Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, February 01, 1821, Image 4

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—W———— 'ti'o Hit cunihd. Impartial, midte rm and Virtue.a, Citizen* of my country gene rally , and to these of my sister state of Georgia most particularly • Ueenfident VeWuYf tlzcns. AFTER a great lapse ot time, at an ad vaoced period of my fife, and after suffering* the most severe, mortifyin g n d afflicting that ever were endured, during, a series of nearly forty ycara, re sulting.-from the causes, that will be most faithfully, correctly, truly, and justly, detailed’ to you, and to the world, in tin Corrcflppndei'.ce, that will be published, bisweeu myself, ami my partner Willia"- Scarbrough, sen, and his son, William Scarbrough, jun. now of Savannah, from the year 1790 to the year 1819.1 am hope ful that you will not deem it presumttions, malicious or incorrect, that 1 should cause the causes, that have produced them, to appear in print. Tor although, it may he deemed presumptions, for any individual, however eminent, and respectable, he may have hern, to suppose, that his misfor tunes, reverses amt affldinni, are, so dorp . ly interesting, to tlu-community, and to the world, as to call on him, for their pub lication. Vet in tenderness, for lbs more honorable, ami respectable portion, of human nature, it is but reasonable, to suppose, and to hope, that they never cease, to take a lively interest, in what is rigid and what is wrong; or in what in virtuous, or, in v’bat is vicious, as they idaie, to the conduct, and deportment of men, ns, on these, most undeniably n*iis, the happiness, the harmony, the order, safety and security of human affhirs, It ever has been, and I presume it for cv. er will, be, a privilege, claimed by the unfortunate, to complain, when injured. ■And, if the privilege, was ever claimed, and indulged in, vith justice, and pro priety, I trust,, that it w ill, he deemed so, on live present occasion. To plead, as I have done, for forty years, for noma re drFss, fur some compensation, for thi overthrow, deraug'tneut, and final d;s trumion, of a concern that wan once, tin: in ’s* opulent, eminent, distinguished, and rc pcc-jMe, tl::it ever was in South Caro lina. And to tad thnriu, as I have dam:, from fraud, treachery and collision, be comes, a matter, for the candid, full, and impartial investigation, of the just, the impartial, the correct; and upright, oftor world And to those of that description; nod most particularly, to those of my sis ter state of Georgia it is, that I most res pectfully pray leave to make my appeal. After the toils of so many years, and a life all but exhausted, in efforts, to leave a character, fair, honorable, upright, and may naturally be consi dered, as a source, of great solace, anrl happiness, to the minfurtuiiutc man, to be able; to bring under the impartial ex animation, and investigation of eminent men, the interesting, and leading causes, that have operated so fatally, to a con corn, one, so cmiuent, opulent, distin guished, and respectable. It is the pe culiar solace, of the unfortunate surviving copartner, in the present case, that he .can make these details, of the origin, rir. ■, progress and final close, of this concern, to the eminent, citizens of his sister state «f Georgia, on whom, he is forced, by cir. tumstances the most awful, and imperi ous, that ever menaced the existence, of a highly respectable family. Under tlu sanction, of as honorable testimonials, ns were ever give to man. Given bv innu merable citizens, of the greatest eminence, and distinction, in onrcmmtn, undei whose eyes; and to whose knowledge, al most all the details, that will appear, hnv past. From, these, if will be seen, that tnysrlf, and family , are covered from the circumstances, that will be detailed, an can no longer be concealed, to appeal, to their last property, which is entirely within the stale of Georgia, for a support, until they cun obtain, some ivdicss, for their losses, and frauds, that they haw sustained, and now are laboring under To prove, to the citizens of Georgia, and of the wot Id, that the property they claim, and have offered for sale in Georgia, is legally, fairly, and justly their property, and to prove this, to the perfect satisfac tion of the citizens of Georgia, and of the world. It is indispensable to publish