Newspaper Page Text
Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette.
„ —“ . -
[VOL. ao.] aioniay, The evil, that men do, lives alter them; ? DecenflM* IT, 1821. [New Series—N«. iO.]
L J C' The good is ott interred with their bones. A *
jin p&rte d Roods
CeoYge W. Coe,
All Extensive Assortment of
I *
Suitable for the approaching Season,
—roxsisn.w Oi
White Welch Plainsj
jllue and mixed do
London Dnflil Blankets
Hose and Point do
Heavy CoUon Bagging
JUlack. and colored Bombazctts
Fine worsted Hosiery
Merino and lamb’s wool Hose
Snpeifine white Flannel
jjlue, red and yellow Flannels
Tartan Plaids
Superfine wide Black Bombazeens
Fiair 11 ui.dkerchiefs
Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres
Felice Cloths
Brussels and Venitian Carpetings
JM-sh'Hi Hugs
Domestic P'aids and Stripes
Oznaburgs .
Irish and German Linens}
Tortoise shell Combs
Plain black Nankin Crapes'
Mandarin Crape Dresses
With a variety of other articles, which
ite for sale on accommodating terms, at
j] it corner of Brough I .on and Barnard
j!re c(s, for cash or approved paper.
October 29 t2SD
M‘K.eiviAe § BeimwcK
Hi e received, by the ships Oglethorpe
an d Emily, from Liverpool, and late
arrivals from the north, an extensive
supply of
British, French. India & Do
Which they offer to country merchants
wihe most reasonable terms
November 12 w2m
N otice
lillß Co-partnership heretofore exist
k; under the firm ot V. 1,, lay lor &, Co
why mutual consent, dissolved on the
Itiili uav of August l ist.
F. 0. Taylor,
Dexter Chapin.
N. B. Business hei easter will be contin
ue lioy
F. G Taylor.
November 12 if.
RESPECTFULLY informs his custom
ers and the public generally, that he con
sumes to carry on las business in Cants
lot’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, near
ly opposite the City Hotel. He fecu
thankful for past favors, and solicits a
continuance ; lie pledges himself that his
Work shall not be exceeded by any don
in this city, and will constantly keep on
ClovAis, Gftssviwftfts
Which he will sell, and make up on
moderate forms.
t£j It EC LIVED the LATEST New-
York and Philadelphia JV!f SHI CUVVS'.
Oclo her 22 ts
lI.AV!NG taken the Warehouse lately
occupied by ,1 & W Harper, upper end,
South side of Broad Strict, for the recep
tion of
J- Anti the transaction of
Commission Iliisiness
generally, hopes, that its convenient ac
commodation, and his own unremitting
attention, may ensure him a share of Pub
lic patronage.
September 6 oawtf
Sugar, Co ft cc, Wine, Al
monds, and
oiJuDS prime Muscovado Sugar
5 pipes L P P Madeira Wine,
’5 qr casks do
32 half qr casks do
76 bags Coffee,
17 bbls fresh A’iiell Almonds,
50,000 superior Spanish Segars, in boxes
containing 100 each
7 ropes and 7 qr casks Corsica W ine,
Tor Sale by
John Kinney, jr.
November 2? if
Job Printing
Aeadij Executed at this Office.
JtfWfcU, AbeW, & Co.
Upper If r ing Citii Hotel,
Staple Fancy
mm <a©©m
Super, common and low priced,black,
blue and mixed cloths & Cassimeres,
Super and Common Valencia, Toiianette,
Swansdown and Marseilles Vestings,
Bombazelts and Bombazines,
Salinnetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths,
Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colors,
Italian do. while, black and Green,
Super light amt dark prints and chintz
Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs,
Cambric cravats, white, spotted, figured
and checkered,
4-4 &. 6 4 cambrics, and cambric and com
moa dimolies,
2 Cases 4-4 Irish Linens,
1 do. Super brown do.
Turkey red, blue, Madras* and Polycat
Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric
Long Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers,
Dogskin, Bucksin, and Beaver Gloves,
Ladies dressed and undressed kid do.
Scarlet embvodeyed inclines,
Marseilles quilt counlerpina 4-4 square.
Sewing silks, black, white, green, blue
and assorted colors,
CoUon cords, balls and threads.
