Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, February 15, 1821, Image 4

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♦ _ ————* Sheriffs’ Sales • M> ■ 1 i- • u%j t vr w* w^vwwvv^ Sheriff’s Sale Will he Sold, At t e Mu' ket house in the City of A )trusts, between the usual hours of M te, on ihc first Tuesday in March next the following' property, viz. belonging to *the estate of Benjamin Yamold, dec. NKGKOKS, Peter Punch, aged about forty years, fchods, aged about forty-five years, Sarah gp-e-l about twenty two years, Rose, aged -about - ven years, Keiiah, aged about eight? «. Elisabeth, aged about six months. Sukey, aged about fourteen veers, Phoebe, aged about twelve years, Stacy, aged bout seven years, Sophia, age I about five years. Nanny, aged about Intv-five years, M’Grudcr, aged about ten y ears, Tom, aged about one yea", Hark, aged about twenty one years, 1 Bus, aged about twenty one years, Peter, aged about five yeais. FH*viture , Two pair shovel § tongs, 1 •■Pender, 2 pair andirons, 1 secretan, 1 n-,ok case, 1 desk, 1 mahogany side board, 1 sofa, 3 mahogany dining tables, and 2 ends, 2 bureaus, 7 beds, bedsteads and furniture, li dozen chairs and 3 carpets. Cattle, be. 43 head of hogs, 6 lo ad •of Cattle, and one horse & Gig,■all levied on to satisfy an execution on the foreclo sure of a Mortgage kc. in favor of Stewart and llavgravef, vs. Heirs and Represen tatives of Benjamin Yarnoid, dec. Wm. Lamkiu, Sheriff. .lanuary 4 his Sheriff's Side. \SfJf ill he sold on the first Tuesday in Ma'ch next, at tlie market house in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours, 5 Large looking glasses, 11 Small do do , B 4 Chair# (common) 9 fancy do 18 f>-gc pioc tuhley, 25 small dd - *' Set MaSiogawy tables and ends, 3 S .dices, 37 Bedsteads, Re 's and bedding, J 6 matrasses, 9 Pair fire dogs, 1 bathing tub, 7 Wash-mauds, 1 Ueiircan, 1 pine slab, 1 Large table, 1 toilet tabic, 3 pair sho vcl and tongs, 6 Sets castors, 8 dozen plates, 7 dozen knives and forks, 16 Pitchers, 6 bread trays, 5 salt cellars, 3 Dot. tahl* spoons,4doss.teaspoons, 6 Ilnr , ru 'i and sauoirs, 10 dishes, I? tin covers, 3 Cut.'. small and 6 large waiters, 12 Pots, kettles, and ovens, 1 pair large fire dogs, gridirons and other kitch en furniture —1 bell, 16 Dos. black bottles, 1 settable fans, S l)z tumblers, 2 do*, wineglasses, 1 Shaving case, 6 clothes brushes, 1 backg.immon botud, 2 Dnz. candlesticks, 6 snuffers, 1 doz. chambers, 1 Doz wash basons, 1$ do* tablecloths, 3 doz iiwels, 1 Mahogany Bideboar.’, 1 do tea table, 1 Brass fender, shovel and.tongs and andirons, 1 Carpet and rug, 2 looking glasses with time pieces, 2 Desks, 5 liquor casks, 1 book case, 18 decant* vs, 2 Demijohns, 36 pavilions, 13 window curtains, 2 Maps, 60 bushels corn, 4000 lbs fodder, 5 Cords wood, 9 doz. porter, lb gallons rum and brandy, 10,000 Scgar*. 14 gulls & 9 bottles wine, 40 lbs Coffee, 100 ll)«. sugar, 4 bbl. fish, 4 Firkin butter, I box candles, 1 Negro man Lcn, I bay and one sorrel horse—levied upon as the property of ,1 *se Whipple, to satisfy an execution j in favor of Sturgea & Burroughs, vs said Whipple. Wm. Lara kin, sh’ff. February 1 ids SharitV’s Sale. ILL be so'd on the Ist Tuesday in March next, at the Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours cf sale. A negro fellow named TOBV, lak n as the property of Ann Bix lev, to satisfy a distress warrant in favor of Ed ward Caulfield and John H Gumming. ; W. Lam kin, h, r. c. February 1 Ids Sheriffs Sale* W v v ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the market house in tin City of Augusta between the usual hours. One Jersey waggon and Two Horses, levied on os the property of Sanies H Kidd, to satisfy an execution in favor of Ferdinand Phinizy, obtained in thi Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, Fc dinand Phinizy vs. .lamer H. Kidd Wm. Lara kin, sh’ff. Sheriff's Sale* be sold, on the first Tuesday In >u..rch next, at the raa. ket house in the city of Augusta, between the usual hour?, One tract of land in tlix County of Uiclimoud, containing 251 Cres, more