Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, July 16, 1821, Image 2

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ri-ni.i!t)ißi> «v ki'.'ix d tv/, inm ojsr. AlouAay Evening. ■ ■■■ ■■■!■■ • •*** *» •■ -■ ' t«. % *c¥a '-' - >'-’r-l * Til K FOUNT. /'#• hi,/!i p CharlfHton. 'l'iiru*. TIIK UOUIM'V SOLAt’K. ' There ’h tm hour of lovtlinefi-i • An hour of still ddi.4i' t I f, ,t o’, r tl.»* spnit’s loneliness p.mrs pleasure's heavenly fight. ■W'-uuMits when soft‘.’S' velrospction It, jyulli’R the pang of calc— N\ h>-n the saddest Si.ol s dejection, .The calm off.eaco will wear. "When life moves slow and sad and dcr r - An t jo. ’s uturpM l>}' Mot • ■\Vht.n s row's C) press dark ami heavy Is hung upon the brow. Oh ! then tetire to solitude. At this calm, silent. hour, j-’ai- from the noisy mnUileuo . And fed its soothing power. <-p; s evening’s hotu' when down from hesw . ven Ami took on Thetis* breast, Ihc Sun liisTadicnt ear has driven, And nature is at rest. Vvhen all around are still reposing, Have plaintive Vhifi.mcl, Ajart g.jsh cf distant waves cascading From heights unto the dell Then :* h despairing, dark emotion, With pa n ami sorrow fraught. And the boSom'a wild commotion, Arc calm'd to holy thought. And (j oin toe min I of m m arc driven All tho.nghts of misery ; And all lit soul is iitt’d on heaven, And loot in essUsy. Sr.DI.Y FITZAI.IN. ♦M VTAi. tX v.V^ViS. &(iyinp'>' unit 'fi'iiii uni..-- •/ re «c mev, co.iuKusiui raoM v,vinous autiijiis. ANAXAGOTI.VS. Age and sh op, leach us insensibly the' way of death. I)KM(*CHITHS. In this life, the hopes of the wise some times succeed i luU never those of fool*, brcause their wishes are always beyond their abilities. AHISTOTf.iI. 'Prodigals live ev if they ImcUmta short tittie to ove; but meters as it they' were never to die ANTISTHF.NUS. In this life tlie most necessary of all sci ences is to learu to preserve one s seif from the contagion of bad example. SADI A man is born, he begins to build, and dies. Another is born, who begins.also to build, ami <hvs likewe-e. Thu* geuent tiotis succeed each other; every thing is I egun, hut noth'.' j> is (boshed H ippy is 1 the in n with his pain'd on ca-tli the pr ; 7.i of goodtuvs! Tils I'Cv ar.t awaits him in the Other life. IIOHAM.'V ?'ti »f Asvr in. arc (lu: il isin-s of the (i.-rlt, ami mean tli<l j.n.r uits of ti e sons of the earth! They stretchout thfjr sinews 'i leu- the pa-‘ tioni male, they persevere in their cltacc lifter trifles as the ca ncl in the d. sort. As the leopard springs on his picy, so doll, man lejoice ovo) his riches, and basks in ahesnn of bloil.fulness like tltc lion’s cub V)u the stnam of life float the bodies ot the careless and intemperate as the car cases of the de. tl on the waves of the Ti gris. The vultures of the skv devour the carcase, and man is destioycd by the sins of his flesh. M AIIO VET. We are, and shoot lot! iij the dark, > ’i is G d directs the arrow to its mark. vmisius. I?. From thee both old and yo.Ung with profit learn The bounds ol good and evil to discern. C. Unhappy he who. would this.woik adjourn, J .And to-morrow would the search delay : llis lazy morrow will be like to-day. J J . Hut is out day of ease 100 much to bor tow f C Yes, sine; for yesterday was once tu motrow. v That yesterday is pone, & nothing gain’d ; And all thy fruitless days will thus be drain’d : For thou hast more to-morrow yet to ask, Ami wilt be ever to begin thy task ; Who, like the hindmost chariot wheels art curst. Still to be near, but never to be first. SECRET WELL KKVT. It was originally customary for the senators of Rome to take their sons along with them into live senate. On one occassion, Pa pyrin a Fifetax “•* talus, having accompanied his father -thither, heard an affair of great hn .. potiance dtscossed, the determina tion of which was deferred till the f .Hawing day, the sfrictestiinjunc- i turns being given, that m .the mean \ *»me no one should divulge a svlla ble of the matter iu ban VVheu ! yttung Papyaus went home,!; i 8 mu . i ► (her osTted him, what the falitr had done that day in tlie senater” llceanswcrcd, that it was a secret which he could not disclose.” Ihe Curiosity of -the lady was only the more stimulated by tins denial, and she pressed the boy so hard, that to get ritl of her importunities, he was driven to make use ot the following pleasant fiction j “It was,” said he, “debated in the »enale, which would be more advantageous to the com monwealth; thutone man should have two wives, or that one woman should have two husbandsf’ ihe lady, wonderfully stated by this singular piece of information, instantly lull the house, and Void what she had discovered to a number of ladies, .ittiong whom the projected change in their condition was discussed with no small degrees ot vehemence and alarm. Having so deep no interest in the decision ot the question, they thought it but, right that the senate should know their feelings tespecling ’it; and next (lav accoidingly they went in a hotly, and surrounding the doors ol ;li senate,cried out with vast cla mor,‘that rather than one mutt should marrv two women, one woman should marry two men.’ The senators were in great astonishment, at this strange cry; and sent out to know what the women meant? On this young P 'Py tins st- ppctl forth, and told them what his mother Ivad desired to know, and how he hail contrived to answer her. The senators wer« much a mused with the youth’s explanation; and after semWng away the women, with an assurance that nothing was at present intended to be done in the nHirir to winch they alluded, they marked their sense of young Papy lias’s wit anil sscresy, by p sstng an older, that, in future no son ol a senator should be admitted to their meetings, I’iipyrius excepted. Civ kin a I Dnltois. M. Hondom, an eminent surgeon, was one day sent lor by C iiditul B bois, (lie prime minister of France, to perform a very serious operation upon b in, Tim Cardinal, on seeing him enter the room, said to him. •• You must not expect to to treat me in the sitae rough, manner as yon tivat your poor miserable wretches at your hospital ami the Hotel Dien * • My Lord,’ replied M. Bouden with great .-dignity, ■* every one ol those, miserable wretches, as your eminence is pleased to call them, is a prime minister in my eyes.” i,- Enin . —Le fii ttn is one of the instances of that early designation of talent which Muin.-times t \ive« place in the minds ofcliildren. From (lie age of four years, he began to draw with a piece of charcoal upon the walls of his father’s house. M.jSceguier see ing him thus employed, at a very early age, and observing something marked and peculiar in his counte nance, took him under his protection, and afforded him means to go on re gularly with the art of painting. L limn possessed much «(that enthu siasm -which animates the efforts and increases the raptures of the artist. Some one said before him, (T his well known picture of Magdalen, “ (hat the .contrite beautiful jtenitent was re. lly weeping.” “ Flint,” said he, “ is perhaps all that you can see; I hear her s git.’’ * «!• , n-~"—f r- ini|nnrinnm—i—* wm— iu.»«wmim ]'■()ft J.pudon, May 20. “ Cry I a clock. —For some weeks past the gradual and considetable rijc of the fuiitls has atlacted atlention of tiic monied interest of the city, ami we find there is a .confident and well 4 groutided anticipation of a fu. thor improve ment. It is stated, that for u .se ries, ol years, except one* [vve 'bo lievo 1 SI 7.1 government have crea ted stork to the amount ol lumi tv\ en ty to thirty miilious, which the pub lic having gradually taken of the contractors. Duiing fhe-otdv year iti which this creation of stock did not take place, the fl per cent con sols advanced irom.72 ti 84. It is ; therefore, calculated that, as during i 7 ” the present year there will ho no creation of stock, a very great ad vance in the funds will necessarily ensue. The want of money stock is already very apparent, and the com missioners for the reduction of (he national debt, purchase nearly VaO, , UUU stock, consols or reduced, tom days in each week. The settling day at the Slock K&changc is the | 241 h lost; (he rise during the pre sent account, is about 2 1-2 per cent and 3 per cent in navy 5 per cents.” The Coronation.— • Within the last tew days the works in Westmins- 1 ter hull have been resumed— : posi- 1 live ami distinct to tlut effect ■ having been forwarded to tho Board | of Works. Various alterations art making in the constume of persons ' attendant on his A ajesty. The ! dress of the pages is to ho Ldue and ( gold, richly ornamented so as to ac : cotd with what is termed the King's ; j the Prince IfegciH’s) uni j form. Proclamations respec ing the J C oronation anil the re-assCT.itding of ( j the Court of Claims, it is expected, ( will be published in afew days. It is usual, we understand, to give at least six weeds notice in th e Gazette of a Coronation, for the information of foreign Mmisters and Courts; ami the time cannot be positively fixed till the probable period for the pro rogation of Parliament may he ascer tained. The Paris Papers of Wednesday arrived yesterday* The