Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, December 13, 1821, Image 3
B j,v the same merf »’ho liave given their iions as counsel, it is hoped merely B.s-ionai, in suppof.t of such a violation rights *■, ma j be useful tc» consider whether EB practice of assuring an unwarrantable c of construct ion, as to oonsthution SB j iju t -nay ndt also have been indulged tm otv n siat affairs To have our feel- IBth setter;* d towards ahose officers of ihe K ; nil government wiho follow the same |Bnromisirg course, wn.l be one pleasing of the enquiry. But that ought by P| iju-ans to blind us to the consequences B-suffering all the points ii>, politics and Bifspiuilencr, once deliberately adjusted, B; all the limits of rights* powers, and B-rfctions, once scrupulously determined} B, remain perpetually liable to be tinning. ■ i unsettled, and shifted, by a capricious Kbdi'in, or a grasping policy. The ulti- B'rte dffct of ll at must be to perplex, B tJ ry, disgust, and irritate the people, ■«ia> are,"while tranquil, the only sure Buirdiaii'of all rights as well as the only B,'iiijna«e .source of all powei.aml prnbu- B;-, 0 substitute the force of mobs, direct- B , u their leaders, who unavoidably soon Bk-(itra their masters, for the reign of un- Briikd law, upon the unassailable stability Bf winch, all ihe dignity of man, and eve- In prospect of human happiness mint ever ■depend-—'That state which suffered most |m il»e w.W of .the revolution on both its ■butlers, the ocean and the wilderness, civilized robbers of the sea, and sav man-hunters of the forest; which had ■die good fortune to witness, on its own |ic:iiiory,iindto contribute most largely to. Boards the most signal mifccesscsof lire unit led arms; which fu st and most signally re- Bdicer! its original extent by grants to the |inilcileracy, and relinquishments, to in |Cre:i‘e the number of its members which Isisnu st to lake arms r: support lof'.he laws ot the Union when outraged in ■ gyl, ami most patiently sacrifice its youth ■in unlitSSltliy service against the common |twilit in id 1 4, may without arrogance ■ t-la- ihe lead in such a cause. Tlis cir- Ic'.iwitauce, in addition, of having hitherto llcifiho way in all ameliorating proceed. |:, c i; ol having once applied tlie bgiti- Ir.ii'.e remedy with, so much energy and |lnocess, and of having ever disclaimed all |oilicr means of redress, will justify Virgi ■t.ilor making an endeavor, alone, to rouse |lhi' other slates of the Union to a proper ■ewsidcrutiuu of the importance ot the H crisis. Biiw: the Njiv York JVatinnal Advocate, of P Jfovmber 30. i ■ RUSSIA. ■ Our commerce twilit Russia has not re ■filed r.s favorably ‘this ye ar as the last.— ■ilvices received at Huston from St. Pc- Bierslmrg, under the 151.1 i September, state Bit the impoi ts have been immense, salts liuil. and no cash; 72 American vessels ■idarrived within the year, and 54 hail ■tailed It is also suggested that some Idnnges will bo marie in tlie tariff’, and ■liiese necessarily wili be to augment tlie ■duty, because it has been discovered tkai ■tiir currency has depreciated in const- Bqi' :,c '* of the importation, and ministers I fare become alarmed. -' The financial con |i;n< of that em'phv, it will be recollect - |til, are in excellent order,and are muiiug | dntlrgrca address - An/diminutiOn in ■ tit precious metals cannot fall to create ■ i|i(iieheu*ioiV, particularly if the armies I i.Vwld move towards Turkey The fob ■ hiring are the exports to the. United ■ Skies during the pfem-nl year. Iron, I Slid 'ons; Temp, 4162 do; Sail Cloth, 126716 ps; Ravens Duck, 24,65.5 nsj Sheet- I in., ‘ft 960 ps. ) 4 Whte Sugar is quoted at 24 ard 25 I fnnales; Coffee, 65 to 70 f; fine In igo, |«3jto4 I JOr. 3 Foreign lot. lligence. f Tlie Ann Mana, Giwrt. Graham, has ar. I rived at this port from Liverpool, whence lAe sailed on the 2v'd October