Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, January 01, 1821, Image 3

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MOTION. day Sth March next, !;«■ 10 o’clock, A. M. on the premises, the rc ■Sßg L O IS, belonging to Bar at the up,»cr end ol fK§ be liberal and mada known rJSßsr’*' sale. Indisputable titles Kfiraser Sj Bow die. MH tA&rs. era, ‘.’SSfeu AND MANTUA-MAKER, c FROM PAH IS, rc B BE she was employed in the i,vE«se of Mr. Lc Roy, the most Mode Ware-House in Trance, tiHr service* to the Ladies of An aißH its vicinity in the above lines K hat just received a few of the intswonable Bonnets, and also a nunv th v&lored Prints of the latest fa to tfcth for Bonnets and Dresses, auivMl be made from those prints at agailtst notice, to suit the fancy or erjMie purchaser. regular correspondents in Pa* it'JKvili furnish her monthly with (1 from that emporium i;M would be glad to instruct a Ladies in the above business. jHfencc is at the house formerly Mrs. Oliver, near the Bridge. ''-‘jfflpt to its Highest per rijg fee rion ■■jscriber in the years of his youth rjnßnce, through life, Las ever paid attention to the truly im- deeply interesting subject liwßisliip, as an art of the most uui ii'M, and convenience in every stage » Hly department of civilized and jiiHEfe, as peculiarly adapted to the e Kce and advantage of those of it, I IK destined to fill the active, and o| stations and departments of it, )«H peculiarly adapted to adorn, po imfi particularly to arcoiaplish that Y B<> f *(*0161/, destined by na- .cherish, animate and thßwmselves to it. Viewing the ieH| very high, and important na nißwilized and refined society, he aflHriewed with deep and sensible U'MflP* manner in which the teaching ,M}y important, and all iuteresl ) lE| been conducted,—Early, sun irHKMeeply impressed with a full rAijtpf its importance, utility, nnu society, ne, early in life Upjhpi~l c * ~ miiirrr" the mostcom- to impart a f ull; per ftMowcurute knowledge of it, This Hiie has fully and most com fa Blessed througli life;but no BH; ever induce > him. to make public, of communicating ■HHv of it, until circumstances of and afflicting nature, restil- HBRufisli spuiliations, purlieu ar- BB many of the most eminent citizens of this comma- Isßßd him, on the SO'.h of July IbHH publicity to his intention of -wB art in us fullest periectiou tplSßf Ladies and Gentlemen of dij ||tf|pfaraUies in thiscommunity. flflKuence of that notice, sufficient Bp been afforded to him, ut giv- satisfactory evidence of Ids 'Hjjr'tlie art, in its highest perfec " of the specimens of his Academy, have most ''!B[ satisfactorily proved—An . the trials made; and the have been submitted to ■MSspcctlom To say; that he will tu H..d engage to instruct any at- JHSiug Lady or Gentleman, of at. ® '■ftge. from live years, to write reßF' Cm vel hand, in .°Bfis lias determined him, to an I j'Bft, at bis intention, to the respect- M lies of tins coinniiinity, and t> '|Wtlie sister state of Georgia, that ■e present day, he will pursue u, i. Ami holding himself [jL by toe ties of gratitude; ami res make his first tender of sen in s, ; ft. ling Muster, to Die respectaoie Luts of this community; and to ■ the sister stale of Georgia — Before solicits, the kind patiouage Stneficcnt stales, and tne jHhout.l it b« their pleasure to al {Hi w, He, will use, the greatest -Hs iu his power, to make present, IB the fiimii of the education of the . flLlies of both states, leaving them of the most important, to them, m i l interesting art a fair, easy, beautiful and eie « ata * css expense of time, and Bp :l w “ s tvei ' before demanded.— particulars, relating to this m- s i.ilelcslmg to He pray s leave, to infer, to tlie Hr, at present residing at the HQUuuse Hotel. JH W iliiaiu Cooke. ]B- nfl ' r 2fi, 2>vU.w2t S'NOTICE^ of .1. & B CODV, many months dissolved, and hereafter under the firm will HHcknowledgi d by HhdN d-ChitMICK, Agent for tinett CODV. Consignments. DR. ROSER’S Celebrated Vegetable Pulmo nic Detergent, WHICH is used in Consumptions, Catarrhs, Asthmas and Coughs, or diseases originating from Colds, with signal advantages. This Medicine is freed from all those objections wbicb£the use of inflamatory drops, or’similar preparations are always liable to. He invites the Pub lic to try and judge of the efficacy of the Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent; the in sult of many years labour and