Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 19, 1817, Image 1

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W- • iA,V, •■ A- ———v .9h ' w ~ ' v >v :/‘ "M * ' * 1 1 / , tvou mi..* i«6.] 1 Printed by kean 0 duyckinck. Saturday. jdly 1* S #'■■ %." 4 T&E AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, 19 PUBLISHED ' jSVBB* WEDNESDAY k SATURDAY, •it Fip« Dollars per annum, PAJABJiB IN ADVANCE* Brigade Orders. Augusta, iOth July, 1817. FROM the many complaints made by citizens of Che different coun ties composing the Ist Brigade, 2d Division, Georgia Militia, as to the Patroie Low not being sufficiently enforced, and well knowing its im portance to oumtniMHty, the citizens and inhabitants generally—l deem it essentially necessary therefore to is me this my order—Requiring every Captain or Commanding Officer of Companies composing this Brigade} to refer without delay to the law on the subject, and fully inform them selves thereof, as a strict compliance thereto Ml! in future be required and eipeeted. Officers may rest assured that steps will be taken fur an enquiry into their [conduct, should they he found dcfici jeut or neglectful in conforming to bud enforcing this law. They will Be particular in appointing sober and Lid orderly men as Captains of Pat ftole, as the Captains so appointed Bill be accountable for the moderate Bud correct behaviour of those imme ■ately under their charge. I By order of Brigadier General T. ■lvscock. W. BARTON, aid-de-camp. I (j3* Cplonels'and Majors are re- 1 nested and called upon to aid and Itsist in seeing the above order fplly lud rigidly enforced in their respec tive Regiments and Battalions. I THEsuSsUEIEERb, I Have Just i case Furniture Fringes 1 do Brown Hollands I ido 3-4 Checks I t clo Pulicat tikis. I Ido Hosiery I Ido Bombazetts 1 3do While and Plaid Homespuns / S trunks 6-4 Cambric ■OO ps. short Nankeens ■SO reams wrapping Paper ALSO Jamaica and N. E. Rum Holland Gin loaf, Lump and Brown Sugar ■yson Tea, Coffee, Ac. T. & J Cunningham. § July 12 I Es. Ralston, ; HAS JUST RECEIVED, ■nd offers for sale on accommodat ing terms, 16 Hhds. Muscovado Sugar, Ao Barrels and Bags Green Coffee, ■0 Hds. and 30 fills. N. E. Rum, ■ 6 Do. 5t h proof Jam. Rum Ko bits Peach firandy ■2 do. Cider ■4 pipes C. Brandy ■l do H. Gin ■5 kegs assorted Patent Shot ■I do Buck do ■6 casks London Porter I Young Hyson 'Pea in qr. boxes li fresh box imperial Tea ■8 bags Almonds Fresh Chocolate and London Mustard-' Old Madeira and Port Wioc in bottles Loaf and Lump Sugar Bo tens assorted Iron. ALSO—Ah elegant ■ Wheel Carriage, AND ■match of horses, Bfy seven 3 ears old. itt | REMOVAL ■ J. W. Bridges, ■f AS taken the House formerly HI occupied by P- Brown, two Hers above John Miller’s aud near H Market, where he has on baud B£n Extensive Assortment of WRY GOOiiS, will be sold low by Whule- I e ° r Retail, for Cash or approved HP er * June 28. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE EXHIBITION. WILL be exhibited for a few days only, at the Room over Mr. Randolph’s hat store A PAINTING representing the 1 * Celebrated Danae. IJor patieulara enquire at the store. ' ~ July ; Boarding House. | A PEW gentlemen can be accom. xXmodatcU with genteel Board, on mo derate terms. Mary Silbcrt. , July 2* if ; Mrs. Maria A. Pierce f HAS OPENED A r Boarding House, | in St. Julian Street , Savannah, Geo. t Where Gentlemen and Ladies of re. , spectability, will meet with every poliit attention. Savannah. Febrnsrv tj.' ts To Hire, AN excellent female HOUSE SERVANT—AppIy at this of fiee. July 2. Wanted to Hire , A WET NURSE.—Liberal wag es Vi ill be given, and paid week ly, or as required.—Enquire at this June 28. For .Sale, An Elegant Pair of DAPPLE GREY HOUSES, Well broke to the J carriage—Apply at Lacy ami M‘Gar’s Livery Stables. J 5. ts Wanted to Purchase A STEADY FAMILY HORSE, and to hire, a good house Ser vant.—Apply at this Office. June 28. NOTICE. 88. STOUTENBURGH is fully 0 authorized to act us my Attorney, during my absence from Augusta. John Miller. May 3. tt Dancing School. II R. COLMESNIL has <hc bo- ITJL nor to inform his friends and the public, that his School is epen alt Mr. Leslie’s Long Room at 5 o’clock in the evening—land half past 7 at night. June 25. ts A CarcK {(3 s * THE Female School in the Richmond Academy, will be continu ed under the superintendance of Mr. Wahukn, as heretofore, the quarter commencing this day. By order of the Trustees. ISAAC HERBERT. Cl’k. 'July 1. »f Found, A receipt lor Cotton Stored at Messrs A. Erwins Crock &Co. Ware House. The owner can have it by describing the same, and paying for this advertisement, and calling on A. Rhodes jr, June 12. ___ £3“ Wants a situation a young man who has been in busi ness for some time in this place.