ihe day I to the departure of the Tricon— I JJy this conveyance, we have received I considerable additions to our former i.iock loflinglish papers, which, although they I do not contain any ti iug new, furnish se- I tend items of ccnsidr-rab'c interest. I PORTUGAL. lAn article from Lisbon, of the Bep- Itemlier, repeals tlie statement, tiiat the iPiince Royal and his consort have been I ord-red by the (furies to return to Portu- I (pi immediately The Prince Royal is I to go upon his travels for I (hr benefit of his education, also his hro ther Don Miguel- The King of Portugal k»s determined to give every 'acihty of Portuguese agriculture. His Majesty is •trendy in correspondence w ith Sir John Sinclair and oilier distinguished agricul tur.disis in England i-'i ance. Tlie Gazette d - France presents a cmi ptts interference of ihe-Geusurs; u lie-id lire appears, “ Vienna, sSih Seftt ” and urri.r diatelv follows a blank space, equal kia'r.tu tv coty lines- It is then slated 'ini tuices of a conspiracy had been tlis o-vi-rcd in Transylvania; that several di . itntiiu- m nis' era had been am-sitd; that •utile a- ; e'.nb'y of ihe states of the couu ') "f Pesth some* resistance had fa. cn nui ndrsted lottie- propositions of the Court, t'd-,heCount F t.ethi'4 and tlie Karon ihor.i had made use of language -little a t'viable to the Government. TUIiKKV The Emper.-r Alexander does not ap pear to vu-w the inference us the great p-nve s, as to his dest ns upon Turkey, '•vi h ihat coinnhicr winch win- xpeettd Ae ounls trom Angsburaf of the fj U Oct f bn- siate, that the conitnuhicauans-wlmdi ms imperial Majesty hail mare on this sui>- jec to his allies, had excited “ extr-iordi-' narv fn a note, particularly addressed to the cabinet of, ons;ria, Alex ander remarks, that he “anxiously dcsiivs an considv ration of yhe ties t;f fricnuslup TJliich ut ife itirji to Austyu., that this pow •cr wII obstnot fr-m mleifertnce, with a *ievv to Uie ddiasime ll g > f\.,e existing djt bcultius between liimsia and the Turkish •en.pire, and dist v iU observe in this ■conjunctme, jjio. Mat ttrict neuk altity ” Siring symptoms yf- u the. sauuat spirit of ■OtMa'islaction appeal-in wn article from yilessa of the 14*1, ,V-pt-;tnbei, in which n U _s-ul.that receq« acn<xi,nts had been r.* ivedfcornSt. Peters-.burgb,; of tbe En*- pevor having cliarged tlie Count Capo iMra tocoH.r aaiucate to ad the Kuropoa powers the contents of tbs lust nines ex • tanged, be' -^ een n ltss j a and the Porte; a also to deciare “to the conns of Lou a and Viesna, dial he could not-view c of r J)t>fc.y( i hicntboylytu "SSST purely truuqijdy as tudiciev'tl'i con- solidatedfirrun tore tkoi'id, his fetntvh amteoh relations * iA the Porte. The LmpercrfunherdecJ ti’es, that he has not exchanged his pacific sentiments manifest ed at Lay bach, and tl»t he h ls answered m this sense to the note of the Porte direct ed against Baron cle Strogonoff, hoping ?a^Vm hii !t t ie n Su2!lUl Would satisf just r emands. But at the same time the Emperor refuses the mediation offend by the courts of Austria tmd Kngland, or that tfnay otherpover, upon the same principle w induced him io abandon the re-osta bhstnent of tranquility in Italy to Austria alone. If Iresb persecutions be waged aga.nst the Christiana, the Kmperor will hnd himself compelled provisionally to occupy Moldavia and Wallachia with his troops • ’ The tone of this note is stately enoug h it must he allowed ; hat we strongly sus pect that Alexander, notwithstanding, u til not venture on extremities in the teeth of the remonstrances of his great allies ; if, indeed, wa are to consider tneir interference as any thing else than a mere bravo, held out with lire view of cautioning Alexander tint to proceed too farcin Ins designs upon 'Turkey. MISCELLANEOUS. I,e>let’s from Port an Prince state that the auhal of a \ icar Apostolical iiom