Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 11, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE S m i. 4*■ 4 4 * IK •*• *X ■ * £iX * ’Y • *# . Wy W’?*- -■ - Ar*** 4 jlj «*■■». H* % —*. »»•».•>•. ••> > I / • ''*• PRINTED BY KEAN & DuVCKtNCK, WEDNESDAY JUNE il liStf I ■ «f -..11 Jhf «Hi!i#. . ’ 1 .,i . THE hucFSW chronicle, I IS PUBLISHED ~ I EVER* WEDNESD A Y «t S \TURDAY I M five Dollar* per annum, I PAYABLE Iff ADVANCE. <r P ‘ WHOLESALE I Hardware Store. ***** i lichdberger & Clemm, irce received by the ships John and Edward, and Thomas Gibbons, arrived at Savannah,from Liverpool , t-ficfr ' ipring Importation, Consisting in part of f IVES Vnd Forks. Pa., Pocket, V Butcher, Curriers and Spli ts, t, ,ji., K hrcs, She.p Shems, Scissors, ; »B(.ets, Ra*'>rs; Till, Chest, Cupboard, rank, Pad, Iron Rim, Brass Bag an . tack Locks j Plated end Common S- d r.y ; Saddle Trees and Heads, Gig Fur i ore, Hamcs, Brass. Iron, Tinned and punned Candlesticks buttons, Check rrge, Worsted and H; ii Plush, W* rs : v 1& Straining Web. Milk Cross Cur, Pit, ,nd Panned, Comp *s, Veneering, on and Brass back Saws, (tht former jd to be equal to uny ev r shipped from urope) Copper and Ton Tea Kettles, hM and Bell Mt tic Kettles' and ki'.lets, Wnffl Irons, Steelyards, Packet ukn Te Caddies, Bread B. kets, Bri tuna, P Wi.-r and Block Toe Ten .and ftf&c Pots, Waldrons, Grain «lhes, Common and Pil-lnt landing oves. Anvd% Vices, S rt w Plates, pades, Filing Pans. Twisted Back -nds, Cur y Combs, Gun Locks, Sh t ga and P; wdtr Flasks, Files, Mculd ig S d and Hatters Irons Needles, If jss ahV lr.>n Wire, Spoons, Chisels *trtu tv ns. Drawing Knives, Gimbhts, 'ofiee Mills, Awls, I oc & Brass Hinges, Ishhooks, Sledge, ters-, Shoe and Saddlers Hammers, Spec acles,‘Chaise Whip Thodgs, Brass Bt« tcU,Mounting. &«■. Sec* They ha-te also, hy the Package 80 Casks & Cases, *— containing — Assorted HAtu> W ARE, Ditt^CUTLERY, LochJ F vyter Elates, Dishes St Basons, V alters and Trays. Guns, C ommon and Patent Hoes* r l>ace Chains, &c. &c-. As those GOi' been purchds td. f *r Cash, bV an experienced agent in sdand, tb' jr are enabled to dispr ss of h m oh as low turns as they can be had ii> N yt, Y »k P il /jf.lbhis nr Paltirnore. They hav. also Oh Consignment, a Small Invoice of , Domestic Cotton Goods, and a hw Boxes Segars, V' .i d "Ml oe s .cl ,jw i close- sales. * J 1 t>« 4. F r * I —--- » ■ - Hardware 'Goods , Selected expressly for the Southern Market, Rogers Winthrop, Esf Cq. rpo. oW9 Pearl Street, New-York, 1N« Vll p. the attention of Southern Merchants to tbsir extensive Stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, im port d by thelntfStarsiveU from England, and comprising a most complete assort* nienl of G'.ods calculated for the South, etn iradtr, at n <l«red prices. Every fa cility u'lli be offjred to purchasers and most expended credit allowed, Orders for Good'j accompanied with Ba ; isfartory references, will be executed «nd shipped without delay, and the arti cles Stkcted with care and atfen‘i'in. Patent Hoes by the Cask, , , 1 j.l 'Country MercHufUs ♦ Subscribers wish to dispose A of their remaining STOCK in 1 HADF, forming a small, but Gen- Assortment of URY goods, Hardware & Groceries whole will be sold a bargain, at • liberal credit, ibr approved paper. Their Stand , ay also be bad with the Goods, if Squired, at a, moderate rent. BKKHB Al ST URGES. Opposite McKenzie, Uetmoch &.co. Apiil ae. i• . ? *« 