Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, December 14, 1820, Image 1

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abg i ■■ V : HT-'- v I - • ■ S.iiSßf* * r £B- ; * * . ■ S&*’ ‘ • : *i- •■■■•* • ' «■• -. ‘ -ft tt' .■ , ' i.- 4 I [VOL. 1 I «~fi liSm^^Sst3^^P^~ 1 ~ iL i -~ = ~~~~~—~~~*~~*~~*~~~~~ ——-»-- - w Ti-IrtiSi I !■!■ I liiwii—'—il'iii' I hi" |' 75 ,-«a. - ■«- ■.' —jdifcfa. I THE. I 9Cuouota Cftromcle. ■ I fS -*c «#«•»*». I I Vn $ CTWarttoß* I robbMf «*■ ir " ,? “i, 8 ““t I *r «* *o*U*» miy- ; ■ I PIANOS I S4XM IfTHB Subscriber has Tor sale at & I Thouse. I , n d well tuned London made, I Piano Fortes, I which he will sell low for c«sh op appro. ■ ved town paper* _ I Wm. Brux, I December i>— -*— 6t IselunwWf E VERY CZEAP. ■ p'nnn subscriber hai'e'yat on hafldw-crim. ■ I pkte assortment of staple and fancy I Dry Goods, Lchplated Ware, consisting’of Crusts, ■Candlesticks, Coflee Urns Ue lie. also I Cutlery and Hardware. ALSO, JUST RECEIVED* I Ja Elegant apartment of I Thread’ Edgings, Laces, and Footings, Kt| of which will be sold very low lor cash K- approved paper, wholesale and retail. On Consignment. I 110 boxes East India China M 35 Patent Ploughs (on the River) I T. SJ. Cunningham, ■ Two doors below the Poet Office ■ Howard's Building. I Dec. 4 - ■ SUGAB, COFFEE £sc. fcCov? landing Sale ■ low, from the Whorl. IKVID HUDB Prims Orleans’ Sugar tHags do. Green Coffee Bbls. Company Loaf and Lump Sugar Tons Sweedes Iron, assorted sizes Ton Hoop and Sheet Iron Casks Cut Nails, all axes Bbls. Whiskey Qlt. Casks Malaga V ine Kegs Superior Richmond sweet. scented Tobacco Boxes Mould Candles ao. Fresh k Superior Muscatel Raisins Fa-kins Superior, Goshen Butter h Hand, at Retail, ica Sugar, ©id White Coffee, Old Brandy, Choice Wines’ Gin,, resh Teas, Nutmegs, Mace, and of all kinds. m. Bostwick § Co. | vember 2d KOCKKIES^ . H Thompson Co. Offer Jor Sale, bags prime green Coffee barrel!* prime 5). 0. Sugar bhds Muscovado Sugar pieces cotton Bagiug coils Bale Rope pipes pure Holland Gin do do Cog Brandy bhds J. Rum Halfpipes Sicely Madeira Wine barrels loaf Sugar ([■ boxes spuulsh Scgars do do Imperial > ripT7 A jimpowdcr&. Hysofta Jj. JLi E* fjr- Canisters, do do do Hags Pimento and Ginger, Do. Pepper, Sacks Fresh Almonds, Boxes No. 1 Soap, Bags Shot, assorted. Kegs Duponts Powder, do. Best Richmond Tobacco, Boxes Chocolate, Barrels N. K. Gin, Casks Cheese* Boxes do. Bushels Salt. her 31*.—if v f v-bi'jM m rence, Bapclyc £j Co. i‘ist received and offer far cub, an ■ assortment of r J 'DON superfine Cloihs nibir Milled Cassimercs ‘ntoiF and Kimbrt CraptS f nchews and Sarsnetts Ik and Bcavep Gloves, assorted ' ; *t Buckskin do iack and white Crapes 5,10 n “nd worsted half Hose 's!i Linens and Dwlas * ■'own Hollands and Osnabnrgs: ember 7 ts -“ - I " h anted liniiiediqSjS! iis Office, two JtHirncytnen.. iHh their buskwM V ■ vlii -i. ' SUGAR. 4® HflDVPrirat N.O. Sugar,fm sue on Go. I h *swstnbw ji: l '^—'» 6t ■,V' . AND ' Commvftßiou B osVwwhs HE subscriber having entered»nto the i afad Gommission Business, res jmlfolly tenders his services to his ’ friefldsand the public. He has taken a 1 store in lluntcr’s Buildings, Immediately below that occupied by Messrs Nicholas (J Neff, and hopes by unremitting indus try and an aasidious attention to their in tereots, to give general satisfaction to those that may favor him with their pat ronage. WILLIAM P. HUNTER, Savutipah. November 7 —-wSw l)rj Goods. The Subscriber?, J CIFFER tor sale, •" - - At the Lower Tenement of the Bridge Bank, Augusta, AW ASSORTMENT SUITABLE