the -dope, at that port, accompanied by seve ral 'Bishops, whose functions it will he to maintain the integrity of the Catholic Reiigmn on the Island of St. Domingo. Royer, the President, intended to avail lun.seli ot tins event to legalise, more completely, his marriage with the widow ot lus predecessor. Potion. , * 3 “tated in the Paris papers of the uth October, (hat great preparations were making at Vienna for the reception of the King of England and the Empe ror ot Russia, who were both expected to arrive there on the 15th of that month. t ne Emperor ul Russia is said to have promised General Hulot, the brother of the recently deceased widow of Marshal Moreau, Unit Ute _ pension of 60,00(Jtou faies granted i>y him during tier life, shall he continued to Mademoiselle Moreau, her surviving daughter. A monument, or obelisk is proposed to be erected at each end of the Waterloo bridge, London, to the memory of the celebrated artist and engineer Mr Ren nie. 1 here is a person at: present living nt Brighton, woo is said to have visited one public house in London for upwards of .‘.’o years, and who has drank at lhat house in the above period no less than 56.6U9 bottles, or 57 pipes of port wine lie is now 92 years of age.—Latterly he is said to have drank live bottles per day. The town of Brighton is at present lighted with gas. On a late occasion, owing to some accident, the whole city was leit in darkness for an hour. The business in the shoos was suspended. The Theatre, which was numcrausiy attended, was in the dark for Deafly the same period, and gave rise to much merriment. Carr.o! is said to be writing a work on the French Revolution, at the retired dwelling near Magdeburg. Two fema'e.i lately fought a duel in France, unci exchanged (wo shots with out injury Jealousy is said to have caus ed the meeting. Mr. Mean is said (o be studying the part of i)e Wontl’ort in the tragedy of that name. .i fanatical Ptoxcr. —One of the lower ‘.order of Ranting Preachers, not main TOilea tj om Bohon-in-ths-Moors, lately ad dressed his auditory in the following me ] ta|ihorical language;—l dare say ypil’d all pay to see a-boxing-match between Tin tier and Randall; yet you don’t like to pay for seeing a pitched bai tie between me. and Beeh'.ebub. Oh, my friends manv a hard knock and many a cross buttock have I given the black bruiser (or your sakes ! Full off these gay gar ments of Mammon; stiilce the Devil o straight blow, and darken his spiritual daylights.. At him manfully, and I’ll he your bottle holder. I ask nothing but the money, w U ; ch 1 hope you’ll not forget be fore you go.” English Paper. Tu\~. TUP- public are informed that the Sub scr her has returned to this place, and will follow the Tayloring business in all its various branches. His shop is in Phinizy’o brick building, on B.idge Row, where his cus umers will always have their orders executed with neatness and dispatch. William Glover. December 10 ts In Equity. Agnes Nesbitt, 1 vs. S- Hugh VV. Nesbitt, et. al. J JLn obedience to an order of the Court of liqui'y, will be sold on Tuesday, the o;.y of January next, at the house of Joseph Carrie, on Beach island, on a cre dit of one year, a gang of Negroes, from to 30 in number—the cost and fees ol suit in cash and notes, and security will he required —purchasers will pay for bills of sale for lire Negroes. WliittSeld Brooks, Commissioner in Equity'. Edgefield Court-house, Sept. 27 At tlie same t’me and place will be Rented, for. one or more ..years as may be determined on, the -tWainp Plantition belonging to the Mi nors (it Allen Nesbitt, dec. Nesbitt, Guardian. December 13 ids . Notice. I*TII.L be hired .on the.4th day of Janu * V ary next, at the hous of Andrew Butler,Tor the year 182?, ilie nego es be longing to life estate ot -V/l-shack \\ right, amongst-' 'which are s.veial prime Bout aiids. —, Ut the same lime and plac ; ihe land belonging to said estate will be leased fur liv years. Guiper Nail, Sen. Juhn Viiller, Beach Island, Dec 10 = I'-P Executors. bale, i / . vjf.xheT.ot, No. 210. District No. 12: J. Mojuue county. Enquire «t tUa» olkcu • S AUGUSTA^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18'2l. RiciiAnn He-miv TViliie, Esq. was ves terday elected Mayor of this City, in the room of Col. Ware, resigned. TVc understand fay a gentleman from Milledgei ille, that the following persons have been elected Directors On tlie part’ of the Shite : ■ S, -flunk.