7 - - t Jt . ■ ■ J.D. W eathers & Co. Have Lately Received, ■WO Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 B igs Prime Green ( oflfee, * Hhds. 4th Proof J imaica Rum, 10 Hhds. N. E. Hum, 3 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniac Brandy, 3 Ditto Holland Gin, i " 30 Groce Black Bottles,* * also A Handsome Assortment of Spring , Well adapted to the approaching * season, All of which will be sold at their usual low and accommodating terms April 16 (f Sprang Goods. William Wright, Is noiv receiving per Hrijf Selvidere, from New-York, A Complete & Extensive Assort v mentof v < GOODS? Adapted to the Season—consisting of British , French & Dry, Goods, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Desci iptious, Hats, Miilmary, Stationary, &c. &c. Together with a Complete Assortment GROCERIES. Great attention has been given in tht Select!:.a of the above Goods, sv> as to embrace almost every article requisite for Couatty Stores, They will be off.rd extremely low by the Piece, or Papkage, in the New Building nckt above Messrs. R. J. Meigs, & Co. neat the upper end Broad Street* May 14. »m John M. JLclney, HAS taken the house formerly oc cupied by Richard I. Raster, & Co, and is receiving the following 1 articles, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms fdr Cash or approved paper, Via:- Best Muscovado Su gar, in Hogsheads, M<»lasse> in ditto, Jamaica Rum, Spanish Segars, Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in ditto, Boston Gin, and , | Twenty Bags Prime (jreen ! COFFEE. j All those indebted to the late firm < f Edney Cf JVevca, are rgain invited to call , and m ke immediate payment to the Subscriber. John M. Edney. April 2.1. if Alexander Bryan Js Receiving and now Opening, A General and extensive Assortment DRY GOODS, j Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY, GLASS WARE, HATS, &c. 1 Also, landing from the River, a Large & 1 complete assortment of Crockery Ware. The whole will he sold low and on ac -1 commodating terms. December i 3. Gigs For Sale. THE subscriber has received Half a i D z n wdi finished Newark made Gigs, warranted go- d, which be will soil ’ ,wer'ihan Gigs of the sano quality ; t t, been sold at this season,, fui Cash ; • - Town Acceptance. i > Green B. Marshall. June 7. g | P. Stovall & Co, # 4 Have Just Received j ASE Colton Cambrics 1 I do. fancy Muslim i do. Jaconet do. '■ (I 1 do. Hosiery I * 20 boxes Ribbons % t ' 1 bale superfine CassitAerel Canton & Italian Crapes, asst’d colors Ladies* and gentlemen’s Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats Gold Watch Chains. Sells and Keys of the latest patterns »' 1* trunks Shoes Well assorted 2 do. Wellington and Cossfce Boots 30 bliU. Northern Rum ‘ n.» . 40 kegs Cut wails assorted • • i New Mahogany Side Board • •—ALSO—* 'v 1 Case Canton Uandkee* lllefs, 1 do. Silk and Cotton Laces. 1 do. Irish Linens, ' 2 do. Plates ar.d SOpr. Prints, 1 do. Furniture dino, 1 do. Can;brie Dimity* ‘ t do. Cotton Cassimere* v 1 do. Cotton Ball Thread, assorted, 4 do. Ladies* Straw Hats, 1 do. ArifiVial Flowers and Shineal Cords 1 , Lace Hftf dker< liiefs, 2 do. Silk Umh ellas & PArasols, G do. G6ntlemen*s Hats, assorted, SO Pieces Silks, assorted, 50 do. no. Homespun, assorted, 2 Bales Mum tin ms, 2 do, Superfine and 2d Cloths, 1 do. BmnbazeUs, assorted, 1 do. Hessians. 