Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 09, 1817, Image 1

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BVKEAN fi? RUYCKIWCKt broad street. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9,18 ir # r • ■: % J ' •■•* Vl <4?*V>VP ft T«E V f AVGUSTA cmWWLE, - ' *8 ,*U»I ISIIED 4* f annpn, i/. Haligeari, . , has i»sT received,’... •fifid <s«r« jf% e «rt* uwojumoiat~ ■■ 26 Hhds* Muscovado Sugar, too Barrel* arid Bags Green Co&e, 10 Hd*. and 30 BB*. N. K. Raw, 5 Do. S(U proof Jam. Runt 10 blls Peach Brandy ', . 42 do. Cider 4 pipes G. Brandy 1 do H. Gin B kegs assorted Patent Shot 1 do Buck do .- 1 6 casks London Porter Young Hyson Tea in qr. boxes 1 fresh box Imperial Ton 9 bags Almonds Fresh Chocolate and London Mustard u s - Old Madeira s&d Port \\me m buttes Loaf and Lump Sugar 30 tons assorted Iron. ALSO—An elegant 4 Wheel Carriage, - AND " MATCH OF HORSES, only seven years old. Hijlv 2 ~'* FT fil'Gehee(Si iVinagrove HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Thirty. Five Packages WELL SPXFXTRD SPRING GOODS Huy Have Ukficist on the River, - ■ 70 Packages, Ahd other arrivals shortly expected •—the whole comprising an extensive ttnd fdegknt a**orlment of almost ev ery article suitable to the southern market, which they will sell on the most accommodating terms for cash or town acceptances. On hand, a few Pieces Brussels Carpeting, Choice Patterns. ‘■’•■"f uly 2 , dt M‘Kenzie, Bennoch, & co. Have Just Received, 92,000 lbs. Green Coffee, 400 J bushels ground Alum Salt, 75 to- s Waggon Tire and Axe- Bur Iron, 50 chests best Hyson Tea, 43 tierces L >ndon Porter 50 dnz. Men’s Plated Hats They have also received by recent Arrivals from Liverpool, an additional supply of Summer Goods, consisting of Bomhazetts, blue twilled Nankeens, Thick and Yelvctines, figured »nd plain Cauibn.-s, 6 3 cot'ou Checks, Warsrilles Counterpanes, Datua k & Imitation Shawls,Cc, &«. all of which, With (heir former stock on hand, they offer for sale at low advances and on liberal credit, for approved paper. They also offer for sale on long credit,, for approved paper, their re tail stock of goods Any person g t purchase, may have a store in their fire proof building. July % ... i»T Juvenile Seminary. f JNHE subscriber tenders his grateful Jk acknowledgments to the Citizens •f August*, for ibe liberal patron, g. he bv>» hitherto received Jn teaching the va *>oU» Branches of Literature. Having relinquished his design of g ang tc the r k he wi'l '•ft in open hi- S. HOuL ®n Moncby next, with a vie w of c incinu •*Dgthe ensuing-summer t rmin this city. *■ wilt be his constant end avour to in. •iruct'jrooth >n every Rug.ish Scitnce, •hich may tend to ptiket the Scholar, aod make the man. To their mc<. rals, to restrain vicious habits, and a love of virtu .-, and religion, s*“ fom leading objels of Ids car,- she number of scholars is limited to 30 All who wish to enter scholars will u weii to apply fa S av.n ; * , Oliver Dan forth. J«iya» </ ex ’ - i V ; . , , v *> ' Just Received, bjtjße nifscrider,%e - fw° win s Genuine Groceries, Which he ajftr£fot sale at reduced JpxCtSifor Hdtihor aeetp. “ * '&’*>> At A few bints t ,M life Whiskey f ami ' Ad Malaga ditto H’d'lz ioffg corked Claret 4 trffo old iO do L. P. Madeira ditto 6 do real Bordeaux Cordials, as sovjed 6 do diiio Rrandy Fruits, ditto A few casks real Mint Cordial 50 bHs pr me N. Orleans Sugar 30 bags prime Green Coffee, Aud a lew bags B. Pepper, Ginger audSpiie— B rides a variety of other artii les too tedious to enumerate, THU’s. GRACH. ,Ju 'y* . . ... .