The Evening sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1878-1879, April 26, 1879, Image 4
The Evening Sentinel. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL - --26. 1879 TENNYSON’S GRAMMAR. [From the New York Evening Poet.] (THE POEM OS DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW.) •'And eVWr aloft on the palace rtiof the old ban ner of England blew.” Barely, Mr. Laureate Poet, that line wae not written by you I For though blow may be active or neuter (ae, methought every little boy knew.) A banner can only be blown or blow d; you never can eav that it blew. Are you right ? Then be pleased to inform ue what wae it the old banner blew? LITFI.E GIFFEN. Out of the focal and foremost fire 1 Ont of the hospital walls, as dire 1 Smitten of grape-shot and gangrene; Eighteenth battle, and he sixteen— Spectre I such ae yon seldom eeee— Little G;ffen, of Tennessee ! “Take him and welcome.” the Burgeons eaid— Little the Doctor can help the dead ! 80, we took him 1 —aud brought him where The balm wae sweet in the Summer air; And we laid him down on a wholesome bed— Utter Lazarus, heel to head! And we watched the war with bated breath— Skeleton Boy against Skeleton Death I Months of torture, how many such 1 Weary weeks of the stick and cratch; And etiil a g irt of the steel blue eye Told of a spirit that wouldn’t die I And didn't—nay more—in death’s despite The crippled skeleton “learned to write!” Dear Mother: at first, of course; and then, Derr Captain : enquiring about the men. Captain’s answer; of eighty and five, Giffen and I are left alive ' Word of gloom from the War one day;— Johnson preseed at the front they say; Little Giffen was up and away ! A tear—his firet—as he hade good bye. D.mtne l the g iut of hie steel blue eye; “I’d write, it spired ! there was news of fight. Kit none of Giffen— He did not write ! 1 sometime fancy that—were I a King Os the princely Knights of the golden ring— With the soqg of a minstrel in mine ear. And the tender legend that troubles here— I’d give the best on bit bended knee, The whitest soul of my chivalry, For—Little Giffen, of Tennessee 1 Troubles in Steamboul. The Turkish gold lira, or pound, the nominal value of which is 100 piastres, has risen to 1,100 piastres in paper money. In other words, the piastre, the nominal value of whitjh is 4i cents, has fallen to 39-100ths of a cent, and the distress that en sues in the Turkish capital and provinces in consequence is said to be terrible to witness. The Porte has made a great man y efforts to regen erate its finances, and the Sultan has sent his gold and silver plate, valued at §500,000, to the mint to be coined into money. But the Greek, French, Italian and Armenian bank ers of Galata and Pera, and the great banking houses of London and Paris, (the same which are seeking to in- 1 volve England and France in a war | about Egypt to cover the security for their bonds . will not permit the I P~,. . a |_TII . rt~~— . J. restore Tire currency, they finding it more profitable to lend money to the Turkish Governmental usurious rates on short loans, se cured by some special tax or mo nopoly, than to promote cur rency reforms. The uncertain money, the wild fluctuation of prices, and the general pub lic distress, combine to keep Con stantinople in constant danger of bread riots, in which, if they should break out, the soldiery, who are starving equally with the civil popu lation, would be almost sure to take part. In case of any such riots the .Sultan, who has just congratulated the Emperor Alexander upon his es cape from assassination, would prob ably be'the first victim, and he is so much alive to the dangers to which he is exposed that his yacht, with steam Jup, lies always ready for em barkation at the foot of the gardens of Gildiz Kiosk, the Circassian boy guard, with a battery of artillery, beirig stationed there to cover the approaches to the point of debarka tion. Any outbreak of the Stamboul populace would be likely to be at tended by a massacre of the Chris tians, against whom the mollahs and dervishes have worked up a great deal of popular ill-feeling, as being the causes of all the troubles from which Mohamedan Turkey is now suffering. nwrnw, Stock and Bond Brokers. UJflce, Ao, 207 J Broad St. FOB : §3,000 of Enterprise Factoi y 8 per cent. Ist Mortgage Bonds. May coupons. 