Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, December 03, 1821, Image 1
I Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. i-_w T j |[\ 05j, SCj.J * iOui\ay, 5” that mosi <l»>, lives lifter tfiein ; } C- The good is oft interred with their hones.” 5 A, [AVa\ Sti'le.s—NV 15 ] ABvVl, ?<; Co. ' T t>>, e r H r r"-f City Jlut"!, 'cCIVEIi FKUM N. VOJMv, A c VI-.HAL ASSOMTMCST CF SiapJe §* Fancy 2)^_®TO^S, LTKR. common and low priced, black, blue aid mixed cloths & Cassinicm;, fr „ m ; Common Valencia, Toilaneuc, S’.vansil-w n and Marseilles Vestings, I, and Bombazines, Visnitls, Flannels and Oil Cloths, '•"ki'i amt Canton Crapes, all colors, .plan do. white, black and Green, iixt light and dark prints and chintz ‘ cal'cnes, cation flag handkerchiefs, jdiric era-.ats, white, spoiled, figured and checkered, d 4, cambi ics, and cambric andcom ynoa limoties, Cjs ; p 4-4 Irish Linens, ib, Super brown do. „hy red. blue, Madras* and TVycat b'ndkercbicts, jfi.aa i imitation cambrics and cambric Wadktrchit fs, nyl- '.vns, Russia and Irish 1 miners, i.i'rn, I’uoksin, and Bwr Gloves, h; dressed and undressed kid do. U! eu brodcred moiines, feillcs quilt counterpins 4 4 square, King silks, black, white, green, blue I and assorted cuiot s, ■Mn cords, bails and tureads, Ken tapes, threads and bobbins, fci'-.ij and floss cotton, ftw Hats and niillin fteiulers, children’s sacks, fttavp, merino and s’uk tuauvls, I; f, imitation Tucking &. side combs, ft (vory and (ioi ti Pocket ditto, ft.inn —an extensive assortment of all fttnlnrs, fts. Swiped, figured a d plain, ft and petal edged I aflety tiom No I ■to 22. ftlavr.n’ioes, Florences, Satins, Sin [shews and Sarsonctts, plain 6. figured ■ of various colours, ftlact, plain and figured, ftaceeugi >g, black arid white, fthere, Gentlemens’ sod Ladies’ black [and white, plain and figured, ft arid Tubby Veil e,.s, various colors, ftbtr shawis, veils and hamlkerchu ft. But need ework muslin robes ami Biliklng dresses, from 13 to 30 ctol- B ' very rich, ■ ;rad needle-work, tambored and ■etoidcrod do. ■net,-null and book muslin Flounces Burlfr.serting Tnmm; ngs, ■Mirmslm Hands or Loiaretts, Bid 1. ices, a good assortment, cheap, Baruiops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and ■Eyvs m.d Necklaces, ftv.-claces, C'asps and Snaps, ft, ivory, silk and fin ed, shirt, sus ftcn.lai's and vest ba tons, Bio’S ex • a gill and coronation coat Bnd vest bu t ins, Br Scissors and Chains lor do. ftim Donum and common H izors r.nd ■sfaps, ■ i’s tsocke* and Pen Knives, ■'£ Curds and Dressing Combs, ft '. Ink aid Osiiaburg ,‘! bread, Be c t’lai's, Sl'ipes, Checks, Shirt - B«r>and She itiugs, Bi'.v s. by fiv-.dozen or package, Bkiavre’s Nu lu Cotton Cards, Uc. ft ALSO- ftlmte Bonnets. B'a'icr. of very supe. >Straw Bon- Hi! h. and Trimmi-igs, •of various Bias such as bed crown,, double B: mud f-oiv. - , collage shape, &;-■ B"' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ? foi the quality. B above goods a ' olfered at who c Bwi retail IV c ■ >u, «r on tim fi’f ap- Bijiipev Hcguiur' supplies will be Wed from our partner in New 4 mk, ft ai■; em.b'e us t<» have constantly on ft’qc-uend asstortni in of fresh season l(> an i fmu die patronage w - the the year pis’, we are iu ft ';> !k ' «• -c wo have Bold, and shall IBtr. is suit ai least as cheap as our Bn'S Berber 0 ts fl Dissolution. iHUCo-parlncrshit) uere’oujre ex sting ■ ’.la firm of M'Ltms 6’ «> ti’o I »hy liniitatiiiii,: The ■ss of t'".; concert, wid be a ■ ' tit Mr John S. Melt., who w.ll i! :;ei eva'dy at the Compimg Hoorn Ht'e/Jouse of the Ir.tu- firm. Mum iiiir sincere thanks to our Hvc.i b - public for the liberal sup have given us, and hope their Hmv, '!r t. S Holt, will cnntii.iia to H - yi... sinre of public paliOimgc, H r r,ll r i !TS fyC* ■ tiO'M ■ H-tnmission B’lsiiv’S^. ■ 1 rtt.ed . without delay, a d w* solicit those who are 'indebted. ■ - p'lyinent;’ and itioso who have agiinst die late concern, tu ■■hiciu for si id. incut. B James M‘J.a\vs, H John Bolt. S bt .