Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, August 06, 1817, Image 1

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[ BY WEDNESDAY, AUGUHTrt, fair. ! thh ' ' " I yvm:e*mmu. ||*>«i( annum, , ; I kngade Ortttrs.' ‘ I Augusta, 10 Ih fuhj, 1817. ■now Ifee many ooirolpints made I by citizens of (be different <>oun- I composing he Ist Brigade, 2d ■ion, Georgia Militia, as to the He Law not being jmffliieotly fled, and well Knowing its hn flee to community,/(be citizens Habitants generally—l deem it Eaily necessary therefore to is* Iffs my order—Requiring every Hu. or Commanding. ; fifiTr of Eianies composing Ibis Brim dc, iler without delay to lhtj,Jh»w, on [subject, and fully ipforpit them* & thereof, as a strict ebmplibtiee •«to will in future be requ ired and ected. (Ulcers may rest assured that steps be taken for an enquiry into their |ot, should they bn found defici r. neglectful in conforming to enforcing this law. They will irticular in appointing sober and utterly men as Captains of Pat. as the Captains so appointed be accountable for the modi*rate orrect behaviour of those imme ly under their charge. order of brigadier General T. lOOCR. » W. BARTON, aid-de-camp. |* Colonels and Majors are re led and called upon to aid and it in seeing (he above order fully rigidly enforced in (heir respec ; Regiments and Ou'tation*. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have Just Received , 130 Packages Iridsh, French and India GOODS, ’onsisting of almost every arti lalculated lor the Spring and Sum- Business—Which they » fter at slesale and Retail, on accommodat ;erms. William Sims, & Co. larch 5. ts ~ REMOVAL. J. W. Bridges, [AS taken the' House formerly occupied by P. Buown, two rs above"/oHN Miller’s and neap Market, where be has on hand An Extensive Assortment of Dry Goods, roceries & Hardware Which will be sold low by Whole- * ‘ or Retail, for Cash or approved ier. June 38. STAIN BACK VULsON, ' AND JAMES A. BLACK, [AViNG associated themselves in busin gs under the fimof WIL- Vis BLACK, < ffer their services to r friends, and-the public in general, COMMISSION 4. ( AND Factorg6 Line. ‘hey have the Ware-Hmse lately oc ied by Messrs. Barrett 8t Sims, where 7 attention will be given to render eral satisfaction. Augusta, April 30. . THE ‘ollowing Articles, ROUGHT up in the boat Washing ton t are now at the Ware House of x & Scurry. ■ The owners are re sted to make themselves known and ; directions respecting th. ro.— ,UR ks, Np*s. 2,3, 4, s—marked G ar ge Box Merchandise No. I. do. I 5 ** ’ Nb. 2, diamond M ialfdo. I** - fate pf Ware, 6, 7 4-8 °* Wine, 5, 3 * triangle D o; E AK °* Molasses, W b No. 10, P U 3. A ; v * h . i I'HE SUBSCRIBERS addition so their former Stock 9 of %otU, have Just Received, .and will continue to receive through ; the Summer and Fall Seasons*a gen rr4 ,«upply of Staple Ooods, winch will he sold low for ‘ ol* approved paper. The Folllowing Articles are among \ V : -Mr * -Recent Supply, viz: 1 CASE Irish Linens, 1 Trunk Furniture Prints, 1 80. Lace ground dn. 1 Ca-se Kurqiture Dimity, 1 Do. Fancy Ginghams, 1 Trunk Mersailtes Quilts, “j-Uases Northern Homespuns, -« 2 Trunks 6-4 Cambric Muslin, Figured £? Plain .Mmutine and Florence Silks, • . Plaid Sarsnotis & Canton HkTs. Fit ra Superfine Loader Cloths, . * 1 Case llorvejiiid Gig Whips, 2 Caves Guns, - , 100 Pieces Colton Bagging, ;v , -—ALSO ... 