Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 14, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CpBOOTcm « _.._j w* , ; a fVOL. XXXI,... No. 15*6.1 '♦ . ..Divrrrh „ • == “ ====s=aass= ‘ .., SATURDAY, JUNE i4# iiik AVGUSTA CUmmCLE, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Sc SATURDAY. At Five Dollars per annum, PAYABLE ADVANCE. • J.D. Weathers 6? Co. Hme Lately Received, 100 Reams ®r* 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 B gs Prime Green (’offee, 3 Hhds 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, 10 Hhds. N. K. Rum, 3 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniac Brandy, 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles, * ALSO A Handsome Assn intent of Spring Goods, Well adapted to (tie approaching season. 1 Alt of which will be sold at their ssual low and accommodating terms. I April 16. ts Spring Goods . William Wright, t now receiving per Crigßdviderc, from Ncw-York, k Complete & Extensive Assort* ment of GOODS* Adapted to the Season-consisting of British , French & India Dry Goods, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions, Hats, Millmary, Stationary, &c. Sec. Togethe. with a Complete Assortment GROCERIES. Great attention has been given in the (election of the above Goods, so as to embrace almost every article requisite for Country Stores. They will be offend extremely low by the Piece, or Package, in the New Building next above Messrs. H. J. Meigs, Sc Co. near the upper end (road Street, ' John M. JLdney, ¥T AS taken the house formerly co il copied by Richard I. Easter, ® Co. and is receiving (he following articles, which he wifi dispose of on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved paper, Viz:—; Best Muscovado Su gar, in Hogsheads, Molassc -. in ditto, Jamaica Rum, Spanish Segars, Irish Potatoes in Barrels, Whiskey in ditto, Boston Gin, and Twenty Bags Prime Green COFFEE. All those indebted to the late firm of Edneyty JSeves, are again invited to call >nu make immediate payment to the Subscriber, John M. Edney. )April *3. . ts r—— . . Alexander Bryan I« Receiving and notO Opening, A General and extensive Assortment DRY GOODS, Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY, glass ware, HATS, G?c. landing from the River, a Large & complete assortment of Crockery Ware. The whole will he sold low and on ac 'Otomodatihg terms. a. Blank Checks for Sale. » * V % ■/ P. Stovall ££ Co. Have Just Received 1 Cotton Cambrics i do. fancy Muslins i 1 do. Jaconet do. J do. Hosiery ' 20 boxes Ribbons 1 bale superfine Cassimercs Canton & Italian Crapes, asst’d colors Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats Gold Watch Chains. Seals and Keys ot the latest patterns j 14 trunks Shoes well assorted 2 do. Wellington and Cossac Bools 30 bbls. Northern Rum 40 kegs Cut Nails assorted 1 New Viahogany Side Board —also— 1 Case Canton Handkerchiefs, 1 do. Silk and Cotton Laces, 1 da. Irish Liueas, 2 do. Plates and Supr. Prints, 1 do. Furniture ditto, ■, 1 do. Cambric Dimity, j 1 do. Cotton Cassimere, 1 do. Cotton Bail Thread, assorted, i 4 do. Ladies' Straw Hats, i i do. Anifbial Flowers and Shiueal Cords, Lace Handkerchiefs, 2 do. Silk Umbrellas & Parasols, 6 do. Gentlemen’s Hats, assorted, SO Pieces bilks, assorted, 50 do. j\o. Homespun, assorted, 2 Bales Humbums, 2 do. Superfine and 2d Cloths, 1 do. Bombazetts, assorted, 1 do. Hessians, 3 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs, 200 Doz. Shell and Mock Combs, Nankeens—Blue aiid Yellow, Mersailles—While and colored, Florentine Vesting, Linen, Camhrieks dc Lung Lawns, Turkey Red & Patent Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 2 do. Shot Guns, good quality# 30,000 Boy’s Marbles, An-Assortment of , School Books, Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, 10 Crates Crockery Ware, SO Kegs White Lead, Dupont’s Powder and Drop Shot 10 Chests Tea, Hyson & Hyson Skin 4 Tierces Coffee, 10 Hhds. Prime Jamaica Sugar, With a variety of other articles, making a good assortment, suited to this market, recently purchased in New-York and many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be sold low, Wholesale and Retail. .. June 4. am TICKETS -y ■ • • •, IN the Medical Science Lottery, No. 3, which will rommrhce drawing in : the City of Ntw-Vrk, on or before the first of July next—Highest Prize 25 000 dollars.—two of 10,000 dollars—one of 5 000 dolls.- 3000 dolls.—2ooo dolls— -1000 dolls, fee. £cc. For Sale hy Huntington & Bur rill Where the Scheme may be examined, and list of Prizes drawn in Lottery No. 2. H. 6c B. have Just Received an Elegant Assortment of Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, Newest Patterns —Also a few dozen Silver Tea Spoons. ■ j M»y t7. . . ts . NOTICE. THE Rectorship in the Richmond Ac ademy, Augusta, State ot Georgia, having become vacant by the death of the Rev’d. John R. Thompson, an annual salary of one thousand dollars is offered to a person well qualified as Rector This Institution is in a flourishing and i prosperous situation, having at this time tw<> hundred scholars engaged in various studies: Applications will be address* ed to Nicholas Ware, President Board Trustees , Richmond Academy. May 21. *f NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the late firm of Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK, 8c Co. are rtquested to call and setde their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, & Co. who are fully authorised to settle the business of the said concern. John Tanner. ! James A. Black. May 31. , WHOLESALE Hardware Store* \ jr I 9 ___ j E ichelberger & Cletnni, Have received by the ships John and Edward , and Thomas Gibbons, arrivtd at Savannah,from Liverpool, their Spring Importation, Consisting in part of KNIVES and Forks. Pen, Pocket, Shoe, Butcher Curriers.and Sports m .ns Knives, She. p Shears, Scisso - , Lancets, Rax ,rs; Till, Chest, Cupboard, Trunk, Pad, Iron Rim, Brass Bag an. dock Locks j Plated and Common S:.d G’s» Saddle Trees and Heads, Gig Fur. nrure, Humes, Brass, Iron, Tinnid and Japanned Candlesticks, Buttons, Check S<-rge, Worsted and Hair Plush, Wors • ed & Straining Web Mill, Cross Cut, Pit, Hand, Funnel, Compass, Veneering, Iron and Brass back Saws, (the former said to be equal to any ever shipped from Europe) Copper and Iron Tea Kettles, Brass and Bell Mettle Kettles an i Skillets, Waffl. Irons, Steelyards, Pocket Book*, Tea Cad ies, Bread Baskets, Bri tannia, Pewter and Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, Waldrons, Grafts *ndGr in Scythes, Common a«* Cutting Knives, Anvils, ViceS? Screw Plates, Spades, Frying Pans, Twisted Bark Bands, Cur/y Combs, Gun Lo-ks, Sh< t B-*gs and Powder Flasks, Fiks, Mould ing, S d and Hatters Irons, Needles, Brass and Ir.»n Wire, Spoons, Chisels Plane Irons, Dr .wing Knives, Gi nblcts, Coflee Mills, Awls, Iron & Brass Hinges, Fisnhooks, Sledge, Planishisng,Carpcn rers, Shoe and Saddlers Hammers, Spec tacles, Chaise Whip Thongs, Brass Bu reau Mounting, See. &c. They have also, by the Package, 80 Casks & Cases, — containing — Assorted HARDWARE, Ditto CUTLERY, Locks, Pc wter Plates, Dishes & Batons, Waiters and Trays, Guns, Common and Patent Hoes* . Trace Chains, 6cc. 6tc» As those GOODS have been purchas ed for Cash, hy an experienced agent in England, they are enabled to dispose ot them on as low terms as they can be had in New-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. They have also on Consignment, a small invoice of Domestic Cotton Goods, and a Pew Boxes Segars, Whim wui uc a ad iow to ciosu sales# June 4 f • ; Mackenzie & Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by ff. and R. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British, India & French Goods, Which wil 7 be sold low for Cash, Pro duce or on a liberal credit to those known to be punctual. November 15. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just , 130 Packages British, French and India GOODS, Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated fur the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail# on accommodat* ' ing terms. William Sims, fcf Co, Marchs. ts STAINBACK WILSON AS» \ T JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm of WIL SUK & BLACK, ofilr their services to their friends, and the public in geacral, in the COMMISSION ASD Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupted by Messrs. Barrett Sr Sims, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. Augusta,, April 30, ts; . Edward Quin & Co; HAVE Just Received by tbe ships William & Henry, Georgia and Oglethorpe from Liverpool# (be fol * lowing articles which they offer for j sale on moderate terms:— fid casks assorted Hardware and Cutlery 7 do. small sized bell-mctal Ket tles and Skillets > 2 do. Carpenter’s Planes 2 do. Steelyards 2 do. Marbles . , 5 do. Loudo;. Pewter Plates, bish esand Basons 3 cases single & double barrelled Gums 20 kegs wrought Nails & Spikes 20 cadis assorted Glassware ! 50 do. London Porter > A few boxes London Mustard Ale w hampers Cheshire Cheese > 88 Anvils aud V ices 6 100 Shot aud bar Lead 6 do. Castings 2500 lbs. Sheet Iron 100 Copper and Patent Tea-kettles 1 ease Irish Linen* and Diaper 2 halos Bombazetto ON HAND 30 casks Philadelphia bottledPbrter 10; do Draft do do 6 do do Rye Whiskey 10 puncheons 4th prl. Jam. Rum 5 d<> West-ludia do,— 2 pipes superior Holland Gih 20 quarter casks Sherry W iue 160 bags Coff e 16 barrels Loaf Sugar 8 chests Hyson Tea 16 barrels Almonds and Filberts 60 boxes Spanish Segars 15 barrels Train Oil 100 kegs WhiteLeadfiiSpanishßrowo 15 boxes aoap 60 kegs Dupont & Co’s Gunpowder 15 eases fine and Ro- am Hats A constant supply of northern Soal, Bridle and Skirting Leather Call Morocco, Sheep and Hug-skins, &u. &c. Juno 4. , if Received, Jor Sale by ; John Man* 1 ioC ASKS Patent 6c other hoes 8 Casks Trace C hains, 10 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, 50 Casks Cut and Wrought Nails , and Spikes, 10 'Pons Swedes 8t Russia Iron & Steel, Hoop Iron & Nail Rods, 2 ’i ons Plough Moulds; 5000 Pounds Assorted Castings; 100 Grindstones, 8 Hhds. Molasses; 40 Bbls. Northern Rutti & Gin, Hyson Tea, Loaf 6c Brown Sugar, &c. &c- April 9. ts Notice. ALETTES enclosing a PostNci.c of the Bank of the United States, for g 500 00 dated Philadelphia, Janua. ry 16t, 181/, letter B, No. 422, payable three days after date to S.Frothingham, Cashier, and endorsed by him, by John Smith and John M'Quin, to the order of the subscribers, has not been received, and is supposed to have been stolen with the letter mail of tbe 24th March, near Fayettville, North. Carolina. The public are cautioned against re. ceiving the above described note, as pay ment has been stopped at the Bank. Any information respecting it will be thank fully received by Longstreet fc? Harrison, Augusta , Geo. or A. &G SmedesScCamfidd, Ao, 134 Pearl St. A ew. York. Augusta, June 4th, 18:7. am To Let, A Brick Store on Broad-street; for four months. . J. S. WALKER. May 28; ts . —*, _ Mrs. Maria A. Pierce itii OPENED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, Savannah Geo. ' Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite attention. c-dvaanah, February