■ Notice. ■ months after date iirphoatio • H ur made to the Irino'ahle luf- °i L ncoln countv, far leave to ’"ai eit ate' of James Lao.leps, ]■ ' Ai’ widow's cl:-.,«c in it, the on s h rp k iT said county. ■ (, ldi Jf. Walker- atlm'v 12, KJ2I i p :n »Vi ‘Keuzve. RenAoch Have received, by the ships Oglethorpe raid Emily, from Liverpool, and I ite arrivals from the north, an extensive supply of • British, French, India & Do mestic BUT GOODS. A I. SO, ’ Hardware. V bich they offer to country merchants on 1 he most reasonable terms November 12 w2m N otice : >p HE Co-partnership heretofore exist mg under tne firm of F. O. Taylor k Co, was by mutual consent, dissolved on the loth day of August last. F. C, Taylor, Dexter Chapin, N H. Husiness het cotter wid be contin ue u by F. C Taylor. November J 2 , * (JettOily itUiCky AM) Kxclmige Firokcr. THTI sobscaiber has taken an office in tii’’ building laieiy occupied b; M s.u s Si wart . R i Hargraves, on the north s de ot Hroad-slreet, opposite to the Post- Office—wher he off is his services in thr above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of lus friends and the public. 1 he great facilities afforded bv brokers in cornmci ctal opera!ions generally, render il reimakabie tin.t the merchants of A.u gusia ay*l the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Hroker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the £•';•£> certainly end dispatch with which, i' is esteemed. The same system is pi if ’clly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of tin* snb scfiber, may hereafter save himseif the u on lie of sampling Ids cotton and looking up a purchaser t —the t-lum •—•■a i/v. uo longer involved in doubt and difliouliy to ascertain the true slate vs the rnmfcet, nor auhjeci himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton i*r the mark-it price Office Regulations relative to Colton. Ist- In ovdfr to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to leave the ware-house icceipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left Inter than nine, sales cannot be realized till Hie succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may bt ci c!csi d in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2J. Cotton v/'llbe sampled and "rocciv cd f ont wagons till ten o’clock, a, m.— if ofieivd after that hour, saies cannot be erai'zed till next day. 31. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales vdll co finence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a x, sth. I’eisoiiK choosing to limit and lim .ting higher iha’’ the market, wil. have • i>eir receipts letmned tliem on paying f-} cents lor a bag entry and sampling. 6lh. Commissions on saies, 2,5 cents a iia’e Orders from the* country, en ■ dosing fits •> .I'O’ise rect ip is, will be promptly exact.' - i. {stock Exchange and V rokera^o. In their Various 11 in.dies. Will be alt. tried to at all timei during of ten hours, -which will he from eight o’- clock a. ,ii. lib two o’clock r. si. and from three o’clock f T five r. si. John Kinney, jmi’r. (jj»-Money is sometimes with more tfian at others i’erscus having it to loan, ir.av, in the.strictest confidence, avail T.e.r.selves of the advantages'of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8 T A; s." • sshe subscriber has taken that well ,J, known stau<l. (iI’AKB/t Frntxcs. I. VIT.LY occupied by Major Dttrkee, sitnai-d seven miles above Augusta on 1 fiie Washi igfuri n.