Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, December 11, 1820, Image 1

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||» '■ • '' , • AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. ■ ' y * ■'it' .. ' -/ • gx- Vv r ‘ . v . ' , -s' A . ■ - ; ; IfU 'lf ■' ■-.! . —~ .* MONDAY BVfiN'INB, ÜBCBiMBEB <l, ts»o. [K... its 5 ] •' Viii “••*■—-*— 1 i ~r —"—"■—*■•■ 1 -■'—a* the Cfjtonfdt j^^BoND"v'^ L i'n”l‘SlldV evenings, &^B^ cau $ Gimvllon. 0 f the Laws of the U. States DOLLARS fEB AHKUM, IplPii l V ADVANCE. BmaNOS HOR S A jG. H flubscriber tat for tale at hit jfesHjSff® e near the market, very elegant |||||El tuned London made. Fortes, he will sell low for cash or appro. paper. BfUX, ■T'-f —■ ** 1 ■ p.l.lM;Udf VERY CHEAP. IBM«7 juhacriber have yet on hand.! com. assortment of staple and fancy ■)py Goods, WSIm. D | a ted Ware, consisting of Crusts, ■Hegticki. Coffee Urns &c &c. also and Hardware. also, just received* J{n Elegant assortment of HHh r csd’ Edgings, Laces, and Footings, H* which will be sold very low tor cash jSSSL )roV cd paper, wholesale and relad. On Consignment. ‘ BO boxes Bast India Cbina patent Ploughs (on the River) [T. J. Cunningham, f wo doors below the Post Office BHn Howard's Hwlding. |Hec.4 :tf __ Bugar, COFFEE sc. iJo'W landing tor Sale »av. leoiuito Wharf. ■(£) lIIIDS Prime Oilcans* Sugar Hao Hugs do. Green Coffee I 42 Bbls. Company Loaf and Lump ■ ' Sugar {‘l ||B jo Tons Sweeties Iron, assorted BH i Ton Hoop and Sheet Iron , I 20 Casks Cut Nails, all sizes ■ ■ 50 Bbls. Whiskey y I J 5 Clr. Casks Malaga Wine JH 32 K> gs Superior Richmond sweet scented Tobacco Si 20 Boxes Mould Candles ■ 25 do. Fresh f* Superior Muscatel Raisins H 10 Firkins Superior Cosben Butter ■ On Hand, at Retail , ■■ Jamaica Sugar, old W bite Coffee, Old Brandy, Choice Wines’ Gin, Fresh 'leas, Nutmegs, Mace, and of all kinds. H Win. Boatwick Co, * ■ November 20 |GHOCKKIRB, ■V\ r m. H Thompson £5 Co I Offer Jor Sale, ■ 130 bags prime green Coffee B JO barrells prime N. O. Sugar I 13 hhds Muscovado Sugar ■ 80 pieces cotton Baging I 70 coils Bale Rope ■ 8 pipes pure Holland Gin I, 3 do do Cog Brandy ■ 5 hhds J. Rum I 2 Halfpipes Sicely Madeira Wine I SO barrels loaf Sugar I JOO q. boxes Spanish Segars I 40 do do Imperial j A I Gunpowder &. Hyson S -H Fii» I 200 qr- Canisters, do do do I 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, I 16 Do. Pepper, I 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, I 15 Boxes No. 1 Soap, J*. I 200 Bags Shot, assorted, I 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, I 20 do. Best Richmond Tobacco, I 12 Boxes Chocolate, I -2 Barrels N. E. Gin, * - I 35 Casks Cheese, I 100 Boxes do. I JoOO Bushels Salt. I October 31——if ■ lawrence, Rapetye k Ce I ttave just received and offer for sals, an assortment ttf LWiDON superfine Cloth* Double Milled Cftssimcres Canton and Nankin Crapes ' binchews and Sarsiictts bilk and Denver Gloves, assorted 1 Best Buckskin do Black and white Crapes Cotton and worsted half Has* Linens and Dowlas Brown Hollands and Osnaburgs: -November 7 ts CJ* Wanted Immediate- | Vat tins Office, two Journeymen Prin* • ■ tn, who understand their business, poveinber 7—— *\ ' ? SUGAR. Hhds. Prime,N. O. Sugar, for vJe on reasonable terms, by A. R. Gordon, § Co. Colton Range. December 4—— 6t mßii AND Commission Vi usiness HE subscriber having entered into the Factorage and Commission Business, res pectfully tenders his services to his friends and the public. He has taken a store in Hunter’s Buildings, immediately below that occupied by Messrs Nicholas i£ Neff, and hopes by unremitting indus try and an aasidlous attention to their in ■ terests, to