Linen tapes, threads and bobbins,
Darning and floss cotton.
Willow flats and miliinetts,
Suspenders, children’s socks,
Cassimere, merino and silk shawls,
Shell h Imitation Tucking & side combs,
Pearl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto.
Ribbons —an extensive assortment of all
Plaids, Striped, figured and plain.
Plain and pearl edged Tafiety fiom No 1
to 22,
Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin
sbews and Sarsenetls, plain Ik figured
of various colours,
Silk Lace, plain and figured,
Silk lace edging, black and white,
Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black
and white, plain and figured,
Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors,
Silk lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs,
Elegant needlework muslin robes and
walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol
lars, very rich,
Low priced needle-work, tarobored and
embroidered do.
Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces
and Inserting Trimmings,
Worked muslin Bands of Coiaretts,
Thread Laces, a good assortm* nt, clteap,
Jet Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and
Eyes and Necklaces,
Gilt Neciaces, Clasps ana
Pearl, ivory, siik and thread, shirt, sus
penders and vest buttons,
Wallace’s extra gilt and coronation coal
and vest buttons,
Super Scissors and Chains for do.
Magnum Boiuinr and common Razors nnd
Sportsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives,
Playing Cards and Dressing Combs.
Durable Ink and Osnaburg Thread,
Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt
ings and Sheatings,
Bandboxes, by the dozen or package,
VVhitteuiore’sNo. It) Cotton Cards, 12c.
Straw Bonnets.
20 oases of very superior Straw Bon
ne's, B inds, and Trimmings, of various
I patterns, such as beil crowns, double
-apes, round fronts, cottage shape, &c
--c.—cheap for tin* quality.
I fie above goods are offered at whole
ale and retail Vor cash, or on time for ap
proved paper- Regular supplies will he
received from our partner in New York,
which will enable us to have constantly on
' hand a general assortment of fresh season
able t ion os; and from the patronage we
nave received the year past, we are in
'luct'd to believe \vc have sold, und snail
ontimie to sell at feast as cheap as our
November 8.- ts
NoyFu & Vx e,,,
A few doors above rhe Planters’ Hotel,
Have Just receiv'd, nnd are nowoff mg lor
' sale, at IVholesale or Detail,
An Extensive Assortment of
Dry tJoods
j 15000 pair of Fashionablo
Boots and Shoes,
(8®5Q!89 9
Ot'cliffi rant kinds.
By the Box ami Vv ire.
r l in and Few ter W are
Manufactured by them as usual.
As one of the firm resides in New-’, nrk
s -hev intend at ail limes to have their as
sortment complete Country Merchants
rod Traders can at all Umrs he supplied
the most accommodating terms-
N. v. 22- —6t ■
g nre authorized to state that Capt
kuMCND BUCG will be a candidate tor
g Tax Collector at the snsuing Election.
Cotton 9 Stock,
T's.cKarvge Th oRc..
THE subscriber has taken an oliice in
the building lately occupied by
Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north
side of Broad-street, opposite to tire Pos'-
Office—where he eii'eis his services in
the above business, and hopes, by siric!
personal attention, to obtain the pair ull
age of bis friends and the public.
The great facilities adoifled by bmkers
ill commercial operations generally, tender
it icmarkablc that the merchants fit - Au
gusta and the planters have long siV-ain
ed tlie inconvenience of having noie, and
particularly a Colton Broker. In almost
every other cotton mart the bnci.tcss is
principally done by brokers; amt hence
tlie ease, certainty and dispute! with
which it is executed. The samekystem
is perfectly practicable here. Tie mer
chant, by applying at the office of t)e sub
scriber, may hereafter save himself tlu
trouble of sampling his cotton and locking
up a purchaser;—the planter need he no
longer involved in doubt and diffionliy to
ascertain the true state of the muicet,
nor subject himself to the caprice of the
wary speculator—and tlie purchaser will
at all times know whore to resort for cot.
ton at the mark'd price.
Office Regulations relative to
Ist- In order to give time for sampling,
citizens offering cotton are requested to
leave the ware-house receipts by eigiu
o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, salts
cannot be realized till tbe succeding day
li more convenient, the receipts may he
enclosed in a letter of instructions, and
dropped in the letter box the night pre
2d. CoUon will be sampled and "receiv
cd from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.—
if offered after that hour, sales cannot be
erahzcd till next day.