3 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs. 200 Doz. Shell and Mo k Combs, Nankeens—Blue :ind Yellow, . MersfilUes—White and toiored, Florentine Vesting, Linen, Cain bricks & Long Lawns. Turkey Red & Patent Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 2 do. Shot Guns, good qualify, 30,000 lion’s Marbles, Jin Assortment of School Books, Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, 10 Crates Crockery Ware, 30 Kegs White Lead, Dupont*s Powder dh‘l Drop Shot 10 Chests Tea, Hyson Ac Hyson okio 4 Tierces Coffee, 10 Hhda. Prime Jamaica Sugar, With a variety of oilier articles, making a good assortmentsuited to this market, recently purchased in NcwutYork a nd many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be told low* WlmlcsaL and Retail. J uue 4. *. am The Subscriber KEiPECTI UIXV informs hi. friends and the I pb ic, that he has t ken the store lately occupied by ; Mr. Geoige Hudson, near the upper end of town, on 'south side of Broad street, Second above Messrs. A. Slaugh ter & C La'' 1 z n, where he has on hand a G.ncr .1 Assot intent of . Dry Goods •' AND GROCERIES t , Which he win, sul iow tin Cash or Produce. Thomas G. Bradford. bank of Augusta, 1 3th JUay, 1817. Ki ESOLVED l»y a rf,aj iiy.l the -> whole Board of DtiiF.ciios, that a MEETING of .nockaodis he called, (giving Thirty Days nttice thereof accor ding to me Chatter) for the purpose of considering the expediency of increasing the i APITAL STOCK. * Notice therefore is hereby Given, That t ie Situ MEETING wdl ue neiu at the BANK, on SATURDAY, the 21st Jun** next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. By Order , Augustus Moore, Cashier. (Xj* The Editors of the Savannah liejmbiican, MiHedgevillt Journal, and Washington JVtrws, are rvqjfTested to publish the above once a »veek in the mean time. 1 May 17. W NOTICE. Bb stouten burgh u fuiij O authorized to act as my Attorney fduung my absence from Augusta. johrt; Miller. * May 3. *’ * if - -**X Apothecary *s Hall. , 4 REGULAR End constant at .i\m, leudain e night apa day to all calls for medicines: i ALSO —a generally assarted stock of Drugs and Medicines, P'or Salt with Prussian Bines, $ Rose Pink, Patent Yellow, $ Umber, Purple Brown, $ Vermillion, Red Lead, § Uupsl Varnish i Nut-megs, Maee, &v. i C. C. DUNN, ; Apothecary. June k, ts idlE ('Opartnerskip of Bkoylks A D uns is dissolved by mutual obusent.—C. Bkoyles is authorised <o settle alt bUsiuess of the firm. .* • Cliff* Broyles, Samis JJo'dds. Sitae A. ’ t .t .j I HE conufra of’ K I. Pas fiit, & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. . Minis 4 Henry, Richard I. Easter, June 4. > f i oSO 11C i:., 'T 'hE subscribe rs having receiv'd m - A frnrrt the late fi in of Richard I. Easter, U> Co. df sundry Not . 4 ,<n ‘ • v « >g pu-c' d tb- tn in the bunds of William JoHks, f >r cuUccti p, with instructions to urge irtimtdi tep.y '«rnt, nil persons concerned will there fore tk; due notice. , . . . Minis & Hennj. U n ~ *• .... ■... ■ »w il *■ i mtumttmmmmmrn. Saaun ■i-n ■■■■—,«,—m, , , ~. 