—F.innln, Bullocli, Sturgea, Harden, Davies, More 11. Planters Mank.—.l. JS. Bulloch, J. Mo'ftll. ■ ; . • Pa Hen Jiauk. —Spalding, Troan, M‘- Jiitg.-il), Crxy, linnwuoviy. AVe are again indebted to onr good friends the Editors of the Georgia Jour nal; and we offer to them and the public, our very sincere congratulations upon the prospect of our Slate being in earnest t 4 assume the standing, and put on the char acter, that really belong to her. Dkau Sin, MR had ibo pleasure to com municate to you some time ago, the sub stance of the report of the Committee on Public Education. Wg herewith hand you a copy ot a note we received a day or two ago from Col. Campbell of Wilkes, detailing tlie main provisions of a bill founded upon that report, and introduc e(l by Gen, Daniel, to the Consideration ot trie Legislature, under the title of a DILL, 1o be entitled an Act tor the permanent endowment of County Academics ; and . to i acre a#*- the fluids heretofore set apart tor the encouragement and support of Tree Schools and for the Internal Im [movement of the State. I lie School Fund consists of an half million nude up of Dunk Stock. Darien 200,000' Suite Bank, do 200,000 Augusta, do loO.OOU S 300.000 The internal Improvement fund con sists of the like sum made up of Steam Boat Stock 100,000 Darien Bank Stock 125.000 State Bank do 200,000 Planters’ Hank do 75,u0 S 500,000 The principal of neither fund, on any account to he invaded or used, but the in terest to Ire applied annually. Half of the interest of the. School Fund goes to the encouragement and support of Free Schools, and half to the endowment of County Academies. 'The latter sum to ire first distributed among the Counties most destitute, and which have not re ceived thei.* original endowment in con fiscated property. When all the counties are brought upon un equality the after apportionment to be semi annual and ac cording to the population of the counties. The bli as fur as we have seen, is popu lar with the Legislature, ami we hope it will pass We may be pcriiaps too san guine, but we think u new era has coin inenced in Georgia. A few weeks more will determine whether our judgment bus been 100 hastily formed Yours truly, CAMAK & HINES. F. S.— The bill passed, on Saturday in the House of Representatives men ton, Tlie Editor of the Charleston City Ga *ette, makes “ confusion, worse confound ed;” —and his conclusions are as inconse quent, as bis ways of arriving at them, are obscure. — He tells us that his motive was an abstract desire to publish news; and hints, that as the fu( ure destinies of Geor gia essentially depend upon Gen. Clark and Mr. Crawford, he for one felt ex tremely interested as to the result of our election of a Governor. And be cause there had been an avowed “ hoslil ity” of twenty year’s standing between them, the Editor of the Gazette supposes that the feelings of the people must of necessity be personal to both, whether in (be relation of friend or of enemy. This supposition is honorable to the heart qf the Editor of the Gazette, and if all tlie people of Carolina think with him, to thorn also. But although living to the south of the Savannah River, we are less ardent, than this would indicate ; & having no aris tocracy among us, self constituted or legal, or received as of custom, we venture to think for ourselves, and are content to let circumstances form our opinions and direct our policy. We say again, (without the learof con tradiction by well-informed persons) that the feelings of our people are not divided between Gen. Clark and Mr. Crawford, as public characters.