Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, May 31, 1821, Image 1

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■ «*!5ft15!2!1 ■ r~■—■■■■——,,■,„ m m nnnmn M „ > * I C VOL - XXXV.] THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 31, 1831. [No . so ofi] ■ ' '- -'-'I '■ — 1 1 l-LJ--*! .. !J- '. !!■_'.. .SSL »'■—»-•■ ■ W THE ■iidustn Cijrmiiclc. V * IS piraiisH^n ■ MONDAY & THURSDAY I evenings, K~ lieau £j diaaelton. Kjlicrs oft l * 6 laws of the U> St “tcs ■ lIIIVK DOl.l*l* s PZH ASHIIM, ■ JN ADVANCE. I^TMCEIVED, 1 i/ ie JV. York Commission I Book Store, I AS eueoaht assortment oj I Bi-ANK BOOKS, I LETTER PAPER. I WHITING PAPER, I And sundry Articles of I STATIONARY, |c|iool and Miscellaneous I Books. I -—ALSO I expected per next Steam Boat, an foment cf LAW BOOKS: the whole P* i ( will be sold low for cash or town MftUC. Eiu'l Sturges, Agent. jlarcli *- 9 ~ k< ’ .. ~ 1 1... [Final Notice. I WILL attend ft the’ S J®« ° f ■ Messrs Walton and Dorris, PP I p 0 st Office, every Wed., ' 3CIa H Irsday and Friday until the first It, for the purpose of collecting' tha lemtl County Tax for the year 1823, | Irnnsin arrear will do well to avail , tjlfgs of this opportunity, if not. 212 ■ pin will issuC; I E. Bngg, T. C. ; kpril 19 > ■he Advertiser and Herald, are request lo publish the above till the first of I . . .- - —.—— NOTICE.- I | HE Copartnership heretofore existing ween the subscribers, was dissolved on lid iust by leiutual consent. All per- I having demands against the firm will lent them <to S’. C. Dortic for setlle- Kt; and all those indebted to the firm, Iplease make immediate payment of Isime, as alll accounts not paid by the kof April iv»xt, will indiscriminately be [inthe hands of an officer for ollcc I S. C. Dorlic, i Henry Robert. pirri) 5 -3t . 1 [Confectionary. 1 HE subscriber having purchased from * nrj Robert his interest in the above es, lishment, will continue to keep an as ment of Confectionaries by the whole aad retail. Oroers from the country be thankfully received, and a great t action will be made to retailers in | own or country. * 1 'has on Hand a General Assortment of I audits £5 Sugar VAwvus •f alt sorts. 'erfcct Love, "] lil of Cinnamon, | CORDIALS ifeofMan, (of the first quality’ tnnlseed, f by tiie bottle or doves, j " dozen, 'eppermir.t, J 'kin and Lemon Syrup, mussortment of Sugar Toys, ’aisins, Almonds, feet Salad Oil of the best quality, 'ognac Brandy, ■eimine Holland Gin, Enaica Bum, ; kcrry Brandy, SL.I WINE, °rt, j 7 •hi:ipa, J by the bottle or dozen, W many other articles too tedious to ®eralc. S. C. Dortic. b.B— He will constantly keep on hand 'frlety of fresh Cakes. March 5 3t Six Notliern Made GIGS, L p AUT of them of the best quality, h Leather Tops, at Long Streat’s Sta for sale by Wm. Meeker, who may be "d by enquiring at the above mention stable. hatch 29 ts L IW. I IHV. subscriber tenders his professional •ices iu the fallowing counties of the K .* Circuit.—Richmond, Columbia, B" n gton, Emanuel, Scriven & Burke, KV'-' e c . ount y ol Warren of the Nor- R. circuit, tie will also practice in ■ eaeral Courts of this Slate. 1 ibomsis Glascock. TJ 10 Savannah Republican and Mil- Hmn ourna l will insert the above ryi /n fclary22 T ' ® *** The subscribers will he absent for a few months.,-,John Caslun, Esq. and Thomas Maguire, will act as their attornies. Maguire Murphy. April 2 3t 1 J The Subscribers RESPECTFULLY inform their friends > and the public, that they have for med a connexion, in the Carriage Making Business, under the firm of JOHNSON & CRANE, the business will be carried on at the old stand formerly occupied by James John son, where all orders in their line of Bus iness, will be faithfully attended to. Car riages repaired at the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. Johnson Crane. Just received, a handsome assortment of Newark made Gigs and carriages, also, a few Barrels first rate Newark cider. January 15 3m Consignments. DR. ROGER’S Celebrated Vegetable Pulmo nic Detergent, WHICH is used in Consumptions, Cata-rhs, Asthmas and Coughs, or diseases originating from Colds, with signal advantages. This Medicine is freed from all those objections which the use of inllamatory drops, or similar preparations are always liable to. He invites the Pub lic to try and.judge.of the efficacy of tlu- Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent; the re sult of many years labour and experience of his own practice. He is sensible of the fr. 