Newspaper Page Text
Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette.
I [YOIi. SO.] Thursday,
■ —* a>tJl, * , *"Trii <ll —1 rrWi
f J vfeVt, Abell, Sj Co.
I Upper IVing Citu Hotel,
I Staple % Fancy
tar <o®©a>®,
KIJPER, common and low priced, black,
I blue and mixed cloths Si Cassimeres,
*nper and Common Valencia, Toilanette,
■ Swans down and Marseilles Vestings,
■ombazetts and Bombazines,
tinnetts, Flannels and Oil Clothe,
Baltin and Canton Crapes, all colors,
Bilan do, white, black and Green,
■uper light and dark prints and chintz
I calicoes,
II and cotton flag handkerchiefs
■iinbric cravats, white, spotted, figured
I and checkered,
■4 6.4 cambrics, and cambric andcom
■ moa dimoties, .
leases 4-4 Irish Linens,
Ijo. Super brown do.
lirkey red, blue, Madras* and Polycat
■ handkerchiefs
Hen and imitation cambrics and cambric
I handkerchiefs,
Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers,
H;skin, Hucksin, and Beaver Gloves,
K'..»s dressed and undressed kid do.
li’tt embrodered morines,
counterpins 4-4 square,
silks, black, white, green, blue
and assorted colors,
cords, balls and threads,
Hm tapes, threads and bobbins,
Hming and floss cotton,
flats and mlllinetts,
Hpenders, children’s socks,
Hftinere, merino and silk shawls,
Hwl & Imitation Tucking & side combs,
Hbons—an extensive assortment of all
H colors,
Hills, Striped, figured and plain,
Hin and pearl edged Taffety from No 1
H to 22,
Hs,Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin-
H shews and Sarsenelts, plain & figured
of various colours,
HiLuce, plain and figured,
lace edging, black and while,
IHhose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black
■ and white, plain and figured,
Tabby Velvets, various colors,
IHlace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs,
needlework muslin robes and
dresses, from 12 to 30 dol-
very rich,
H priced needle-work, lambored and
mull and book muslin Flounces
HUmuslin Bands or Colarelts,
|||Had Laces, a good assortment, cheap,
Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and
Eves and Necklaces,
||HNeclaces, Clasps and Snaps,
SHI, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus-
and vest button's,
extra gilt and coronation coat
vest buttons,
Scissors and Chains for do.
Bonum and common Razors nnd
pocket and Pen Knives,
Cards and Dressing Combs,
Ink and Osnaburg Thread,
• . 11l • V . • /I 1 ( ISI •
icstic PlakTs, Stripes, Checks, Shirt
ings and Sheadings,
Ibnxts, by the dozen or package,
itctnore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, &c.
i [rawßonnets.
cases ol' very superior Straw Bon-
Binds, and Trimmings, of various ,
ns, such as bell crowns, double
1 round fronts, cottage shape, &c
--cheap for the quality.
C above goods are offered at whole
nil retail fir cash, or on time for ap
nd paper Regular supplies will be
ted from our partner in New York,
bwill enable us to have constantly on
•general assortment of fresh season -
tends; and from the patronage ave
received the year past, we are in
i to believe we have sold, and shall
nne to sell at least as cheap as our
Bomber R ■■—ts __
I Ihssoiution.
Bf-Cn.partnership iieretofore existing
■ Ihc firm of M’Lirws £r IMt , is Uus
Halved by liinilation. The tmset-
H-iSiness of the concern, will be at-
Btoby Mr John S. Holt, who will
H-d gercrally at the Compting Room
House of the late firm.
our Sincere thanks to our
public for the liberal sup
have given us, and hope their
Mr. ,1. S. Holt, will continue to
iflhn equal share of public patiouage,
I Storage
■ommission Business.
SBdesirahle to have the affairs of the
jB^ c ettled without delay, and we
H' : c solicit those who are indebted
JBt payment; and those who have
against the late concern, to
diem for settlement
■ James ■
■ John S. Holt.
