Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, October 25, 1821, Image 1
Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette. [YOIai S6.J TYmisday, S**,i'[ le men do, lives after them: } c. *“0 S ood i* °ft interred with their hones.” 5 Octohc* 25, 1821. [NVw Serveg—Js*o. 4s.] r.DITSD ST JOSEPH VALLENCE BEVAN. 900 Pieces Cotton Bagging, 10 Or. Casks Sherry Wine, A few Hogsheads prime Sugar, Baling i?ope, &c. &c FOR SALE the subscriber’s Commission Ware- Bouse, upper end South aide of Broad 1 WILLIAMS. EGAN. October 5 ■■ ts Edward J. Hardin & Co. HaVE removed to the next door be ll the Bridge Bank. I September 27—-6 t [Straw Bonnets, L C * Bw GASES Straw Bonnets, Bands and hrnings, received and for sale by the Lcribersi a part of which arc : Ceand Bell n-'*' n 8» « not aupe- Ewany ever offered for sale in this mar-1 E-likewise for sale as usual, Leghorn Fiats, Bor without extra crowns, and crowns Bout the Flats. I J Abell Sf co. ' J Upper wing City Hotel. Bptember 24——w4t HIOTTON WAREHOUSE. lILLI Vil H. EGAN, l-.VING taken the Warehouse lately | Hoed by J & W Harper, upper end, | Hiside of Broad Street, for the recep- j I PRODUCE, I And the transaction of I Commission Business Hriy, hopes, that its convenient ac-1 Halation, and his own unremitting j H&a, may ensure him a share of Pub-1 Homage. H;amber 6——oawtf |GOODS Ut Savannah . He RGE W. COE is now openingan J Hdensive assortment of Goods, smta- J Bgr the approaching season, | H —coKsisrtso or— j ■White Welch Plains J Hilie aud mixed do J ■London Duffii Blankets j ■Rose and Point do j Hileavy Cotton Bagging j Hilack and colored BombazettS | Hp wormed Hosiery ] Hjban■> and lamb’s wool Hose I white Flannel j Hi .i, red and yellow Flannels Plaids j wide black BombazeenS He Handkerchiefs aHiperfine Cloths and Cassimerea Cloths jjHjpuselsanu Vcnitian Carpeting > Hugs | aestic Plaids and Stripes and German Linens shell Combs Bhin black Nankin Crapes Crape Dresses Hu variety of oilier ai rides, which on accommodating terms, a* |Ht>rner of Broughton and Barnard Hfor sash or approved paper. |Htanber 10 1m I J. Hewitt, of Music /• om Ne-w.l’ork and ■H Boston, acquaints the pub |H'-.i:at lie Intends during the cusu- Teach the Hl'iano Forte, ■ AnA feinguig, proper method accommpany- Voice, according to die moVeru VIOLIN AND VWL.iN with «;.e Scier.ce of Compcsi ■H&ojld sufficient cnccarairemeat be Hne.-iis Augusta shall be his tu ■ i-. tee. a *»y be known by applying at Store of Mr. S Sturges, a few the Banks.—Any command -1 for him, will receive every at Notice. -opartnership heretofjre exist -1111 lor the firm of A. R Goiiuoh H 1 day dissolved by mutual AUSTIN R. GORDON, H GEORGE GORDON H rtsj-isHtn ft I \lWYHt\u\, HOLLARS pe ar.nuu., ;>. \a iH I ' & »cr The Coo itrv Paper. H| •“ * veck. at THREE DUL _ -"•hie vlso in advance. . 01 d itrs beiota tAe Globe Ta -'-ui-S'.ref f. THE subscriber offers for sale, as c! gant assortment of FRENCH FAf ICY GOODS, just received per the late I arrivals. I Consisting of I Embroidered Collerets * I do Inserting Trimmings I Black and White plain Silk Stockings J do do Embroidered do j White Italian Crapes I Satin figured Ribbons -• I Craped do l*| Small Merino Shawls I White Satin I Linen Cambrick Handkerchiefs j Plain Linen Cambrick I Black and White Leghorns I Black and White Ostrich Feathers J drippings for Milliners Sic. . I The whole of the above goods, are hov I opened and to be seen at Messrs. Tardy i and Son. 1 Joha Morand. I may 21 liROCEKIES, J Wm. H Co, ‘ I Offer Jor Sale, b »g3, Prioy greeqj^ffi-^ I 8 pipes pure Holland Gin | 3 do do Cog Brandy I 5 hhds J. Rum I 2 Half pipes Sicely Madeira Wine I 50 barrels loaf Sugar j 500 q. boxes Spanish Segars I 40 do do Imperial J f Ilia l A | Gunpowder & Hyson S JL lu il j 200 qr- Canisters, do do do I 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, I 16 Do. Pepper, I 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, ] 15 Boxes No, 1 Soap, | 200 Bags Shot, assorted, | 100 "Kegs Duponts Powder, I 20 do. Best Richmond Tobacco, I 12 Boxes Chocolate, I 22 Barrels N. E. Gin, I 36 Casks Cheese, I 100 Boxes do. | 3000 Bushels Salt. | October 31—ts I Wm. H. Thompson & co. J Have just received, and offer for sale, 1100 Bags Prime Green Coffee. I 10 Hhds. Superior St. Croix Sugar. { 40 Do. Muscovado Sugar. I 20 Qr. Casks Teneriffe Wine. I 500 Qr. Boxes Spanish Segars. | 5 Pipes Cog. Brandy. | 10 Do. Holland Gin. { 5 Hhds. Ja* Rum. | 10 Boxes Sperm. Candle.. I 12 Kegs Ladies Twist Tobacccu | 20 Do. Sweet scented Do. I 5 Boxes Londou Mustard. | 10 Casks best London Porter. } 100 Pieces Inverness and Dundee bagging | 50u0 Bushels Liverpool ground salt. I mi;«■•.»