Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, October 05, 1821, Image 3

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gio Rcw&rd# the sabscnoer, on ?h\l.'»^b' rom “°’" amCd JOHN; ,02 yews cf age, dark complcx.on, ,oa lined has 8 down cast look, and C known i'n Hichmond county < . el i .raniu are cautioned against har •' lip . nr employing said fellow, as lam sU' ,r *f , t 0 prosecute them to the ut ‘ •.Sof the law,particularly Boat reward and all reasonable 1 cej will be paid for said fellow, on [ , , iver , of him to me in Columbia 11 c or in the Jail of Richmond county r JOSEPH DALEV. k __ (iOODS At savannah t ,|.pE W. COE is now openingan | extensive assortment of Goods, suita fjur the approaohing season, 11 —CONSISTING or— Vhite Welch Plains Ulue aud mixed do p, n Jon Duffil Blanket# Hose and Point do Heavy Cotton Bagging Black and coloret i Bombazetts fine worsted'Hoeiory Heiino and lamb’s wool Hose Superfine white Flannel Bine, red and yellow Flannels Tartan Plaids Superfine wideJblack Bombazeens 9 flag Handkerchiefs MSuperfine Cloths and Cassimeres [ lice Cloths ! Islussels and Venitian Carpeting [■dearill Rug* || Domestic Plaids and Stripe# HOtu iburgs II Hi and German Linen# 11 Tortoise shell Combs rafliin black Nankin Crapes :|)|indani) Crape Dresses jtfiili a variety of other articles, which If usale on accommodating terms, at H orner of Broughton and Barnard Ik for cash or approved paper. B tjeiDbi.T 10 1 1m h \ COTTON ARE-HOUSE. ILLUM H. EGAN, iVING taken the Warehouse lately tied by J & W Harper, upper end, j side of Broad Street, for the recep- PRODUCE , And the transaction of Commission Business »lly, hopes, that its convenient ac wdation, and his own unremitting i ii, may ensure him a share of Pub urunage. ijtember 6 1 * oawtf W. JViaVonc, . i iVING declined the sales of Mer >iise for the purpose of attending to aerai Commission Business, desires fiiaons indebted to him to make pay* ii without delay. ipteraber 20—— 2t Ml SAVAGE IVING arranged his business more to Ilia satisfaction, again offers his pro uiih! services to his former friends, may always be found at his old stand, »t when professionally engaged. ettmber 10 4w ■ J* Ihe undersigned ot ifor sale his RE iL PROPERTY, r Washington-street, extending from f Joseph Danforth’s Lot to the corner ueynold-streel. Robert Raymond Reid. Sil' M >nutr 3 U * # * tip. Tatms Elew us, is authorised to co led, accounts die Chronicle office. Kean £5 Charlton. sept 6 Select School it wiv .vc. v.aiit.v.B. l HE Summer term of B. D. Hopkins’ mutton closes on the 6th of October, luu Monday, the 15ih, the School will Veiled in Town for the reception of l i‘!s; and as there are at present seve ■ ‘ icancies, an additional number w ould c fiankiiiliy received. H? HOARDING can be had in the fam- Ms desired i-ptember 27—3 t Caution. 1' *• HIS is to caution all persons from '‘ uiig or receiving in any way whatever, die bill given by D C. Mcl.auchlin, 'J 0 ?0 Harrison Musgrove, dated 14th {>J ] *B2l,for gIOO. as we were the com j! '* s oid firm, and did on or about the f l une last caution the said H. Mus .Ve iiot to have any transactions with ■ vaul tirra on our responsibility, as we , 0;>l U H confidence in D. C. McLauch ,’~ 1 ie due bill above alluded to was StC,, et from us by H. Musgrove about ' month after the dissolution of D C. "* c n , y Go. had taken place. i Beni. Lang. %* We are authorized " 'Hii'ce JAMES S. SHAFFER, Esq f^ 1 ' ■ ,e tor the office of Sheriff c* county, at the ensuing eleccior JVM 3 t s ijc. tssc. 400 piece# best Russia Hemp COT- I TON BAGGING, 100 do do Tow Bagging, 45 inch wide, 125 coil Bale Rope, 45 hhds. prime Sugar, 25 barrels Loaf Sugar, 300 bags Shot, assorted sizes, 15 boxes Whittemore’a No. 10, Cot ton Cards, 30 barrels No. 3, Mackerel J 5 half barrels do. 65 kegs patent Cut Nails, 20 qr. boxes Hyson, } rTTV 20 do do Gunpowder, C X Ed 20 do do Imperial, J 50 do do Spanish Sugars, 4 5 hhds Philadelphia Rye Whiskey 35 barrels do do 5 pipes