—Georgia is not, and never will be the property of any dema gogue.—We have signs ol better things. Our motive then, as the Editor of the Gazette professes not to understand it» was to correct an error into which we fore saw that others would be led; and to ex press our persuasion that ujealous and il!i bc-ral feeling existed in our sister slate, and that it caused the paragraph on the subject of the Governor’s election. And us proof that we were not wrong in the sup position, let us take the following extract (also something of the “ palpable obscure,") from the Preface to ‘‘oxe of fbl fsofll ” “ In the omission of'the three prelim inary Numbers to which we have alludec. . we shall r. st our justiliciltiun on another pita. The writer* of the “ 'Trio” had evidently in view lire object of auointm,; >ir. Ciiawronn for tlie Presidency,airnd.t all their parade of patriotism, and ibis at, : the' expense bf the' rest of*the admitiu . nation. To combat Bits plyujj crusade is the Hi sine™ of tliof * Numbers of « Oxk "r Tim I’Kortfi,” wfc icb we have omitted, to the loss, we reads Y allow, of those who relish overwhelming ridicule and trium phant sarcasm. But a » public opinion is n()t yet ripe fop a diset, ssinn, which looks, towards a tender of Use ahcriiatr.'e, whe tijet Mr. Adams os- Mr. CnAWroi.D shall •he our next President, w"e have deemed it expedient u> suppress what “ m ,rjia iPkoku:,” (within tile limits of a iJ'Js.V re tafia ion) has to say on the claims P* Mel Cbawkohji, more particularly as there is no reason to believe, that “nil the kind filings” said of him l>y (Ins “ tri umvirate” are either wills.bis privity or | corvnivnnca. Besides any extraordinary iKijtietvto republish what reiglit be deem tjl'uof ivurahlc tri the vie Ws of Mr. Craw ronV-s friends,'would wear somewhat ihe USpfcot of thei'i* having been a propitious announcement of public opinion in South-* Carolina, iii tvSVrence to the pretensions <d Mr. An IMS '; of- 'which there can he imlhu’ig more unti’iie. it'hen summoned ' to the electoral co ley a it Is trite she nitty hltve to tum her eyes from each sf the three distinguished statesmen she has sent to honor her in the national counsels, and yield ru t her from policy than inclination, to the die tale uj astern ami uvev-hi/ing necessity,- hut stdl her selection will he guided by pun• ciple und animated by patriotism, whether the person tj her choice be Air- Adams, the individual whom public rumor has designat ed us his antagonist, or some yd more high ly ff'fled personage. But to return to the subject immedi utely before us. The argument of “ One or Tim Peopi.b” is now presented in an im'irulccn succession, familiar to the most oalinary, ahd gratifying to the most com pichensive understanding. The truths UUt are unfolded are in their nature es serii.dly imperishable. Whatever may he .he fate of our National Charter, whe ther, our descendants are long destined to admire and worship that solidity widen m:u give duration to its existence, and thine proportions ilia*, now confer gran deur on its design; or in u far different mood to nunnii over the mins of so fair a testimony will be af forded of the sacrcdness of the princi ples that are here inculcated, of their faithful conservation in the first case, or of the disastrous and desolating violation and neglect they will have sustained in the last. It will scarcely be necessary to inform the reader that the author of the Letters of “ Om; ok the Ploi-i.e” is in no degree responsible for the opinions expressed in this Preface. To this community he is anonymous and