards 2 do. Marbles 6 do. London Pewter Plates, Dish-; esand Basons 3 eases single & double barrelled Gims 20 kegs wrought Nails & Spikes 20 casks assorted Glassware 60 do. London Porter A few boxes London Mustard A few bumpers Cheshire Cheese 86 Anvils and Vices 6 ton Shot and bar Lead 6 do. Castings 2600 lbs. Sheet Iron 100 Copper and Patent Tea Kettles 1 case Irish Linens and Diaper 2 bales Bombazette UN HAND SO easksPbiJadcipbiabjltledPortcr 10 do Draft do do 6 do do Rye Whiskey 10 puncheons 4ih pri. Jam. Bum 6 do Wes*-India do. 2 pipes superior Holland Gin 20 quarter; a>ks Sherry W ine 150 ougs Coff- c 15 barrels Loaf Sugar 8 chests Hyson Tea 15 barrels Almonds and Filberts 60 boxes Spanish Segars 16 barrels Train Oil ■* 100 kegsW liiteLead&Spanishßrown 16 boxes froap ■ 60 kegs Dupont & Go’s Gunpowder [ 15 eases fine and Retain Hats : A constant supply of northern Soal, Bridle ai d Skirting Leather Calf Morocco, Sheep and Hog skins, &v, &e. June 4. . jt Mackenzie ts 1 Ponce, orFEU FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by 11. , - and U. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British , Indian trench ' | Goods, Which wil* he sold low for Cash, Pro duce or on a liberal credit to those known lo be punctual. November IS. ts “tHK SUBSCRI BEKS Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India liOOHS, Consisting of almost every arti cle Cuicuiuicd for the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on accommudat* ing terms. William Sims, fc? Co. Marchs ts Notice. The Subscribers having entered into ( • Copartnership under thejirm if Henderson & Bell, r T’AKE this method ol informing their A friends and the public at large, that they intend carrying on the Tayloring Business In all Us various branches, in Peters burg, opposite Mr. Tatom’s Boarding House, Where, frein their dose attention and i knowledge of the business, (it being all they have to recommend themselves) th y hop. and expect to receive a liberal portion of that patronage which the citi z ns ot Petersburg!) aud us vicinity have never yet withheld from the truly meri tori^us. fC?* All Town and Country orders punctually attended to. One or twoap. prentices will be taken to the above busi ness, and one or two study men will find constant employment. William Henderson, W illiam Bell. May 28. c Blank Checks for Sale, I$„ * 4 1 Apothecary’s Hall. A RFGULAR And constant at tendance night and day to all daft* for medicines: ALSO—a general) y (issorted stock of Drugs and , For Sale with Prussian Bines, § Rose Pink, Patent Yellow, § Umber, Purple Brown, $ Vermillion, Red Lead, $ Copel Varnish Nut-megs, Mace, i ' C. C. DUNN*, Apothecary . June 4. ts House Paper. 800 UIBCISS imported and of O\J\J Newest Putter us—with suitable Borders— for sale at L.BAR«|f»t, Opposite the City-Hotel. June 4, wDt IMIIS eopannersliip of & Dodds is dissolved by mutual consent.—G. Broyles is authorised to settle all business of the firm. Cain Broyles, James Dodds. June 4. c I* HE concern of R. I. Faster, Go. is this day dissolved by mutual eooseut. , Alin is & Henry , K ichurd 1. Faster, June 4, p ~ JNOIiLL. THE subscribers having received an assignment from the late frm of Richard I. Easter, Ip Co. of sundry Notts, Sec. and having*placed them in the hands of VTix-ham Jones, fjr collection, with instructions to urge immediate pay ment, all persons concerned will there fore take due notice. Minis & Henrrf, J»ne 4- j, rvv_ To Let, A Brick Store on Broad-street, for four months. j. S. WALKER May 28. . ts NOTICE. BB STOU TENBURGH is fully 9 authorized to *ct ns my Attorney, my absence from Aupu'ta. John Miller. May 3. ts FOR SALE, 1000 Bushels Corn, Apply to Wilson & Black, or J. 8. Walked, Also—some handsome Household F urniture Apply to WILSON & BLACK. May 21. if Mrs. Maria A . Pierce HAS OPENED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, Savannah, Geo. ! Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re-1 spectability, will meet with every polite attention, S iv ‘nnah, Ff brnsrv ty. if At the Sign of the BUCKS HEAD, Dickinson & Sprague, OFFER FOR SALr° A General Assortment of Spring , Groceries, &c. April 9. ts Wheeler , Bradley’s & Co. HA\ E JUST RECEIVED, In addition to their former Ji»»ortment t Some very elegant Surtouts, Common do. Kersey Great Coats, Piaid Cl inks, Ladies Habits and Pelisses, Black Cassimere Vests. —AISO— -4* Trunks Common Jewelry assorted. January %9 * |f * I * A * mW rn ; V Id ’ ~ S J.D. Weathers £? Co. 1 Have Lately Received, I 100 Reams ' 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, , J 30 B gs Prime Green Coffee, | 3 Hhds. 4th Proof J imaica Rums JfR a 10 Hhds. N, K. Bum'i V * 3 pipes 4th proof 0 M Cogniao aMH Brandy, * 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles. ... 1 •«$ —also I A Handsome Asso'tpient of <* Spring Gboclft J Well adapted to (he approaching season. I All of which will he sold at their usual low and accommodating terms. J April 16 ts Vi ■ spring Goods. I WilliairvW right, M Is noio receiving per Crießelvideret from New-Fork, " • v O A Complete & Extensive Assort-’ •* meQtof r W 1 GOODS, Adapted to the Season-*consisting of *s a Bniis/i, french & India . * j Dry Goods, i HARDWARE & CUTLERY, & ' Shoes of all Descriptions, Hats, Stationary, &c. &c. 4 *w| Together with a Complete Assortment * I GROCERIES z |i Great attention has been given in the selection of the ab» vc Goddb, so as to embrace almost every article r* quisite for Countiy S'ores. They will be off ri d extremely low by the Piece or Pack ,ge, in the New Budding next above Messrs. R. J. Meigs, & Co. near the upper end Broad Street. * May 14. r »m John M. Edney, ,f j HAS taken (he house formerly oe- ; ! copied by Richard I. Easter, & V & Co. and is receiving (he following \» U articles, which he will dispose of <»a ; 1 the most reasonable •ernis for .Cash 4 or approved paper, ..Via; — ' 4PI Best Muscovado Su • n i 'V, -■ gar, in Hogsheads, <> f & Molasses in ditto, Jamaica Rum, * Spanish Segars, Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in ditto, , Boston Gin, and V Twenty Bags Prime Green V I COFFEE, v - 4 All those indebted to the,la(£ •ftrm. cf **." .. i Edney & M’evea, are again invited to call *■ and m-ikc immediate p ynunt to ike* Subscriber. John JVJ. Edifckr * A P f!I » 3 * m- A % —— - rs;T" ' ■ **"■> ,J& < Alexander j Is Receiving and now A General and extensive Assortment of w>*v3P ;*4 DRY GOODS, Hardware & Cutlery STATION A HK GLASS WARE, HAT'S, fef „> Also, landing from thtf H»vcr*t Larger I complete assortment of : % Crockery Waui. * * t The whole wiUijb sold low and on ail W*- commodating terms. 4 December i 3. _ ’ >*' ' W' V', *' : m TSP N E "after date * ' v wiU be made to the hawHkxourf # S ot Ordinary of Colombia cSWy. f leave sell the reaHfestate oEAVillntm Bryan, dec. foi<Hh'e'b f tl«fit of the heirs til L said deceased.' i James iStflU* » v % wB Apl so, 1817, . *** ■■m '. it f *r V 'ttliM