'fetsionnl objections which are so often urgea a g a ‘ nst Patent Medicines ; buj it 19 not for him to say that such objections are sinister. He can only observe that Cases of the obove, .re offered lo» it WMesic C- Bairels of Lamp H , w \th various tard; Alum and Mu ,1 ttCComrnodat other articles on the ik ing terms. C. C. Dunn, Analey’ January 1. ts *p an in**/ *• Twenty Dollars Reward, And all Reasonable Expenses WILL be paid for apprehending' and lodging in any jail in the slate of Georgia, a Negro Fellow named MARTIN ITe is owned in Savannah, has absconded and is supposed to be lurking about Au gusta Market, as his business at home is butchering—He is about 30 years old, six feet high, square built, has two of his front teeth out, and has a scar on his h tad —tor further particulars enquire at this Office. Sent. 5 -if Pianos, JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of first rate London made Piano Fortes. Patent polished and round Cornered.— For sale low for cash, or approved paper, by A. PICQUET, at Messrs. F. G. GIBbON, & Co. January 1 w Sheriff’s Side. be sold on the first Tuesday in .Tune next, at the market house in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours ol* The unexpired lease of the Eagle Tavern and outbuildings be longing thereto, to expire on the 261 h of April, 1824—levied on as the property ol ,I esse Whipple to satisfy an execution in favor of Slurges Sc Burroughs, vs. W. & J. Whipple, Ei Co. > Win. Lprakin, sh ff. jlpril 9- ids Sheriff’s Ss’e. WILT, he sold at the court house jn Warrenton on the first Tuesday in juno next, between the usual hours of sale, . Five Negroes, to wit: one man by the name of Ben, and two women, Peggy and Rebecca, one girl by the name of Nance, and one boy by the name of Alford, levied on as the property or James Loyless, to satisfy an execution in favor ol Stewart Hargraves, and pointed out by the defendant. . A., Rogers, snerill. Mav 10- wtda Notice is hereby Given, THAT the concern of OLatcock Dick itison is dissolved by mutual consent, that the unfinished business has been translered to David F. Dickinson, who is authorised to close and settle the same. That I'linmas Glascock will attend to ad vocating causes in which the said concern have been employed, and wdl coiUinue his practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke. Scriven, Warren, and Columbia, will also practice in the counties o Washington audio the Mayor’s Court o tb, * qit^Tb omaS Glascock, David F. Dickinson. January 11 ts NEW. YORK ■ Ml 1 SWDIBIBo 'i' . —. Jl HE subscriber lias just received, in addition to his farmer Slock, a. tew cases elegant ionq mm nap FINE DRAB HATS, Warranted to stand ruin, • ALSO—A FRESH SUPPLY OF Broad and Narrow Brim Fine BLACK HATS, Imitation Beavers, Horams, Wool and Palmetto Hats, &c I and on the river and expected shortly, a ‘ supply of White Wool Hats, all of which ’• are offered at low prices for cash or town acceptances.