experience of bis own practice. He is sensible of (he. professional objections which are so often urged against Patent Medicines ; but it is not for him to say that s.icb objections are sinister. He can only observe that the Medical properties of his Detergent can only be tested by i<s use. A few Cases of the above, are olfered low at Wholesale and Retail; also Casks and Barrels of Lamp and Linseed Oil, Mus tard; Alum and Bladder; with various other article* on the most accommodat ing terms. C. C. Dunn, Antlers Itarge , January 1. DRV GOODS. The Subscriber has received, in addition to his FORMER STOCK, at the store formerly the Bridge Hank. BAMASK Nankin Crape Dresses Striped do do Nankin Crape Scarfs Crape Shawls Nankin Black India Florence Canton Crapes Mens’ black and white Silk Hose Womens’ do do do do Ribbons assorted Imitation Merino Handke • tiefs Fringed do do Jaconet Ginghams Gingham Umbrellas Combs Threads Needles and Blue Cloths. All of which will be soli at a small ad vance for CASH, wholesale or retail. George Wragg, Jr. January 1 4t Bulletin No. 1 ArotrsTA, January 1,1820. /n Can-TOV-meiit, corner of (Vushiugton end Rsyjiaul Streelt William ►'IAEN'jERS the homage of his most pro- I found consideration to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, and of its vicin age propinquity, in the fashionable and accorao'isbed professions of Barber , Hair-Dresser, Per fumer a Surgeon. With Lanoct, Comb, Scissors, Hone, , He wil i not quail to any one, To sfckTO, cut, PUFF, to blister, buckle ro'l, Interior lie standi to no Kuig’ic of the Pole. As“compa ison* are odorous,” he would not blase forlii his professional merits to the world, w ere he not conscious of poses sing them in a super-eminent degree; and at the same time, apprehensive, that Ills silence might be construed into fastidious ness or false delicacy. That the vile epi thet of Puff may not tarnish bis reputa tion, he bugs leave to proclaim to an im partial world what are his pretentions:— His distinguished talents are penetration and perseverance,- ami his numerous pat runs can give proof of the keenness of his judgment Active nnd assiduous in the •pUere he moves, lie early arrived at the Aead of his business. Independent in bis nature, he has often taken Pride by the note, and has many a time lathered Impu dence. He is no great politic an, yet can tell a Wig Jfioni a Tory —Though he des pises low actions, yet none, strange as it may seem, stoops oftener to meanness, lie is expert at picking locks, yet never was known to do it with dishonest inten tions. He is so great a physiognomist, and so insinuating in his manners, he can tell the secret v'orkiug ol men’s heads —and like the immortal Shakespeare, be holds the min or np to nature. He associates with men of talents, yet ho rather chooses blockheads for his constant companions— finding tlrnm subservient to his schemes for accumulating wealth, he keeps them merely u< lools to work on This rapi I out line, with the following scientific and classical illustration,he hopes will be suf (l dent to convince an enlightened emn inunity , that lie has not ‘ o’er slept the modesty of nature.’’ Hair Cutting. No. 1. Jtrul is’Cut —-This cut is alto getber class.eul—-dates its origin from the death of.'nliiis Canar—there is no dan ger boweverin the operation. ! 2. Jiuaupr.rtr's JL-hr.' l Cut, is en mili taire—uo h.ur disccr.iude Under tiie Chu pc an. ;3. Grecian Cut —hair full length, hang ing in Ringlets. Hair Dressing. No. 1. Pigeon ff’ing Dress —the hair protruding from behind the ears, in up pe.u-.ince s.milarto the wings of a Minerva re versed. 2. Horse Shoe Drent —in front, similar to a horse shoe—u la Talapoosa. 3. Dress, ala Rose. 4. Club Dress —a la Tabac. 5. Quiets Di ets— a la Monkey. 