or less, with a good house and all necessary out buildings, taken a the property of Uayjd Patterson, to satisfy mu execution in favor of A. Simone, vs David Patterson, in the superior court t.. ea i I county. One tract of land in Rich* mood county,containing 6,K acres, mo. or less, on which is a saw and giisl mil adjoining Few, Greenwood anti other tSKen as the property of \na Twiggs, i<„> mat .sfy sundry executions issued out of to superior coat i of Richmond countv agaii.s Mid Asa Twiggs. James W. Lamkin, ' , Sheriff H. C February I——tdi 4 Sheriff's Sale. be Sold on the first Tuesday in I April next, mt the Market-House, in the. City of Augusta, between the usual hours of Sale, the following Negro Slaves, to wit.— Mode, Jeff, Toney, El lick, Ned, David, Isaac, Lizza rrtid her* two Children, Hannah and Phillis; taken as the property of George A. Turknctt, by virtue of an execution, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Archibald Whitney and Giles M. Whitney, in the Inferior Court of Richmond County, against the said George A. Tiirknett, James W. Lamkin, d s r c February 1 tda Sheriff’s Sale. W lI.L be .old on (he firt Vm-.tloy in April next, at the Market-House in Au gusta, between the usual hours, The Bridge on Savannah River, opposite Augusta, together with all and singular the rights, members, ap purteiimices & privileges thereof. JLSO— Eighty JMTegvo SAayesi, —TO AI . Andrew, Plenty, Robin, Frank, Hampton, Phill, Charles (Smelt,) Reuben, Will, July, John, Tom, Sado, June, July, June, David, Sam, Tumbo, Vulcan, Peter, George, George, Fenton, Rolls, Paul, Jesse, Chatham, June, Jack, London, Brutus, John, Sharp, Camper down, Simon,Charles, Andrew, Jim, Hilly, Billy,Abram, lack, Joe,Joe,Couf,Ztulock, htcob, Moats, hen, Reuben, little Sain, Mary, Tom, Cubler, little Charles, Dick, Bonaparte, Billy, Daniel, Sylvia, Rose, Varia, Masuria, Clarey, Chloe, Lucy, Ma via, Fanny, Nelly, Rosetta, Chariot* e, Flo hi, Letty, Silla, Nancy, Bella, Dinah, Mary , and Sally—levied upon as the property of John McKinne and Barna M’Kiiinc, bv virtue of mt execution issued upon the foreclosure of a mortgage, at Hie instance of the Bank of the Slate of Georgia, vs (lie said John McKinne and llama Me Kitme. Conditions Cash—pur clianeis to (ay for titles, which will b« ready for signature, and upon (he payment of the purchase money, will be executed on the day of sale. All property not paid for sit that tim>, will be resold at the risk of the former purchaser. , Wm. Lamkin, sh’ff. February 1 tds Marshal’s Hales. At (be MiiHtet-bouse in the City of An gusta, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the hours of leu and two o’clock, wit.:, bk Sold, The Bridge opposite the City of Augusta, known by tlie name of the Augusta Bridge, together with the privi leges belonging thereto. A lot or par* *1 of ground in the cUy of Augusta, bounded on the cast by Jackson sweet, on the north by Bn* street, on the south by Reynold street, on the west by an alley running parallel with Jackson street, levied on as t.lie pro perty of John McKinne, to satisfy an exe cation issuing from the 6th Circuit Court for the District of Georgia; the President, Directors, Sc Co, of file Batik ol the United Stales, VS. John M Ki me Conditions cash —purchasers paving for Bills of Sale. IVter F, Buis Hair, i). Vi. L) G. i'lbuiv 5 >.'is sheriff s Sale. w 7 T ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court-house i’i Jackson borough, Scriven comity, Between the usual hours of Wn and duet /clock, 350 Acres of limd, lyiu^ in the 28th district I'.arly count v, known and distinguished hy the No. 121, taken as the property of John Burns, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Roger M'Klu ney and others ; levied and returned to me by a constable. J/.SO 100 uen s of pine land, ly ng in t’ur c.ui \ oi 'enveu, adjoining laud of James Oglesby and others, taken as the property of John White, to satisfy sundry executions m favor of Alexander Bryan and o'tiers ; levied and returned to me by a constable. 