Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 17, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA ■ • - . —-*? » . • J - A ;v f ? ' ,t : it • Jtf ■ [VOL. mi....N0. *537.] PRINTED BY KF f AN & DUTCRINCK/booad. stk » t . WEDNESDAY JUNE 17,1817. I the I mGVST4 cmtomciE, I 18 FVBM&HEP I EVERY WEDNRSUAV & SATURDAY. | At Five Vollars per annum, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. I J.D. W eathiers Co,. Have Irately tieceved, hoo Reams . Ij2 Hhds. Brown Sugar, * ■SO Bags, Prime Green (,’ofTee, [ 3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, ■lO Hhds. N. fc. Rum, I 3 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniac Brandy, I 3 Ditto Holland Gin, I jo Groce Black Bottles. —■ALSO- ■■■ ■ ■ A Handsome Assortment of I Spring Goods , I ell adapted to the approaching season. Allot which will be sold at their I usual low and accommodating terms. I April W. If I Spring Goods. I William Wright, Mjg now receiving per Brig Bdvidcre, * „ from ATew-Vork, ■A Complete & Extensive Assoft ■ ment of I GOODS, I Adapted to the Season—consisting of I British , French & India , Dry Goods, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions* f , Hats, It* lliHiCiTy Stationary, &c. &c. Together with a Complete Assoyment GROCERIES. Great attention has been given in the Selection of the above Go< d-, an as to embrace almost -.very i quisitr for Country Stores. They will be off r d extremely low by the Piece or P.ickge, in the N*w Building next above Messrs. R. J. Meigs, A Co. neat the upper end Sioad Street, May 14. *m , ON 1 -. —■■-■■■—■ ■■ ■ ■ '" ~ J Alexander Bryan Is Receiving dnd now Opening, A General and extensive Assortment DRY GOODS, ■ * Hardware & Cutlery STATIONARY* GLASS WARE, HATS, eife. Also, landingfrom th asr, e. ngc & complete assortm nt f Crockery Ware. * The whole will he sold low anti on ac commodating terms. December r 3. (£3* We are authorized to annoum e Col. Petek, Donaldson, a eauudafe for the offii.e of- bGLHIFF, J«r Hichmond county, at the cusui n g election. June 11. — - 03“ We are authorised to itn .oum e A. Rhodes, jtt. a candidate for the of fiee of Sheriff, for Richmond Couuty, *t (he ensuing election. June 14 03 s * We are authorized to announce Ansleu. Beoo, a candidate for tut °ffice of Sheriff for Richmond county, •t the ensuing election. June 7. c THE % Subscriber expecting to be absent from tbe elate lor a few months, has appointed Mr. biMEofl Russeu, his agdnt, who will 1° the settHng of any bnsmess he ms) kare unsettled. I. S. TUTTLE. Janell. o - Blank Checks for Sale. P. Stovall & Co. Have Just Received i I'tASE Cotton Cambrics ; * 1 do. fancy Muslins fji do. Jaconet do. t do. Hosiery : 20 boxes Ribbons ,■ 1 bale superfine Cassi meres Canton & Italian Crapes, asst’d colors I adiev and geatU-aieate Silk Hose Fans, and Chip Hat» Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys of (be latest patterns 14 trunks Shoes well assorted 3 do. Wellington and Cossac Bools So bbls. Northern Ruin 40 kegs Cut Nails assorted 1 New Mahogany Side Board —•also— -1 Case Canton Handkerchiefs, 1 do. Silk and Codon Laces, 1 do. Irish Linens, 3 do. Plates and Supr. Prints, 1 do. Furniture diuo, | 1 do. Cambric Dimity, I 1 do. Cotton Cassimere, j 1 do. Cotton Bull Thread, assorted, 4 do. Ladies* Straw Hats, 1 do. Ardfii ial Flowers and Shiueal Cords, La< e Handkerchiefs, 3 do. Silk Umbrellas A Parasols, 6 do. Gentlemen’s Hals, assorted, 30 Pieces Silks, assorted, 50 do. jno. Homespun, assorted, 3 Bales Humhums, 3 do. Superfine and 2d Cloths, 1 do. Burabazetls, assorted, 1 do. Hessians, 5 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs, 300 Doz. Shell and Monk Combs, Nr-ikceiis—Blue and Yellow, Mersailles—White and colored, ’ \ Florentine