Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, June 28, 1821, Image 1

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% IHE ■Sujuata Chronicle. is PUBWBUXII MONDAY & THURSDAY EVEJWJSGS, Publisher* of the Laws of the U. States U |jy£ DOLLARS PER AICNUMj iJV ADVANCE. Consignments. Dli. ROGER'S Celebrated Vegetable Pulmo nic Detergent, tITHICH is used in Consumptions, W Catarrhs, Asthmas and Coughs, or diseases originating from Colds, with li'inal advantages. This Medicine is freed from all those objections which the use of iiiflamatory drops, or similar preparations are always liable to. He invites the Pub lic to try and judge of the efficacy of the Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent; .the re mit of many years labour and experience of bis own practice. He is sensible of the < tiwfeitional objections which are so often if ed against Patent Medicines ; but it »iiot for him to say that such objections we sinister. He can only observe that Medical properties of his Detergent an only be tested by its use. A few Cases of the above, are offered low at ■Wholesale and Retail; also Casks and Barrels of Lamp and Linseed oil, Mus- Brd; Alum and Madder; with various Blier articles on the most accommodat- Bg terms. I C. C. Dunn, ■ Jhislcy’ Range. B January 1 _ ft’ - / /' viomVs. BtllE subscriber offers for sale, an ele ■ gant assortment of FRENCH FAN- just received per the latest Brivals, I Consisting of I * B Embroidered Colierets 1 B do Inserting Trimmings B Black and White plain Silk Stockings B do do Embroidered do B White Italian Crapes B Satin figured. Ribbons - B Craped d > B Small Merino Shawls B White Satin * ■ Linen Cambrick Handkerchiefs ■Plain Linen Cambrick ■ Black and White Leghorns B Black and White Ostrich Feathers B Chip pings for MitJrners Sec. ' ■ The whole of the above goods, are wow Bcned and to be seen at Messrs. Tardy Hd Son, « I John Morand. Bmay 21- 4t I Just FleceVved, ■ And for sale on libera, terms, BDI HDS. N. O. Sugar, 1 ■ WO Coffee. I A u gut us Brux. Bihrch 5 O' I Pianos, Bust Received, a frenh supply ot H first rate London made Piano Fortes. polished and round Cornered, — Hr Sale low for cash, or approved paper, B A. PICQUET, H at Messrs. F. G. GIBSON, & Co. Hjanuary 1 w if B —: —: # — IfcROUEIUKS, H Thompson £5 Co I rn u Hale, |" u bugs prime green Coffee |su barreils prime N. O. Sugar I f P‘Pes pure Holland Gin 1 I •> do do Cog Brandy I J Mids J. Bum I * Halt pipes Sicely Madeira Wine ■ w barrels loai’Sugar |SOJ q, boxes sp , lnish Seffarg 1 40 do do Imperial i 4 Gunpowder & HysonS . J. J-i ■7 c l l '- Canisters, do do do ■ C Pimento and Ginger, ■ ; 6 do. Pepper, ■ I backs Fresh Almonds, ■, 1 “°xes No. 1 Soap, BJ! “ :i ? s Sl»oi, assorted, MZ Duponts Powder, ■ 1=) „ L9t Richmond Tobacco, B J J 50 * 6 * Chocolate, B:‘ barrels N. K. Gin, B” c asks Cheese, boxes do 8 808 bushels Salt. P olJ ts, shoes, and I Leather. I HOUGH TON, Broad-street, fc/ur doors aoov the Market, ■ Sp EOTPULLy ii.forms his friend? U 4 o customers, that lie intends keep » IT WUnlly on hand, a complete pssoi'i BOOi'S and SHOES, of even —which will be sold low I’m eil oerat wholesale or retail. ■Mfy merchants are invited to cab themselves. K'{ tx P e cled, a large supply of NOl - Leather. 1 ■ u vTso Ox hand, dozeneiega.r, tarriare WHIPS - owt rate. ■V 21. \ - ' CYOL. XXXV.] THCRSnw EVENING, JUNK as, teyA [No. 3004,] 8' . 8. HP. subscriber lias just received, in addition to bis former Slock, A FCW OASIS ELEGANT LONG RICH NAP FINE DRAB HATS, Warranted to stand rain. ALSO—A FRESH SUPPLY op Broad and N arrow Brim Fine black hats, Imitation Beavers, Rorams, Wool and Palmetto Hats, &c. and on the river and expected shortly, a supply of White Wool Hats, all of which are offered at low prices for cash or town acceptances.—Store one door above Mr, R. H. Musgrove’s- George Hannah. May 4——w4w ms® CLOSING. T X HE Subscriber intending to close his business fur the season, by the Ist of July next; off ts for sale, his stock of HATS' Comprising a very general ASSORTMENT, On the most accommodating terms.