50 acres of land lining in the county us fieri vco, on Mobley’s Ponds, adjoining John 11- Wade and Elijah Oliver, t iken as die properly of Win. Pickren, to satisfy an execution in favor of the estate K> bricl Ciemcnts, dec. against John Oil er auti Win. Fickrcn ; levied and return ed to me by a constable. Solomon Kemp, s s.c. January tils Sheriff’s Sale. ILL be Sold at the Court-House in * ii rent on, on the first Tuesday ,n Marcli ext, between the usual hours of Sale. 150 arres of land, ra re or less, on the waters of Ogechee, adjoin up Robertson and others, levied on t.) sa lisfy sundry Executions issued out of a Justice's Court, in tavor of Dennis Lin sey, vs Thomas Meeks and Joshua Robert son, levied oa and returned to me by a Oonstable. —AISu— -160 acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Long-Oreek, .(joining Barrer and Heeth, levied on ns he property of Johnson Graiud, to satis: "inttry Executions issued out of a Justice*: 'curt, in favor of John Butt and others, s Johnson Granad, levied on and return d to me by a Constable. Abner Rogers, sh’ff. February 1 Uwtds 4*SSMt* ’Sheriff’s Sale. YjVTILL be sold on the first Ti'Csday in I f ▼ March next at the Court-House in Waynesborough, Burke county, within the usual sale hours. SO6 acres piste larid, le vied on as the property DavisJTabb, ad joining ImMS of Cook and others, to sat isfy 8. & N. L. Sturges and others. ALSO. One tract of land where on George M‘Kay now lives, adjoining lands of Bates, Barbery and others, to satisfy an execution in favor of John Ad ams. ALSO, One hor«e and gig, and Wagon, levied on as the property of Su»i ner Sumner to satisfy an execution in vor of John Haines and others. ALSO, 50 acres pine land, more or less, whereon Robert Thomas now lives 100 acres pine land adjoining lands of l.arnb Lasetterand o ! *> rs, 100 acres more or less adjoining lands of J Crane & others levied on as the property of Roberts 'Tho mas, to satisfy an execution in favor of Elias K. Stephens and others. asso. One bay horse, saddle and bridle, levied on as the property of Fielding Stephens, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Weicoin Alien. ALSO, One negro wench Silvia, leviedonas the property of John hut ledge, sen. to satisfy an execution in fa vor of A. Carter. ALSO, 715 acres of oak and hickory land, adjoining lands of Robert Fugh, Warren Green & Wright Murphy, levied on as the property of Bryant o‘- Raiinon, Administrator de bonis non, on tiie estate of Sumner Green, to satisfy an execution in favor of the executors of Mathew Green, dec, ALSO, One negro man Will, levied on as the property of John Bhene.y, to satisfy an execution in favor of F. Sessoms and others, returned to mo by Thomas Burk, Constable. W. W. Blount, s b. c. | f»n•■,»>> IS, I*'.' 1 . vrtds haertic’s % V'ILL be Sold on the first Tuesday ii ? T March next, at the Court-House, in the town Waynesborough, within thi usual Sale hours. 100 acres of oak ami hickory land, levied on as the properly of John Clark, to satisfy an execution li favour of William Gwin, ALSO, One negro girl mimec Lucy, levied on us the property of Josnd. Allday, to satisfy an execution in favor o' William Barrow ami others, returned u vac by the Constable. ALSO, One negro boy named Stepney, levied on as the property of thf estate of Hugh Martin, to satisfy an exe cution in favor of Charles Uhcney and Olivers, returned to me by the Constable. ALSO, One negro fellow named Jim, levied On as the property of Tho rn is Pierce to satisfy an execution in favor of Nathan Williamson. 