Newspaper Page Text
Augusta Chronicle $ Georgia Gazette.
■ »r.
wT Xcw \ovk
|iat store.
■ni- subscriber respectfully informs
■friends and the public, that he has re-
■ e -i lIS store to the Brick Building be-
L dl the dwelling 1 house of Thomas
Bruins Esq- a,R I 'be store of Mr. G.
■Hict.ionr doors above Malone’s corner,
Brd'ie is now opening his
mil Supply of
I Ms3 9
Hrent Qualities and Latest
I Fashions,
Lillie manufactories of Messrs. Tweedy
Knljict, Ives & White, and other up-
Ki New-York Manufactories.
V talso—
pel’ and White Wool Jlats t
p wco Caps, Military Hats ,
I Unboxes in neats , £fc.
pofwhich are offered on reasonable
L for cash or town acceptances,
I George Hannah.
lelober 25——1 m
■ - - —1 -
iward J. Hardin & Co.
1 1VE removed to the next door be-
Kthe Bridge Bank.
September 27 6t
Straw Bonnet^
CASES Straw Bonnets, Bands and
received and for sale by the
Bell Crowns, equal, if not supe-
ever offered for sale in this mar-
for sale as usual,
■Leghorn Flats,
without extra crowns, and crowns
the Fiats.
H Jewett, Abell co.
■ Upper wing City Hotel.
■IAVING taken the Warehouse lately
Sampled by J & W Harper, upper end,
■outluide of Broad Street, for therecep
■ And the transaction of
I Commission Business
•tnerally, hopes, that its convenient ac
■otimodation, and his own unremitting
■Mention, may ensure him a share of t’ub
■f patronage.
■ 6—— oawtf
| To Bent,
AND possessionn given the first day of
October next, the house at present
■occupied as an office by W. W. Holt Esq
■ Apply to J. P. King Esq. or
I F. Walker.
l| September 3 if
I Administrator’s Sale.
IAgREEAIILY to an Order of the Court
lot Ordinary, of Richmond county, will
Ice sold on the first Tuesday in January
I n J xt « al the Market-House, in (he City
I of Augusta, the
I belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi-
I Kind Phinizy, late of said county, dte’d,
I lor the benefit of the heiraand,creditors —
I 1 lie Sale will continue froth day to day,
■ mil all are sold; and the terth* will be
I mule known at the lime.
I joilv paijsmr,
I Acting administrator of the Estate of
I F. Phiuizy.
October 29. 1821 tds
To Stone Masons
t. HE Subscriber wishes to employ
Three or Four good Hands; to whom libe
lal wages will be given. For further par
ticulars, enquire of the Post-Master,
James Curly.
Sparta, Optpber 24, 1821.
(O’ The Editors of the Georgian,
Savannah, will give the above advertise-
Otent, six insertions, and forwatd their
account for payment to the Postmaster,
October 29 fit
($J° The Subscriber will
accommodate with BOARD, a few Chil
®r ® l, > should any offer from the Country
who are desirous of atteneing school in
Robert Walker.
October 29— ts
[YOIi, Thursday, S“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; 7 4 rv .. . . _ _
The good is oft interred with their bones/ 1 \ 18~1* Series—iNo o*3
J Valuable
UHE Subscriber offers for sa4e, his
Plantation, situated twelve miles a
hove Augusta, between Fury’s ferry, and
the Washington road. The Imildings are
1 . ln excellent repair, and the farm for
soil, fences, and all that pertains to its
cultivatian, equal to any in the neiglibor
-1 hood - The quantity of land, is about
three hundred and forty three acres, The
above plantation will be offered at private
sa.e until the 2nd of November next, and
if not disposed of then, will be sold at
public sale to the highest bidder. Terms
ot sale, may be known by applying to John
Campbell of Augusta, William Blackwell,
or Josegh Crafton of Columbia County,
who will shew the Premises.
Bennet Crafton.
Columbia County 16th August 1821,
August 16 w2Nov.
Wm. H. Thompson & co.
Have just received , and offer for sale,
lt»0 Bags Prime Green Coffee.
10 llhds. Superior St. Croix Sujjkr.
