Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, January 10, 1822, Image 1

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, Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette. - - , ■ ... ■■■■—!■■ 1 ... I I'! - ■ [YOL. 36.] TAuvcsday, ■ r —■* ■■■»— : IH—II—I —i— imrnaßmTrnr-—-—^*""* mm i in■ mm i ■ni-iißui iv/At. £5 WfcUftocAi tl, by the ships Oglethorpe ly, from Liverpool, and late font the north, an extensive 3 |F rendu India & Do mestic IT 0001)8. ALSO. ! hardware tl*r-y offer to country merchants reasonable terms aer 12 w2tn N otice. 16-partnership heretofore cxlst xthefirm of F. C. Taylor 8t Co. atual consent, dissolved on the qtf August last. F. C. Taylor, Dexter Chapin, Business hereafter will be conlin- F. C Taylor. Iber 12 if. •1 —‘ tinted to Hire, Hie ensuing year 40 or 50 good fll-nvs, for which a liberal price i iven ; payable monthly, quarter lie end of the year* Apply to Henry Sluiltz, in Hamburg, if . trance against i Fire! ii Five, and Marine Company Agency, •iber offers to take risks a •n Houses, Out-Buildings, and Merchandize, in Au dcinitv. y Edwards, Agent. I!road struct, ost Office & Globe Tavern,) :er springs. iber has taken that wel ■ Quaker Sutures. 'KLV occupied by Major Durkee, (ven miles above Augusta on fgton road and hopes from n to business to give general John Turpin. B ts 1 Rent, IE and comforable Dwelling hich are attached three and an f Land. This house is in the ff the city, on Ellis-street, and ; V desirable as a residence lor a •ly Immediate possession will -Apply to fVilliam IV, Hull, Nicholas Ware, Executor of Jim, Jiacmi. rember 8 ts. he ;'the first Tuesday in February', si the Court House in Warreiuon, be- Vthe usual hours of sale, Uie follow- WEferty.— .One Negro Man, name of TOM. Taken as the pro of Benjamin Sandilord, to satisfy an itiou in favour of Perry and Wright thers, viz. H.-j-unin Saudif'ord, Beall, and John Sand if->rd.—Also, Waggon, 4 pur of Geers, two 1% Waken as the- property of Elisha son, to satisfy an Execution in favour epiii. luh Hix, vs Elisha Johnson.— . a bar of Gold, taken as the property »61 Kinsey, to satisfy an execution in ir cf halier and lleeth, vs. Joe! ev, A. H. McCormick, Jlt’fj. Ulie'ff, ll arren County. in 3—— Will F.C Sold, *■ the Court House in Warrentoo, on *: 'ne first Tuesday in J-'ebruary next, ■een the hours of Sale, 00 Acres of Pine Land, « waters of Reedy Creek, adjoining , J s of Rose and others, it being known place ofWiliowbys, taken as the pro , ,0 ,y of Jlachariah Hailey, to satisfy an ex ' *>n in favour of David C. Hose, vs. d Z Hailey, and Willis Howard, d out by Howard, the Security.— Three Negroes, viz. 138 years old. Muse 20 years old, and man 37 years old, taken Jo satisfy an ution in favour of John F. Martin and for the use of John F. Martin and rs, vs. James Rogers, and pointed out logers. Also, Two Negroes, !»<■- and girl, taken as the property of Neal, to satisfy an execution in fa la lesNeal. >s Barrel Neal. j .. B. Tiogcrs, s. w. c. -J ¥ "ft I { s Jew eU, $ Co. Ujt/ier Wing City Hotel j, HAVE HECEIVEO FROM N. YORK, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK Staple Fancy iDiau S UPr.R, common anil I ow priced. black, blue and mixed cloths & Gassimeres, Super and Common Valencia, 'I oilanette, Swanstlown and Marseilles Veatings, Hombazetts and Dombazines, S.Unnetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths, Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colors, Italian do. white, black and Green, buper light and dark prints and chintz calicoes, Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs, _ Cambric cravats, white, spotted, figured j and checkered, 4-4 5; 6 4 cambrics, and cambric and com mon dimoties, 2 Cases 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 do. Super brown do. Turkey red, blue, Madrass and Polycat handkerchiefs, Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, Long Pawns, Russia nnd Irish Diapers, ■ Dogskin, Hucksin, and heaver Gloves, Ladies dressed and undressed kid do. Scarlet embrodered morines, Marseilles quilt counterpins 4 4 