Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, December 10, 1821, Image 1

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    mm ir
■ i-aivsii
■imported Goods
H A AT savannah.
■ GenYge. W. Coe,
H.V; Iv isivc Assortment of
editable for the approaching Season,
—CONSIST)so or—
H White Welch Plains
■ glue ami mixed do
■ X.ondon Duffildllankets
Rose and Point do
■ Heavy Cotton Bagging
H Black and colored Boinbazetls
fine worsted Hosiery
, H Merino and lamb’s wool Hose
H Snpcifine white Flannel
jjiue, red and yellow Flannels
fl Tartan Plaids
H Supeifiue wide Black Bombazeens
Flag Handkerchiefs
H Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres
I Felice Cloths
■ Brussels and Venitian Carpetings
Heart h Rugs
H Deyacstic Plaids and Stripes
■ Ozi.abnrgs
Irish and German Linens
Tortoise shell Combs
Plain black Nankin Crapes
SI Mandarin Crape Drees-s ;
|S Tib a variety of other articles, which
sale on accommodating terms, at
|SH, corner of Broughton and Barnard
for cash or approved paper.
H received, by the ships Oglethorpe
Emily, from Liverpool, and late
s from the north, an extensive
< f
Hjiilisli, French. India & Do
ll. tic
■ Hirdware.
H Which they iffer to country merchants
most reasonable terms
m Notice,
Co-partnership heretofore exist-
the firm of F. C. Taylor & Co.
|Hitny mutual consent, dissolved on the
of August last.
I F. U. Taylor,
K' l c\ lauin,
■j, b. Business heteafter wilfbe coutm-
Hedby _
■ F. C Taylor.
H 1 < 2~~ _
W merchant tailor,
■RkSPF.CTFULLY informs his custom
leisaiid the public generally, that be con
■liiiurs to carry on his business in Cants
Hint's Brick Store, in Broad Street, near
Hh opposite the City Hotel. .He teels
Himkihl lor past favors, and solicits a
Htnnlinuance ; he pleilges himself that Ins
HiVmk shall not be exceeded by any dom
Hiuliis city, and will constantly keep on
BciiiWvs, Cassimcres axxd
ij Y esliugs,
H Which he will sell, and make up on
■ moderate terms.
I Yin It anti t*: 'ilH'l<■ Iphia 'FASJII OA S.
R October 22——ts
1 H aving taken the Warehouse lately
I occupied by .1 & W Harper, upper end,
I South side of Broad Stn ct, lor the recep-
I tioa of
I, And the tiausaction of
r Commission Business
I generally, hopes, that its convenient ac
commodation, ami his own unremitting
mention, may ensure him a share ol Pub
lic pain mage.
September 6 oawtf
Sugar, Coffee, Wine, Al
monds, and
iijlllDS prime Muscovado Sugar
5 pipes L I* 1’ Madeira Wine,
]5 qr i asks do
32 tiaifqr casks do
75 bags Coffee,
17 bbis fresh A'hell Almonds,
SO,Odd superior Spanish Segars, in boxes
con ai ling 100 each
7 pipes and 7 cp’ casks Corsica Wine,
For Sale by
John Kinney, jr.
November 29 ts
Job Printing
A* eally Executed at this Office
Aug iista Chronicle Georgia Gazette.
£YOli, S 4 e men do, lives after them; t
C Ihe good is olt interred with their bones.’* 3
3em\t, $ Co.
U PP er W«ff City Hotel,
Staple $ Fancy
IDjTil (SD(e)i)©,
—viz— 5
0 UPER, common and low priced, black,
blue and mixed cloths & Cassimeres,
Super and Common Valencia, Toilanette,
Swansdown and Marseilles Vestings,
Rombazelts and Bombazines,
Satinnetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths,
Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colors,
Italian do. white, black and Green,
Super light and dark prints and chintz
Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs,
Cambric cravats, white, spotted, iigured
and checkered,
4-4 & 6-4 cambrics, and cambric and com
moa dimuties,
2 Cases 4-4 Irish Linens,
1 do. Super brown do.
