Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, June 07, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE" ~ I ■ [VOL- XXXV.] [ THURSPAY EVENING, 7 TOe ' 7 W 8 •■I .- , ■ ' - ■ '■' ' -- - - • ’7- 7 > tß3i>r [No. »008] ' ‘ I ' ’ ' . ~ "■. ,^^ =s=es!SlSisssSi -< - -j*ss~!aa2Haaa*aaai I THE Lnujtta <£f)couide. ■* W » IS PDDLI»H*D ■ MONDAY & THURSDAY H EVENINGS, L Kean $ Charlton. HLhers of the Laws of the U. States JfITS DOLL-iBS HR AHH VU^ I JNADVANCE. MORE w(ew Goods. M j u ,( Received and for Sak by Ah*V\, § Co. ■ Upper wing City Hotcl, ( B[TRA super black and blue cloths ■ r l Casimeres, ' Valencia!! and Marseilles Vesting', K Drillings and white Jeanh, " ■ ’3t! ■lcolored Nankin Grapes, Plain Btripedand. V: ■.,1 jj Cambric Ginghams, Band Long yfellow Nankeens, Hfrared Swiss and book muslins, BlWt and" Mull ditto, ■ 'Laces, a good assortment, cheap, B*d •‘USliiiHounces and bands, B uifs And paints, Hrish L'iik' I '?’ , Beedle wouT muslin robes, ■““I iad LuaVes’ silk & cotton hose, Bm"'s’ tine Jaco.’tct cambric cravats, B d-4 Cambrics—Ca'eabrio ’Dimities, ■ i ar geand other sues tucking and Bde s> ■ >L , Band 15 elegant figured M-tin ribbons Ban extensive assortment of figured Bplain ribbons of almost eVf.ry width B»‘ and description, ,/*. ' j ■. < and plain silks and satlivs of vtn- Bus colors, white patent cords aborted B izes< Bright print calicoes, ’ B>erd assortment of Linen and Rereads, ■boxes by the dozen, ■temjre’s No. 10 cotton cards, bylliy ■ box, ttc. kc. &c, f n also, oiqi casx mp. v lEGHORN FLATS, > B No. 4€ tb 53, with and without the I crowns, cheaper than ever. ■ —LIKEWISE — Itasts c Vegant, Straff ■ONNUTsM BANDS. Buuntsupply of'wiiich.aad trimmings ■e liuest cyuality and newest patterns ■be received through tiic spring and ■e above in addition to stock of goods Bid. comprise a general assortment \ lb are offered for sale, wholesail and-' ■on the best possible terms. , ■ I NOTICE. ■ ! ■ ... .j it, ■ ,r; » If, Copartnership heretofore existing Been the subscribers, was dissolved op Id inat by mutual oqnscnt. AJf. pet ■having demands against the firm'will But them to 8. ’C. Uortre for scttH- I: and all those indebted 'ro the ftm, 1 llease make immediate payment of Ime, as all accounts .not, paid -by the li April next, will indiscriminately be Bn Ihe hands of an officer for ollecjj m • ■ • j" I S. 0. Dpriic, I Henry Robert. ■ ■rcb 5 3t . ■ i" Confectionary HE subscriber having purchased from ry Hubert his interest |n the above es aliment, will continue to keep an as nem of Confectionaries by the whole and retail. Omers from the country be thankfully received, and a great iction will be made, to retailers in own or country, Asi of Hand a General Assortment of mdks $ 'sugar Vlums «/ all tortt. effect Love, *T bl of Cinnamon, CORDIALS *fe of Man, (of the first quality .aniseed, * by the buttle or llovea, dozen, 'eppermint, 'bin and Lemon' Syrup, in assortment of Sugar Toys, l-esins, Almonds, '*eet Salad Off of the beat quality, “Ugnac Urandy, " Holland Gin, Jamaica Uum, 'l ,e fry Brandy, ibrub, -v fe, WINE, urt, { 7 alaga, J by the bottle or dozen, • id many other articles too tedious to nmcrate. S. C. Dortic. —Ue will constantly keep on hand •* Eioubnoy § Wells. ',‘ BSO ' v fl their copartnership in the w ce 01 Law i, n * ts Wl " continue to do business at »im.^.° n , Ccntre Street—and Flour ire.. be n,ln: i his office on Greene bMk * “ rt I njew.yoTrk JBSSSS! I .118 .uhftcri’.tr lias just tecived, in addition to bis farmer Stock, A IEW vASES ELIOAIfT loNo RICH HAP FINE DRAB HATS, Warranted to Hand rain. also—a Fresh supply of Broad and Narrow Brim Fine BLACK HATS, Imitation Beavers, Rorams, Wool and Palmetto Hats, &c. 1 . _ , • * , and bn the river and expected shortly, a supply of White Wbol Hat*, all of which! are offered at low prices for cash or towiy acceptances.