Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 02, 1817, Image 1

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acgusta mamTSfiT**** ■ a . . -.-g * * V. . t * -i * V ' * - Tins I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, it tmnino EVERT WEDNESDAY k SATURDAY. M Five Dollars per annum, PAYABLE nr ADVANCE. |J.D.Weathers O’ Co. Have Lately Received, hoo Reams . 112 Hhds. Brown Sugar, MO Bags Prime Green (’offee, I 3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, 110 Hhds. N. K. Rum, I 3 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniap Brandy, f , A . I 3 Ditto Holland Gin, I JO Groce Black Bottles. I ———ALSO—- A Handsome Assortment of \Spring j Well adapted to the approaching t I season. I All of which will be sold at their! ■iiual low and accommodating terms. | I April 16. ts wSpnng . I WilliaroWright, m now receiving per Brig Belvidere, from JVet v-Tork, Bt Complete & Extensive Assort* ment of I GOODS, ■Adapted to the Season-consisting of : V British , French & India I Dry Goods, I HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions, * Hats, ' Jplfth'naiy, Stationary, &c. Btc. I Together with a Complete Assortment GROCERIES. Great attentipn has been given in the ■.selection of the above Goods, so as to ■ embrace almost every article requisite for {Country Stores. They will be offered | extremely low by the Piece, or Package, i I m the New Building next above Messrs. IR. J. Meigs, 8c Co. near the upper end i I Broad Street. May 14. »m Alexander Bryan oi Is Receiving and now Opening, I A General and extensive Assortment DRY GOODS, {Hardware & Cutlery |, STATIONARY, {GLASS WARE, HATS, fife. I Also, landing from the River, a Large & complete assortment < f | Crockery Ware. The whole will he sold low and on ac- I commodating terms. December i*3. I ~ r am FOR SALE, 1 1000 Bushels Corn. I Apply to Wilson & Black, or J. 8. Walker. I i Also—some handsome I Household Furniture I Apply to WILSON & BLACK. ■ May 21. ts I ~ NOTICE. I I '’HE Rectorship in the Richmond Ac* ■ k • Augusta, State of Georgia, ■ having become vacant by the death of the j Kev’d* John R. Thompson, an annual I salary of one thousand dollars is offered I Tk* P er *^ n T ell *l Ua ßfied as Rector.— I This Institution is in a flourishing and I Prosperous situation, having at this time I two hundred scholars engaged in various I studies; Applications will be address. I eg to Nicholas Ware, President Board Trustee*, Richmond Academy . ts Bi % > REMOVAL. A. M'KINSTRT, & CO. Have Removed to the Store lately occu pied hy Messrs. C, 0 . & R. Morgan ' & Co. JV*o. 1, corner Bridge Row, Where they have lust Received in addition to their former stock, 12 Packages Fresh Imported FANCY®STAPLE Dry Goods, —AMONG WHICH AUB— FLORENCE, French and India - Lustrings, -> Satins, Levantine & Plaid Silks, 6, 6, 7& 8 Rich figured Damask & plain Silk Shawls, Laoe Veils, Lace Net, ! Thread and Colored Edgings, j Large assortment plain and figured Mulls, Jaconets, Cambricks, Lenos and Book Muslins, j Black and colored Canton and Italian I Crapes, ! Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs, j Bandannoes, Flaggs & Canton do. ( 4,5, 6,7& 8 Cotton Imitation and Fancy colored Shawls, Figured and plain Madrass Handker chiefs and Cravats, Calicoes, Chintzes, Furnitures and Ginghams, Irish Linens, Colerain Maddipollam and steam loom shirtings, Nankeens, colored Cassimerc, | White and striped Jeans, Silk, Colton k Worsted Hosiery, Silk, Beaver and Kid Gloves, Lace Sleeves, Rich Spangled Fans, Needle Cases, Sewing Silks, Thread • and Tapes, i Parasols, Silk Umbrellas, &c. &c. ALSO Black, Blue, Brown and Mixed Su perfine & common Broad Cloths and Cassimers, Silk and Cotton Vestings, Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Diapers and Shirting. Together with almost every other artic! i» n their lioe—all of which will be sold for cash at small advance. N. B. —30 Waggons Wanted to take loads for Knoxville. June 18. pw We arc authorized to announce Coi. Petbu Donaldson, a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June 11. {fy’VVe are authorised to announce A. Rhodes, ir. a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond County, at ihe ensuing election. June lib . (0* W « authorized to announce Anslem Bugs, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June 7. , (£J T We are authorized to announce Martin Wilcox* a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. Juue 18—d (£]*• We are authorized to announce Adolphus, a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the e>i»uing ’ election. June 18—d i We are authorized to announce i Mr. Hiram Mann as candidate for I Receiver of Tax Returns of Rich ; mond county at the ensuing elec -1 tion. June 21. ! w e are authorised to announce Richard Bush, a candidate for the ' office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing elc >!om. June 25. 