the correspondence, between myself, and my partner, William Scarbrough; sen. and be tween myself, and William Scarbrough, jun. now ts Savannah, and bstween my tfdf,and otheis, from the year 1790, to the year 1819, and for the purpose of im fisiung, that information,that may b.t ss isfactory to the public, and useful to my self and family, 1 will immediately de posde, in the office of the Chronicle, all the papers relating to this correspondence. Subject to the inspection, of any and o\ ry citizen ol Georgia, and where I will at - tend personally, for the purpose of making every explanation, that may be required, relating to the property, I claim as my childrens Front this correspondence, it will be seen, that all the sales of proper ty, made by William Scarbrough, s> n. du ring his life, and those, devised by his will, were fraudulent and not legal, particular. !y the Belfast Saw Mills, on the lower Uirec runs, in Barnwell District, in South Carolina, In devoting tbc remainder of jny life, in securing my just tights, for the benefit of a greatly injured, and highly respectable family,andfor which purpose,! bave come, and mean to reside in An gnsia, 1 shall rely on that support, from the beneficient citizens of Georgia, which the evidences of my respectability, as an American Citizen for forty years post, trill entitle m# ts. William Cooke, Surviving Copartner of the House of Scarbrough U Cooke. " 8 tO liewai-d. feTUWEn ot stolen nn Tuesday night 7th Nov from the wharf in Augusta, a Son el Horse, of the following description, blind with the left eye, snip on the nose, small star on the forehead, and the right hind foot white op to the fuotlock, he is a short round bodied horse, with a shorf swich tail about 10 years old. Whoever will lake up said horse ami sepd him to his owner, or give informs titto sojfe can be regain’d shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges paid. Apply to the subscriber at the Steam Boat Office. Washington Lamar, Nove:abor if Advertisement. THE three ti acts of and on the Alltarr.a ha I iver, that were advertised for s .It- by Mr. .lames A Yeung of the Man sion House Hotel of this City, on the 23d • >f May last, in the Chronicle of this place, remains unsold in consequence of his sudden, and unexpected death.—-The same lime tracts of land are still offered for sale —And in consequence of the death of Mr. James A Young, who was my legally authorised attorney. I have duly appointed and fully empowered Mr. Ro bert M’Keen and his sun Mr William P. M’Keen of the Mansion House Hotel ot this City, my lawful attorneys, and to whom 1 have delegated every requisite legal power, to sell and to convey away, Ilia said three tracts of land, or any parts, or parcels of them, in Fee Simple.—Suf fice it to say, (hat there will be placed in the hands of my said attorneys, such evi dences of legal amt safe titles to said lands, as will defy the w orld o deny, or to disprove the same. These evider.cies willai all tin -s he produced, to such as may be desirous to purchase. And the subscriber who executes ibis power, will hold himself bound to make such further explanations as cannot but. he completely satisfactory to any body. The sale of these lands does not result from any rise to sell them, but from necessity; result ing from the entire loss of their present owners fortune, by Spanish Spoliation Wnicb aliil remains unredressed, after all tlm efforts, that could he made, by the Arm-rican Government, for the last twenty years past.—No further proof will he ne cessary to satisfy any person who nviy be inclined to purchase any of these lands.- Cnn on inspection of the particular tracts, sod informing themselves of tbeir qnali ties, and their particular advantages.—Not ine of these tracts of land, but, was se i lected more than fifty years ago by per sons of chill and judgment. William Cooke. • January 1. lin ffiemnam/ujfi | Qfought to its B. igliest per . fee ion. IIFTE-Sul iseriberin (lie years of his youth I . and since, throng)' life, has overpaid the most pointed attention to the truly im portant, and deeply interesting subject of Penmanship, as an art of the most uni versal owe, and convenience in every stage and every department of civilized and polished life, as peculiarly adapted to the convenience and advantage of those of it, who are destined to fill the active, and laborious stations and departments of it, ami more peculiarly adapted to adorn, po lish ami particularly to accomplish that portion of society, destined by na tore, to sweeten, cherish, animate and endear themselves to it, Viewing the art of this very high, and important na (nreon civilized and refined society, li has ever viewed with deep and sensible regret, (lie manner in which the teaching of this truly important, ami all interest ingart lias been conducted.