■d 20 3 m I AND COMMISSION I Business. IfITHE Subscribers have entered into I A Copartnership under the firm of I M‘GRAN $ GORDON, I For the purpose of transacting Factorage ) and Commission Business, at their Ware-House , I recently occupied by Howard & M‘Gran, | (and known by the name of Phinizy’s I Ware-House,) which is in perfect order I for the reception of MERCHANDIZE h ] PRODUCE, and they hope from Jieir un I remitting attention to business, to merit I a share of public patronage. Thomas M‘Gran, I Austin U. Gordon. I October 15.1821. 3t ¥acAorage Commission j BUSINESS. THE undersigned have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of I BILBUO & GROVES, j fur the purpose of transacting WARE HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, ‘ | at the stand recently occupien by Messrs. ’ [ R. & W. Poe, and previously by Messrs. { Wilson & Black. Their Warehouse is in 1 complete order, and will be opened on 1 the first of October next, for the reception I of produce, and storage of merchandize; | and they confidently hope, from their un ■ | remitting attention to business, to merit a 1 | share of public patronage. Henry T. Bilbro, Sylvanus B. Groves. | Augusta, Aug. 27 —9t ; j subscriber still continues to keep i » supply of the best London imparted \ nAN OKS. VV. Brux I October 15— -6t ; Law Office. 1 j rp j A HE subscriber has moved bis omc< Ito an upper tenement of the August, | B-.,0k Smre, vffiere he may be genera,ij I found, and bis professional services com . | mantled. John ?. King. J October s—3w k .j Lost, ' I iTVN the evening the hOth September, i I ‘ t? awl Ue almost ew, with b’-ass stir I tips, for which the finder sliaa receive ai i- Jo eqoat-e I it at this office, j Oct. 5 2i N- [' ‘ WARE HOUSE. JOHN I:. HOLCOMBE, I [ Returns thunks loliU fiiendsandthe J public (for past favors) in his line of bu- I sincss, and takes tins method of inlbrm j them that he has erected a New Ware House j FOR THE RECEPTION OF I Near the upper end ot Broad Street, on J the South side on the LOT, below Messrs JU & B Langt and he hopes from strict I personal an ant ion to all business com- I I mitted to his care, to insure a coatinua- I tion of patronage j He will continue to RECEITE and I forward GOODS | to his Trends in the up country, and to * j tian»»ot all business in the I Commission Line I The situation of 'u»*' Ware-Home , | Excludes it almost intireiy from the dan j ger of FIRE !! I On Consignm J 100,000 Cypress Shingles, J 50 Tierces, BostoA Stone Lime , FOB SALE LOW FOR CASH, I Apply as above J Sept 10 w 4 Washington City, Argust l»r 1821 QT All those Soldiers I and othera who have put claims into my | hands for settlement, arc desired to return I my receipt for such papers to this place, { receive their claims «etr led, or their papers | unsettled. O. W. Caliis. I September 17 wl2w WASHINGTON Coffee-House. “j npilE subscriber having greatly impro- I | X ved, and still adding considerable | improvements to his HOUSE in Washing | ton, invites the patronage of those who I may visit the up country He assures I such as may favor him with their calls, that I every exertion shall be made to render 1 the time agreeable, and every delicacy I which the country can afford, shall be pro- I cured, to render his board acceptable. I A. H. Sneed. j July 12 ts To Rent, j A.ND possession given immediately, the | house on the lower end «f Broad street, at I ..resent occupied by the subscriber, with } excellent out-buildings attached—also