Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 26, 1817, Image 1

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I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. I rrOL -. XXXL - N °' 1638 ' r PRINTED BY KBAN fiLDIfoCKINCX, BHoiD irHEET. fIiTUUDAY. JDLY *. 1817 . I THE 3TA CBROWICLE, IS PUBLISHED > VED-.BSD \Y & SATURDAY, ‘ re Dollars per annum % Iff ADVANCE. gade Order#. Augusta, ±oth July , 1817. the many complaint* made rizens of the different coun msing he Ist Brigade, 2d Georgia Militia, as to the iow not being sufficiently and well knowing its im o community, the citizens tants generally—l deem it necessary therefore to is* ly order—Requiring every r 'Commanding » ffiecr of i composing this Brigade, ithout delay to (he law on t, and fully inform them ■eof, as a strict compliance ilia future be required and may rest assured that steps en lor an enquiry into their tiould they be found defici jleetful in conforming to sing this law. They will ar in appointing sober and y men as Captains of Pat le Captains so appointed ounlahle for the moderate L behaviour of those irnme ler their charge. • of Brigadier General T. . ■ .j. .j BARTON, aid-de-camp. ohels End Majors are re d called upon to aid and eing the above older fully y enforcted in their respec tents and Battalions. E SUBSCRIBERS >e fust Received , 0 Packages l, French and India jfDODS* rig of almost everv at ti- O « / * ;u for the Spring and Sum js»—Which they < Her at md Retail, on accommodat- William Sims, & removal. W. Bridges, ikenr the House formerly pied by P. Buown, two s John Milleii’s and near U where he has on hand ctensive Assortment of ry Goods, ties & Hardware sill be sold low by Whole tail, for Cash or approved June 28. i SUUuSCHiBi: KS, * ' 9 Just Received^ Furniture Fringes 'own Hollands 4 Checks ulicat Ukfs. osiery umbazetts > bite and Plaid Homespuns is 6-4 Cambric mrt Nankeens s wrapping Paper ALSO nd N. E. Rum ip and Brown Sugar i. Coffee, Ac. Ti & J. Cunningham. INBACK WILSON, AND MES A. BLACK, IG associate tncmsdves in cs* under the fit mos fVIL ACJC, ffer their services to !s> and the public in general, COMMISSION ' - AND etorge Line. »e the Ware-House lately oc dessrs. Barrett 8t Sims, where ilion will be given to render isfaction, Augusta, April So. For Sale. A YOUNG, healthy, strong negro woman—a good field hand. Enquire at this Office. COW HIHEST |>Hh subscriber ua» on hand a A quantity of the best well dived ow Hides. ilso, a full and General Assortment .leather, which he offers to sell low 1W cash. , JOHN RUCKER. July 9. |f John Man, , Has Received for Sdie 50 Bags Prime Coffee 50 Bids & 6 Hhds. Northern Ruui, 1* Bbls. Philadelphia Gin, 6 llhds. J .maica Rum of the first quality, - * 100 Casks Cut Nails, Bd. lOd. & 20d. Wrought Nails . and Spikes, Hoop and Rod Iron, assorted, 1 Ton Blistered Steel.firsi quality Boxes Cotton Cards, Ditto Soap, Casks of Hues and Trace Chains •2000 Pieces Castings, well assorted, 300 Grindstones, 30 Bundles Steel, 2000 Yards Striped Homespun, Wliitij Havanna Sugar, Hyson Tea, Malaga » ine, July 19 ts John Loga.j, . HAVING taken the corner st-re on the south side of Broad street, immediately opposite A *pen eef,fi?Co. is opening a general assort ment of Staple & FvNCY GOODS, suitable for the season, which he is disposed to sell low for cash or town acceptances. July 19. c Hugh Macdonald, Near the upper end of Hroad-street, on the north side , offers Goods & Groceries FOR SALE, And respectfully solicits his ac quaintances from the country to call on him. July 19—c In addition to ah Extensive Assortment of Goods Already on Hand, THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received by the Ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles, Which they Offer for Sale bn mode rate terms, 15 Trunks nnes, Calicoes a d Bombazettes 50 Boxes Crown Glass, Bby 10,9 by 11, and 10 by 12, 30 Crates Porter Bottles, Shot and Lead, Sheet and Hoop Iron, Casting, Table Salt, Ac. Ac. —ALSO— -10 Barrels Linseed Oil, 8 Cases Looking Glasses, assorted, 14 Ditto Fine White, Roram& Wool , Hats, 300 Pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 Kegs Dupont & Co’s. FF£? F.F. F. Gunpowder. EDWARD QUIN, & Co. Joly 19 ts 1 in Plate Worker. Mr. And LATELY FROM EUROPE, RE S PECI FULLY inf tm* the citi. zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he has taken a shop next door to the 1 . orncr of the Bridge Row, in Centre ‘ street, where he tenders his services to * ihe public in the line of his profession.