unknown. Before we conclude it would be unjust not to confess, that in spite of the crimin al sophisms winch the “ Tmo” have scat tered with no unsparing hand through out their dissertations, they have Claims to our gratitude, in being the efficient cause in the oeeaskn which produced tiiese Essays. There is a species of com pensation to the world for the most reck less career of foliy and of vice, in the high and impressive energy with which genius and worth rebuke toeir extrava gance and licentiousness. I'o the profli gacy of Shaftesbury we owe the exquis . ite poem of ‘ Absalom it, Acluloplicl,’ and hut fur the flics which wantoned in 1116 evening tide of Pope’s declining life, wc should have hyst.the amber of the * Dun* ciad,* in which ‘they are embalmed-” Charleston,'fa, C.J Oct. 1 si, 1821. The following extract from a letter has been handed us by a friend. It was rec’d by the cross-mail, and is dated “ Charleston, Dec. 8. “ We have rec’d acc’ls from Liverpool up to Ihe 30th Oct.—Colton i to $d low cr, and very dull My letters are to that dale, and acc’ts very had.” mOW DIED—At St Augustine, on the 15th uIt.JOHN G. BIRD, Esq. United States District Attorney for the Province of East Florida. In hopes of saving his aunt and her children,' by his tender care of them, he became himself a victim to the fatal epidemic. Thclossof his premising ta lents and amiable qualities is % source of. ’ univeral regret. Char, City Gaz. Cotton Prime, 16 cents. Oj” As far as we have beenable to as certain—Booo Bales of Colton, and up wards, were “received at the different Ware-Houses in this city, from the sih to thel2th iiistmit, inclusive. iiiiviYgia Vfcuc\b\e», , are ordered to appear at your parade giound, on Satuiday ihe 15ih hist. at half past 9 o’clock, A. M. arm ed and equipped as the bye-laws direct, for Regimental Parade. By order, A. JB. Bigelow, (J. S. Dec 1 -——lt Burke Races. Till’. |» nre respectfully informctl that there w ill be tin Thursday, Friday and Saturday 20th, 21st and 22,1 uaya of Dec. at Frantoni’s Old Field, on thickhead, be longing to the estate of Francis Doyle, Couise and Quarter Racing, Mile ileitis. Entrance Ten Dollars. Persons wish ing to enjoy themselves lathis sport, wifi, attend, asgrfeat cbmppHrion is expected t.» take place in running. The races to com mence at 12 o’clock, of each day Refreshment will be provided ■on the groirud. All persons having race nags, will bring them’forward. Burke Coiinty,l3ih December 1821- Will be Hired, At Public Outcry on the first day of January next, at the market house in Au gnsta, the Negroes belonging to the es tates of William Bacon and of Joseph Ware,deceased. There are among these Negroes, Boat, and field hands and domestic servants any and allot' wticm will be disposed of by private contact, if application be ' made before t : e (lay of public hiring, ei tiler to Mr. Robert D. Ware, or to W. W. Holt, Esq. _ \irliolas Waroj Ki’i’. i De«mb«f 13-- Ufa : drygoods, Hardware Cutlery. IT AVING formed a connexion with an extensive mercantile house in New-York, have just received from that city, ana are now opening in Broad-Street, next door to tlie Bookstore of Wm, J. Hobby, Lsq a li rge and valuable Assortment of f ancy an ! Staple Iky Goods, Hardware and Untie ry ; . AMONG WHICH ARE, OP IDIBS* ©D(S)2)Sp Extra super, stipe-fine and common Cloths and Cia&imercs, colors • SaUinutu, different colors ; blue and Wnite Plains; red, white, yehotv * green Flannels ; blue and green Bucking Bai zes ; Bose Blankets, iassorted; from 7 io 12-d j Point do j black anil colored plain figured mid printed Bombazelta and Rat linc'ts ; tJaiMliue or Circassian and Tar tan Plaids ; and colored plain & fi. gured Canton trapes and Crape Dresses i black, blue, green and assorted fancy Ca licoes ; super London prints and printed Cambrics; fine Cambric; plaid Ging hums; plain and figured