100 Shares offentral R. R. Stock. 50 Shares of Georgia R. It. Stock. 25 Shares Augusta Gas Co. Stock. $5,000 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Bonds, Ist Mort gage. WAITED, City of Savannah Old 7 per cent. Bonds. All classes of Securities bought and; sold on commission. Patronage respectfully solicited from the public generally. ap2o-tf FOR SALE. 25,000 1 0 000 8 ‘ C ' DEFICIENCY BON I * B - OET SHARES AUGUSTA AND SUMMER. Z O VILLE RAILROAD STOCK. Apply to FRANK BLAISDELL, apfifi-tf Cor. Mclntosh and EUis st*. Financial and Commercial. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARKETS. COTTON MARKETS. Ijvebfooe, April 26 noon.—Cotton moderate inquiry, freely supplied—Middling Uplands, 6sd.: Middling Orleans. 6 7-16 d ; sales. 7 060; speculation and export. 1.000; receipts, 16 400; American. 13,000. Futures opened l-32d. cheaper—Uplands. Low Middling clause. April delivery, 6 11-32 d; Mav or June, 6|, 6 11-32 and 6 5-16 d; June or July. 6]d: Jrly or August, 6 7-16 d ; August or September. 6 15-32 d. 3-30, p. m.—Sales American, 46 bales— Uplands, Low Middling clause, May or June delivery, 6 11-32 d. Futures firmer and more buyers at last quotations. New York. April 26. neon.—Cotton doll —sales, 14S bales; Middling Uplands, 11]; Middling Orleans, 11 j. Futures weak, ae follows; Ap-il, 11 GO; May, 11 61: June, 11 81; July, 11 97; August, 12 12; September, 11 80. MONEY MARKETS. London, April 26, noon.—Console, 98 13 16. Erie. 274. London, April 26. 1 p. m.—Console, money. 98 11-16; account, 98$ 2. p. m.— Console. 98]. Berlin, April 26.—Sprcie increase, 938,000 marks. Paris. April 26,1:31. p m.—Rentes,llsl 32]c. 6, p. m.—Rentes, 115 f. 27jc. New York, April 26, noon.—Stocks irregular. Money. 3a4 Exchange—long, 486 J; short, 487] State Bonds dull. Governmente firm. PRODUCE MARKETS. New York, April 26, noon.—Flour firm. Wheat quiet. Corn firmer. Pork firm at 89 12]. Lard steady at $6 27]. Spirits Turpentine, 31. Rosin, $1 40. Freights quiet. Baltimore, April 26, noon.—Flour firm and in fair demand hnt unchanged. Southern Wheat firm and higher; Western quiet and firm; Southern red. 81al 11: amber, $1 13a 1 14; No. 2 Pennsylvania red. SI 13J: No. £ Western Winter red on spot April, $1 11}; 81 11] May; June. $1 U]al 11]. Southern Corn quiet and steady; ’Western steady; Southern white, 45a4C, yellow, 4 la42]. Ntate Bonds. Bid. Asked. Georgia 8 per cent 112 Georgia 8s short dates 102 3061 Georgia 7 per cent, mortgage....lll] 1121 Georgia 7 pier cent lilt 312] Georgia 6 per cent 107 10S Georgia 6 per cent. b. d 100 101 i South Carolina jeognized Consols. 91 94 City Bonds. Augusta short dates 300 101 Augusta long dates 108 105 Atlanta 8 per cent 107] 109 Atlanta 7 per cent 100 101 Savannah City Bonds 76 77] Bank and Gat Slock. Augusta Gas Light Company 25 25] National Bank of Augusta 95 97 National Exchange 79 80 Bank of Augusta 60 63 Commercial Bank 89 91 Factory Stock. Augusta Factory 125 126 Graniteville Factory 109 112 Langley Factory 113 114 Enterprise Factory 72 Enterprise Factory Bonds 107 110 Railroad Banda, ’ Georgia Railroad 7 per cent.... .104 105 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent 101] 108 Macon & Augusta, Ist mort., en. .103 104 Macon & Augusta, let mort 77 80 Macon & Augusta, construction. ..100 and int’t Western R. li. of Ala., Ist mort. endorsed . 112 • Western B. R. of Ala., 2d mort. endorsed 110 112 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta. Ist mort 97 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 2nd mort 66 68 Central P.. K. joint mortgage .. 109] 111 " " ' [railroad Stock. Georgia Railroad 85 Central Railroad 75 76 Southwestern Railroad. ..105 106 Augusta <fc Savannah Railroad... .107 169 Atlanta A West Point Railroad.. .1(7 119 Augusta <t Summerville R. B. St’k. 58 62 Factory Goods. Langley Factory prices—A Drills. 8; E Drills. 7]; A 4 4 Sheeting, 7; 7-8 A Shirting, 6; 3-4 Shirting, 5. Graniteville Factory—3-4 C., 5; 7-8 R R., 6; 4 4 E. E., 7; Gr. Drills. 7; 4-4 A. A.. 7]: 4-4 L L., 6;; 8. 8. Drills, 7], Augusta Factory—4-4 Sheeting. 6-;: 7-8 Shirt ing. sj; 3-4 Shirting, 4J; Drills, 7]. Enterprise Factory—Enterprise Fine 4-4 Sheeting, SJ. produce Markets. All of our quotations are wholesale prices and by wholesale we mean car load lots.