— For further particulars enquire at this office, or the A. B. store. July 9. t£_ Bolting Cloths. THE subscriber has just received a complete assortment of genuine Dutch Bolting Cloths, of all numbers, and will keep a constant supply during the season J. S. Walker. June SB. We are authorized to announce Mr. Hiram Mann as candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Rich mond county at the ensuing elec tion. Jnne 21. •“ SHAMROCK “ Friendly Association. A MEETING of the Members will be heh* at the Globe Tavern, on THURSDAY, the 24th of this m«otb, ,» 5 o’clock in the ev> : ng, to transact business of importance—Members art ; ivouested to be punctual in their attend ««. *>*r lS - REMOVAL, J , *J M'KItfSTRT 6f. CO Have removed to the Stare Idcly occu pied by Messrs. C. G.& R Morgan Al Co. JCo. 1, comer ftfidee Sow• Where they have Jmt R&ftVld In ad dition to their former ilok, la Packages Fresh Imported STABLE Dry Goods,' —amono which are— L'LOHENCE, French utl India JL Lustrings, Satins, Levantine and Plaid Silks, bf 6,7 and 8 Rich figured Auiuask and |ilaio Silk Shawls, Lace Veils, Lace Net. 1 Thread and Colored Edgings,! Large assortment plain and figured Mulls, Jaroriets, Cam bricks, - Leoos and Book Muslins, | Black and colored Cadtou and Italian Crapes, ' Fancy Dress Handkerchiefs/ Bandanuoes, Flaggs and Cofon do. 4>, 5, fi, 7, and 8 Cotton Imitation and i Fancy colored Shawls, Figured and plain Mad rats JKaudker ohieis and Cravats, i Calicoes, Chintzes, Fuviturcs and Ginghams, Irish Linens, Colerain Naddipollam and steam loom shiiiugs. Nankeens, colored CasinErc, White and striped Jeans Silk, Colton and Worslei Hosiery, Silk, Beaver and Kid Gltvet, Lace Sleeves, Rich Spaniel Fads, Needle Cases, Sewiug SilV*. Thread and Tapes Parasols, Silk Umherellas, to. ALSO—« 1 Black, Blue, Brown and Mixed Su perfine and common Brotd Cloths and Cassimersi Silk and Cotion Vestings, Domestic Plaids, Ntripev, Checks, Diapers and Shirting. Together with almost every other article in their line—all of which will be sold for cash at small ad vance. June 18. "yaw N. 8.— 30 Waggons Wanted to take load for Knoxvi^c. Mackenzie & Poncq OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by Jh - ana it. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British j India & b rench Goods , Which will be sold low for Cash, Pro duce or on a liberal credit to those known to be punctual. November 15. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS ~ Have Just Received, 130 Packages British, French and India 0001)8# Consisting of almost every arti cle calculated ior the Spring and Suni mcr Business—Which they otter at Wholesale and Retail, bn accommodat ing terms. William Sims, & Co. March-5. ts STAINBACK WILSON", AM* JAMES A. BLACK, HAVING associated themselves in ousintss under the firm of WIL . 60A & BLACK, efier their services to their friends, and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorge Line. They have the Ware-H>mse lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett 8c Sims* where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30. Mississippi Stock For Sale at the Post-Office. July 16. If QJ* Docts. FENDALLC GLENN, have removed (heir SHOP, to the house next above the Augusta Book Store. Juty i 6. Corn for Sale. Apply to Charles Wilson, atFlewel leu’s Ware-House. July 16—b i • J;D, Weathers &Co, Have Lately Received, ; 100 Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 30 Bags Prime Green Coffire, 3 Hhds. 4th Proof]aimaicaßum 10 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 3 pipes 4th proof Old Gogniac Brandy, » 3 do. Holland Gin, 30 Groce Black Bottles/ ’ —ALSO— ? •» A Handsome Assortment of spring goods, Well adapted to die approaching season. * All of which will be sold at their usual low and accommodating terms. April 16 ts To Architects. PERSONS disposed to undertake the 1 building of a Steeple toChrist Church in Augusta, are rtquisted to send in their proposals to the Trustees without delay* An estimate of the ivholp cost is request ed} to be built in conformity to a draft : .row in possession of the Board « r if the Artist should prefer a different plan he it 1 "tquested to furnish one with his propo lis. The cash will be paid by the Trust, ( when Ihe work is completed, and it ne- j essary; advances will be made as the work pi ogresses. By order oj the Board of Trustees, J. Hutchinson, Chairman. Tulv is Notice. I I 'T'HA following articles were shipped JL uu board the boat Independence, in Savannah, in June last, and are now in the Ware-Hi use of the subscribers, viz: 20 Half Cliesti Tea, 10 Quarter do. do. marked diamond P.—-Also, received by the boat Cotton Plant, in December last, One Cask Glass Ware, marked S H.—The owners of the above goods are requested to call, present their receipts and take them away. , T..