— • Sh wef and Slipper Baths,made to rder. and »t the shortest notice—G-ff.e and Tea Urns repaired with care, and orders in his line are respectfully requested. N B —H<* will atteoeftothe repairing of Old Ware generally, and will give a . fair price for old Copper, Pewter & Lead. He will take two or three active Lads as Apprentice* fuly 3. i ' " > * . • J.D.Wea-hers &Go, Have Lately Received, too Reams 12 Hhds. Brown Sugar, * ] 30 Bags Prime Green C nokt, 3 Hhds. 4th Proof'Jaim.xCaHwm 10 Hhds. N. E. Rum, ‘ 3 pipes 4th proof Old Qtdgniac Brandy, ' 1 ‘ 3 do. Holland Gin, 30 Groce B ack Bottles, —aLso^ —* A Hand ome Assn twent of SPRING GOODS* Well adapted to (he approaching season. All of which will be sold,at their usual low and accommodating terms. April 16 (f x , To Architects.*"' PMi ONS disposed to undertake the building of. StctfUe toChrist Church in \ugasi a* cr t qu. sted to «c|id in then pr pos litu rhe t rustees without delay. An estimate ol the whole cost is ri-qutsi ed; to be built in coijormity a draft now in p sscs ion of the fioa i| ih> ( Artist should prefer a cliff, refit plan fit is reqm stud tu fu nrih one with his propo- { tais. The cash will bt paid by the Tiu-it, when ihe w *,k is completed, anditnt cessarvj dvauecs will be made us the work p-ogresse*. ■ v - By order of the Board of Trustee^ J. Hutchmsori, Chairman. Tilly 16 /;.■ / Notice. rHC following articles were shipped > n board the boat Independence, in Savannah, in June last, and are now in the W are-Hou-kC of the subscribers, viz: 20 Half Chests Tea, 10 Quarter do. do. mark d diamond P—Also, received by tin boat Cotton Piani, in December lust, One Cask Glass Ware, marked S H.—The (fie goods re itquested to call, their receipts and iuk- them iWtyt T. & E. Flewdlcn. . July 16. . 'll *** THE Trustees ol the Hich m nd Acad’ my wnl convene at their room ia the Academy on Thursday the 31st of the present month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. ms who have purchased/ lots upon gr und re nt, and who are in arrrears, w-<uld do well to attend on that d y, as the trust are determined to re enter upon all lots hot paid for by, the first day < f August next. By Order, Isaat Herbert, tVk, July 1 6 - - ' fr Lnglish School. I I - Mr. & Mrs . Coulter , REmPECTFULI Y tender their ser vices to the citizens hf Xugusta.— They pr. pose teaching the An of Read, ing, Writing, Arithmetic, English Gram mar ,md Geography Lik.wise all kinds of Needle Work, at their dwelling house on E'iis street, doors below Walter Leigh's —For terms enquire as above. June 25. wtf 1 0- 800 ts. FEND ALL# GLENN, have removed their SHOP, to the house next above the Augusta Book Store. July 16. (fj* We are authorised to announce Richard Hush, a randidwte for the office,of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing election. June 2 a. (0® We are authorized to announce Coi. Donaldson, a candidate for llie’offi e of SHERIFF, for Richmond county, at the ensuing June 11. (£pWc are authorised to announce A. Rhodes, jr. a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond County, at the ensuing election.. June 14 (JT’We are authorized to announce An slew Bugg, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for Richmond county at the ensuing election. June 7. (fj * We are authorized to announce Edmund Bugg, jun. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for Ri-. h- . mond county, at the ensuing election. 1 July 9. . ts 1 We are authorized to announce ThoSlas Handleyacandidatc for the office of Tax Collector for Richmond county at the ensuing election. Jf. EXHIBITION. WILL be exhibited for a few days ably, «t the Room over Mr. Randolph's hat |tore r A PAINTING , representing the Celebrated Danse. For patirutars enquire at the store. Boarding House. A FEW g< ntlemen can be accom. modated with genteel Board, on mo derate terms. Mary Silbcrt. July 2. , i ts T°.Hirc,, AN e»<ellc.nt f.m.l. HOUSE SERVANT—AppIy at this of fice. July a. : /, Wanted to Hire, A WET NURSE.—Liberalwafe i\ es will be given, and paid Week ly or as required.—Enquire at this office. .. June 38. For Sale, A* Uair «f O APPUE GREY HORDES, well broke to the carriage—Apply m Lacy and M'Gar’s Livery Stables. Jj>. ts Wanted to Purchase 4 STEADY FAMILYIIOHSK, I and to hire, a good house Ser vant.