-ad and hopes from ii'-i aUeivion to business to give general s.itisfacuioii •- ,?<>];ii Turpin. November 3 -‘f Noti«e. j. pj ( povs/jns having any demands n \ gainst the es.'ate «f dames Landers. „t Lincoln county', dec. are ’here!*) notified to render in their account* du)} •.nested according to law. Jo! m H. Walker, ad mV. November li! SSOlleward. /fIRPCONDFI) in Juno his*, NANCY, an \ negrn woman, belonging to the ■ibscriber, ab.uit o(l years of *ge, and rimn trv mai ked in her face, is well known n this city 1 will give Twenty Do - larr if taken about this city and secured ij, jail; or, il at a distance, all rea unable expenses. _ . , M, Sandwich. I?- 4 -—'- 4 € OTTO IV ; WARE-ROUSE. WILLIAM 11. KRAIS, E» I U VMNG taken the Warehouse lately occupied b\ .1 h \\ Harper, uppi r end, Houtli sixle ol broail Street, ibr the recep tion of 1 1 vnomcE , And the ftaus.'iefion of Comiuis.siou Business generally, hopes, that its convenient ac, cuaimodution, and his own unremitting attention, may ens .rc him a share of Pub lic patronage. September o——... oawif FtilSSil Imported Goods AT SAVANNAH. fcewge VV - k uc, f» wow orr.wixfj An Extensive Assortment of Suitable for the approaching Season, —COWSISTIAii; Os White Welch Plums Hlue and mixed do London Dnfiil lllanktts Rose and Point do Heavy Colton Hugging lilack and colored Hombazelts Fine worsted Hosiery Merino and lamb’s wool Hose Snpeifine white Ffahnol Hlue, red and yellow Flannels Tartan Plaids Superfine wide lilack Bombazceus Flag Handkerchiefs Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres Pel.c.e Cloths Brussels ami Vcnilian Carpetings Heart a Rugs Domestic P'uids siiul Stripes Ozi.iilru rgs Irish ams German Linens 'i’orioise she ll Combs Plain black Nankin Crapes Mandarin Crape Dresses ■ W ilh a variety ot oilier nttie.l. s tuLt.a a.,. t;.„.,..1- .... “•.•A.mmodatuig terms, tit llte cotter of H.ditgioon and Barnard streets, for cash or approved paper. October 2U 1251) A tli 11 inistratov’s Sale. GRF.KAHLY to an Order of the Court (if Ordinary, of Richmond county, «ili be sold on the first Tuesday in January next ; at the Market-House, in I ite City of Augusta, I lie iNEWROES belonging to (ite Estate of Major Ferdi naud Pliinizy, late of said county, dec’d, for (lie benefit of the heii sand creditors— The Rale will continue from day today, until afi ate sold; and the teunswiil be made known at (lie : iine. .wax rnwr/r, Acting administrator of the Estate o F. Phinizy. O ctoher 2 C J, 1821 tds a. waashmr7 ME ii CU.IXT TJIILOR , I) All-BRPnOTFULI.Y informs his custom ers and the public generally, that lie con tinues to carry on ms business in Cantu lou’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, nea” ly opposite The City llotef, He feels thankful for past favors, and solicits : : lie pledges himself that his Work shall not he exceeded by any done in this city, and will constantly keep on hand, C\oU\r, CftssmvtTts aiuA Y PS VikMfS, OF THE BF.ST QUALITY; Which he will sell, and make'ttp on moderate terms. Vork and Pnilad-lphia I'.lSli:U. VS. < let obep 2‘ ’— —t f Administrators 7 Hale. Will be ‘Old on I lie tenth day cf Hcceird/er next, at the lute residence of Col. John Foster, dec in Columbia conn ly, a part of the personal properly of said dcceas"d, consisting of the present crop of Corn, Fodder and Oats—the s ock of Morses, Mules, Cattle and Hogs—Hu; household and kitchen furniture, planta tion tooh, an excellent and new patent running g- erof a gin, and a fifty saw gin ne'arlv°n'ew, together with a number of articles ton tedious to ennnierale —andth? tfrrris will be very accommodating to purchaser’*. Elizaimtli Foster, Adm’x. Arthn.,-!ni S A(lm , rs Collier roster,; Octolv.” 