Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 12, 1817, Image 1

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| AUGUSTA CHRONICLE s - ■ ■ • ■■ * • , I [VOL. XXX1....N0. 1534.] PRINTED BY KEAN & DUYCKINCK, bhoad-street. SATURDAY, JULY 13, IBIH ~ . I 1 — 1 ‘ ■ the Itfj/ePSTOI CHRONICLE, B** IS EUBLISHED •'■EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, • ■ At rive Dollars per annum, I payable lir advance. p D. K^lstonT^^ ■ HAS JUST RECEIVED, H n d offers for sale on accommodat- V"r - ing terms, ■g fjhds. Muscovado Sugar, I ■ Barrels and Bags Green Coffee, ■ Bids, and 3p fills. N. E. Rum, S Do. stli proof Jam. Rum ■| tills Peach Brandy m do. Cider ; Hj pipes C. Brandy ■idoH. Gin ■ 5 kegs assorted Patent Shot Mi do Buck do ■ 6 casks London Porter Is Young Hyson Tea in qr. boxes II fresh box Imperial Tea I 8 bags Almonds Fresh Chocolate and London I Mustard I Old Madeira and Port Wine in bottles Loaf a-u! Lump Sugar IjO tous assorted Iron. y ALSO—An elegant ■ Wheel Carriage, AND ■match of horses, Hly seven years old. ■ Nil V 3 PT Mangrove HAVE JUST RECEIVED, ■Thirty Five Packages I WELL SELECTED ■SPRING GOODS I luei, have likewise on Hie River, I 70 Packages, |And other arrivals shortly expected I—the whole comprising an extensive nod elegant assortment of almost ev- Itry article suitable to the soatbern ■market, which they will sell on the ■most accommodating terms for cash Iff town acceptances. , On hand, a few Pieces ■Brussels Carpeting, Choice Patterns. I July 2 dt |fti‘ivenzie, Beanocli, . & c<>. . Have Just Received, 92,000 lbs. Green Coffee, 4000 bushels ground Altim Salt, [ 75 tons Wagg u Tire and Axe > Bar Iron, 50 attests best Hyson Tea, 43 tierces London Porter . 50 doz. Men’s Plated Hats j They havqalso received by recent arrivals from Liverpool, an additional •apply df Summer Goods, consisting of taombazetts, blue twilled Nankeens, Thick belts and Velvetines, figured and plain Cambrus, 6-3 cotton Checks, Marseilles Counterpanes, Diana- k A Imitation Shawls, oe. Ac. all of which, Nrith theijp former stock on band, they offer fur sale at low advances and on liberal credit, for approved paper. They also offer lor sale on long credit, for approved paper, their re tail stock of goods Any person wishing to purchase, may have a store • In their fire proof building. * July 3' « nr Bolting Cloths. subscribers have just reeeiv- A ed a complete assortment of liie « quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. JEdward Quid, & Co. Jane 25. ts :* for sale, 1000 Bushels Corn. Apply to Wilson & Black, or V J. 8. W4LKER. Also—Some Handsome Household F' urniture Apply to WILSON 0 BLACK. May 3i. ts * v < ;-■* ' & *■ ’ * s. • Wanted to Hire Immediately, TYNHIRTY good able-bodied Axe- JL Men, to be employed in the woods until the Ist of November en suing—Apply ai Mr. Albert Brux’s counting-room, or to Jas. (y. O. Wdkinson, Agmt for the Steam Boat Comfiuny. July B. c Boarding House. A FEW g ntlemen can be accom. tnodated with genteel Board, on mo derate terms* Mary Silbert. Julyjh _ ts Mrs. Maria A. Pierce HAS OPENED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, Savannah, Geo. Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re- ! spectabiiitjr, will meet with every polite attention* t ? “Srm f V27 ts To Hire, AN excellent female HOUSE ■ SERVANT—AppIy at this of fiee. July 3. , IVanted to Hire, A WET NUII-iE.—l.iberal wag. es will be given, and paid week ly, or as required.—Enquire at this office. June 38. For Sale, An Elegant Fair of DAPPLE GREY HORSES, well broke to the, carriage—Apply at Lacy and M* Gar’s Livery Stable*. J 6. ts Wanted to Purchase A STEADY FVMILY HORSE, and (0 hire, u geod house Ser vant.—Apply at this Ossie. June 38. ~ NOTICE. ~ BB STOUVENBURGH is fully D authorized to act as my Attorney, ray absence from Augusta. John Miller. May 3. • tl Dancing School. Mr. COLMESML lias the ho nor to inform his friends and the public, that his School is open at Mr. Leslie’s Long Room at 5 o’clock in the evening—and half past 7 at night. __ June 35. ts A Card. THE Female School in the Richmond Academy, will be continu ed under the superintendauoe of Mr. Warden, as heretofore, the quarter commencing this day. - By order > f the. Trustees,' ISAAC HERBERT. CVk. July 1. «f t Pound, i A receipt lor Cotton Stored at Messrs > A. Erkins Groce Sc Co. W re 14 use. » j The owner can m ve it by describing the I same, and paying for this advertisement, , and calling on A. Rhodes jr. t June 12. » - FOR SALE, f rfIHE House at present occupied by 1 jL Mr. Jacob Benner, on Broad-street —as good a stand (or busines- as any in * the Gay. Possession can be had in Sep _ temper next. x Patrick Kelly. 