Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, January 08, 1821, Image 3

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I and it appeared in evidence, the families were' near ours, very intimate, and all o table standing. Several ot ■ii Itv were examined, as to the nent parts of the drugs, and .fleets upon the huemm days. s< Craton, Houston and Over ssisted the attorney for the Messrs. Crab, Grundy ant! f for the accused. The def en were acquitted. I Receipt fir the Hheumati&n. cone ounce of Gum Camphor* ut it into a quart of spirits,* erc iii ns much of the bark u rass root as the liquor cover stand for ten .or twelve hours is ready for use. Take half a „n wineglass full on going to md the same as soon as you the morning. If possible an or two before breakfast, and tgnin at 11 o’clock, should the ii ati sin lie very painful, taking , ?ub the parts affected with the medicine. It being an in no nedicine, the dose may be in id to a full glass if thought sarv. The effect is a violent ration, consequently the pa must be extremely careful not exposed to the cold. Although eatment may not suit all kinds eumatism, it has had the effect lieve one who had it in his lers,knees, and ancles, forma* , and very strenuously recom, s its application. mmunicated by a A 'aiical Friend. i'ißlSo stfully informed open on Wed- Oth* with t FIFE ACTS, - Conquer. ■ i Night. : added ACTS called arrow. Is of the Day.) 5, and perform past 6 o’clock, 1. lin § Co. itional supply of ODS, lass, Chi arc and oxtment inferior are oflercd for exma. mdon made >rte, Ark made i HING, ' */) jYorr op r Mills, nrsl nf the Post Up Hu; Punks Assortment of 'lduhcs, F Goods, •;se, and onule listen, under * es. ' on Porter e low for cas’n, pson §co iNT~ 10 th it)ft. nil he sold -Office. I. Horses fatness. Wire, CIOXBERS. DING. " can te accomo n R in a private us office. An Ordinance. an «ct passed oy the I.e --f ▼ g.slnture of this state on Use 13th December 1829“ To vest the government and regulation of the Court House and Jad of Richmond County, in the Mavor and City Council of the City of Augusta, and appointing tliem sole commissioners us the .Court House and Jail of said Coun ty- Hs Obtained , by the authority of the City Council of Augusta—That they will at their first regular meeting in January in each and every year appoint a keeper ut the City uml County Jail, whose duty it slmll be to superintend the Jail agreeable to the laws of this State. ° He shall kc-p a book in which he shall enter the names of all persons commit I eh, by whom and for what offence committed, he shall note the discharge of all prison ers and the authority by which they arc discharged. , The Jailor shall supply the prisoners with such food as is required by the laws of this suite, he shalj keep an account of the daily receipts and expenses of the Jail. 1 he Jailor previous to his entering up on the duties of his othce, shall give bond and good security in the sum often thou sand dollars conditioned for ihc faithful discharge of his duty, and shall take and suhserne the following oath—!, AUdo solemnly swear, that 1 will to the best of my skill,perform all the duties required of me as Jailor, that I will keep a true ac count of all monies, either received or paid by me, and render a true account thereof to the City Council, monthly. Ihe Jailor shall hold his office lor one year from the time of his appointment, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless removed by order of Council, and his salary for the present year shallbe five hundred dollars. Passedin Council, January 3, 1821. NICHOLAS WAUL, Mayor. By the Mayor, _ D. CLARKE, C. C. An Ordinance. To prevent horses running at la’ge in the City of Augusta WHEREAS the practice of permitting horses to run at large in the City of Augusta, Is attended with much danger to the inhabitants thcreof- De it ordained , by the City Cmncil of Augusta, that from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall and may he iavv. ful, and it is hereby myd£ the duty of the Police Officers to take into his or their possession any horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass found running at laigc within the corporate limits of this city, and confine such animal so taken up in such place as may he selected by the city Marshall, and it shall be the duty of said Marshall to ad vertise the sale of the animal or animals so taken up at the market house and in one of the public gazettes at least ten days previous to the sale, tak ng care to give a particular description of the same in the said advertisement. And be it further ordained, that if any such horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass shall belong to any person or persons re siding within the corporate limits of the City, he, she or they shallbe entitled to the possession of the same on due proof of property at any time previous to the sale, oh pay ing one dollar to the marshall for each and every animal so taken up for the use of the officer (having taken up the same) and all costs and expcnces for ad vertising, keeping, Sec. ami moreover pay a fine cf two dollars for each and every horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass, and in all cases where it shall appear by proof that the animal or animals so taken up is the right and properly of'a person or per sons residing without the corporate limits of the city, then and in that case it shall he the duty of the city marshall to deliver up the same on receiving the amount ofcosts and expencts for advertising and keep ing. And be it further ordained, that it shall and may be lawful for the owner or own ers of any horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass, where the same may have been sold at any time within six months after such sale on due proof of property to be made before the City Comtek to claim &. demand the amount of the purchase money’, firtn deducting therefrom the amount o, ex penses and fine incurred, i’asscd in Council, 3d January 1321. NICHOLAS WARE; Mayor Uy the Mayor D CLARKE. Clerk The above Ordinance will be rigid-, Iv enforced after the 13th January, 1821 W)i BEE, M C A Richmond Academy. BV a recent resolution cf (he Board of Trustees, the Subscriber is authoris ed to inform the public that the number of pupils in «ach department is in future to lit* limited. Not more than forty can he admitted h'lo the Classical Department, anil not more* thstu tinny five can lie re ccived to cucii tutor in the English De partment. The undivided attention of Messrs, (’aldw. U and Scott is bestowed on the English pupils and will be continued with that zeal and ability in teaching, for which each of those gentlemen is distin guished There are five vacancies yet in the classical department, and a few in the , English. Ter...s of admission —cfght dollars per quarter for the Classical, and six for the English. W. T. Bran tty, /,’ect. Uichmond Academy, January 8 3; i3iu\d\u «Mam\t\vclovy, Three doors brlnsv the Market, JYurth Sitle Jlroad-Strcet ffMIE Subscriber has on hand, a con- JL stant supply of the best MANUFAC TURED CANDLES at 22 cents per pound. M. Payne. Highest price given for TALLOW. Jannsry 3. \v6w ISenv in Columbia Jail. MARCUS, who says he belongs to kinder of Wilkes conn, ly. Georgia, Marcus is about five feel h’.jil*, light complexion The owner is requested to come forward prove pro pony pay charges and lake him away. IJoJm Bynaum January 4 gt Caveat A LL persons tire requested to take no - that 11 awe legal an 1 equitable lien., for a cousufcrable part of' the pnr chase money whitix remains unpaid, upon lot number ten. it* the lots laid off by Ed ward P. Campbell on Broad street Au gusta, whereon there are three frame tenements, formerly my property, and h> me sold to James Mym. Any person who purchases, will take the property subject to those liens of which if more par titular information is desited, it will be gtve.t by U.chard Henry Wilde, Esq. or the subscriber. Jesse Watson, by his Attorney . A. Slaughter. January * If , List of Letter* | Remaining in the Posf-Olliee, Waynesho f rough, Ist January, l«2l, A ■ Robert It. Atkinson, 1 11 Julia MHott AViilUam Rt acfr, James Baiy GeoVge Bass I ISartly Huckly Lewis Bvue > Richard Brack Mr. Bxvw n Esq f , Sarah Uteusuii