give general satisfaction to those that may favor him with their pat-' ronage. william p. Hunter. Savannah, November 7 w3y Dr/ Goods. The ’rfohscribers, OFFER FOB SALE, At the Lover Tenement of the Bridge Bank, Augusta, AN XSBOBTKIMT SUITAIILK ‘TO TUB SKASOW, VIZ ROSE, Point am! OufEL Blankets, Plains, Flannels, Baizes, Double M'fted Orab Cloths, Coarse Cloths, assorted. Fine do Cambrick Muslins, , Book do. Calicoes, Ginghams, ' Hosiery, Power Loom Shirtings, American Shirtings and Sheetings, With a great variety of other articles. LAWRENCE, HAP EL YE U Co. October 3j ts ■‘■ * ■ LaWocVie CONTINUE THE Frtv dr age & Commission BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH, Where all orderk will be promptly attend 2d to. July 7-^—ts • STORAGE AND Commia&ioii TVusinfc»B. THE subscribers have taken the Ware House lately occupied by Henry Shultz, ■opposite the Wharf, which is now in 6om- / plete order for the reception of. Cotton and Merchandise. v Mackenzie Ponce. October 27 ts The Subscriber RESPBCFULLY informs his friends h the public in general, that he has ta ken the store Utsly occupied by Mr. Houghton, adjoining Messrs Morgan an i Bradford’s, where he will always keep on i hand a general assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemens Boots $ Shoes Os the newest Pattern and best Materials He has also on hand, a large supply ot Negro and Coarse S.tocs, All of which he will dispose of on accom* modating terms. - Cfj* Repairing done on the shortest no tice and in the neatest manner. 1 J. M. Clarke $ Co. November 30 ts Xevt Clothing Store. THIS day opened, and for sale for Cash only, one door east of the Augusta Book Store, an assortment of fresh and Fashionable Clothing , made the present season, in the best man ner and of substantial materials, and con sidering thequality wilt be sold at reduced prices. (Tf*Clothes cut and madeiin the latest New-York and Charleston fashions at the above stand by €. Clark. November 27 6w Dimock Marsh Have Jftst received an extensive assort roent of Fashionable Ready made Clothing, Which they offer/or sale (for CASH only) at a small advance nearly opposite the city Hotel. ' Nov. 27. 3w ; DISSOLUTION. THE firm-formerly existing under the name of BOTLEK & BAGLEY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and requests all those having-demands against the said firm, to present them to the sub scriber for pay nent, as he has taken on his hands the settlement of the same against said firm.—Also requests all those who are indebted to the said firm, to call and settle the some immediately, if not, they will b« placed in the bands of an at torney for collection. Nehemidi K. Butler. December 4 3t : * . • / •" / * / - r -j, Jm ■ V. W ■ S,-<Vpr - > Straw Bonnets Sjc. . Pratt Metcalf Are receiving thin day, and offer for sale, SIX CASES Straw Boune t s and Banda, S V! Os the Newest Patterns. Five thousand yards colored and whrt f Homt-sp’iKs, one bale coarse and fine Mil lenets, 1000 bunches Onions, 20 barrels Irish Potatoes nine, barrels Cranberries, and five Jersey Waggons. YLSd, 40,000 Hutch Quills, and SO dozen States, For sale at a very reduced price, south side of Broad. Street, a little below the Planter’s Kotel- Novcmber 30 ' 3t Notice. JOH CASHIN. n- V AS hi* stare to the upper •erd «f Bmailtaavrfoppoake vths P\un teriM«tel. Vvbjiye he offers for ssfo j choice assortment of' Liquors, Wines, U Groceries, Low Jon rorter, Salt, Irur., Sic. London Duffle, Point and Rose, Blanket*; Negro Jackets and Trowsers, Coarse times, &c. With many other articles suitable for the present season, all of which he will sell at fair prices, for Cash or produce. November 11— —wfiw