—Store one door above Mr. i U. H. Musgrove’s. George Hannah. May 4 \v4w | *** The subscriber hav ing resumed the practice of the L\W, in forms Ids former clients and others, that he will in future confine his attendance to the Courts of Equity and Law in the Dis tricts of Edged eld and Barnwell—Mr. Chamberlain Lc Hoy Goodwin >■ ill attend to Ins Office here, which for the present iis in the Court House, and Mr. Charles Goodwin, jun’r. keeps his office at Barn well Court House, where all applications will be punctually attended to. He will attend the Courts of Appeal from these Districts when specially employed: Charles Goodwin. Edgefield Court House, 5 7th May, 1821. $ oew2m Lost or Stolen, FROM the subscriber (between Patti-, day and Monday) a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing one order from Wm. Mann to the subscriber on John Lunn for g2O; one note on Thomas Vett rick for S 3 87;J ; one ditto on D. Billings for £8; one ditto on N. G Rose Sc J. Ln ther for Sls; one ditto on John Hatcher for j&35; one ditto on James Johnson, payable six months after date ; also one lottery ticket No. 22297—a150 a small sum of money on different banks—and sun dry other papers not recollected. The sub scriber hereby fonvarns'ail persons from -for any ot the above notes. A trading -eward will he given to any reasor able , « e tum the book with its person who win -Iber. contents to the subsc. ,'. Prince ** ut,s \ May 1C- 3t , Tlahogony. {FUST received a quantity of Mahogony, of the following dimensions:—Two, One, and Hall Inch Planks; also Crotch Veniers, which will be sold on accommodating terms, by applying at Messrs. Leeds and Lynes. April 23 —w3w ALL persons indebted to (he estate of John Foster, of Columbia county, de ceased, are requested to come forward and settle their accounts immediately— and all persons having demands against said estate will please present their ac counts to the administrators of said deceas ed for payment within the time prescribed by law. April 23 6w Coroner’s bale. W ILT. be sold on llm first Tuesday in June next, at the Court House in Jackson borough, Scriven county, between the usual hours of sale, One negro man named JIM, taken as the property of John Burns, to satisfy an execution in favor of Solomon Kemp, against John Burns and John Con yers; resold in consequence of purchaser not paying over the monhy at the sale on the first Tuesday in this instant. Benjamin Taylor, c.s.c* April 26 Ida _ Look at This! dIIOKK out of lire subscriber's cnclo* sure on the 9lh inst. a pair of large bay horses, with some white in their foreheads, one of which is a remarkable fine riding horse, racks well; —the other moves rather sluggish, with one eye a little defected also a grey mare, rather inclined to be white. The above horses were in good order when they left the subscriber’s plantation. It is probable they will make for Augusta; bull fear some villain lias made a prize cf them, and will hunt a mar ket for them as quick as possible. A rea sonable reward will be given for either, or . the whole of thcth.andall expenses paid. Any information will ne thankfully receiv ed, by a line directed to the subscriber at Mscion, 'T wiggs county, Georgia, or to Mr. A.U. Ralston, in Augusta. David Ralston. April 30. lm __ , ' To Rent, THE Store at present occupied by the subscriber, it is considered one of the ; best stands in the city for selling goods, or purchasing produce, the Store Room is large, a good Cellar and Back Store is at tached to it, immediate possession will be given. Apply to J. J; Bobmson, ! may 17 I PAINT cS> OIL sjrOEE. subscriber respectfully inf»rms A the citizens (if Augusta, that ie is now a opening and has for sale at his gore on Broad Street, opposite Duct. WraJ’s, A J.arge and General >lssorlvi\u of Paiflts, Oil, Window Class. Brushes, £jc. <S’c^ AMONG WHICH ARE 5 Flake White PurplueDrom White Lead, dry Terra dc Sei na do ground in oil do do birnt Paris White Turkey UinLr Fine Whiting Rotton Stom White Chalk Ivory Black White Vitriol Lamp Black • Sugar of Lead Blue, Black 1 Chrome Yellow Black Lead i King’s Yellow Black Paint • Patent Yellow, dry Linseed Oil do ground in oil do Foiled Orange Orpiment Lamp Qii Dutch Pink Spermaceti Candles Fine Roman Ochre Copal Tarnish Stone Ochre Japan do ■ Yellow Ochre do ground in oil Harnest do Spruce Ochre Rosin do i Gamboge Spts. Turpentine • Oarmine Japan&oilgoldsizes Chinese Vermillion Bronze English do Geld Leaf , Red Lead Silver