Turkey red, blue, Madrass and Polycat
Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric
Long Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers,
Dogskin, Bucksin, and Beaver Gloves,
Ladies dressed and undressed kid do.
Scarlet embrodered inclines,
Marseilles quill counterpins 4-4 square,
Sewing silks, black, white, green, blue
and assorted colors,
Colton cords, balls and threads,
Linen tapes f threads and bobbins.
Darning and floss cotton,
Willow flats and millinetts,
Suspenders, children’s socks,
Cass.mere, merino and silk shawls.
Shell U Imitation Tucking Si side combs,
Pearl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto.
Ribbons —an extensive assortment of all
Plaids, Striped, figured and plain,
Plain and pearl edged Taft'ely horn No 1
to 22,
Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin
shews and Sarsenetls, plain & figured
of various colours,
Silk Lace, plain and figured,
Silk lace edging, black and white,
Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black
and white, plain and figured.
Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors,
Silk lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs,
Elegant need;ew,«rk muslin robes and
walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol
lars, very rich,
Low priced needle-work, tambored and
embroidered do.
Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces
and Inserting Trimmings,
Worked muslin Bands or Coiaretts,
Thread Laces, a good assortment, cheap,
Jet Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and
Eyes and Necklaces,
Gilt Neclaces, Clasps and Snaps,
Pearl, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus-
Wallace's extra girtdnui'ww
and vest buttons,
Super Scissors and Chains for do-
Magnum Bomun and common Razors nnd
strops, .
Sportsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives,
Pl aying Cards and Dressing Combs.
Durable Ink and Osnaburg Thread,
Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Slurt
inirs and Sheadings,
Bandboxes, by the dozen or package,
aV hiltemore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, Ike.
Straw Bonnets.
20 cases of very superior Straw Bon
nets, Bands, and Trimmings, ot various
oalterns, such as bell crowns, double
capes, round fronts, cottage shape, ate
~c. —cheap for the quality-
The above goods are offered at whole
sale and retail for cash, or on time for ap
proved paper- Regular supplies will be
received from our partner in New York,
which will enable us to have constantly on
h and a general assortment ot fresh season
able Goods; and from the patronage we
have received the year past, we are in
duced to believe we have sold, anal s-.-all
continue to sell at least as cheap us our
neighbors r
November 8.- tt
Ko\‘U\ &
A few doors above t he Planters’ Hotel,
Have just received , nnd urc no~ a> offering Jot
sn\', at iVholisale or detail,
An Extensive Assortment of
Dry Goods
15000 pair of Fashionable
Boots ami Slices,
Os dift'i rent kinds.
By the Box and Wire.
Tin and Pewter Ware
Manufactured by them asimal.
\s one of the firm resides in New-\ ork
uiey intend at all times to have their as
-3 ortment complete. Country Merchants
and Traders can at, all times be supplied
’ ( .n the most accommodating terms
Nov. 22 -
WE are authorized to slate
kVmuND BUGG will be a candidate foi
3 Tax Collector at the ensuing Election.
Cotton, Stock,
Exchange Broker.
THE sub sc ji her has taken an oflice in
the building lately occupied by
-Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north
side of it road-street, opposite to the Post
:, Oflice—where be offers his services in
i, the above business, and hopes, by strict
, personal attention, to obtain the patron
age of his friends and the public.
I he great facilities afforded by brokers
in commercial operations generally, render
it remarkable that the merchants of Au
gusta and the planters have long sustain
s cd the inconvenience of having none, and
particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost
every other cotton mart the business is
L principally done by brokeis; and hence
tlie ease, certainly and dispatch with
which it is executed. The same system
is perfectly practicable here. The mer
chant, by applying at the oflice ot the sub
scriber, may hereafter save himself the
trouble of sampling his cotton and looking
up a purchaserthe planter need be no
longer involved in doubt and difficulty to
ascertain the true slate of the market,
nor subject himself to the caprice of the
wary speculator—and the purchaser will
at ail times know where to resort for cot
ton at the market price.