Henry Bell 1 C • Mary Catlett Alexander Cat ter r John Cutes, 3 Ztcheriah Cowerd 1 1) Col Daniel Dav s Samuel C Douglass 5 . P > Benjamin Parnell r ° 1 Francis Green Jesse U Gooden 1 John Grubbs II I, Hatcher Gillum Hill John Hill John Holley Eliza Henderson J Elijah Johnson Ann Jenkins Thomas H Jones James Jackson L Thomas Luke A J Lawson 2 M John Marsh Josiah Matthews , Francis A Martin John U Moore ] VVqliam II Merida r N John Neyfy f 0 , John Owen ; r . Joseph Perry Hardy Perry . F Parts Edmund Poor H . Joint Reynolds Philip Robinson 5 ; s , James Stronger John Smith 3 William A'axoit Benjamin Shcrard Leaston Sneed Absolum Sneed . SewisSpane Clemy Sharp Charlotte Slator •r* T F Thomtis S Tillnghast 2 Enoch Taylor F, II Tarver U& W Elisha Utley 4 Jesso While 2 Lewis AVimhcrly Isaac Welch Joitn B Walker diaries Warren Beverly Bandolph, p m. January 8 w3t List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Colombia Court Houst ilia Ist January 1821. A Z. Attics’ orphans Mr, Autlinaia I) . James Boyd E. Bowdrc P. M. Hennings 3 Tho. Henning Miss Ann Bush John Is Barker J A Beall C Augustus Craw ford Col. T. Carr James Collins 2 Peter H- Collins Micajah Crupper Win. Carr L. U. Blanton Hriitcin Clark D Jciemty Dillard Evan Davis E GageD. Edwards Charles Evans F John A. Fanning Daniel Fare L. G. D. Forest Warren Ford Lydia Forlonbcrrv G W. J. Germany 2 John Griffin Z. Garnett Capl. Gibson II Juriah Harris Samuel Hannon Miss Maty A. Harris Henrietta Howard Jacob Huge J Robert Jones Elizabeth Jones K Augustus Kent L James I.amkin Thomas Low* Absolotn l.everelt M If. Magntder Fianis Miller Miss b .Marshall K Levi Newbciry O T. W. Olive P I*. Feixyaian R Miss Nancy Hay 3 Isaac Randolph Randal Ramsay Joseph I*. Rawls Jarah Ross Hetity Uadfotd 8 Thomas Samuel Henry Sykes, Tilmar Sneed Jonathan T Simms, John Sulsey T 11. 11 Thompson 2 William Tripp George Tmtkerslcy or Aug. Crawford W farms Wilson Wm Williford Sit’d Whittington Joitn Wcllingham Y Thontrs Yarhoro 2 •Tames Cary, p. m. january 8 | f3w . administrator's Sale. IVILL be sold at the house of Travi* f * M‘Kinney, in I.incoln county, on Saturday the 34(h day of February ne*xt, all the personal properly of Zachary M‘- Kinney, deceased, consisting etf one horse saddle and bridle, pork, Cattle, and one rifle gun, household and kitchen furni ture and other articles too tedious to mention; and one negro girl to be hired at the same time—Terms made known on 1 the day of sale. John M‘Kinney, s«nr. Travis M‘Kinnc^, January 6 Irp Administrators. Hanawaj, y pftJJM *be home of 1 ' "It- a Mulatto negro Ri"' 'h<s name of birth, which language lie siu'ulc* r itncl the English verv imperfectly. 1 Remar is about 25 years ofage abou t five fi-et ten inciteshigh, spare male, a good • deal marked with the small pox in lit • face. Ilml oii when it,; utwcomlel, iU^ear 1 or lion skin round Jacket, with pewter I buttons, and northern homespun panta loons. 1 lie above negro was left with I lie subscriber for. sale by 11, T. Wilkin so’' <*«i. nfr.-lfjiip eynniv tied: whoi vev will deliver I'tJitj-.v. to n, t . j,t the late resilience ol WulleV Taylor estj. or lodge Imti in any Jaif so that his owner can get hint, shall n/eive a toward of five dollars. Johc|>li Camus, ■ Beach Island, .lam;ary f! 2ip vc J)i,)llurs Kewfinl. OlllWEl) from the *3 house of Mrs Sam- MW* net, on the Columbia iffjN road, on the Lilli Deo. a dark bay horse, with fiTV fi-1 thick neck, large main boh tail, in good order, with two or three small white spots on Ida hack. Also, at the same lime, alight co lored dim horse mule rather slim and raw boned, in moderate order. Whoever will deliver the above horse to the subscriber atthe late resilience of Walter Taylor in Beach Island, shall receive a ia ward of three dollars and two dollars for the mule. Joseph Carrie. Reach Island, S. C. January 8 2lp s 3, r » lie ward. Strayed or Stolen on the morning of the 4th ll\ inst. five miles below the Pinoy Wood House, Edgefield District, S. Carolina, a bay mare, »"d sorrel Policy horse the mare is a Gallatin Colt, about four years old, her right hind er log has an old cut which disposes it