25 at,ls lie sate wid run.iliac fiomdayto nut 1 th whole is sold. Noveml>er 15 V» e r.le anthorized to announce Major S'aniiie 1 I ark, *sa Gandi date for the Offices of Clerk of the Stipe or, and Inferior, Courts of Richmond c oulily, at the apprnaching eVction. 2V otice. \\ e are authorized to state that Capl EDMUND HUGO will be a candidate foi Tax Collect oral the ensuing Election. To the Public in General. fjniir, undorsignal with pleasure an al nouttet sto the public, that lu; did vommente o» Hie 2d of Ally last, to erect a town named Hambuig, in South Carob , mi, opp’ Site Atigiistn, on the Savanna!) r.ver, and lias succeeded with die aid and assistance of his friends, to erect 78 build ings ; among <* hicli there is a ware h use ui 5U by dt/U feet, fi.i-coltimand tobacco; a'so a spacious, and convenient building 50 by ro feet, for a public house, and a nn:u her of spateinu! stores, some of which are 40 by 60 fi it, all nf wliich are calculated for il ffiMil branch ’s of business. The store* ,0.1! ware hou*e are troir 2 10 8 feet the v.c-i of ’he streets in Augusta, a.«l tfbnsidcred pc ilcetly safe f,nm all da mages of>lreslit s. The ware-house ranges up and down the river, with: 80 toed, of the rive bank—SuStoresur, fronting the uare-liousc, ,n the same dir.cion, lu tween which th neis a street nl 200 feet, mi nted fu. a market-street. By tin coirtirnction ot the w ue hotise there will no expenso of dtavs.,e. Them is a good mid safe boat landing at present, and sub stantial wharves will ere long he ercctea to facilitate the loading ami unloading of boats. the ware house is also can* direct free from all danger of fire—ai d two more are now building of the same di meiisiors, ami in the same direct ion on die bank of the river, in which there are cV partmenls calculated foi clos** storage of Salt, Groceries, I on, fee. There is also a Posi-Oflicc’ established, on* of which lettcig can be recti* t d < arlior than in Au gusta, and winch-will be kept open two hours later than the oilier* there, which will aflotdgrcat convenience to merchants, as they can answer their letters bv the return mad. There will he also he a sav ing of s.ihsai Auction of 2 toil p e f ccm. less than in dngnsta. The rate- ( f storage of Gotten, I'o.iaccu fee. is aln.iit hall' the rates ns charged i t /(ngusla. In rboutone r of a mile from tin river, the ground elevates about 60 feet, which al lords lifiinlsi'inc and In a.tb.y siination.s for suininer residcoct, on which there are u ntnnber of springs of as good water as lids country affords. 2500 hales of cot ton have been purchased and stored in the ware-house IV* <m.29d*,. <VfrhTtA ci,, a 1 .. .an pj >‘ f i iff** t i)tCGi SOivl 111 plO ■ portion. Tin to is also commenced a spa cimis huiidii'g csiicnlal. d for a church, to which a libera! stun has already Uccu sub scribed. As Hamburg will attract the attention of the oiii/.eiii of South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee, and naMre hav ing done mnc.b for it; if assisted by art, the undjrsigred has not 'he smallest doubt it will become a place of great im portance. Henry Shultz. N. If lie