Office Regulations relative to
Ist- In order to give time for sampling,
citizens offering cotton are requested to
leave tire ware-house receipts by eight
o’clock, a, m.—ls left later than nine, sales
cannot be realized till the succeding day
If more convenient, the receipts may be
enclosed in a letter of instructions, and
dropped in the letter box the night pre
2d. Cotton will he sampled and’receiv
ed from wagons till ten o’clock, V m.—
if offered after that hour, sales cannot be
eralized till next day.
3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably
be deducted from the account sales.
4th. Sales will commence at icn o’clock .
and close at twelve, a. m.
sth. Persons choosing to limit and Urn.
•ling higher than the market, will have
their receipts returned them on paying
64 cents fora bag entry and sampling.
6tb. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a
Orders from the country, en
closing the warehouse receipts, will be
promptly executed.
Wtock Exchange and
Jn their Various Branches,
Will be attended to at all times during of
fice hours, which will be from eight o’-
clock a. m. till two o’clock p. m. and from
three o’clock till five p. m.
John Kinney, inn’r.
than at outers it.-- --; T " r
may, in the strictest confidence, avail
themselves of the advantages of the mar
ket, by applying at the above office.
November 8. If
EiVwA. A. Hardin, $ co.
Are now receiving (at ti e next door be
low the B.idge Bank) a variety of
Handsome Staple and Fancy
&UPEUFINB Bine, Black and Fancy
Colours Cloths & Cassimers.
Valencia Vestings,
4 4 Irish Linens,
Merino Shawls and Mantles-
Black & colored French c.-apc dresses
Do. Nankin do do £ t r ery
Do-plain Nankin do 3
Very line black Bombazine,
Handsome furniture Chintz,
Thread, Laces and Edgings,
Hob netle do.
Linen Cambrics.
Long Lawns,
plain and Figured clean Lawns.
Linen and Imitation cambric Hhk’s
li al India and oilier muslins,
Womens’ and Mens’ Black and white
English siik hose and Gloves,
Caroline Plaids, iJc. Sic.
-5 Ilhds. containing very handsome PLAIN
and CUT: GL-VSS.
20 Crates well Selected Crockery, with a
a large and complete assortment of
Choice Groceries.
December 3 3t
Whiskey for Sale.
Hhds. Whiskey of good quality,
low for cash.
By 1. Thompson.
Doc 3 /
VcWuTvblv, to
IMIE subscriber wishing to close his
concerns in this State, offers for sale
a tract of land in Jefferson county, con
taining one thousand seven hundred and
sixtv acres, or upwards. —It is well adapt
cd to the culture of cotton and corn, ami
tias an elegant site thereon for a saw and
grist mill —its contiguity to Augusta and
Louisville, renders it an object to purchas
ers. The terms will be moderate lor
Cash, or cotton at the market price, to
' be delivered- in Augusta or Savannah.—
1 For terms appl. to Mr. George Twiggs,
near Augusta.
Levi Twiggs.
December 3——-tt
jjj We are authorized to
announce Capt. D. BERRV, a candidate
1 for the Oflice of She rift' for Richmond
county at the ensuing election.
... t *
Coffee, Whiskey,
Wlue, vvud
s© n AGS prime Green Coffee,
i 11 I'iercts Si J , vu , e ..p. r
f 40 5 WHISKEY,
> 2 Pipes Brandy,
• ( > Q • C|»ks Malaga Wine,
i 17 Casks Cheese,
t On Consignment- fur sale low, by
T, B. Gordon,
i .Insley Range,
f December 3 3t
i E. Daggett § Co.