the | rooms over bis store, four doors above | the market j George Dunbar. | October s——3t I, Information Wanted. - I I A.BOUT two or three weeks past, some I person came to the shop of the subscri bers and either borrowed or took without permission, a sett of Gig Harness, nearly new—the buckles and terretts of the har ness are covered with black leather—ls . borrowed, the person wh* has them, will please return them immediately. Leeds & Lyneg. Oct- 5. rs \ - - - j II TBT AUW V. \ JAMES WALL, a ' Respectfully informs bis friends and die public, that he has taken his for mer stand back of the Bridge Bank, and hopes from his due attention to busmesi, that he will be patronized by a liberal public. He also informs the public that bis P house shall be kept in such style as will make it comfortable to those who will give him a call—and that it shall not be resor ted to by characters who will not respect the House. September 27 ts To Kent, e A NT) possessionn given the first day of . A October next, the house at present occupied as an office by W- W. Holt Esq l Apply to I P King Esq. or F. Walker, September 3 ts TO BKKT, fITHE Store Back Room Cellar and Back 3 I. Stores, occupied the present year by r * Messrs. Store & Reynolds. Possession gi. u> ve , the first of October next—apply to e John Woolfolk. | September j ''t N » . TA. 2VI alone* ! H AVIiVG declined the sales of Met chandtse fop the purpose of attending t( a General Commission Business, desire all persons indebted to him to make pav meat without delay, : September 20 - To Kent, 4 AND possessuon given, the first of Oc tobert next, the Store and Dwelling House, on the North side of Broad St a few doors above th City Hotel, occupi ed the present year, Messrs. Siune & Rev nolds. For terms, apply to John Woolfolk* Sept 17 VR. SAVAGE HAVING arranged his business more to his satisfaction, again offers his pro fessional services to his former friend*, and may always be found at his old stand, except when professionally engaged. j September 10-" . . > «• i (h m ine unclersignea ot lerß fop sale his REAL PROPERTY, upon Washington-street, extending from \jr. Joseph Danforth’s Lot to the corner I Heynold-street. I Robert Raymond Reid. I September 3 ts I [HE SUBSCRIBER )Offers for sale on reasonable terms, I A Valuable Tract of Land, 1 ATNG on the Big Kiokee Creek, with-1 in 4 mile and a half of Columbia Court- j Hotke, containing 351 acres, about 200 ot | whiih are cleared. On the premises is a I sptitgof excellent water, and all the usual j improvements of a country farm. Per-1 sons wishing to purchase will apply to the | subscriber at his residence on the pre- I mises. J Harmong Lamar. I June L——-wßw I Select School Tot \UVNG AAIjITS. The S’lmmet tfii. .f B. B. H-pkins* Institution closes on the 6th of October, and on Monday, the 15th, the School will be opened in Town for the reception of Pupils -, and as there are at present seve ral vacancies, an additional number would be thanklully received. BOARDING can be had in thefam ily, if desired September 27—3 t Advertisement. WHEREAS the subscriber has taken the Boarding House, just below the goat and market house, on Broad street, in the city of Augusta, returns his thanks to a generous public for the support already given, and solicits a continuance of their favors, and pledges himself to give every attention, and boarding at the following rates, co wit: —Horses boarded at 50 cents per night; single feed 37$ ; boarding for man per day gl; dinner 50 cents; sup per 37i cents; breakfast 371 • bed 25 cents —clean nice beds and a well furnish ed table, and a good attentive hostler from the north, I also keep a Wagon Yard in good order, gratis, to those that take boarding. I am; Ike. tic. Thornton Holeman. April 23. q 3» The Milledgeville Recorder, Co lumbia, S. C. State Gazette, and Raleigh Minerva, will re-publishthe above monthly jor five months, and forward their accounts to litis office for payment. The Euterpeiad. HE fj r.t volume of the EUTERPEIAT) or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZETTE, ended in April.