Newspaper Page Text
Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette.
I frksh
kported woods
H AT savannah.
I Geuvge W.
Hi intensive Assortment of
■ t liOOihS,
;a ble for the approaching Season,
■V'lite Welch I'iah.s
Hjlii.c and mixed do
■ j, on -! mi Diiftil Blankets
Hltaw and Point do
■ jl.o'y Cotton Bagging
jj,j k and colored Biui.bazeUs
H fine worsted Hosiery
■ ); t -iino and lamb's wool Hose
■ Sup : fine white Flannel
H Blue, red and yellow Flannels
■ 'j'artan Fluids
I Superfine wide Black Bombazeens
■ pi a .; Handkerchiefs
■ Snpeifine Cloths and Cassimeres
■ Felice Cloths
H d Venitlan Carpetings
■ Hurt h lings
■ Domestic Plaids and Stripes
■ Ozuaburgs
HjiW-iand German Linens
■ T.tKoise shell Combs
Hp ;.m black Nankin Cranes"
Crape Df ‘.. ; s - s ;
jHf.'.avatit-.y of <>t ;cr which
SH -ale on accommodating te’-ms, at
Hc-wcr of though’on and Barnard
fur cash or approved paper.
H .er 29 t2SD
Hl ( Ke*\7Ac Wc-imocW
He received, by the ships Ogletnorne
Ha Emily, from Liverpool, and hue
Hiuis from the north, an expensive
Haply of
Hisli, French, India & l)o
--| lues tic
I Hardware.
Hick they offer to country merchants
Hkmost reasonable t enns
Hwember 12 »2m
H Notice.
Hw.Co-partnership heretofore exist-
the firm of F. C. Taylor Cc Co.
Hmuiual consent, dissolved on the
Bdib/cif August 1 ist,
■ F. G.Taylor,
I iioxter GSiupim
■ !! Business hereafter win be contia-
P F C Taylor.
if. tiyiia^isii^
fcsPF.CTFULLY informs his custom-
Ban 1 the public generally, that tie con-
Bestii carry ou Ins business in Cant?
HsCrick Sloie, in Broad Street, near
■Mp.isite the City Hotel, He fuels
■Klin lor past favors, and solicits
■■nuance : be jiledgvs himself that hr-
BidiulJ not be exceeded by any don
B'diy, and will constantly keep or
®o\l\s, (h\s aimers auCi
I ‘ ’Veslinas.
I '
K'iucli he will sell, and make up on
derate terms.
■ k anti Phiiadeblriu I\l'illOXS.
October 2.: —•£-/{’.
I. WING taken the Warehouse lately
wpied By .1 &. \V Harper, upper end,
at!»side.ol’Broad Street, for the rccep
And the f t austt. lion of
('om mission lousiness
Merrily, hopes, that its convenient ac-
Mimodation, and his own unievnitiing
Mention, may ensure him a share o t Pub
September C———oawtf
bgar, Coffee, Wine, Al
monds, and
a AMDS prime Muscovado Sugar
5 Pipes L P p Madeira Wine,
15 qr casks do
“* half qr casks do
<5 bags Coffee,
Bnrvi fresh Shell Almonds,
w superior Spanish Segars, in boxes
coiilalning iGO each
. pipes and 7qr casks Corsica Wine.
c " oa/e by
John Kinnev, jr.
29a , t s
Job Printing
Executed at this Office
CVOU 36. j■ . Tliursday, S'" le m en do, lives after them; *> _
C'Tlie good is oft interred with their bones. !> WfcCfciiibe.r 6, ISSV, [JVfcw SeTUs—X 0 .16.]
3 wevl, w\be\\, * Co.
Opper Ming- f t ; „ 7/ 9 < e /
Staple #T Fancy
Ob FEU, common and low priced, black,
blue and mixed cloths !k Cassimcres,
Super ami Common Valencia, Toilanette,
Swansdown and Marseilles Vestings,
bombazetts and B -mbuzines,
■'ati Flannels and Oil Cloths,
Nautili and Canton Crapes, all colors,
Indian do. white, black Green,
iuper hglit and dark prints and chintz
Silk ami cotton flag ha’ dkercliief',
Cambric cravats, white, spotted, figured
and checkered,
4-4 h 6 4 cambrics, and c..mbric and com
moa dimoties,
2 Casts 4-4 Irish Linens,
1 do. Super brown do.