-L-Store one door above Mr. R. 11. Musgrove’s. George Hannah. .1 May 4 ■■■ w4w ' ' The subscriber hav ing resumed the practice of the LAW. irt foi ins hi? former clients and others, that he will in future coniine his attendance to the Courts of Faulty and Law in theDia tricts of Edgefield and Barnwell—Mr. Chamberlain Le Roy Goodwin Will attend to his'Office here, which for the present is in the Court House, and Mr. Charles i Goodwin, jun’r. keeps his office at Barn well Court House, where all applications will be punctually attended to. ’ He Will attend the Courts’ of Appeal from these ‘UisiriotAwhen specially employed.' ' Charles Gbodivin. Edgefield Court Hbust?,) ‘ . Tih May, 1821; ' 5’ bew2m — ■ -- ■ ■ Lost or Stolen 1 JTtROM’ the'siihScriber (between Sahir r -day and ’Monday) d Red Morocco pocket Book, containing out order from Witl- the subscriber, on John Lunn for §2O; one note on Thomas ,Veti ric,k for §8 ST£ ■, one ditto on B. Billings for ohe ditto dn N. 6‘ V&UU'S. Lt»- ‘ther : one ditto on John Hatcher, for g 35; '''Otoe ditto on James; Johnson,! payable six nvonlhs after date; also one lottery ticket No, 22^97—a150 a small sum of money pp' different banks—and suii ‘dry otheT papers not recollebted. Tlie sub scrlhei 'hereby forwarns all persons from trading for any ot the above notes. A reasonable leward will be given to any person who will return the book with ite consents to the subscriber. Prince H. Otis. May 10 ■ ■*' * 1 ■3t ■ Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of* JV’ Johh Footer, of Columbia county, dc- < ceaSed, are iVtUiestOd to ctome forward * and settle .their accounts immedia-ely-v --and a|( bavipg demands against said estate will pleasp present their at -1 a to the adrtiinislrators Os said deceafc fot 1 Wlymeut within the liiha prescribed bylaw. ’ ■' ' ' April 33—«-6w Look at This! BrOKF. ont of the subscriber’s enclo sure on the 9th inst. a pair l of-large bfiy horses, with some wliitp |n thep- foreheads, one of which is a reiqafkable fine ridirig boree, rack® well ;—lhe other mokes rather sluggish, *WiA» ohe'eye a liftlO UWleCted ;-L --aiso k gfey mare, rather inclihfed to be white. The above horses Were in goajd order \y|*on they jest, the subscriber’s plantation... It )s probable they will make | for Augusta, butt fear sortie Villain has | made a prize of fliOm.And Willhdnta mar-' ket for them.Mqiypk as possible. Area-) sonable rctvard will be givfcrt for either, or the whole of them,and all expense* paid. Any information will,nc thankfully receiv ed, by a line directed to the subscriber at Marion, Twiggs county, Georgia, or to Mr. A.U. Ralston, in Augusta. Diiyid Ralston. ' April 30. 1m , . Last Notice. AI.L persons .indebted to the late firm of Savage <J Spann,and also of Henry P. j Taber. & Co. are hereby requested to j make immediate payinentto the subscri ber, (who alone is authorised tokettle the same,) as longer indulgence cannot be granted. Those .who neglect this notice may find their accounts in the hands of J. P. King, Esq. Henry P- Taber, may 24 2t GIGS, A PART of them of the best quality, with Leather Tops, at Long Streat’* Sta ble, fpr sale by.WiR . Meeker, who may be found by enquiring at the above mention ed Stable. 9 ' " , March 29 ts LAW. TThB subscriber tenders his professional services In the fpllowiug counties of the Middle Circuit . —Richmond, Columbia, ’ Washington, Emanuel, Scrtven A Buiko, ' and in the county of Warren of the ffor ‘hern C ire (lit. He will aUo practice in • the,Federal,Court* of thiaSt^te. Thomas Glascock. The Savannah, Republican and Mil •edgeville Journal, will insert the above .one month. •• if, G. January 2Z groceries; tVm. 11 Co. Offer jor Sale, 130 bags prime green Coffco 50 barrells prime N. Q. Sugar 8 pipes pure Holland Gin 3 do do Cog Brandy 5 hhds J. Rum I 2 Halfpipes sicely Madeira Wine 50 barrels loaf Sugar t 500 q. b oxes -apaiv sh S egars 40 do do Imperial > A Gunpowder £t Hyson S 111 iV ' 200 qr- Canisters, do do do 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, 16 Do. Pepper, ’ 