« > George . tt4$JUiT HE< Kfrm, Ana offers next door above &. Lung and Co. 60 Hhds. & Barrels N.Orleans and MuseovadoSugars 50 bbds and bils 6t. Croix aud N. L. Hum 13 tons assorted Iron 50 hags Greca.ColiVe 60 ret*ms W riLiagJdupcr Irish Potatoes I Cider in Barrels Natnkeens, &e. &c. — for cash or approved paper at 60 dajs o ily. June 21 AM lUiJUIVAL. ; J. W. Bridges, HAS taken the House formerly occupied by P. Brown, two. doors above JoHiN MiiJLEu’sand near the Market, where be has on hand jin Extensive Jssortmcnt D«¥ GOODS* Groceries & Hardware Which will be sold low by Whole sale or Iteluil, for Cash or approved Paper. June 28. Bolting Cloths. THE subseribtr has just received a complete assortment ■ f Dutch Bjolting Cloths , of all numbers, and wil- keep a constant supply during the seas n J. S Walker. ’ Juh- JB. / f | Bolting Cloths. rj liy. iubveribers have just recciv- Sl ed a complete assortmenl of the I best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. I Edward Quin, & Co. t 9 Jane 2>o* ; FOR SALE, ; 1000 Bushels Corn. Apply to Wilson & Black, or . J. S. W ALKER. * Jllso—Some Handsome [ Household Fiirniture ' Apply to WILSON & BLACK. ' May 21. ts | Alexander Bryan, Is Receiving and JCinv Opening , - A General and Extensive Assortment • of * DRY GOODS, i Hardware & Cutlery, i STATIONARY, CLASS WARE, HATS, he. Also, landing from the River, £t large and complete assortment of Crockery Ware. The whole will be sold low and on avtiouimodatiog term«* x DeetmUtr 13« I * **• 4- w • • * i I I REMOVAL, .3 M‘KL\STKV fcf CO. ' removed to the Store luttiy nccu • fitd ty Messrs. G. &R. Morgan ,AS9r aVjf* L forjmr Rdw, j tilwrellie/bavelustlirtwiw'i! in ad j <hiH»a u» their former stock* ik j Packages Fresh Imported ■ t FANCT & STAPLE Dry Goods, AMONG WHICH ARE— FLORENCE, .French and India Lustrings, j Satiiis, Levantine and Plaid Silks, . j 6, 7 and 8 Rich figured Damask I . and plain Silk Siiawls, Lace Veils, Lace Net, , Thread and Colored Edgings, * Large assortment plain and figured Mulls, Ju oueis, Cainbncks, Lenos aud Book Muslins,. Black and colored Canton and Italian Crapes, Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs, BaiMliftnnoes, Fiaggs aud Cotton do. ■*, I* 6,7, aiid 8 Cotton Imitation and Fancy colored Shawl*, Figured amfphtlo Madras* Handker citie s and Cravats, Calicoes, Chintzes, Furnitures and Ginghams, Irish 'Linens, Colerain MaddipolSani and steam loom shirtings, Nankeens, colored Casimerc, I While and striped Jeans, ; Side, Co.ton and Worsted Hosiery, | Silk, Beaver and Kid Glqve*, | Li .o bleeves, Rich Spangled Fans, Needle Cases, Sewing Silks, Thread and Tapes, Parasols, bhk Umhcrellas, &c. also Black, Blue. Brown and Mixed Su perfine and common Broad Cloths ami Ciis*imers, Silk and Cotton Vesiicgs, Domestic Plaids, .Stripes, Cheeks, Diapers aud Shirting. Together.with almost every other article in their line-all of which will be sold Tor rash at small ad vance. N. 8.—30 Waggons Wanted to take load for Knoxville. Juno 18. dv» Mackenzie & Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied ly 11. ani R. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British, India & Bunch Goods, Which will be sold low f.»r Cash, Pro duce nrova liberal credit u liose known to be punc ual. November 15. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India : GOOD& Consisting of almost every arti cle cab ulaitd lor the Spring and Sum mer businesi—Which they rftcr at Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat ing terms. William Sims, & Co. March 5. ts FOR SALE, ' AHOU E and LOT on the north side of Bread street, in the square next above the market, being forty nine feet front, more or less. Terms are one third cash, the balance at one and two years credit. Notes with approved se curity to bear interest from the date, and a m rtgage on the premises. Enquire at t! is Office. * Jul? 2—c To Let, THE House and Lot on. Broad street, near the market, at pit sent occu pied by Mr. Lartigue and Mr. E. Thomp son—The stand tor business is presumed < qu*l to any in the city. Possession can I be had the 1 t of October gp*t. Also—The dwelling part of the House occupied by the subscriber, con sisting of lour rooms exclusive of gat ret, with Kitchen,' Site k? house, Stable and Carriage house. Possession can be bad immediately. I John Cashin. July 5* tl ! ■ . J.. !*■ 188. 1 * JJi J_ _L . LI.. 11 "■ Edward Quin & Co. H AVE Just Received by the ship* William & Henry, Georgia ant Oglethorpe from Liverpool, the fol towing articles which they offer fui sale tm moderateicimit— ,;,*. dffai«ks assorted Hardware abd T do. small sized MFI&H-' ties and bkittcis ;■ ’ f 2 do. CrtipcntrrS Plains 2 do. Steelyards V;'V 2 do. Marbles 6 do. London Pewter Plates* Dish es and Basons S Cases single & double barrelled Guns 20 kegs Wrought Nails & Spikes 4 20 Casks assorted Glassware 50 do. London Porter , . J. A few boxes London Mustard • A lew hampers Cheshire Cheese 86 Anvils and Vices 6 Ton Shot and Bar Lead 6 do. Castings 2600 lbs. Sheet Iron ' /V ion Copper aed Patent TeaKtUlei 1 Case Irish Li. eus aud Diuper 2 Bates Bonibazctte ON RM • ■ll f ' * *t SO oftHKs Philadelphia buttl’b Porter. 10 do. Dealt do do 6do do Rye Whisky 10 Puncheons 4th prf. Jam. Rum 6 do. Wesi-lndia dp. 2 Pipes superior Holland Gin 20 Quarter rusks Sherry Wine 160 Bags Coffee 16 Bids, Loaf Sugar 8 Chests Hyson Tea 16 Bills. Almonds and Filberts 60 Boxes Spanish Segal's * 16 Bblti. Train Oil 100 Kegs While Lead & Spanish Brown 15 Boxes Soap - - . i CO Kegs Du pout C? Co’s Gunpowder jls Cases line and Roram Hats | 1 A constant supply of northern Soal, Bridle nd skirling Leather I Calf Morocco, Sheep aud Hog skins, ( &c. &o, i Jrinc 4. jx &Coy , Hate Lately Received , ioo Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 Bags Prime Green Coffee, 3 Hhdk. 4th Proof Jaimaica Rum 10 Hhds N. K. Rum, 3 pipes 4th proof Old Gogniac Brandy j 3 do. Holland Gin, SO Groce Biack Bottles, -—also—. , A Handcome Asso r tnent of SPRING GOODS, Well adapted to the approaching '. i. season. Ail of which will be sold at (heir usual low and accommodating terms. April 16 ts SPRING GOODS. William Wright; Is now receiving pe Krig Bdviderc , from JSTew- Fork A Complete & extensive As sortment of GOODS Adapted to the Seasons—consisting rs British; French and India DRY GOODS; HARD WARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions, . Hdts, Millinary, , Stationary, &c. &c.. Together with a Complete Assortment GROCERIES, . Great attention has been given in the selection of the above Goods, so as to embrace almost every article requisite for Country Stores. They will be offered extremely low by the Piece, or Package, in the new bail ding next above Messrs. R. J* Mkiqs. & C«d| near the upper end Broad Street. oy sm . . ✓ , ' . . • . 