N B Orders for Lumber, left at,the store Will be attended to with punctual! j *%* The Subscribers nave formed a connexion for the purpose ot transacting a General Commission Bu siness in this city, under the firm of Cab tkloc & Lamar. Liberal advances will be made, eithet in Augusta or this place, upon Produce or Merchandize, consigned to their house for sale. P. L. Cantelou, G. B. Lamar. Ysvannah, October Sth 1820 ts - ** For Sale . DD Acres o LAND, on the Wa ters of Cuhbert and Rocky Creeks—For p»"TCulars enquire ot Gee. M . JEvans. July 1 ts ,~o*-LAW. THE Subscriber has settled himself in Mifledgeville; & will practice Law in the several counties composing the Oc mulgee Circuit, also in any of the adja cent counties where business may be of sered that’s worth attention. W in,. H. Torrance. ' November 27. w-1t LA IV OFFICE . fHE subscribers' have formed a con nexion in the various branches of profes sional business, under the firm of Ruck wex.l Sc Hepbubb. They will attend to anj business confided to them in the following counties, viz (< Baldwin, Jasper, Wilkinson, Jones, Hancock, Pulaski, (J Morgan, Washington, Laurens, Greene, Tviggs, And also in the 6th Circuit Coutt of the United States. Samuel Rockwell , Joseph L. Hepburn. MiUedgeviUe t Sept. 21——ts 1 HI,, i foi ■ ■ . Female Academy. Mr, .nd Mr*. W.. 1.1 will open their Academy for Young Ladies in Auguita, on the first Monday in December, (im ne diately after the close of their present engagement as principals of the Powelton Academy) in Mr. DANFORTH’s School Room on Reynolds street. Beside the i ommob clemsbtahv branch. e« of Fentale Education, the course o lost ruction will comprehend Logic, Rhe toric. Moral end Natural Philosophy, of the Human Mtnd, &c. fkc.—also, should it be wished, the Latin, and Greek Language, Terms of Tuition will depend upon the branches studied, and may be known by application at the Augusta Book-store, where an opportunity may be taken of en tering scholars until the number proposed is filled up. • Every proper attention will be given to the conduct and deportment of young La dies from the country, who may be puced under their charge during, the winter and spring—who, also, beside the usual .in struction of the school, may receise the instructions of masters in Music, Drawing and the French Language. October f' r-r — NOTICE. 4LL persons indebted to the estate xis Col. Thorns* Carr, late of Columbia county deceased, will please make pay ment.-to either'of the Executors, and those to whom the estate is indebted* will present their claims piopetly attests*!,, Nicholas Ware, ? ft - William A- Carr, 5 i; November 24 XS , - m . . ' ■ ' ' - the FASHIGHApi.K 1 GILBERT CLKI.WO, Late if the House of White, Brothers. , Uc. NEWT OH K. Respectfully informs his friends in Augusta, and the public, that lie hasyust received from the former place, and is now opening at his whosesale and retail HAT WARE-HOUSE, three doors below the Auguita Bank, A LAH6E ABD COHPLETK ASSORTMENT OF - mini's^ From the manufactories of Messrs. White, Brothers k co.,Tweed & Benedict, g d Josiah AVilson of New-York, together with a large assortment of his ownlmamifacture, the following is a pari of the assortment now offered for sale, viz; ' 2000’ Gt (Womens’ superfine black and Draboeaver Hals 1500 do fine and common Castors blk And Drab 1000 Mens and Boys imitation Beavers, 500 do do do Common Roram Hats 1500 do do do fine & common Wool Hats tOOO do do do imitation white Merino Haw ’ 1 wAJ flk.woeo Cap* n*urt«d 100 Indies' and Miue*’ bkek Beaver, foil trimmed 200 Children’s Fancy Hat* Also a large stock of BAND-BOXES and TRUNKS by the nest. (Jj» The above goods are