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, 15 Boxes No, 1 Soap, I 200 Bags Shot, assorted, I I 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, > 20 do. Best Richmond Tobacco, 12 Boxes Chocolate, 22 Barrels N. E. Gin, . - 55 Casks Cheese, 100 Boxes do. 3006 Bushels Salt. October 31**—tf - i . ■ Just Becfciypd, And for ' tale on libera. terme, 8® HOIIDS. N. OT. Sugar, 100 Bags Coffee. Augutus Brux. March 5 if the Subscribers ft) ESPECI FULLY inform their friends J.R and the public, that they have for med a connexion, in the Carriage Making Business, : under the firm of JOHNSON & CRANE, the business will be carried on at the old stand formerly occupied by James John, son, where all orders in their line <’f Bus iness, will be faithfully attended to. Car riages repaired a't the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. , Johnson Grauc. Just received, a handsome assortment ■6f Newark made Gigs and carriages, also, a ftw Barrels first rate Newark cider. January 15 3, n -»in an I. , Consignments. DR. ROGER’S Celebrated Vegetable Pulmo nic Detergent, WHICH is used in Consumption*, ' Catkrrhs, Asthma* and Coughs, or t disease* originating from Colds,-, with signal advantages. This Medicine is freed , from all thos'e objections which the use of inflamatory drop*, or similar preparations are always liable to. lid invites the Pub lic to try and judge of the efficacy of the 'Vegetable Pulipouic Detergent; the re sult of Inany year* labour And experience of his own practice. He is sensible of tlie hrofetsioital objections whith are so often urged against Patent Medicines but it is not for him to say that such objections ate sinister. He can only observe that the Medical properties of his Detergent can only be tested by Sts use. A few Cases of the above, are offered low at Wholesale and Retail; also Casks and Barrels of Lamp and Linseed Oil, Mus tatd; Alum and Madder; with various other Articles on the most accommodat ing terms. ‘ C. C* Dunn, Antley * Range. I January 1, « | —-—“—* —~ “ ■' ; Twenty Dollars Reward , And all Reasonable Expenses *T|rILL be paid fur apprehending and TV lodging in any jail in the slate of Georgia, a Negro Fellow named MARTIN, , He i* owned in Savannah, has absconded and is supposed to be lurking about Ah gusta Market, as his business at home is butchering—He is about 30 years old, sit feet high, square built, ha* two of his front teeth out, and has a scat on his h sad tor further particulars enquire at thi*. i Office. : ' j Sept. 5 tl The Western Hotel. THE subscriber informs his friehds and the public, that he lias removed from hia former Stand, aftd operied Mie ' HcUSc formerly occupied by Captain B. Mima, And late by J D Green, Esq. AT THE SIGN OF THE Golden Ball. 'lii , / « .-• ■ This situation possesses the advantages of 1 being near to the Market, ami a suffi ’ clent distance removed from it, for the 5 enjoyment of quietude and retirement. It ' is situated directly on.Centre Street, at the corner of Green Streetha* attach ed to it a dry and extensive Wagon Yard; also a large and comfortable btable, to gether with other converge fices equal to any in the City. Thq subscriber flatters himself that with these accommodations, I and a strict Attention to business, he will S contihuc to deserve the patronage of the , Public. He return* hia thank* foif tbe i, favors he has already received, and pledges •- himself to use every exertion to please n and intertain those who may oblige him by calling—and feel* assured that they will not be dissatisfied with his charges, as he is determined to furnish every thihg *■ as low as the Market will aflbrtl ‘ , W. logon. Augusta, January 18 \v3mp THU Subscribers «„vi JW i„ KeJ, , | UHrtmeht of •* GROce RIBS, : J'/Z— --• p °Vgbkeepsie Ale, 4 Pipes Holland Gin, ’ 40 Hbls. Rye Whiskey, 30 Do. N. Gin, X 500 Bushels Salt, SO Bhl*. Macfcarel, 20 Hhds. Jamaica Hum, 30-Bblr superior Northern Flour, Hhds. Sugar, Do. Molasses,-' Winfc* &c. &c. All