8. W. Blount, s. b. c. January ‘25. wtds bherffs Sales. V* ILL he soid at the court house In Warren tun on the first Tuesday in Marcji next between die usual hours of sale, 200 Acres of land on the wavers of Joe a creek, lev.ed on to satisfy >n .X- culi'.ii i. !av,.r of Jordan Wilrhevi \s. John Al‘Cay, nhadrach Flewetien uni John Fontain; pointed out by M‘Cay ALSO 20f; acres of bind, more or less, on the Ogechue riv. r, levied on the property of W illiam Andrew s, to si tidy executions in favor of Moses Andrew and others, vs. Win Andrews; poinlWi out by the defendant. ALSO One bay mare seven ycafs .Id, three cows and calves, a three y eir- I old heifer, levied on to salify a fi fa injfa vor of Timothy Mathews, vs. Jonathan Sells, Silas Pate and Fevtoii Baker. ALSO 495 acres of htncl on (he w itti s of Hockey Comfort, adjoining Tho l.ocket and others—also one boy 8 y ears old, by the name of Andy,levied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Janies Neal, jau’r. vs Uarrel Neal -, pointed oti by the defendant. A, Hogers, sh’iV. January 29 wins * Sheriff's Sale. W ILI. be sold at the Court house in Warrenton on the first Monday in April next between the usual hours of sale, One bay mare four } ears old, levied on as the property of William Thompson, on the foreclosure of a mort gage, in favor of Josiah Mvrick. ALSO— One bay mare live years old, and levied on to s atisfy an execution in favor of Nathan V Bady, vs. Zadoc Bass, on the foreclosure of a mortgage A. Rogers, sli’ff. January 29 ■—wtds Notice. WILL be sold hi the house of John Cartledge in Columbia county, on Wednesday the 28th of February next,, the personal property of Obediub Sulti van deceased, (negroes exceptsd) con sisting of horses, some househokl furni ure, with other articles too tedious to mention John Cartledge> . , Cor Sullivan, sadmrs$ admrs - January IS, Sheriff's Sale . I W ILL be sold on Uie first Tuesday in March ne jt, at fftt court-house in - the town J VysynesDorough, Burke county, within Hie usual sale hours, One waggon and a 40 saw Gin, levied on as the property of Bryant Ohanion, to satisfy an execution in favor of U. L. Pierce. ALSO 250 acres of land adjoin ing lands es James Sapp and others, and 15U acres adjoining lands of Wm. Thomp son and others ; levied on as the property of Aaron Thompson, to satisfy three exe cutions in favor of Mary Kimball. Howell D. linrk, d.s.b.c. January 29 tds ItanuUag* Cast iron FOUNDEI4Y, W.IER* castings of all descriptions are done iii the ucaiest manner and at as short a notice as, tiie nature of the work wanted will allow, and us the very best materials. 1 caiAvitli confidence recom mend my casting! to Millwrights and En gineers, as the lion is soft and good, and can be fitted witiout much trouble. Any size Castings ca/be done f rom one to four thousand poinds. Persons wishing any Blacksmith's virk, Turning, or Brasses for their Casli/gs, can be supplied, if re quested. Orders particularizing the cast ings wanted, h with patterns left with me at the llenni/age Foundery, near Savan nah, or witV Messrs. James Robertson, k Co. Augusta, w ill be duly attended to. /Henry McAlpin. N. B.—llegant Railing to suit either inside or outside Stairs, Balconies, or Plat forms, an/likewise for Tombs or Fences, cast froij/the newest patterns —Backs for Chimne/s, &c. Febrhary 1 \v4t Caveat Emptor. . LI. persons are requested to lake no ' lice that I have legal and equitable liens, for a considerable part of the pur chase money which remains unpaid, upon lot number ten, in the lots laid off by Ed ward F. Campbell on Broad street An gnsta, whereon there are three flame tenements, formerly my property, and by me sold to James Myers. Any person woo purchases, will lake the property subject to those liens of which if more par ucular information- is desired, it will be given by Richard Henry Wilde, Esq. or the subscriber. Jesse Watson, by his Attorney A. Slaughter. January 8 ts Take Notice. TTIIE creditors of Mark Donald Clarke, and Ragland and . larkc, are herepy noti fied, that the said Clarke has obtained an order from the Honorable the Justices of me Inferior court of Richmond county, di ' ccling the sheriff of said county to bring the said Clarke before them at the court house of sail county, on the seventh day of April next, in order that he may take the benefit of the act for the relief of inso!