40 Do. Muscovado Sugar.
20 Qr. Casks Teneriffe Wine.
500 Qr. Boxes Spanish Segars.
5 Pipes Cog. Brandy.
10 Do. 110 l .nd Gin.
5 Hhds. Ja-Rum.
10 Boxes Sperm. Candles.
12 Kegs Ladies Twist Tobacco.
20 Do. Sweet scented Do.
5 Boxes London Mustard.
10 Casks best London Porter,
100 Pieces Inverness and Dundee bagging
50.j0 Bushels Liverpool ground salt. 20 —3 ni
aNHE Subscribers have entered into
, Copartnership under tlte firm of
For the purpose of transacting Factorage
and Commission Business, at their
recently occupied by Howard & M’Gran,
(and known by the name of Phinizy’s
Ware House,) which is in perfect order
for the reception of MERCHANDIZE Si
PRODUCE, and they hope from their un
remitting attention to business, to merit
a share of public patronage.
Thomas M‘6ran,
Austin R. Gordon,
October 15,1821. 3t
Factorage Commission
THE undersigned have entered into
co-partnership, under the firm of
far the purpose of transacting WARE
’at the stand recently occupied by Messrs
H. 8c W. Poe, and previously by Messrs
Wilson 8i Black. Their Warehouse is in
complete order, and will be opened on
the first of October next, for the reception
of produce, and storage of merchandize;
and they confidently hope, from their un
remitting attention to business, to merit
share ot public patronage.
Henry T. Bilbro,
Sylvanus B. Groves.
Augusta, Aug. 27 9t.
JL HE subscriber still continues to keep
a supply of the best London impjrled
W. Brux
October 15 fit
Law OMce.
THE subscriber has moved his office
to an upper tenement of the Augusta
Book Store, where he may be gencrasly
found, and his professional services com
John P, King,
October 5 3w
T aimer s.
*X*HE Subscriber wishes to employ a
Tanner and Dresser of Leather, to wlunn
goed wages will be given.
W.U. Coleman.
Dublin, Laurens County,7
October 18, 1821- 5 3t
Any person desirous of contracting to
furnish the Jail of Augusta with Fire
wood for four months, will leave their
proposals at the Jail, before the fith day
of November next. It must be good hard
wood, at so much a cord.
October 29— —2t
TVTINF. Months after date hereof appli
]JnI cation will be made to the honorable
the court of Ordinary for Columbia coun
ty, for leave to sell twenty thousand acres
of land in the county of Montgomery, the
same being part of the real estate of Za
doc Magmder, deceased—to be sold foi
the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot
said deceased
George Magmder, adm’r
Tresey Magmder, adm’x
July 2, 1821 o)9m
s II
“j ETURNS thanks to his friends and the
public (for past favors) in his line of bu
siness, and takes this method of inform
them that he has erected a
• New Ware House
i ©©'iKKm
t Near the upper end of Broad Street, on
s the South side on the LOT, below Messrs
i U£JB Langr and he hopes from strict
, personal attention to all business com
. milled to his care, to insure a continua
tion of patronage
He will continue to RECEIVE *nd
to his Trends in the up country, and to
transact all business in tire
Commission Line
Excludes it almost intirely from tire dan
ger of
On Consignment,
100,000 Cypress Shingles,
50 Tierces, Boston
Stme Lime ,
Apply as abdve
Sept 10 w 4
Washington City,
Argutt Ist 1821
QT All those Soldiers
and others who have put claims into my
hands for settlement, are desired to return
my receipt for such papers ta this place,
receive their claims settled, or their papers
O, W, Callis.
September 17 wl2w
THE subscriber having greatly impro
ved, and still adding considerable
improvements to his HOUSE in Washing,
ton, invites the patronage of those who
may visit the up country. He assures
such as may favor him with their calls, that
every exertion shall be made to render
die time agreeable, and eveiy delicacy
which the country can afford, shall he pro
cured, to render his board acceptable.
A. H. Sneed.
July 12 ts
Information Wanted.
\ BOUT two or three weeks past, some
person came to the shop of the subsci i
hers and either borrowed or took wuhout
permission, a sett of Gig Harness, nearly
new—the bucklesand terretis of ihe har
ness are covered with black leaiher—lf
borrowed, the person who has them, will
please return them immediately.
Leeds & Lynes.
Oct- 5. If
Respectfully ii forms his friends
and (lie public, that he has taken his for
mer stand hack of the Bridge Bank, and
hopes from his due attention to business,
that he will be patronized by a liberal
public. He also informs the public that his
house shall he kept in such style as will
make it comfortable to those who will give
him a call—and that it shall not he repor
ted to by characters wtio will nos respect
the House.
