Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, March 22, 1821, Image 2

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MIUIHII) B¥ KEAN U CHARLTON. YWemas bv authority. an act Xaklnß appropriations for the support ol frovermnent for ihe year one Uiousaf.c eight hundred and twenty-one. De it enacted by the Senate anti House of Representatives of the United States of America m I on press assembled, That the following gums be, and the same are hereby, respectively appropriated for the ser vice of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty .one, that is to * a For compensation granted bylaw to the Senate and House ol Repie sentatives, their officers land atten dants, three hundred fourteen thou sand eight hundred and sixty sixdol- J *irs. For the compensafion of the Se nator tfful Representatives elected ' t, v Missouri, six thousand dollars. 3 For the expensei • I fire wood, stntUmarT, printing and all other contingent expenses of th» two Houses of Congress, lorty nine thou cand dollars. For the. expenses of the library ol Congress, including the Librarian’s nllowance for the year, one thou . sand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For the purchase of books lor the Library of CooCrcM,comprehending th, sta utes and the reports ol the J, A,„m of the Courts of law and chancery of the different states, with tha latest maps of the scyaeal states And territories ol the United States, .one thousand dollars For compensation lo the Presi de t of the United States, twenty live thousand dollars. For compensation to the Vice President of the United Stutes, five thousand dollar* For compensation to the Secreta ry, of State, six thousand dollars, i .For compensation to the clerks in the Department of date, by the act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen gers’in said Department, including ing-the messenger to the Patent Oi- Cce, nine hundred and sixty dol lars. . For the contingent and incidental expenses of the Department ol State, including expenses of distr.tuning copies of the laws of the second ses sion of the Sixteenth Co gross, twetfty two thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the Secreta ry the Treasury, six thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office ul the Secretary of the Treasury, per act of twentieth A pr;'. on thousand eight hundred arid oil 1 ■ ■», ten thousand four hundred do- *»rs. F compensation to the messen g, said office, seven hundred aa vo dollars. compensation to the first U jupdler of the Treasury, three th :od five hundred dollars. I' j compensation to the clerks in the office of the first Comptroller, per act of twentieth April, one thou im. s eight hnrjred and eigliteen, Bev.,. teen thousand eight huiulred anil ntty dollars. Fi r compensation to the messen ger iii soul office, four hundred and ten dollars. For compensation to the • econd Comptroller, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Second Comptroller, per act of twentieuth April, one thousand eight hundred fc eighteen, nine -thousand seven hundred and filly dollars. For lompensation to the messen ger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars. For compensation to the,First Auditor of the Treasury, three thou sand dollars. For compensation to clerks in the office of the First Auditor, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, fifteen thousand two hundred (toilers. Fur compensation to the messen f;er in said office, four hundred dol ais Foi compensation to the clerks in the office of ihe Second Auditor, per act of twentieth April, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen, Seventeen thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars. For compensation to the Third Auditor *.f the Treasury, three thou- Sand dollars. For compensation to the erks in the office ol (lie Third Auditor, per Set of April, one thou- i sand I’lgnt hundred and eighteen, 1 twenty eight thousand eix hundred dollars. J ( for cow] iCDsatioo to the messen- I giTi in said office, seven hundred and ten dollars. _ v For compensation to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, three thou sand doljps , For compensation to the clerk in the office 01 the Fourth Auditor, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eigliteen, fifteen thousand and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars. For compensation to the Fifth Au ditor of the‘Treasury, three thou sand dollars.« For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Fifth Auditor, per act of twentieth April, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen, ten thousand five hundred dollars FfttAhrec clerks to complete the dufUpsof the Commissioner of the Revenue, transferred to the office 0; the Fifth Auditor, three thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars, For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office o» the Treasurer, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, live thousand two hund'ed and fifty dollars. For compensation to an additional clerk, as allowed by act of appro priation of one 'thousand eight hun dred and twenty ; and, also, for an assistant to the chief clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars. ’ For compensation to the messen ‘ ger in said