square, Sewing silks, black, white,, green, blue and assorted colors, Cotton cords, balls and threads, Linen tapes, threads and bobbins, Darning and floss cotton, Willow flats and millinells, Suspenders, children’s sucks, Cassitnere, merino and silk shawls, Shell k Imitation Tucking & side combs, Pearl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto. Ribbons—an extensive assortment of all colors, Plaids, Striped, figured and plain, Plain ami pearl edged Taffetyfiom No 1 to 22, Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin i shews and Sarsenetts, plain &. figured of various colours, Silk Lace, plain and figured, Silk lace edging, black and white, ’ Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black ’ and white, plain and figured, ’ Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors, S Ik lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs. Elegant needlework muslin, robes and walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol lars, very rich, Low priced needle-work, tatnbored and embroidered do, Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces and Inserting Trimmings, Worked muslin R-.uuls or Coiaretts, >Jii'Pftd Faces, a good assortffiitj, cheap, , Jet Eardrops, Snaps, and , Eyes and Necklaces, ! Gilt Neclaces, Clasps and Snap, i Pearl, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus -1 penders and vest buttons, Wallace’s extra gilt and coloration coat and vest buttons, Super Scissors and Chains for do. Magnum Houum and common ilazors nnd strops, Sportsmen's pocket and Pen knives, playing Cards and Dressing jCumbs. Durable Ink and Osnaburgf Thread, Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt ings and Sheatings, Sandboxes, by the dozen or package, WliiUeinore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, ike. ALSO Straw Bonnets . 20 cases of very superior Straw Ren nets, Hinds, and Trimmings, of various patterns, such as bell crowns, doubled - rapes, round fronts, cottage shape, &c* kc. —cheap for the quality. The above goods are offered at whole sale and retail for cash, or on time for ap proved paper* Regular supplies Will he received from our partner in New York, which will enable ns to have,constantly on bund a general assortment of fresh season able Goods; and the patronage we have received the year past, we are in d iced to believe wt have s6id, and shall continue to sell at least as cheap as our neighbors November 8 ———if Ulolmj Tavern. J. Mil SiihscriberiiiOimsljiifriend, ana ibe public, that bis Reading Hoorn , is just arranged, and that his Bar U much more convenient. And on account of dunging the situation of the bitter, he i better able to provide for Ine accommo dation of his customers; and can safely promise them, that as far usliis means and ability to comply vvitii jiis w slus can go, lie will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every gtiegt who may honor him with a call. d£|-The Savannah & Wash ingtou Stages put up at the lilobe. W. SHANNON. December 20. City Taxes. 41.1. persons concerned are hereby no tifled * hat thd? returns of City Taxa hie property for 1822, will, be received at the office of the clerk of the Mayor’s Court, in the N.E. turner of the City Hull, from the Ist to the.“list January ensuing, from 2 to 5 o’clock, in the afternoon of each and every day; Sundays f\rer*cd. I). Clark, c. c, December 31——~Im evil, that men <lo, lives fitter them ; ? C‘ The good is oft interred with theb hones. ’* 5 Coiton, Stock, a s n V»v oltei*. THE subsejiber bas taken an office in tbe Iniikiing lately occupied by. Messrs Stefan & Hargraves, on tin; north of Rroad-street, opposite to lift* Ros» Office—where he offers his services isl the business, nnd hopes?