■ Notice.
sßMonths after date, application will
to the honsrnhie court of or-
Burke county,for letters of dis
fnm the administration of James
of Burke county, deceased, as
fll "v settled the administration of
'M John Stockdale
6 j Rens\oc\\
Have received, by the ships Oglethorpe
and F.mily, from Liverpool, and late
anl\ais from the north, au extensive
supply of
British, French, India & Do
buy goods.
Which they offer to country merchants
on I he most reasonable terms
November 12 .w2m
Co-partnership heretofore exist
ing under the firm of F. C. Taylor & Co.
was by mutual consent, dissolved on the
18th day of August last.
F. C. Taylor,
Dexter Chapin.
N. B. Business hereafter will be contin
ued by
F C Taylor.
November 1 ? p
K'xc\\aiige T\rokev.
THE subscaiber has taken an office in
the building lately occupied by
Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north
side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post-
Office—where he ofl’ejs his services in
the above business, and hopes, by strict
personal attention, to obtain the patron
age of his friends and the public.
The great facilities afforded by brokers
in commercial operations generally, render
it remarkable that the merchants of Au
gnsta and the planters have long sustain
ed the inconvenience of having none, and
particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost
every other cotton mart the bnsiness is
principally done by brokers; and hence
the ease, certainty and dispatch with
which it is executed. The same system
is perfectly practicable bore. The mcr
chant, by applying at the office of the sub
scriber, may hereafter save himself the
trouble of sampling Ins cotton and looking
up a purchaserthe planter need be no
longer involved in doubt and difficulty to
ascertain the true state of the market,
nor subject himself to the caprice of the
wary speculator—and the purchaser will
at all times knowt where to resort for cot
ton at the market price.
Office Regulations relative to
Ist’ In order to give lime for sampling,
citizens offering cotton are requested to
leave the ware-house receipts by eight
o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales
cannot be realized till the sncceding day.
If more convenient, the receipts may be
enclosed in a letter of instructions, and
dropped in the letter box the night pre
2d. Cotton will be sampled and receiv
ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a, m.—
if olfered after that hour, sales cannot be
realized till next day.
3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably
be deducted from the account sales.
4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock
and close at twelve, a, m.
sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim
iting higher thin the market, will have
their receipts returned them on paying
cents fora bag entry and sampling.
6tl/. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a
Orders from the country, en
closing the warehouse receipts, will be
promptly executed.
Stock Exchange and
In their Various Branches,
Will be attended to at all times during of
lice hours, which will be from eight o’-
clock a. M. till two o’clock i>. m. and from
three o’clock till five i>. m.
John Kinuey, jun’r.
Money is sometimes wrrtb more
(hun at others Persons having it te loafi,
may, in the strictest confidence, avail
themselves of the advantages of the mar
ket, by applying at the above ollice.
November 8- —ls
aUhe subscriber has taken that well
4A known stand.
Qranr.n Smixos.
LATELY occupied by Major Durkee,
situated seven miles above Augusta on
die Washington road and hopes from
his attention to business to give general
satisfaction r
John Turpin.
November 8— if
Barrels Prime New Flour, just
receive* and for sale by
William H. Egan.
Upper end, South side of Jtroad-strect
November 8- *rif.
100 jIaHREI.S superfine Family
1 flour for sale—low for cash only,
By I. Thompson.
* November 8 4t
f grs- We are authorized to
announce Capt. D. BEBHV. a candidate
for the Office of Sheriff for Richmond
count} at the ensuing election. .
5”“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; i
c u The good is oft interred with xheir bones.’* 3
JCexv Novk
■ 7 T
I. HE subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public, that he has re
moved his store to the Brick Building be
tween the dwelling house of Thomas
Cummiirg, F.sq, and the store of Mr. G.
Sellick, four doors above Malone’s corner,
where he is now opening his
Fall Supply 0/
Different Qualities and Latest
From the manufactories of Messrs. Tweedy
& Benedict, Ives St White, and other ap
proved New-York Manufactories.
Black and White Wwl Hats ,
Morocco Caps, Military Hats f
Banhoxes in nests , <s*c.
All of which are offered on reasonable
terms for cash or town acceptances,
George Hannah.