—Early, sen sibly and deeply impressed with a full conviction of its importance, utility, and advantages in society, be, early in lift, applied himself to masters, the most com pletely competent, to impart a full; per feet and accurate knowledge of It, This knowledge, he has fully and most com deU'ly possessed through life; but no event having ever induced him to make any offer to the public, of communicating and teaching of it, until circumstances of a hard earned and afflicting nature, resui ting from Spanish spoiliafions, particular ly known to many of the most eminent and distinguished citizens of this commu nity, induced him, on the £oth of July last, (ogive publicity to his intention of teaching the art in its fullest parfestioi to the young Ladies and Gentlemen of dis tinguished families in this community. in consequence of that notice, sufficient means have been afforded to him, of giv ing the most satisfactory evidence of his possessing the art, in its highest perfec tion, as the inspection of the specimens of the pupils of his Academy, have most amply, and satisfactorily proved—Au thorised from the trials made, and the specimens that have been submitted to universal inspection: To say; that, he will guarantee and engage to instruct any at: lontive young Lady or Gentleman, of al most any age, from five years, to write an elegant, beautiful and corrct hand, in eighteen dais. And tins has determined him, to an nounce it, as his intention, to die respect, able families of this community, and to those of the sister state ot Georgia, it at from the present day, he will pursue i;, as a profession. And holding himself hound, by the lies of gratitude; and res p' ct, to make bis first tender of so. victs, as a Writing Master, to the respectable inhabitants of (Ins community: and to these of the sister state of Georgia— lie therefore solicits, the kind patronage of the beneficent of both stales, and the which, should it be their pleasure to af ford to him, ||£, will use, the greatest exertions in his power, to make present, an ora in the. finish of the education of the young ladies of both states, leaving them in full possession of the most important, useflik and to them, mod interesting art of Writing, a fair, easy, beautiful and ele gant baud, at a less expense of time, and mosey, than was ever before demanded, — For farther particulars, relating to this in tended profession, so deeply intetesting to society, he prays leave, to rofer, to : lie Subscriber, at present residing at the Mansion House Hotel. William Cooke. Augusta,December 26, 2*&\v2t 150 Dollars Reward. ~~ O ANAWA\ from the subscriber, while H v, ** t 1° Georgia, last April, a NEGRO GIKL, named Lucy. She was raised in August a, and purchased bv the subscriber of John Henry, Esq. and is so noil known in Savannah and Augusta, as to iendci a description unnecessary. One hundred dollars will be given for con fining her in any jail fi, Georgia— or'One hundred and fifty dollars for delivering her to th* subscriber in Cahawba. K. Taylor dj 1 ' of Savannah and Augus ta are requested to give this advertise ment insertions for tc Ur weeks, and for ward thor accounts to th e subscriber at IGahawba for.paymeiit. jj q- January 15 ' ~ SALKS. Sheriff's Sale. 11117 D-L be sold, at the Court House in : i ? VVarrenton, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours ofsale. 