— Among them are elegant Long Nap fine Drabs, Warranted WATER PROOR, Do Fine Black broad and Narrow brims; Castors, Imitation Beavers, Mens* & Boys’ Uoratns, Do. Wool Hats, black & White, Morocco Caps kc. Country Merchants will do well to call as a liberal discount will be made to those who purchase largely TO LET VUE.IV, From the Ist July, until the Ist October, The Store now occupied by the sub scriber, one. door above Mr. H. 11. Mus groves. George Hannah. June 14. 'f MADEIRA WINE, In Pipes and Quarter Casks, For Sale by I. Thompson. Under tin Globe Tavern. June 14. ts BOXES (L. Baldwin (J Co.) SOAP, For sale low for Cash, By I. Thompson. June 14 4t BARRELS of Prime Richmond j FLO II LI, For sale low for Cash, by Isham Thompson- June 14 5t *** The Subscribers have formed a connexion for she purpose optransacting a General Commission Hu siness in this city, under the firm ot Can telou & Lamar. Liberal advances will be made, either in Augusta or this place, upon Produce (n Merchandize, consigned to their house for sale. P. L. Can te lou, G. B. Lamar. iVavannab. f Vt '' ~ t rltsn, A PART of tlicm of the beat quality, with Leather Top?, .»t Long Streat’s Sta ble, tor sale by Win. Meeker, who may be found by enquiring at the above mention ed Stable. March 29 ts - ~~ LAW. 8 HE subscriber tenders his professional ■ei vices in the following counties of the •ftddle Circuit .—Richmond, Columbia, Washington, Emanuel, Striven k Burke, <nd in the county of Warren of the Nor hern Circuit. He will also practice in •l»e Federal Courts ot tins Stale. Thomas Glascock. ny The Savannah Republican and Mil ledgeville Journal will insert the above one month. ■ January 22 * * The subscriber hav •ng resumed the practice ot ihe LAW, in on-us his former clients and others, that t will in future confine his attendance to Courts of Equity and Law in the ins ■icts of Edgefield and Barnwell—Mr. Chamberlain Le Hoy Quod-nan .ill attend ins Office, which for the present • in tlie Court House, and Mr Charles 'tooihoiu, jun’r. keeps his office at Barn .ell Court House, where all applications ill be punctually attended to. He will lend the Courts of Appeal from these Jistrijyls when specially employed. Charles Goodwin. Edgefield Court House, t 7th May, 1821. $ oe\v2m PAINT fy OIL STORE. n TJNRE subscriber respectfully informs it rue citizens of Augusta, that he is now opening and has fur sale at his store on i Broad Street, opposite Duel. Wray’s, A Targe and General Assortment of Paints, Oil, Window Glass Brushes, fyc. flje. AMONG WHICH ARE 9 Flake'White Purplue B''own White Lead, dry Terra de Seinoa do ground in oil do do burnt 4 Paris White Turkey Umber 1 Fine Whiting Rotton Slone 1 While Chalk Ivory Black * White Vitriol Lamp Black Sugar of Lead Blue Black Chrome Yellow Black Lead King’s Yellow Black Paint Patent Yellow, dry Linseed Oil do ground in oil do Boiled Orange Orpiment Lamp Oil Dutch Pink Spermaceti Candles Fine Roman Ochre Copal Varnish Stone Ochre Japan do ; Yellow Ochre pow’d Incorporated bl’k do i do ground in oil Harness do Spruce Ochre Rosin do Gamboge SptsfTurpentine Carmine Japan & oil gold sizes i Chinese Vermillian Bronze ’ English do Gold Leaf Red Lead Silver Leaf I.iibarge Powdered Dutch Metal Drop Lakes,'all sorts Pallet Knives Rose Pink Glue Venetian Red, dry Pumice Stone do ground ip oil Rosin Red Chalk Sand Paper Prussian Blue Emery Powder Blue-Paint Putty Blue Verditer Window glass, all Strewing Smalts Picture do [sizes Powder Blue Gum Copal Flotant Indigo do Shellac Blue Vitriol do Arabic Distilled Verdigris Fine hair Pencils French do dry do do Tools do ground in oil Graining Tools Green Verditer Paint Brushes Sap Green While wash do Mineral do Scrubbing do French do Sweeping do Olympia* do Dust do Spanish Drown, dry Clothes do do ground in oil The Subscriber unll ohu attend to the Glaz ng Business generally, and from the exten sive slock which he intends at all times keeping, will be enabled to do it oil the most reasonable terms. _ R SpwqjnA March 20 —Jf drTdunn, InFORMS his friends and the commu nity, that he can he found at his residence near Mis Sandwich’s on the Sand-hills during the summer, except when out on calls. Also, for the convenience of the inha bitants of Summerville, he