Editors ot all dm papers in Soulli-Caroiina, also, those in A tig us 1 a and Nivannah, will ioseit the above three turns and forward their accounts to me in Hamburgh for payment. H. S. November 26-——fit Vs. 11. Turpin Has recently received a fresh tupply «f Genuine .MtiAVciwus, VtVmifi, DV\, Which he assures his friends and the üblic lie is determined to sell as lose as hey can ho procured in the city November 1 w4l For Balc, Pint y...m- wfll br'.l't HO.IP. F,S, five ar.d six years old— Map a good family HORSE and GlG—Apply t* l the Glebe Tin crn. Oct, 22 »f Savannah Ami Augusta Stage. !!■', of the Any osta line of .8, ‘d'.gcs caution l:aveilets from taking s: s lietwecn the es’ablisbed offices, wit,bout having their names inserted on die way bill. A practice has hitherto ex isted of sufienng persons to enter the s*age, to the grenr inconvenience o 4 'those w'lo have taken regu’ar seat-;, a id which yields no profit to H e proprietors. IT cannot be allowed for die future. The greatest attention will be paid to the nc comodadon of the regular pas-engers; .lilcli consideration Hoes not admit of the carriage being overcrowded by inter, lopers. Nov. 12—ts To Kent, r, M’f.F ;md Dm...rinp ;I ; is l , to whah ave at each’d three and an "all acres of Laud. 'Phis house is in the lower part of the city, on Kilts street, and is every wav desira »le as a residence for a private family Immediate possession "ill Pe given,—Apply to IV’.hiam IV. Holt, I'srj. or to TV’iftli <lns Waru, Executor nf II m. Jiucon. November 3——if. Laud for Sale. ¥11 J, be sold a tract of I,AND, con taining upwards of 40t) aers, on Sa "nnnah River, 22 miles above Augusta, in ','olii:ri!>ia comity, on the road lea ling •■-om the Court House to Edgefield Court If any verson wishing to pnr base can view the premises, and know be terms hy applying to t.ther of tin; sub •cfibers, on the premises VV. & K- II- Meriwether. November a—-lawfiwpd ------- - —* 1 r GI-ODK TAVKKN AND SAVANN Vil AM) WESTERN STAGE OFFICE, W. SHANNON, R kSFKG I ITLI.V acquaints his friends ami the puh.ii* tlui hoissr has 'under gone a tlun-uugh repair, and Unit it wil! :dlml to Board is, a,.’. Travellers, are cepuon s- eondoMatile as any other Kylnb- * tishnifiTt (.f the kind in the .Suthcrn States. I fie Globe Is Situated on Broad Stru t .n Hie very e.iuler of the City a:,d offers peculiar auvandigcs to die I’lanter, audio Mm ot business generally. His stables are f.n n;rlu*d with die best ot provender, and with lailhlu! and alien live hnsliers. He mj’y solicits i'rom the pub lie dial propoition of paironage widen h s attention to husiuers and to the comfort ol hit) customers may i ntiile him to .\ l.itei’i v, Goiuou'i'cisl nu.l I’olitica KEAiMNU UOOM, M di be sl'ortlv opened for she accotrv modulion i t nis customers. October, 1.5 if NET AI.VV i’. \ JAMES BALL, lIIiF.SI’I'CTI'Uf.LA’ ii fi.riT's his friends and the public, dim he has tak. 11 Ids for- , trier 91 aml hack of (In; Bridge Rafik, and ' hopes Iron) lus duo attention to business 1 mat lie will bo patronized by a I public, lit also informs the public dial his house shall he kepi in such style as ill make il cim.iut iahle to tb 'S ; win will give him a call •nod that it shall not he tesor- ' ted to iiv characters who w ill not respect ' die limise. 8‘” '. ..iljcr X (f FUli SALE. «SV Gveni V»avgT\\n. suhseriin r off* rs Ihr sib; her plan fl tali n In Burke county, the. late re- ; siilcnce ot Dr. Ton as Eeavut, die, con taining 650 acres, more or le-.s, lying near TVsyn s i 'rough, and well adapted to the ell '1 are Corn, Cotton, and grain of ( very I.'ltd, ar. inl'oi’Uble d bwwn’ag 'a ■‘uv'ge'firw gin house and gin. I’ayiu ’ms made easv, and possi s on given die first ol'.lanu;v v, 1522, i.nd it tcq'iirtd the pur. chaser can lie snplied \vi*h corn, f.idder and stock of all kind , on the p' einises.