pure Holland Gin, 3 do do Brandy, 33 barrels N. B. Rum, 30 dp do Gin, 10 qr‘. casks Teneriffe Wine, 5 tons Swede Iron, assorted, 3,500 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, All which will be sold very low for cash, or town acceptances, by 4. Mitchell # S. Clarke. Augusta, Sept. 13— Eacioiagfc £5 Commission BUSINESS. ffNHE undersigned have entered into Jl co-partnership, under the firm of BILBRO ts GROVES , for the purpose of transacting WARE HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the stand recently occupied by Messrs. R. & W. Poe, and previously by Messrs. Wilson & Black. Their Warehouse is in complete order, and will be opened on the first of October next, for the reception of produce, and storage of merchandize; and they confidently hope, from their un remitting attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Henry T. Bilbro, Sylvanus B. Groves. Augusta, Aug. 27 9t Aiii AIAVEt JAMES BALL, K.ESPECTFDLLY Inform, hi, friends and the public, that he has taken his for mer stand back of the Bridge Bank, ami hopes from his due attention to business, that he will be patronized by a liberal public. He also informs the public that his house shall be kept in speh style as will make it comfortable to those who will give him a call —and that it shall not be resor ted to by characters who will not respect the House. September 27-?-—-tf Straw Bonnets, 4 C * CASES Straw Bonnets, Bands and Trimmings, received and for sale by the subscribers j a part of which are Cottage shape and Bell Crowns, equal, if not supe rior to any ever offered for sale in this mar* ket —Likewise for sale as usual, Leghorn Flats, with or without extra crowns, and crowns without the F ats. Jewett, Abell Sf co. Upper wing City Hotel. September 24 w4t Hard Ca . ' A FEW BOXES CHARLESTON MADE Very WHITE and HARD, five to the pound—just received, and for sale at the sign of the Buck’s horn, upper end of Broad-street. _ , t September 13——3 t The Public IS cautioned against trading for a pro missory Note, drawn by the subscriber in favor of James Morriss, of Franklin coun, »y, CarnsviHe, for § 255, dated the 29th August, 1821, twelve months after date— as the said note was illegally obtained, and , am determined not to pay it. ■, Hugh McCavna. September 24 —3* sold, on Saturday, the loth of November next, in the county of Warren, at the late residence of,Robert Johnson, deceased, all the Property of the said dect ased, consisting of, horses, cattle, hogs, one yoke of oxen and cart, plantati on tools, and household Furniture, ’oo tedious to mention, for the benefit of the heirs and crcdifois. Terms made known on the day ot'sale. 1 Littleton Johnson, Atlm’r 1 September 24 ti Notice. The Subscriber offers fur ; RENT, » Four Houses. 1 on Washington Street. Possession given on the Ist October next. ‘ Most of those Houses are calculated for family resi dence and offices. Persons wishing to Rent daring my absence, will call on Mr. Henry Mealing. A. J. Dill. I September 13——ts Job Printing, Neatly executed at this OJJice. WAREHOUSE. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, R.ETUHNS thanks to his friends and the public (for past favors) in his line of bu siness, and takes this method of inform-, them that he has erected a New Ware House FOR THE RECEPTION OF Near the upper end of Broad Street, on the South side on the LOT, below Messrs R& B Lang- and he hopes from strict personal attention to all business com mitted to his cart, to insure a continua tion of patronage He will continue to RECEIVE and forward GUODS to his Trends in the up countiy, and to transact ail business in the Commission Line THE SITUATION OF THE Ware. House, Excludes it almost intirely from the dan* ger of , FIRE !! • \ t On Consignment j 400,000 Cypress Shingles, 50 Tierces, Boston Stone Lime ,« FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, ’ Apply as above , Sent 10 w 4 To Kent, And posaessiion given, the first of Oc tobert next, the Store and Dwelling