6. Braid Dress —a la Honey-Comb, lu those branches, and in all the ram ideations of his Art, he will yield to none. The limits of a newspaper preventing him 1 from going into detail, he hopes this la- ' conic, annunciation will suffice his innu. nerablc patrons, whose munificent libe • a lily is indelibly engraven on his heart, and will be enthusiastically remembered until eternity itself grows grey. January 1 ts fjj* Wanted lucimediato vat this Office, two Journeymen Prin era. who undertfand their business. November 7'*— ; Keep Dark!! Can’t Tell!! niZs>-n n x 1 ATTIb.NTUKV \ Garret Society of Augusta. |JTt ROM the following proclamation of JP our highly distinguished and dearly beloved VVooiey G-uMner, King of -ail the Jarsies Sic. !tc. See Nn it will he seen that a charter bus been granted to our re uouned Society of Garreteers in tlie city ot Augusta, in consequence of so nce y of the citizens of the aforesaid kingdom of Jarsey emigrating to this section of tlu country —Now, therefore, we deem it our duty, to apprise all emigrants to deport themselves with all circumspect on, and to indulge in none oilier but tiii-nimber I amusements Should this our high order be disobey ed, regular returns of such disobedience will he made tu our most gracious mon- arch, who will inflict such punishment as the nature of tlie offence demands. Tlie Flying and Standing Committees, the Master of the Watch, tlie Announ cing Mule, and Nondescripts, are order ed to be on tlie alert; and faithfully report whatever may be of interest or importance to the well being of the Society, nj)—vf The Grand Chaplain will attend to hisdu tit s as usual. iff A meeting of the Society will bo held to morrow morning at the Holy Well, ball'tin hour before sun rise.—Transient members are requested to attend. By Order, "V —3VfC- seen!ary. XXXtb day of Colton, mouth of mud, year of Discovery, 11,500. -o- □ N. B. Since the arrival of the Charier, Cider Spirits has become greatly in de mand. Wo OLE V GARDNER, by the grace of God, King of all the Jarsies, and Su preme Director of Pinchgut, Communi pau, and Dogs Misery, anil Lord Protec tor of Upper and Lower Canada, Presi dent of the Garret Society in the renown ed and tar famed City of Newark, in tlie Land of Musqueloes, and defender of the Faith, &c &c. To all to whom these presents come GRIN NING: Whereas, in the course of human events, it lias become necessary that a Branch of our ancient, illustrious, and mystic socie ty, bo established in our worthy City of AUGUSTA, in our province of Georgia— Therefore, Know ye, that We, for divers good causes and considerations US there unto moving, have, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, ft mere motion, given and granted, nnd by these our Letters Patent, do give and giant unto our most worthy and beloved cousin XX X RO-f --of our far famed nnd renowned city ot Au gusta, in our Province of Georgia, full power and authority to establish, consti tute, and bold, all meeiings and conven tions within our aforesaid District, at such times an I places as are hereinafter par ticularly set forth and specified, conform able In all things to our most excellent constitution and Bye-Lan s. In testimony whereof, WE have here unto affixed the Great Ssalofour So ciety, ot Newark, this Cth day of tlie month of Blossoms, in tlie year of Dis covery, 11,500. William Gardner, -*• r -■ & C . CALEB S A VEILS, Secretary. January 1 It Power of Magic. MR. DESLANDKIS, LATE trom London, Paris, and from the principle cities in the United Stater,, where his performances have met with unparallelled applause, respectful ly informs the citizens of Augusta, that he will, on THURSDAY EVENING next, at the Long Room of the Planters Hotel, exhibit his most extraordinary Perform ances in the MAGIC ART Fur particulars, see Bills. Performance to commence at 7 o’clock fjjf TICKE 18. one dollar—to be bail at tne Planters Hotel. Pianos, JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of fu st rate London made Piano Fortes, Patent polished and round Cornered.— For Sale low for cash, or approved paper, by A, PIGQUBT, at Messrs. F. G. GIBSON, Sc Co. January 1 w ts Executors Sale • WILL be sold on the 25th of January next in Columbia, and at Ida plac of residence, all the Personal Estate of Clementina Davis, deceased.—Consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, stock of Horses. Ca’tle, Sheep and Hogs, Oorn. Fodder, Colton; and other articles too te- t dious to mention. Terms of Sale—credit until the Ist of October next, with approved endorsers, except the Cotton, 1 JAMES BURROUGHS, WM. FULLER, ex’ors. " December 11. w6t i I Executor's Sale. WILL be sold on tbe 15th of January next, at the late residence of Willi- f am Dennis senr. dec. the personal prop- 1 erty of said deceased, consisting of Corn, t Fodder, Cotton, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, ami many other articles too tedious to men tion—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.