1 {j j vv e are aut horised to announce Jason Watkins, a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county at the ensuing eleetion. I Juue 25. • mde 1 (£J“ TiiE subscriber has appointed 1 Mr. Anselm Buog, his agent during ■ his absence from Augusta this sum l mer. F. PHINIZY. ! June 28. c i . Wanted to Hire, A WET N DUSE.—Liberal wag es will be given, and paid week ly, or as required.—Enquire at this office. June 28, a * -*;* George Hudson, , HAS JUST RECEIVED. And Offers for Sale , next door above H. Lang, & to, , , $0 Hhds. & Barrels N. Orleans k Museovttdo Sugars > 56 Hhds. and Barrets St. Credit and N. K. Rum, , f " 12 Tons assorted Irooi 60 Bags Green Coffee, 60 Reams Writing Paper, Irish Potatoes, Cider in Barrels, , Nankeens, &o. ke. —Low for Cash or approved paper at 60 days only. June 21. ' ijf s ' , ' P. Stovall Co. Have Just Received 1 ASE Cotton Cambrics A 1 do. fancy Muslins i do. Jaconet do. i do. Hosiery 20 boxes Ribbons 1 bale superfine Cassimeres Canton & Italian Crapes, asst’d colors Ladies* and gentlemen** Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats ' Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Key* of the latest patterns 14 trunks Shoes well assorted 2 do. Wellington and Comae Boots 30 bbls. Northern Rum 40 kegs Cut Nails assorted 1 New Mahogany Side Board —ALSO— -1 Case Canton Handkerchiefs; 1 do. Silk and Cotton Laces, I 1 do. Irish Linens, 2 do. Plates and Supr. Prints, 1 do. Furniture ditto, 1 do. Cambric Dimity, 1 do. Colton Cassimere, 1 do. Cotton Ball Thread, assorted, 4 do. jLadies* Straw Hats, 1 do. Artificial Flowers and Shiueal Coeds, • Lace Handkerchiefs, , 2 do. Silk Umbrellas k Parasols; 6 do. Gent lumen’s Hats, assorted. 30 Pieces Silks, assorted, 50 do. no. Homespun, assorted; 2 Bales Hutnhums, 2 do. Superfine and 2d Cloths, 1 do. Bombuzetts, assorted, i do. Hessians, 3 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs, 200 Doz. Shell and Mock Combs, Nankeens—Blue and Yellow, Mersailles—White and colored, Florentine Vesting, Linen, tambricks k Long Lawns, Turkey Red & Patent Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 2 do. Shot Gdns, good quality, 30,000 Boy*s Marbles, An Assortment of School books, Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, 10 Crates Crockery Ware, 30 Kegs White Lead, Dupont’s Powder and Drop Shot 10 Chests Tea, Hyson A Hyson Skin 4 'Pierces Coffee, 10 Hhds. Prime Jamaica Sugar, With a variety of other articles, making a good assortment, suited to this market, recently purchased in New-York and many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be sold low, Wholesale and Retail. June 4. am THE SUBSCRIBERS. Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India GOODS, Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated lor the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat ing terms* William Sims, & Ccy. March $ ts Bolting Cloths. F|NHE subscribers have just re ■ eeived a complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward Quin, ts Co. June 25. ts « , . f Drugs, Medicines '' ' AMD • . Patent medicines, , Wholesale & Retail^ On the lowet firms for Cash, at v JkPOTHECARY’S HALL, Opposite the Herald Office, Broad. , . Street, Augusta. LOTION, which removes blemishes from the Lee, making the skin deb icately soft and clear, improving the complexion, and restoring the bloom olyoujA, Essence of Mustard, for the gout, rheu matism, sprains, Sec. Elixir, for colds and coughs, Doctor Halm's German Eye Water, Lee's Antibillious Pills, Coit'l Family Pills, , Hooper and Anderson's Pills Sovereign Itch Ointment, Opodeldoc, Bateman's Drops, British Oil, Haarlem Oil, , „ Turlington's Balsam, Balsam Honey, Henry's Calcined Magnesia, Cheltenham Salts, . Ink Powder, Tooth Powder in Bokcs, Godfrey's Cordial, Dalby’s Carminative, Teeth Brushes, Race and Powdered Ginger; , y Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allspice, Pearl Barley, Arrow Root, Anniseeii, Fennel Seed, Windsor Soap, Wash Balls, Fancy Soap, Castile Soap, Camel's Hair Pends, , Copal Varnish, lied Lead, Vermillion, Prussian Blues, Purplp Blown, Patent Yellow, Rose Pink, Gamboge, |A!un>, Brimstone, Coperas, Amatto, Spanish and common, English Camomile Flowers, Flour Sulphur, Aloes, Camphor, Salts, Jalap, Rhubarb, dither, Cream Tartar, Calomel, Magnesia lump, small squares, and coL cined in large bottles, Nox Vomica, Sugar Lead, White Vitriol. * anticipated mottle. Shop Furniture, Viols, white and green, Assorted Mortars, Teem instruments; ] Lancets, thumb and spring,, assorted, ! with all the variety suited for practi. 