3 June 28. ts Wants a situation a young man who has been in busi ness for some time in this place * j For further particulars enquire at _ i this office, or the A. B. store. B 1 July »• -ts Bolting Cloths. THE subscriber has just received a complete assortment of genuine Dutch Bolting Cloths, of ch n mbti s, and wil< keep a constant , supp V '.unng the season ' J. S. Walker. Jum 28. ts VVe urc authorized to announce Mr. Mann as candidate To; He civer < f Tax Returns of Rich ti j. .nd c at the ensuing elec uon. June 21. ' ' | $ 1 J-L.. 11 i ——i / ■ 1 „ 7 : . —— . the subscribers Have Just Received, OKOC) YHq D»mettin lUb. Shirtings A Plaids Plaid & Changeable India Lustrings, Ditto do . DarsnoUt), ' Black and colored SincheHs, Canton Crapes, Parasols, , Ladie’s Black A White Silk Hose and Gloves, Canton Handkerchiefs, Bowing silk and Twiftt, Tortoise shell Combs, —JILBO— II lids. New England Rum, 30 Barrels Sugar, 1000 lbs. Virginia-Chewing Tobacco, Which together with their present Stock, are offered on low terms at Wholesale and Retail. R. MALONE, A Co. July 9. a Just Received, S For Sale, ■' 10 Barrels Salmon, 20 Ditto Mackerel, j 140 Boxes Smoaked Herring, 40 Ditto Motild C andies, Jamaica Rum, , West India ditto, Northern ditto, Holland Gin, Whisky, Coffee, Sugar & Mokisses, By JAMES SIKES, Five dno; s above tht Market, south side of Broad-street. July 9. / ts “COW HIDESr ffc il-‘. subscriber uas on hand a JL quantity of the beat well llryed Cow Hides. Jiho, a full and General Assortment LEATHER, which be offers to sell low for cash. JOHN RUCKER. July 9. ts George Hudsop, HAS JUST REV El flih, And offers for sale, next door above R. Lang and Co. 60 Hnds. & Barrels N .Orleans and MuecovadoSugars 50 hhds and blls St. Croix and N. E. Rum 12 tons assorted Iron 50 bags Grefcn Coffee 60 reams Writing Paper Irish Potatoes Cider in Barrels Naukeens, Au. oc.—Low for cash or approved paper at 60 days only. June 31 1 am REMOVAL. J. W. Bridges^ HAS taken the House formerly occupied by P. Brown, two doors above JoHn Miller’s aud near the Market, where he has on hand An Extensive Assortment of DRV GOODS, Groceries & Hardware Which will be sold low by Whole sale or Retail, for Cash or approved Paper. * June 38. (0* we ave authorised to announce Richard Bush, a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June 25. We are authorized to annoum-e Col. Peter Donaldson, a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, for Richmond couuty, at the ensuing electiou. June 11. are authorised to announce A. Rhodes, jr. a candidate fur the of fice of Sheriff, for Hicbiuoud County, at the ensuing election. June 14 are authorized to announce Anslem Bigu, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. j June 7. (j 3“ We are authorized to announce Edmund Bugo, jun. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for Rich mond county, at the ensuing election. July 8. ts * # * Wea« e authorized to announce Thomas Handley acamhdatc for the -office of Tax Collector for Richmond j county at theeosuipg electiou, J 5. r REMOVAL, A M'KINSTRT t<t CO. Have removed to the Store lately occu pied by Messrs, t. G, & R. M erg an A Vo. J V*a, 1, comer bridge Row, Where they have Just Received in ad dition to their former stoik, 13 Packages Fresh Imported FAN TV w STAPLE Dry Goods,' VMONG WHICH ARE— FLORENCE, French’ and India Lustrings, Satins, Levantine and Plaid Silks, 5,6, 7 and 8 Rich figured Damask and plain Bilk Shawls, Lace Veils, Lace Net. Thread and Colored Edgings, Large assortment plain and figured Mulls, Jaconets, Cambricks, Lcnos and Book Muslins, Black aod colored Cauton and Italian Crapes, Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs, Bandannocs, Flaggs and Cotton do. 4,5, 6. 