September 27 If
At.T. ptr.ons having ileTnami. against
the Estate of John Thompson, deceased,
are hereby notified to present their ac
counts within the time prescribed by law,
duly attested; and all those vth't art in
debted, are required to make immediate
payment to
Tabltlia Thompson,
Qualified Administratrix.
October 15 3tp
Brought to Goal,
In n.irhe county, Geo. a negro fcllotv
who says his name is
an African by birth, says Ins master’s name
is John Wilkinson of South Carolina, living
on black swamp- Tom is about twenty or
twenty five years of age, about feet two
or three inches high, and has an iron o
his right leg. The owner i* requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charg
s and take him away.
S. W* Blount, 8. s. C.
Oclalli tuber 18 2l»—w4w
"UaucVwg Academy.
Mu VrOLMESNIL respectfully informs
tlie Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta,
Unit lie will open liis DANCING SCHOOL
m the first Saturday in November, and
it will continue open throughout the Sea
•on, for Sobscribi is. Mr. C. being well
* now n in this place, slitters himself that
Parents and Guardians will favor him witli
die Tuition of their Children.
Lessons will be given on every Satur
lay morning, from 9 until 12 o’clock, and
m the evening from 3 o’clock until sun
let. Price of Tuition Ten Dollars per
quarter payable in advance
Two and half months tuition will be the
full quarter, including three Exhibition
Balls, to which parents and guardians ot
his Scholars are invited.
N. IL Ladies and Gentlemen who may
wish to take private Lessons in Dancing,
Mr. C. will be happy to wait upon them
at their houses or at the Dancing Acade
my, on Green-street
Augusta, October 22 6t
The Subscribers,
HAVE removed to the Store next door
above Mr Kneeland, where they are
receiving and opening an extensive as
sortment of
ftwilvA Stationary,
Amongst which ate the following NEW
WORKS: Didier's Letters, Ward’s Let
ters, Percy’s Anecdotes Nos. 3 and 4, and
Blackwood s Magazine, No. 20
J. U. Ely.
October 15. 6t
Iteuhen L
An extensive Assortment of
WaikVwave, UvvUcvy, etc.
OBJECT to public inspection. The !
GOODS areof recent importation careful
ly selected to suit the Southern Market,
and purchased for CASH. Among these
GOODS are Knives and Forks, Fen, Pock,
et and other Knives, Razors, Buttons, &c.
of elegant patterns and best quality
(£/■ Store in the brick budding owned
by William Whit ’, Esq. on Broad-street,
between Mr. U. H. Mtisgrovc und James
Robertson &co.
Oct 15—4tp
3i©(D Hilda. N. O. and
St. Croix Sugar*
70 Darrels do. do.
6P Bags Coffee,
100 Uhls, new Flour, (Hatall’s Brand)
30 Coils Rope,
40 Pieces Cotton Baggings
50 Barrels Northern Gin,
40 Barrels Whiskey.
For sale by
N. D.—Rills on New York.
Oct 15— —-3 t
HAVING arranged his business more to
his satisfaction, again offers his pro
fessional services to his former friends,
and may always be found at his old stand,
except when professionally engaged.
tfeiitrniber 10 4w
( jj a ihe undersigned of
fers for sale his HE IL PJiOPEHTi',
upon Washington-streel, extending from
Air. Joseph Danfortb’s Lot to the corner
upon Reynold-street.
Hubert Raymond Held.
September 3 u
Offers for title on reasonable terms,
\ Valuable Tract of Land,
TiYING on the Rig Kiokee Creek, with
in a mile and a halt of Columbia Court*
House, containing 351 acres, about 200 ot
which are cleared. On the premises is a
spring of excellent water, and all the usual
improvements of a country farm. Per
sons wishing to purchase will apply to the
subscriber at Ids residence on the pre
Harmong Lamar.
June 4 wßw
Brought‘to Goal,
is Burke County, Goo a negro fellow
who says his name is
Davey, or David;
an African by birth, and speaks bad eng*,
l>sh, andsaishis masters name is John
M-Kinne, living in South Carolina. He an
pears to he about forty or forty five years
of age, five feel eight or ten indies high,
his owner is requested to oome forward
prove property, pay c.mrges, and take him
S. W. Blount, s. b. c.
15th October, 1821 w4w
The Euterpeiad.