— For fu:ther pauirolars, enquire of the subscriber on the promises. Fli'/ii A. S(CuviU, adm’x. Atiiil 19 m9m ! For Sale, j Si HAT *v.ll known c.H viilual.lft pl:m- ! taliou whereon William lone*, deceased, lived in the county of Burke, coiiuctting Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hiekoiy land, and i honi two iiutulred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton. On the above pin misestheie is a good two story house, and aM -.ther necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist J.ltll on a never failing stream —tlirce hundred acres more < spine (and a’.joining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acf' S cleared. We deem u further ties 1 criplinn niKtecessary, but invite all those j persons who v isit to purchase a vahtanht ; place, to come and view the premise* and judge f e themselves. For further puru, j ctilara apply to j Augustus M. Anderson, 1 Isaae Walker, AdrriniMraloisol the estate of Wm. Jon-is. Nov 1- NS —H TJic House ami I>ot, on Broad and Lincoln streets, are now offered for sale, it will bo in the nv'J-ket until the 25th day of De cember, at which time, if n it sold, it will Oc withdrawn and will not he offered a gain. The situation of the properly is pleasant a"d healthy, its fron* is 180 fee* ' and rsins back to Ellis street ICO feet. For the terms anplv to Win. A'Cobl), lly Ins Age tit, I Thompson. November 26 Lands Mills rrxnr, su' scrilH r otfets for ssle his plan-' *J fttiori on both sites of V. illiamsou’s Swamp Creek —lt is supposed to Contain 500 C acres, but was originally surveyed for 4000; and has opon it two Grist Mills and one Saw Mill. Forfurthe,’ nartieultirs apply to rnv brother. .Major Nidmrtl U L-ing, of Wilkes county, or to me upon t!ie promises John Junius Long. Washington county, > Nov. 12, 1821, S Ts Land for sale. THE snlccij!-'— offers for sale, a vain able Ttact o ( Land,lying on F’sh ! t:g.o”eek, f-inccln count v, c'.i'i’.'niug 62J .acre*, hav ing mi »T a good dwcltihg h-ius-*, gin hoiine, and »!l other nee-szary Su’l lings—a cot. si let able, part ot the fard in cultivation,is fresh, and under good fence. !l will he sold very low for cash—hut if preferred, a credit ufo ,e or t*v<> years will oe given; Enquire of the snb wriber living in Gosh en, Lincoln courtly. Jitinct?. E. To?ld, Mr' it f trJohn AV. 11 . n. October 22 w'i w-ar'T i sari aarswwMe*x*sSxzr*Lti m—n, w ,„ mmtmmmmrnß- Georgia, Jiiclimoml Hnpcriop Court, November 'i'cvw, 1821. I resent Hit* lion. .Tuns H. ■•lldgo. The Hank i.f'j th? State of Georgia, j * As appiccs of Harm, 1 Petition for Fee. k M'Kinne, k olosne. vs. _ | Ailum Hutchison, and ) ItTUf Lois of i.U1.l J AT;./-;, visr, IT S- PriN (lie Petition of the PlanterV ol the Stale i I' Georgia, piarlncr Un> foreclosure oftlie I'apiitv of l! domp tom in ami tulWlots ol J .and, iying-und being in the cdy of Align-hi, & cm;mv ami stale aforesaid, known In die plan n's I. i% out at the upper end of Hi*o»d-Sir-!H, in Daniel Sutras, Sm-vevor General, ot, Hie tvvcnly.ciglii.h day of PcbnwW, c,.di. te<n bundled and eigbe.-n, ami Kin*; o„ tlie smith side of 11.-imd-Siren, t ' s lieis nine, ten, eh \en and twi ve, con' -in. intr .*«ct» thirty feet Loot . n said itiou i. oil net, and extending hack to Isiha .