Turkey red, blue, Mudrass and Polycat
Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric
l.oiig Lawns, Russia and I>isb Fdapeis,
Dogskin, liu ksiu, anti B. aver G.oves,
La-iies dicssed and undu ssed kid do.
Scarlet embrodered moiines,
-Marseilles quilt counterp.ns 4 4 rpnire,
Sewing sil. s, black, white,, blue
a id assorted colors,
Cotton curds, bails and t. ’ c-nos,
Emeu tapes, hp. ads bobuius,
Darning anu (loss cotton,
Willow flats and millineUs,
Suspendeis, children’s si-cks,
Cavs mere, inci .no and silk si-awls,
din 11 L< Imitation Tucking k sale combs,
Pearl, Ivo.y and Horn I’oexel ditto.
Ribbons. —..-i extensive usso. uncut of all
Fluids, Striped, figured and plain,
Plain and pearl edged Taflety liom No 1
lo 2i,
Silks, I. vantinea, Florences, Satins, Sin
shews and barsenelts, plain Ik figured
of various colours,
Silk Lace, plain ami figured,
Silk lace edging, black and white,
Silk hosn, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black
and white, plain and figured,
Silk and 'Tabby Velvets, various colors,
S,dk iace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs,
Elegant ueod.ewoik muslin robes and
walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol
lars, very rich,
Low priced needle-wouk, tambored and
embroidered do.
Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces
and Inserting Trimmings,
Worked muslin Bands or Co.aretts,
thread Luces, a good assortin' nt, cheap,
Jet Eardrops, Snap--, Clasps, Hooks and
Eyes and N i kiarcs,
Gilt Neclsces.C asps a-al Snaps,
Pearl, ivory, silk undtlneul, shirt, sus
penders and vest buttons,
Wallaces extra gilt and coronation coat
and vest bu'i ns,
Soper Scissors and Chains for do.
ag .uin Bonuin and common Razors nnd
Sportsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives,
playing Cards and Dressing Combs.
Durable Ink and Osnaburg '1 bread,
Domestic i’lnids. Stripes, Checks, Shirt
ings nil! Sheaiings,
Bandbox* s, bv 'lie dozen nr package,
tv hitttmore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, Sec.
Straw Bonnets.
20 cases of v*.ry super.or Straw Bon
us, Bands, and Trimmings, of various
■atterus, such as bell cowns, double
es, round fronts, cuivage si.apc, &.c
--u% —cbea for the quality.
The abort; goods a -e offered at whole
.lean reta.i ioi c.sli, or on lime let up
.•rove*; paper* Regular supplies will be
.eceived from our partner in New Ymk,
which will enable us to ha - c constantly on
Rand ige' c al assw tm -.nt of fresh season*
abb Guous; and the patvoiuge \vr
have received the jear pas'-, we nr*' in
dact-e. to believe we have sold, and sli -h
continue to sell at least i.s cheap as ou
nci; 1
iV.ii ember 8 if
. .
u. HEOo-nnr'.ncrshiu heretofore existing
Ui.uer the firm oi ,41’Lures Ca Jlotl, is this
day diasoi-.c ! by limitation. 'I he unset
tied business of the concern, will !'• at
tinda ito by Mr JohnS. IR<H, \vhc w.k
be found generally at the Compting i.o,v
or Ware H mse of the iate firm.
V. *; return our sincere thar.ks to our
friends and the public for the liberal sup
port they have given us, ui d liojie thg..
successor, Mr. J. S Holt, willconuu t.s to
. nj.jy an equal slnre oi public palionage,
in the
rommisskm B isin- ss.
It is (l.s.ralile to have the afldus.of ih 0
iutr firm rvttied without delay, aid w*
In re‘ore solicit th"se who are uidebb*.
ttnakt payment; and those who have
, vilcuiaud against die laic concern, t*
present them for s iiR menb
Joliu S. iiolt.
November B—-8t
At P. ivata Hale,
A NT CRT WAN, a good boat hHP J J
aged about 23 years— titles indisniitabb
Terms 6 inonihs credit, tor a note with
approved endorsers.