-- Smaller lots are considered retail and sell at retail rates, which are a. little higher. Meats —Smoked C. R. Sides 6 Dry Salt C. R. Sides 5] Dry Salt L. C. Sides t>i Smoked Shoulders 4j D. B. Shoulders 4j Sugar Cured Hama 9]alo Plain Hams «• 8 Pig Hams 10 Grain—Corn. —a63 for Tennessee white; Gi for mixed and yellow. Wheat —choice white, •41 30al 33: prime white. 41 25: choice am ber, $1 25al 30; red, 41 20. Rust Proof Oats. 75. Flour—Fancy, 46 75a7; choice family, 46 35a 6 50; double extra. 86afi 25: superfine. 45 25a5 50 ; Western fancy. SC 50: family. 45 75a6; double extra, 45 50a5 75: sup erfine, 85a5 25. Meal—Sacks. 64a65. The Dairy—Goshen butter. 28a30: Tennessee, • butter, 16al8; cheese. 7alo. Farm Products—Eggs, 12, eweet potatoes, 40 aSO; Irish potatoes, per barrel, 83 50a4 25; onions, 84a4 50; pea nuts, 41 26 per bushel. Fruits—Apples, per barrel. 83 25: oranges, per hundred, 82; raisins, per ; box, 75c. Bn ' and Ties. Bagging—ll to 12 for first-class. Ties —82 10 per bunch. NEW ROUTE NORTH VIA THE ' South Carolina R. R. To Charleston, and thence over the Atlantic Coast Hne of Railways. Leave August*. 3:30 p. m. Leave Aiken 4:85 p. m. Arrive Wilmington,... : 6.18 a. m. Arrive Richmond 4:40 p. m. Arrive Washington 9:55 p. m. Arrive Baltimore '..11:55 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia 3:85 a. m. Arrive New York 6:45 a. m. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARB be tween AUGUSTA and WILMINGTON (via Aiken), connecting with ATLANTIC COAST LINE PARLOR CARS between WILMING TON and RICHMOND, and PULLMAN PAL ACE DRAWING ROOM AND SLEEPING CARS RICHMOND and NEW YORK. The only line out of Augusta connecting with the "FAVORITE BAY LINE ROUTE” and THE OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Tickets on sale at Union Depot. S. B. PICKENS, Gen’l Passenger Agent 80. Ca. Railroad. A. POPE. Gen'l Paes. Agent Atlantic Coast Line. *9* For fnitber particulars, apply to F. K. HUGER. Agent 8. C. R. R. W. M. TIMBERLAKE, Agent A. C. L. febß—3m S. K. WEBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE, 8. W. CORNER OF ELLIS AND McINTOSH STREETS. apl6-we4fti2w New Advertisements. TUTTS PILLS. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss cf Appetite, Eowela costive, Pain in the Hood,v -th a Dull senxationin the beck part, Fain under the. shohlderblade, full nosa after eating, >-ith a-disinclincticn to exertion cfbody crTnind, Irritability of temper, L'.’.r apirito, vzitl r.feeling ot hav ing neglected ecma duty, W cariness; Diz zines.:, PluttcnnTat the Heart, Dets be fore fio oyes, Ycllovr Bl’.in, Headache generally over the right <,yo. Restlessness with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WiCb'SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTT’S PILLS •arc ( specially tuhiptcd lo cases, a shigk clone ctrccisi ii< hn eliauge of leel iug us to ostoiihdi the sullcrcr. /I WGTED DiVINE SAYS: Dr. 7’UTT:--Dear fir*. For ten years I have been it i&nrtjr io i, Constipation and Piles. Last Spring your Fills wen: recommended to mo ; 1 used them ( but little‘initifT’ Huh now :l well man, h'tvogood appetite, digestion perfect, regular etools, pile:: gon '. end - have gained forty pounds solid flesh. They uro wortii weight in goid. H. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. Tlvf.: ..teff.-ctof TUTT'S PILLS la to In» < rer.K- the Ai'pctlte, and cause the body to 'i’al.e <> , I'lesh, thus Hie system is nourished, mid bv lb. ir Tonic Ac tion on the Digestive o-t-i.'m:. Rf-giiliir Bitcoin .ire produced. Dr. J. F. HAYWOOD, QF EVEW YORK, SAYS:- '■ Low disc:.s-s exist that cannot be relieved by re c oring the laver to its non;.al funotions, ami ic.r -Ins put pus" no remedy lias ever be :i n invented that Ulis -1. .;>P, an effect as TUTT’S I’ILt.S.” SOLD EVERYWHERE, t'RICF. 25 CENTS. Oliice I's Morrn.v Stre't, New Y'ork. IMB ._ —ii lii- JIM ~ -~.n r’-m —rr mi M. x v..' TUTT’S DYE. Gray P.aiu or "Wilisk;:h> c . -iiueu to a Glossy abv a single apyi euti.m of this Dye- It im parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneously, and is as H irmless an spring water Sold by Druggists, or sent, by express on receipt of s*. Office, 35 Murray St., Nev/ York. ap'Lp.atuthfcw O. M. Stone & Go., CJotton Factors AND GENERIL AGENTS FOR IMPROVED fegsgg. V BIGELOW STEAM ENGINES Mounted