100 acres of Oak h Hick ory land on th<* waters of RooVy'C omfort, adjoining A. Moncrief and ethers, it being the place whereon Richard Smith now lives, levied on to satisfy gevral small ex ecutions in favor of Micajah Brooks, vs. uichar ! Smith, property pointed out by the defendant, levied on and returned to me by L. Jackson, constabla. aiso 104 acres of land, on the watcia of Mid lie Creek, adjoining lauds oflleese and others, levied on,to satisfy several small executions issued out of a Justices court, in favor of J. & Y Reesp and others, vs Haitwell Felts, levied < n by W. Ilighl constable. Si returned to me. ALSO One bay marc seven years old; two four years old steers, three cows and yearlings, one three years old heifer, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of J & B Cody vs John Newsom, pointed out by tlie defendant. ALSO 90 acres of laud adjoining Brown and Barrel, with the improvements thereon, levied on to satisfy several Kin all small executions in favor of Stephen Barn ley and others vs Solomon Grenad, levied on by Lewis Zachary constable and re turned to me. ALSO SD6 acres of land on Harts •reek, adjoining Lewis end others, with good improvements thereon, it being known as Turner’s Cross Roads, le- led on to satisfy an execution in favor rs Mel lon Wright and others vs Stephen (J. Turner, and James S Turner, property pointed out by J S Turner. i? 5 acres of laud, on the raters of Briar creek-, adjoining Tucker, and others it being the place that Dall ied Hutcherson now lives on, levied on to satisfy a (i fa in favor of John Butt vs Hut cherson, Clark and Hlantford. ALSO 197 acres of land on the waters of Harts Creek, adjoining lands of Greson and others, it being tno place whereon Benjamin S Harrison now lives k vied on to satisfy an execution in favor >i John Butt vs Benjamin S Harrison, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO 500 acres of Pine land on tin* waters of Deep creek, and 715 acres on the waters of Red creek, adjoining Js daily and others, levied on as the prop . rly of Alexander Bailey, to satisfy an ex •culimi in favor of David C Hose vs A and Z Bailey, pointed out by Bailey. ALSO 100 acres of land more or •ess, adjoining James Bailey and others, it being the place where Zuchariah Bailey now lives, two cows and calves, 1 stcei three yeais old, 20(J head of hogs, levied in as the property of Zachariah Ilaily to .utiafy an execution in favor ofDaviJ t, dose va A and Z Bailey, pointed out bv Z Bailey. A. Rogers, s w c. January 1 tds hheiiir’s iriule. Wild, be sold on the first Tuesday i February next, at the Court hous in Waynesbnrough Burke county, withl. the usual hour* of sale. Bet ween 5 ami 7 hundred bushels of corn, (more or less) attached as the property of Bryant O’Bauion, to satisfy S. & N. I< Sturges and Redfield, Garlick, &, Co. sold by order of the honor able the Inferior court as perishable pro perty. ALSO, 100 acres Oak Hickory Land (move or less) Joining Williams and otuers, levied on as the property of Ro bert Fryer, to satisfy Pemberton and Rey nolds and others. ALSO, 2 tracts of Oak & Hickory Land containing 200 acres each, (more or less) joining Cox apd others, levied on as llic property of Peter I Colliding, to satis fy Barnu M'Kinne vs. William Kee, FI Goulding and B U Paulett. also, 107 acres of Oak and Hickory Land (more or less) joining the ( town of Wayncsborough, and two negroes Violett and her child Oda, levied on as the property of Micajah 11. Ward, to sat i isfy I’,.ft and Fisher, vs. M. B. Ward and t Simeon Bell. ALSO, 250 acres Oak & Ilieko- Lnnd, more orlrss, joing Fowcll and oth ers on Brier Creek ; levied on as the pro fierty of Thomas Red, to satisfy a f i fa in aver of Pemhrrton Reynolds and others; pointed out by defendant. also, < Two Negroes, viz. Dub- ; lin uml Screen, levied on as the property of Joseph Shewmake, (administtalor of the estate, of James Henderson,) to satisfy 1 Two executions in favor of Gross Scruggs: 1 pointed out by J. Shewmake, admT. ALSO, 267 1-S acres of Prime Land, joining lively and others ; levied on as the pioperly of John Royal, Jun. to satisfy sundry fi fa’s from’ court 1 in favor of Moses Mulkey; returned by ' Isaac Mulkey, constable. < ALfQI One horse and gig and harness, and a negro girl named Critty, levied on as the property of Joseph Roe, to satisfy sundry fi fa's. Wilson Navey, s. b* c. January 1 tds For Sale. A SECOND HAND PIANO. Apply at thia Office. Sheriff’s Sale Will be” Sold, 4 T the Market house in the City of \ Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next the following property, viz. belonging to the estate of Benjamin Yarnold, dec. NEGROES, Peter Punch, aged about forty years, Rhoda, aged about forty-five years, Sara.i aged about twenty two years, Rose, aged about seven years, Keziah, aged about eighteen, Elizabeth, aged about six months, Snkey, aged about fourteen years, Phoebe, aged about twelve