1 o Ltt, A Brick Store 6n Broad-street, for four mouths J. S. WALTER. Mav 28. ts i 4 Oi\ oALiV, 1000 Bushels Com. Apply to Wilson & Rlaek. or J. S. NV ALkru. Also~»soihe handsome Household Furniture Apply lb WILSON A BLACK. Miy.2l. . (f Mrs, M ina /i . Pierce HAS OPENED A Boarding Mo’ se, in St. Julian Street, Savannah, 6eo. Where Gentlemen and L uies i.f re sp ctabilily, Wui meet with every podtc attention. , S.v.nnaH, Fchru -rv 27. tis At the Sign of the BUCKS HEAD, Dickinson Sc Spragiie * OFFER FOR SALE, A General Assortment of Spring , Groceries, &c. .Aur'd 9 . ts WfieeleTi 1 . radlt ys & Co. H\\ E jUSf RECEIVED, In addition to their former Jttori-ment , Some very elegant surtout2, Common do. Keraey Great Coals, Piaid Cl *aks, Ladies Habits and Pelisses, Black Cassimcre Vests. ALSu—- 4 Trunks Common Jewelry assorted i uj'if > y 29 ts S'lAlN LACK VVIL^Un” JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated il-'mselvcs in business under the fi m 01 HIL SOJ¥ & BL4CK, offer th ir services o their Fiends, and the pub'/ic in general, in H e “ • COMMISSION ISO Factorage Line. They the Ware-House ib»t y oc copied by Messrs. Barrett Sr SI ms, wh- 1» -veiy attention wiH. be- given! to vender general satisfaction. Anguuiaj April 30* ts 3 V • ■ A* J Edward Quin & C(% HAVE Just fteneived by ike shins , Will jam A Henry* Geo»g«* ana OHetfioqw from Liverpool, (he 10l- (Vhicft they offer lb* sale oo lAodetate (<'ni)&~ * • BO cask* snorted Hardware and , J,. Mty V .£ 7 do. small sized Ket .dew Skilleis # 8 ‘do. Plane* do. Steelyards 2 do. Marbles', • ./ 5 d«. Condo , Ffcwter Plates. Dish es and Basons * 3 Vsjj£k single A dduMe Bamllcdi , _,• Quiu ;■" 26 keg* wrnasjlit Nails & Spikes 20 eaak assut ed Glassware 50 d/i. Lu-:(i«n Porter ‘ . A few Wyi London Mustard , .'A lew 'r SB Anvils ar.d Vihei > $ ion shot nth! bar Lie ad *'6 40. ks**tlbfcs 2 f 500155. jjriiM 1W 1 v 1 1 .Jfaffa* i okfresHa<l Cm.-ws and Duipei# t bales Boml> /,. t;e ON ItvNft SO asksPl»iJ .l d ’ljjUrn h »itledP<M’tefc io do fiiaf. tta da 6 do de Hytt Whiskey 10 purtcheons i-Jii'rl. Jam. Uuin b d > WVst-Litlu* do, 2 ptpWsuperior Holland G/rl 20 quarter ranks Sherry VVihq 150 bigs Coif e 15 barrels Loaf .Sugar . r 8 diesis Hya »n 1W . yW 15 barrels Almonds and Filberts 5« Imici Spanish Sugars ' • I i A hai red 'lVrfln Oil 106 kegAVHiteLeadAfipubishßrtnvja 15 b'»xe» *oos 60 kegs Dupont Co’s Gunpowdrf • 15 eases flue and tin am lk» * A coiiHianf supply of" northern. Soul, Bridle a d Skirting leather . Call' M rOecO, Min p und Ung-skioa# June 4. . , jt.. iViu,cK.euZJew route,' OkFKK KO« U vI.K, ■ . . %1t the Store formerly occupied by Hj nun fi. rhainSl An Extensive Assortment of Lruixli) Italian trenth . Goods r Si Which wir be sold I »w i»r Cash, Pro duct or on a liberal credit to thole fco iwn tabt.; uoctoal. ... Nov. nibei 15* ts THE SUBSCrtI RKHS Have Just 130 Packages* • Brid sh, French add in J a ooous. : Consisting of almost every artiJ cle calculated f-r tUt. Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they off r 46 Wholesale son on acebnunodat** tog terms* William feims, fcP Co. MarchS ts ' 11 ' 11 ■ Executor’s sale. • M 12 o’clock . on TUESfiJIt, the Ji\st dup of July,ABU, will be ef~ fend for Sale , at the Market-House * in the City of Augusta,' ALL that valuable LOP and itnpr >v< roents, suoate on tae CoMieCof Grvtne and Cm re Streets, being the southern moir,y of the origins! L"tNo. 35, in* f rmer residence J Docfn Jjhn R, THomflton , deceased, .ind to be sold us pu .e «f his s *st wi;l« The situation »f this Property new* the Market, and fronting on Che street leading direct horn ».J> • Bridge,let* it desirable as well for private f<wN(jL as for improvements for other lt "^ has‘ a-front off Greco Sytet, ol abotrt 165 i tt, and about 140 n Centre, or Ihiogc Street. , . One Fhuitb—vAsif, One F One J u i y . Uemw»iogFu#RM*ii J*l> , 1521. A and NoUs With dwi ser, bearing interest from the day of -.dir *- Sbtrtais ,<a • MayT. Ids