or Stationery, J CONOMIZF.B ENGINES. GBIBT MILLS, SAW MILLS BUFFALO SCALES. Alee. The Improved Gullett Gin. V7e could not supply the demand for this celebrated Gin last season, in consevaence of the yellow fever quarantine West. To guard against a simi ar occurrence next summer, we offer thrm at greatly leduged prices to all who order during the s. ring. Estimates made on machinery delivered Acd put up at bottom prices Write for circulars and price lists. Address. M. HToJIiK & « «p2—codrf Xugueta, Ua. A BPLKNDID OPHORTUM'FY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIFTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION. CLASS E, AT NEW ORLEANS, TJESDAY. MAY I3tb. 1879—208tb Monthly Drawing. Leulsiatu State Lottery tom piny. Thie Institution waa regularly in- nr ported by the Legialatlue of the State for Education al aud Chari table purposes In 18C8 for the Term ot Twenty* five Yraru. to which contract the inviolable faith of the State ie pledged, with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a reserve fund of $350,- (H 0 ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU TION wil take place roonth’y on the second Tues day, It never scales or postpones. Lock at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HaEF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Pr zc $30,000 1 Capi'al Prize 10,000 1 C pital Prize ." 5,000 2 Prize-i of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,U00 100 Prizes of 100 )o,' 00 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 2 1 10,000 ZoO(;Prl2ee of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION prizes. 9 Approximation Prizes of S3OO 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 0 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to sllO,-<OO Responsible corretponding agents wanted at all prorainent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for xatfe to club” should only be made to the Hume Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, fur further information, or send oruers to M. A. bAL’I'HIV, F. O. Boa G 92, Rew Orleans, Ln. All our Grand Extraordimry Drawings are under the supervision and xnanagement cf GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARIY. ap-weea&w THE UKEQUALLED JAS LEFFEL DOUBLE PORTABLE AND STATIONARY SAV7, FLOUR AND GRIST MILLS. SHAnm-3. PULLEYS AKD HANGEff S Address, WRIGHT’S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C. THIS New and Elegant House, with all mod ern improvements, in now open for the reception of guest e B. L. WBIGHT * BON, feblß-tr,thea3m Proprietor. BRICK. Bontinrant At Joplinar, DILAJGLE YAFD, AUGtbTA. GA., Manufacturers of an kinds of com mon. Paving and Pressed Brick. Keep large Stock, and offer inducements to pur chasers. Communioat with ue before order Jn g Je2B-eodlv law Thousands of Infante are slowly starving be cause of the inability of mothers to furnish proper nourishment. Do not fail to use Ridge's ' Food. eplSe—theetuAw I*H.t»liO HftleH. RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in MAY, within the legal hours of sile, the followirg property, to-wit: All that lot or parcel of Isnd known as lot number four, on south side of First avenne, and fronting on said avenue forty feet, and running bacK of equal width half way through to Second avenue, on Haiker'e plat and plan of lots, and bounded by lots 3 and 4 and said 'avenue and Fanny Lanier’s lot. in the county of Richmond and State of Gorgia. Levied upon as the prop eity of H. Johnson, by virtue of two execu lions issued from Justice Court 120th District G. M.; levy made by Eugene Connor and turned over to me. Propertv pointed ont byjlaintiff. CHARLES H SIBLFY, apß—td S ienff R (ITT SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, at Store No. 244 Broad street, at risk ot former purchaser, sale commenc'ng at 10:30 o’clcck. MOND tY, April 28, and continuing until the whole is disposed of, the rtmaining stock, con sisting of school, miscellaneous and blank, books, paper, pens, pencils, ink, instruments, picture frames, brackets, slates, envelopes and seven show cases and contents, <tc. Levied on this Male i 3d. by vinue of sundry fi. fas. ie nod from Cleik’a Cfirie. City Council < f Au gusta. and in favor of said City Council against Geo. A. Oates and Oates Bros., for city taxes on said stock, and