Vesting, Linen. Cambrieks A Long Lawns, Turkey Red & Patent Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 3 do. Shot Guns, good quality, 30,000 Buy’s Marbles, An Assortment of School Books, Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, '] 10 Craves (’rookery Ware, 30 Kegs White Lead, Dupont’s Powder and Drop Shot 10 Chests 'Pea, Hyson & Hyson Skin 4 Tifcrees Coffee,, 40 Hhds. Prime Jamaica Sugar, With a variety of other aruules, , ; making a good assortmeut, suited to l this market, recently purchased in New-York and many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be sold low, Wholesale and Retail. June 4. Ajil t TICKEtS IN the Medical Science Lottery, No. 3, which will commence drawing in nt City of New-Y . k, on dr before the fi si of July next—Highest Prize 25 000 U'liars.*'-two of 10,000 dollars—one of 5 000 dolls. - 3 )00 dolls.— 2000 dolls— -1000 dolls, Scr ,sto. For Sate by I Huntington &BUrrill i Where the Scheme may be examined, ’ and hat of Prizt s drawn in Lotte’y No. 2. H. & B. have Just Received an * i Elegaht Assonmont of Gold Watch Chain*, Seals and Keys, Newest Patterns Also a few dozen Silver Tea Spoons. 0 M»y 17. *f 0 NOTICE.’ p Rectorship in the Richmond Ac -5 JL ademy, Augusta, Stale of Georgia, having become vacant bjr the death of the H :v’d. John R. Thompson, an annual • salary of one thousand dollars is offered to a person well qualified as Rector.— * Ttiis Institution is in a flourishing and prosperous situation having at this lime tw • hundred scholars eng-ged in various studied Applications wnl be address * 1 ed to e ! Nicholas Wart, » President Board Trustee 9, Richmond Academy, May 31. ts e NOTICE * XLL those indebted to the late firm s of Messrs., JAMES A. BLACK, d St Co. are requested to call and settle v uieir accoun’s with Messrs, A» Bugg, & Co. who are fully authorised to settle the justness of the said concert!. John Tanner. James A. Black. May 21. * ts v v “■ > J y - WHOL.KSALE . Hardware Store; E ichelberger & Qemrk, Have received by the slaps Jobm and , Edward, and TkMaf arrived at Savannah, from • Liverpool, their Spring Importation, Consisting in part of KNIVES and Porks, Pen, Pock.t Sh e. Butcher. CurnerSjaad S’pf.rts mans Knives, Sheep Scissois Lane cl-., IGz rsj Till, Chcs , Cupboard, Trunk, P«l, iron Rim, Brass Bjg an»’ •t”ck L- cks ; Plated xnd Ctmaion S, d I y ; Saddle Trees and Heads,Gig Fur h.uie, Hame°, Brass. Iron, Tinned and Japanned Candle sticks, Punons, Check Serge, Worsted and H ir Plush, Wurs • ed Se Htrainine Wtb M il. Cmss Cu’, Pi), Hand Pati*l, Compass, Veneering, Iron and Brais back Sjws, (the former add to be equal to any ever shipped from Europe) Cupper and I’on Tc;t Kettles, Brass and Bell Me,tie Kettles am* Ski’lcts, Wbffl- Irons, Stctlyaids, Pvicket 800 k.., Tea C.deics, Bread Bask' ts, Bri tanma, P wter apd Block Tm Tea and Coffee Pots, Walditms, Grass Grain Scythes, Commit) and Patent Cutting Knives, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Spades, Frving P.ins, Twisted Back Bunds. Cur y Combs, Gun Locks, Shot B gs and Powder Flasks, Fibs, Mould ing S d and Hitters Irons Needles, Brass aortic n Wire, Spoons, Chisels, Plane Irons, Drawing Knives, Gimblets, Coflee Mils. Awls, Lon & Brass Hinges, Fisnhooks, Sledge, Plamahisng,Carpen ters, Shoe and Saddlers Hammers, Spec, tacies, Chaise Whip Thong*, Brass Bu reau Mounting, &<:. Bc c. ' At They have also , by the Paclcage, 80 Casks & Cases, — containing— Assorted HARDWARE, Ditto CUTLERY, Locks, Pewter Plates, Dishes &Basorisj Waiters and Trays. Guns, Common and Patent Hoes, Trace Chains, &c. See. As those GOODS have been purchas ed" for Cash, by an exper’u*nr,td # agent in England, th. y are enabled to dispj&j of them on. as l< w terms as they can be hail