office, four hundred and tend llais. ' For compensation to the Coinmis -1 sinner of the General Land Office, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerk-. in the office of s-tid Commissioner, per net of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, four hunderd and ten dollars. For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dol lars. For compensation te the clerks ia the office of the Register, pe. act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty two thousand three huiulred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messen. ger in said office, including the al lownnce for stamping ships’ regis ters, five hundred dollars. For compensation to the Secretary of the Commissioncrsjof the -Sinking Fund, two hundred and fifty dol lars. For allowance to the person em ployed in transmitting passports and sea letters, for expense of trans lating foreign languages in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, for stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent ami incidental ex penses in flic Treasury Department, and *he several officers therein, forty eight thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. For allowance to the Superintend ent and four watchmen employed for the security of the State and Treasury buildings, one thousand nine hundred dollars. For compensation to the Secreta ry of War, six thousand dollars. For compensation to the c.« rks in the War Department, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty three thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation (0 the messen gers in said department, seven hun dred and ten dollars. For expense of fuel, stationary, printing, and other contingent ex penses in said Department, five thousand dollars. For maps, plans, books, and in struments, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the Paymas ter General, two thousand five hun dred dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Paymaster General, per act of twentieth April, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen, nine thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars. For compensation to the Commis sary General of Purchases, three thousand dollars . For compensation to the clerks in the office of said Commissary, two thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen ger in said office, three hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Adjutant and In spector General, par act of twentieth j April, one thousand eight hundred 1 and eighteen, two thousand oae 1 hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in 1 the office of the Ordnance, per act 1 of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, two < thousand nine hundred and fifty ( dollapa, J Far COftif cnattion,to ths clerks io tha office of the Commissary Gene ral of SubsMtfncefitwoThousaiW one hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation tn.the cterks in the Engineer Office, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.* For compensation to the clerks in the Surgeon General’s office, one hundred and fifty dollars. For the contingent expenses,of the said office, five hundred dollars. For compensation to the Secreta ry of the Navy, si* thousand dol lars. . - . For compensation {othe, clerks in the office of the Secretary ot the Navy, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eigh teen, eight thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen gers in said office, seven hundred and ten dollars. For the contingent expences of said office, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the Commis sioners of the Navy hoard, ten thou sand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Commissioners of the Navy hoard, per act of the twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, three thou s sand five hundred and fifty dollars, t For compensation to' three clerk*. 1 and a draftsman, as allowed by acts of appropriation for one thousand I eight hundred and nineteen, and one • thousand eight hundred and twenty, ■ in the office of add Commissioners, i four thousand dollars i For compensation to the messen gcrin said office, four hundred and . ten dollars For the contingent expences ol said office, two thousand dollars. For all wance to the superintend ent and four watchmen,,for tin* secu rity of the War and Navy buildings and for the repairs of engine, hose, and buckets, one thousand nine hu - dred do.lars. Foi compensation to the Postmas ter General, lour thousand dollars. For compensation to two Assist ant Post Masters General, live thou - sand dollars For compensation to the clerks in , the General Post Office, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty two thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the messen gers in said office, six hundred and sixty dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, four thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the urveyor General, tw (thousand one hundred dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor smith of Tennessee, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the Jerks in the office of said Surveyor, one thousand seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansuw, two thousand dollars. For compensation to