1 Thompson.
! November 29 3,t \
Cotton, Stock,
A 3511
r subscaiber Ik*s taken an rffee in
-2. the budd itig iutiV occupied by
Messrs Stewart St Hurgi ves, on the n* rib
s; de of Broad ft reef, ••n-u.siic to the p.isti.
Oflici—wber, he eff'T his st- vices i,
the above business, and hopes, by strict
personal attention, l > obtain r.c patron
age of ids In. il ls a-.d l -.e public.
’i'he great ficihiu-s afforded by brokers
mi cmiiinercia.u, * . . isg-uieral t ,ivndcr
it loin irk.iule that • atn linuis o. Au
- uaiaaiid l he plu u,. i,.v< lo.ig .-.ustuiu
el Ur; • In, ii g none, an i
particularly aCot >n >«,«■ »t In almost
et ery other Cotmn in., t : iur.u.scss is
jinucipaUjt done b. >■(!< j; htuci
Uu- ease, c-r‘a-.hy i,nd .spa-ch vnh it s ecaued. ‘I. e save sysitu
is p.ufrctU ji.nv.i < blel-er-. Tb, mer
chant, by apeiyiag at ■he office i-l the sub
scribei, m luu s. if the
, 'rouble o( sainj e g his c.. tun and ooking
u< t i u purciias r-
I -tiger involved in .!■ubt. and d.fii-julty to
ascertain the true stale of the n .uk. t,
nor subject hints, 'f to the caprice of hi-,
war, speculator— and the jmreuaser will
at all linnlcnaw wh it to resotu lor eut
-1 I a* flu j
Office lieguiaiiriiis relative lo
t oltou.
Ist- la order lo gi*e ume ftp sampling,
citizens tine c .u'oii n quested to
hav, lit"ware-house receipts by cignt
o'clock, a. m.—fi -est latei titan nine, sales
c: limit he realized till the succeding day
I more convemeut, the receipts may be
e-.c.t 3-d in a letter of i .sir,tel tons, and
droppel in the ict,er box tue night jj!c
2 t Oo'ton w ill he sampled and pu ce’v
ed f. .in wagons till ten o’clock, a—
if offered after that hour, sales canit. I be
eraltz .d till next day.
3d Warehouse expens s will invariably
be deducted from the account sales.
4th. bates u til commence at leu o’clock
and close at lwt?lve, a m.
sch. Persons choosing to limit and litn-
Ring higher tlia.i the mark, t, will have
their icceipts ieturned ihetn on paying
by cents fora bag entry an Isam, Rug.
but. Cotiiitiissious on talus, 2d cents a
Orders from the country, t n
closing the <•- arclio: so receipts, will be
promptly executed.
ktock Kxcliongc ami
r 5
In their I anuas Branches,
Will be aitmided to at till iivc- fhu-ing of
fice hours, which will be from eight o’-
clerk a. m till two o’clock i*. . and from
tinea o’clock 'II ,'iv. m, m.
John Kinney, janV.
(Fj 3 Money is s unei-.nvs w< nli more
ih in at i, lies Pci's uis having it to loan,
m.y, in the strictest confidence, avail
thcntrel, cs nf the advantag* s of the inar
ke*. by applying at ti e above office.
November 8 f
tVotUi & iV.wtt,
A few dot ■ s above rite Planters’ Hotel,
Have just uni are nuvj offering Jor
rah , at Wholesale or he’aH.
An Extensive Assortment of
Try i«((uds
15000 p.hirof Fashionable
Boots and Sli cs,
OiViiffvi’cHt kinds.
By the Box and Wire.
r ] in and Bew ter 'A arc
Manufactured by :hem as usual.
As one of'the firm resides in New-Vopk
tfiey intend at alt times t*i have their ««-
:u-nc c uigdele. (Jouutry Merchants
‘-•id '-'fitders can at all times be tupplied
the v s l , aeount'iv'dating tern.s
n v .r- 6t
ii in key to isutc.
5? fX Iliad W-iskev of good quali.y,
UW t ,,r cun]l. j
By I. Thompson.
_ D -r 3
V aiuAuly, I’aopcvlNj tiv
I'liF, s .bscriber wishing to close Id
k c- I. cents in this State, offers for sul.
t tract of iand in Jefferson county, co i
taming o e ih msaud seven hundred am.