! C Opposite the Planter's Hotel. J
1 ’ II WE FOB SAL ft,
• UfOdXD© YARDS Domestic Shirt
'■'S'. I
10,000 do do Sheeting,
10 000 do do Plaids,
5:;00 do Blcoihed Shirting,
2000 do Sumt Loom do
2000 Fair N’gro* Shoes,
—also I
A pood assortment of/West-India
December 3 4t
Oranges and Lemons.
A- FEW thousand -of superior quality,
Just received ams for sale corner of
Centre and Ellis greets, by
’Wiliam Jackson.
Dec 3 ;■
3oVu\ $ T\\ua. «V. Hones,
ii WE received per ships Emily and I
Oglethorpe, frim Liverpool, a general and
extensive addition to their Cornier stock.
They have also on hand a variety of
other goods wjrdiy the attention of coun
try Merchants.
November 29 w6w
Lost !
1 1 1
JL ROM Steam Boat’s Freighting Boat
No. 24.) supposed to have been taken,
through mistake, on 3 BAG of COFFEE,
marked M weighing 168 pounds. Any
information respecting the same, will be
thankfully received by
T. li. Gordon,
Idas ley’s Range.
1j m jpj * ijt 111 * I
The subscriber offers for sale his pro
perty in Twiggs county, situated 18 miles
below Fort Hawkins. It lies Immediately
on the Ocmulgee river, and contains 3050
acres of land, of a most excellent quality,
it being Swamp-hammock and pine.—3so
Acres are in cultivation ; and all the build
ings necessary for purchaser’s taking pos
session, are already upon the place.
There are also 30 negroes, and a consi
derable stock of cattle, horses and hogs,
which would be sold with the plantation,
if it were required.
The conditions upon which this plact
mav be purchased, arc - one third to be
paid at or before the signing of the deed,
and the balance by annuall instalments
T’or further particulars, apply to my
brother, A. U. Ralston, in Augusta; or to
the subscriber on the premises.
David Ralston.
November 29
50 Dolls Reward.
iVnSrONDED on the 27th ultimo, two
N gro Slaves, viz: JtM and SUCKEY
his wife, JIM is a likely stout able fellow,
about 35 years ola, live feet six or eight
inches high broad nose thick lips, one of
ids upper teeth out, turns his toes consi
derably outway when walking, has a great
Coal of a greenish cast, speaks with con
sideiable sense when spoken to, he is an
excellent Butcher, and probably will at
tempt to pass as a free man, or as the pro
perty of some other person. SUCKEY
is about twenty-eight years old, common
height, slender made, large cheek bones,
rather a thin visage, light complected,
has a considerable scar on one of her legs
about the ancle and is very active, and
peart when spoken to
The above reward will be paid for the
apprehension of the said Negroes and
confinement in any Goal in Georgia or
South-Carolina, so that I get them, and
sufficient proof to convict any person tor
' giving a free pass, or in any manner aid
L or assisting the abov* Negroes in get
ting off, or the sum of Ten Do law for
either of them, or Twenty Dollars for
i both, if they, leav-j the neighborhood ol
Augusta: they will probably make an
attempt to go to Savannah or Charleston
S C. and endeavour to obtain a passage*
; on board some vessel. All persons are
, cautioned from trading with, or harbor
ing the said Negrocs-any informal on
will be thankfully. the sub
’ scriber living in Richmond County Geor
g‘a' Peter T. Bogg.
December 3 * —3t
i fTT The Editors ol the Savannah I •
. publican, and Charleston City Gazette,
\ will publish the above 3 times wc. kly.
and fin*. »> d their accounts to tins office.
'■ *" •••■ ih iMi ■ ■ ii i iianiteiaaMmi
By I. Thompson. •
On 1 uesday the first
of January next,
At the Market-House in the city of Augus
ta, at 10 o’clock t
Two Prime
Negro Fellows.
, Good Moat Hands—Terms Cash.