7, and 8 Cotton Imitation and Fancy colored Shawls, Figured and plain Madrass Hand ker chiefs and Cravats, Calicoes, Chintzes, Furnitures and Ginghams, Irish Linens, Colerain Maddipollaih and steam loom shirtings, Nankeens, colored Casimere, White and striped Jeans, Bilk, Cotton aud Worsted Hosiery, .silk, Beaver and Kid Gloves, La re Sleeves, Rich Bpanglud Fans, Needle Cases, Sewing Silks, Thread and Tapes . Parasols, Silk Umberellas, &c. —VLSO Black, Blue, Brown aud Mixed Su perfine and common Broad Cloths and Cassimers, . Silk and Cotton Vestings, , Domestic Plaids, <Stiipcs, Chocks, Diapers and Shirting. ♦ Together with almost eVery other article in their line—all of which will he sold for chsh at small ad vance. „ „ June 18. pw N. 8.—30 Waggons Wanted to take load for Knoxville. | Mackenzie & Fence, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by H. and R. Thomas, Ah Extensive Assortment of British, India & trench Goods, ■ t 1 ' Which will be sold low for Cash, Pro. duce or on a liberal credit to those known t> be punc ual.' November 15. if THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and IndiA GOODS*' Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated tor the Spring and Sum mer Business—Which they oiler at Wholesale and Retail, on accbmmodat. ing terms. William Simsj & Co. March 5. ts Stainback wilson, AMD JAMES A. BLACK; HAVING associaud themselves in >usin as under the fi.mof fVIL. S(JJ\t W BLACK, offer their services to their Fiends, and the public in genera), in the COMMISSION AMD Faetorge Line. They have the Warc-Housc lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett & Silts, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. Augusta, April SO. 2o Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the Plantation of Mias Campbell in Jefferson county, near Louisville, a Negro Man named , SCIPIO, about * feet 10 or 11 inches high, he has thick lips and is slender made— he is well known in Augusta and Savannah. The above yeward and all reasonable charges will be pa id fur de livering him in the gaol of Augusta 01 Savannah, and notice thereof to Geo. Jones. Savannah, 2d July, 1817. yvf 1 i Edward Quin & fcfe HAVE Just deceived by {he ship* Wi iiliam & Henry, Georgia and Oglethorpe from Liverpool, the fqjU lowing arlules which they offer for tale on moderate terms:- 30 casks assorted Hardware and . . Cutlery., \ . . * *r do.small,sized bell-metal Ret- , ■ tics apd Skillets • 2 ([b. Carpenter's Plain* » 2 do. Steelyards ' , 2 do. Marbles. .. . 6 do. London Pewte* Plates, Di sit es and basons 3 Cases singled & double barrelled * ■. Guns iv . , . W , % 20 kegs wrought Nails A Spike* 20 Casks assorted Glassufare BO do. London Porter 4 few boxes London Mustard A few hampers Cheshire Cheese 86 Anvils and V r ices , 6 Ton Shot and Bur Lead 6 do. Castings 25U0 tbs.. Sheet Iron , 10* Copper bed Patent Tea-Kettle* 1 Case Irish Linens and Diaper 2 Bales Boiubazette / unhand . SO Casks Philadelphia bottl’d Porter 10 do. Draft do do * 6do j do ttye Whisky 10 Puncheons *ih prf. jam. Runi 6 do. Wesl-lodiu dp. 2 Pipes superior Holland Gin' 20 Quarter casks Sherry Wine 150 I tags Coffee 15 Bbls. Loaf Sugar f 8 Chests Hyson Tea & 15 Bbls. Almonds and* PHberti 50 Bqxes Spanish Besr;trs ' - i 15 Bbls. Train Oil 100 Kegs White Lead & Spanish Brown ( V* 15 Boxes Soap 00 Kegs Dupont £?Co’s Gunpowder 15 Cases line and Knram Hats A constant supply of northern Soal* * Bridle na okirthig. Leather Calf Muroubo, Sheep and Hog skins, , 4 C? 0. 0 June 4. jt J.D; Weathers &Co* / tiave Lately Received, 100 Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar^ 30 Bags Prime Green Coffee^ 3 Hhds. 4th Proof/aimaica Rani -10 Hhds N. K/ftum; 3 pipes 4th proof Old Gognkid Brandy, * * s - w 3 do. Holland Gift, 30 Groce Black Bottles, -...i —■ALSO 1 ™ i , . Ji HaruUomeyiMfl tn.ent of . SPRING GOODS/ Well adapted to the approaching season. All of which will be sold at (heir usual low and accommodating terms; April 16 If SPRINQ GOODS’ . William Wright, le ItOw receiving pe /trig Melvidere, from ATew-Fork A Complete & extensive As sortment of Gl MH)B Adapted to the Seasons—consisting rs British, French and India dry GOODS; HARD WARKJ& CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions, Hats, Millinatyv Stationary, &c. &c. . , Together with a Complete Jtisortwehi GROCERIES*, Great attention has been given hi Ihe selection of the above Goods, so as to embrace alia**! every article requisite fop Country &tb?es. They will be offered extremely low by the Piece, or Package, in the new boil* ding next above Messrs. U. J* Meigs, & Co. near the upper end Broad Street, Way Vki Mai