all fresh and of a superior quality and fashion. Coun try merchants and others, will find it to their interest to call and examine for them selves—as goods from this establishment will be sold at a very small aduance from jheNew Yjrk prices. * Augusta, December 7 fit W ill be Hired, AT the house of William B rckcr. Esq on the first day of January next, theNeijroes belonging to John William Kamaev (a minor) for the term of one year, tie person that hired said Negroes this year will deliver them. Jonathan Guar’d. Columbia County, Dec. 7 , Notice. A GkEF.ABLE to an order of the hqn jV mable Court of Ordinary of Columbia County, Will be Sold on the first Tues day ia March next, at Columbia Court house2o3-l2 acres of land in Wjlginson const/; district 37th, Lot No 178, sold ss the property of Dexter Gibson, dec -j-'FCrmtf ofs»le n|nf months credit. Sarah Gibson, ex’rx. Shad’h. yn Gibson adr. December 7. tds '/'NOTICE. On the 10th day January next will be rented the plantation of Hczekiah Beall, dec, on Brier Creek one mile above Walker’s Bridge, two hundred acres oi cleard land under fence. ALSO, Hog’s, Cattle, Corn, & Fodder to be sob! on the same day —Terms made known on the day of sale. Jacob Bostick, ex'r. December 7,— —wtds. To Rent. TF HAT Commodious Dwelling House oi I el&ir-street, with all necessary Bull dings, and a good Garden attached to it as last year occupied by the subscriber possession will be given on the first Octu her next. ' ALSO, The Dwelling House on Green-street, with all necessary Build ings, and a good Garden attached ta it, a. present occupied by Holland M'Tyre, esq Possession will be given on the Ist of Jan uary next—For terms apply to D. ‘Urquahart. Sept, 19 ts i*nw* i ■ ■■ i ■ imm .i ■ *■ i Now in Columbia Jail, PBTER, who says he belongs to Wili am Kilgore, of Wilkes county, Georgia. Peter is about five feet high, dark com plexion, and very old, The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. John Bynaum, Jailor, December 4——3 t 8 10 Reward. BthATBD or stolen on Towdayniglit 7th Nov. from the wharf in Augusta, a Sorrel Horse, of the following description, blind with the left eye, snip on the nose, small star on the forehead, and the right hind foot white up to the footlock, be is a short round bodied horse, with a short swiob tail about 10 years old. < Whoever will take op said horse and sehd him tp his oWner, dr give informa tion *o he can be regain’d shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges paid, to the subscriber at the Steam Boat Office. Washington Lamar, November, 13-—ts D/VY boakdinG. A few genteel hoarders can be arcomo iVdated with Day Boarding in a private Family, by applying at this office. October 36 y ' :■’-V ' ’ ,' a , v. : V" *'•/. , »■ , s , >*»', '* BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNI. TED STATES. Whereas by various acts of Congress* the President of the United States is au thorized to direct the public lands which have been surveyed to be offered for sale. Therefore, I James Monroe, President of the Uflitcd States, do hereby declare and make known, that public Sales for the disposal (according 1 to law) of pub lic lands, shall be held as follows, viz: At Franklin, in Missouri, On-the first Monday in January next, for the side of Townships 51 to 35, in range 26, west of the sth.principal meridian lirie. 