report of the flight of Ferdinand Vli from Madrid, in consequence of outrages uttered to himself ami the. rest of die royal family by the populace, i* con tradicted. Ii is asserted, however, on the authority of a traveller arri ved at Bayonne, that after the as sassination of V iic.ssa, the mob pro cecded to the king's palace, and sent forth-the most horrible vociferations ago ins bis majesty, and Ids brother Don Carlos; but the authorities, which the a i of the troops and the militia, sutcerded in re-establish ing order. The Cortes, it is sad, repaired in a body to the palace, lor the protection of -tlie royal family. The KmpeSinado lias dispersed Me rino’s hind, and made the greatest pait of them prisoners. Merino himself,escaped, with 19horses. All the Monks and Canons of Burgos have been arrested; and milLitaiy coinvnbsioners have been formed at SalvatKn-ra and at Vitoria, to try the chiefs of the insurrection at AJava It is stated in an article from Nice, of the Ist inst. that the ex-king of Sardinia, Victim- Emmanuel, is to repair to Modena. Uis refusal to resume the throne was, it Appears, very much against (he inclination ot his spouse, who has bjen talking ot going to Vienna on tho subject. Prince MeKenrich, *n a letter re specting the affairs ol Piedmont, lias been pleased to say, 4 We riuw see how very easy it is to put down re volutions ,- it is only necessary for one king to have the courage to re fuse to say yes, dm! Another to say no.” Measures of j severity conti nue to .be pursued in Piedmont.. General Cifllmiga, who acconipaui cd Prince Carignanotoj Novar.i, and bad at first only received orders to retire to his estates, !u* been arrest ed. There was found in the cam a;;e of 8t Maisan aril (who were taken after the affair ot Novara, with 10,000 francs iuid some pa pe» s) a correspondence between Cifljvnga and Marsar, the son, which compromises the former deep ly. Some of the parties arrested, and among others, Col. Putina, are said to have gone mud. The latest account-, relating to Naples state that the Austrian army of‘occupation is (o be reduced to 12,000 men, who will be distributed among the for tresses. 'iVo flying columns of Austrian* /tad been scouring the country of the bands of brigands who infest' d it. CAPTURE OF LIMA. iiWiv- Jbi A', July 3. The brig Lady’s Belight, which arrived tune yesterday afternoon in IT da vs from Gin aeon, has brought the Editor o( the National Advocate regular files of the Guracoa Courant to the 10th of June, containing the. highly gratifying intelligence, that Lima had fallen into the hands of the Chilians. The particulars of this great, event are contained in the Ori noco Courier of the J4th April, a file of which had been received at Cora cost i»v the editor of (he Courant, who states ‘that the fall ofl/nna was pre ceded by c * a signal victory obtained' at the troops <if,Ga.iieraJ San Martin,-over the Spanish army,■ un der vice-king PezdeJe, where the. lat ter List 1000 slain, .1600 prisoners, and among them « general ofi!i«* (motion, the count of (irrelly.’’ We entertain no doubt as to the accura cy of (.bis intelligence. Previous ac counts prepared us far the event, and we confidently anticipate from it, re sidtsof the greotest magoitnde,favor able to the entire em vucipatim; of .South-America, and the total over throw of the power of .Spain. lly the some arrival, we have a coiilkinalion of the re-occupation of Caracas and i.a Gunrra by the roy alists, vvb'i rewMitered without any opposil.’* i by the Patriot tioops.-l One account states* that Gen. Mo rales ordered all the women and chil dren found in the place to be put to the sword, v,hich the editor of the Courant thinks very probable, consi dering the sanguinary character of the man Both parties appear to have been concentrating ilieir forces, pre vious to a general engagement, which was expected soon to take place,and io decide tiie late of Colombia. This accounts for (he patriots withdraw ing their forces from Caraccas, and other places adjoining, without ex hausting their, strength by contend ing for their possession, which they will again obtain without a struggle, if they prove victorious in the ap proaching battle. They still occupy M aracaybo ami Coro with a force of boot) men. VVe ncVer had any fears as to their final succcss —dialiotuii Ad v acute. Guracoa, May 26. It is our painful duty again to state tliat several ill-advised slaves of this colony made another attempt on Sun* - ■ V ,i < ""'{i'-**r: ' day last to elope from their owners. Seven in number, among whom was 1 onefemirfe, took a water punt belong- i ing t» the plantation Braga Sniit, and ■ aided by the darkness of the night, i succeeded in getting outot the bar bor. Oo its being discovered that (hey had made their escape, the go vernment schooner Colonist was dis patched in quest of them, and having fortunately stretched over to Coro, it was ascertained that they were in La Valle, and shortly after the whole were apprehended, and secured on board the Colonist. Extract of a letter, dated Maracaybn, 29di - April, 1831. 