Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 16, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. I - : ..... .. .. . -1 ■ r-.- •„ , ■v .( I fVOl*. PRINTED BY KEAN & DUYCKINCK, broad-street. WEDNESDAY. Juit<«. “ 111 ■■■ ■ I - - . ,'■ * — 1 ■■ ■ IT JT »• V • THE CHRONICLE # IS PVIMBHEO IT WEDNESDVY& jSATJJIIDAY, I Fire Dollars per annum, PAYABLE Ilf ADVANCE^ irigade Orders. Augusta, 10fh July, 1817. DM the many complaint* made y citizens of the different coun omposing he Ist Brigade, 2d an, Georgia Militia, ai to the e Law not being sufficiently ed, and well knowing its ira ce to community, the citizens habitants generally—l deem it tally necessary therefore to is ds my order—Requiring every in or Commanding Officer of mies composing this Brigade, ;r without delay to the law on bject, and fully inform them* thereof, as a strict compliance o will in future be required aod ed. cen may rest assuredthat steps t taken for ah'enquiry into their it, should they be found defici neglectful in conforming to nforoing this law. They will ticular in appointing sober and derly men as Captains of Pat* is the t'aptains so appointed t accountable for the moderate erect behaviour of those imme* ' under their charge. \r&ir of Brigadier General T. OCR. W. BARTON, aid-de-camp. 9 « 1 Colonels and Majors are re d and called upon to aid and in seeing the above order fully igidly enforced in their respec egiments and Battalions. imiSUriSCUIBh.KS, ve Just Received, ase Furniture Fringes o Brown Hollands o 3-4 Checks o Pulicat Hkfs. o Hosiery o Bombazetts •i White and Plaid Homespuns runks 6-4 Cambric s. short Nankeens jams wrapping Paper ■ALSO ja and N. E. Rum id Gin Lump and Brown Sugar Tea, Coffee, Ac. T. &. J Cunningham. r 12 D. Ralston, IAS JUST RECEIVED, ff'ers for sale on accommodat ing terms, Hhds. Muscovado Sugsp*, arrels and Bags Green Coffee, [ds. and 30 Blls. N. E. Rum, >o. sth proof Jam. Rum ils Peach Brandy ». Cider * J ipes C. Brandy . * » H. Gin egs assorted Patent Shot > Buck do isks London Porter fuun&Hyson Tea io qr. boxes ■esh box Imperial Tea ags Almonds . *>csh Chocolate and London Mustard * )ld Madeira and Port Wine in bottles X * and Lump Sugar »ns assorted li on, - ALSO—An elegant Wheel Carriage, AND ' - lATCH of horses, [even years old. l y* ■ ft olting Cloths, ff I? L C' ac, sudscit.,c s have just receiv ed a complete assort meat of the TH8 ty DUTtH BOJLTING Edward Quin, & Co tf ~BSnk checks For Sale at this Oilice. EXHIBITION, WILL be exhibited for a few days only, at the Boom over Mr. Randolph’s hat store a PAvrnjfQ representing the Celebrated Danae. , For paticulars enquire at the store. July * Boarding House. A FEW gentlemen can be accom. modated with gented Board, on mo derate terms. Mary Silbert, July 2. ts Mrs. Maria A. Pierce HAS OPENED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street , Savannah, Geo. Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re spectability, will meet with every polite attention. - Savannah. February ry. ts To Hire, AN eMmear female HOUSE SERVANT—AppIy at this of fiee. July 2. fVanted to Hire, 4 WET NURSE.—Liberal wag /V es will be given, and paid week ly or as required.—Enquire at this office. June 28. ! For Sale, An Elegant Pair of DAPPLE GREY HOUSES, well broke to the carriage—Apply at Lacy and M‘Gar’s Livery Stables. J 5. ts -* ———— ■■ - ; Wanted to Purchase A STEADY F AMILY HORSE, and to hire, a good bouse Ser vant.—Apply at this Office. June 28. NOTICE. ““ BB STOUTENBURGH is fully O authorized to set as my Attorney, during my absence from Augusta. John Miller. May 3. ts Dancing School. MR. COLMESNIL has the ho nor to inform his friends and the public, that his School is open at Mr. Leslie’s Long Room at 6 o’clock in the evening—and half past 7 at night. June 25. ts « A Card. {£J° THE Female School in the Richmond Academy, will be continu ed under the superintendance of Mr. ; Wakuen, as heretofore, the quarter commencing this day. By order of the Trustees. ISAAC HERBERT. Cl’fe. July 1. ts Found, A receipt tor Cotton Stored at Messrs A. Erwins Groce & Co. Ware House. The owner can have it by describing the same, and paying for this advertisement, i and calling on A. Rhodes jr.' June 12. FOR SALE, THE House at present occupied by Mr. Jacob Benner, on Broad-street —as tr>d a stand tor business as any in the Cuy. Possession can be had in Sep tember next. Patrick Kelly. June 28. ts SS“VV ants a situation a young man who has been in busi ness for some timq in this place.