House, on the North side cf Broad St. a few doors above th City Hotel, occupi ed the present year, Messrs. Sjone & Rey nolds. For terms, apply to John Woolfolk* i Se P*iy 4t - ... To Kent, ANO possession!! given the first day of, October next, the house at present occupied as an office by W. W. Holt Esq- Apply to J■ P. King Esq. or F. Walker. * September 3 ts To Rent. DWELLING on Bay street at I present occupied by Mrs. Sarea, wvfh a large and commodious garden attached thereto r Also, An excellent stand on Center street, for the grocery business, at present occupied by Mr. Jones. Thomas S. Oliver* Administrator of U. Oliver* Septembers ts : D. Bfrochon, WISHING to decline business in this place, offers for sale on reasonable terms, his STOCK OF GROCERIES, &,c. he will also give up the store and house now occupied by him, upper .and ol Broad street, an excellent stand for business. ALSO, To rent and possession given on the first of October next, the lower Tenement of said house, now occupied by Dewar & Fotheringham. The whole is well cal culated and situtaed for a public or private boarding house. sapt 6- 6t Notice. ALL persons having demands agfjnat the Estate of Alexander Carter.'Lte of Burke county, deceased, are hereby notified to present their accounts duly at tested within the time prescribed by law; and all those wfid are indebted will avail themselves of this notice, to come forward ■ and make such arrangements as will be satisfactory John C. Foythress, Qualified adm’r on the estate of A Carter. P. S—ln my absence application can be made to my attorney, J. E. Morris, Esq’r, from whom any necessary information can be obtained relative to the settlement of said estate Waynesboro,* Sept 10 . Negroes for Sale, At V\v' toot oi the Bridge, ?souU\-Uaro\iwa, - IB'© Likely YOUNG NEGROES, a rnongst them a number of field hand.*, house servants, &c. which will be sold low for cash, by applying to John Woolfolk. September 27 4t . . Agreeably to an Order Obtained from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, will be sold on the firs' Monday in Janua ry next, at the Market-house in the city of Augusta, m SnStKBIM&Sp Belonging to me Estate of David Mc- Kinney, dec’d, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Constance S. McKinney, Administratrix. September 27—w!2t TO RENT, THE Store Back Room Cellar and Back Stores, occupied the present year by Messrs. Store & Reynolds. Possession gi ven the first of October next—apply to .. John Woolfolk. September 27-*—2t , * A- I J LIST OF LETTER 9, Remaining in the Post-Office, Augusta: V .{Ga,) lit. Oct. 1821.—Persona wishing letters from this fist, will please ask. for advertised letter*. A K Armstrong A. Ketchum Joseph Antony Hhoda Kelly Solomon Appleton Samuel I, Atkinson Jno. L. Lamkin James Ardis Mathew ; Louis M Armstrong John Lard Elvira Allen Jas. W, Lawson W C Auspack P.'iilip . Lefoy John Allen D, Liverman John B Low John Dell Mr, 1 .ticee Dr C j Boyd Hezckiah A, Lamar John fk Co. Hurts Michael Lamkin William Brenan M. E. Lacy Freeman Beal Dlizabelh Lee Needluim Bowman Charles M Bryant Eliza Ann Middleton Agathy Barker E W McKenzie Mrs A. It. Bramley Benj. 0 McGill Elisay Bacon Mary A Moz Ann Qlolock John Martin Aligns Barnes William Mitclicl James Bugg W H Mullally Stephen Bussey I H Martin Thus Smitt Hiirgis John Milchel B B Boyd Hugh Marshall Hon ell II Boulward John T McTyreJohn Brown A H McLaughlan 1) C Jloulinau George Moore Richard Brantley J W McNeil Daniel P Bealle Resin D Myall Wm Bond Nathaniel P Mitchel Bird Brown Amelia .Marsh Beverly Bell James McAllum John Broclair James McMullin' John Btmilo Juan Moore Lucy W Blevins John Mason Winfield Brewer Rebecca Matthews George C Marks Jane L . Cain Charles Murray Patrick I. Garmon Betsey N Cone Reuben Nolen William Clark Lucy Norris Thomas Collins William Nutting Benj Crvtchfield Joab Nixon Joshua C Cunningham Ann P O Clark Charles, jr. Oliver Stephen II Cooper Martha Otis Prince H Carson Robt, Rev. Olaver Affce Caffin