44 Yesterday, 2000. men marched : for Coro, independent of the battali on of rifles which is momently ex pected to join the former and pro ceed then.e to Caraccas. Jliese troops are exceedingly well disci plined and eager tor the fray, so that they will traverse the whole ol the territory unto the Vallieeot Aragua, without fifing a shot. *• Bolivar ordered back 1000 men . who had been sent to reinforce his j army; a signal proof of his porten tous strength. 44 The IUOO riflers above mention ed, arrived here from St. Martha by two different channels, one hal! by water and the other halt by land, through Gragira, where it met, and routed the hand of Gomes, who Wed with great loss,; in this engagement we have lost two privates and one officer. <4 The vessel reported to have been run aground in the lagoon, is an En glish merchantman, cnargea to con vey the troops, but every article on board has been saved.” CujtcAcoa, June 8. As we anticipated in our last, Ca racas has again la!led into the hands of tlie Spanish commander, general Morales. This intelligence was re ceivetl here on .from Pu erto Cabelfo; the letters themselves, however, are at variance us to 'be , manner in which Ins took possession of the capital, some of them assert that he entered without the smallest opposition, and found iti it only a few women and children, which ano ther letter states he put to death; this latter circumstance, altho’ not improbable, we hope, for the sake oi humanity, is exaggerated. The following is mi extract «f one of the various letters received, dated Puerto Gabello, 20th May, J 821. 44 Esteemed Friend and Country man.—l have to acquaint you that general Morales entered Caracas on the 26d\ iust after a smart action with the .enemy at the Cocuisas, in which they lost in killed and woun ded upwards of 300 men; after ta king possession of the capital bo im mediately marchedclownto LaGuay ra, in order not to allow the enemy time to escape by sea.; they amoun ted only to about 500 men, belonging U> Bermudas division, wlm on per ceiving our app.oach made good retreat, but were pu sued by 600 men, and it was thought they would be .able to cut them ell.’-’ Other letters add, that Paez, with his division, had pushed on from Ca laboza to La Villa de Cura, about 2 days march from Caracas : and that Bolivar was between Sun Carlos and Valencia. No mention whatever is made of tlie division under the Span ish commander iu chief, general La Tune, but-he must be in the vicini ty of Paez and Bolivar, if these ac counts be correct, we cannot ut • conclude that a desperate and pro bably' « decisive conflict is on the eve of talcing place. Jfiviswu of (ion. Bolivar. —l bat. grenadiers; 1 do conquerors of Boy aca.; regt. of ■•Barcelona ; do of Boy aca ; do of Tuiya; do of Burgas ; do’ o( Bogota, each computed, on an ave rage, to iie 1000 strong, independent of cavalry, whose numbers weie not known I) vision of Gen. thdanefa. —l bat. rifles aud infai itry, about JP.oostrong; I regt. of lancers, composed ol 800 men; and two squadrons of cavalry. Thf divis • n of Baez consists 0f .3000 cavalry, and 1500 infairtrv, a mong (he 1 tier are 700. Englishmen. ine bulletin No. 3 of the army of operations against Guru, which was aken on the 11th May, without any loss by the Independents, states, that Lieut. Col. Yehauspe, who ha<i fl.-d to the interior, returned with Jits di vision of 250 men to embrace the cause of Columbia. Ilie following articles were found iu the city at the time of its capture: 6SO muskets, 830 lances; 50,000 musket cartridges, 5000 muskets balls 136. gun cartridges, of 4 and 8 pounders, 335 flints, 20 pieces of cannon of various sizes, 4 do a La Vela, and 200 military suits. BrocLniuliuH of Gen Urdaneic , to hs fellow warriors on ihe. invasion of Cum. ** Soldjkus —Tlie city of Coro, which you are about to occupy, is one <d those which form the department ot Venezuela io the vast Republic of Columbia. This place which has hi therto faithfully served the.agents of tyranny, is already evacuated, and at the discretion of our arms. The Spanish rulers, in reward for