Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 05, 1817, Image 1

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I If THE lUSTA CHUOmCLEt IS OTBUBgBD ¥ WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY. Five VoUcu's per annum, payable in advance. *■• _ 1, _ .'. ' _ ' '■ • " - ifetijamiii Bali, S Just Received the following Articles* winch lie will sell on tw terms, for Cash or Town auccs:— wec es and Russia Iron, lew Orleans Jamaica Sugar rreen Coffee,, louble Refined Sugar, ,ondon Porter, ladeira Wine, lolland Gin, h E. W. I &J. Rum, iverpool Ground Salt, hot and Lead, lair Sieves, iigs and Jars. / ntity of Carriage Lace, &c. * bands & handles for carriages Moulding, loints for Carriage Tops, h a General Assortment )of IRY GOODS, dware & Cutlery. )I?. Newark Cider, Newark made Gigs with ess. June 28—9 REMOVAL. F. W. Bridges, S taken the House formerly tocupied by P. Bkown, two ibove, John Miller’s and near srket. where he has on hand 1 Extensive Assortment of tv GOODS, eeries & Hardware eh will be sold low by Whole- Retail, for Cash or approved , June 2i. lolling Cloths. £ subscriber has just received a >tnplfte assortment ot genuine 'ch Bolting Cloihs, umbers, and wi i k ep a constant during the sp 's^o* J. S. Walker. i 28. ' il )lting Cloths, IK subscribers have just re reived a complete assortment of stquality DUTCH BOLTING □as. - Edward Quin, fc? Co. s<?s. ‘ ts * FOR SALE, )0 Bushels Corn. to Wilson & Black* or ' J. 8, Walker. Also—some handsome usehold Furniture ply to WILSQN& BLACK, y 21. if lexander Bryan Receiving and now Opening , acral and extensive Assortment )RY GOODS, tdware & Cutlery tationahy, ‘VSS WARE, HATS, &c landing from the River, a Large & complete assortment of I rockery Ware. e whole will he sold low and on ac lodating (erojj, tember x 3. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. Edward Quin & Go., HATE Just Received by the ships William & Henry, Georgia and . Oglethorpe from Liverpool, the fol lowing articles which they -offer for •ale on moderate terms:— ' . BO casks assorted Hardware and . Cutlery 7 do. small sized bell-metal Ket tles and Skillets. , 2 do. Carpenter** Planes 2 do. Steelyards 2 do. Marbles 16 do. London Pewter Plates, Dish es and Basons j 3 eases single & double barrelled Guns 20 kegs wrought Nails 0 Spikes 20 cask* assorted Glassware 60 do. London Porter A few boxes London Mustard A few hampers Cheshire Cheese 86 Anvils and Vices 6 ton Shot and bar Lead 6 do. Castings 2600 lbs.- Sheet Iron 100 Copper and Patent Tea-Kettles I 1 ease. Irish Linens aod Diaper 2 bales Bombazette ON HAND SO casksPhiladelphiabottledPorter I 10 do Draft do do 6 do do Rye Whiskey 10 puncheons 4th prf. Jam. Hum 6 do West-lndia do. 2 pipes superior Holland Gin 20 quarter casks Sherry Wine 160 hags Coffee 16 barrels Loaf Sugar 8 chests Hyson Tea 16 barrels Almonds and Filberts 60 boxes Spanish Segars 16 barrels Train Oil 100 kegsWhiteLcad&Spanisbßrown 16 boxes Soap 60 kegs Dupont & Co’s Gunpowder 16 cases fine and Roram Hals A constant supply of northern Soal, Bridie and Skirling Leather Calf Morocco, Sheep and Hog-skins, &C.&C, j June 4. > J? I » • ' ■ J. D. W eathers £# Co. , Have Lately Received, 100 Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 B igs Prime Green (’offee, 3 Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, 10 Hhds. N. E. Hum, j 3 pipes 4th proof Old Cogniac Brandy, , ’ 3 Ditto Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles. ALSO : 1 A Handsome Assortment of Spring W ell adapted to 1 he approaching season. All of which will he sold at their usual loW and accommodating terms. April 16. ts f * Spring Goods . •William Wright, Is notv receiving per Brig Belvidere, from Ncw-Vork, A Complete St Extensive Assort. ’■ mentof i GOODS* Adapted to the Season—consisting of British , French & India Dry Goods, hardware u cutlery, Shoes of all Descriptions, Hats, Ivi illmary, Stationary, Etc. &c- Together with a Complete Assortment 7 . of GROCERIES. Great attention has been given in the *• selection of the above Goods, so as to & embrace almost every article requisite for Country Stores. They will be offered .jetremely low by the Piece, or Package, , v the New Building next above