of which they Wifi dispose of bn the most reasonable terms at their store in Broad street, opposite tlie City Hotel. Magtire & Murphy. MaySl—3| _ ... _ 1 THE subscriber offers for Sale, an dc gant assortnem of FRENCH FAN* Cy GOODS, received per the late at arrivals. (loisisting °f Embroidered Colierets dfl Inserting Trimmings Black anj White plain Silk blockings do Embroidered do White Italian Crapes Satin Jgured Ribbons ' Craped d;i Small Merino slmwb White Satin Linen Cambrick Hand kerchiefs Plain Linen Cambrick l}luck and. White Leghorns Black and White Ostrich Feathers Clippings for Milliners Ac. ‘ he whole of the above goods, are now openeu aud to be seen at Messrs... Tardy and Sen.- , \ f. John Mo rand. may 21—-i 4t ‘ *** The Subscribers have formed a connexion for the nurprwe of transacting a General Commission Hu tineas m this city, under the firm of Can TELCO & LiJ’iu. ~ Liberal advances Will be jmadev titU« in Ai*rusla or this place, upon Produce oi Merchandize, consigned to their house for «ale. F. L. Canteloii, G. B. Lamar. tVavammli, October Krt, 1990 ts • ,‘" k Notice. ■ THE public is respectfully informed , that the tepe-nenta in Bridge Roly to wit. Nos. 8, 0, 10, 11,12, ap.l 13. (he right and title of Barna M'Kinne, to Which bath been levied upon by tlie Sheriff of Rich mond county, belong of right to the tin. dersigned. who have been professionally advised that their title to The same is good and valid in law and in Equity, and that Barna M'Kiihie hath not any rigju title and interest in- and to the same. Loiiis Barie^ Waltdii Knight, Dart forth Ravage, J. O* inter; may 28. 3t Notice. Copartnership of Sturges and 1 Blount is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, all persons indebted to then* tire re quested to conic forward artd settle thfir uccmini*, and all persons having demands against laid firfn will call on Stephen W. Bleu At for settlement, as he is authorised to settle tlie same. A. B. Sturges, S. W, Blount. may 24--——6 t k -50 Rolls. Reward A BSCONDED last May twelve months, rom the subscriber service in Savannah, a light colored negro man named pupid, 5 feet 4 inches high, 7 years of age, walks fast with short steps, has rather a down and artful look, and speaks quickly. He understands drivings carriage, anil has travelled through the upper parts of this state, and is well acquainted in Augusta, where it is G&idfie is employed in the flats plying between that place and Savannah- He has relations in Skidaway Island, and in the neighborhood of little Ogeecbe. A rewaid of 50 dollars will be given for the delivery of said negro to bio owner in Savansah, or 40 dollars for securing him in any jail in the stale. M. M’AUifitcr. * may 21 ■■‘-■4t 1 20 Dollars Reward. , * i 't 7 *' ' * ■ R/ANAW AY from the subscriber on or about the Ist. cf February last, (while r e . moving from Elbert- townty to AUbkrrm,) a black map named Jp®, about forty years old, ha*» scr;r on his If ft temple formerly to Captain Key of Edgefield District, Soutb paroUna, and is Supposed he is loitering about that place. Whoever will deliver said negro 1 16 roy agent, Mr. James Clark, living in Elbert , Counlv, Georgia, or secure him in any : Jail so that I may ret him, shall receive the above reward ■ ■ Joel Griswold. May 17-— —w3tp PAINT OIL STORE. I / ■‘i ■_ ■■ '_ _ •> .r THE subscriber respectfully interns tbe citizens of Augusta, that he is now openiiipr a»il has for sale at his stole on Broad Street, opposite Doct. "Wray’s, •-? Large and General Assortment pj Paints, Oil, AVjndow Glass, Brushes, 6jc. sc. AMONG WHICH AKE Flake White Pjrplue Drown White Lead, dry Terra de Scinna do ground in oil da do burnt Paris White Turkey Umbtr Fine Whiting Hatton Stone White Chalk Ivory Black White Vitriol Lamp DJack Sugar of Lead Blue Black Chrome Yellow Itlutk Lead King’s Yellow Black Paint Ifatent Yellow,,dry Linseed Oil 'do ground in oil do .Boiled Orange Orpiment Lamp Oil Duteli pink Spermaceti