their i momentous services, have sealed the wretchedness' of the inhabitants of i Coro, by uncle; mining the powder ] house, which in its explosion, has ■ carried away numberless edifices,and i dealt destruction among their inno- ; cent families. « Soldier* —The inhabitants of Co ro are our brethren, we must dry up their tears; it is your conduct which must efface the imputations left upon your names by the foe in tbeir flight. Let every sentiment of vengeance be converted into that ol friendship, and cast on the remembrance es the keen pings which ibis city lias in dicted on the republic; let the peo ple of Coro receive from you the sweet and cordial treatment which fi’py ought to have enjoyed under their late master. a Soldier * —Plunder and all other species of vexation to the inhabitants •ore I’m cibiy prohibited ; no individu al of the division possesses the light of taking another's pn*p-rty. W i>o soever is guilty of tins trespass, in violation of this article, and ol the gerywal proclamations to the army, shall be punished with die greater' severity. Kaj'aki. Cludankta.” From 'he. Sheffield Jris, received at th". office of the Columbian. A UAV IN MADRID. f wake—’tis four o’clock in the morning'; The whole broad street of Alcad is spread before mu with all its'churches, palaces a d convents ; while at the further end, the shady walks of the Prado form .a. su'dimu sigiit,.baffling description. The ma tin bell announces early mass, the stroers become more animated; veiled women in black, men in long brown cloaks with cedissaias, wearing their hair in a kind of net work, hanging low down tlveir buck. The doors of all the balconies open., mid water is sprinkling before every house*. Now the goat-keepers, with their little herds, enter the gates, crying •* Milk, milk* goat’s milk.! Iresn anti warm]’ There I see market women pass by with their asses loaded with vegetables; bakers with bread, in carts made ol Spanish reed; water carriers and porters ,haste to commence their day’s work; while with a horse voice, two conscquen liai looking algua.ids proclaim thefts committed in the .proceeding night. By degrees all the warehouses, simps and booths-are nopceJ. 'Hie pubh can (lube nee osJ expose their, wine cups; the chocolate .women get their pots ready; the water carriers begin to count their • Quin beber’ ( lbUu'iL drink:) and .tnc,hackney coach and .ciiaioc drivers, -with the muleteers, take their stands Soon the wndie streets rcscitnd with num erlessrciies —'Cod, white cod ! Onions from Garda! Walnuts from liiscay! Or anges from Murcia! l iol smoked sau rsuges from Fstramadura! Tomatos, large tomalos! Sweet citrons! Barley water! ice water! A newjuurnai! A new gazette! Water melon.-! Long Malaga raisins! Olives from Seville! Milk roils, fresh and hot! Grapes! Figs! new figs! Pomegranates from Valencia?” It strikes ten; lee guard mount: dragoons, Swiss regiments, Walloon gu ids Spanish inlantiy, and the universal cry is ‘ A los pies via Donne Manuela !” ( as go 10 miss.J All the bells ringing, ud the streets aiu covered with rock ro nes, rich carpets hang from every bal cony, and altars me raised in every Square, under tile canopies of stale, I lie procession set out. What a number of neat little angels, with pasteboard wings, covered with giit paper! linages oi Saints, with pon dered bub wigs, and robes of gold brocach/ W nut swarms of priests! j ami how many braualul girls, all j in mixed groupcs. t lie cloik pro- i claims noon. VVe return tunntgu the ! sqnai eof the Puerto del &’«1. All their das (raffies) have begun, all the hackney waiters are bahy,andj the whole square thronged with pen - i pic. One o'clock—we are called to dinner; a great deal oi salfron; marly love apples, plenty oi oil and pimen to, but then, wine irom La Mancha; all ot Xeres ami Malaga! What a line tiling is Spanish cookery! La Si esta! Senorts? A deadly silence is in ail the streets;all the window' shut ters are put up, or the curtains let down; even the .must industrious por tlier stretches Innisell on his nipt,and falls asleep at the fountain with Ids pitcher behind him. At four o’clock every body repairs to the bull-tight, to the canal, or to tiie prado, all is gaiety and meriment, one equipage alter another at full speed, to those places of diversion. The Puerto del Sol becomes os crowded as before, and the water carriers and orange women, are as busy as bees. '1 Im passes the afternoon, until the dusky shades of the evening closes in ut least. Then all the bells again ring, and every Spaniard says the prayer of salutation to the