to swell when standing—The horse is a light sorrel, bob-tail two or three white logs & white on his forehead—The above re ward will he given for their delivery to Mr. Low at Edgefield or the subscriber at the Augusta Bridge, and all expenses paid attending their restoration, John Goodall. January 3 fit Lost or Mislaid. A NOT Eof hand, on Messrs. Hunting. t( >r. & Bimill, lor four hundred and seventy-five dollars, with a credit of two hundred dollars, drawn in favor of Scott, of Raleigh, N. C. The person find ing It is requested to leave it with the subscriber at (lie Mansion House. All per sons are cautioned against trading for said note. Kobe it MMvecn. January 4 3t Lost. the 28th ult. between the Store of Kdw’d. QUIN 8t Co. and the Dank of Au gusta, Jos. W. Luckelt’s draft on Felix G. Gibson fk Co: for g!43 72 cents, dated In Augisla, 7tl» July lU2U, payable 4 Months afterdate, to the order of Edward Quin Si (Jo, and endorsed by them: All Persons are hereby Cautioned a gainst trading for the above acceptance payment of which has been stopped. The Finder will please leave it at this office. ( November, 4 , Beware of an Imposter I I , A YOUNG man by the name of CROS- | UV, of Montpelier, Vermont, is now l travelling towards the South, with a wag- j on load of Spurious Fills, Counterfeits of j my genuine “ l‘au «t New Loudon Bili «i/« Pills” and deceiving the public with I tluni, having fur mm'te copies of my cn- 1 vclopsof directions, with my name and i stamp, signature imitated. I As T. IV. Dyolt, of Philadelphia, and i John C. Morrison, of New-Vork, have al- | so been detected, and advertised us ven- | d<-'3 ofcounterfeiis of my Fills; Jdo hereby | oiler a toward of one gross of my genuine | pills; to each and every person, who will t Ipvc me information by letter, of any per son or persons, retailing or vending in any manner, Uiliuus Fills under my name, JVd'J’ prepared by me, the vender know in? them to be such. The names of in. (minors, will be kept secret if requested. Sara’l 11. i>. Lee, Physical), h How of Cnnit, JlTnl, Couvention, NVw-f.omlim, |)pr. lb, 1820. 1m S. UOVJUUTtWL Four Doors above the .Market, South If run J Street . Respectfully informs bis friends and customers, that lie is daily re ceiving in addition to liis former stock, Jl large assortment Boots Shoes, Os every description, msde of the best materials, and of the newest fashions, well calculated to suit the season, the whole will he sold low and gn accommodating terms. The subscriber begs leave to mention tiiat lie has on hand EPS. northern sole Leather 200 sides well drest Leather Calf und Kip Skins. January 4 wlf A CAKD. Isham Thompson. OITETIS !iis ser ices to his friends anc the public in the Auction fcf Commission Jhv siness. lie occupies the stand lately held by Thompson and Black, where all favorj will be received and doI]' 1 ]' attended to. i Novcmbes f. . letters Remaining in the Post-Office at Augusta, Geo. Ist January, 1821. CC/* Persons wishing letters from this fist, will please ask for “Advertised letters A Allen Trueman Anderson Harriot Mrs Anderson Charlotte Adams James Ashbury George Averett Thomas Alford Guilford AbellGoruoa AdamsNath’l A Abell J. « Hasklayer Michael Berry Duncan i Boswell Josiun Rush Bichard Hogan Elizabeth Bowers Benjamin Biyant Eliza A. Heal Mary H. Bowie William Bowers Judinali Bender George C. Beall Zephuniah Bulloch George Bulloch Elizabeth (loulineaux Mr. Bail James Brown Paluek Bonlward Elizabeth Beall Judge Bugg Thomas 1. Billings Ezekiel flowing Mr. IFmne Glairo Miss Blanchard Joshua Biyaii Alexander C Caffin Nf. Cotton James W. IXiok Boswell Cunningham Rich’d Cosby John H, Carrie Joseph Carrie P. P. t hapman IK Ctegier Clinton Creswcll Jane M. Cummins John Claike David Collier Henrietta P, Carman F-ederick Grafton John 11. Colt Anion Clerk Sup. Court Colhns ; George Richmond county. Clanton William Cottcl Paul G. Clark. Joel C'arkc Charles D Delation Sylvia Davis Betsey Dcveaux William Dennis Robert Davis W. U. Dupree Lewis I. Dye James M. Delanghter George Darunnc John Duffy Thomas Doyle James Dunbar George Deitz Lewis Haaset Philip M Elton Hector Elbert