20 Botes China, < ... • 8 by. id WumLw Glass, D. P. & Powder, Soul and Lead, Corsica A Sii ily Madeira Wine, Jamaica Rum, Loaf and Lump Sugar, While Lead, Linseed Oil, &c. &c, ' T. & Js CUNNINGHAM. August 3, ts 1 Just Received, And for Sale at the Wore f Mr. John Logan , on brood Street, opposite Messrs, Alexander Spencer,& Co. 1 A FRESH SUPPLY OF 1 Doct. SAMUEL 11. P. LEE’s ( New London Billions ' Pills, 1 t Direct from the Patentee. ISAAC HERBERT, Agent for the Patentee. August 2. FW THE SUBSCRIBERS i At the comer store formerly occupied hy.JoiiN Fox, & Co. OFFER FOR SALE, ■p r ! Jamaica & New Orleans I IllllC Sugar, in hhds.G 1 barrels, ] Loaf and Lump Sugars, White Havanua ditto, Hyson Tea, Coffee in Bags and Barrels, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, -&.e| WINE ■ Columnar J in Qr. Casks, Genuine Port Wine, in Bottles, London Potter, wStj RUM, Northern J i Gin and Whiskey, Virginia Chewing Tobaoeo, Best Turpentine Soap in Boxes, Iron, assorted, Cotton Bagging and Twine, Liverpool Ground Salt, Cat wails, Hoes, Sad Irons* Trace Chains, Waggon Boxes, &c, BOWIE, PENN, & Co, July 23. N. E. Rum, Sugar &c. 50 Barrels n. e. Rum, 5 Hhds. ditto, 5 Hhds. New-Orleans Sugar, 5 Hhds. Philadelphia Whiskey, 20 Barrels Prime Green Coffee, 30 Pieces Prime Inverness Bagging 5 Tons assorted Iron, For sale low by J.&B. HOWARD. July 80. * ts Notice; ALL persons indebted to Col. Wil liam Few, ol Mev>- York, are here by nouiiju, that unless payments ar mada on or bes *re the Isr January nex suits will be commenced without disenm ination, as no further indulgence can b given by the subscribers. J. & B. Howards, ' Attomies for Wm. Few. July 30. ■- • > r BANK CHECKS For Sale at this Oihce, I * * i - / * EXHIBITION. Wlf.L be exhibited fir a few d.%s ortlyr kt the Room over Nfh HatxjolotHlbaC »U>Pe A Pjiim 'LXG the • t Celebrated l>ana». * at the store. —a. .. ■ ur ~ boarding iiouse. , A FEW g nthnven can be accom modated with genteel Board, on mo derate terms. Mary Silbert. July if . “ NOTICE ~ EB M OUTENBURGH is fully 9 tuthorized to act «s my Attorney, ing my from Augusta. John Miller. May t» , , tt M ■■ ■ ■ ■— ■ ■ ■ i ii mm — Dancing School. MB. COLMt'SNII. has (lie bn nor to .inform his friends and the puldks tba.l his School i» open at Mr. Leslie's Long Room at 6 o'clock in the evening— ar d half past 7 aL night. June. 26. ts- y ' A~Card. (THE Feihale School in the Richmond Academy, will be continu ed tinder the snperintendance of Mr. Waruen, as heretofore, the quarter eotimiericing this day. By order ts the I ruatees. ISAAC HERBERT. CVk. July i. ts j vV ciiits a situation a young man who has been in hush ness fop some time in this p)a* e - tu thee particulars er quire v this office, ortho A. B. store. July 9 if ]j ,„ | on a:.o «iT iadciphia. in sums to suit purchasers, for sale by J.&B HOWARD. July 30. ts t*t FO RENT” and pio&fetb.ioti given the first of October:’ *z ton Ye meni House and Lot on Greene-st, well calculated for a small litmily. Apply at this Office —.l2l—|l‘ (£pDocts. FEN DVLLUMJLENN, have removed their SHOP, to the house next above the Augusta book Store. J oly 16. (£J*We are authorised to announce James Mukchky, a candidate for Receiver of J ax Returns, at ensue g election. July 26 VV e .ire authorized to announce Mr. HEam Mann as candidate for Rec.Rver of l ax Returns of Rich mond county at the ensuing