has a general supply of Medicines, Spices, usually kept in Apothecaries’ shops, and Physici ans can be furnished with prescriptions Soda Wafer , and WatrvmgaU Prepared from a correct analysis to be had by the bottle, with directions, kc. June 18 — w4w Dll. KENDALL BEGS leave to inform his friends ant the public in general, that his health being reinstated,he lendeis ihein his ser vices in the practical department of hi-, profession He lias opened his Shop in Ellis’-si reel, about thirty yards above its iirersection by Washiugton-streel, in tju house lately tenanted by Mr. Luke Reid where Jie may always be found when noi called off on professional business. Augusta, June 14. Ut i'TAXeili) \ YOUNG MAN, who has been accus turned to attending in a Bar; for snob a one, that comes well recommended—libe ral wages will be given. Appiy at this Office. June 7 ts i WANTED, A ■ ixN active youny negro GIRL, of an ■ unexceptionable character. Apply at ' this Office, i June 7--ts Wanted to Hire, ! 1 A. GOOD Woman Cook, Washer and Irontr, until the first of January next • Enquire at this office, or at the Globe lavern. June 4 f I . . . .■- ■ —^ L } The Euterpeiad. ■ nr 5. HE first volume ofthe EUTERPE!AD 1 or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND t HIRES GAZETTE, ended in April.— s The second Volume has commenced, - much improved, and considerably enlarg s . cd, comprising eight quarto pages With ft 1 ■ tbeei of Music in every number, and is e published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, at : three dollars per annum, by John 11. Parker, N ■. 2, Milk-2treeh Boston. Hay 31 TO RENT "if s -U- KOM the first of July, until the first v us October, tho STORE now occvtpied by -I the Subscribers Killam $ Hills. June ts , TOIiKNT, >v a HE Tenement lately occupied by II V. MAUVE St Co. nearly oppoate the Ci ty Hi'tel j the stand believed to be amiing the best in- Augusta for the aalen* Goods Enquire of LAW. S. SLAUGHTER, one door below. June 11—— oaw3t _____ To Rent, l HE (Iwelling, on the corner of Washington and Elli/streets, fruiililie first of Jtine to the iV»t of October next, —Apply set this uffigf Apiil 3G- . i(7 To Rent, THE store And dwelling kmse at pre sent occupied by Mr. John McLean, on the suu(J side of broad street, near the market—possession given Ist. Oct. next. For particulars enquire of John Sharp. Ma yjH 3w For llcut.' A tONVENIENT dwelling house, one *». (Dor above (Mr. David Uiquharts dwell! ig) from the first of July to the first of December next. Also, an excellent • CookWasherand Ironer will be hired for the sime length of time For hi it her panic lars enquire of the Editors: may 17 w6w Ckveat E J Lij persons are request id to lake no -1 i tine that I have legal and equitable liens, ftr a considerable part of (ho pur chase noney which remains unpaid, upon lot nunper ten, in the lots laid oil'by Ed wurd F. Campbell on Broad etreet An gusta, vhereon there are three frame tenements, formerly my propei'., ami by me sold to James Myers. Any person wlio pircliascs, will take the property subject (»those liens ol which if more par ticular nformatioiy is desired, it will be given bj Richard Henry Wilde, Esq. or the subscriber. Jesse Watson, I «... U: . A. Slaughter. January 8 Look at This! ITtOliE out of (he subscriber’s enclo ... ire on the 9th ins(. a pair of large bay horses, with some white in their foreheads, one of which is a remarkable fine riding horse, racks well ;~lhe other moves rather sluggish, with one eye a little defected ; dso a grey mare, rather inclined to be white. The above horses were in good order when they left the subscriber's plantation. It is probable they will make •or Augusta; but 1 fear some villain lias made a prize of lh* ni, and will hunt if mar ket for them as quick as possible Area unable reward will be given for either, oi he w hole of them, and all expt uses paid Vny information w ill oc/thankfully receiv ed, by a line directed to the subscriber at hirion, Twiggs county, Georgia, or to Mi. A. H. Ralston, in \ugusta. David Ralston, April 30 lm Notice. J LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Thomas Leavitt, di c’d, ■ other by note or open account, are re qu< sled to come forward and pay the same before the Ist day of November next.