for State and county tax fi. fae. lodged with me by John A. Bohler, T. C. B. C . and other fi. fas. lodged with me. ap!6-td W. C. JONES. Sheriff C. A. KI( HMOM) SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL l>e sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY, within the legal hours of sale, commencing at the Lo'-ier Maiket House, in | the city of Augusta, and continued from there to the Auction Rooms cf It C. Heggie A- Co , until the propertv is disposed of. the following properly, to-wit: Household and kitchen furni ture, consisting of two beds aud bedd'.ng, one parlor set of six chairs, two tote-a tetes, one cane bottom rocking chair, one cooking stove and utensils, one sot of glassware, two car pete, six dining chairs, one cining table, one centre table one small card table. iod on as the property of George W. Conway, by viitue of au execution issued frem County Court. Richmond counlv, in favor of IV lliam H Barntt. against George W. Conway, said execution having been transferred tot mily 11. Tubman. CHARLES H. SIBLEY. ai B—td Sheriff R. HUHMOM) SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, on the firet Tuesday in MAY, within the legal hours ot ieale, the following property, to-wit- Al! that lot or parcel ol land, with the improve ments thereon, situate, lying and being on the southeast corner of Jackson and Reynol's streets, in the city of Augusta, county of Richmond and State of Georgia, having a fiout on iieynolds street of one hundred and four feet, more or less, and extending on Jackson strict a distance of two hundred and five feet, mere or less, to an alley fifteen feet wide, appurtenant to said lot. thence eastward aloi g said alley thirty-eight feet and eight inches, thence northward 1 y a line parallel to Jackson street fifty feet, more or less, thence eastward by a line parallel to Reynolds s'reet eixtv-five feet four inches, anti thence north ward to Reynolds street Levied upon as the property of Antoine Foullain, by virtue of an execution issued from Richmond Superior Court, in favor of tbo Georgia Railroad and Bauliug Company vs Antsine Poullain, maker, and Thomas N. Poullain. endorser CHARLES H. SIBLEY. apS—td Sheriff B. Postponed Ainiliilsfralor’s Sale. Bt R. O. Hegsie Ar Co., Auctioneers, BY virtue of an order from the Honorable Cciut of Ordinary of Ric mond c-unty. Georg'S, will be sold, cn the first Tuesday in MAY. 1879. atjublic outcry, at the Lower "BiSkot the city cT lugUß a, *huid the legal hours of eale, the following real es tate belonging to the estate of Antoine Poul lain, Jr., deceased, to-wit : • All that tract or parcel of land, with the im provement thereon, situate, lying and being in Baike countv, and State of Georgia, on the waters of Briar Cn ek. containing nino hundred and ninety-four (991) acres, mor.-, or lees, and bounded north bv land of John P. Greiner, east by lauds of L. W. Evans (or formerly owned by him), south by Briar Creek, we-t by lands of estate of Nathaniel Scales and lauds of Mrs. Walken Said real estate to be so’d for the purpose of paying the debts and making dietubution among tbe heirs at laws. Terms—One-half cash, and balance in one and two years, approved security, with interest. Purchaser to pay for papers GEORGEK MOORE, Alministrator Estate of Antonie Poullain, Jr. apt td (ITT SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL be so’d, at the site of the Lower Market, on Tuesday. MAY 6th. 1879, all that lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city ot Augusta, State of Georgia, on the north side of Harp r street, having a froct of 59 feet, more or lots, on Harper street, extend ing back to Silcox lane; bounded north by Sil cox lane, east by Elizabeth Conrad and Solo mon Hensley, south by Harper street, and westby lot of M's. Annie Seitz. Levied en by virtue of sundry fi. fas. issued from Clerk s effioe City Council of Augusta and in favor of said City Council, against Jacob Conrad, for citv taxes. ALSO, All that lot, with improvements, lying and be ing in State of Georgia, city of Augusta, on south side of Reynolds itreet, on which it fronts 77 feet, more or less, and extending back towards Broad street 128 feet, more or lers; bounded north by Reynolds street, east by lot of B. Lesfcr, and south aud weet by au atlev Levied on by virtue of