book, jaconet, cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded and jsconet muslin Rob« s ; Irish Linens, va lions qualities; fine and coarse brow ndo ; Oil Cioilis, handsome patterns; swans-’ down, toilm-tie and line white and prints ed Valencia Vestings; buff', chintz, imi. tation silk and cotton and printed border ed cassimere Shawls ; India and Gemian sdk (lag and bandana llaildkeicbie'a ; black and crosshamd Canton do ; mad russ, pullicat anil twilled cotton do ; spot ted, crossbarrcd and white bordered Cam bric Ljt.vuis ; linen cambrics and cambric Hand kerchiefs ; imitation do ; black and white silk, cotton and worsted Hose ; la dies and gentlemen’s black, white, and assorted colored, kid, hearer, castor and silk Gloves ; sewing Silks and Twist ; black and colored Ribbons, various widths ; elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins, in packs; gill coat and vest, pearl and ivoiy shirt Buttons ; biitlon moulds ; do mestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed I icks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted Shirts and Drawers; silk Umbrellas, dif ferent qualities ; forolop, back, ivory and pocket Combs; coarse and fine and couon Threads; Cotton Balls ; fine steam loom Shorings; Suspenders; an assort ment of Shoes ; roruni, imitation ts real heaver Hals; iXI) Off llavdwavp, & Cwtlwtv, C. tins, assorted, some very elegant; Gun Worms; Trace Chains; cheat, butt, II and 11L Hinges; Thninli Latches; trunk, chest, till, pad, knob and mortice Locks; lea and table spools; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, pear, prunniug, carving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, botch er and drawing Knives; Knives Ik Forks; Razors, in cases ; Scissors ; : Handsaws ; handsaw and bastard F.k-s ; Curry Conilis ; Bad Irons; Waiters and Tea Trays Car penter's Rules; Squares and Compasses; Sand Paper; Shovels and Tongs i cut Tucks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk Han dles ; Wood ami Bed Screws ; Screw Pollies ; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings; Nail and Spike Uirr.blets; Nail Hammers; Jewsharps ; Shaving Mokes and Brushes ; nietulic Paste and Paste Blacking ; ami an assortment of Brushes. All of which are now offered at re duced prices, wholesale and retail, for cash or approved paper in this city ; and from the advantages they will possete In the selection of their GOODS, having a purchaser constantly in the New-Vork market, hope to merit a share of public patronage. Waliuslcy & Foster. December 13 ,f Just Received y AND roll 84LK DT THE {Subscribers, HHD3 Prime N. Orleans Sugar, 10 Barrels Rosined do 150 Boxes Mnscatal and Bloom Raisins, (Bolin, Leach, and Gate woods brand,) 2 Bales Snp’r. Whitney Blankets, Gunpowder and Hyson TEA, Bye whiskey in Illuisand barrels, Window Glass 8 by 10 Coffee, Wagon Jack-Screws, Lc. Hummers & Perry. Anniefs Range, December 13 —3t "Boat Hau.Aa WauVeA. f|tHE Subscribers will give 75 ceats per JL day for ten good Boat Hands. McGiau 1% Gordon. Dec 13 It 521) Dolls Reward. Strayed o\* ftlotcu From the Subscriber’s Wajon at the encampment, at While Rocks, on the W liritsborougli road, about three miles from Augusta, on Sunday night last a large BAY HORSE, blind in his right eye, five feet, four or five inches high, a very small star in Jijs forehead, the right hind foot white, he is an excellent riding horse, and works well in ihe gear—an 1 is in. good working order. The above re ward and all reasonable expenses will be paid to any person, delivering him to -he subscriber in Jasper Comity or Mr Hen ry Wares, about ten’miles from Monti cello, or to Messrs Sims and Williams, Augusta. HtiMtard B. Heard. December 1) Itpd To be Routed, On Saturday the 29ili of this in.t.nt, Will be Reeled the Plantations belong ing to the Estate of Z. Magruder, dec. —Also — About .fFoj’ty or