3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably
he deducted from the account sales.
4-lh. Sales «ill commence at ten o’clock
and close at twelve, a h.
sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim
iting higher than the market, will have
their receipts returned them on paying
fii cents fora bag entry and sampling.
6lh. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a
Orders from the country, en
closing the warehouse receipts, will be
promptly executed.
fctock Exchange and
In Various llraacht’S,
Will he attended to at all times during of
fice hours, which will be from eight o’-
* i» li’l. f iu.n ii -»r in. I (Vi/»rr\ ,
three o’clock I ill five n. jt.
John Kinney, jun'r.
([[/■Money is some tints wnth more
than at others Persons having it Ui loan,
may, in the strictest confidence, avail
themselves of the advantages of the mar
ket, by applying at tlie above office.
November 8.- if
Y aUivvblv, rrwpevty to
IMJE subscriber wishing to close his
. concerns in this State, offers tor sale
a tract of land in Jefferson county, con
taining one thousand seven hundred and
six’y acres, or upwards.—lt is well adapt
ed to the culture of cotton and corn, and
has an elegant site thereon for a saw and
grist mill—its contiguity to Augusta and
Louisville, renders it an object to purchas
ers. Ti.c terms will be moderate for
Cash, or cotton at the market price, to
b" delivered in Augusta or Savannah.—
for terms apply to Mr. George Twiggs,
near Augusta.
Levi Twiggs.
Decembers ts
.tom cj T\u*s. A. Rones,
IfILAVE received per ships Emily and
()j- 1.-liiorpe, from Liverpool, a general and
extensive addition to their lormer stocic.
They have also on hand a variety of
other goods worthy the attention of coun
try Merchants,
November 29 wfiw
in Hichmond Inferior Court.
The 101 h day of December 1821.
Prer.ciil —
'liie Hon. Holland M‘Tyre,Y
Ralph Ketchum, s Justices.
Samuel Hale. j
CDdERED, that the- Inferior Court
meet in future, on the first Monday in e-
Vf-ry month, -it 11 o’clock, A, M. at the
Court House.
Ordered, that no Commissions will
hereafter be allowed to executors, admin
istrators, er Guardians j unless their re
turns are made annually as the law di
Taker from the Minutes.
John 11. Mann, Cl’k.
Clerk’s office Inferior Court, ;
11th Dec. 1821. 3
be hired on the 4-th day of Janu
i ary next, at the house of Andrew
Butler, for (he year 1822, the negroes be
longing to the estate of Wright,
amongst which are several prime Boat
hands.—Also, at the same time and plac?
the land belonging to said estate will be
leased for five years-
Casper Nail, Sen.
John Miller,
Beach Island, Dec 10 tdhp Executors.
By I, Thompson.
Oh Tuesday the rst
of .lannary next,
V> ILL 810 SOLI),
viTiinur nrSEMVE,
At tlie Maikp-Ilonse in the city of Angns
a, at 10 o’clock :
Two Prime
Neg’o Feiloivs.
Good 11 at Hands—Terms Cash.
Novemhei 1- tds
R.ESPEdTFULLY acquaints his friends
and the public that his house has under
gone a thorough repair, and that it wil.
ass ord to boarders, and Travellers, are
ception aslcumliivtahle ns any other Estab
lishment of the kind in the Holbei n Slates.
The Globe is Situated on Broad Street
in the very .center of the City and offers
peculiar advantages to (lie Planter, and to
Men of business generally.
His stables are furnished with the best
lit provender, and with faithful and atten
tive hostlers. He only solicits from the pub
iic that proportion of patronage which his
attention to business and to the comfort
of ids customers may entitle him to.
A Literary, Commercial and Political
W’illhe shortly opened for Uie accom
modation of his customers.
October, 15. if
Young’ Ladies’
llfLlS. H. HLOME, presents her most
respectful compliments to the inhabitants
of Augusta, and announces that she in
tends to open a SCHOOL, on the Ist Mon
-lay in January next, for the hist ruction of
Young Ladies in the French and English
Languages, Geography, History, Mytho
logy, plain and orainental Work and Draw
Terms of Tuition.