— For further particulars enquire at this office, or the A. B. store. July 9. ts * . Polling Cloths. THE subscriber has just received a complete assortment of genuine’ Dutch Bolting Cloths, 1 of alt numbers, and' wih keep a constant . suppiy during the season , ’ Jr S. Walker.. * , June J?. ts , We are authorized to announce Mr. Hiram Mann as candidate for Receiver of l ax Returns of, Rich mond county at the ensuing elec tion. June 21. V * * r . i " V Edward Quin & Co. HfAVE Just Retired by the ships ; William & Henry, Georgia ami Oglethorpe from Liverpool, (he fol lowing articles which they offer for sale on pioderate terms:— 50 cask* assorted Hardware and Cuflery # # 7 do. small sized iTell-mttal Ket tles and Skillets 2 do. Carpenter’s Plains! 2 do. Steelyards 2 do. Marbles 5 do. London Pewter Plates, Wish es and Basons 3 Cases single & doubli barrelled Guns - j 20 kegs wrought Nails &j Spikes 20 Casks assorted Glassware 60 do. London Porter A few boxes London Mustard A few hampers Cheshire Cheese 86 Anvils and Vices 6 Ton Shot and Bar Lead 6 do. Castings 2500 lbs. Sheet Iron 100 Copper aed Patent Tea-Kettles i Case Irish linens and Diaper 2 Bales Bumbazctte ON HArvD 30 casks Philadelphia bottl’d Porter 10 do. Draft do do 6do do Rye Whisky 10 Puncheons 4th prf. Jam. Rum 5 do. West-India do. I 2 Pipes superior Holland Gin ! go Quarter casks Sherry W ine 150 Bags Coffee 15 Bbls. Loaf Sugar 8 Chests Hyson Tea 15 Bbls. Almonds and Filberts 50 Boxes Spanish Segars Train Gil 100 Kegs White Lead & Spanish ■ Brown 15 Boxes Soap 60 Kegs Dupont & Co’» Gunpowder 15 Cases fine and ftoram Hats A constant supply of northern goal. Bridle and Skirting Leather Calf Morocco, Sheep and Hog skins, &C.&O. June 4. „ jt . ~ J.D. Weathers &Co, Have Lately Received, 100 Reams p^nf 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 Bags Prime Green Coffee, 3 Hhds. 4th ProofJaimaicaßum 10 Hhds N. Pi. Rum, 3 pipes 4th proof Old Gogniac Brandy, 3 do. Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles, * ALSO J Uandbome Jlaso tment of SPRING GOODS, Well adapted to the approaching season. All of which will be sold at their usual low aud accommodating terms. April 16 | ts SPRING GOODS7 William Wright, Is now receiving pe Brig belvidere, . from New-Fork A Complete & extensive As sortment of GOODS Adapted to the Seasons—consisting of British, French and India ' DRY GOODS, HARD WARE & CUTLERY, Shoes of all Descriptions, Hats, » Millinary r - , Stationary, &c. &c. / Together with a Complete Assortment GROCERIES*. Great attention has been given in the selection of the above Goods, so as to embrace almost every article requisite for Country Stores. They will be offered extremely low by the Piece, or Package, in the new buil ding next above Messrs. B. J* Msies, & Co. near the upper end Broad Street. REMOVAL, A M'KIXSTHY & CO. Have removed to the Store lately occu pied by Messrs. V, G.&R. Morgan A Co. JV*o.l, corner bridge Row, Where they have Just Received in ad dition to their former stock, la Packages Fresh Imported FANCY v STAPLE Dry Goods, —AMONG WHICH ARB— FLORENCE, French and India Lustrings, Satins, Levantine and Plaid Silks, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Rich figured Damask and plain Silk Shawls, Lace Veils, Lace Net, Thread and Colored Edgings, Large assortment plain and figured Mulls, Jaconets, Cambricks, Lenos and Book Muslins, Black and colored Canton and Italian Crapes, Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs, Bandannoes, Flaggs and Cotton do* 4,6, 6, 7, and 8 Cotton Imitation and Fancy colored Shawls, Figured and plain Madrass Handker chiefs and Cravats, Calicoes, Chintzes, Furnitures and Ginghams, Irish Linens, Colerain Maddipollam and steam-loom shirtings, Nankeens, colored Casimere, White and striped Jeans, Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hosiery, Silk, Beaver and Kid Gloves, Lace 'lueves, Rich Spangled Fans, Needle Cases, Sewing Silks,* Thread . and I'apes Parasols, Silk Uraberellas, Sc c. . ALSO Black, Blue, Brown and Mixed Su perfine and common Broad Cloths and Cassimers, Silk and Cotton Vestings, Domestic Plaids, Checks, Diapers and Shirting. . Together with almost every other article - in their line—all of which will be sold for cash at small ad vance. June 18. Dvr N. 8.