sundry fl fas. issued from Clerk's Office City Council of Au gusta. and in favor of said City Council, against L. Y Gibbs, for city taxes. Property since transferred to D. H. Wileox ALSO, The following property, situated on land of es tate ot Eugene Verdtry, in State cf Georgia, city of Augusta, levied on by virtue of sundry fi. fae. issued from Clerk’s office City Council of Augusta, aud in favor of said City Council, against the followiug paities. for city taxer; liitise on "C street, belorgiug to Eliza Thomas. . , , _ House on T. S. road, belonging to Joe Cl llouse on ”“B" street, belonging te Wash Green. ALSO. All that lot or parcel of land, lying or being in State of Georgia, elty of Augusta, on east Marbury street, on which it fronts fifty feet, extending back 152 feet, more or less; bounded north by E. li. Schneider, east by Susan Whit aker south by'estate of Edward Camptield, and west 1 y Marbury street, and knownas lot No. 10. Mauge survey. Levied on by virtue of sundry fi. fas. i sued from Clerk’s < ffioe CitX Council of Augusta, aud in favor of said City Council, against Stephen Harris, for city taxes. ALSO, All that lot. with improvements, in State of Georgia, citv of Augusta, on corner of Ellis and Wilde streets, having a front of 50 feet on Ellis street, and extending back half way to wards Broad street; bounded north by lot of J Kennedy and. M. V. Calvin, east by lot of J. Foreman, south by Ellis street and west by Wilde street. Levied on by virtue of sundry fi fas. issued from Clerk’s office City Council of Augusta, and in favor of said City Council, against J. Foreman, Samuel Jones, agent, for taxes on said property. W. O. JONES, apß-td f henff O. A. I« the RAfest nnd th« bout, U inßUntaneonn in I ta Action, and It j»r<><hKM‘B the most natural »had®s o f Mack or brown, do« not stain tlje skin, and ia easily applied. lAt a aataaiarc preparation, and a favorite upon every well-appointed tei- Public Wale Administrator’s (ale, GEORGIA, Baldwin County —By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said State and county, granted at the term, 1879. of said Court, will be sold at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, Richmond county and said State, to the highest bidder, on tbe first Tuesday in MAY next, 1879, beiween the legal hours of sale; the following property, to-wit: 80 Shares of the Capital Stock of the G< r gia Bailroad and Banking Company. 20 Shares of the Capital Stock of the Prince ton Manufacturing Company, of Athene, Ga. 87 Shares Commercial Bank Stock 7 f bares National Exchange Bank Stock. 8 Maeuc anct Align ta Railroad Ist Moitgage Bonds, undo eed by Georgia Railroad and 8. C. li. R —Bl (100 each. 5 Montgomery and Weet Point Railroad Ist Mortgage Bonds—Bl,ooo each 6 City of Macon Bonds—Bsoo each. 2 City of Augusta Bonds—42so each. 1 City of Atlanta 7 per cenriPoid— 1 East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Bond -81,060. 2 City of Augusta Bonds-81,000 each. Sold as ths property of D. K. Tucker, late of Baldwin cuunty, deceased, for tbe purpose of division among tbe heirs at law of said de ceased. Terms of sale, cash. GEORG<S R. 818L I Y, Administrator of the estate of D. R. Tucker, deceased, ap2>—td Public Sale of Mortgaged Prop erty. TTNDER and by virtue of a power of attor- VJ ney from Clinton C. Mint is to the under signed, contained in a certa : n deed of mort gage, dated M*rch the 14th. 18'8, and now of rt co d in the Clerk’d office cf the Superior Court of Richmond county, Ga., in book G G G, folios 196. 197 and 198. there will be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in MAY next, at the Fite of the Lower Market House, in the city of Au gu-ta. within tbe legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following pn party, described in said mortgage : AH that lot or pircel of land situate in the city of Augusta, on the north side of Calhoun street, between Centre and Washing ton htreots, fronting on Cilhoun eighty-three feet and running back of equal width half way through to Fenwick street, bounded by lots of Mrs. Rachel Dawson and John V. Kbeban. east by lot of V. Lecacq. sou‘h by Calhoun street and west by lot < f John J. Miller. On this ’ot there is a large dwelling of ten rooms and sev eral out-houses. Terror Cish. Purchaser to pay for papers. LEONARD