October 25 lm
HaVING taken the Warehouse lately
occupied by J & W Harper, upper end,
Soutli side of Broad Street, for the recep
tion of
And the transaction of
Commission Business
generally, hopes, that its convenient ac
commodation, and his own unremitting
attention, may ensure hifh a share of Pub
lic patronage.
September 6——onwtf
Imported Goods
GeuTgc W. Coe,
IS now opening
An Extensive Assortment of
Suitable tor the approaching Season,
White Welch Plains
Blue and mixed do
London Uuffil Blankets
Rose and Point do
Heavy Cotton Bagging
Black and colored Bombazctts
Fine worsted Hosiery
Merino and lamb’s wool Hose
Snpeifine white Flannel
Blue, red and yellow Flannels
Tartan Plaids
Superfine wide Black Bombazeens
Flag Handkerchiefs
Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres
Pelice Cloths
Brussels ami Vcnitian Carpetings
Hearth Hugs
Domestic Plaids and Stripes
Irish and German Linens
Tortoise shell Combs
Plain black Nankin Crapes
Mandarin Crape Dresses ;
With a variety of other articles, which
are for sale on accommodating terms, at
the corner of Broughton and Barnard
streets, for cash or approved paper.
October 2V 125 D
Administrator’s Sale.
Agreeably to an Order of the Court
nf Ordinary, of Richmond county, will
he sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, at the Market-House, in the City
of Augusta, the
belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi
nand Phinizy, late of said county, dec’d,
(or the benefit of the heirs and creditors -
The Sale will continue from day today,
until all are sold; and the terms will lie
I made known at the lime.
Acting administrator of the F.statc o
F. Plunizv.
; October 29, 1821—-tds
—« ■
H,eSPF,CTFULLY informs his custom
-1 ers and the public generally, that he con
linues to carry on Ins business in Cants
iou’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, near
t ly opposite the City Hotel. He feels
thankful for past favors, and solicits a
continuance : he pledges himself that his
Work shall not be exceeded by any done
in this city, and will constantly keep on
1 C\utks, CaasVmfeTea aiaA
Y eatings,
Which he w ill sell, and make up on
) moderate terms.
-1 York and Philadelphia FASHION'S-
October 22——ts
Washington City,
A)-gust \st I H2I
OJ* All those Soldiers
and others who have put claims into mj
hands for settlement, are desired to return
my receipt for such papers to this place,
receive their claims settled, or their papers
O. w. Callis.
September 17 w!2w
Final Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the firm of
Kkan Hi Chaim.ton, by note or open ac
count, are informed that they will be
once more waited on, ami if au immediate
settlement is not made, suit will be in
stantly commenced.
K ean Charlton.
October 18 lm •
W E are authorized to state that Capt.
EDMUND BUGG will be a candidate for
Tax Collector at the ensuing Election.
CQ’ The Georgia Advertiser and Au
gusta Herald will please insert the same
until Januarv.
Oct 22
THREE months after date, application
will be made to the Court of Ordin
ary of /ficlunond County, for leave to di
vide the estate of Major Ferdinand Phinizy
late of said county, deceased.
John Phinizy,
acting ndm’or of the estate of F. Phinizy
October 1
a®® BAGS prime Green Coffee
20 llhds - - ditto retailing Molasses
For sale low for Cash only,
By I. Thompson.
Novemer 1 5t
The Subscribers,
nAVE removed to the Store next doo
above Mr Kneeland, where they are
receiving and opening an extensive as
sortment of
Books Stationary,
Amongst which are the following NEW
WORKS: Didier’sLetters, Waul’s Let
ters, Percy’s Anecdotes Nos. 3 and
Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 20
a. $ U. Ely.-
October t 5. 6l
U . H. Turpin
Has recently received a fresh supply of
.Medicines, Taints, Oil,
Which he assures his friends and the
public he is determined to tJI as low as
they can ba procured in the city
November 1 w4t
Female Academy
MX. & Sirs. WARNE’s school for I
Voting Ladies will be open for the recep
tion oj Scholars, THIS DAY, in the house
it the corner of Washington and Reynold
streets. Mr. & Mis. W. will devote
be same time, and attention to their scho
ars as heretofore, and teach the same
branches A.l Taster is engaged to give
lessons in Drawing, at the school rooms—
If proper encouragement is giver, this
institution will he made a permanent one,
and continued during the summer at .he Sand
Hills. Nov. 12 ts
A Card.