Fifty .Lively Negroes to be ts-red. ’* ■ ; - Geo. Mugnider, adm’r. December 13 -”t Just Received* ' / 15D fOtt SALE, HT V*. DIMOCK $ MARSF, &ticVumt Titova' 1 >■ ■ ■■ * I Gentlemens Clothing, ' t Comprising »up. fine’black f Dress Coats, ' € loons, oc3lli * PwMf *** flints and Cliildren’sDreMes, See. he. ' —ALSO Rn C Tr.r n l S "‘ ,,lrr,l,e I,K> Broad C.othsand Cassifnertai ‘ 1 December 1.3 s t . * Clothing Store; KH.LAjTIjmr.LS, ME Return' TM/.OJIS, keep eOASTAXTEf A LA 1(0 B ASSOUTNEBT Og ' Cxenilenioii’a • .Made, Clothing, . . Os llieir own Manufacture, ALSO— ' " Extra. Super. huJ Common BROAD M CLOTHS, C ASSlyiEtf ES, VESTINGS. K lINK LINEN SHIRTS, fee. And the first rate workmen, to mu H r ' to measure N. B. Tlieir Sroiis is kept on Broad, blreet, ten rods above Hie Post-Office, and three doors below Maj. Thompsons'" Auction Room. December 13 -l m - --- ’ ~ ’ .’t Bj>tUig-Um,MUU. - \v f v ILL he Rented at the Market-House, *, in the city of Augusta, on tile first dav of January next, jfoc twelve mouths tfis Sl’jflNG HILL Mills, at present in tins occupancy of CgU M/fcbae! F. Boischdr ? In the mean time, however, the. property may he rented by applying to cither of the Subscribers i i , ( i.. i(i A. Slaughter &* C. Labuztiii, F. Walker. ’ n Dec Li- 6l '* ' To 'Rent. * THE lower front Room of the Chroni cle Office. Dec 13 > Strayed or Stolen, ON the 7ill inst. a pair of Hay HOUSES, ' belonging' to Mrs. David AVid, on<- r. of which lias a white spot on his forehead, and is rather lean—tlie other has a brand a on one of liir. tliighs and is in good order, no other marks recollected. Any infoi -T inatlou given to the Subscriber, so That i he may get them, will be liberally reward- 1, cd, and all expenses paid bv Thomas McDowall. Dec 13-1-—ts v ’ lu Richmond Inferior Ooiirt* The loth dau of December 1321. Present — The Hon. Holland M-TyrefT v • ' Ralph Ketchunt, Justices. I Samuel Hale. 3 i Ordered, that, the Inferior Court. meet in future, oh the firtt Monday in c* ; very month, 4t 11 o’clock, A, M. at the Court House. Ordered, that no Commissions Will hereafter hi allowed to executors, admin-' 1 islrutors, or Guardians ; unless their' re turns are made annually as tlie Dvr di rects. Tiileen f ont the Minutes. Jolm H. Mann, Cl’k. - ” Clerk’s office Inferior Court, } lllh Dec- 1321, $ - Ten Dollars Reward. STRAYED from the Subscriber’s Farm, about three miles from Washington, Wilkes county, between the 25tb and > 30th of last month, a Hay HOUSE, be tween six and seven years old, about fire » feel one or twe inches high, roach. , mane and swab tail; there is no marks recollected, —He stands very straight on / his hind feet. He was traded for near Little River, not far front Carter’s Mills, but it is believed he was traded for front ' a man that brought him from Barnwell District, South*Carolina, and it is proba ble he may try to gel back again. The r above reward will be .given lor tlie de livery of the Horse to William Glover, in Augusta, or to the Subscriber, living hi Washington, or Five Dollars Reward for such information as will enable mo to get him. " John B. Leonard. Dec 13—-5 t , WfTk TONS Swedes IRON~~ iOs,/ 130 barrels Whiskey 4d liltds. do. 1 «J barrels Mackerel, No 3 134 barrelsßrtliimdre Flout. The above Goods are on board oi boats expected to arrive liefe in a few days, <u d will be sold on moderate terms, if taken from the wharf, Ap-dy to • M‘CJrau § Gordon. Dec. I i 2t , Just iieceire.i, ilx) lilLXf £3 Crockery, Consisting of Flutes and Dishes, entire \ 1000 I'r Men’s Wax Calf-Sk u SHOES, ( 5 Trunks pf SAUDI Es, Which will be sold iow fi. r CASH, By A. Picquet, .\'o. 5, si ridge-Rots. Dec 6 -2w • . 1 ” 11 ’ ■ - 1 I '»■- *** We sue authorized to .announce. CoD M-i L Miiftm.AlK, as im candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns f<e the county of Biciijncnd tp. the appro*tj|. Jitigdeclioß.