years, Stacy, aged about seven jrcai'i, Sophia, aged about five years, Nanny, aged about forty-five years, M’Gmder, aged about ten years, Tom, aged about one year Hark, aged about twenty one years, 1 Hus aged about twenty one years, Peter, aged about five years. Furniture. Two pir shovel tongs, l Fonder, 2 pair andirons, I secretary, ! hook case, 1 desk, 1 mahogany side hoard, 1 sofa, S mahogany dining tables, ami 2 ends, 2 bureaus, 7 beds, bedsteads ami furniture, 1 j dozen chairs and 2 carpels. Cattle , £SO. 12 bend of hogs. 0 bend of Cattle, and fine horse & Gig, all levied on to satisfy an execution on the foreclo sure of a Mortgage Sic. in favor of Stewart and Hargraves, vs. Heirs and .Represen tatives of Uonjamin Yarnold, dec. Win. Lamkin, Sheriff. January 4 tds Sheriff’s Sale* Will lie Sold, AT the Market house in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, on the first luesdaym February next. One house and two acres of Lam), adjoining John D'Antigriac and others sold to satisfy several executions, viz Benjamin Sims es. Administrators of Zachariah Bell, Cunniughr.m & Meigs vs the same, Holland M'Tyre, \s. the same. ALSO, One negro man named York, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of the administrators of George Walker and others, vs, Samuel C. Doug las. ALSO. 4 tables, 1 slab, 6 chairs, 1 matrass, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 3 cows and 25 other head of cattle and sundry other articles, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of Allen Mathews, vs. Foster and Peterson. ALSO. One house and lot on Tel fur Street, levied on to satisfy an execu tion issued fiom the Justices court, in fa vor ofC. 1). Stuart, vs Cleon Nally and Absalom Uhodesjr. returned to the Sher ilfby a city constable. Wm. Lamkin, Sheriff. • January 4 tds Sheriff’s Sale. Will he" Sold, ON the first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house in Jacksonborougb Scriven county, between the usual hours of ten and three o’cloak. One negi o girl named Lizer, levied on as the property of An drew Fu I wood to satisfy sundry execu tions in favor of John P»dlock and others. ALSO, 400 acres ol* land, lying and being in the county of Scriven, ad joining land o'Eisey Wright and others, levied ou as the property of John Nichol son dec to satisfy sundry executions in favor of John Bryan and Philip Griner, against John Nicholson and John Bran non, property pointed out by the admin istrator of John Nicholson, levied and re turned to me by a Constable. Solomon Kemp, s. s. c. January 4 tds Administrators Bale. win hT sold, ON the 2ithday of February next, at the late residence of John Beall de ceased, in Columbia county. All the property belong ing to Jonathan listed dec. consisting of one Horse, Watch and other articles. Charles Beall, , , Edmund Roberts. a ,n,s ‘ January 4 tds Administrator’s Bale. .AguEE.\BLE to an order of the hon orable the Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours o / saie. One hundred * fifty a cres of Land, more or le» * in Burke county, adjoining Thomas g jrtli, and o thers, on Rocky Creek. also. Two negroes, viz. Suekey and her child Felson, about 7 years old, sold as the property of W'illiam Luke’ deceased for the benefit of his heirs and creditors,—Terms made known on the dayj | Robert Dickson adm’r. November 11 Quaker Springs. I HIE Subscriber has taken that well known Stand QUAKER SPRINGS lately occupied by Muj. Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta, on the Wash ington road; and hopes from his atten tion to the business to give general satis faction. John Turpin. Janutuuy 15 i m Adtoimstrator’s Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Hon orable Court of Ordinary, of Colum bia county. Will be sold «m the Ist Tues day in Ternary next, at Columbia Court House, 200 acres of land lying: in Colum bia county, on the waters of the Little Ki okee creek, adjoining: lands of R Tubman and others, a description of the place is thought unnecessary as no person would like to purchase w ithout viewing the pre mises first—sold as the estate of Ann T. Johnson dec.