-by* strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers jn commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of An gust a and the planters have tong sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart tbe business is principally done by biokcis ; and lienee case, certainty and dispatch with , it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of tbe sub scriber, may bererfter save himself the trouble of sampling bis coiton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter nerd be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true slate of the maiket, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and tbe purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton at lire mark ,l urine. Office Regulations relative to I otton. Ist* In order to give time f>r sampfing, citizens offering coiton are requested to leave the ware-house icceipts by eight o’clock, a. ft. —If felt l ater than nine, sales cannot bo real zcd till Hie succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a teller of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and'receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m. — if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eralized till next day. 3J. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th, Kales will commence at ten o’clock .and close at twelve, a m. sth. I’ersons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than lire market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6J cents fora bag entry andsampling. 6tb. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Htock Excliarih’o mid o brokerage, hi their I’artous 11, anehes. Will be attended to at ail limes during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. til! two *>’clocli i*. m. and from three o’clock t.l! live r. m. John Kinney, jnn ? r. oj* Money is sometimes worth more than at others I’ having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail tnemsclves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. Not ember 8 if TIAIH)ITOiK, CVT. KllY, t- : 'c. *' JuVin £5 TUos. A. Tones, ji IAVF. received pu* ships Emily and Oglethorpe, from Liverpool, a general and extensive addition to their former stock. -iflicy have also on hand a variety of otJier goods worthy the attention of coun try Merchants. November 2‘J w6w * Clothing St ore ; j rm.Ls, mf.rciunt r. >l a.ons, KKKP A I. A HUD AMf:OUTAK£M P OS Gentlemen’s IVeudy i'AoUung, Os Uicir own Manntacturc. ALSO — Extra. Super, and Common BROAD CLOTHS, CASKI MEItES, VESTINGS, FINE LINEN SHIRTS, kc. rj And the first rate workmen, to make I ('luihes to measure N, R.—Their Store is kept on Rrnad- 1 Stive’, ten rods above the Post-Office, and three doors below M*ij. Thompson's Auction Room. December 1 ->■—-■ —Iru In Equity. Edward Boyd, Joseph Reid, ’ v Foreclosure of Mort rv. f gage. Rama M'K’nnie.J ■« N obedience to an order of the Court sL of Equity, will be sold at Edgefield House. S nith Oaioliua, on the first Monday in February next, on the follow ing terms ;—“ For cash to the amount of six thousand two hundred and fifty dol lars, with interest from the Ist day of January, 1821—also, to the amount of seven thousand dollars, with interest from Ist day of January, 1822, and on a credit of twelve months for the balance” a tract of laud containing about 1000 acres, lying at tin- lower side of Reach Island, on Sa vannah River, well known by the name if Silver Bluff. This tract consists of * due proportion of rich low and well tim - bered high'and, with a comfortable dwel iug house, and other necessary out build .ngs, and has attached to it a first rale Saw and Grist Mill, lately erected by Mr, M‘Kinme. The purchaser will be requir ed to give bond and security for such pari as is ordered to be sold on a credit* W bitfield Brooks, Commissioner in Equity Edgefield Court-House. Dec. 10, 1821 ®3Wr <B£KSHDS a Hardware Cutlery. ‘ Subscribes. ;.