—Apply at this Office. Juue 28. * , NOTICE. BB STOUTENBURGH is fully O authoriz-d to act «s my Attornvyt during roy.absence from Augusta. Johti Miller. May tt Dancing School. VI U. COL.MEBMI. hM the ho. if JL nor to inform his friends and the public, (bat his School is open at Mr. Leslie** I/Ong Room at 5 o’clock In the evening-**,,d half past 7at nighL . June 26. ts A Card. Female School in the Richmond Acadcliiy, cd under the Wauukn, as heretofore, (heqßPtcr commeucing this day. By order of the trusteek ISAAC HERBERT. CV]i July- i', ts W ai its a situation a young man who has been in busi ness for some time in this place For further particulars enquire at ttbis office, oi* the A. B. stare. July 9. (f Bolting Cloths. O , i TTHE subscribtr has just received a A complete assortment < f genuine Dutch Bolting Cloths, of all numbers, and wi) keep a constant supply during the season 1. S. Walker; . June tS. ts •'» 't - VVc are authorized to announce Mr. Hiram Mann a.s candidate for Receiver of Tax Returhs of Rich mond courity at the ensuing elec tion——lime 21. _ Bolting Clothsi * I HE subscribers have just reeeiv -1 ed a complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward Quin, & Co. June 25. ts Mackenzie & Ponce, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by R. and R. Thomas, An Extensive Assortment of British, India & t rench , Goods, Which will be sold low for Cash, Pro. duce or on a liberaf credit to those know-i to be punctual. November 15. if Mississippi Stock For Sale at the Fast-Office. July 16. if ... Just Received,so Snle,,^. 10 Barrels Saßnoiti 20 Ditto Mackerel, 4 140 Boxes Sitobake#H*rrk|K 40 Mould CaiSe», / Jamaica Huii* West India ditto, Northern ditto, .. ’ ■ * * <. " Holland Ghi, Whisky, Coflee, Suffer .$c Molasses, ,L . By JAMES BIKES, . Five doo « *b*oe the Market, south ' side of Broad-street ♦ - Jcly 9’. if Important t, « * * # , To Planters & Manufacturer* AliiW •as of op. fN(.k SPINNING MAChInES, for iDinufactufing Cotton, are now drM for at the War# Hou?t of Messrs, brux Scurry, hear the brWek where ?U person* (who feel dispoj.-d to patronjxe the labpri Mfg-ntua, or ettepn, rage D -meitic M»uuiacdirtf.) are invited to c4laudakxamloe|h<i We* «ait imWe. sumfcd that their ebe ration win afforj indisputable, proofli of their excellence; which will supercede the necessity of be7 stowing that encomium upon them in his advertisement, which they so justly deserve. v ' * r I’itese Machine are an improvement m Messrs. Bissau Hinman Sc W ilson’s phn. ahd the workmanship la executed in a manner superior to any which have here, tofore beeh built... Any person wishing to purchase a siq. I?le set of the Machines, or the Patent Right for a State or County, will be ac. commodatpd on liberal,termsj and should anv person purchase the right for a cer tain Territory, m. y in a reasonable time be accommodated with any quantity (if machinery on a reduced price, ua soon ad they can be Inijlr, by applying at the a. bove mentioned place to S Willsoh, and , # William Danford; or to James Barton, y v*« i. in Junr 4 a. i i?uu W\iA\ ' "* TTHE subscriber offrs fur sale hid * . farm in Co umbia county, on tho Lichee creek, 1$ miles above Augusta, containing 600 acres of land. The land is of a good quality, one half cleared and. in it is well watered and of mulatto and grey soil -tolerable good improvements—a gin that goes by water; an apple orchard ot 4«p Dec* of choica fruit, a peach orchard of 6000 trees, and all other fniit common in these parts.-—' The purchaser can tft, furnished with corn and fodder, and stock ot all kind oo (he premises oh good term*. 1 expect to start to the Western cornu' try about the middle of Augurt, and wilt be absent for two morithd. Persons wish ing to purchase, will do well to flew tbtf land before that ti»ni—hot in iriv absenew application bah be made to Joxrx A« Smith, bn the premises. / J-W. Smith, Ju'y * - » f 2b Dollars Reward, RUN AWAY from the plantation of Miss Campbell in Jefferson cunty, ne-< Louisville, a Negro Man napped SCIPIO, about f le t lo ot II incited high, he hut fhi fc lips and it sledded made— He it well known in Augusta ah# Savannah. The above reward and ttf reasonable charges will be paid far dti liverlog him in the gaol of Auxuata or Savannih, ahd notice thereof tv * Gffo. Jones. Savannah. 2dHnly, I|i7 ' ' 20 Dollars reward. RUN AWAt from the subscriber# Negro Man rtamed TOMMY, * blacksmith by trade, about 5 feet 9 inches in height, stout and pretty well made— be ia well known id Augusts and Savidbs*. nah, and having a wife in or. nets former place, it is probable that he iw lurking about that city. The ah v* fe ward and reasonable bhargea will & paid for apprehending ahd delivering him id the gaol of SavaimahL , * - „ ... Oed. Jodies. Savannah, 2d July, 1817. Airs. Maria A. Pierce AA« OWNED A Boarding House, In St. Julian Street, 'Savannah, put, Where Gentlemen and Ladies of ft:, spcctability, will meet witW bvbf* turtle Mention. v Savannah, Febroar/ if. ts