Messrs. > J. Mbios, & Co. near the upper end Broad Street. ... May M. . REMOVAL. A M‘ KVfSTRT, & CO. Bavc Removed to the Store lately occu pied by Meson. C, G. © & Morgan & Vo. No. 1, corner Bridge Row, , here they have Ju«t Heaivcd in . addition to their former stock, ( 12 Packages Fresh Imported FAN Cl ® STAPLE 1 Dry Goods, —AMONG WHICH AUB— FLORENCE, French and India 1 > Lustrings, i Savins, Levantine & Plaid Silks, b, 6, 7 & 8 Rich figured Damask & plain bilk Shawls, v Lace Veils, Lace Net, Thread and Colored Edgings, Large assortment plain and figured Mails, Jaoonets, Cambrioks, Lenos and Book Muslins, Black and colored Canton and Italian Crapes, Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs, Bandannoes, Flaggs & Canton do* 6,6, 7& 8 Coiton Imitation and Fancy colored bawls, Figured and plain Madras* Handker chiefs and Cravats, Calicoes, Chintzes, Furnitures and Ginghams, Irish Linens, Colerain M add 1 poll am and steam loom shirtings, Nankeens, colored Cassitnere, White and striped Jeans, Silk. Colton & Worsted Hosiery, Silk, Beaver and Kid Gloves, Lace Sleeves, Rich Spangled Fans, Needle Cases, Sewing Silks, Thread and Tapes, Parasols, Silk Umbrellas, &c. &c. ALSO—— Black, Blue, Brown and Mixed Su perfine & common Broad Cloths and Cassimers, Silk and Cotton Vestings, Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Diapers and Shirting. Together with almost every other article in their line—All of which will be sold fur cash at small advance. i N. 13.—30 Waggons Wanted to take loads for Knoxville. June 18. \ ,dw__ j Mackenzie© Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, 1 Jit the Store formerly occupied by H. and Q. Thomas,. An Extensive Assortment of British , India a French Goods , ' Which wif be sold low for Cash, Pro duce or on a liberal credit to those known to be punctual. November IS. ts , THE SUBSCRIBERS. Have Just 130 Packages British, French and India GOODS, Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated for the Spring and bum mer Business—Which they . offer at Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat ing terms. William Sims, & Co. March 5. ts STAINBACK WILSON AS D JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in nusincss under the firm of WIL SOJ* & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AS D , * Factorage Line. They have the Warc-H use lately oc cupied by Messrs, Barrett A Sims, where uVery attention will be given to render general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30. ts Wanted to Purchase A STEADY FAMILY HORSE, and to hire, a good house Ser vant.—Apply at this Office. June 38. P. Stovall & Co, I i % Have Just Received 1 (ff l ASE Cotton Cambrics 1 1 \J 1 do. fancy Muslim 1 do. Jaconet do. i do. Hosiery SO boxes Ribbons 1 bale superfine Ctfasimeres Canton & Italian Crapes, mist’d colors . Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Silk Hose Fans and Chip Hats Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys of (he latest patterns 1* trunks Shoes well assorted 2 do. Wellington and Cossao Boots 4o bids. Northern Rum 4 00 kegs Cut Nails assorted i New Mahogany Side Board —At SO— ' 1 Case Canton Handkerchiefs, 1 do. Silk and Cotton Laces, 1 do. Irish Linens, 2 do. Plates and Supr. Prints, 1 do. Furniture ditto, 1 do. Cambric Dimity, ( 1 do. Cotton Cassimcre, 1 do. Cotton Ball Thread, assorted, 1 A do. Ladies’ Straw Hats, & do. Artificial Flowers and Shineal Cords, Laoc Handkerchiefs, 2 do. Silk Umbrellas A Parasols, 6 do. Gentlemen’s Hats, assorted, SO Pieces Silks, assorted, SO do. ao. Homespun, assorted, , 2 Bales Hutnhutus, , 2 do. Superfine and 2d Cloths, 1 do. Bombazetts, assorted, 1 do. Hessians, . 8 do. Pocket Handkerchiefs,. 200 Doz. Shell and Mock Combs, Nankeens—Blue and Yellow, Mersaiilos—White and colored, - Florentine Vesting, Linen. Cambricks & Lung Lawns, Turkey Red ©Patent Medicines 1 Case Horse Whips, assorted, 2 do. Shot Guns, good quality, 30,000 Boy’s Marbles, «9n Assortment of School Books, , - J Stationary and Mathematical Instruments, 10 Crates Crockery Ware, 30 Kegs White Lead, Dupont’s Powder and Drop Shot 10 Chests 'Tea, Hyson & Hyson Skin A 'Heroes Coffee, 10 Hhds. Pribe Jamaica Sugar, • 1 With a variety of other articles, making a good assortment, suited to this market, recently purchased in New-York and many at Auction at reduced prices, and will be sold low, Wholesale and Retail. June A. am a _ —- George Hudson, HAS JUST RECEIVED, And Offers for Sale , next door above U. Lang , & Co. 60 Hhds. & Barrels N. Orleans & Muscovado Sugars 50 Hhds. and Barrels St. Croix and N. E. Rum, 12 Tons assorted Iron, 50 Bags Green Coffee, 60 Reams Writing Paper, Irish Potatoes, Cider in Barrels, Nankeens, Ac. Ac.