Hillry O’Keefe Elizabeth Clark Gabriel P Cotton Samuel Peteikin John Clements Daniel ; Pierce J P Campbell James Patson David Clam on Holt Pierce Benjamin Coghlan John Price Charles Campbell Randall Pemberton Joseph Carre P P Pritchard Jno W D Payne Elizabeth Daniel Robert Pardii Susan Douglas Phcbe Pemberton Alton E Dunbar George N Davis Viat D BmsscJ rev. Jas Doaset Philip Bead Wm U Dye James M /fives John Doughty Jno M llossu Jno II Dalton G B T Bryan Mary K Roebuck Ezekiel F.vans Geo W //ainscy Edwd E Edwards Set 1 ford //omalide //oharte Eovins John Roys Maria L Evans Louisa H Ramsay Mary Ann Edwards David— -’ S, Elligood Thomas Stark Alethia Edgtish Kliva Smith Lav’ma • • F Staley Jacob Fergersom Wm Snead Charlotte Fester John L S Shelly Archibald Fornoto & Clark Scull James Fry William Snead Lavinia Freal James Suitic John Farrington Wm Shaw James G Stay net-John Germany John Seymour Benj Gray John 1 T Green Turnefold Tilton Ariher B Graves Mary Turner Jno M Gordon Mr. Tradwell Adoniram (•arret Caty Thompson Jams M Gibson F O: Thompson James II U Haynes Francis Usher Henry Hart Moses Vallaton Hugh Hawes Edw’d. W ’Hatch*. 1 William Whitaker Cyru* Hull Jas* B Whitfield George Hamilton T|N Wood Penelope Honeywell Elliot Wilson Joseph W Husk Haarnon Watkins Susan Hart Elizabeth Williams Mary Harris Walter Winans Oaniet Ha vei stick Mathias Walker Joshua Hill John Wood Wm A Hammond Jacob Willy Francis Housley William Williams George Harris Lewis Wi|hams Lud Harris Lud W Wilkins S J Humble John Ware Margaret Hewett James Wrlker Daniel Harmon Jno »1 Walton Thos J Hyde Wm G Willy James J Wilson L Laurence Jenckes Ebenezer Wagner John Jones Willy Walker Jas M Johnson Samuel Wood &c. B. Judd George B Y Johnson Penniifab Yamold Lucy M Jones Joseph Young William Young George W Ja\wea IVasex. V. M.. October 1 3t JSotice. A GREF. ABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of /Richmond county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Janua ry next, at the Harket-huuso in the city of Ai.gusia,the ' AEGKUES belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi nand Phinizy, late of said county, dec’d, for ibe benefit of the heirs and creditors— Terms made known on the day of sale; JOHN PHINIZY, Acting administrator cf the Estate of F. Phinizy. October K JSotice. THRED months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordin ary of Richmond County, for lerve to di vide the es'ale of Major Ferdinand Phinizy, late of said county, deceased. John Phinizy, Acting adm’r of the estate of F. Phinizy. October I■ - ■ wtd ' • >' > Edward J. Hardia kjt Co. H. WE re .oved to tlie next door be low the„e Bank. September 27 6t A Proclamation, By hr* Excellency THOMAS BEN* • NETT, Governor and. Comma nder in Chief, in and over the Stare of Souih-Carolina. \S, at a Court of General Sessions, held in and for the District «,f Barnwell, JOHN ANTHONY the elder, was convicted of the wilful and deliberate murder of Elias Mono ait, and sentenced to have been executed on the 25th of May last, but was subsequently respited until the 27th of-fuly. And, whereas the said convict did, cri the night of the 20lhJuly, (having previ ously disguised himself In the dress of his • wife,who was permitted "to visit Tiimjetilftff' * - the vigilance of the and escap from the custoday of the Sheriff of said District: Now therefore,that Public (nstice be fully vindicated, that the said John An thony be subjected to the penally incur red for his offence, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, herebv offering a Heward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, (R‘2oo) to any person or per sons who shall apprehend the said John Anthony, and deliver him into the citato- __ dy of any Sheriff within this State. The said John Anthony is.about five ‘ feet six or seven inches high/ sharp vis age small black eyes, emaciated from long confinement, an'l apparently much dejected; he is about fifty eight years of age, stoops consideraoly and is bow leg ged- Given under my hand and the seal of State, at Charleston, this tenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, an the forty sixth year of the Independence of the ~ United States of America’ (L.