- vent debtors. Mark D. Clarke. February 1 w9t Notice is hereby given, Ii , . MAT Fek-g Brown, of the county of Richmond amt State of Georgia, hath ap plied to the Inferior court of said county for the benefit of the act for giving relief in cases of insolvency and imprisonment— And all the creditors of the said insolvent arc required io shew cause, if any they iiave, before the said court, at the court uouse in said county on the 4th day of April next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon ■it that day, why an assignment of die said insolvent’s estate should not be made, and he discharged according to the act. February 1 w9t 150 Dollars Reward. ANA WAY from the subscriber, while f? on a visit to Georgia, last April, a NEGRO GIRL, named Lucy. She was raised in Augusta, and purchased by the subscriber of lohn Henry, Esq. -and is so well known in Savannah and Augusta, as to render a description unnecessary. One hundred dollars will be given for con fining her in any jail in Georgia— oivOne hundred and fifty dollars for delivering her to the subscr.berin Cahawba. N. Taylor. Cfj’The papers of Savannah and Augus ta au; requestedMo give this advertise ment insertions for four weeks, and for wafK their accounts to the subscriber at Cal taw In for payment. N. JT. Januuiy 15 4w a\r.w x .{jtmjqaj •sSjj aijl o&ioaj) bi 3.1039 ‘msnany .iteu Suiaij ‘.ioiimo aqj .sq poxiao aa Xpnjquttp aq'n'tA oaSau aAoqu dip jo I uuijbui.ioju) -aDKjd imp ui paAij seq aq imp pooisaipun a.tsq j—buijo.ie3 tpnog ‘uoisapcqa ij ;a3 oi jnoAsapua {eiu ajj aSv jo sacargg jnoqs !oj uajjods uaq.w qooj UAvop q ‘so/Ca affuq qjiM ‘aprui imps ‘qihq ia 3 j .moj inoq« ‘g ( ) a jo duisu aqi Xq utuu oxSan v heej judy jo ipuoiu ati ui uopEiuvjd Xm AJafj •p.»iAta|j pg g Notice. A persons indebted to tho estate of John Beall, late ol Columbia county, ( cc. are requested to come forward and discharge their accounts; and all persons laving any demands against said estate, will please present their accounts, pro perly attested, and they will be paid with m the time prescribed by law. Chr. Beall, } w J W. Beall y K J- H. Smith A 5 February 4—-4 t ** * ♦ Entertainment, ' IS Washington, Geo. HE subscriber having lately purchas ed tha(i pleasant and agreeable establish ment, formerly kept by Wm. C. Douex, intends keeping it ns a House of Private ENTERTAINMENT. The Buildings arc all undergoing a thorough repair, with considerable additional improvements suitable rooms will be fitted up, and kept in reserve for private families and genteel travellers. This situation being off the Public is rendered perfectly-retir ed,-and at the same time sufficiently con venient for business. He intends keeping on file, Newspapers from most of the States in the Union : and at the same time pledges himself that every exertion shall be made to contribute to the comfort and entire satisfaction of those that may think proper to call on him. A. H. Sneed. January 55 wßt The Augusta Chronicle and Savan nah Republican, will please to insert th<. above eight times, weekly, and forward their accounts to the' Ncvvs Office Tiie Western Hotel. f ff*HE subscriber informs his friends and X the public, that he has removed from his former stand, and opened 'he Mouse formerly occupied by Captain B. Mims, and late bv f. 1). Green, Esq. AT THE SIGJV OF THE Golden Ball. This situation possesses the advantages of being near to the Market, and a suffi cient distance removed from it, for the enjoyment of quietude and retirement. It is situated directly on Centre Street, at the corner of Green Street; —has attach ed to it a dry and extensive Wagon Yard; also a ’arge and comfortable Stable, to gether with other c onveniences equal to any in the City. The subscriber flatters himself that with these accommodations, and a strict attention to business, he will continue to deserve the patronage of the Public. He returns his thanks for the favors he has already received, and pledges himself to use every exertion to please and intertain those who may oblige him by calling—and feels assured that ihey will not be dissatisfied with his charges, as he is determined to furnish every thing as low as the Market will afford - W. Ligon. Augusta, January 13 w3mp Twenty Dollars Reward FOB J)l< K, Who ranaway on Sunday the 21sU. I ultimo. Dick is about thirty-two > ears old. five feet ten or eleven inches high, sttaight made, little inclined to yellow— had < n when he went away, pantaloons of twilled humospun, wool and cotton, cotton shirt, new wool hat, shoes with saddle tacks in the bottom. The above reward will be paid to whoever will deliver said negro, or confine him so that I get him again, if taken up out of this state; ano ten dollars if taken up in this state, with all reasonable expenses paid. It is sup posed he will make for the north Benjamin Leigh, February 1 3w Administrators Sale. WILL be sold at the market house in the city of Augusta, on the 20th of February next, one double barrel shot. Gun, belonging to the estate of Samuel Bugg, dec. A. Bugg, adm’or. January 11 wt ds Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Capt David M'Kinney, ei ther by note or open account are reques ted to come forward and pay the same be fore the Ist day of March next, as all debts due the estate, on that day will be placed in the hands of an attorney for col lection.—All persons having claims against the estate, are notified to exhibit them to the administratrix, within the time prescribed by lav., properly authenticated. C. S. M*Kinney, adm’x. Augusta, January, 18 wst LOSl\ Between Augusta and Joseph Tank ersley’s iu Columbia county, on Monda last, a leather memorandum pocket book, containing a numffbr of drafts, notes, and accounts: The drafts and notes are as follow 1 Draft on James T. Dent, g 127 00 1 Do. on Freeman Lacy, 250 00 1 bo. on Wm. P. Desmond 178 00 1 Do. on ML D. Clark, about 16 00 1 Note on Jos. Tankersly 338 68J 1 Do. on do about 278 00 1 Do. on James Edney 28 00 It is deemed unnecessary to enumerate the accounts. The Pocket Book also con tained some memorandums of no value to any one but the owner. All persons are cautioned from trading for any of the a bove notes, drafts or accounts. A reason able reward will be given for the recove ry of the book and its contents. John Pew. February 1 4t Executors’ Sales, WILL BE SOLD, 800 Acres of Land, more or less, lying in Columbia county, belonging to the estate Judge Beall, dec. twelve miles from Au gusta, on the Washington road, adjoining John Foster, James Burroughs and Dread pi Pace, between 5 and 600 acres of which is cleared and under a good fence, and was formerly kept by Judge Beall, and is one of the best stands for Entertainment between Augusta and Washington. Per sons wishing to purchase will be allowed three payments. The above place can be sold by applying to either of the undersign ed executors Chr. Beall, ) m J. W. Beall, C H. J. H. Smith, \ ? Februwy 1— * Co the ccntStU w tuons, C. nze .* 0 f my COu J * 1 rally and to thote o/ -JJ*. H state of Georgia most p a , I DeueKcient I Uzfcua. ‘ I A FTER ? S r «at. lapse of time, at l!V I . * vanced period of my !if e . L d I suffemgs, the most severe, mon£; I and afflicting, that ever were end. >' I during, a senes of nearly forty ’ I sulling, from the causes, that will I faitlilully. correctly, truly, aild I detailed to you, and to the world I correspondence, that will be pubii.r I between myself, and my partner W.S I Scarbrough, sen, and his s „n, wjr I Scarbrough, jun. now of Savannah, £ I the year 1790 to,the year 1819.1 amW I ful that you will not deem it preaumtu® I malicious or incorrect, that I should ca t! I the causes, that have produced them . I appear in print. For although, it triu I deemed presumptions, for any indiviuj I however eminent, and respectable, he m I have been, to suppose, that h;s nusft, l tunes, reverses and affletiong, are, so detc I ly interesting, to the community, I the world, as to call on bin;, for their nub I licatiom Yet in tenderness. f or ii le u.ort-' I lionorable, and respectable portion human nature, it is but reasonable ’to I suppose, and to hope, that they ueterl cease,to fake a lively Interest, i n is right and what is wiong; or ia what’isl virtuous, or, in what is vicious, as t’ -■ relate, to the conduct, and deportment ii{l men, as, on these, most undeniably the happiness, the harmony, the order* safety and security of hum..n wTairs i* ever has been, and I presume it ..rev* er will, be, a privilege, claimed l-y t >>* unfortunate, to complain, when injured* And, if the privillege, was ever duunedß and indulged rn, with justice, and pm* priety, I trust,, that it will, be deemed <* on the present occasion. To plead, as* have done, for forty years, for some re* dress, for some compensation, for th c l overthrow, derangement, and final du.l traction, of a concern that was once, (tel most opulent, eminent, distinguished!aid| respectable, that ever was in South Caro-H iina. And to fad therin, as I have dam,* from fraud, treachery and collision, bt’| comes, a matter, for the candid, full, am| impartial investigation, of the just, tl«l impartial, the correct; and upright, of tut I world And to those ofthatdeßciiptiot-H and most particularly, to those of my !..’l ter state of Georgia it is, that 1 most rts-H pectfully pray leave to make my appeal I After Hie toils of so many years, and s| life all but exhausted, in efforts, to kave| a character, fair, honorable, upright, and| unimpeached, it may naturally Le coai-H dered, as a source, of great solace, and| Happiness, to the misfurmnate man, to| be able; to bring under the impartial c*~| animation, and investigation of e!niner.t| men, the interesting, .-ad hading causes,! that have operated so fatally, to a cudoH cern, one, so eminent, opulent, dh:in.H guished, and respectubie. It is the pe«H culiar solace, of the unfortunate surviving®! copartner, m the present ense, tiai leAf can make these details, of the origin, progress and final close, ot this cji>arn,H to the eminent, cili/.cns ot -meH o-’ Georgia, on whom, he is forced, iy cir-HI .umstanccs the most awful, auu miptn-H -jus, that ever menaced the existence, <S| a highly rcspectabf. family. Luder ileß| sanction, of as honorable testimonials, iH| were ever give to man. Given by merable citizens,of thegreatesuniini;ict,B| and distinction, in onr country, whose eyes; and to whose knowledge, most-all the details, that will appear, past. From, these, it will be seen, myself, and family, are covered from circumstances, that will be detailed, aiilßi can no longer be concealed, b to their last property, which is trine, within the state of Georgia, for until they can obtain, some redies.-. their losses, and frauds, that they sustained, and now are laboring To prove, to the citizens of Georgia, anH| of the world, that the property they and have offered for sale in Georgia, >S| legally, fairly, and justly their prupert* and to prove this, ie the perfect tion of the citizens of Georgia, and ol world. It is indispensible to publish tlijl correspondence, between myself, partner, William Scarbrouglij sen aiiQl)e*j| tween myself, and William jun. now of Savannah, and between self, and others, from the year 17A the year 1819, and for the purpose ot parting, that information, that be ’ a^* tlsfactory to the public, and useful 'o tjmm self and family, 1 will immediately posite, in the office of die ChivniCG the papers relating to thiscorrospendrw™ Subject to the inspection, of any *iw «• citizen of Georgia, and where 1 vu tend personally, for the purpose o.!»■* every exiilanation, that may be_* e< l l relating to the properly, 1 c,am ‘, , childreiis From tliis cor . p*V will be seen, that all the saus of P I.H tv, made by William ring lus life, and those, deviseu > ‘ were fraudulent and not legal, P l ' ; y the Belfast Saw Mills,_ on t ie three runs, in Barnwell District* m - Carolina. In devoting the reman. my life, in securing iny just r.g ‘ u benefit of a greatly injured, respectable family,andlbr which p 'f-J| have come, and mean to ren v gusla, 1 shall rely on that supp the beneficicnl citizens ofGeo'f, the evidences ot my respectabm), American Citizen for forty yea will entitle me to. . William Cooke, ■ Surviving Copartner of the ff uuJ Scarbrough U Cooke. Coroner’s bfalssm WILL be sold .1 the '""‘StM town of Waynesborough.oa then H day in March next, One hundred and acres of land adjoining the es . Doyle and others— levied o perty of Jesse Farrow, 0 , jjlonnf culion in favor of Slurges ano Wm Willard Ih* belts ß Corone*' January 29—--wtds blanks H Printed at this