.TU1.1., ip.pectf.illy informs Tier
friends and the public, that she intends
opening her
on Monfay, the 22nd inst in Reynold
Street,directly opposite Mr. James Gard
ner’s where she will attend to all the
Brandies of the English Language,
French and Music.
Mrs, has also engaged a Lady, to
tench Needle Work.
October 18 w lm
The Subscriber
Offers for sale a part of Lot No. 12,
situate on Broad street, above Springfield,
and extending from the street to the river.
Further particulars made known on appli
cation to
Nathaniel B. Julian.
October 25—j 6t
The Public arc Informed,
If HAT a part of the LAND, situated on
Broad Street, above Springfield, and ex
tending from tne Street to the River, as
advertised for sale by Nathaniel B. Juhan,
in the Chronicle of the2sth inst. belongs
P. H. Cams.
October 29 ——5t
Wants!) Situation in a Gro
cery Store,
A VOTING MAN who is well qualified
for that business. Satisfactory references
can be given. Apply at this office.
Oct 22 ts
Xo’vembfc* $3, 18$1. [Xero Srolee—Xo. 12.]
The subscriber still continues to keep
a supply of the best London imparted
W. Bruxs
Octooer 15 fit
For Sale,
A I’AIII of -oi.rij- well broke IIOTIS
ES, five and six years old—Also a good
family HORSE and GlG—Apply at the
Oct. 22 ts
And Augusta Stage.
THE proprietors of the Augusta line of
Stages caution travellers from taking
seats between the established offices,
without having their names inserted on
the waybill. A practice has hitherto ex
isted of suffering persons to enter the
stage, to the grear inconvenience of those
who have taken regular seats, and which
yields no profit to the proprietors- It
cannot be allowed for the future. The
greatest attention will he paid to the ac
comodation of the regular passengers;
which consideration does not admit of the
carriage being overcrowded by inter
lopers. Nov. 12—if
BSO Reward.
AtTSCONnF.IT in .Time last, NANCY, an
African negro woman, belonging to the
subscriber, about 30 years of age, and
country marked in her face, is well known
in this city. 1 will give Twenty Dol
lars if taken about this city and secured
in jail; or, if at a distance, all reasonable
M. Sandwich.
November 12 If
A GOOD COOK, for which liberal
wages will be given—Apply at this office.
November 12 ts
To Rent,
A. I.AITfiT’ and comfurablc Dwelling
House, to which are atjached three and an
half acres of Land. This house is in the
lower part of the city, on Ellis-street, and
is every waj' desirable as a residence for a
private family Immediate possession will
be given.—Apply to William W, Holt,
Estj. oi to
Nicholas Ware,
Executor of VTm. Bacon,
November 8 ts.
Land for Sale.
WILT, be sold a tract of LAND, oon
tabling upwards of 400 aers, on Sa
vannah River, 22 miles above Augusta, in
Columbia county, on the road leading
from the Court House to Edgefield Court
House. If any yerson wishing to pur
chase can view the premises, and know
the terms by applying to either of the sub
scribers, on the premises.
W. & R. H. Meriwether.
November 3 law3wpd
Qj° The Subscriber will
accommodate with BOARD, a few Chil
dren, should any offer from tlte Country
who are desirous of attending school in
Robert Walker.
October 29- -■■ t
To Rent.
THE DWELLING on Bay street at
present occupied by Mrs. Sarea, with
a large and commodious garden attached
thereto Also,
An excellent stand on Center street, for
the grocery business, at present occupied
by Mr. Jones.
Thomas S. Oliver,
Administrator of B. Oliver.
September 6 ts
Georgia—Warren County.
Clerk’s < iffico, of the Court of Ordinary
VyWIIEREAS Joseph Culpepper apples
yUr for letters of administration on the
estate of Samuel Duckworth late of said
County deceased. These are therefore to i
cite and admonish all and singular, the i
kindred and creditors of said deceased, I
to he and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law to shew cause (ifany
they have) why said letters of Adminis
tration should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office,
this sth Nov. 1821.