—Term* made known on the day of sale. JOHN H. LITTLE, Adm’r. November 27. td». BLANKS 1 For sale at this Office, Sheriff’s Sale, WILL be sold, at the Court House in Warrenton, on the first Tuesday in February next, between llie usual hours of sale. 100 acres of Oak £5 Hick on- land on the waters of Rocky Comfort, adjoining A. Muucrief and millers, it being the place whereon Richard Smith now lives, levied on to satisfy several small ex ecutions in favor of Micajah Brooks, vs. Hiclnrd Smith, property pointed out by the defendant, levied on and returned to me by L. Jackson, constable. A LSI! 101* acres of laud, on the water* of Mid lie Crock, adjoining lands of Roese and others, levied on io satisfy several s.n dl oxetn'ions issued out of a Justices court, in favor of ,1. h Y Reese and others, vs ll.otwell Fella, levied on by \V, High! conUaole, Si returned to me. A till One bar marc seven years old; two l air years old sleets, three cows and yearlings, one three years old heifer, levied on to sitlsfy an excvinion in favor of J W B Cody vs John Newsom, pointed out by the defendant. AT.SO 00 acres of laud adjoining 'Brown and Ilarrel, with tire improvements thereon, levied on to satisfy several small small executions in favorof Stephen Burn ley and others vs Solomon Greiuul, levied on by Lewis Zachary constable and re turned to me. AT.SO 296 acres of land on Harts creek, adjoining Levis and others, with good improvements thereon, it being known as Turner’s Cross Hoads, le> ied on to satisfy an execution in favor of Mel ton W right and others vs Stephen C, Turner, and James S Turner, property pointed out by J U Turner. A I.SO 17a acres of land on the waters of Briar creek, adjoining 'flicker and others, it being the place that Dan iel Hutcherson nov lives on, levied on to satisfy a li ft in favor of John Butt vs Hut cherson, Clark and Blantford. AI.SO 197 acres of land on the waters of Harts Crock, ad joining lands of Ores on and others, it being the place whereon Benjamin S Harrison now lives levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of Joint Unit vs Benjamin S Harrison, pointed out by the defendant. ALSU 500 acres of Pine land on the waters of Deep creek, and 715 acres on the waters of Red creek, adjoining Js Baily and others, levied on as the prop, erty of Alexander Bailey, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of David C Rose vs A and Z Bailey, pointed out by Bailey. ALSO 100 acres of land more or less, adjoining James Bailey nr;. 1 others, it being the place where Zacluiriah Bailey now lives, two cows and calves, 1 steer three years old, 200 head of hugs, levied on as the properly of "acliarinh Baily to satisfy an execution in favor of David C Rose vs A and Z Bailey', pointed out by Z Bailey. A. Rogers, s >v c. January I tds Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Court house in Wayneshormigh Burke county, within the usual hours of tale. Between 5 and 7 hundred bushels of corn, (more or less) attached as the property of Bryant O’Banion, to satisfy rs. N. L. Sturges and Uedlield, Gailick, & Go. sold by order of the honor able the Inferior court as perishable pro perty. ALSO, 100 acres Oak § Hickory Land (more or less) Joining Williams ipid others, levied on aslho property of Ro bert Fryer, to satisfy Pemberton unci Rey nolds and others ALSO, 2 tracts of Oak & Hickory Laud containing 2uo acres each, (mure or less) joining Cox and others, levied on as the property of Peter 1 Colliding, to satis fy llama M’Kinne vs. William Kee, PI Coulding and 11 (1 Paulett. ALSO, 107 acres of Oak and Hickory Lund (more or less) joining the ton n of WHyncsborough, and two negroes Violett and Iter child Oil'll, levied on as the property of Alicnjali it. Ward, to sat isfy T.-fi and Fisher, vs. M. B. Ward and Simeon JLkdi. ALSO, 250 acres Oak 8c Hieko -1.-uul, more or less, joing Powell and olli ■ •18 on Brier Creek ; levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Red, to satisfy a fi la in fiver of Pemberton Reynolds and others; pointed out by defendant. ALSO, Two Negroes, viz. Dub lin and Screen, levied on as the property •>f Joseph Shcwmake, (administrator of •he estale of James Henderson,) to satisfy Two executions in favor of Gross Scruggs! pointed out by J. Shcwmake, adnri’r. ALSO, 267 1-S acres of Prime Land, joining Lively and others j levied on as the property of John Royal, jun. to satisfy sundry fi fa’» from a justices’ Court in favor of Moses Mulkey ; returned by Isaac Mulkey, constable. ALSO, One