clerks in the office of said Surveyor, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the Surveyor in Alabama • vo thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the surveyor in Alaba ma, one thousand five hundred dol lars. For compensation to the. Commis sioner of the Public Buildings at Washington city, two thousand dol lars. For compensation to the officers and clerks in tin* 'lint, nine thou > and six hundred dollars. I oi wages ofpcrsonsjeinployed in the different operations of the s'int, nine thousand and fifty dollars. For incidental and contingent ex pences and repairs, cost of machine ry, and for allowance of wastcage, in gold silver coinage of the Mint, eight thousand one hundred dollars. For compensation to the Governor Judges, o nd Secretary, of the Arkan saw territory, six thousand six hun dred dm tars. For the contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the Cover nor, Judges, and Secretary, of the Michigan territory, six thousand six hundred dollars. For the contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the Chief Jus tice, the Associate Judgcsj and dis tr.ct Judges of the United States, including the Chief Justice and As sociate Judges of the District of Co lumbia, seventy eight thousand two hundred dollars. ; v \ ■■ For compensation to the Attorney General of the United States; three thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the clerk in the office of the Attorney General, per act of twentieth April, one thou, sand eight hundred and (eighteen, eight hundred dollars. For the contingent expenses of said office, including compensation to the messenger, five hundred dollars, i For compensation to the Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme i Court, one thousand dollars. For compensation to sginjfy At- 1 • I ’ •• * i (orneys and Marshals, as granted bv law, including those in the several territories, eight thousand nine hun dred and fifty dollars* > For the payment of sundry pen sions granted by the late and present governments, one thousand five hun dred and ninety dollars. For making good a deficiency in the fund for the relief and protection of sick and .disabled seamen, silty thousand dollars. For the support of Light Houses, and other establishments for the pro tection of navigation, one hundred and two thousand three hundred and forty one dollars and twenty eight cents For public lands of the United States, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For additional compensation al lowed by the act ot the Jtwentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, to tho cleiks in the office of the Superintendent General of Indian trade, four hundred and fifty dollars. For bringing on the votes of Presi dent and Vice President, three thou sand one hundred ninety five dollars and fifty cents. For expenses of ships’ registers, three thousand seven hundred and fiftv dollars. For the discharge of such miscel laneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the Treasury, six thousand dollars. For the salaries of the ministers of the United S ates at London, Pu rs, St. Petersburg, and Madrid, with the salaries of the Charge d’Aftaiics at the Hague, Rio Janeiro, at. Stock holm, fifty seven thousand five hun dred dollars. For an outfit to a minister at Pa ris, nine thousand dollars. For the contingent expense of those missions, ten thousand dollars. Fur the contingent expenses of fo reign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars. For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, forty two thousand dollars. . For salaries of the Agents for Claims on account of spoliationsand fur seamen, at London and Palis, four thousand dollars. For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign coun tries, forty thousand dollars. For opening, under the direction of (he Secretary of War, within the Indian country, a road from a point at or near Turner Brashcar’s Stand, on the old Natchez Road, to a point at or near Columbus, on the Military Road, the sum of live thou sand dollars, which, by an act of the twenty seventh of March, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen, *as appropriated, for keeping iu repair said old road from Natchez to Columbia, in Tennessee, and which remains unexpended. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before mande shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Speaker ofths House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore Washington, March 3,lß3l.