Jno. Torrence Clk. c. o.
Nov. 12.
Notice. I
Nine months after date application ,
will be made to the honorable the l
nstices of the Inferior court, when sitting |
fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell |
Tine hundred ami fifiy acres of land in ,
Burke county, adjoining Tindall, S. Jen- <
kins and others. A LSI),
Two hundred and fifty acres in Walton
•ounty, No. 105, sold for the benefit of
•he heirs and creditors of Solomon Daniel,
Martha Daniel, ex’x.
Burke county, July 6,1821. m9m
*** are authorized
o announce JAMES S. SHAFFER, Esq,
a candidate for the office of Sheriff of
Richmond county, at the ensuing election
April 5 -ts
Firkins Butter,
Just received and for sale by
I. Thompson.
November 15 4t
50 Boxes Hamits,
50 do. Caudles,
Just received and for sale by
I. Thompson.
November 15——ts
Fresh Raisins,,
In Quarter and half boxes JnaL receive,/
and for sale by.
John Gindrat.
Kov. 12 .It _
Hants a Situation,
As Clerk in a Dry Good or Grnrrry
Store, a Young Man who believes that
satisfactory references can be given*—Ap
ply at this Office.
November 15—-ts
Negro Woman with (wo Cliif
dren; she can be recommended ns a first
rate Cook, a good Washer and It oner;
James Johnson.
Nov. 15 ts
Jfl »Ver l
o i i
ONK day after date I promise n»
pay James Puller, or bearer, seventy sei.
ven dollars for value received Ibis
day of May, 1821.—(Signed)
Andrew Ruder.
Richmond County. 5 I kusonalax
peareii 1 rancis Grace, who being swwii*...
saitb that he is a joint copartner in the,
concern of S., fj Co. i-ndthat
they were on the ninth day November
instant, possessed of a note in their own
right, of which the at 5* a copy, as.
near as this deponent recoil '<*, and that
the said note has been Inst or destroyed.
Francis Grace-
Sworn to before me this 13»h >
day of November, 1821. $
K. Bush, ». r.
LL persons are cautioned against trail*
ing for the above note, as the undersign
ed will apply to the Superior Court now
sitting for the establishment of a copy'
thereof, of which those concerned will
take notice.
S. Mullally $ Co.
November 15. 3t
Qj° The undersigned of
fers fclr sale his HEAL PHOPERTP,
upon Washington-street, extending from
Mr. Joseph Danforth’s Lot to the corner
upon Reynold.street.
Robert Raymond Reid.
September 3—-ts
WILL be sold, on Saturday, the 10th
of November next, in the county of
Warren, at the late residence of Robertr
Johnson, deceased, all the Property of thA
said deceased, consisting of, horses,
hogs, one yoke of oxen and cart, plantati
on tools, and household Furniture, to 9
tedious to mention, for the benefit of that
heirs and creditors Terms made known
on the day of sale.
Littleton Johnson, Adm’r
September 24——ts
State of Georgia.
n the Superior court of Richmond county.
Mat Term, 182 l
Present— The H>n. John Jl. Montgomery^
Elizabeth Cdmmiko,')
Vs C Petition for divore'e
THE petition and process in this case*
having been returne<l by the Sheriff
*• the defendant not to he found”—On mo
lion of Plaintiff's attorney. Ordered, tha
service be perfected by publishing tbiffe
rule in one of the public Gazettes of thiijf
state, once a month for six months.
Tahenf-om tho minutes.
Clerk’s office, 20th June 1821.
John C. Snead, d. c#
June 21. m6m *
montlis after date application
IX will be made to the honorible tine
Inferior Court of Columbia county, whita
silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell tlrrteen hundred and ninety nines
acres of pine land in Richmond county on
both sides of Butler’s creek, on which
there is a saw and grist-mill, it being pait .
of the real estate of John. Foster, late of
said county, decased.
Elizabeth Foster, )
Arthur Foster, >ir
Collier Foster, j ?
May 7, 182— - m9m
A Journeyman Frin*
ter would find employment and obtain
lib end wages, at the office of a Newspa
per called “ VVk, the Feotle,” printed
at Milledgcville.
November 12 1*