¥f I ■'extensive mercantile house in Nev-York, ► ‘'have just received I coin that city, ami ; are now opening in B ud-Sttect, next doer to the Bookstore of Win. J. Hobhv. i sf l a a ‘ff e a,,t - valuable Assortment of . Fancy and Stable Dry Goods, Hardware ana Culiery ; A SUING WHICH ARE, OP DRY GOODS , F.x ra super, superfine and common Cloths and Cassuneres, assorted colors ; Sattinetts, different colors; blue and xa hile 1 mins; red, white, yellow t< green Flannels { blue and green Hocking-’ Dai zes ; Hose Blankeis, assorted, from 7 to 12 4 ; Point dn ; black a d colored plain, figured and printed llomhazeUs and Bat. tineits ; Caroline or Circassian and Tar tan Plaids ; I hick and colored plain L fi. gured Canton Crapes and Crape Dresses; . black, blue, green and assorted fancy Ca licoes ; super London prints and printed Cjimbtics; fine Cambric ; plaid Ging hams ; plain and figured book, jaconet, cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded and jaconet muslin Rubes ; Irish Linens, va iious qualities; fine and coarse brown do ; Oil Cloths, handsome patterns; swans dowo, toilnrtit and One white and print ed Valencia Vestings ; buff, chintz, inn. lation s-lk at d cotton and printed border ed cassimere Shawls ; India ami German silk flag and bandana Handkerchief; bUck and crossbarred Canton do; mad ra:«, pullicat md twilled cotton do ; snot j tut , crossbarred and white bordered Cum j biio Cravats; linen cambrics and cambric j Handkerchiefs; imitation do; Mack anti ; white silk, cotton and worsted Dose ; la • dies and gentlemen’s black, white, and j asserted Colored, kid, beaver, castor and suk Gloves ; sewing Silks and Twist ; black and coloretl Ribbons, various widths: elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins in packs; gilt coal and vest, pearl and ivory shirt Buttons ; button moulds: do mestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed Ticks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted Shirts and Drawers; silk Umbrellas, dif ferent qualities ; forotop, back, irony and picket Combs; coarse and fine linen and cotton Threads; Colton Halls j fine steam lnum Shirtings; Suspenders; an assort ment of Shoes ; roruiii, imitation Ik real beaver Hals: AND OP llarAsvavc & CVdcry, ..Oos, aborted, some very eSe;p H t : Gun Worms; Trace Chains ; client, butt, II and lIL Hinges; Thumb latches; ti n ik, chest, till, pad, knob and mortice Locks; tea and table spoors; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, pear, prunning, carving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, butch er and drawing Knives; Knives h Turks ; Razors, in cases ; Scissors ; Handsaws; handsaw ami bastard Files ; Curry Combs ; ;• :id Irons, Waiters and Tea Trays ; Car petTei’s Buies; Squares and Compasses; Sand Paper; Miovels and Tongs ; cut 'Tacksand Brads, assorted; 'Trunk Han dles ; W ood and Bed Sctews ; Screw Tollies ; Candlesticks; Curtain Bings; Nail and Spike Gimblels ; Nail Hammers ; Jewsharps ; Shaving Boxes aqd Brushes; metalic Paste and Paste Blacking ; and an assortment of Brushes. AH of which are now of'.red at re duced prices, wholesale and retail, for cash or approved paper in this city ; and i from the advantages (hey A\k posses in the selection of their GOODS, having a '•purchaser constantly in the New-York mioket, hope to merit a share of public patronage. Walmsley & Foster. December 13———if GEORGIA. J.LYCULK SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1821—Monday the 22d day. Slauter Cowling, 'j JtULF, for vs. I for cloture Nathaniel Adams, adminis- of,Mart tralor on the estate of Na- j gage, thauiel \dams, deceased. J lIJpON the petition of Slauter Cowling, praying the foreclosing the equity of rc di-mptiun in and to all that tract of land yn gaud being in the county of Lincoln, .mil state of Georgia, containing five bun dled and seventy acres, more or less, ad joining muds ol Gathered and Saunders on die South; Eastwardly by lands of Mrs Hunter, and John Wait-; Northwardly by . Seastrunk’s land, and West wardlyby lands of Hubert Fleming and estate ol Dowsing, \i hicli said tract of land was mortgaged by Nathaniel Adams in his life time to your petitioner, the better to secure the sum of three thousand two hundred and forty . seven dollars and sixty two cents, with ' interest. On motion of Micajah Henley, attorney or said Slauter Cowling —lt is Onlered, f that the principal, interest, and cost be i paid into court within twelve months from t this dry, otherwise the equity of redemp- L lion ir. and to the mortgaged premises will . be from henceforth for ever bared and . foreclosed, • li, VM fctiblißhed in c one of the pub. 1 1 this state, t once in every u.oiV.. - . lime ap . pointed by tins rule for pfc-JiUnl, or a co . py served upon tne siiid administrator of . the mortgagor or his special agent, at least e six months previous to the time the mo •, n is directed to be paid into court. •- True copy taken from the minutes of I Lincoln Superior Court, April Term, IS21 —Monday the 23d day of said Month. Peter Lamar, d’k. May 3 —ml?tn ~ ml , l , Jas ««»3 W. m [New Stilts—No. 26.] ’ *fe ***.