PHINIZY. mar3o-su4 _ _ Receiver’s frale. ON TUESDAY, tbe-ttSTuy' MAY next, st the Lower Maiket Houee, in the city of Augusta, within the usual honre of public b«lph, wi'l be Bold at public outcry, to the IfighsHt Udder, tbe following property, to-wit: All that lot or parcel <f land, with the im provements theteon. consisting if an uufin rihed but comfortable home, with four rooms, situated jiut outside of tbe city limits, near'y opposite the Fair Grounds, fronting 139 feet, more or less, on East Boundary street, and running tastwardly of that width >6O feet, more or less, formerly a part of John G. Hahn's farm, ind now occupied by Mrs. Young blood, ae monthly tenant. Also, all that other lot or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, consisting of a good dwelling of three rooms, with kitchen at tached (ill rrcantly painted inside and out and whitewashed), lying in the city of Augusta, on Corduroy alley, now King street, between Cal houn and Taylor streets, fronting 88 feet 6 inches, more or less, cn said King street, and running westwardly of that width 140 feet 91 inches, adjoining Edward O’Donnell's lot, and known as the lot lately owned by Mrs. Cather ine O. Hudson. 9he title to this lot having been questioned, I deem it my duty to say that any one wishing to purchase it can get a good title. Terms—Cash, or part cash and part on short credit (say six mouths, or till January n r xt), if de-ired. Bale to be ma in by order of the Su perior Court, WM. A. WALTON, ikcei'-er City Loan aud Buiotuig Asiociation. aplC-tnweisutd Fxccutors’ Sale. ON TUESDAY, tbe 6th day <f MAY next, at ihe Lowei Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the usual hours of public sale, by virtue of authority given in the will of John Bjnes, late of said county, deceased, * for the purpose of a division,” will be sold, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing property, to-wit: All that lot of land, with the improvements thereon, in the city of Augusta, known as the “Ice House,” lying in the square bounded by Broad, Reynolds. Mclntosh and Washington streets, and fronting 55 feet, more or less, on au alley appurtenant thereto, which runs from Reynolds street, by the office of the Southern Express Company, to Broad street, a depth of 53 feet, more or less, and adjoining lots of John Bones Moore and W. T. Wheless. Also, a tract of pine land lying on tbe old Mil ledgevillt road, tear Heckletown, in Richmond ccuuty. within tbe corporate limits of Sum merville. containing 77 acres, more or less, and being tbe same tract granted in 1814 to An drew J. Dill. Also, lot of land No. 557, in the 15th district and 2d section of tbe present county of Chero kee, granted in 1837 to John Bones, and con taining 40 acres second quality oak and biczory land. Also, 403 teres of land, in Marion county, Florida, viz: 80 in Sec. 15. 40 in Sic 19. 120 in See. 21, 40 in Sec. 23. and 120 in Sec. 26. All in township 15. and range 29 F. Also, the following stocks, viz : 14 shares of tbe Gas Light Company, of Augusta. 50 shares of the Macon and Augusta Rail road Company. 23 shares of the Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad Company. 2 shares cf the Augusta and Dahlonega Mining Company. 480 s'n res of the Stephenson Gold Mining Company, upon which 8 92 have been collect ed. • aseapitd stock returned.” 39 shares of the Port Royal Railroad Com pany (old). 1 share of the. Mobile and Montgomery Rail road Company preferred stock. 80 shares of the Greet Southern Insurance Company. 63 and a fraction shares of the Pensacola aud Georgia Railroad Company. 3 shares of the Atlantic Steam Packet Com pany. 50 shares of the Blaneeville Slate Mining Company. Terms cash. WM. A WALTON, D. 11. WRIGHT, Resident and Acting Executors. apl6-tuwe_A_sutd Fertilizing Materials! I HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT, tor compost iog, Nitrate of Potash (Saltpetre.) Nitrate of Soda. Muriate of Potash. Ground Fertilizing Salt. Nova Scotia Land Plaster. —ALSO— Peruvian Guano, Hay, etc. AND Alum Roch Salt for Stock. No Farmer should be without it. T. H. STAFFORD, BROKER AND COM. MERCHANT. mh4 tuAga&w2m 16 Jackson St. Blank Books of All Kinds, COTTON LEDGERS. FULL BETH OF MERCANTILE BOOKS, RECEIPT SHIP PING BOOKS, on Fine Papers, and Cheap. CfiLROIUCLE BOOK BINDBBY. New Advertisement. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE’S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes.the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the paiq • is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general arc costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation, of having left undone something which, ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, fiis feet arc cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, lie distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but < uses have occuried where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranger’.. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of AgUl And Fever, when taken with Quinine are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give tliem a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative they are tin equaled. UEWAUF. or IMITATIONS. 1 he genuine ;.rt nevei sugar coated. Every box has red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Du. M< Lane’s I.ivek Pills. The genuine M< Lane’s Liver Pili s bear the signatures'oi C. McLanc aud Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon havm;: the genuine Dk. < . M< Lam ’s Liv> k Pii.i.s, prepared by Fleming Bros., < I illsburgh, Pa., the market being full o l imitation- of the name Me lAt ne. pelled differently but same pronunciation ! “si I. . . 1 rsei- Old or New Blinds Fitted With lAKA UUORN'M BUM) AWMMr FtXIUKKS. Can bo used both way. itiowri la cut. making the best and cheapest awning known. Ask yonr hardware dealei for them, or semi foi explanatory circulars to the mauufactarere. BOSTON BLOWER COMPANY, BOSTON, .MASK. apG— su A th—3x * Langley Bro’s, No. 164 Kino St.. Ouarlmton, 8. C. MaßPfdttuint of i'uderwear, Offer EXTRAOBI’iNARY Bargaine in Ladin’h Mid Gente Underwear. Among thew are Good hhirtu, Wamniitt i bod es, Linen bosoms only 75c. complete Fme Canton Flannel Draws 75c.. Exlia Heavy 81. Fine Jean Drawer- 50c Cellar•- 59 per dozen, up. Cliffs *3 per doze;. Lailieu UuderweM Chemise 50c., 75c.. 81 aid 81 23. Elegant Skirts from Stic, rq Gowns from 75c. up. Drawers 50c. up. Toilet 81 up. Cor set Covers 41 up. All Goons g’. ii Aiitced as represented, and if not fotmd ean-faetory the money will be refunded. AU t‘ ear- go.ids are our own manufacture. Send for uirections for measuring and full prior lint Fine Drees Shirts a etieoiality. uovS-tuthAsaly STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY.— PETITION FOR LETTERS OF DISMIS SION.—WIiermiVf motby R.Vaii:turn,Administrator on tbe estate of Daniel G. Mnrpby, deceased, has applied to mo for Letters ot Diamieeioii from sakl estate— These are, therefore, to cite amladmorteh, a.' a-.l RliiKiilar, the kindred anl creditors of said deceived, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in MAY. IHTO. to dsw came,'' 11 any they have why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band utui official signature, at office, tn Auaueta, tills Xk: day of January, 1*79. ’ .iamER T. BOTHWELL, jan24-td Ordinary K. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— PETITION EOll LETTERS OF DISMISSION. —Whereas, Jane- P. Verdery, Administrator on the estate of Nancy, alias Margaret McCirtby, deceased, hue applied to me for Li tters oi D.smisalon from said estate— . . , , These are, therefore, tc cite ana admonish, al and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday In MAY, 1879, to show cause, If any they have, why said Letters should not be. granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, a office In Augusts, this 25tb day of January, IMS James t. bothwell, jan26—td Ordinary R, C. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. PETITION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. —Whereas, James P. Verdery, Administrator on the estate of James Gardner, deceased, has applied lo me for Letters of DUmission from said estate— These are, therefore, to site and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in MAY, JH7P. to show cauae, if any they have, why said Letters Bhould not oe ** Given under my hand and official signature, at office tn Augusta, janKft-td _______ ordinary K. O. FOUND— How cheap the Chronicle ie print ing Bill Heads, Cardo, Statement*, Mar ket Beporti, Receipt Boole, letter Heade, En velopes, etc.