1 A jMI,, ' .Drugs, Medicines ' •«« m •;(* p jTEjrT Mmicrxus, Wholesale & Retail; rS^aaiilSvfe us&s£ae±afic loathly, suR and clc.r,-fo**ow***e complexion, and restoring the bMm , of yoollf, S*'-‘ Essence offtlimMd, for the gout, rheu matism, Elixir, for cods and enuisfas, • Doctor Hahn's Eye Wafer, \ \ Lee's AntildllNms Puis, Coil’s' Family Pills Hooper an«l Anderson's Pills Sovereign Itch Ointtn m, Opodeldoc, Batera.iuts D;«ps, * British Oil, liat)etnOi|, , x a • .I IMs im, BAsetn Honey* Henty’s Calcined Majnieia, Cheltenham Saltsj . ■ , Ink P w lei, Tl’ooih Powders in Boxes* Godfy's C<gfU«k> D*>«>f'•'Carminative, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, NottiKgsj Allspice, pearl Bar’ey, Arrow Hoot, Anniseed Fenntl Sttd, Windsor Soap, Fanct So*t»; Castile S. ap, ; Camel’s Hoir Pencils, . Copcl Vaidlyh, Red TeV.d, Vv million, Prussian P ues, Parplv brown- Patent Yeilow, Host Pink, Gamb ge, ' Arnatto, Spatpsh i'n j common, English Ff w rs, Flour Sulphur, .Aloe*, V mphoi* batti, Jukp, Rhubarb, AL her, Or -am Tartar# Clalomei, Magnesia lump, small i tjuarcs, end csL cioed large bottles, i N 'x Vonyes Sugar Lead, ! White V tt'ioU . , - „ ; , AwricipATkt) sitokTir. Shop, Fun irurej Viots, waiie and green. Assorted Mortars, ■ i Teeth Instruments, Lancejs, thumb and sprtmr, iUr*rt<d, with dl the vur tty suited fst pacti lionets’ .use «i.d this maik.t. r 4 CUNNiNGHAM k DUNN. June 81 . ( t | / bTAINMACK WILSON, " ivn , , , . , JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves jo Vdn sa und :r, the 6 m »f Wit. &OJ\ & BLACK, i.ff .r th« ir serycesiO their friends, and the public in#encß»l, in the * COMMISSION ilO /, Factorge Line. They h.'ve the Warc-H'juVc lately no copied by Meksis. Barrett & i>im», where every attention wilj be given to render ’ general satisfaction, , Augusta, Ap il Jo. If . , TO HI NT, ~ From the 1 6th of July mxt, until the 1818, Tm? Hhuse,. 6ttfe aud Lot hereto, fore b; longing to Mr IvfarJk D. CI *rk and at p(>. sent occupied by Messrs G. & R. Ellington, nest d.*>r to Mr. Joluj Casiiin’s, and whiyh is one of the best stands in this r ity for business. Application to be m»d - to Tho’s Grace. July 2. . • ct Tax Coilectqf’s Sale; OM the firtt in Stpi ra tr nvxt, at the court house in the town ot W«ynegbor<>ugh, between 'heusy. | hours wdl be, sold, the f lowing trail i hnd, or as ihudi as will satisfy the tax and cost— - t , 200 Acres of pine land adjoining Jackson, on the w .tefs ot B. turned by Jonathan Harvey—Twr for Idld, 62| cerfts. ‘ * " Win. oavis, r.c.* q* Ju»y2> , x ; c 26 Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from thf Plantation of Misa Campbell in Jefferson c>un(y, near. Louisville, | Negro, Man n.m d SCIPIQ, about i h*et 10 or 11 inches high, he hai thi< k lips and is slender made— he is well known’ in Augusta and (Savannah. The. above reward and all reasonable <iforges wifi be paid far de livering hi no/in the gaol of Augusts or Savannah, and notice thereof to. Geo. Savannah, 2d Ju’y, isir., rn r% * * i m I