horse and gig and harness, and a negro girl named Gritty, levied on as the property of Joseph Roe, i to satisfy sundry fi fa’s. Wilson Navcv, s. n. c. * / January I—Uls For Sale. Acres o LAN D, on Hie IV*. tew of Cuhbert and Rocky Creeks—For paV-iculars enquire of Geo. B, Evans. , July I*-* ts < as Hogsheads, prime New Orleans SU GAR, will be offered for sale nt the Wharf early to-morrow morning, by J. Woodrow. JanKiVT 1 ft Notice. BOOT. COLLIKiI takes this methodVf irfontimglds friends and the public ili'ulu- lias settled himself on the farm of Walter Leigh, Ksq. (formerly the resi dence of Mr. Tlrunas Howard’*) in Co lumbia county 1«> mile? below the Court House, where lie contemplates in future, devo'inp his entire aneniion to the seve ral branches of his profession. January 1 * 2.w3w Tiift WuiTeuton Academy, Vl/ILL commence on Monday the 15th f * January next, under the auperin tendance of Mr. Henry Hall, an experien ced Teacher from the North. Students can be accommodated with hoard, at pub lic or private boauling'-honsts, on ntode rate terms, Warrenton Geo. .Tannarv 1 fit qv iWmtul. Till', three tracts of land on the Altama ha diver, tint were advertised for sdo by Mr. .lames A Voting of the Man sion House Hotel of this City, on the 33J of May last, in the Ciironicle of litis pi ice, remains unsold in cons, (jncncc of his sudden, and unexpected death lit; same three tracts of land are still offered for sale—And in ennseq tence of the death of Mr. J allies V Voting, who was my legally authorised aUorney. I have duly appointed and fully empowered Mr. Ro. bert M’Kcen and his sou Mr William P. M’Keeu of the Hansion House Hotel of this City, my lawful attorneys, and to whom 1 hate delegated every requisite legal power, to sell and to convey away, the said three tracts of land, or any parts, or parcels of them, in Fee Simple.—Suf fice it to say, that there will he placed in the hands of my said attorneys, such evi dencies of legal and safe titles to said lands, as will defy the world to deny, ot to disprove the same. These evidencif.a will at all limes be produced, to such as may he desirous to purchase. And the subs fiber who executes this power, wil. hold himself hound to make such further explanations tis.eannot but be completely satisfactory to any body. The sale of these lands docs not result from any rig’-t to sell them, but from necessity) result ing IVom the entire loss of their present owners fortune, hy Spanish Spoliation Which still remains nnredressed, after all the efforts, (hat could be made, by the American Government, for the last twenty .years past. —N<> further proof will be ne cefluary Satisfy any permit who may be inclined lo pm chase any ol these lands.— Canon itiflpcnlion of the p triicular tracts, and informing themselves of their qnali ties, and their particular advantages.—Not one of these tracts of land, hut, was se lected more than fifty years ago by per sons of skill nnd judgment. William Cooke. Augusta, January 1. hit ~ THE SVItSVRIHEII HESPEC I'FUI.LY informs bis friends 1 and the public, that he has received ane.U assortment of NEW GOODS suita ble to his line of business, consisting of Superfine Cloths, Coronation mixed Cassi meres, Black and Blue ditto Superfine Valencia Vest ings, (entirely new.) CO* He has formed a connexion in Charles ton, by which means he wilt always have on hand, a constant supply of the newest goods, and fashions direct from Condon. James (Jordon, Tailor and flabit Maker, Washington Street Augusta, December 28 ts ,1. B. Ha , DUNTIST. A G\IN offers his professional services A to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Au gusta for a few weeks. Persons wishing to he waited on at their place of residence will pleiiSo send a note lo his lodgings at the Mansion House. ffj* Hayden's approved Dentifrice and Tooth llrushcs of the first quality, may be had as above. December 28 ts Administrator's Sale. /A GRF.EADLP. to an order of the lion orable the Inferior Court of the County of Hurke, when selling for Ordinary pur poses, Will be Sold, ■on the first Tuesday in January nest, at the Court house in the town of Waynes borough, between the usual sale hours, O ' ' Four old Negroes, (viz.) Joe, Phillis, Hannah and Jack, the pro perty of Lucretia Nobles dec. sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. Terms made known on day of sale. Arthur Hell, Jldirir. Nos ember 17 (ds ~ Will be Hired, AT the Market-House on the first cf Janurury next, the Negroes belong ing to the estate of James B. Oliver, dec. Th os. 8. Oliver, adm’r Augusta, Dccemucr 18 “2w. 3000 Acres ILLINOIS & MISSOURI O»ASTJ)S 9 FOR SALE, or would be exchanged for property in this city.