—Terms of sale made known on the day, Francis T. Allen, a mV, Nov. 30 tds Administrator’s Sale, Wild, be sold in the town of Waynes borough, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, belonging to the estate of William Luke, deceased. Two Negroes named Sn key and Fel'son, and a tract of land con mining one hundred and fifty acres, Kohcrt Dickson, ad mV. December 28 ids An Ordinance. WHEREAS an act passed oy the Le gislatnre of this state on the 33*h December 1820 “ To vest the government and regulation of the Court Mouse and Jail of Richmond County, in tile .Vayor and f ity Council of the Oily of Augusta, and appointing them sole commissioners of the Court House and Jail of said Coun ty. Ur it Ordained, by the authority of (he City Council of Augusta—That they will at their first regular meeting in January in each and every year appoint a keeper of the City and County Jail, whose duty it sha’ 1 he to superintend the Jail agreeable to the laws of this State. lie Shall keep a book in which he shall • enter the names of all persons commit led, • by whom and for what offence committed, he shall note the discharge of all prison ers and the authority by which they are .discharged. The Jailor shall supply the prisoners With such, food as is required by the laws of fliis state, he shall keep an account of the daily receipts and expenses of the Jail. The Jailor previous to Ids entering up on the duties of his office, shall give Hrtnd audgood security in the sum often thou sand dollars conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty, and shall take and subscribe tiie following oath—l, AD do solemnly swear, (hat I will to the best of my skill,perform all the duties required of me as Jailor, that 1 v\ ill keep a true ac count of all monies, cither received or paid by me, and render a true account thereof to the City Council, monthly. The Jailor shall hold his office for one year from tiie time of his appointment, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless removed by order of Council, and his salary for the present year shall be five hundred dollars. Dassedin Council, January 3, 1821, NICHOLAS WARE, Mayor.■ By the Mayor, D. CLARKE. C. C. An Ordinance. To prevent horses running at large in the City of Jlugmta. ' TU/’IIL'dIEAS the practice of permitting T ? horses to run at large in the City of Augusta, is attended with much danger to the inhabitants thereof- Jie it ordained, by the City Council of Augusta, that from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall ami may be law ful, and it is hereby made the duty of the Police Officers to take into his or their possession any horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass found running at large within the corporate limits of this city, and confine such animal so taken up in such place as may be selected by Ihe city Marshall, and it shall he the duty of said Marshall to ad verrise the sale of the animal or animals so taken np at the market house and in one of the public gazettes at least ten days previous to the sale, taking care to give a particular description of the same in the said advertisement. And be it further ordained, that if any such horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass shall belong to any person or persons re siding within the corporate limits of the City, he, she or they shall be entitled to (he possession of the same on clue proof of property at any time previous to the sale, on paying one dollar to the marshall fir each and every animal so taken op for the use of the officer (having taken up the same) and all costs and expences for ad vertising, keeping, kc. and moreover pay a fine of two do liars .for each and every horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass, and in all cases where it shall appear by prof that the animal or animals so taken up is the right and property of a person or per sons residing without the corporate limits of the city, then and in that case it shall be the duty of the city marshall to deliver up the same on receiving the amount of costs and expences for advertising and keep ing. And be it further ordained, that it shall and may be lawful for the owner or own ers of any horse, mare, gelding, mule or ass, where the same may have been sold at any time within six months after such sals on due proof of property to be made bclorc the City Council to claim & demand the amount of the purchase money, first deducting therefrom the amount of ex penses and fine incurred. Passed in Council, 3d January 1821. NICHOLAS WARE, Mayor By the Mayor D CLARKE. Clerk (jy)’ The above Ordinance will be rigid- Iv enforced after the 15th January, 1821 , W*t BEE, MCA Sana way. iFROM the subscriber, a Young Negro man named TOM, (supposed not over twenty one years of age,) he is of small stature, and a good jobbing carpenter by trade.