Reading and Spelling, per quarter, £yl
Do. do. with Writing and Cyphering (i
Grammar, Parsing and Geography, 8
..L-...Li. ...wl ft
Drawing inclusively, 8
Do. exclusively, d
French inc usively, 4
Do. exclusively, 8
Embroidery, 6
Plain Work and Marking, Knotting and
Fringe wil! be included without addition
to the terms. For further particulars
apply for the present to Mrs. Lalitle, or
Mrs, Simonnet, Broad-street
Dec G \vßl
Georgia, Riclim ond county
•November Term, 1821.
Present, the Hon. Jobs H. omunEnr
The Planter's Hank J']
the State of Georgia,
Aosinees of liarnu | Petition for Fore-
McKinne, J closure,
vs J
James I'. Lafitte, nnd I
four Luts in Augusta. J
Upon the Petition of the Planters
Bank, of the state of Georgia, praying the
the foreclosure of the equity of redemp
tion iu anti to certain Lots, in the county
and slate aforesaid, known in the plan of
Lots laid out at the upper end of Broad
street, in Augusta, liy Daniel Sturges,
Surveyor General, on the twenty-eighth
day of February, one thousand eight him
ib ed and eighteen, and lying on Uie north
ride of Broad street, as numbers one, two,
eleven and twelve, eaph containing thirty
■ feet front on said Hroiid street, (number
one excepted,) which contains on Broad
street, Gvcnty-two and a half feet, and on
Jones Street, thirty feet, being the same
on that, (Jones street) as the other three
Lots; which said Lola Mere mortgaged by
James B. l.ufiite to Barm McKinne, on the
first day of July, one thousand eight bun
cired and eighteen, to secure the payment
of the sum of three thousand six hun
dred and seventy-two dollars and fifty
cents, wild interest, at one, two and three
years, two thousand four hundred and
fntly eight dollars and thirty-two cents,
with iutenst thereon, being now due and
unpaid tolliesaid Planters Bank —
And notv sit this term, upon the motion
ofTiiomas Flournoy, in behalf of the Plain
tiff': It is ordered, that the principal in
terested cost due on said mortgage be paid
into Conit, within twelve months from
the date hereof, or from (henceforth the
equity of redemption will be forever bar
red and foreclosed, and the mortgaged
premises will be disposed ot as the law
And it is further ordered, that his Rule
be published in one of the public Gaz
ettes cf this place, at least mice in every
mouth, until the time appointed for pay
ment, or served on the Mortgagor, or
1 liiu special agent at least six months, pre
vious to the time the money ii directed to
be paid.
(Taken from the Minutes.)
John H. Maun, Clerk,
Clerk’s Office, }
13th Nov. 182 Li 5
Nov IS ml 2m
Hard wave *S; (Jut Fry.
TT\vi tooftCYibfei’a.
HaVINO formed a connexion with an
extensive mercantile house in Nciv-Yoik,
have just received fr >m Hint city, ami
are now opening in Bioa I-Stieet, nex
door to (he Hnokstore of Win. J. Hobby
Esq. a large and valuable Assortment i f
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hardware
und Cutlery :
Extra super, supeifims and common
Cloths and Cassimeres, assorted colors;
•Satt'mctts, different colors ; blue ami
white Plains j red, while, yellow & gr'eei
Flannels ; blue and green Docking Bai
zes ; Rose Blankets, assorted, from 7to
12-4 ; Point di; black and colored plain
figured and printed Bnmhazetts and Rat
tinetts ; Caroline or Circassian and Igr
tan Plaids ; black and colored plain sic li
Hired Canton Crapes and Crape Dresses;
black, blue, green amt assorted fancy Ca
licoes ; super London prints and printed
Cambrics; fine Cambric; pi. .id Ging
hams; plain and figured book, jaconet,
cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded and
jnconet muslin Reins ; Irish Limns, va
lions qualities; line and course liniwn do ;
Oil Cloths, handsome pal terns; swnns
• down, loilm-tu; and fine white and print
i ed Valencia Vestings 5 buff’, chintz, inf:
tation siik and cotton and printed border
ed cassi mere Shawls ; India and German
silk flag and bandana •Hamlkeichiefs ;
black and crossharred Canton do;
I'ass.pulhcat and twilled cotton do ; soot
. ted, crossbai red and white bordered Cam
bric Craving ; linen cambrics and cambric
Handkerchiefs ; imitation do ; black and
white silk, cotton and worsted Hose ; la
dies and gentle men’s black, while, and
assorted colored, kid, heaver, castor und
si.l: Gloves ; sewing Silks und Twist ;
black and colored Ribbons, various
widths ; elegant plaid garniture do; Pins
in packs; gilt coat and vest, pearl and
ivory shirt Buttons ; button moulds; do
mestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Checks,
1 Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed
Ticks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted
j. Shirts nml Drawer.;; silk Umbrellas, dil
| Jfertnf qualities ; forutop, back, ivory and
pocket Combs; coarse nod fine linen and
coilon Threads; Colton Balls ; line steam
loom Hliirtiugs; Suspenders; an assort
ment of Shoes ; roiuni, imitution & real
beaver Hats:
AM) op
\ & FuUvYy,
1 Guns, assorted, some very elegant ;
* tVuniii); Trace Chains ; dies', bull,
; H and ML Hinges; Thumb Lutclu s;
’ trank, chest, till, pad, kilobaud mortice
*■ I.ocks; tea and table spoors; pocket,
pen, barlow, two blade, pear, prunning,
■J carving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, hutch
-1 er and drawing Knives; Knives li. Forks ;
1 Razors, in cases; Scissors ; Handsaws;
> handsaw and bastard Files ; Curry Combs ;
r Sad Irons; Waiters and Tea Trayas ; Car
penter’s Rules ; .Squaresand Compasses ;
Sand Paper; and Tongs; cut
Tacks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk Han-
T dies ; Wood nnd Bed Scre-A's ; Screw
’ Bullies; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings;
Nail and Spike Gimblets ; Nail Hammers ;
. Jewsharps ; Shaving Boxes and Bhislu h ;
metalic Paste and Paste Blacking ; anil
an assortment of Brushes.
All of which are now offered nt re
duced prices, wholesale and retail, for
cash or approved paper in this city ; and
from the advantages they will pusses m
the selection of their GOODS, having a
purchaser constantly in the New York
market, hope to merit a share of public
i Walmsley & Foster.
: December 13- ,f
Just Received.
, Jiffl) FOR SiLB BY TJfB
HMDS. Prime N. Orleans Sugar,
10 Barrels Refined do
150 Boxes Muscutal and Bloom
Raisins, (Hojin, Leach, and Gate
woods brand,)
2 Balts Sup’r. Whitney Blankets,
Gunpowder and Hyson TEA,
Rye whiskey in llhdsand barrels,
Window Glass 8 by 10
Coffee, Wagon Jack Screws, t*c,
t /Summers & Ferry.
Jins ley’s I Singe,
’ December 13 3t
; 20 Dolls Reward.
of BVdlp,i\
¥ ROM the Subscriber's War on a*, the
encampment, at White Rocks, on the
Whritsborough road, aiiout three miles
from Augusta, on Sunday n'ght hist a
large BAY HORSE, blind in Ins right
eye, five feet, four or five inches high, a
very small star in his forehead, the right
bind font wiiite, he is an excellent riding
horse, and works well in the gear—and
is iti good working order The above re
ward and ail reasonable expenses will be i
paid to any person, delivering him to ihe
subscriber in Jasper County or Mr. Hen
ry Wares, about ten miles from Monti
cello, or to Messrs Sim* and Williams, :
Hubbard !3. Heard.
December 13— Hpd
iilank Deeds, i
For sale at Ji ie Office’ I
.• .
j .rr?=.r ■■ I ■i 1 1 1 mss*
| Deferred Articles.
From the Ne-v Yuri; JWuionnl .Idvocatr,
•A uvemher 27.
The London Conner, of (hr 19th (V
tober, (fives the following- disti-cv
particulars of an American female, vli-.
appears to have been lately cpCicid frvm
her home at Perth Amboy, by some vil«
wretch, to whom she was march >l, and
who has deserted her and her children.