TO THE SEASON, VIZ: ROSE, Point and Duffil Blankets, \ Plains, Flannels, Baizes, Double Milled Drab Cloths, Coarse Cloths, assorted, Fine do Cambrick Muslins, Rook do. Calicoes, Ginghams, .Hosiery, Power Loom Shirtings, American Shirtings and Sheetings, With a great variety of other articles. LA WHENCE, HAP ELYE & Co. , October 31 ts Lalloclve Waistm, CONTINUE THE Factorage & Gommission BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH, Where all orders will be promptly attend ed to. July 7 ts STORAGE AND Commission Business. The subscribers have taken the Ware House lately occupied by Henry Shultz, apposite the Wharf, which is now in com plete order for the reception of Cotton and Merchandize. Mackenzie £5 Ponce. October 27 ts The Subscriber RESPECFULLY informs his friends & the public in general, that he has ta ken the store lately occupied by Mr., Houghton, adjoining Messrs Morgan and Bradford’s, where he will always keep on hand a general assortment of Ladies’ and Geniiemeas Boots Shoes Os the newest Pattern and best Materials He has also on hand, a large supply of Negro and Coarse Shoes, All of whichhe will dispose of on accom modating-terms. Repairing done on the shortest no tice and in the neaiest manner. J. M. Clarke £5 Co. November 30 ts Xcw Clutbiug Store. THIS day opened, and for sale for Cash only, one door east of the Augusta Hook Store, an assoMient of fresh and Fashionable Clothings made the present season, in the best man ner and of substantial materials, and con sidering the quality wiil be aold at reduced price*. , i : i Qj" Clothes cut and made in the latest Now-York and Chat lesion fashions at foe above stand by C. Clark- i November 27 6w Rimock Marsh Have Just received an extenatv© assort went of Fashionable - Beady made Clothing, Which they offer/or sale (for C ASH only) at a small advance nearly oppoaitelhe city Hotel. rfTHlMnn formcriy existing under foe larfßeof MJTLER £i BAGLEY, » ’ tliifdhy dissolved by mutual consent, art requests all those having demands spun* foe said firm, to present them to the sub-j scribet for pay.nent, »» he has fii|n on Ms hands foe of thff*B9ine : against said firm —AI*o requests who are todebtep firm, so call and settle foe Mfehey ■ . 1% Nel.cmiiU S#*crJ V-k 4 v - ' ■ L v .{ ' ■ ’ v,i ' :‘, v '. , v ;; j Straw Ttimwji* **c. r Metcalf -Vre'feceiving tins day, and offsgr S^«al«, ! ' M '■-■SCttiaSES V'P-> Straw Bonne's and Bands, I Os the JVrtoeti Patterns- Vv ■lyre yards s>lored andwiptV HonieSpujs, one hale fymfsd andfinp Mil j tenet* j.OOO •• Irish potatoes, nine BaireU Cranbeiriw; . and five Jersey Waggon*. \ ■- ALMJ. \ » 40,000 Dutch Quills, anil :: JBO dozen Slates,' 1 For sale at a very reduced price, south side of Broad Street, a little below the Planter's Hotel* 1 November 30 3t J\*b lice. joh\ exmm JTAS removed his store to end of Broad street, upptoite to th* Plan-* teVi 4 Hoti , 'l... Where he oßcrs far*su|e a I oh/dcvPassorthteht f h^'o-s, Groceries. London Porter, Sldt, icon, &.c London Duffle, Point and HosF, Bankets, Negro Jacket* and TroWsvii, Coarse Shoes, 2ic. With many other articles stihnble for 8 the present season, all of which jlic will sell at fair prices, for Cash or produce. November 11- —w6w N. B. Orders for Lumber, left at the store will be attended to with punctually 1 ; *** The Subscribers have formed a connexion for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Hu . •foes* in this city, under the firm of .Car tki.oc St Lamar. Liberal advances will be made, feithf r in Augusta or this place, upon Produce or Merchandize, consigned to their house for sole. , ■■■,.