3 »x• y acres, or upwatds.—lt is wclludap*
:o to the culture of cotton and corn, and
as an elegant site thereon for a saw a d
griat mill—its contiguity to Augusta ami
Louisville, renders it an object to purcha-.-
rs. The terms will be moderate for
’ash, or cotton at the market price, v
he deliv. red in Augusta or Savannah.—
’>r terms apply lo Mr. George Twiggs
ar Augusta.
Levi Twiggs.
Dererrber 3——’f
v v F, are authorized to state that Capt
EDMUND BUGG will be a candidate sot
Tax Csliuctor at tbs ensuing Election.
T.dwtA. 3. llimWn, eo.
Arc now receiving (at the next door ba
ler the R idgi: Bank) a variety of
Handsome staple anti Fancy
mtr ooons;
runic is A*ia»mg tuam —
PKRPIXE Blue, Black and
Golouis liloths & (Jussimen-,
Valencia Vestings,
4 -i Irish Linens,
Merino s ; awls and Mantles.
•Back & colored French crape dresser
Do Nankin do Jo ) Very
1) (• pu in Nankin do 5 F.tic,
Vet-) fine b!a.;k Homtsamc,
H i .Jiomc fumitiire Chintz,
Thread, Laces and Edgings,
B >b nolle do.
I.iron Car. brics,
l ong Lawns,
Pia.u and Figured dean Lawns, and Imitutioi) cambric Hhk’s
Rial India and other mu alius.
Womens’ anil Mens’ Black and white
English silk hose ai d Gloves,
Caroline Plaids, i/c. Uc.
5 H'iils. coniainir.L very handsome PLAIN
and CU'l' GLASS,
20 Grates wed Selected Crockery, with a
a .urge and complete assortment of
Choice Groceries.
D -cenih* r . 3*
Coffee, iVhGkeij,
\\ iuc, tuid
fa , r A U
X P '.Hz prime (liv cn Conee,
li. .'1 C* S>M U? 111 ’L r li’ V
40 B .Is. 5 Ht ,
2 I ipes B-;-r iy,
6 (i.. Casks .Malaga Wine,
1. y ' as I; ■ (in es ,
On Consign ah nt- for sale loitt, by
T. ii. Gordon.
.Inslcy linage.
December 3 3t
E. Daggett Co.
C Opposite the Planter's Hotel J
'ARDS Domestic Sliiil- I
10,000 do do f-lieeting,
101)00 do do Plaids,
5000 do Bleached Shirting,
20-J'J do Steam l.ouin do
2000 Pair N.-grow Shoes,
—A 1.30
A good assortment of West.-ludia
Drccmber 3———4 t
Oranges and Lemons.
-fV FEW thousand of superior quality,
jus', received and for sale corner of
Centre and Ellis streets, by
WiiUaiu Jackson.
Dec .3 ‘'l
Mi Dulls Reward.
-A,HSC’ONUF.D nn llic 2ni. -ilum.i, two
Negro Slave-, v<z : J.M and SUCKEY
Ins wife, .lIM .s a likely stout, abl ■ fel.ow,
about 35 years old, five feel six or eight
inches high broad nose thick lijts, one of
uis uriper irctli out, turns his foes consi
dorabiy ouiway when walking, has a great
Coat of a greenish cast, sneaks whit con
s-.doiable sense when spoken to, lie is an
excellent Butcher, and probably will at
tempt to pass as a (ice man, or as the pro
perty of some other person. SURREY
is about twenty-eight years old, comiriuu
fi ight, si-aider to,ule, large cheek bones,
rather a thin visage, light complected,
has a considetable scar on one of her legs
about the ancle ami is very active, and
pc n t when spoken to
l iie above reward will be paid for the
apprehension oi the said Negroes and
c-.uti'u iu>-nt in any Goal in Georgia or
So ith-Ga olitu, an that 1 get tliem, and
K .llicient proof to convict any peis in for
giving a free pass, or in any o.aimer aid
ing or assisting the übovi Negroes inge'
U-*g off, or Lie sum of Ten Dollars for
either of llwin, or Twenty Dollars for
loti), if they Icav; the m igliborhood oi
Augusta ; they will probably make an
attempt to go to Savannah or Charleston
S C and endeavour to obtain a passage
on board some v< sue!. All persons are
catuiouci from trading wi'-h, or harbor
ing the laid Negro-s -any informatio i
will be received by tlic sub
scrlbor l.ving in Richmond County Geor-
Petir T. Bugg.