elec tion ——r June 21. (tT* Me are authorised to announce Richard bush t a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at the ensuing elect ion. June 25. (CJ° W- e are authorized to announce Col. Petek Donaldson, a ca ndidate for the oflh-e of SHERIFF, for Richmond county* at the ensuing election. June 11. (0* We are authorised to announce A. Rhodes, jr. a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond County, at the ensuing election. June 14 are authorized to announce Vnslem Buog, a candidate for the office of Sheriff for Richmond county at (he ensuing election. June 7. (0® We are authorized to announce Edmund Buoo. jun. a cand date for die office of Tax Collector for Iti. h mond county, at the ensuing election. July 9. ts * # * M e are authorized to announce Thomas Handley acandida'e for the officeuf Tax Collector for Richmond county at the ensuing election. J 5. are authorised to announce Gen. Thomas Glascock a candidate Tor (he Legislature at the ensuing election. July 26. —■g M c are authorised to aonuunce J tson Watkins , a candidate for Re eciver of Tax Returns for Richmond I county alike oosuingelection. I I COW HIDES; i subscriber has on hand a ! I quantity of the best Well drfed ; Cow Hides. >— Also, a full artel General Assortment . udiieh he offi'Tdrto sell low for cash. , JOHN RUCKER. 1 July ». if ■ John Ma I', 1 ', * Has Received for Sale, 50 Bags Prime Coffee 60 Bids £? 6 Hhds. Northern Rum, ‘ 14 Bhls. Philudelpliia Gin, 6 Hhds. J iiiui< a Ruin of the first quality, / 100 Casks Cut Nulls, Bd. jod. ti 30d. Wrought and Spikes, ' IfOopand Rot) Iriin, assorted, 1I on Blistered Steel,flrs< quality. Boxes Cut ton Cards, Ditto Soup, «• Casks nt Hues and Trace Chains , 2000 Pieces Castings, well assorted, 300 GrhidtKo»»e» r 30 Bundles Steel, 2000 Ya'-ds striped Homespun* White iiavanna Sugar, Hyson Tea, Malaga v hie, July 19 (f In addition 10 dn Extensive Assortment ot Goods J Already on /I:hd, i THE SUBSCRIBERS 1 Have Just Received by the Ship Jane, from Li erpoih, the Following Articles, Which they Offer for Hale on mode rate terms Flllllks Cambrics, Lo noes, CaliiAesa d Bomhazcttes 1 60 Boxes Crown Glass, Bby 10, 9 byo 11, and t o by 12. 20 Crates Porter Bottles, ' 1 Shot and Leadv Sheet and liUo[i Iron, Casting, Table tiah, &e. &e. • D-10 Barrels Linseed Oil, * i 8 Case* Looking Glasses, assorted, 14 Ditto Fine While, UorumA Wool Hats, 200 Pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 Kegs Dupont & Co's FF & F.F. F. Gunpowder EDWARD QUIN, & Co. July to ts i o Aicancels. P R ONS dtspotru to ke tht ouilcling oft- Stttfile toChrisi Chutrli in Au.'ttsta, ai t rtqu atctl tostnd in then pr -p to Che Trustees without d* Kj. j An estimate ol the whole cost is jvqu'-si ed; to be built in cooformity to a dral l now in posses ion of the B^ard—or if <h< Artist Should prefer a diff .rent plan he is rtq.i .stL-d to furnish ode with his prop,- sals. The cash will be paid by the Tru t, when the woik is completed, and it ne cessary; advances will be made as the ; work p Ogresses, By order oj the Board of Trust tea, J. Hutchinson, Chairman. * July 16 Notice. THE following ankles were shipp*» on board the boat Independence, in Savannah, m June last, ana arc now i. the Ware-H *Use of the subscribers, viz; 20 Half Chests 'Pea, 10 Quarter do. do. / mark o diarn nd P —Also, received by the boat Co on P nt, in December last One Cask Glass Ware, f 9 m - k«.d h H iiit cwm rs of the above g y ds'.re requested to call, present then receipt* and take them away. T. & Is* Flewellen. July 16. ts — 1 '* ■ An Estray. j Georgia, Elbert County, t I /.KEN ip by John Turner, a shriv! I A : .