&, r P. L. Cantelou, G. B, Lamur. Savannah', October sdi 1820 ts tor Sale. ©© Acres o LAND, on the Wa ters of Cubbert and Bocky Creeks—For pa-‘jcular# enquire ot r Geo. Evans.- 1 July I—u_ ts {O~ LAW. THE Subscriber has settled himself in Milledgevillc; & will practice La win the Several counties composing the Oc mulgvc Circuit, also in any of the adj». pent counties where business may be of sered ijiai’a worth attention, t W ra. H. Torrance. November 27. w3t LAW OFFICE. fHE subscriber* have formed a con nexion in the various branches of profes sional business, Under the firm pf Hock wki.t, k Hr.rnrak. They will attend to any business confided to them in'the following counties, viz' Baldwin, Jasper, Ti r ilkirunn, Jones, Jfmeoch, Pulaski, Morgan. Wadhinglon, Laut-nis, Greene, Twiggs, And also in the 6tU Circuit Court of the United Slides. • Samuel Rockwell , Joseph L. Ilcphnrn. Milledgeviile, Sept. 91— if f emale Jlcademy. M and Mr*. Wahsf, will opjsn their 1 Academy for Young Ladies In Angiuts* on, the first Monday in December, (im nc diatcly after the close of their present engagement as principals of the I’owelton Academy) in Mr. DANFOII'VII’s School Boom on Keynoms street. B. - ide the ' Omhoh cmimkbtaiit branch es of Female Education, the course o. instruction will comprehend Logic, like toric, Moral and Natural Philosophy, of' the Human Mtud, kc,. Sec.—also, should it be wished, th el-atin, and Greek Language. Term* of Tuition will depend upon the brandies studied, and may be known by application «t the Augusta Book-store, where an opportunity may be taken of en tering scholar* until the number proposed is filled up. Every proper attention wilt be given to the conduct and deportment of yourlg La dies from the country* who rajaybe placed under their charge during the winter and spring—who, also, beside die usual in struction of the school, may receise the instructions of masters in Music, Drawing and the French Language. X T October 23,- —y ’'•.■notice,;,':. ", I *IX persons indebted t«*the estate of‘ i Col. Thomas Garr, late of Columbia f t&u.ity deceased, will please make paj-i ' meat. *4 wllwt of the. Exacutors, and I. those to sfhodlythe estateisjndehlcd, will • present their daims rwopeny attested. I \ JCieholas mre, Tfa I f Pf ; ;f: • .■ JR 2* , C •'♦i'.-'t- , •> !,'• ji ,2' », >ff, i ■ ■■■ig'kwpi-S' wi*-, ■ mmiii —W.IFI M ‘FASHION vn’ v (nimuT •• / J.cjie ofi/te Havre of O'/airf Brothers, 2c. ;. y2-jvrir.roxjc. Respectfully informs his friends -in Augusta, and Uic public, that f| e liai juai nceire«li from (lie former place, and Is ftpw opcnlncpAt hia whoaesale ami i rttail »iA.r tVAUE-IfOUSE, three doors ‘ bf°w thh' Aujnstacß^nk, A tAROX AN» rOMPUCT* ASSOUTMEST OP From the ronnufactories of Messrs. White, Brothei-s 8i co. fweed & Benedict, and l Jos'ab Wilson ofNew-York, together with » Isi'gv assoHment of hi* ownhr.uiiulaclure, I'hc fbHowing Ts a pai 1 of the assoi'tmsnl \now oTo red for sate, viz: 2000 Gentlemens’ superfine black ami Drab beaver Hats 1500 do fine and Common Castors blk and Drab 1000 Mens and Bays imitation Beavers, j 500 do do do Common Kororn Hals „ 1509 do ,do do fine & commbn tY«ol I -V: - Hats, f< ! 