Leaf , Litharge Powdered Dutch Metal Drop Lakes, all sorts Pallet Knives , Rose Pink tthie Venetian Red, dry Pumice Slone do ground in ell Rosin Red Chalk Sand Paper Prussian Blue i Emery Powder Bine Paint Putty Blue V erditer Window glass, all Strewing Smalts Picture do [sizes Powder Blue Gum Copal Flotant Prdigo do Shellac Blue Vitriol do Arabic Distilled Verdigris Fine hair Pencils French do dry do do Tools do ground in oil Graining Tools Green Verditer Paint Brushes Sap Greets White wash do Mineral do Scrubbing do French do Sweeping do Olympian do Dust do Spanish Brown, dry Clothes do do ground in oil The Subscriber mil also attend to the Painting Glazing Business generally, and from the exten sive stock which -lie intends at all times keeping, will he enabled to do it on the most reasonable terms. E. Sprague March 26 ts vounin: , 10. I Cfll BBLS. containing three doz. each, for sale by K. G. Webster. s <prll 16—— —-3w 9 1) Columbia €c ynt H-S A ansoit ally came and appeared mc, John Germany, a magistrate for said county, Arthur Fos terT7mid being duly sworn, dtposefh and sailli, that on the morning of the 19th of April last, some where on the Washing ton road, between James Burroughs, Esq. and Augusta, he lost his pocket book, containing the following notes with other papers, and a small sum of money;—One promissory note of hand, hearing date in March last, asd due on the first day of March next, drawn in favor of Sarah Whit ting ton arfd this deponent, on Triplett Shumate, for'sixty seven orcight dollars— One promissory note ofhafid bearing dale about the same lime, and due on the first day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty three, drawn in favor of the same persons on said Triplett Shumate, for three hundred dollars —Four twenty-nine do'Jar notes of hand, bearing date about the sane lime and due on the first day of March next, drawn in favor of (he same persets, on Alexander H. Allison, amounting to o|e hundred and sixteen dollars.—One pm missory note of hand bearing date abiut the same time and due on the first dayof January next, drawn in favor of Kleior Davis, signed by Samuel Flicks, for eqht hundred and seventy one dollars ind twenty cents-, or thereabouts—One pro missory note of hand bearing date smie lime in the year eighteen hundred »nd eighteen, and due some time in that ytar, drawn in far or of Hardy Foster, on Thomas I.owe, for about seven dollars and Ifiy cents.—One other promissory note of land bearing date some time in the fore pa'tof the year eighteen hurtdred and twenty, and due, date not recollected, drawn h fa. vor of Blackston, on Isaac Downs, for thirty five dollars, with a crecit of ttiree dollars on the back thereof. And this deponent further saitli not. Arthur Foster. Sworn to and subscribed before > me this Ist day of May, 1821. $ JOHN GERMANY, J, P. The public arc cautioned against trading for any of the above notes from any person, as I shall apply to the maker of said notes or their legal repre sentatives in a short time for them to be renewed. Arthur Foster. May 7- For Rent , A CONVENIENT dwelling house, one door above (Mr. David Urqubarls dwelling) from the first of July to the first of December next. Also, an excellent Cook Washer and Ironcr will be hired for the same length of time. For particulars enquire of the Editors! may 17 tn6w KENILWORTH. A New Novel, by the author of Waverly Rob Roy, See. &c. MELMOUTH, the Wanderer, a Tale, bv the author of Bertram. THE EATHQUAKE, a Tale, by the au thor of the Ayrshire Legatees, or the Corresponclance of the Pringle Family The ANGEL ofthe WORLD, a new poem- BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE, No. 15, Jnd a few of STURGESS’ MAP OF GEORGIA, On commission, at tlie very reduced price of Six Dollars, Just Betfeived, and for sale By J. 11. Ely. HVio have constantly on hand a Large Supply of Fools Cap Letter Paper, and SCHOOL BOSKS, which will be sold to Country Merchants, on the most advantageous