1 tioners’ use and this market Cunningham & Dunn. June SI. ts STAIN BACK WILSON AND JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves In business under the firm of WIL SOM & BLACK , offer their services to their friends, and the public in goaeral, in the ■ , COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. They have the Warehouse lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett Sr Sims, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction.,. Augusta, April 30. ts Mrsi Maria A. Pierce HAS OPENED ▲ Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, Sdtannah, Geo. Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite attention. Savannah, February 27. ts 11 —' 11 -- -? 1 ■ Livery Stables. THE public are respectfully informed that the Subscribers have erected a large and extensive LIVERY STABLE ori Ellis street, in the city of Augusta— and that the sayie is now completely rea dy for the reception of Horses-—And having procured the most attentive and skilful Ostlers, and being determined at all times to be well supplied with proven der, and to bestow every necessary atten tion, they confidently anticipate a gene. . rous support; 1 The locality of this Stable being situ ated near the centre of the city, gives it some advantage. Carriages of different kinds, and Horses will be constantly kept for hire—and horses may be here broke to the draft, knicked and docked in the most stylish manner. F. W. Lacey, William M‘Gar. •Tone nfir,— , D Wanted to Purchase A STEAD* FAMILY HORSE, /jL and to hire, a good house Ser vant.—Apply at this Office, June 99* • ( Edward Quirt, & Cd; Oglethorpe from Liverpool, we fol- - lowing articles .which they offer for sale on moderate terms:~ ..> * M o*s|p awortad Hardware and 7 Uu.“S .izo<) btll.metal Bet i. .< , .Mas and Skillets 5 do. Carpenter** Planes % do. Steelyards 3 do. Marbles 6 do. London Be wter Plates, l)|th . es and Basons 8 <»*«» Magic A double barrelled .. i Quae*. .•>, 20 kees wrought Nails & Spikes £o cadu assorted Glassware 60 do. London Porter ■. , A few boxes London Mustard r A few hampers Cheshire ChMsb 86 Anvils and Tides • 6 ton Shot and bar Lead 6 do. Castings . 2600 lbs. gheet Iron . *• ~ iOO Copper and Patent Tea Kef ties 1 ease Irish Linens add Hither 2 bales fiomuazctto . ........ ,on ; Hanh dd oasksPbiladelphiahoUlediPoreeif 10 do Draft;. »• op do dp . t do Rve Whiskey 10 puncheons 4th prf. Jain. Kuid 6do Wcaf-India • .... , , do. . 2 pipes superior Holland Gin 20 quarter eushs Sliepry Winirt . 160 bags Coffee ... <v . iB barrels Loaf Sugar 8 chests Hyson Tea ■ r-A --16 barrels Almonds and PUbertl 60 boxes Spanish Began 16 barrels. Train Oil . * 100 kegiWhiteLeud&Spanishßrowti 16 boxes goap 60 kegs Dupont & Co’s Gunpowder . 16 oases fine and Koram Hats A constant supply of northern goaf* Bridle and Skirting Leather, Calf Morocco, Sheep and Uee-skior* 00. e«. June 4. .. - tr T^Utkc. A LETTER enclosing s Post doth of the Bank of the United States* for $ 500 00 dated Philadelphia, Janua, l«lf, letter fl, tfe. 429, payable three days after date to S. Frdthingham, Cashier, and endorsed by him, by John Smith and John M'Quin, to the order of the subscriber*, has not been received* and is supposed to have been stolen Wth the letter mail of the Slth Match, neat Fayettville, Kortfi-Gsirolina, The public ace cautioned against lea Ceiving the above described note, as pay* ment has been stopped at the Bank* Any Information respecting it wOl be thapl* fully received by ...... Longslrect Ct? Harrison. • ‘ Augusta, Wep. or A. BcG Smedrs&Camfif I<J, Ao, 134 JBsdrl St. Arw. York-, Augusta, June 4th*-18IT. aw t H-... ‘.rrr* Mackenzie!# Ponce* OFFER FOR SAVE, At the Store formerly occupied, byff, and R. Thomas, ' \ An Extensive Assortment of British, India & French Goods, Which’ will be sold low. for Cash, Pfp duce or on a liberal credit to those known to be punctual* November ll* ts '' . If . / - ' 'I Dancing School, MR. COLM&NIL has the ho nor to Inform bis friends and the public* thft bis School is open at Mr. Leslie’s Long Roofh at 5 o’clock in the evening—and half past 7 at night. • June 26. ts English School* - Mr. & A£rs, Cdidt&r*' RESPECTFULLY tender their ser vices to the citizens orXugUfU.— They propose teaching the Art of Resdw ing, Writing, Arithmetic, English Gram mar and Geography.—. Likewise aft kinds of Needle Work, at their dwelling house on Ellis yueetf three doors below Waller Leigh’s.—For term* enquire as above* ■. .*£ v BANK. CHECKS Ser Sale at tbis Office.