1009 .to do do imitation* white Merino Hats Jr. "I ’ 800 Morocco Caps assorted 199 Ladies’ and Mieses’ black Beaver,' fulltiimmed 200 Children’s Fancy Hats Also a large stock of BAND BOXES and TRUNKS by the nest, ttj* The above goods are’all fresh nnd of u superior quality and fashion Coun try merchants and others, will find it to their interest tocall and examine for them selves—as goods from (his establishment will be sold at a very snail adimhce from |heNew York prices, Augusta, December 7 8t Will be Hired, AT the house of William ll iuker. Esq on the first day ot January nest, the Negroes belonging to John William Itamsey (a minor) for the term of one year, the person that hired said Negroes this year will Oliver them. Jonatlmi Wood, Guar’d. ’Columbia County, Dec. 7 Notide. AGREEABLE tnsn order of the hon oruble Court of Ordinary of Columbia County, Will be Sold on the first Tues day in March next, at Columbia Court house 202-12 acres of hud in Wilginson county; district 27th, Lot No 178, sold as the property of D» xter Gibson, dec —Terms of sale nine months credit. B&rah Gibson, ex’iX Shad’h. \\ Gibson adr. December 7. tds NOllCli. Os the 10th day January next will be rented the plantation of UezcUiah Ikull, dec, on Brier Creek one mile above Walk> r’s Bridge, two hundred acres of clean! land under fence. ALSO, Hog’s, Cattle, Corn, Ik Fodder to be sold on the same day —Terms made known on the day ot sale. Jacob Bostick, ex'r. December 7,—wtds. To Heat. 1 HAT Commodious Dwelling House oh 1 clfttir-street, with all necessary Buil dings, and » good Garden attached Joh ns last year occupied by the subscriber possession St ill be given on the first Octo ber next. ,-.i ALS Op ' The Dwelling House op Green-street, with all necessary Build ings, and a good Garden attached 't» it, ill present occupied by Holland M*TjTe, esq Possession will he given on the |st of Jan uary next-* —For terms apply to I). Urquahart ' v .-|fipt, „ ■! ’■ ! S.IWIM Now in Columbia Jail, PKTER, who says he belongs to Wili am Kilgore, of Wilke* county, Georgia. Peter is about five, feet high, dark com plexion, and very old. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. John Bynaum, ■, ' Jailor, December 4——- 3t 8 10 Reward. SmAYED or stolen on T.iead.y 7th Nov. from the wharf in Augutta, a Sorrel Horae, of the following description, blind with <b« left eye, stop on the note, hind foot white VP to the footlock, he i» a short round, bodied horse, with * short swicb tail about 10 years old. Whoever will take up said horse and send him to'bis owfflff, or give inforraa § can be l;gay»’d shall receive ij-CwartT aaa an reasonable A Alely to tbe subscriber at rtiUffetoD Lamar, , Mg; ri■ j'A VDV^OAEDING. 1 Boarding in a privafi at thi* office. ! - v. • :m.. TJiD Sl’iCTlif J ~~ Whcreas by various nets of Congrefcg the President «j the United Slates is au thorized tp direct the public land* which Rave keen' surveyed to be offered for safe. Tlierefnre. I James Monroe, President * C( lhe United States, do hereby declare ! and make known, that public sales fbp > the disposal (according to law) of pub* * He lands, shall be held as follows, viz: ! At Franklin, in Missouri, on the first Monday in January next, for the sale of Townships 51 to S 5, in range 26, west of the sih principal meridian line. 50 to 55, range* 27 and 28 do. 51 to 55, range 29 do. • At the snene place, on the first Monoay 1 in March next for the sale of Townships 51 and SC, iii range 30 west of the principrl ibfcridian line. 50 to 56, in range SI, 32, ami 33 do At St. I,cuU, in said state, on the first Monday in December next, for the sale of Townships 35 to 44, in range 1 ami S, east of the sik principal M-.riedian line. At the same place, on the hint Mon day in Bfarbh next, for the sale of Townships 35 and 44, in ranges 3 and 4 ( ’ lit the same placo, on the Ist Monday i 1 Miiy Jiexi, for the sale of Townshfjft, 35 add 44, in range 5 and 6. ■ east, and of 43 nod 44, i»i range 7 east.. Al .lackaon, in the county of Cape, Oi rardeau, in the said side, on the first. Mon day in February next, for the sale of Townships 34, in ranges 1 and 14, of the slh principal meridian line. 3J range 4 east . do. 29 30 and 31 5 dm 31 32 and 33 6 do. At Kdwardsviße, in the state of Illinois on the first Monday in Unitary next, for the sale of Township 8 and 1" in range 9 west of the 3d principal meridian line, 11 to 13 HI and 11 do 9 toW 19 and ,13 do ' 8 to 12 14 do 5 to 10 range 14 west of Sdpriuci pal meridian line. 8 9 and 10 rouges 3 2 and 13 At Detroit, in Michigan territory,'on the first Monday in November next, for the sale of Townships 8 9 and 10 S in ranges 4 and 6 east, U and 9 6 7 « am 9 7 and 8 Except lach lands as nave been or may reserved by law tor the support of sahools, or for other purposes. The hall be sold in regular numerical • order, beginning with the lowest number ofsectivns, townships and ranges. Given under my hand at the c’dy of Washington, this nineteenth day of JAMES MONROE. By the President. .1041 AH MEltßfe, Commissioner of the General Land Oi« I fis.e« V ; • I Printers who arc authorised to publish 1 ihe laws of the United States, will pub * I lisb |iie above once u week till the first I of Mav, and send their bills to the Gen- I era! Land office for payment. Hoptembe 1820. HY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. I Whereas, by an act of Congress passed I on the 17th of March 1820, entitled “ An I set to authorize the President of the U. I states to appoint a Receiver of the Public I Monica and Register of the Land Office J forth* district of Lawrence county in tha I Vrknnsus territory,” it is enacted, that I any person, having a claim to a right of I Te-emptlon within the said district, shall I nske known Ula claim and location, «c- I wording to the provision of tire laws now I -> force, to the Register, at least six weeks I >efore the time to be designated by tlm I Tesidentof the United States for issuing I patents tp the soldiers of the late nrmy, I entitled to bounty land in said district: I Therefore, I James Monroe* President I of the United Slates, do hereby designate I ihe fourth Monday of November next, as the time a* which patents as aforesaid 1 dial! commence to issue I Given tinder my hand, at the City of I Washington, the eighteenth April, 1820. • : JAMES MONROE. j By the President, { Josiai* Mutoe, I Commissioner es the General Land Off ce Twenty Dollars Reward, And all Reasonable Expenses WILL be paid fur apprehending and lodging tn any jkil in the State of I Georgia, a Negro Fellow named /t ‘ MARTIN, . ] He is fawned in Kavannah, has absconded , ( and is supposed to be lurking about Au- f uata Market, as his business at home is, utchcring—He is about 30 years old, six I feet high, square built, has /Woof his J frontleetb out, and has ascar on hishead ] —tor further particulars enquire at this I Office. J Sept. 5.»'" "ts ;.>V ! “SANA way] [ 1 FROM the subscriber, a Young Negro ' I man named TQM* (supposed net over * 1 twenty one years of age,) tie is of small 5 j statute, and a gbod jobbing carpenter by * I trade,—He is well known in thu> place • I and Savannah, and ia supposed lo be lurk i l ing about thA \}ciplty of t|iis city* or on ibis way to Savannah. H Any bersenepprehending «hc snkl fel f I low and delivering him to Messrs. A. ‘ TSlaughfer, sis C. Labuzan, or ’edging him ift jai£Abell receive T 0» llollais rf ‘,T v : ,<o f f,T,.<* JI . ISAAC LAROCHE. tf-rrif .v/ ■ •if. y- i*fW t;',; yk 4 . ■ Su\ • : ' j >; &