— Ail persons having claims against the es tate are notified to exhibit them to the administratrix within the lime prescribed by law, properly authenticated Eliza \. Eeavltt, adm’x. April 19. if Notice. A l L persons are hereby caponed a gainst purchasing certain property in ibe town of St Mary’s, known by the plat as Nos. 3, 22, 33, 39 j as also, a Tract ol Land, known by the name of Lee’s Hill, containing 7th 1 acres. As (he ludrs or executors of Wm Johnson have n"«wer whatever to dispose of the same, it being a joint coiiccrn of Messrs. J Langstaff and VVin. Johnson, now claimed by the heirs of Benjamin and John Langstaff, heirs to the abov: John Langstaff, sen Robert Langstaff, & Robert Whitfield, Attorneyu for Ann Langstaff.Ex'rs■ may H it _ . Notice. persons who are indebted to the estate of David M’Rinney, dec’d will please take notice that the Notes and Accounts due the said estate, have lately been placed in my hands by the agent of 1 ihe Amimstratfix, for immediate collec ilOl, —Those who wish to avoid the ex pe ises of a suit, will plcasi call at my of • lice, and make arrangements to discharge ■ the amounts they owe ; Thomas K. Wells, t Attorney at Law, May 7 * 4w ___ BLANK* Neatly executed at this Office. Notice. THE Subscriber Cautions the public against trading for her Duo Bill, gi» i ven to Bradley, for Seventy-Five Dollars, dated as well as I recollect th< 31st of November, 1820, payable the ru st day of March, 1821 ; as the property proved io be unsound, I am determined not to pay t. Eliza Wood. Btrnwell District, So. Ca. Jan. 15 if Notice. A T.L persons indebted to the estate of n\. ~'ohn Poster, of Columbia county, de ceased. are requested to cpme forward and settle their accounts immediately— .and all persons having demands agains' said estate will please present their ac counts to the administrators of said deceas ed for payment within the lime prescribed ' by law April 2.l——6w boat oirxEiis ~ ILL lake notice that the 101st sec tion of the General Ordinance of thft city of Augusta, \ ill be enforced after the first of June—lt read-as follows:—“ All Boats not in actual use, shall be removed from opposite the city, during the months of June, July, August, September and Oc tober, annually. Boats found opposite the city, during the above named months of the year, containing water in the holds, shall be seized by any officer of Council and conveyed from the city. Any person violating this section shall be fined, at the •discretion Os Council, in a sum nut ex ceeding one hundred dollars perclayj ami shall, moreover, be liable for all experites incurred in removing such bout or boats.” June 4—if V a~e PLANTATION T ■A HE Subscribers offers for Sale, that wi II known stand of John Beall, lately dec. twelve miles from Augutta. The IMaiiia tion and Buildings on the said premises are all In excellent repair,rnd the Farm, CW I none in tlw I State. The. body us land embraced in this tract, is supposed to be from 800 to 1000 acres. The above plantation will be of fered at private sale until the Ist of No veruber next, and if not then disposed of, wi'l be sojd at public sale to the highest bidder Terms of Sale may be. known by aoplyingto James H, Smith, of Lexington, (Georgia) or to Charles Beall, or to John W P'. 'ill on I he premises. I h tries Beall, ) John W. Bead, > Kx’rs James 11. Smith j May 31—— >rn i’he Republican, Savannah, is re quested to insert the above, once a wee! tor three monHis HKI BALE. Ji Great Bargain. TIFIE subscriber offers for sale herplan , lution in Burke county, the late re sdlence of IJr. Thomas L* avitt, dec. coo timing 6 >0 acres, more or less, lying near Waynesboroiigli, and well adapted tp the cultui e of Corn, Cotton and grain of every kind, a comfortable dwelling hoqse with all necessary out buildings including a large new gin house and gin. Payments made easy, and possession given the first of January, 1822, and if required the pur chaser can be supplied with corn, fodder and stock of all kinds on the premises.