Nov- mber 1 -tds
ti'F.SPECTFULLY acquaints his friends
and tile public that his house has under,
gone a thorough repair, and that it will
ad ord to Hoarders, and Train Hers, are
ception as comfortable as any other Estab
lishment of the kind in the Solhern States
I he G obc is Situated on Broad Street
in the very center of the City and offers
peculiar advantages to the Blunter, and to
Men of business generally.
His stables are .furnished with the best
ol provender, and with faithful and alien,
live hostlers. He only solicits from the pub
iic that proportion of patronage which Ins
attention to business and to the comfori
of his customers may entitle him to.
A Literary, Commercial and Politic al
Will be snortly opened for the accoin.
niodation of his customers.
October, 15. if
Fitly j Woods,
Nuv. mh, 1821.
WILL be sold at my house, at Public
Auction on the tenth day of January next
( f not sold at private sale before dial
day,, all my LANDS, lying in Edgefield
District, on Guffee Town Creek, comaii*
1838 Acres, 1300 acres of
Land,whereon are iwo (. isi Mills, 0..e Saw
Mill, good buildings, good water, 150
acres in cultivation, io goou repair, gr, at
part fresh land. 'Pile pine land lies eight
miles from Cambridge, on the main road
to Augusta, and an excellent stand for
public business, good buildings and wa
ter, ami orchards, to be sold on one,
two and three equal, annual instalments
On the same day will be sold, stock of al
most every kind, household and kitchen
furniture, and a number of other articles
too fediojus to mention, on a twelve
premises InTOre muv uoy,
sera will be required to Secure the pay
Philip Dillard.
Dec 6 w3tpd
On Friday, the 4th of January nr at,
will be lettoithe highest bidder for the en
suing year, al the house of Solomon Uoge,
in Columbia county, on Hie Wrighlsbo
rougli road, a prime parcel of
. Belonging to the estate of Beveliy Lowe,
deceased. They will not be allowed to be
pul in any town, or work on the river as
boat hands, nor go nut of the county with
out leave; and all those indebted will do
well to make immediate payment; this
27th November, 1821
Jus. Culhreath,
Surviving Executor,
Dec 6 3t
A Card.
, TiIOSF. Clients whohavp intm.tedbu.
f sines? to my charge in the Federal Court
are hereby informed, that Uiciiahu U.
t Wiuib, Esq. of this City, will represent
- me daring my absence from the State;—
i and •those for whom lam retained in husi
• ness in the Superior Courts of Richmond,
■ Columbia and Burke Counties, are like
wise informed that William W. Holt,
» Eq, also of this City, will represent me
• durrng my absence.
’ Nicholas Ware.
1 Augusta, Dec 6 w4t
([j- The Editor of the Georgia Adver
. tis< r, is requested to insert the above Ad
-1 vertisement once a week for four weeks
.lithe subscriber has taken that well
d Jjnowu stand.
Quaker Sriiiirijs.
■ LATELY occupied by Major Durkee,
I situated seven miles above Augusta on
i fie Washington road and hopes from
t uis attention to business to give general
• satisfaction:
John Turpin.
, ovember S———-ts
nj* The undersigned of
fers for sale his RE.iL PROPER 1 1
mon Washington-ißieet, extending!™
Mr, Joseph Danforth’s Lot to Uic.corae
• upon Ueynold-street. -•
; Robert Raymond Reid.
Sep’-cmbcr 3— —
New Constitution of N. York,
Altera session of ieventy-five days, tl
Convention of N Yoik have reported
amended the Constitution for the adoptu.r
of the people, comprizing ih e tollovvi.m
principal alterations.
1. The Council* of appointment ami
revision are abolished The Cover nor >.