Sarah P Farrar Ann Flemming John Benjamin Frost Samuel Fox Mrs, Anne G r GurnaH Joseph Green Havant Gamble L. R. Glass J.,hn Grace John Gimlncr Wrn. Guidon James Grace William Gilliam Ls. Henry Grant William A. Godfrey Miss Mary II Hughes J. Hyer Garret Hills Edwin Harrison Jeremiah w Howard William Harris William Hannon John M, Ho) la way Eliza Hammond Wm. D. Howard George Humble John Hull Sarah I lull John Unison Turner Hand D line! Jim risen Jabez Hinsdale J. U D. Hand Thomas 1. Hawes Samuel Hyde William G. Hale William Harrisoii John J Jones Thomas S. Jenkins Joshua Johnson Pcniah K Keddin John 11. Kirkpatrick Haul. 1. Lyon I.eviS. D Larry Lear Livenuan Sidney Lewis Leonard Lyter Critian Lee Godfrey Lam kin Sampson Livenuan Conrad Low John I-cwis Berry Lipscomb Samuel I.amxiu William Livermait John Lartigue Ann Luther Jeremiah Lewis Albert M Moore John Mongin Susan V Maish Mows Moore Alfred M'Kinne Jacob Marlin Charles Marsliall Eton Mdna Cliarles Murray James Mulally 9 M'Tyre Holland .Minton Stephen Martin Alexander Martimere M Magee Orinda, Mann John If N Newcomb Kbcnezer Nichols Thomas W Nail Ma y Jane Nixon Nalum Norrel John 11 O Outlaw James Oliver Stephen Olhver Margaret P Peck I.ewis Powara Edward E Poillon P Player Samuel Pearae G W 3 Pctlibone George Phillips Thomas Parsons Chrislo’phr Palmer Chaney Preivet Peter R Rowe Adna Rodgers James Robinson James B. Roman Hubert Riley Elizabeth Ramsey Richard Ramsay M A Mrs Ringoe John Rout George Read Richard Rodgers James Roman Daniel 9 Ramaey Theresa M Moot Hiram Robinson Eli Reed Avery Rinrdan Mathias Rout Lloyd Rout George 8 i Shaffer James 8 Stewart Maria i Stewart Thomas (Orphan Assyluro) Stunhaul P Shinholser Mary Stallings Charlotte II Sego William ■ Stillman /arncs Stephens Micajah Sn«ad J C Shelly Samuel D Starling Lyne Stephens flenry Scott Agnes K Storys Oliver A Savingin Kembal T Trotter George Trotter Sarah Trotter Franklin Taylor Lucy Thorpe William Taylor David Tiuhill Thomas Tillinghast S Thornhcrry Maryann Twiggs Asa 1 Thorn diurnal 4, Turner Elizabeth Taylor Lucy Triplet Jumea Tantom Diberry Thomas Phiby Tillotson Giles Twiggs George L Tomkins Ebcnczer IJ Upton Seth L’sher Henry Verdcry Mwturin Viloue Jerome W williams Mary Wills Anne 3 Watkins Jason White George Wadsworth Eli White Amelia Whitehead Edwin, Wallace George Woodson Littleberry Walker James M Wwodluf John C Watson Charles Walker George Walker John Walton John G Wilkinson John B White A Winn Washington V & Z Yancey Absolam Zinc Jane Mrs James Fraser, p. m. January 4 n,3 w - To Plaisterers. WANTED immediately, some compe teP%,P3Tn to c °*'rKt for the 'lais- ol tU#Haptist Church Applies \tvm may he made to Col. J*hn M‘*inne A December is. Huzza'. Huzza'. VHvzv.aV POSTSCRIPT. % tli is Night’s Mail. CHARLESTON, January 5. THE rfiip Elizabeth, Captain Sr. non. arrived yesterday morning in -18 days from' London, and 40 from Land's End, brings London papers? to the 13th November. I lie Hill of fains and Penalties against tbe Queen of England was (inallv thrown out ol the House of Loads upon its third reutimg. Onthe question whether the should pass to a second reading, the numbers were, Contents I2i; Non-Con u-ut* Da—majority 33. The vote on the , third reading was, 108 to 99—Wring a majority still of 9 in favor ofiU final pas sage—Uni this majority was so very small, that the Ministry determined on giving it up,ami on the question “ that! thit lUU /‘i'**,’' Lord Liverpool came forward and said, that “lie could m»t be ignorant of j the slat* of public feeling with regard to this measure, and it appealed to be the opinion of the house that the bill should be read n third time only by a majority of 9 votes. Had the third reading been carried by as considerable u number of peers at the second, he and his noble colleagues would have felt it their duty to persevere with the bill, and to'send it down to the other branch of the legislature. In the present state of the country, however, and wi h the division of sentiment, so nearly balanced. Just evinced by their lordships, they had . C(>n, « to the determination not to proceed further with it. He therefore moved, that tho question, that this bill do pasq, he put on this day six months.” it was* curried nemine ctutmilicetUe, amidst tho most vehement cheering. After order had been rcstoted, the Earl of Liverpool moved that the house should adjourn un til the 22d ot November, the day on which the Commons meet—which was carried, and their lordships immediately separated. Thus has terminated one of tae most no vel and interesting questions, that has eu'r agitated the British empire.