50 to 55, ranges 27 anti 28 dp. 51 to 55, range 29 do. AtYhe same place, on the first Mouuay in March next for the sale of Townships 51 and 56, in' range 30 west of the principri meridian line. 50 to 56, in range 31, 32, and 33 do At St. Louis* in said state, on the first Monday in December next, for the salt bf Townsliigs 35 <o 44, in range 1 anil 2, east of the sih principal Mtriedian fine. • At the same place, on the first Mon day In March next, for the sale of Townships 35 and 44, in ranges 3 and A east. v Bt the same place, on the Ist Monday i May next, sot the sale of Townalwps 35 ipni 44, In n ■*' ,e 5 and (?, east, noclof 43 and 44; in range 7 east. At JocksoA, isl the county of Ope Gi rurdeau, in the strid side, on lire first Mon day In February next, for the sale of - 34, in ranges 1 and 14, of the sth principal meridian line. 33 range 4 east do. 29 30 and 31 5 / do. 31 32 and 33 6 da. At Edwardsville, in the stale ofiniimia on the first Monday in January next, for the sale of Township 8 and 13 in range 9 west of the 3d principal meridian line. 11 to 13 10 and 11 do 9 to 16 12 and ,13 do 8 to 13 14 do ' 5 to 10 range 14 west of 2dprinci pal meridian line. 8 9 and 10 ronges 12 and 13 At Detroit, in Michigan territory, on the first Monday in November next, for the sale of Townships 8 9 and 10 S in ranges 4 and 6 east, 8 and 9 6 7 8 am 9 7 and 8 Except such lands as have been or may reserved by law -for the support of sehools, or for other purposes. The hall be sold in regular numerical order, beginning with the lowest number of sections, townships and rihges. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of JAMES MONHOE. By the President. JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Of fice. Printers who are authorised to publish (he laws of the United States, will pub . lish the Above once a week till the first of May, and send their bills to the Gen eral Land office for payment. Septembe 1820. UY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. % Whereas, by an act of Congress passed •n the 17th of March 1820, entitled “ An ot to authorize the President of the U. - tales to appoint a Receiver of the Public lonics and Register of the Land Office >r the district of Lawrence county in the vrkansas territory,” it is enacted, that ■ny person, having a claim to a right of .re-emption within the said district, shall •like known his claim and location, ac -0 riling to the provision of the laws now 1 force, to the Register, at least six week* i,efore the time to be designated by the 'residentof the United States for issuing latents to the soldiers of the kite army, utitled to bounty land in said district: Therefore, I James Monroe, President »f the United States, do hereby designate ' lie fourth Monday of November next, an ihe time at which patents as aforesaid nhall commence to issue . • Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the eighteenth April, 1820. JAMES MONROE. By the President, Josran Meios, Commissioner of the General Land Off ce Twenty Dollars Reward , ; And all Reaaonable, Expenses WILL be paid for apprehending and lodging in any jail in the state of Georgia, a Ncgio Fellow named MARTIN He is owned in Savannah, lias absconded and is supposed to be lurking about Au gusts Market, as his business at home is . butchering—He .is about 30 years old, tux feet high, square buily has two of his front teeth out,hind baa a scar on his h sad —tor further particulars enquire at this Office. i Sept. S—ts uanaway! he subscriber, a Young Negro ~. man named TOM, (supposed not over twenty one years of age,) be is of small stature, and a good jobbing carpefiter by trade.—-lie is well known in tlijs place and Savannah, and is supposed to be lurk ing about the vicinity ot this pity, or on !ns wtyr to Savannah. Any person apprehending the said fcl -k>w and delivering him to Messrs. A.— 'slaughter, & C. Labuzan, or wiging • him in jail, shall receive Ten Dollars re- > t ward. * ISAAC LARUCHfi* Augusta, Not. 17 -'--tf