• *" nominate, and with the consent
of the ■Venale appoint Mtijop-Genc
rals, lliijr-tde Dispel ora, and Chiefs of the
st,ill; except llie Adjutant and Comrtdss.'i
Generals. I lie Adjutant Ctncral is to
be appointed by the Governor— Captains,
subalterns and non commissioned ollicers
are to be chosen by the written
votes of tbeir icip. ctive copani e— Field
ollicers by the coinmisioned i fficerk; and
Hrigu«lier*Geaerals by the field officers.
|'he ,v creiary of .S'mte, Comptroller
I^ returnrer, Attorney Ccr.eral, .S'urvcyoe
General, and Commissary General, me to
he chosen by the .Senate ai <1 Assembly
2 'l’he right of still rage is extended ti
1 fell citizens, twenty-one years of age, re-,
sdmg in the state V nc year, and
m the town or county where they vou.
six months, and having paid u tax to tU«s
state county, or performed ii.ilitiu duty
or been asst; .soil and labored on the hirl.-
ways and people of color (i
1 '"'ld estates to the value of two hundred
1 a "“ ‘ l,l y dollars, free of incumbrance, and
pay a .ax on it. The distinction benvem
voters for Governor, Senate and Assembly
men is abolished. v
3. A Circuit judiciary system is adapted
aud the n unber f judges of the Supreme
Court changed from five to tluee.
4. Ihe i,umber of \ssvnihly men is re
duced fiom 140 or 13ut y 128
3. The Senatorial districts arc encreas
fd from 4 to 8.
fi. ‘I hi* p, epic tlicir own w.,. v
rills, Coroners and Clerks; and justices are
to be iioininsled in the first place bv
the supervisors in each county, and thit
Judges of the County Courts respective!)
and m case ofdlsagreenienlj.liio governm
is to select from ilie nominations ihe re
quisite number, wlp hold their offices for
lour years •
7. No memberaf the Legislature can
hold any ottic., while he reining his seal
tt"d the pay of die members is neverto ev
ened 8 ! per diem.
8 Kaising money by lotteries is aboli.h
fd —and no bank for piivatc purpose is to
Ik grunted except with the assent of two
ihi ds oi both brunches.
9 The Canal fund and School fund are
to remain iiiviola'e, and the Salt Sfihittg*
to remain unalienable property of viio
ID, The Constitution may lie amended,
by a majority ofoi.e I.egislu- ure, two thirna
of die subsequent one, and rulificrtion by
the pi ople ; and the jiropos. d Constitu
tion il rati bed, to be in force after the
last day of December, 1822.
[A*, i'. f 'ommrrtntl Mvtv\kiw
.. "
|ly the Cross, Dozen or Single;
fewuVh-V ar uVvvxa,
Calculated by R. Oman, Wilkci County• '
Nov. 26
In Equity.
Agnes Nesbitt, 1
vs. S-
Mtigh W. Nesbitt, et* >l* J
J N obedience to an order of the Court,
of Equity, will be sold on Tuesday, the
hist day of January next, at the bouse of
j ( , ep". Carney on Reach island, on an e
ililoi one year, a gang f"Negroes, fiom
;*5 to 30 iu number— the cost and fees of
suit in cash and notes, and seciujty will
he required —purchasers will pay for bills
of sale for the Nogroea,
\V liitiield Brooks,
Commissioner in Equity.
Edgefield Court-house, Sept. 27
npIIE copartnership heretofore existing
1. between William and James Shivers,
having this day been dissolved by mu
tual consent, all persons having claims
against the firm, are requested to present
the same to Win. Shivers, sen. for pay
ment i and those indebted are desired to
make immediate payment to him at tiw;
Old Stand.
William Shivers, sen,
James Shivers.
Warren countv, 17th >
November 1821. 5 Nov. 29—-3tw
> ** , *,
One Negro Woman with two Chit
(Iren; she can be recommended a* a first
rate Cook, a gopd Washer artd L oner.
James Johnson.
Nov. 15——ts .■
$ > We are authorized to
announce Major Samuel I
• nor, and Intone. i.oums ...
county, at th? approaching c.vCUon.
1 . I
• ■ *