terms. April 19. Advertisement. w t T IIEREAS the subscriber has taken the Boarding House, just below ihe goal and market house, on Broad street, in the city of Augusta, returns his thanks to a generous tor the support already given, and solicits a continuance of their lavors, and pledges himself to give every j attention, und boarding at the following i rates, io wit:—Horses boarded at 50 cents per night; single feed 3fJ ; boarding for man per day gl; dinner 50 cents; sup per 37i cents ; breakfast 371 ; bed 25 rents—dean nice beds and a well furnish ed table, and a good attentive hostler from the nortn. I also keep a Wagon Yard in good order, gratis, to those that take boarding. I am; &c. kc. Thornton Holeman. April 23. (O’ The Millodgcvillc Recorder, Co himbia, S. C. State Gazette, and Raleigh Minerva, will re-pubhsh the above monthly for five mouths, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Thomas Leavitt, dec’d, cither by note or open account, are re quested to come forward and pay the same before the Ist day of November next. All persons having claims against the es tate arc notified to exhibit them to the administratrix within the time prescribed by Jaw, properly authenticated. Eliza A. Leavitt, adm’x. April 19. if FOR SALE Ji Great Bargain. ; fJMIE subscriber offers for sale her plan , J. lation id Burke county, the late re sidence of Dr. Thomas Leavitt, dec. com ! (.'lining 650 acres, more or less, lying near Wayneshorough, and well adapted to the culture of Corn, Cotton and grain of every kind, a comfortable dwelling house with all necessary out buildings, including a large new gin house and gin., Payments made easy, and possession given the first of January, 1822, and if required the pur chaser can be supplied with corn, fodder and stock of all kinds on the premises.— For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber on (he premises. Eliza A. Leavitt, adm’x. April 19 mffjn ~~ L O S J \ COMING from the north end ofjthe Au gusta Bridge, to the City Hotel, iV •\\et\ica\ Pocket Book containing a full case of Medical Pocket Instruments, and Three Hundred and Se venty Dollars in Bank Notes of Tea Dol lars on the State Bunk of North Sc South Carolina Banks. Ary one who has or may find the same, and lodging it in the hands of E. Byrd, or giving such information as will enable him to obtain the same, shall re* ceive an ample reward. N. B,—The above amount of money ( contained two twenty dollar hills on the , State Bank of North Carolina, and from eight to nine dollars in small bills. Febnlury I— ts —»- —— -a— --20 Dollars Reward. R.ANAWAY from the subscriber on or about the Ist. of February last, (while re moving from Elbert county to Alabama,) a black man named JOE, about forty years old, has a scar on his left temple formerly belonged to Captain Key of Edgefield District, Soulh-Caroiina, and is supposed he is loitering about that place. Whoever will deliver said negro to ray agent, Mr. James Clark, living in Elbert County, Georgia, or secure; *,iim in any tail so that I may get him, shall receive the above reward . Jcel Griswold. i May 17——_vv3tp t [tJ J We are authorized p to announce D. BEBBY, Esq. a Candidate r I for the Office of Sheriff - , tor Richmond I county, at the ensuing Election. I April 2, 1821 w I By the President of the* United .States. 1 l¥„ r TT HERE AS the President of the Uni. 1- tet * States is authorized bylaw to cans* e c ®, rtain I Uands of the United States to be y ottered for sale, viz ; i t betefove, I, James Monroe, President ’’ of he L n“ed States, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for fha disposal (agreeably to law) of certain lands, shall be held as follows, viz ; At IVoopter, in Ohio, in the first Mon day in June next, (or the saleot the thir teen sections of land in the District of e D coster, heretofore reserved for the use of certain persons of the Delaware tribe or Indians, and subsequently ceded to tlie United States. At Heir.ware, in