rj% ts J I KOTIPP |Of the Trustees of (he -Richmond Academy. WHEREAS this Board jiave uld loti to sundry persona upon con. ditk-tt that the same should revert tothe r*uat upon failure to pay therefor at the time stipulated, and a number of pur chasers being considerably in arrears, ORDERED, that all arrearages be p id to the Clerk of this Board, on or efure the first day of. August neatt, of the Trustees will forthwith thereafter proceed to retake possession of the pre mises, and, again sJI the same—and that this Resolution be published in one cf thd Newspapers of this city once a week uflh til that »imc. , taken from the Minutes. Isaap Herbert, Clerk To the Trustees of the Richmond Academy • Augusta, April Sd, 1817. - 20 Dollars Reward; O I'OLEN on Monday nlgbt, 2d of Juno WJ 18if, out of Samuel Miller's Wag, gon, at the upper end cT Broad Street August , a sm H round TRAVELLING* TU U N K, marked «n the bottom W ,0. oc William C<#n—Also William Coffin wdt itn on a ca.dnaiUU on the top, containing one 8 4 Merino Shawl, one pair New lijots, mad- by Samuel Crane, New W v d, Connecticut, the dame and place written on the lining, and sUndryani- led of Clothing, Bills, Letters and Papers—. A|s‘v two or three hundred Cards of “ Coffin & Cleveland.*~ Any perspn who Wili.udiver the said Trpnk to Coffin am£ Cleveland, at Washingtcti, Wilk 3 on ly, Georgia or at A. M Kinttry , b* Coi, Augusta, shall be entitled to the abuvd rcwaid* • Coffin Si Cleveland* June Hi • ’ c 30 Dollars Reward# Trih UN AWAY-fnim the subscriber fir -L °n the Bth cf March last, a Like* JL'aj ly Negto Fellow naimd JACKJ about »i years of age,of niidiihg stature* has, I believe, a small scar on the left cheek; wore a black surtout i<t>d home spun or leather overall*. He was for merly an Augusta boat hand in Mr. Da lld Smith's employ, and may hire him self again as such.* all patroons and boat owners arc therefore cautioned from em ploying him, unless they give inim di« ate notice thereof to Mr, John M. Ru.-zcj in Augusta, whom I have .appointed my agent Dr that purpose. Jack was owned by Maj. oh Big Briar Creek* and afterwards by Maj. Leigh of Qigban day Creek, who sold him to the sins rfi btr. Any person who will safely lucigt* said negro in cither of the Jails of Marioit Twiggs county, or Apgusta, shall receive 30 dollars reward—or 20 dollars and all reasonabls expenses paid, if secured in any other jail, so that the .Subscriber or his above riaititd agent mayget him. Thohtas Jones, near Marion, Tibiggs co'fy t June *l . rs ~ Sheriff’s Sale. ' WILL BE SOLD, oar the first Tuesday in July next , at the court house tti the town of Wayhesharougb, Burke eoun tj, between the usual hours vs ten and two o'clock , 200 Acres of land in Burke county, adjoining lands or Thu's Fioyd and Thomas Jones; levied on as the pro perty of Uz Floyd, to satisfy an execu tion m favor of Inyel Spence against Ut Floyd. ALSO, One house and lot in the towns of Wayn.sborough, kn wn in the plait of s»id town by the number 2*j levied on as the property of Charles F. Sugar* to satisfy sundry small executions in fa vor ol J hn AllrauDtf and others—levied on and returned to me by a constable. ALSO, 500 Acres 6!f land in slid coun ty, adjoining bn- S f Owen M, G. Tom lin and the estate < t Amos tVhit, head, dec. leVied On as the property of Ric, to satisfy an ex. Cullen in William Horn, against said Ho . John Bell, s.^c. MayS’* tda EST&AY. BARTEETt HUSiE? wtl.Ab.lbrt StcpbciyStoval, Escj. a bay mare* switch mane and tail,’ no brands perceiv able, some white fiaiiß on the pole o( her head, si* or seven years oid—ap praised to forty dollar bv Silas Tatorn Sc Shadrach Turner, bin. 24 h M y IBIJV Peter Lamar CTk. m v Inf. C, Lincoln county* June 4i t