—Approved, JAMES MONROE. AN AC F for the relief of the Purchases of the Public Lauds, prior to the first day of •Inly, eighteen hundred and twenty Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. States ot America in Congress as sembled, That, in all cases where lands have been purchased from the United States, prior to the first day of July, eighteen hundred and twen ty, it shall be lawful for any such purchaser, or other person or persons being the legal holder of any certi ficate, or certificates, of land, on or before the thirtieth day of Septem ber, eighteen hundred and 1 twenty one, to tile, with the Register of the Land Office where any tract of land has been purchased, a relinquish ment in writing of any section, half section, quarter section, half quarter section, or legal subdivision of any fractional section of land so purchas ed, upon which tho whole purchase money has not been paid, and all sums paid on account of the part relinquished shall be applied to the discharge of any instalments which may be, Or shall hereafter become, due and payable upon such land, so purchased, as shall not have been re linquished, and shall be so applied and credited as to complete the pay ment on some one or more half quar ter sections where the payments by transfer are sufficient for that pur pose: Provided, That all divisions, and subdivisions, contemplated by this net, shall be made in conformity with the first section of an act mak ing further provision for the sale of public lands, passed the twenty fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty; And pro vided, also, That the right of relin quishment hereby given shall, in no case, authorize the party relinquish ing to claim any repayment from the United States; And provided, also, That where any purchaser has nur- 1 chased, »t the same cr more quarter* he shall not be permitted to relinquish l fcSS than a quarter section. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the interest which shsyll have accrued before the thirtieth day of September next, upon any debt to the United States, for public land, shall be, and the same is hereby, re rattcd and d ischaiged. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the persons indebted to the U. States as aforesaid, shall be divided into three' classes; the first class to iriclude ail such persons as shall hayc paid to the United States only one fourth part of tne original price of the land by them respectively purchased, or held; the second class to include all such persons as shall have paid to the United States only one half part of such original, price; and the third class to include all such persons as shall have paid to the United States three fourth parts of such original price, and (he debts of the persons included in the first class shall be paid in eight equal annual instal ments; the debts of the persons in cluded in the second class shall be paid in six equal annual instolments; ami the debts of the persons includ ed in the third class shall be paid in four equal annual instolments; the first of which instalments in each of the classes aforesaid shall be paid irv manner following, to wit; of the third class, on the thirtieth day of Sept next; of the second class on the thir ty first day of March, one thousand . eight hundred and twenty-two; and the whole of the ,dcb( aforesaid, shall bear an! interest at the rate of six percent: Provided always, That the same shall be remitted up on each and cv£ry of the instalments aforesaid which shall be punctually paid when the same shall become payable as aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in all cases where complete payment of the whole sum due, or which may become due, for any tract of land (purchased fom (he United States aforesaid shall be made on or before the thirtieth day of September, one thousend eight hundred and twenty-two, a deduction, ot the rate of thirty-seven and a half per centum shall be allowed upon the sum re maining unpaid; Provided, That no thing herein contnined shall autho rize any discount upon payments under the provisions of the first sec tion of this act. See. 5. And be it further enacted, That each and every individual or company, that has laid c3*, on any lands by him or them purchased of the United States, any town, a part or the whole of the lots whereofhave been sol I, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act in relation to any half quarter, or quarter section of land, on which such town maybe si tuated, and of all lands by him or them owned, contigious to and ad joining said half quartersection, on which said town is situated, upon condition only, that each and every person who has purchased of him, or them, a town lot, or part of a lot, or laud in and adjoining the same, shall be entitled to a remission of all in terest that has accrued, and to a dis count of twenty pcrcentum on the amount unpaid, and to discharge their debt by bonds, with security, in equal annual instalments of .‘our . years, from the thirtieth day of Dec. next. Nor shall the provisions of this act be constructed to extend to any person or persons claiming title to land under the provisions, of an act passed the third day of March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, en titled “an act to set apart and dis pose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive. ,y Sec. G. And be il further enacted, That, for failure to pay the several debts aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, and for the term of three mouths af ter the day appointed for the pay ment of the last instalment thereof, in each of the classes aforesaid, the land so purchased or held by the re spective persons indebted to the U. States as aforesaid, shall, ipso facto, become forfaited, & revert to the U. States. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That no person shall be deemed to be included within, or entitled to, the benefit of any* of the provisions of this act, who shall not, on or before the thirtieth day of Septembes next, sign, and file in the office of the Re gister of the Land Office of the dis trict where the land was purchased, or where the residue of the purchas ed, or where the residue of the pur chase money is payable, a declara tion in writing, expressing his con sent to the same, and shall pay the Register, for receiving, recording, and filing, the same, fifty cents. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be, and hereby is made, the duty of the several Registers and Receivers onhe Land offices of the United States’, according (o the forms and institutions which shall he given in that behalf by the Treasury De partment, to assist in carrying this act into execution, to keep full and faithful accounts and records of all proceedings under the same; and, vvixhiQ the terra of three the said thiri.iatl».u.. .• next, to th. . otland to States; ihe quantity on 5- 1 ® laments shall Have b., n p ‘ k ,'H the quantity on which a dit have been given . ' ei 'Hi ing tlie amount of the bebh"B further credit shall cd; and the, Kegistersar/u”** respectively, shall he entittß ceive fifty cents fiu.a UiJl fl linquislnug, fur eath section, half section, or |,.r. vision of a fractional sector,'B imquished. 10r bsH bee. ( J. And be it faj thpp I I hat no lands purchased f lf * n B state., o„ or t, e .W (he 'Sj July, eighteen hundred a.d J which are not already dudfiliß be considered as forfeited to hI vernnicnt, for failure i„ c ‘ e | the payment thereon, unt 1 l ? thirtieth day of ScnterV.J tb *l all the lands whff Cxt | quished to the United'‘l toresaid, shall be deemed 5 1 obe forfeited, and, with n 1 lands which moy become frj andei this ac t, shall be sold acco J to the provisions of the art “An act making furtiier "'1 for the sale of the public laniKl ■ ed the twentwy-fourth day 0 f aJ eighteen hundred and twenty I bee. 10. And be it further enacl That no ianu which shall bo u I dered under the provisions 0 I act, shall be offered for s;( l efo „l h Approved, March 3, ig^jj AN ACT Hjf To reduce and fix- (he Military p uc . Hi tabhsjjmeut oflhe United States. Hi Be it enacted by the Senate aH House of Representatives of the H States ot America in bled, J hat, from and after the day of June next; the military peaH establishment of the United’ StatH sh. li be composed of four rogmieiH o| infantry, with such officers cf H gmecr?, of ordnance, and of thestuH as are hereinafter provided for. H Sec. 2. And be it further That each regiment of artillery consist of one colonel, one lieutcH ant colonel, one major, one s r major, one quartermaster and nine companies, one of uhi(B shall be designated and equiped B light artillery; and that there shafl be attached to each regiment cl aims tiliery one supernumerary captain t® perferm ordnance duty, and flu® each conpany shall consist of on® captain, two first lieutenants, lv,® second lieutenants, four sergeants® four corporals, three artificers, tw® musicians, and forty-two privates.-® That each regiment of infantry slml® consist of one colonel, one lieuten® ant colonel, one major, one sergean® major, one quartermaster sergeant® two principal musicians, ami tei® companies; each of which shall eon® sist of one captain, one first lieuten® ant, one second lieutenant, three ser® gcants, four corporals, two mud® cians, and forty-two privates; and® that to each regiment of artillery am® infantry there shall be one adjntant® who shall be taken from the subai® terns of the line. ' I .Sec. 3. And be it further enacted® That the corps of engineers, (bom® barders excepted,) and the topugon® . phtcal engineers, and their assistants® shall be retained in service as at pre® sent organized. I Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, I That the orduaned department sbalfi he merged in the artillery; and that! tlic President of the United States he, ■ and he is hereby, authorized to sip I lect from the regiments of artillery I such officers as may be necessary to perform ordnance duties, who, while bo detached, shall receive the pay and eraolislinicnts now received by ordnance officers, and shall be j subject only to the orders of the war department; and (hat the number of enlisted men in the ordnance, depart ment be reduced to fifty-six.' . Sec, 5. And be it further enacted, That there shall be one major gene ral, witli two aids dc camp, two bri gadier generals, each with one aid decamp; and that the aids de cam.» be taken from the subalterns ol th w line, and, in addition to their.other duties,, shall perform (he duties o. assistant adjutant general. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted That thero shall bppne adjutant gen eral, and two inspectors general, with the rank, pay, and emolument-, of colonels of cavalry. Sec 7. And be it farther ennctcu, That there shall be one quartermas ter general; that there shall be t' ro quartermasters, with the rank, p"0» and emoluments of majors of cavas* ry; and then assistant who shall, in addition to their in the line, receive a sum not It-"* than ten dollars, nor more than twen ty dollars, per month, to be regulated by the Secretary of war. See. 8. And be it Aether enaetc., That there shall be one commissi, general of subsistence; and that the a' shall be as many assistant edirup 15 ' ■ ■ sariep m the service mar reqe r.,