—Enquire at this Of jjec. * IHc. 21 l»3t i NKW-YrtKK HAT STORE. George Hannah, C Late of the firm rfffOl'J' & IUXJYJI//, ('i'mrlcs!*n, Sovth-Carolina J KF.WKCTPIJLLY informs Ills friends j mill the public, that lie lias just re turn m1 to this city, and bus removed hi* STOUT, to the large Uncle Building, near* !y opposite his. Ibimer stand, me door a hove the store of Mr. U. II Mi-'B(.uovr., VTIIEJtR UK 19 SOW OPKSISU .? Large anil General.issortment of Fresh Hals, From the celebrated manufactory of Meats. Tweedy & Benedict, and other approved Manufactories in New-York, coxsrsn.YG or Gentlemen’s black and Drab Reavers, Hroa-1 and narrow Brims, some of which are Water proof Ditto ditto Castors Ditto imitation Heaven Mens* Si Hoys’ tine and common Romm* Ditto Merino and common Wool Hats Children’s and Infant’s Hals, Morocco Cap#, I .adieu’ Heave: S, Military Hats, £'c. A’t of which are ofTmed for CASH of town acceptances on the most accommo dating terms. The above assortment is probably surpassed by none in the citv for low prices and qualities. Country Mer chants and others are invited to call and judge for themselves. The greatest care taken in parking hats, so that they may oner, ih good shape and order. December 23 w6w Brandy , Gin, §c. j© netts & Otard Dupoy A cos brands) 5 pipes Holland Gin pure as imported 10 qr. casks 1.. P. Tcrl'Tlffc Wine 40 barrels loaf and lump Sugar 30 qr. chests best Hyson Tea 10 do do do Imperial do 10 do do do (bin Powder dn. .lust received am! for sale by A. Mitchell WH Clarke, December 28 ts ra/i C mini l/ecd OI ALL SOP.fb, PUT up by the SHAMS, and wurrafD ted.— ‘ ALSO 30 do/. London Mustard, w arranted Fresh and good—Just, Receiv ed and for sale by David Smith Co, South aide nf the. Market) December 28 ' p rn Marshal's Sale. ON the first Tuesday in ,January, Will be sold, at the Market house' in this city between tin* hours of ten and tvvb o'clock Twenty-five Negroes, lo v-td on as the property of Partin M'Kinne, at the suit of President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the tl. Stales vs. said llama M'Kinne el. al John 11. Morel, w. d. o. December 15 tds ~K AN A WAY. o i ROM the subsciiber, a Young Negro man named TOM, (supposed not over twenty one years of age,) lie is of small stature, and a good jobbing carpenter by trade.—He is well known in this place and Savannah, and is supposed to be lurk, ing about the vicinity of this city, or on his way to Savannah. Any person apprehending Hie said fel low and delivering him to Messrs. A. Slaughter, ii C. Labnzan, or lodging him in jail, shall receive Ten Dollars re ward. ISAAC LAROCHE. Augusta, Nov. 17 ts Georgia, Columbia County In the Superior Court , September Term, 1320. Heirs and ifepreseiitaiivesT of Lewis Gardner, dec’d. In Equity, VS, >-nill for di* Administrators of Lewis | covery and Gardner. J distribution- IT appearing to (he court that the bill has nut been amended according to the motion obtained at thedast term—lt is now ordered, that this bifl be amended nd i. copy of the same as amended, be served on the defendants at least thirty da} s be fore the next term, and that a notice b<* published to call in the defendants resid ing out of the state, once a month for six months in one of the public Guzetts of this state previous to the next term of this court. —Taken from the Minutes A. Crawford, cVk. October 3 m§rr Georgia, Columbia county* In the Superior Court , September Term, 1820. Caroline Matilda Sanders, by her Guardian, Elizabeth In Equity, Stanback Comply, vs, / Yancy Sanders, Jas. Sanders, V.lJill for diu- Lewis Sanders, Philip San- C coVcry and ders, Jesse Sanders, Isliatn \ Uislribu- Rayliss and wife, Edmond • tion. Iltunt and wife. ON Motion, it appearing to the court that James Sanders, Lewis Sanders, I'hil ip Sanders, and Jesse Sanders, reside out of this stale —It is ordered that a notice be. published once a month for six months in one of *he public Gazettes of ibis St»t« previous to the next term of this con. t, and shall be deemed sufficient service, urn I that leave be granted to amend the bill and to perfect service. Taken from the minute* j A* Crawiord, cVk