-Low for Cash or approved paper at 60 days only. June 21. am Dancing School. MB. COLWESNIX. has the bo nor to inform his friends and the public, that his School is open at ; Mr. Leslie’s Long Room at 5 o’clock : in the evening—and half past 7 at night. June 25. ts Mrs. Maria A. Pierce HAS OPENED k Boarding House, In St. Julian Btreet t Savannah, Geo, Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite attention. Savannah, February zy. ts " NOTICE. BB STOUTENBURGH is fully O authorised to set as my Attorney, during my absence'from Augusta. John Miller. May 3 . ts > t s. . • "r, Drugs, Medicine? ‘ 4W»' PATENT MEDICINES^ Wholesale & Retail, Op the hunt terns for Cash, at APOTHECARY’S BALL, Opposite the Herat* Office, Brea** • Street, Qugusta* K < LOTION, Which removes blemishes ; (from the face, making the *ltm del icately soft and clear, improving the complexion, and restoring the bloom ol youth, Essence oi Mustard, fcr the gout, rheu matism, sprains, &c. v 7 Elixir, for colds and coughs, o>»ctur Hahn'* German Eye Water, Lee's Amibillious Pills, Colt's Family Pills, ; Hooper and Anderson's Pills Sovereign Itch Ointment, Opodeldoc, Bateman's Drops, British Oil, H .arlem Oil, * Turlington's Balsam, Balsam Honey* Henry's Calcined Magnesia* ~ Cheltenham Salts, Ink Powder. Tooth Pdvder in Boxes* Godfrey's Cordial, Dalhy’s Carminative, ieeth Brushes, Race and Powdered Ginger, - Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allspice, Pearl Barley, Arrow Root, Annisecd, Fennel Seed, Windsor Soap, Wash Balls, Fancy Soap* Castile Soap. Caiml's Hair Pends. Cop tl Varnish, Red Lead* Vermillion, Prussian Blues, * Purple Biown, Patent Yellow* R 'se Pink, Gamboge, Alum, Brimstone, Coperas, ' Arnatto, Spanish and common* English Camomile Flowers, Flour Sulphur, Aloes, Camphor, S ills, Jalap, Rhubarb, -Ether, Cream Tartar, Calomel, Magntsia lump, small squares, and cal cined in large bottles, Nox Vomica, Sugar Lead* Whiic Vitriol, JUfTICIfATEBSHOTTLT. Shu, Furniture, Viole, white and green, Assorted Mortals, Teeth Insu uments, Lancets, thumb and spring, assorted, with all, the variety suited for practi tioners* use »nd this mtuget Cunningham & Dunn. June 81. : tf 03* THE subseriber bps appointed Mr. Anselm Buog, his agent during his absence from Augusta this snip* mer. F. JPHINIZY. June 28. o (jU* Wcare authorized to announce Col. Petkii Donaldson, a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, fop Richmond county* at the ensuing election. June if. (p* Wo are authorised to annyupon A. Rhodes, jt. a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond County, the ensuing eieotioa. - Jane ij , ■ « QJ* We arc authorized to announce Anslem Bigg, a candidate for the office of Sheriff lor Richmond county* at the ensuing election. June 7. We are authorized (b soobuni'e Adolphus Dubkbb, a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county,, at (he ensuing election. June 18-«-p We are authorized to announce Mr. Hiram Mann as candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Rich mond county at the ensuing elec tion.——June 21. QJT We are authorised to announce Richard Ruth, a candidate tor the office of Roeeherof Tax Returns for * Richmond county* at the ensuing ca tion. June 26, (tT We are authorised to announce Jason Watkins, a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county at the ensuing election. June 25. mh English School. Mr. & Mrs. Coulter , O ESPECTFULLY tender their ser- IV vices to the citizens of Augusta.— They propose teaching the Art <tf Read ing, Writing, Arithmetic, English Gram mar apd Geography .—Like whe all kinds of Needle Work* at their dwelling house on Ellis street, three doors below Wilier Leigh's.—For terms enquire as above. June 25. wif