I HE first volume of the F.U'I F.UI'F.tAD
LADIES GAZETTE, ended in April.—
The second Volume has commenced,
much improved, ami considerably enlarg- J
ed, comprising eight quarto pages with a |
sheet of Music in every number, and is i
published semi monthly, on Saturdays, at
three dollars per annum, by
John B. Parker,
No. 2, Milk-Street, Boston.
May 31
, t <
Bank State of Georgia,
. . -y 0
Savannah, Oct. 17, 1821.
! BWIAeuA 4V0. 10.
: T
1 AHE Ho#id of Directors have declared
■ a Dividend, at the rale cf 4 per cent, pc
1 annum, or g 2 per share on the Capita
Stock of this Bank for the last 6 months
1 payable at apy time after the 18lh in
A. PORTER, Cashier.
N. B.—The Editors of the Augus'a
Chronicle, Southern Recorder, and Waal,
ingtmi News, will please Publish the above
three times.
October, 22.
Respectfully informs his custom
eis and the public generally, that lie con.
tinues to carry on his business inCixTi
loo’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, near
ly opposite the City Hotel. lie leeis
thankful for past favors, and solicits a
continuance : he pledges himself that Ida
Work shall not he exceeded by any dom
in tliis city, and will constantly keep on
C\wll\s, Casslmerca tmA
V estinga,
Which lie will sell, and make up on
moderate terms.
York and Philadelphia FASHIONS.
October 22-——ts
For Sale,
A PAIR of young V eil broke HOlts. I
j ES, five and six years old—Also a good j
j family HOUSE and
Globe-Tavern. I
Oct. 22 If j
Land for sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale, a vain. I
able Tract of Land, lying on Fishiiqp-creek, {
Lincoln county, containing 620 acres, hav. J
ing on it a good dwelling house, gin house, J
and all other necessary buildings—aeon I
side ruble part of the land in cultivation, is {
freslv, ami under good fence. It will be I
sold very low for cash—hut if preferred, I
a credit of one or two years will be given: I
Enquire of the subscriber living in Gosh-1
en, Lincoln county 1
James E. Todd,
Agent for John W. Freeman. I
October 22 w(i I
Advertisement .
'W HEREAS the subscriber has taken 1
the Boarding House, just below the goa' I
and market house, on Broad street, in the I
city of Augusta, returns his thanks to a j
generous public forthe support already I
given, and solicits a continuance of their I
favors, and pledges himself to give every
attention, and boarding at the following
rates, io wit:—Horses boarded at 50 cents
per night 5 single feed 37$ ; boarding for
man per day $1 ; dinner 50 cents; sup.
per 37| centfQ breakfast 374 I bed 25
rents —clean nice beds and a well furnish
ed table, and a good attentive hostler from
the north. 1 also keep a Wagon Yard in
good order, gratis, to those tliat tak<
boarding. 1 am; &c. Bic,
Thornton Holeman.
April 23.
gj’ The Milledgevillc Recorder, Co
lumbia, S. G. State Gazette, and Raleigh
Minerva, will re-publi*hthe above monthly
for five months, and forward their accounts
to this office for payment.
*** Persons having bu
siness with KEAN & CHARLTON, will
find the-subscriber at the lower Tene
ment, Bridge Rank, a few rods above the
Market, Broad Street.
John E. Kean.
October 22- 3t
E are authorized to state that Capt.
EDMUND UUGG will be a candidate for
lax Collector at the ensuing Election.
OCT The Georgia Advertiser and Au
gusta Herald will please insert the same
until Jamiarv,
Oct 22
Tho Itygeiau Fountain
Is in complete toxler and full operation,
and will constantly be running with Soda
Water, Ginger Beer, and the Exhibiting
Mead, much recommended for Colds,
Coughs, &c.
ct 22- ts
Q' »- ~.«■! I ■ . ■
Mounts a Situation in a Gro
cery Store,
A YOUNG MAN who is well qualified
f r that business. Satisfactory references
can he given. Apply at this office.
Oct 22 ts
Tl ie Public are Informed,l
! HAT a part of the LAND, situated o.
j Broad Street, above Springfield, and ex
| tending from tne Street to the River, »
advertised for sale by Nathaniel U. Julia;,
in the Chronicle of the 25th insl. belong,
to me.