-S.) Tho: Bennett. By the Governor, ,B. T- WATTS, Secretary of State. PROSPECTUS ow A Newspaper, to he published in the Mu bite, ifdbama, CatDl.'R, TilK TITLE OF THE Mobile Commercial Register. THE rising impo'tunce of the v-tste. of Alabama; its progress in wealth and \lespectability, in which its sea ports so largely participate, notwithstanding the severity of the times ; its many advantages, both aa to commerce and agriculture ; and its consequent increasing weight in tne great national scale, —are circumstance* Which cannot but be viewed with peculiar interest, by those holding frequent and profitable intercourse witli the state, as well as by its resident citizens, and jusli- IV the anticipation that another commer cial paper, if properly conducted, will meet with the necessary patronage, rt least to preserve its existence. Under these circumstances, and encou raged by the solicitations and assurances of friends in the several parts of ih.s a* wed as in other states, the subscriber* venture to offer their services to tlieir friends and the public, as editors of a new journal, principally relying on the exer cise of their commercial exp.irieifce in rue \ department, and that of their industry in another, to render the publication useful and amusing to their mercantile and ugri- > cultural friends. The advantages of a well regulated press in desseminating useful information} in inculcating salutary principles, in bringing into notice new sections of nun try, and disclosing their resources —-nave been too often and too ably discussed u> require further comment. JONATHAN BATTELLB. JOHN W. TOWNSEND. Montgomery, August 1, 1821. TERMS. The Commercial Register will be pub lished on a large supei-royal sheet, City paper twice’ a week during eight months, and once a. week during four mouths in the year, at Eight Dollars, payable half in advance. Country paper once a week, of the same size, to contain all the nevrfa and new advertismen's published in the city paper, will be forwarded by mail, at Three Dollars, payable beloie the first number is issued: Four Dollars, if paid within six months; or Five Dollars, at the end of the year. (£J* The first number will appear aa ear ly as practicable after the Ist of November next. ’’ WASHINGTON Coffee-House. /|(HE subscriber having greatly impro 1. ved, and still adding considerable improvements to hi* HOUSE in Washing ton, invites the patronage of those who may visit the up country. He assure* such as may favor him with their calls, that every exertion shall be made to render the time agreeable, and every delicacy which the country can afford, shall be pro cured, to render his board acceptable. A. H. Sneed. July 12 it 2D Dollars Howard. RANAVVDY from my plantations Pu laski county, on Wednesday last, a Mulatto fellow by the name of SCfcD, who calls himself NED M’RAV—he is a bout 24 years of age, of middle size, has a broad face, pretty large mouth, & busny hair as he took a number of clothes with him, I cannot describe his dress. I have no doubt but he has procured a pass of some kind, and may possibly change his name. I purchased said negro nearly 3 years since of David Barclay, Esq. of Rich mend, Va. to which place lie may possibly attempt to go. Whoever will apprehend said negro and deliver him to me, or se cure him in some safe jail so. that I get him, shall receive the above reware. W B. M’Gehec. August 2 7 w4w .Notice, Three months after date, application will be made so the honorable the Inferior ’ court of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to-sell a Ne gro Man, mrtned Dudley, belonging to the estate of John Rogers, dec’d, tor. the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d, JOSEPH MADERY, Adm’r, with the will annexed, •eptembet 27-*-w 12t t- •