Oandlss Fine Homan Ochre Copal Varnish Stone Ochre Japan do Yellow Ochre pow'd incorporated M’k do 1 do grot nd in oil Harness dp Sprttce Ochre Rosin do Gamboge Spts. Turpentine Oarmine Japan teoil Chinese Vemillien Tlronzu English do Gold Leaf Bed Lead Silver l^taf Litharge Powdered Hutch Metal - Drop Lakes, allsorts Pallet Knives Rose Pink nine ! « 1 Venefiaii Red, dry Fomide Slone ground in oil Ream Ked Chalk " Sand Paper Prussian Blue Emery PoWder Blue Paint Putty Utue Verditel Window glaSs, all Strewing Smalts lecture do [sizes Powder Blue l Bum Copal ' 1 Flotant Indigo "do Shellac i Blue Vitriol do Arabic Distilled Verdigris Frnte hair Pehulls French do dry do do tbola |Uo ground in oil Graining 'Fools Green Vorditer Psint LiinshCfi Sap Green- While wash do Mineral do Scrubbing do French do Sweeping do Olympian do Oust do ‘ Spanish Brown, dry. Clothes do do ground in oil 1 The Subscriber vi(l also annul to the Painting Glaz ng Business generally, and Ikom the extern sive slock which jie intends at all tunes keeping, will be enabled to do it on the most reasonable terms. E* Sprague Starch —ts ‘ .— —y- —~—■*——■ ■ ' i , ■ - Advertisement. fS HEREAS the subscriber has taken the; Boarding House, just below the goal and market house, on Broad street, in tfac city tof Augusta, retunfc Jtja thanks *d a generduS public, for t|)e support already given, and solicits a continuance of their favors, and pledges himself to give'evely attention, and boarding at the following , rates, io wit:—Horses boanjedats0 cents per nights single feed 37$ ; boarding for man per day j&l; .dinner 50 cents; sub per 37$ cents breakfast 375; bed 25 rents—clean nice beds and a well furnish ed tabic, and a good attentive hostler frdm the north- I also keep a Wagon Yard in good order, gratis, to those that tak. boarding. l ain; &c. &c. Thornton Holeman. April 23, ,'' . ■ dj* The Milledgcvillc Betorder, Co lutnbia, S.C. State Gazette, and Raleigh Minerva, will re-publishthd above monthly for five months,and forward their accounts to this office for payment. Pot Rent, 4 Convenient dwelling house, one I door above (Mr. David Urquharts dwelling) from the firstef July to the first of December next. Also, an excellent Cqok W Asher and Ironer wjj[ be hired for die same length of time. Tor further particulars enquire of the Editors.- may 17 w6w Notice,, AI.L persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Morris dec. are requested to make immediate payment; and those to whom said estate is indebted, will present their Accounts duly attested within the time prescribed by law. Jonathan Wbod, adm’or. Strayed , From my plantation in Barnwell District, «« Savannah River. (fuiU. n»*» hlacV, unbroke i ItAl* bortu male’s, 2 years, —L old, they were bro’t. t from Kentucky Kc will 1 • - ■*'- probably make for the will secure the said tnules„ that I can get them, or deliver lhe-, n to George Allen of Augusta sliai r «celvea reward of TWENTY DOLLARS Wm . H. Robert, Nov. ; ‘ ■ - Notice. THE Subscriber Cautions the public against trading for b?r Due Bill, gi ven to -—, Bradley, for, Seventy-Five Dollars, dated gs well as 1 recollect the 21st of November* 1820, psychic the first day of March, 1821; as the property proved to be unfuitnd, I am determiner' lot to pay t. . ■_ _ Eliza Wood, eiamwcn District, So< Ca. 13- ts I k' %'* „ jy. ;<*i* '—~ ■JI ’ 1 -.1 I i. % President of the United States. •; the President of the Unix fed Slutea is authorized bylaw, to coHjiin Lands of tlic United btites to bik otfered tot; sale, viz. fhereforc, I, Jams# Mow nor, President? of lie United Mates, do hereby declare* and make known, that pubjic sales for thA iin!i° Sa to 0? Certain Jamls, shall tic held as follows, viz : At TTooiter, in Ohio, j n the first Moil* day in June next, lor the sale of the tliira teen section* of land in the District of \V ooster, heretofore reserved for the us« of certain persons ol the Delaware tfibm ot Indian*, _ and subsequently ceded tm the United Stares. At ihriawarr; in pfiii', xjn the first Mon* day m July next, for the sale of twenty seven townships, yi,z. nr _ ■ otVnslyps 1 and 2, porth* of ranees 9k 10, and 1,1 ; 1,2, 6, 7,4, jange li ■ range? ldaruiih| At the same place, on the third Monday iniAugiist next, fgr the sale of twenty-, five Wtvnshtps, viz, ’ Townships 1 tod, north,'of range J 5 I& i , n W eB 1$ and 17 1, 2 add 3, range 18 At, in OWo, on die first .Moadaf* in August next, tor the side” of township?, viz, „ , Townships 1, to Jr" soiilii of ranee 4 .. 