— The second Volume has commenced, much improved, and considerably enlarg ed, comprising eight quarto pages with a sited of Music in every number, and is published semi- monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars per annum, by John B. Parker, Nn. 2, Milk-Street, Boston. May 31 Battalion Orders. A.N election is hereby ordered to be held on Monday the 29th inst. at Mr. Li gon's Tavern fora Captain and Ist Lieu tenant to command the 122 d District Company Militia. Thomas Pace, Lieut. Col. Commanding City Bat. October 18. Notice. AIL persons having demands against the Estate of John Thompson, deceased, are hereby notified toqiresent their ac counts within the time prescribed by law, duly attested; and all those who are in debted, are required to make immediate payment to Tabitha Thompson, Qualified AdountetrMrix. October 15— -riitg m | Bank State of Georgia, p . I Satamah, Oct. 17, 1821. 0 I DWldenA J'fo. 10. JS I'T I HE Belaid of Director* have declared I a Dividend, at the rate of 4 per cent, per I annum, or g 2 per share on the Capita) ■ I Stock of this Bank for the last 6 months, I payable at any time after the 18th in -1 stunt. I XT « A - PORTER, Cathier. • P ~The Editor# of the Augusta £ I Chronicle, Southern Recorder, and Wash- I ington News, will please Publish the above v I three times. •- I October, 22. <O. WQiaosa^ I MER CHANT TAIL Oil, I IXESPECTFULLY informs his custom- I erg and the public generally, that he con , I tmuea to carry on his business in Casts. I ion's Brick Store, in Broad Street, near I!v opposite the City Hotel. He feels I thankful top past favors, and solicits a I ® Q . n H nua^ e l.U e^ r, co..6tantly k'eep on I hand. Cloths, Casslmetes and I Y eatings, I OF THE BEST QUALITY; | Which he will sell, and make up on ‘ I moderate terms. I Qjf» RECEIVED the LATEST New- I York and Philadelphia FASHIONS. I October 22—ts For Sale, 1 A PAIR of young well broke HORS. I BS, five and six years old—Also a good I family HORSE and GlG—Apply at the I Globe-Tavern. Oct. 22 ts Land for sale. | THE subscriber oilers for sale, a valu. I able Tract of Land, lying on Fishing-creek. I I Lincoln county, containing 020 acres, nav- j I ing on it a good dwelling house, gin house, | I and all oilier necessary buildings—a con , sidcrable part of the land in cultivation, is i fresh, and under good fence. U will bo sold very low for cash—but if preferred, * coJicoruiie or two year* will he given ; Enquire of the subscriber living in Gosh en, Lincoln county James E. Todd, Agent for John W. Freda an. October 22 w 6 Molasses, Flour, Sugar. Whiskey and Mackerel. Hhd> Molasses, 120 Barrels Whiskey, - 50 do Loaf Sugar, 150 do Flour, 180 do Mackerel, 14 Bags of Soft Shell Ahnond*. Low for Cash only, by I. Thompson, October 18 -2t Hilda. N. O. and St. Croix Sugar* 70 Barrels do, do. 60 Bags Coffee, v 100 Bbls. new Flour, (Haxall’s Brand) 30 Coils Rope, 40 Pieces Cotton Bagging, 50 Barrels Northern Gin, 40 Barrels Whiskey. For sale by M'GRAN & GORDON. N. B.—Bills on New York. Oct 15 3t i -. .. - Brought to Goal, In Burke County, Geo- a negro follow who says his name is | Davey, or David; an African by birth, and speaks bad. eng-. Halt, and says Ids masters name is John ’ 11‘Kinne, living in South Carolina. He ap ’ pears to be about forty or forty five years , of age, five feet eight or ten inches high, his owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take him away. S, W, Blount, s. b. c. 15th October, 1821 w4w Brought to Goal, In Burke county, Geo. ■ negro fellow ' who says his name is Tom, an African by birth, says his master’s name is John Wilkinson of South Carolina, living on black swamp. Tom is about twenty or 1 twenty five years of age, about. feet two or three inches high, and has an iron n Ids right leg. The owner is requested: come forward, prove property, pay charg es and take him aw«v S. W* Blount, s, b. c. t OclStb tober 18 21 w4w T aimer a. I.HE Subscriber wishes to employs Tanner and Dresser of Leather, to whom good wage* will be given. W, tt. Coleman. Dublin, Laurens County, ? October 18, 1821. Jj «r i Tiie Subscribers, HAVE removed to the Store next doot . above Mr Ivneeland, where they are j receivin ff and opening an extensive **- “ sortment of r ' BooKa Stationary, • Amongst which me-the following NEW WORKS : Didier’s Letters, Ward's Let ters Percy’s Anecdotes Nos. 3 and 4, and i Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 20 J. H. Ely, October 15. 