—30 Waggons Wanted to take load for Knoxville. i —...... - - -■ Mackenzie & Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied*by H. I. • and R. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British , India & French Goods , Which will be sold low for Cash, Pro. duce or on a liberal credit to those known to be punctual. November 15. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India GOODB, Consisting of almost evccy arti cle calculated tor the Spring djjp Sum mer Business—Which theyTfler, at Wholesale and Retail, on accommodat ing terms. William Sims, & Co. * March 5. ts bTAINBACK WILSON, ~ A AMD JAMBS A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm of IVIL. SOM & BLACK, r ffer their services to their friends, and the public in general, in Ibe COMMISSION AMD Factorge Line.' They have the "Ware. House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett fc Sims, where every attention will be given to render geneva! sttisEacUory April 30. 2o Dollars Reward? O UN AWAY from the Plantation of XV. Miss Campbell in Jefferson county, near Louisville, a Negro Man named SQIPiO, about i feet IQ or 11 inches high, be has thick lips and it slender made— he well known in Augusta and The above reward and all reasonable charges wilt be paid for de livering him in the gad of Augusta or Savannah, and notice thereof to Geo. Jones. Savannah, 34 July, \UI, IW Just Received , & FtH I v * ' '% Sale, \ jpff'" dis 10 Barrels Salmon* 20 Ditto Mackerel, 4 * 140 Boxes Smoaked Herring, ’ ‘ 40 Ditto Mould Candles, Jamaica Hum, West India ditto, * ' ’> * Northern ditto, "• ..' Holland Gin, Whisky Coffee* Sugar & Molasnto , By JAM Ed SIKES* Five doors above the Market , soil*! side of Broad-street, July 9. ■> . xo^hietelt subscriber lias on band a , cTwß q Z li,:rof, ' , * be, ‘ l,6,l •HUtOf a full and General Assortment .. LEATHER, . * winch he offers to sell low so? cash. , JOHN RUCKER. July 9. , t s . George Hudson, HAH JUST RECEIVED, And offers for sale, next door abend & Lang and Co. 60 Hhds. & Barrels N.Orleansand MuieoTaduSdran 60 hhds and blls 8U Croix and N. IS, Rum' it tons assorted Iron. 60 bugs Green Coffee 60 reams Writing Paper Irish Potatoes Cider in Barrels Naokebnd, oo.—Low for cash Or approved paper at 60 days only. June 31 AM REMOVAL. J. W* Bridges, HAS taken the House formerly occupied by P. Bttowu, two 1 doors above John Miller’s and near the Market, where lie has on bund An Extensive Assortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries & Hardware Which will be sold low by Whole* sale or Retail, for Cash or approved ***P er - June *B. (b*w« are authorised to aunotMoe Richard Rush, a candidate for the ollice of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county* at the easting election. Ju„ e 2 i. 9 OU° We are authorized to anwounch Col. Peter Donaldson* a candidate for the office of SHERIFF* for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June Ibf are authorised to aniiodtiKtl A. Rhodes, jr. a candidate for tbeof fice of Sheriff, for Richmond County, at the ensuing election. J line ih O" We are authorized to aanounee Anslem Hugo, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June 7. We are authorized to announce Edmund Hugo, jun. a candidate the the office of Tax Collector for Ri< h* mood county, at the ensuing election* July 9. w- tr *** We are authorised to announce Thomas acandidate tor the office of Tax Collector for Richmond county at the ensuing election* J 6, ~nstic& * THE subscribers having received an assignment from the late fitmsL Richard I. Eastcb, b Co. of sundry**" Notes, Ac. and having placed them in the hands of WilliaH Jonas, for collection, with instructions to urge immediate pay* ment, all persons concerned Will there* fore take due notice. t Minis & Htnry. June 4- , n “notice; ~ THE firm of Cunningham & Meigs is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Persons bating claims against the firm, ary requested to present them; and payment is expected from those indebt d to us, by note or book account.^