Ohio, on the first .Von* day in July next, for the s?le of twenty seven townships, viz. Townships 1 and 2, north, of ranges <), , 10, and 11 *) fi» 7,4, range 12 1 to 8 * ranges 13 and 14, At the same place, on the.third Monday . m August next, for the sale of twenty, nve townships, viz. Townships 1 to 8, north, of range 15 I 7, ranges 16 and 17 I I 2 and 3, range 13 At Pijmi, in Ohio, on the first Monday in August next, for the sale of twenty-six i townships, viz. 1 Townships Ito 5, south of range 5 ; 1,2, 3, 4,6, 7, and S, 6 i 1 to 8, 7 ' 1 to 6, 8. r „ At , T '«««««. lndiana, on the third ' Monday in June next, for the sale of the lands belonging to the U. Stales, in the 1 BP S a P»rt for the location of private • claims, by an net, entitled “An act re speeding the claims („ | B „d j ri the Indiana territory and state of Ohio." passed 0,, the 2!st of April, 1806. At JJrookvil/e, in Indiana, on the third Monday in July next, for the sale of twenty-four townships, viz. Townships 10 to 16. of ranges 2 and 3 ~ 12 4 and 3. . At tl,e same P'«pc. on the first Monday in August next, for the sale of twenty townships, viz. * , Townships J. 5, 16, and 17, in ranges 6. 7, i le , 8,9, id «nd U 15 and 16 in range 12. At Jackcon. in the county o| Cape Gi. rardeau, in Missouri, on tlie first Monday F “* September next, for the sale of thirty* four townships, viz, ! Townships 30, 31, 32, and 33, In ranges ! 7 to lit} 31 and 32 15 At the seat of government, in the terri tory of Arkansas, on die third Monday in September next, for the sale of twenty, one townships, viz, Townships 5,7, 9, and 10 B. in range 19 5 to 10 20 WCSU 6 9 2? » U 22 .. At Wa.hington, in Mississippi, 0 n the first Monday in July next, for the sale of any lands which are surveyed in (he Dis« trict vveat of Pear) river, which have not heretofore been offered for sale. At St. Stephens, in Alabama, on the first Monday in August next, for the sale of such tracts of land in township eight, of ranges 1 and 2 west, and in township 6 # or range 5 west,, and sundry other traclg of land in the District east of Pearl river, which have not been heretofore offered for sale. At Huntsville, in Alabama, on the third Mondaynn July next, for the sale of the islands in the Tennessee river, and of sundry detached fractions in Township* u V,i °‘ |’ an sf e 1 cast, bordering on the Cherokee boundaiy line, which have not heretofore been offered for sale. At Tuscaloosa, in Alabama, on ihs first Momday in July next, for the sale of twen ty-two townships, viz ; Townships 15 to 22, in ranges 1 & 2 east. 15 20, in range 3. At the same place, on the third Mon. day tn August next, for the sale of tweti ty three townships, viz : Townships 15,16,17, k 18, of range 4 east 15 and 16 b 5 15 6 15to 22 Hi2xri At the same place, on the third Monday n September next, for the sale of twenty our townships, viz : Townships 15 to 22, of range 3 west. 22 4 and S 15 21 6 and 7 At the same place, on the third MoIU day in October next, for the sale of tweti. ty one townships, viz: Townships 15 to 21, in rtuigea B,9,aud 19 west. At the same place, on the third Mon day in November next, for the sale of twenty four townships, viz: Townships 15 to 21, in ranges 11,12 kl 3 W 15,16 an .117 14. At the same place, on the third Monday in December next, for the aale of twenty five townships, viz: Townships 18 to 21, in range 14 west. 15 21 1 S.likir, Each sale will commence with the low est number of lot or section, township, and range, ai,d proceed in regular nume- , ricaTeri’-r* The I reserved by law for the use of or for other purposes, will ait usual be reserved from sale. Given under my bund, at the city>o Washington, this 19th day of April, in the year 1821. JAMES MONROE- By the President— JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. May 10— -T.WtAI "(£?- W e are authorized to nnounca JAMES S. SHAFFER, Esq. a candidate lor the office of Sheriff for Hichmend county at the ensuing election, april 5 If