5, lieuben Leggett 9 HAS NOW AT HIS STOKE, An extensive Assortment of Hot Aw ate, Cutlery, etc, Subject to public inspection. The GOODS are of recent importation cartful ly selected to suit the Southern Market, and purchased for CASH. Among these GOODS a|ff KmiiaoewrM&BTHpntnTY Q3* Stove in the brick building owned by William White, Esq. on Broad-street, between Mr, R. 11. Musgrove and Juntp. Robertson & co. Oct 15—4tp *** Persons having bu einecs with KEAN & CHARLTON, will ; iind the subscriber at the lower Tene ment, Bridge Bank, a few rods above tba Market, Broad Street. John E. Kean. October 22—-31 Notice. W: B are authorized to state that Capt, EDMUND BUGG will be a candidate for Tax Collector at tbe ensuing Election. 03* Tbe Georgia Advertiser and Au gusta Herald will please insert the same* until January. Oct 22 The Hygeian Fountain r .... an£ funning with Sod* Water, Ginger Beer, and the Exhilirating* Mead, much recommended for Golds* 1 Coughs, Sic. Oct 22-" ■-ts S\ ants a Situation in a Gro« eery Store, A. YOUNG MAN who is well qualified for that business. Satisfactory references, can be given. Apply at this office. Oct 22 ts Dancing Academy. Mu. COLMKBNIL respectfully inform! the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he will open his DANCING SCHOOL on the first Saturday in November, and it will continue open throughout the Sea son, for Subscribers. Mr. C. being well known in this place, flatters himself that Parents and Guardians will favor him with the Tuition of their Children. Lessons will be given on every Satur day morning, from 9 until 12 o’clock, and in the evening from 3 o’clock until suiy set. Price of Tuition Ten Dollars par quarter payable In advance Two and. half months tuition will be tlus full quarter, including three Exhibition Balls, to which )>arent9 and guardians of his Scholars are invited. N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen who mas wish to take private Lessons In Dancing* Mr. C. will be happy to wait upon them at their bouses or at the Dancing Acade my, on Green-street Augusta, October 22——fit A Proclamation, By hia Excellency THOMAS BEN NETT, Governor and Comman der in Chief in and over the Siutfi of South-Carolina , W"HEREAS, at a Court of Genera} Sessions, held in and fur the District of Barnwell, JOHN ANTHONY the elder* was convicted of the wilful and deliberate murder of Elias Mo ho as, and sentenced to have been executed on the 25th of May last, but was subsequently respited unlit the 27th of July. And, whereas, the said convict did, on the night of the 20lh July, (having previ ously disguised himself in the dress of hi! wife,who was permitted to visit himjelud* the vigilance of the Jailor, and escap from the custoday of the Sheriff of said District: Now therefore,that public Jnstic* I b- fully vindicated, that the said O n An thony be sub jected to the penalty incur red for his offence, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, hereby* offering a Reward of T WO HUNDRED DOLLARS, (g200) to any person or per > sons who shall apprehend the said John f Anthony, and deliver him into the custo* f dy of any Sheriff within this State. " 1 The said John Anthony is about fivn feet six or seven inches high, sharp vis age small black eyes, emaciated front lung confinement. apparent ly much dejected; he is about fifty eight years of age, stoops considerably and is bow leg ged- Given under my hand snd the seal of State, at Charleston, this tenth, day of August, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred » and twenty one, an the forty sixth a year of the Independence of tbs United States of America. (L. S.) Tho: Bennett By the Governor, B*T| WATTS* SQtfftfcry 0$ St*t«|