December 3 3t
(ij- she Editors of the Savannah Re
p iblicun, and Charleston City Gazette
.- Ri publish -the ai;ovc .3 times weekly,
, 'd forwa.d their accounts to this offic -.
KLDURTOX, Xovjmber 10, 1821
IVvvisiion Orders.
VV ILL!AM JONES, F.sq of l/mcoln
County, is hereby appointed Division ln
•■ectorof the Fourth Division, Georgia
lilitia, with the Title and Rank of Lieu
nanl Colonel, vice Colonel Micajaii
'unly, resigned All officers and private,
m said Division, will respect and obey bin
W iley Thompson,
Maj Gen Com’d’g
November 22 4t
By I. Thompson.
On Tuesday the first
o(‘ January next,
wcraoiT RrsKHVN,
At the Market-House in liu; city of Angus
ta, at 10 o’clock :
Two Prime
Negro Fellows.
Good Boat Hands—Terms Cash.
November 1 —uis
Advances on Cotton.
*. HE subscriber will make advances on
Cotton Consigned to bis friends in savan
John Conuick.
Nav. 26 —3t
CUTLEin; Kc.
3tA\u § TAvos. A. Bones,
Have received jter ships Emily and
1 ';;l.-thorpe, from L.verpopf, a general and
ext.-naive addition to their former stock.
They have also on hand u variety of
other goods vrorby the attention of coun
try M -tchants.
November 29 wfiw
<>reat liargain.
T UK subscriber oitors f.ip sale his pro
pvrty in Twiggs county, situated 18 miles ’
below Fort Hawkins, It lies Immediately
ou the Ociruiljjee river, tout contains 3050 ,
*crts of laud, of a.most excellent quality,
i* being Swamp-hammock ami pine —350
Acres are in cultivation j an lull the build- ’
mgs necessary for pure haser’s taking pos
session, are already upon the place.
There are also 30 negroes, and a consi.
durable stock of cattle, horses and hogs,
which would he sold with the plantation,
if it were required.
The conditions upon which this place
may be purchased, are: one third to be ;
paid at or b* (ore the signing of the deed, i
nnd tint balance by annual! instalments
I he’rafter.
For further particulars, apply to my
brother, A. It. Ralston, in Augusta; or la
the subscriber on the. premises.
David Sialston.
November 29 flslj
Administrator’s Sale.
ILL be sold at the late residence of
Edward Prather, deceased, in Columbia
county, on Fri.lay toe lltli of January
next, all the- personal property of said do
ceas d, consisting of stock of id) kinds
One Waggon and Gear, Lorn a id F»d icr,
Fork, Household and K Ichen Furniture,
!kc. ihe sale to continue from day today,
until all is sold. Also, the Plantation to
be rented and the Negro,s to be hired, at
the same lime and place, for one year.
Terms of sale will be made known on '
that day.
William M ( Grudcr, i
Stephen Hoge, 1
Dec 3 Jldmua■.trutors.
Wanted to Lease,
./V PIEGE of Upland, of good quality,
within five or si* miles from Augusta,
containing one hundred and thirty or fitly
actes, fit for cultivation, and under good -
fence, which, it approved, a liberal price
will be given for. Apply at this Office. I
Dec 3 fit
Georgia, Lincoln County.
'* LI. persons indebted to the estate of ,
William Reynolds, deceased,are request
ed to make payment. Those persons
that have a demand against the said es
late ave hereby no ifi ;d to render them
in as the law directs-,
.Robert Reynolds,
Wiliam Key holds,
Dec 3 3t E.cecttiori
Five Dollars Reward.
STRAYED or Stoicut from the stable of
Mr Alexander U. Ralston, <>n Friday
night, 231 Nov. last, a sorrel HORSE, a
bottt 14J hands high, both ears cropped, i
a blemish in one of bis eje», no marks -
recollected. Any person delivering said i
horse to Mr- A. Ralston, Augusta, or the i
Subscriber, living neat Martintown, South ,
Carolina, Edgefield d strict, receive i
l ie above reward.
Nicholas Fox.