>an msr£, 12 or 13 years old, abr u« t 4 hinds hign, with a small btll on her, i funded on the near shoulder whb the ;etUr H—a small star in her face—also; a nail spot on her nos-.-, with three samM s,KJtS' n her back. Posted before C W . Christi.-n, E q —Appraised by Whit' -tender k and Elijsi. Christian to I’wen Ity Dollars, July ih. 8 % 1817. . , . . Bailty M. Wood, CTk. »» * m ¥ ■ ■lllll- •' 1 JMing Qoths. * havfe jast recfiy . fon>•&* ' Eriwvd **** l> >■' . Valuable Boots* f • . » J»»'r • ; * * JAMtiS fM'U front of the Vhmniele Ofßeik South U ett, itugustn. ' |> KSPKCt'f'UI.LY S, M jni -rJuaetts «f tJcovgln H«d *t/ull* Carolina, that in addition Infiio hm>is And Stationary pbrohased tawfe-W > *V«rK« Adtiil, Ive has received aud oilers for safe, ; Jin Assortment of htJuM&j* l ,f • I4w* ic4* His'brkd *n4 MiscelUiiecjus BooJbj School HNU, § \ cad (‘«aci >», ll.*lu. Onw.h i».•»,» K /* ;* and promptly exccu ed, on nanouabln tains * July THE SUBSCIiIUKK //«*• /or Aw/e, 7 GIGS of various descHplinni I Light Coach, $ 1 Elegant Dbarborri Waggon fofr (wo houses, * I Comm m Ught do. for 1 horse* 50 Hearns Fii su Qnallty. Foo sc ib Writing Paper,' 1 Small Trunk Womcri^fcfCHil* circus’ Morocco vShoCs. * - . •* • r \L oO- - * A Good Jissorifmnt of Elegant. Coach & Gig Harness All of will Tie ibid yjjrji lour fbr Casli or approved p.ipor. by J 11. M‘CARTER. One dnor uhove Jltr. M>'ryt*s Stunt July 30—f broad- Mrs . Marin A . Piet cC • HAS OPKNkII A Boarding House, in st. Julidn Street, Savannah-, Get)* White Genllem • and Lilies t 'c ip. ctubility, will meet with every poatd Uentk'l), S.v.-hnah F Sru rv 17 if 20 Dollars Reward# RAN AWAY from the suhHC'ibcd . n the 26 a ult. a negro man nam* I ADAM, a rnuhtto, about 36 y«.arsul ge, a remarkable larg , square shout* .cHd bon y lellow, and v r> strong}-* appears very humble whim spok- n to-e has a di- t? appearance, and iss lolrnbl# ' ugh Carpi D<«r* j. U t Upcctedthat>e w nt •ff w th a fr<fe tellow n»m <t p|). W 'tUL) R ADI'ORD who i».*>nsid r. d grea* viltam.—-He will prkbabiy ke ’ r Maryland, h Vug i>urcha»«diumfa rgro tr-dcr, v wh- I understand brought •urn from that quarter. The above.toward and all reasonable < xn nscs will be pa d to any person who wib deliver Adam to me in or secure him in a>y J til so that Ig« him gam— ol Fifty Dollars for both, if found in company* John Cashsnu Augusts. fc f gCP The Elli ots of r Ne g, huu G * tie and Rileigh^|t. «(*t*r, e uqutsied to giv. the ab- ITtmo hi*, ser'intjs, an« forward ttliftir accouerts to inis ffi: lor p.iymenU* 50 Dollars Reward. ABSCONDED from (hi on or ib ut th - 20th of June a boy n med DUNUM, he is a!>. ut £ feet 6 or t inches high, white clouded an! freckled in the lace—bis hair ia light color* d and very or fey-he w .a oom in Wilmington, North Car^Kfia—>j| is very probable he will change bis astOt rid end avor to pass fat. a frte mfip, be abcVr rewasdi and all seasonable : i* nse» will be pai£ to anjs person who will deliver him- to th* Subscriber in Vifeliington cojmty, Alabam. Territo y, T Thirty Dahsrwff secured in any gaol .0 that he gets hkq igain. A James August?. ts V