—The Ministry lias been evidently frightened from the stand which they had taken— they must now look to the security,of their seats—perhaps to the safety of their heads. The most tumuli nous proceedings air pear to have followed this decision. Thw City ol London was illuminated for seve ral successive nights; and the banks of the Thames and the shipping upon its waters, presented one general blaze o< .Humilia tion, from London to the Channel, as the Eliuilu-th descended that river. The il himiiiutions in tins city, ng was no doubt expected,gave rise to much iiot and confu sion—the windows of the ministerial print ing-offices, &c. were demolished by tho mob. _ The Discovery Ships had returned to England, after partly succeeding in as certaining the existence of a North-West;, Passage, haying passed to the Westward of the longitude of tho mouth of Copper mine River; afterwards returning amj wintering at an Island in lat. 75, N. long -123. W, of Greenwich. [f.xtuact or a iktteu] "LONDON, Nov. 13.—We merely rive? von these few line*, to say the market keeps very heavy here, will as in Europe, for oour Upland Cotton, and will not, rise, if your crop turns out as large as is said —The price Kid. a lid. for ordinary a II l-2d a I2d for prime Uplands, duty paid; .Sea-Islands, 18d a 21d. fine, 22d a 2s; Rice, 19s a 21s Tobacco is only want eel tor fine quality—the ordinary will not sell at ail*” , . AUCTION On Monday sth March next, AX K. o’clock, a. m. WILL be sold on tbe premises, the re maining LOTS, belonging to IJar na M'Kinne, lying at the upper end of Droad-street In this city. Terms will be liberal and made known on the day of sale. Indisputable title* will be given. Fraser fy Bowd re. Jan. 1 Tawtds Auctioneers. AdYcrtiafcmfcut. THE three tracts of lahd on tile Aflama ha River, that were advertised for sale by Mr. James A Young of the Man sion House Hotel of Ibis Oiu- „ .... - of May last, in the C'-., •' remains ~ . .-••omcle of this place, *ll®* -"SOU «n consequence of his sndden, and unexpected death.— rfic same three tracts of land are still offered for sale —And in consequence of the death of Mr. James A Young, who was my legally authorised attorney. I have duly appointed and fully empowered Mr. Ro bert M’Keen and his son Mr William P. M’Keen of the Mansion House Hotel of* this City, my Juwtol attorneys, and to whom 1 have delegated every requisite legsl power, to sell and to convey away, the said three tracts of land, or any parts. or parcels of them, in Ee« ginipl c lice it to say, that there will be placed in the hands ol my said attorneys, such evi dencics of legal ami safe titles to said lands, as will defy the world ; o deny, or to disprove the same. These evidences will at all Umea be produced, to such us may be desirous to purchase. And the subscriber who executes this power, will hold himself bound to make such further explanations o» cannot but be completely satisfactory to any body. The sale of these lands does not result from any rise to sell them, but from necessity; result ing from the entire loss of their present owners fortune, by Spanish Spoliation.^ Which still *- -n- i slliifieir^ the efforts, that could be made, Tjjy American Government, for the last twenty years past—No further proof will be ne cessary tw satisfy any person who may la inclined Io purchase any of these lands-.- Can on inspection of tlie particular tracts, and informing themselves of their quali ties, and their particular advantages.—Not one of these tracts of land, but, was se lected more than fifty years ago by per sons of skill and judgment. William Cooke. Augusta, January 1. BLANKS “ ‘ For sale at this Office*