— For further particulars, enquire of the 1 subscriber on the premises. I EHizji A. Leavitt, adm’x. , A,rpil ——l '9m I THE hU USER I HER ' Offers f or "‘^ e 011 t'eavonablit terms, I V Valuable Tract of Laud, r IJYING on the Big Kiokee Creek, with in a mile and a half of Columbia Court- House, containing 351 acres, about 200 of which are cleared. On the premises is a sprint?of excellent water, and all the iisna’ Improvements of a country farm. Per sons wishing to purchase will apply to the ruhscrlber at his residence on the pre i mists. Harmon g Lamar. June 4—wßw __ ! Caution . HE politic is hereby cautioned from ! trading for two notes, drawn by the sub scriber in favor of James Randall, one for seven dollars, and the other for fifteen dol- I ms, Ijoth due on the 25th of May last, — said Randall not having complied with the consideration for which they was given. I do not intend to pay the same. THUS. CAMPBELL. • June 25. t I Acco; ntoddlioii v iage. From Fa ,(>ttevilh> ■ to Nbrfulk! In Sixty Hours, Without tmveUinff in the J\' g-/.C. HP a IHS line leaves the Mansion Hote* every Monday and Friday at 4 o'clock i . M. and arrives at Not folk on VV ednesd.t uni Sunday, vyhicb enables pussenge i to lake the Steam Hosts tor Baltimore ci, Monday and Thursday mornings. Ji... Stiperfor Steam Boat Potomac is also run nirg to the City of Wa.diingtun, leaving Norfolk every Monday morning*. Thee?’ p.nsefron Fayetteville to Baltimore (:• distance of 400 miles) is only ork dr lum* more than tht reduced tales of the Mo'! Line. ’■’be road is one of the finest in the Uri! i «d Slates, and no expense has been spar 1 ed to place the line on such a footing us u> i insure cotpfort, expedition arid certainty. Tltc Stage Oflicc is kepi at the Mansion . Hold. The Proprietor. Fayetteville, .tun.- 11th, JB.l (D* Travellers leaving Augusta on Mon day and Wednesday, i\itl reach Fayetc vdle on Thursday and Saturday, so as to take the Mi foil: Stage on Friday and Monday mornings. Seats are reserved*until the Southern Stages arrive. June 18.—2\v Tukap iuvu i Travellings ou vine vi V»\usc liiue frt STACKS, W T tr HIOH diverges from the main Nor thern line at Fdr.'cfifld court-house, S C. going by Cambridge, Laurens, Union and tfork court-houses, Charlotte, Sulisnury, Safi m, Greensboro/ and Milton, N Caro lina,,to Halifax, Cbailote, Prince Kdv aid, and Cuinberla d no ri -houses, by Carters, ville to Fredericksburg, Va. where it a gain unites with the main < ortbevn line; jiursuing through the whole distance » nigh, plesmt, healthful and cheap c un try, (from athii'd to a fourth cheaper than the lower route) with entertainment equal ly good, if not better, and affording suffi cient res' every night to he passeng.-is. This fine will leave Edgefield court-house every Wednesday nv»:u’mg, on the arrival of the Augusta stage—and if cheapness, ease anil heal*li be of any importance in iravelling, this Line ought surely to meet with a portion of the public patronage, particularly in tlie warm season. Geo. McFarland & Co. June -25. I'ruly Lucky! >*<». ‘JSB, A Prize of ONE THOUSAND DOL f.AUS, on the Bth drawing of the Litera ture I,littery, JVo. 5, was sold in a Whole ticket last month, at Mlem / Lucky office, corner of Broad and M‘ln -1 tosh-st reels, to a gentleman of Ibis city, (at present in G«.) who can receive the cash on demand. June 21, 3t frj° Hr. Wm. Polx'Ftso** exclusively, w ill attend to the business 01 Messrs. 8 & M. Aiu.ev, in Augusta, d 0" ring the absence of the subscriber. FLU All CI.AUK. June 21 3t THE SUBSCUJHKU 3fFRRS for sale on accommodating i ernis, his i Saw •Sf Grist Mills on Spirit creek, with about /000 acres cf . land, well timbered, and sufficiently con ' venient to said Mills. A purchaser can nave about one hundred head art cattle and other sloc kon said place \ James A kolfttioawr * June 4 if CiJ° Lost op mislaid, a 1 small Morocco pocket Book, remaining about ft)'ty dolhus in .i ugus/fjv and -tats r ’tank bills—number and amount of each * uo‘e not particularly remembered nso, several suiah tries iff hand. Ibe In nest e finder by returning the same’nth si.bacti • ber, shall be atisfaolurlv revva-ded J. K.. M. CliaiUon. June 11.