-ii* e as by reference to said ;>'yw-it more fully" ajijnai'j u’hich said four mu- of land wn <s mortgaged by V-hun Hutchison, p.n, lii>t day of .Inly, one thousand ciyiit bu;.- died and eighteen, to Ilarna Mdvume, *i«l ' *’. v rn "l damn M'Klnne asslp cml t»>. the* i said Planter s II ank, on tint iwt nty-niatfx day of,lnly, »ne thousand oip-tit Immlre-l ami nineteen, on which nt»>i•);•«; i; iiura is now due twelve hundred and sixly-sc ven dollars and a half, with jnieirst. And row at this term, nnnti motion of Thomas Phiarnoy, in bahalf of said I‘atilr, It iv vvruilit, I hat the principal, inieVest and costsuh t upoi the sail! mortgage, b.s paid nnlo court, within t a <lve months front tli • dn'i hereof, or 11. c I .fin' I s > f llodempiion in the said mortgage i pn> nt's'.'.s will he lo; »dosed, and the saini; ,-ir. postal of as the law dirvet*. . n,l itis< /wilier onlvreif. That this Wole he pol - h .iicrl m one of the public Ha*, tie.-, of* tins Stale at least once in ever) inhti li, *****il Ido li :io appointed for pavinnu, or soi ted on die mortgagor or his sp, <-af an,on*, at h ai-t six moths previous,- io die lllllC Up- m-uwrj v<(r i7ir rfl nulm.j John H Mann, J’k. fltent’s Oiiice, 13th N- v. hdf I’ji.i ijicati **/i. ratlin piihm: are hereby not.tied, that 0 Captain .lames V» are, ot 'he county ol'Amio rl, am! State of Virginia, m np poinied one Principal Afreet fur dir mid dle, eastern and nor'lie't. Slates) .a. [,d nuind Pucker, csij. of liulhei tonic uoty* State of Tenneasee naa been appointed one Principal Agent foriite southern ami w n.lern St vies.—Ah I.icenscato Kmli, .’a Patent Jlailea x signed ty either id nr* singly, or |,i one peilie.ial Myei>t,o r 'lreSU liordiiintc ntjeri's appointed b\ tin m, op by us, shad im r ,f sign-t, v j> i, ~f ua.. Nielson C. Dawson, Ambrose Hucker, Paiua eta. Novemher 12 ■ wßw a 6O Ifewa^d. S'nl! UN firm a et.rMmpeil at , the foot of the Sai d Hills, on the night ol* j the 6lli instant, a largo bright *<•..•• el • Horse; no nmrl.s o” while hairs on hjrra I recollected, if* is about five years . Id, j Ims a large bushy tail, and long n.uue; lis about five feet one inch higi; shod all [round. The above reward will be paid for the Apprehension of the Thief will* tbe Horse, or Ten Dollars for tho horse; alone. Apply at the Globe Tavern,or to Win. A. Cofil), Fort Creek, Hancock County, Geo, Nov 22 1»‘ ' Vo a tiJiLh. Negro AVommi with two Cliil* dreii; she can he recommended as a ftr»6 rate Cook, a food Washer and Irorer. James Jdlihsom.l Nov. Vi- if ~(P“ i lie o!^ fers for sale Ins ItE.U. VU'JVMi'Fh upon Washiiigton-street, extcr.i,liu;,;Vo'rt Mr. Joseph Danfortii's Ixn to tne come upon I’.eynoh! street. JRobert Wiiymoiid Kcid. September -M Administrators nsde. J If,*, be s-dal to the highest bidder afe 'be lionsc i, f Landeis, late ol Lm rol,. county, deceased, (.u tlic last Jaj*f?.r Docember next, ail the personal property of said deceased, coiivsin.g (, f stock of* larigus kinds« also (be pijn.ation ‘ools, household and kitchen finnitnrc, wiih i(n pi i sent crop of corn, fodder fti.d c-it ■ ton, and hnmliy other things too tedious t<> ine-iiiiyn. Terms made kubwn on lira day of sale. i Jtflm H. Wtilki’r, ailm ? r. Noveniber I-— l —3* Admuiiktrsitor'si teuio. k tlie first *!undsy in .lannary nc’ct; v. ill be sold »t Lincoln r "in. nouse, ««« Negro (Ivrl named Air propeity of Aachariab McKinney, dvc- late ol Lincoln county, sold agreeable ><* *'l order ot be court of Ordinary ot aid county, tor tins benefit of the uri’i-s. T-rnis made known on Lie dav of sale. John McKinney, Travis WcSvimn- y* *hjiniuittrutotji : November 12——'r3m