3 . 1-V'V'-*«nd 8,6. , i to n, '. y" 1 to 6, g. At .f incenne!, in Indiana, on. the thin* Monday in Jdiie next, fiir, the Side of thdt '"■d? belonging to the U. Stales, in thA tradt set Apart for the location of pi ivald claitnf, by wi act, entitled “An art re* spcclilig the claims to Jamfin tlie Indiana territory .and state of 0hi0,.” !W-d on the 21st of "April; 1806. , At Jirookviile, in Indiana, on the tim'd (Monday in July next,, for. the sale of twenty-foul ttovriiships, viz v Townships 10 to JO, ofittnrcj f 2 add 3 , A t the same place, on tli'e first Mondatf in August next, tor tlie sale of twenty township*, viz. Townships 15, ls,anil7,m rangiest, f§ 6,9, 10 and U ,15 and 16 , in,pngel2/ At Jack-nan. in the county oftSkpb Wi* i anlcau, jp Mwsouri, on the first Monday of Septembr ivnext, tor the sale oTUtirty four to wnships, viz. ; Townships' 30, 31, 32, and 3j, ifi range* 7 to 14,1* 31 and 32 15 At the. scat ofgovcrnment, in the terri* toryqf Arkansas, on the third Monday its September next, for the sale bf twenty* one townships, viz, Townships 5,7, 9‘ anil 10 S. in rinse 1$ West* 5 to 10 20 6 9 21, (f 14 22 At Washington, in Mississippi, on tin* first Monday in July next, for the sale ot’’ any lands wliich,are surveyed in the Dis trict west of Pearl river, which have not heretofore been offered fur sale. At St. Stephens, in Alabama,, on the* first Monday in August next, for the sale of such tracts of land in township eighfj, ot ranges 1 and 2 west, and in township 6? of range 5 west,, and sundry other tract* of land in the District east of Pearl river, which have not been heretofore offered for fate, r ■ At Huntsville, in Alabama, bn the third Monday in July next, for the sale of thd islands in the Tennessee river, and 'at sundry detached fractions in Township* 5,6, and 7, of range 1 cast, bordering oA the Cherokee boundary line, which OaVo not - heretofore been offered for kale. At Tuscaloosa, in Alabama, ton the first Monday in July next, for the Sale of twen» ty-two townships, vik: ■ Townships 15 to 22, itt ranges 1 & 2eaM. 1? 20, in range 3. At the same place, 1 on the third Moni day in August next, for the sale of twen* ty three townships, viz : Townships 15,16,17, & 18, of range 4 cast: 15 and 16 5 15 6 15 to 22 1 & 2 w ' At the Sstne place, on the third Monday n September next, for the sale of twenty our tbwnkhips, viz : Townships 15 to 22, of range 3 west. 22 4 and 5 15 '2l 6 and 7 At the same place, on the third Mon day in October next; for lhesa!e*of twen* ty one toWnships, Viz 1 townships 15 to 21, in ranges 8,9, aud 1(i west At tile satoe place, oft the third MbnV day jn November next, for the sale of twenty four townships, viz : Township* 15 to 21,‘in ranges! 1,12 St 131/ 15, 16 an.i 1 7 14. At the same place, on the tliird Monday .n Ijeceihber next, tor the side of twenty five townships, viz; , . , Townships 18 to 21, in range 14 west.,- ‘ 15 21 \ 15,16 Each safe will commence with the low* : est number of lot or section, toWnsh/fV and :«ug«, and p.octed in rcgOlar ndiirtf rical elder. The land* reserved by law for the tiro of schools, or for other purposes, will a& i,soul be reserved from sale. .. Given under my hand, at the city 6 Washington, this 19th day of April, in t!rt» year 1821. JAMES MONR6E- By the President— , JOblAil MEIGS, , . Ooininissmner of the Gcheral Xana DmC'et May 10— —wtAl BI.AISKS Neatly executed ni thi» UificSv i