—He is well known in this place and Savannah, and is supposed to be lurk ing about the vicinity of this city, or on his way to Savannah. , Any person apprehending the said fel low and delivering him to Messrs. A. Slaughter, (J C. Labuzan, or lodging him in jail, shall receive Ten Dollars re ward. ISAAC LAROCHE. Augusta, Nov. 17—ts BY TIIE PRfcsmtKT r.T -r TED STATES Whereas by various acu rs , the President of t|, e c arfN 'homed to direct the public t have been surveyed t^eoCu^ Therefore, I Jair.cs Man* c ! -*sj of . tlle United States, do -nd make known, that p,, b!i S i ,9 Tk i ac , c r din * * > lav, ', of kf i shall beheld as fallows vL. r!buc -«m At Franklin, in Missouri’ ()n Monday m January nc X , fo ’ r "? H lownsb.p, 51 «oRS,„ nr H the slh principal m.-redir. n li * 51 n « rantres 27 «ui 28 51 to 55, range 29 tj • ll 'u same 1 )l: *cc, on tit.- c, k in March next fartl,.. s .,| '/‘ r A-;'. Townships 51 and 59 the princieal meridian 0 'et s[) to SG, in ran ire 31 At St. Louis, in saidM’5 I,l<l: iJ Malay in dPoembor iu-x“c’ °". t! »l townships 35 to 44, in 1; the ale east of the sth principal w’f - 1 . AtthesantepWc.rih? ?'^ «n March next, for the J u J J1 <* I ownslnps bo mid 41, j n east, and of 43 and 44. " 5 At Jackson, in mdeau, i» the said side, c r,iL& iay m February next, fi. r s K* townships 34.... ranges land 4°, s hi jn-mcipal meridian line, ’’ o 55 range 4 east' j 29 30 and 31 5 •; 21 2J and 33 6 l: At Etlw.ntsvillc, i n ||, esw , { 11 to lo JO am ] ■ 12 and 13 8 to 12 14 5 to 10 range 14 vest of JdJ pal meridian line. 8 9 and 10 ronges 12 and 13 At Detroit, in 'Michigan tertian l the first Monday i„ November J the sale of ’ Townships 8 9 and 10 S in ranged 0 cast, 8 and 9 6 7 8 anv 9 7 am! 8 Except such lands as have be* on reserved by law far the £-,p pu . schools, or for other purposes 1 hall he sold in regular numt order, beginning with the lowest nuk of sections, townships and ranges, Given under my hand ai I’hc'tit, W ashington, this nineteenth i'; JAMES MONROE By the President. JOBIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the General I,ami lice. Printers who are authorised to pull the laws of the United States, will p. fish the above once a wet k till the li of May, and send their bills to the St eral Land office for payment. Septerobe 1820. Entertainment , IX W asVuiglon, tieo, THE subscriber having lately puw ed that pleasant and agreeable estaks inent, formerly kept by Win C, intends keeping it as a House of Pm ENTERTAINMENT The ouildisgn all undergoing a thorough repair, i considerable additional improvement! suitable room&will be fitted up, andl in reserve for private families and W travellers. This situation being <i Public Square, i» renderedperteclfyn ed, and at the same lime c venient for business He intends hep on file, Newspapers from most of Scales in the Union; and at tbasameti pledges himself that every exertwsi be made to contribute to the tmnfiirt« entire satisfaction of those that 11 proper to call on him. . A. H. Sncei January 25 wßt rr> l he Augusta Chronicle and nah Republican, will please to jn sc ' above eight times, weekly, a™ l *" their accounts to the NewsOmcc. Marshal's for thk iusthict or oiomm- Savannah 3V'ov. r-i ‘“j FHE Assistants of the district, “ for taking die 1 ~j, enumeration of the tnhih > •>' rt, nited States” aye here.ynobtoltj time for transmitting'ht' ll ,’ department is near at’lianai •> ed that no delay wni Ltf prevent a general return bu i a cording to law. JNO h. MOSS. MarZlW- *>■ ry The Bnrien Chronicle, Washington - ' (ji zette, and Recorder a«‘ J cedgeviUe, will public countermanded. November 20.—— Notice- THE Subscriber Call . t ' oT 'l e ail l i against trading for her vln to Bradley, •' cc |led Dollars, dated as well « b!< 2lst of Number, first day of March, 18- - proved to be unsound, not to pay it. Eiiza WoO(!- Barnwell District, So. Ca. creditors ® f straw, are notified that^^s ‘"•’frr/firstTuesdayiny thereafter as said GainhsmL. Rak« sCff(i itotsJ before them ; an a there»j think propel, th he yhart, and shew cause, if » n > h/bene 5 ' , Should not be allowed several acts made and ? lief of insolvent debtor January 32— rX*