<»■—\Jimn apa—■■■ia——^ AUCTION. On Friday. 1 (th inst. J; 12 O\W.h f "WILL BE SOLI’), Before the Past. Office : A ix Mouse ami Lot on Broad-Street, occu pied at present by Messrs. H. &, G. Web stcr, nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel. A I,SO, A House and Lot on tlic SantUliUe, formeryl owned by Mr. Adam Hutchison. ALSO, H'D Shares Wiiarf Stock. 7'c viz at Sale, Fraser <Sf Bowdrc Ji&cPrs, January 3—. —2 t Notice. fIIHE co-partnership heretofore existing X between Johnson y Crane, having this day jjeen dissolved by mutual consent, all persons having claims against the firm, arc requested to present them for pay. nu-nt, and those indebted, are desired to make immediate payment. James Johnson, Elias I). Crane. ( 'Tj' '*’bc business will he con'inned by 1-V. ii. Crane, at the old stand, who has on bar.d a complete assortment of Newark made Gigs and Carriages, which will be sold low for cash. Carriages Repaired at short itotice and i.i the neatest manner. E. LI. Crane. Dec 17—~Im CAUTION. WIIKIIKAS my Wife MANY COI,. LINS, lins left rny bed and board without any provocation, this is therefore ta forwarn all persons from harboring her or (rusting her on my account, ns 1 arn dc termintd not to pav any of her contracts. •lame# Collins. January 3 3t-pd Notice. ,4 LL persons indebted to the estate of /V John W, IValton are requested 'to come forward and make immediate pay. inent, and those ihat. the said estate me indebted to, are requested to bring fop. ward their accounts duly attested, v. illiin the lime prescribed liy law. W P. Beale, Archibald Jlagjie John Bunn, Administrators. January 3 —— fit For Sale. THE Plantation, Ncg-rcesand 'Working Stock, belonging to the estate of the late Capt. J, G. Telfair. Persons desirous of purchasing in Columbia county, would do well to avail themselves of this oppor tunity, Enquire at the office of the Au gusta Chronicle. January 3 • 'Jen Hollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the undersigned, a Negro fellow named TOM, He has been waggoner to Augusta, and is proba bly well known in t,e city. The above reward will be given for bis apprehension. J. T. Bent. Dec 31 Notice. WILL be Merited on the S4th instant, the Sand-Hill residence of the lute Hezekiah Beall, for one year. Terms made known on the day, N. IT. Beall. Admiiiistiator. January 3 law-tils Caution. . 1 1.1 ■ persons are cautioned ag-.inst trod ing for a certain note of hand for Fifty-* Dollars, given by nte to John Osborne, of Edgefield Disuict, South Carolina, and, dated (as well as t can recollect) some time in the months of August or Septum- 1 her, in the year 1819, as .lie consideiV'i tmu is not lawful and I am determine/, not to pay it unless compelled by law. j Clement Green./ . December 24.- Jip The Subscriber OFFERS for Rent, for one 4r more years, between}two and till ht bun drecl acres River Bottom Land, jr lot* of fifty acres andupwards, to suit k'»ees.— Corn and Fodder cun be had on the pre mises. Alto for sale, Bor 10 of-me work Mules and Hornes. For fuilyc-. - informa tion enquire of the subscriber/iar the pre mises, lourteen wiles below A igusia. Robci’t/Joiies. January 3 Tax Collectors Sale. Wild, be sold on tii J first Tuesday in March, one I'OUSE, a I joining f Thomas Walton’s Lot.fnd bold as the pro > perty of.Giies GriswoH, to satisfy his Stat - 1 and County Tax, furtl e year 13‘20. Amount of Tax JyJ 75 cents E. Ilugg. T. C. J tmtattj ", *■ j ■*: «■■■■■■■■»■■ I | ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ..ll»H,l> l.mpt OrtuuV C\\a\vUr ot