P. H. Caras.
October 29——5^
Couttau., i
ill person* are hereoy ouut'oned ft*
gainst trading for or receiving team 601. C.
f ' Ureithafipt, of Edgefield DnArict, a notd
1 • t hand for Fifteen Hundred sini Fifty
Five Dollars, drawn by the subscriber!
imie time in the month of January last,
'■ layalile to said BreilhauptJ as admimstra*
'or of the estate of Ifichard Johnson, d«C,
on or about the fit si of January next, a§
w« are determined not t|b pay the same*
The property for which Jt wa* given haV.,
t mg since been declared hy a decision of
me Court of Appeals of/tiouih Carolina t<>
belong to the estate of/lrs. Mary Johnson*
dec. of which one of the subscribe)* ift
'egally entilleil to a distributive share.—*
And Col. Hreithaopt is hereby cautioned
against transferring irr passing the said
note to the administrators of the estate of
Mia. Mary Johnson, or to any other
- person.
Basil Lamar,
, Briton Mims.
October 25» ■■ »-,St
Tht*| Subscriber
Offers for t^ile a part of I.ot No. 117,
situate on ilroadi street, above Spiingficld,
i luid extending filom the street to the rivet.
Further j>*rucu)ais made known on appU
cation to .
Nathaniel B. Julian.
! October 25 I 6t
A<lm il l istr a tors r Sa[eT~^
W ILL bes sold on the tenth day o
December nf xt, at the l«te resilience of
Col. John Foster. d< c in Columbia coun
ty, a part of the personal property of said
deceased, consisting of the present crop
of Corn, Fodder and Oats—the, stock ot*
Horses, Mules, Cuttle and Hogs—the
household and kitchen furniture, planta
tion too’A, an excellent and new patent
running goer of a gin, and a fifty saw gits
nearly new, together with a number <*t
articles too tedious to enumerate—and the
terms will be very accommodating t»
Elizabeth Foster, Adm 7 x.
Arthur Foster, } . ,
Collier Foster,
Octi/be'' 25——wtds m
I DO hereby forwarn and caution sny
person from trading for a note of baud
given by Samuel Hicks to Elenor Davis or
bearer, for eight hundred and seventy on«
dollars and twenty one cents, dated in
March last, and made payable on the first
day of January next, as 1 have lost the
said nme, and Walter Leigh, Esq. having
this day paid off and fully discharged th«
Arthur Foster.
October 25——2 i
To blent* ~
TTHE dwelling house on Reynold Streef,
lately occupied by Major Crayton, posses
sion given on first day of November. Ap
ply to
John Phinifcy, acting
JUm'r of the ft lute of F, Ffumzu »
October 25. ———3 t
Land for Sale .
subscriber offers for sale an undi
vided moiety or half pan of a tract of land
situated in Columbia county, the late resi
dence of Col. Tho’s Carr, dec. containing
about twenty iwo hundred acres. Th«
greater part of this tract is well adapted to
the culture of corn U cotton, and the im
provements not inferior to any in this
county. The plantation is under good
fence and contains nearly two hundred
and seventy acres, including a meadow oft
Germany’s Creek of about thirty five
acres, calculated for the support of a large
stock during the summer. The residence
is remarkably healthy, and furnished with
a good spring of pure water. The plan
tation is furnished with a gin house and
gin, and horse mid, complete. If any p«*-
son may wish to purchase the entire tract,
it is probable he may be accommodated.
Any further description is deemed unne
cessary; as those who feel any desire to
purchase will doubtless view the pre
Application will be made to me at A
the ns, or to my brother. Major Thomas
Carr, on the premises; or lo Col. Nicho
las Ware, Augusta.
William A. Carr.
October 2$ w3t
A Card. *
MfS. U't L, respectfully inform, her
friends and the public, that she intends
opening her
on Monday, the 22nd inst. in Reynold
Street,directly opposite Mr. James Gard
ner's where she will attend to all th.;
Branches of the English Language,
French and Music.
Mr*. .1. has also engaged a Ladin to
.each Needle Work. "" "
October 18——w Ini
1- p . M the subscriber’s store in Rrna*
'Ure' 1 ’ on Friday evening the 19th inst.
Box, containing Hooks—-the bp* VM
. arked Dr. While, care of Stubbs, Mii
edgeville. Any information respecting
.he same will be suitably rewarded bj'
ivlng information to NicUoJftft Delftifle
r S. C. Uortic.
October 25*——St