virgin. Now all hasten to the tertulias and theatres, i and in a few minutes the rattling of i carriages once more resounds in eve- . ry street. The lamps before the im ages of the virgin are already lighted: the merchants and dealers have illu- \ minuted their houses and shops, and < the sellers of ice waterfand lemonade their stalls, Every where are sept) s rush-lights and paper lights w per lanterns on the tables' 0 f V ? women ami cake men J the crowd on th . "'*>»« giously increased, ami it i s sojr*’, in one part you hear the soft,,. "' ot the Guitar, or senn Mo other, a female balled g. . !l ! rhyme, a talc of the last murder "W* i!1 » third H ZIC missionary attempts tu , m)V / heart ot obdurate sinner- ..v light-footed Cyprian corps niV Ins audience by dozens.* ses the rosary and utto |a the equipages return f ro , n u ’ £ tres. It grows still hter; the CI - 0 J begin to disperse, bv one o’clock the morning all the streets art ami quiet, and only here a , K | th resounds a lover’s solitary tl.i-oiigli (he inore ..iliurjr AII else -*lee|)s iu • repose, which even s.atme herselfe joys utniglit. BOAIESTiO " Wprl id ?ti in dei-s! About midnight on Sunday last white mini named «aimd«i,iivi 1 J ""I 1 ’ 8 «P ll “* Augusta road, v s " () t dead in his house by u run fellow supposed tu belom- ( U u j Brown, in or about August, ■ known by the tuiwe ot Essex! ' Saunders was called to the backd by Urn (c low, and as he onpnei received the contents of a musket fowling piece into his head,ami dr ped dead on the bed from wbenci had just risen, and where lay, wile and three infant children, On Mrs. Saunders serfaminn;, fellow who had entered the i,« seized her by the throat, and seat li.t on a bench, threatened (hat , sh odd share the fate of her ImsUi if she stirred or made the least no ami in this situaticn wus she lor to lemain for a quarter of aula while he was searching for plum He first secured well the outer d< opening into the public road, t lit a tire from a smoking pol wt was in the house, and with the »n est coolness amt deliberalioii j ceedod to ids search for money Finding but two dollars, he bed enraged against the terrified worn and threatened her with instantd« if she did not discover more or him where the pocket book was. however found that empty, and i demanded “ the two watches, ’’i with these and the two dollars dej led through the back door. The p woman wliooe. agony for iter Jiusbai; melancholy fate had been absorl in tiie terror that was incessantly cited for her own life and ’tint of sleeping children, was now Id prey to the dreadful feelings wl the scene before her was calcnla to inspire. The murderer is well knovn the Augusta - road, and it is belie wiil soon be apprehended. The cuiiistan- es must stimulate to ex ordinary vigilance in pursuing ii He is a stout made mac, ami i- a posed to be the same who knode black noy off his horse, and rot) him of his saddle bogs the afteru before, lie is said to have been ■ceotly employed on the mid ■ ground road of Effingham county erecting a house for Low, Wail & Go. The distressed widow s that she had seen him before,a ■that he stopped at her house noth since, when she supposes he dis verod the watches hanging »vcr chimney piece. bio horrid a t ransaction has sold I occurred in our connailoiiy, um i sincerely hope that hi fore this n ; the murderer is in the hands olj ! tice. ~Savannah tit-pub. Ea' Iy this rooming, a most bar j rous and unprovoked murder ' I committed y an Irishman, nan Find Lunr-eni. upon the per.-om young German named Clawson', * ployed as ,i clerk in the store nl S Benjamin Dey, King-street road, The only particulars we have as] learned respecting (his shocking fair, are these—At a late hour t night, it appears, he applied at t shop after it was shut, tor admittaii probably to obtain liquor ; whiih " refused. When the clerk opeo the door this morning, to his surpri Laurens was still stationed at t door, but appearing peaceable, particular notice was taicen >f hi, A inoaicnt after, the ruffian, hate idg Ids opportunity, sprang upo and stabbed him to tiie heart, and. almost i .stantly fell and expireo*' He was soon alter apprehended at committed toj.d 1 . , Chat lesion Times. Ch nit-* MUIiDGU and ARSON. We learn from a friend, Norfolk Beacon of Friday) who o tained the information from ag' tleinan from Southampton, that •; James p owell and Ids wife, rt '> ‘'■ within three miles of Jerusa.e were murdered on Thursday, * ultimo, and their house burnt* * x child about 3 months old, was ee some distance from the house ao still alive.” We have reect' - 1