& E. Flewelleri. July 10. ts * ** THE Trustees of the Rich mond A cade my will convene at their room in the Academy on Thursday the 31st of the present month, at 10 o'clock in the lortnoon. Persons Who have purchased lots upon ground rent, and who are in arrears, would do.well to attend on that diy, as the trust arc determined to re enter upon all lots not paid fur by the first day f August next. By Order, Isaac Herbert, el'k, July 16. v 1 .11 « The wish of the proprietors of the celebrated Madiaori Mineral Spring, being to give satisfaction to all those persons who may favor them with their company at that well known j seat of health, inform the public they are now ready for the reception of visitors i they are determined to spare no attention for its completion. As this establish ment is young, we are determined to use exertions to give it a reputation, and so licit a support from our fr.ends and a geh rous public ; we hope to be enabled to af ford a comfortable retreat to invalids and other visitors. - James Alexander, Co. Madison Spring 03. July 16. 18*7 - c (0* U e are authorised to announce Richard Bush, a candidate for (lie office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at (he ensuing election. June 28. (0° We are authorised’ to announce Col. pBTKir Donaldson, a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. , June It. Wc are authorised to announce A. Rhodes, jp. a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, lor Uiehmoad4soun(y, at (he ensuing election. June 14 We are authorized to announce Akslem Bugg, a candidate for (he office of Sheriff for Richmond county at Che ensuing election. June 7. We ace authorized to announce Edmund Bugg, jun. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for Rich mond county, at the ensuing election. July 9. ts * # * We are authorized to announce Thomas Handley acandidaie for the office of Tax Collector for Richmond county at the ensuing election, J 9, -f .AOlft Just Sale t ; 10 Barrels Salmon* 20 Ditto Mtonkefej, 140 Boxes Sthoakcd Hpiriitg. 40 Ditto Mould CAdips. * Jamaica Rum, West India ditto, Northern dittp, Holland Gini Whisky, Coffee; Sugaf& Molasses, By James sikes^ F.« d„ ff r» nlvrt I*. Mark*. Wifi ; side of Broad-street, July 0. ts - George Hudson. ■ mas Just Ructsm •ana offers for sale, next door above i K' hang and Co. 60 Hhds; & Barrels .' i ■N'Orlcans indMmopvadvSuirarir 60 hhds and bits Bt. Croix ahd 3. b! 4*i ltum ' . & 1* tßßAUliu>l«<l I—— pO bags Green Coffee CO reams Writing Paper Irish Potatoes Cider la Barrels Nankeens, &e, £fc.f-Low for rash or* approved paper at CO days only, ■ Jane 21 Important To Planters & Manufacturers. A FEW arts of CARDING. ROP tx. INO&SPINNING MACHINES, for manufacturing Cotton, are how open for inspection at the Ware House of Messrs, Rrux b* Scurry, near the bridges where all persons (who feel disposal to patronize the labors of genius, or encou rage Domestic Manufactures) are invited to call and examine the seiUe, as It is pre., sumed that their operation will afford indisputable proofs <rf their excellence, which will supercede the neacMky oTlmm stowing that encomium upon them Iq this advertisement, which they so justly deserved . * * 9 These Machines are an improvement on Messrs, fiisscll Hinman & Willson’* plan, and the workmanship id executed in a manner superior to any which have here tofore been built. Any person wishing to purchase a sin gle set of the Machines, or the Patent Right for a State or County, Wi|l be sc* commodated on liberal terms; and should any person purchase the right for a cer tain Territory) may in a reasonable time be accommodated with *ny quantity of machinery on a reduced price, as soon as they cart be built, by applying at the i bovc mentioned place to S. Willson, artid William Danfprd, or to Janies Barton, > in Augusta, I June 4. If " FOU bALK. nPHE subscriber offers for Sale his x ' farm in Columbia county, on the Uchee creek, 15 miles above Augusta* containing 600 acres of land. The land is rtf a good quill's, one half cleared and in cultivation- it is well watered and rtf mulatto and grey soil—tolerable good improvements—a gin that goes by watrtr, ah apple orchard of 450 trees of choice fruit, a peach orchard of 6000 trees, and all other fruit common in these parts. The purchaser can be furnished with corn and fodder, and stock of aU kind oft the premises on good terms.. I ekpect to start to the Western coun try about the middle of August, and Will be absent for two mouths. Personswfeh ing to purchase, will do well to view the land before that time—-but in my absence application can be made to Joiraf A. Smitst, on the premises. J. W. Smitfev. July 7, *t % Runaway FROM the, subscriber on Wepqts. day the id instant, on the com. mrtns of Augusta, a dark Chcsnut Sor rel horse, seven years old, above five feet high, light irtaeje, a small blaze in his face, and a switch tail, shod all round, trots, paces and canters'. Any person Who will take up said horse and take good enre of him, and give information of the same to me, living in Warren county, near Carter’s Ford, or to Wm.F. Scott in Powelton, shall bits well rewarded for their trouble. Francis Scott. | July Iff,' ' a