Dec 3 3t
copartnership heretofore existing
i. between M iiliarn an-1 Jarms Shivers,
having this day been dissolved by mtt
ual consent, all persons having claims
gainst the firm, are requested 'o present -
fie same to Win. Shivers, sen. fir pay- 1
m* nt; and ‘hose indebted are desired to -
make immediate payment lo him at the
Old Stind.
William Shivers, sen.
James Shivers.
Warren count-, 17lh >
November 1921. 5 Nov. 59 —3tw
JvisV VuVjU-AumV,
By tiic Gross, I)«>zen or Single
(Qji m m
foh the i K.nt of ouu loud
mm 3
( ulculttfcil by 11. Grikk, // ilkrs Cot/nff/*
Nov. 26
Q UAKiJi Sl‘lUN(ij.
subscriber has that welf
Ji. kn own stand.
Quaker Si-hinds.
UATKLY occupied by Major Durkee,
situated seven miles above Augusta , n
llie VVasbington road and hopes from
lus attention to bus,ness to give general
John Turpin.
November 3 if
fchci*ift”s £uio.
W II,I, he sold at tlic Court-House in
i Warrcnton, on the first Tuesday in Feb ua«
ry next, between ti c hours of bale
3 Negroes viz :—Patience a
f.irl niney mr* ot iif. ( e, K.i il:., a toy six.
and Critty three years old, live be-is mid
bedsteads ami furniture, one mahogany
dining table, four dining table s, ten ctu.irr,
two looking glasses, some Pms Nc be
longing to the Kitchen, on<- they Morse,
' seven years old, one Day Horse, ten years
old, one, cm htdl a d Stands ami
Barrels,four bead of Dry Cattle ; I,
' on to satisfy an Execution on • lie son clo
sure of Mm I gage, in favour of Cliappel
' lloetl), t'» ’I K f>;<■ :itou (i-bfi oi.
Abner Hog rs, *SVff.
Decemhu 3 ——wins
Lost or fctulcn,
I a ROM the subscriber on Friday the
: 23d November last, n Leather I'ockcl
Rook, containing a Note of Fifteen Hol
lars on I'eter Dunlap, and Sundry other
papers and accounts of no use to any per
son but myself—l ike wise my papers of
Freedom, obtained in Lincoln County in
Ibis State.
A Reward of Two Dollars, will be giv.
cm to apy person who will leave it at the
Chronicle Oilice-
Willis Carter.
December 3 2t
In Kquitj.
Agnes Nesbitt, V
vs C
Hugh IV. Nesbitt, et. al. j
iN obedience to an order of the Cotirl
of Equity', will be sold on Tuesday', the
first day of January next, at the house of
Joseph Cairn, on Reach island, on a cre
dit of one y ear, a gang of Negroes, (i uni
‘25 to 30 in number— the cost and fees of
suit in cash and notes, and scctnity will
be required—purchasers will pay lor bills
of sale for the Negroes.
VV hitlield Brooks,
Commissioner in Equity.
Edgefield Court-house, Sept. 27
V WANTED, a lirst rutc
accountant ami Hook Keeper, fin /Inch
liberal wages will be given.—A line act
dressed to C. W. and left al tills otliee,
with good references, will meet with at
tention- Nov. 29 if
NINE months after date application
will be made to the honorable the
uslices of the Inferior court, when sitting
fur ordinary purposes, 'or leave to self
one hundred and fify acres of land in
Hnrke county, adjoining Tindall, S. Jen
kins and others. ALSO,
Two hundred and fifty acres in Walton
county, No. 105, sold for tin benefit of
the heirs and creditors of Solomon Daniel,
3Jarllm Daniel, cx’v.
Burke county, July 6, 1321. n,9m
NINE Months date application
will be made to the honorable the j is'ic-'K
of the Inferior court of Burke county
when silling for ordinary purposes, fin
leave to sell the whole of the real es'ato
of Solomon Daniel, late of said county,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
Britton L. Pierce,
Administrator with the will annexed.
November 15, 1821 m9m
Au. person, to v.lintn tl, e estate of
William Jones, deceased, (dated Binke
county) are indebted to. are requested to
bring their accounts forward, in tei ms of
the law ; and those that are indebted in
the estate, are requested to come forward
and make immediate payment to
Augustus H. Anderson,
Isaac Walker,
November 5- '.f ’