“ Yesterday a female, about 24 years of
age, and of decent appearance, attended
,t tliis office to make enquiry how sbr;
■ houhaprorecd in order to he sent back
t) her native country, Amc.ica.. The
poor creature appeared to be nmch die.
tressed in her mind ; and during her
statement she was frequently interrupted
by ctccc sire grief, which sillied the idtor
mice of her sentiments. Her Jpure-its, qkn
aid, were resident at a place called Perth,
in America, and we ft in affluent ciroum
s ances, her father being posseted of
-ome landed property. She I red with
he friends in that country, until tjie last 4 '
few y .ars ; but in conseqnen-Je of the. en
treaties of a young man, for whom r.hq
had formed an attachment, after having
paid his addresses to her, she left hep
men s n l came to England j was marri
ed to the object of her aitbcliriv, by #
whom he had two children ; since bi inf
m cried he has used hpr in the mo* bui
ld mam er, hod at length deserted both
and tier children, who were literally starv
ing for want, and she knew not where to
truce her husband, who had addicted him-,
self to drinking. She had nn means of
celling her living in this country, and sho
was sure that her pare ids would receive
her under their protection if she cdhl.l
possibly get to America. If she was (o
remain here her children and her e's niest
s aiva She knew that Lord Bathurst,
would use his endervoms to send h r
hack to her own country; but having no
f iend ,to cbnvey the n: la of Its r dtua
tii h to Ids Lordship, it caused tier to ap
ply the e to know wha to <!•>. She .was
tidvis'-d <ogo to >hc Overs* cis of Mary le-,
bone. Parish, where she resided, and
either apply lor reliefer make a tiiH ■ .ats
nient ul her ease, there was no doubt fcut
they would find her husband, and make
him support her, or they would furnish her
with relief until she and her c'nl.lren.uouhl
he sent hack to her own courtUy. bin;
quitted the office in tears with the deter
mlnution to act as advised.”
In the London Courier of (he 10'h Re*
toljer w’o find a letter from M ,di-id }of ihe
sth of that month, in which it is stated, *
that tli< Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel
of the Kings own regiment had been put.
in Rolitaiy coiifiiiemuit, in consequence*
of jn an alVair, of e. cn>
sive ramifications, in which, it is affirm-*
cd, General Ballesteros, and a Deputy
had also borne a part. The Deputies hav
ing the most powerful i liter-ip, arc repre
sented as hostile to the conduct of the
ministets tow ards Uiego, and it is said
that the King had called upon them to
“justify themselves in the eye-i of the .na
tion, and make known the motives which
they had for persecuting n man, tvlpi.n alt
Spain considers ~s (he founder of the
constitutional regime,” The ministers arc
staled to have replied, that they couid not
doit, and the King to lave rejoined
11 Prepare then to retire, for I cannot
tteep a ministry which'displeases the na
lion." Should tins prove to In; correct,
we may soon expect to hear of the resto
ration of Itiego to his former command,
and of the dismissal of his enemies from
I ■iinMam.aKßßfMWM ■
On Saturday last we had the deepest
snow ever recollected to have been seen
in Nashville at this season of the year.
On Sunday evening the weather mo l rat
ed, and on Monday tne snow nearly disap
JV’iuhvilie Clarion Nuy. 27.
The following toast was drank »la pub
lic dinner in Nashville, lately ; (pVi.-n in
honor of Gov. Carroll and General Jackson
Hr Ja.mks Fkxtbks Esq. The ofllceis
and soldiers of the U. S. Army, w hen call
ed into service, may they have the wisdom
of Solomon, the strength of Sampson, and
the spirit of a game Cock.
liy the Gross, Dozen or Single
A Nl>
£ owt\i-Vj aroU tt*a
mm 3
Calculated by It. Giuvh, fVilkes Conntn.
Nov, 26
wni he mTwT'
■ A %
X jlT Public Outcry on the first day of
January next, at the market 1i0n.;,; in, An
gusta, the Negroes belonging to the is
tates of William Bacon and of Juiwb
W are, deceased. 1
There are among these Negroes, Hint,
and field hands and domestic seiva'iia' •-
any and all of whom will be disposed of
by pilvata contract, if application be
made before the cUv of public hiring, ei
ther to Mr. Kobeit D. Ware, or to W. W.
Holt, Esq
Nicholas Ware, Ex’r.
| J)eccmberl3 +idi