Ufeoi:- gW 'X'hE Officers rnd Members of the OK AN I) CMM'TEU, me requester} to 1 meet at the Masonic Hall in Louisville, on Mosiuv, the 4th cf February nest) Cor the purpose of organizing the tpid Chapter, and installing the Officers, «>ul for the transaction of such other hti#i ucss as may be found necessary. William Schley, Ghaxh Hi«u I’aijjn t I.nut an'!?, IMt Dee 1821- * Sec Ist section of the 2d article c.f the General Grand declare ing who shail he members of the State. Grand Chapter. SoricK. Co-part net ship Inert tofor^existinj* SL uii er the firm of Leeds &. Coach Makers, war dissolved by its liioita. tionof the 21:1) November last; tht books am! accomrs are kit in the bands of Jamea Lynes, one of the late firm for settlement. Ati persons indebted' are respectfully re quested to make as early szitu inents a a possible, and thereby save the inconveni ence and cxpence of a legal call- Those to whom the concern was indebted w ill present their demands to him fop soul.- menu Nathan Leeds. ✓ James Ivy nos. January 7 if Tlic Subscriber lV r JSHI',S to inf i m his friends and tha T ▼ public, that be shall continue the Coach Making Business, at the stand lately occupied hy Leeds and Lyhes, at the cnr. ners on Lliis and M'lntosh streets; where Carriages will be made and repaired at short notice, and in the beat manner. James Lyrics. Jan 7 Kj* Tiic Editors of the Ceorgl? Journal and Washington News, a e n q tested to publish the above three times, and forward, their accounts to this office. Coach Making. subscriber respectfully inform* »• his friends and the public in general, tlml he lias established himself in tie Jnlwn o business, a tew rods below th'i market, ory tlir south sole of Uroad-jtreet, where n constant supply of northu H made Carri ages amfGigs will be kept for safe, of supe rior style and workmanship, lie has now* 1). Bearh,,of Jj-Lark, N J whiohgwill he Sold at the k ~-Jjt manufactory prices.—- will be promptly exetifed, and • l ? i ever ' y tlfe ßm iption repaired, &c ir.b. I j,.'. manner and favorable as ran be done elsewhere. The smallest favors will meet-prompt attention and will be grate fully acknowledged- He lakes tlds.op portunity of returning to his friends his sincere acknowledgements fur favors here tofore rendered him injdic above line. Nathan Leeds. January 7--- 4w. ftiieriflg Sale—Continued. WILL be s/jld on the first Tuesday its February next, at the court-house in Jacksonboiynigh, Semen county, be tween the ho/a-s often and three o’clock, 10 namely Amy, Luce, UobyHinah. Kady, Mitt,, Jen ny and Ne/., levied o, as the property of James Ga/ibie, Thomas Nicholson & Sarah tj-° u!/ ' to na, . is *y execution in favor of Uichfrd Herrington, on the foreclosure: of a mortgage. J - - AI.SO- 1 Kegro Womau named Lin ilei, me small wagon, one sorrel hoise, and one sorrel mare, levied on as the pro pedy ol James li. Conyers, to satisfy sun dry executions j Solomon Kemp, s.s.c. Htliuaiy 7 ———tds / Will be Sold, Ijk r fa T the late resilience of Benjamin Ta iiaferro, deceased, in the comity of Wilke*’ and mate of Georgia, the following proper ty, t' Wit; *' ' ‘ One tract of Laud, known and distinguished at the old settlement. ‘he late r< :4jieno'e of the said Benjamin consisting of 1300 acres of land, more on less, with 800 acres more or less, cleared with good improvements —ALSO,— i One other tract of Land con taining 600 acres, more or Jess, Ivin* 6n Broad River, near Anthony’s mills," having about four hundred acres cleared, and under improvements, with a good mill thereon. —ALSO,— One uioiifiaud Uarrols Corn eiglity or one hundred stacks of fodder household and kitchen furniture, p anta lion and blacksmit h tools, two wagons, and two carts, one riding carnage and stock, consisting of horses, cattle, and Pops, and other articles 100 tedious to me.u -ii , m Sale to commence on the £th day L pa. biuarj , in t-.e year eighteen twenty two, and continue frem nay to day until the whole is sold. Terms to be known on the day of safe. B nijamin TalfntiaVro, Thornton Taliaferro. Attorney* in January 7——tch, •