in,N w. Yii'k, P f B deinhm or tc. They have also on Consignment, CL small Invoice of Domestic Cotton Goods, knd a Few Boxes Segars, Whici. wul ut s id tow to close sales. June 4. , * f . Mackenzie© Poncej. OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by H, and B. 1 lumas. An Extensive Assortment of British , India & Goods,- Which wil r be sold low for Cash, Pro duce or on a liberal credit to those knokn to be punctual. November 15. ts the Subscribers Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India GOODS* Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated for the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on accomritodat ing terms. Williarh Sims, & Co. Marchs. if I . L—- ■ ■ -■■■ -.. STAINBACK WILSON AMS JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in business under,the firm ot Wllf SUJ\i & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AMD' Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House la'e'y oc upted by Messrs. Barrett A Sims, where every attention will be given to rendet general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30, ts Edward Quin & Co. HAVE Just Received by the ships WtHiath A Henry, Georgia adtl Oglethorpe from Liverpool, the fol low! g articles whiuh they offer for sale on moderate terms:— assorted Hardware and Cutlery 7 do. small sized bcll-metal Ket tles and Skillets i do. Carpenter’s Planet , 3 do. Steelyards 3 do. Marbles b do. London Po.vter Plates, Dish es aud Basons * B oases single A double barrelled Guns SO kegs wrought Nails & Spikes 30 va-k* assodieU Glassware 50 do. London Porter A few. boxes Loudon Mustard , A lew hampers Cheshire Cheese Anvils and Vices 6 ton hhoi/and bar Lead ’6 do. Castings 2500 ibs. febeet iron 100 Copper and Patent Tea-Kettles i case Irish Linens and Diaper 3 bales Bombazette > UN U ii\ D 80 oasksPhiladelphta boliiedPorter 10 Jo Draft , do do 6 do do Rye Whiskey 10 puncheons 4ihprl. Jain. Rum 5 do West-lndia do. 3 pipes superior Holland Gin 20 quarter casks Sherry W ine 150 bags Coffee 15 barrels Loaf Sugar 8 chests Hyson Tea .. y 15 barrels Almonds and Filberts 50 boxes Spanish Segues 15 barrels Train Oil 100 kegs White LoadASpaoishßrown 15 boxes Soap 60 kegs Dupont £? Co’s Gunpowder 15 eases fine and Roi am Hats A constant supply of northern Soal, Bridle and skirting Leather ' Calf Morocco, Sheep and Hog-skins^ ! &c, ©o. , * June 4. . .. jt Received, for Sale by John Man, IOC ASKS Patent & other hoes I 8 Casks Trace Chains, j 10 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, ! SO Casks Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes, 10 Tonis Swedes & Russia Iron & Steel, Hoop Iron & Nail Rods, 2 I ons Plough Moulds, 5000 Pounds Assorted Castings, . too Grindstones, , 8 Hhds. Molasses, 40 Bbls. Northern Runi & Gin, I Hyson Tea, Loaf & Brown Sugar, &c. &c. April 9. ■ ts . N otice. i ' , , A LETTER enclosing a Post Note of the Bank of the United State*, fir S 500 00 dated Philadelphia, Janua. ry i it, 18 7, letter B, No. 432, payable three days after date to S.Frothinghain, Cashier, and endorsed by him* by John Smith and John M'Quint to the otdor of the subscribers, has not been received, and is supposed to have been stolen with the letter mail of tbe 24th March, near Fayettville, North-Caroliha, . , The public are cautioned against re ceiving the above described note, as pay. merit has been stepped at the Bank. Any information respecting it will be thank fully received by *, Longstreet U’ Harrison, / Augusta, Geo. or A. &G Smedes & Camfit id, Ao, 134 Pearl St. Aew- York, Aopnita, June 4th, 1817. am To Let” A Brick Store on Broad-street, for four months. J. S. WALKER. May 28. ts , Mrs. Maria A . Pierce * HAS OPENED k Boarding House, In St, Julian Street, Savannah, Oeo. Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite Savannah, Febrtary IJ. rs x. 1 , FOURTH OF JULY/ Persons desirous of celebrating the approaching Anniversary of out* Na *uM Independence, at Mr. Carrie's GAIIDKNS, ran have aq oppopinni- Subscription Paper# are left for dial purpoiit' :... v Jiijm il.; 7" NOTICE Os the Trustees of the Richhiohd A WHEREAS this Board have soldi lo H to sundry persons apoo coo* dition that the same should revert ap the Trust upon failure to pay therefor at the time stipulated, and a number oI pur chasers being considerably ip arrears, ORDERED, tlvit all arrearages be p id to the Clerk of this Board, on ojp icfore the first day of August next.'or the Trustees trill forthwith (hereafter proceed to retake possession of the pre* mists, and "gain s i) th- same—and.thaf this Resolution be. published in one of the Newspapers of this city once a week un- ' til that time., , . ' > i 'Juken from the Minutes. I .auc Herbert, Clerk To the Trustees of the Richmond Academy* Augusts, April Sd, 1017*. 20 Dollars Kewardj SrOI.EN on Monday night, 3d of June 18if, out pf Samuel Miller's Wag. gon, at the upper end of Bi*mcl Street, a am .11 round TRAVELLING TRUNK, marked on the bottom \y.C. or William Coffin —Also William Coffin writ ten on a ca d nailed on the top, containing one 8 4 Shawl, one pair Ntw Boots, mad by S niuel Crane, N<w Wav n, Connecticut, tfaejiHme and place witten on the Doing, and tunid-y arudv* of Clothing, Bills, Letters and Papers— Also, two or three hundred Cards of “ Coffin & Cleveland.*'— Any person whp willn< liver the said Trpnk to Coffin and Cleveland, at Washington. Wilks r< i.p ty, Georgia, or at A. M'Etmtry & Co* ahali be entitled to the ab.vo r ward. . Coffin & Cleveland. June 11. , % ij 30 Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY ft'm the subscriber cn the Bih cf M.rch last, a Like, ly Negio KtJl .'w naipcd JACK, about si years of age,ot raidiing statui c| has, 1 relieve, a small scar on the Me cheek; wore a black sprtout and home, spun or leather overall!.- He was for merly an Augusta but bund in Mr. Da vid Smith's employ, and may hire him self again as such. 1 all patroon? and boat' - owners are therefore cautioned from em ploying him, i unless they give, immol ate notice thereof to Mr. John Mr Kurizp to Augusta, whom 1 have .appointed my. agent lor that purpose. Jack wvs fi at owned by M j. Bryan on Big Briar Crc* ki sod afterwards by Maj. Leigh cf Big San. day Creek, who polo him to the subscri ber. Aliy person who will safcW lodge said negro In cither of fhc Jails, of Mirum Twiggs County, or Augusts, shaft receive 90 dollars reward—of 20 dollars and, all reasonabls expenses paid, if secured in «r>y other jail, so that the or bis aboye named agent rtuygct him. j. Thomas Jones, near Martin, *iwiyga eo’ijfr June 7. ‘f Sheriffs Sale; WILL RE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in July next , at the ecnttt home iti the town of WaynssborQUgh, Burke coppi. (y, between the usual hours of ten and two 200 Acres of land ini Burke county, adjoining lands of Tho-'s Floyd and Jones; levied on as tl)e pro perty of U* iFloyd, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of lapel Spence against Ux Floyd- ALSO,. „ One bouse and lot in tte ipwri of Waym sborougb, known inWplan of s«id town by, the number 24; GWe<- on as the property of Charles F. Sugary "" to satisfy sundry small executions in la. vor oi John Allmond and others—levied on and by a constable. SOO AcrCs of land m said cmifi ty, adjoining lands of Owen M. G. Tom lin and the estate of Amos Whitehead, dec. levied on as (he property of Joseph Roe, to satisfy ap execution in favor of WBliam Hofn, against said Roe. '** - « John Bdi,«.» r 4 May 91. * tdp ,