Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, January 21, 1822, Image 1

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rn ' k . 0 b *-*• P- k H 1 Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. Waff 111 I ■■■■■ll Z . mri-Trr —Tmr~■ in - - iiii» ■ujTiaiiwiia—l ■him^hiijy ■ a i f [YOL, SO.] JiionJoj, * |» I J 9 i tt Vi l Ue’.Yi\ei ifj PkmuaocK (ilavc i-:cl'vd, by the s.hips Oglethorpe ly, from Liverpoo', and !..u —_"UTtv;t.> tram (lie norili, an e.v.ensivo supply us IKUIsIj, French, India &; Do mes lie | DBF GOODS. jyW, " ALSO. | Hardware. ’Which they effor to country merchants wa ike must reasonable terms , November l'i- w2tn Notice. §P o v \ HR Co-partnership heretofore exist under the farm of F. 0. T.iyh r & Co JfV'i by mutual consent, dissolved on the .?2th day of August Inst. F. C. Taylor, Dexter C’sftpin, •N. 13. Busiaess iietcafter will be coaiiu tifcic. \1 by F. G Taj lor. November 12 If. | Wanted to Hire, Sfo ' Jr OH the ensuing year 40 or 50 pood i jßfegio Fellows, for which a li heal price • >iR he given ; payable monthly, quarter s ty, or at the,end of the year* Apidy to Henry Shukz, B in Hamourp. I’ Pec 27 ts ’ Miisa ranee agins t Fire! Charleston Fire, and Marine . Insurance Company Agency Ti 1R Subscriber offers to fake risks a gainst Fire on Houses, ! ()ut l ßuilding?. G >ods. Wares, and Merchandize, in Au jjpista and its v’cimty. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Jiroml sheet, ( S' hjecn the Post OjJlcc & Globs Tavern.) December 20 QUAKER SPRINGS. CTnhe subscriber has taken that w*' known BiATELY occupied by Major Bvukec, uyuated seven miles above Augusta ~v ifite Washington read and hopes Iron * his attention to business *o give genera ' t’athfec.tion: John Turpin. JJotlpmber 8 ts I To Hent, 4 7 awK'JARGR and comforable Dwelling Hi-we, to w hich are attached three and an India cres of Land. This house is in the ] lowlr part of the city, on E lis street, and is efery way deoii able as a residence for a primte family Immediate possession i 5U be liven.—-Apply to Hi Ilium U r . Hull, JLhdj or to Nicholas Ware, Executor ofJVm. liucon. Jtovembcr 8- ts. jlwy ——————— Will Ih-, SdVil, i jjSkN the first Tuesday in Feoroary, at the' Court House in Warrenlon. Re tween the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property .- One Negro M-vn, d the name of TOM. Taken as the pro- J),c*fy of Benjamin Sandilord, to taTdV tin ■/execution in favour of Retry ami Wright and otic is, viz. llejaiiiin bar.di'ord, Jere nmii Beall, and .John Sand fold. — otp lload Waggon, 4 p ir of lie s, two Jfprses, taken as tin* property of Eiiaha SIMUiSMi, to satisfy an Executu n in favour 'nephiaiak llix, vy Cdsna Joimson.— A150,.. , t ' l ‘r of Gold, taken aslite property ! «el iv nst* 7 . f° satisfy an execution in Jttmf ts ilakfY ‘ Uld Heath, vs, Joel Kinsey. _ . x \. Ai*Xorm:ck, J), i), Shujf, ffaneu County. Jan. 3 * W \\\ AT the Court Jl’/rw in Warrenlon, on the first. I'aet.r 'V in February ne.vt, lh' h • —s o: “■ l^. too iilcres cf Fine Gaud, on 'he wMci. ct itcedy Creek, -djoni-.v, tt lnids of lto -e and others, i! being k r»«'n as the place ofWdiowbys, taken a-J ne pro-, ijertyof/* hariah Hailey, U> satlstv an ex /nation in favour ot D.<vid C. V and 55. tJaitey, and Vfdhs ■■ > pointed out by Howard, the Security.— Also, , J TJu’Cii Nciyfcs, \yi, James 33 years old. Muse 2u ycu: s a ■.■oimn '37, years old. taacn tos*ti. .v ■ execution in favour ot - c,i for the use cf John I - u , m n . . others, vs. James IMgc.S, and po.nteu out by llogcrs.—-Also. _ Two Negroes, me boy and girl, U.ken as the P«P®W ; ilarrui N. a>, satisfy an execnt' .i ' vour.f, vs. llarrdN--d. A. Ih I*Pg.CV.3, S. w. G. r s Jan 3—- e*. ay —«... » II ■I ■■ II ■—l IM il Cotton, iUocli'f A \ l» \\v t>k w. ►JHIK sub-'j’d,. r naa lake” .u .IK nr* in .U.. too hud hug lately crcn; i d bv Messis Stewart ft Hargr Vos, on.the north side of Ih oa . strogr, opposite to ih. ; Office—whe-r he tdfois his scvices in Cvj id) :ve business, and hopes, by strict personid ad cation, to obtain the patron age of his fiiciids and the public. I he great facilities afforded by brokers in comt! crcial opei a 1 ions general' y,r» ndor .t icmai liable, that-the merchants of .-vu i gust a and the platters have ieng sustain ed tit?-inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Colon Ihoke ■ In almost every other cotton ma:t ’.lie business is principally done by brokers; and lime ■ the ease, certainly and dispatch v iih which it i$ executed. The same syw m. is perfectly practicabie iicii*. The ntor clnuit, by applying at die office of the sub scriher, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling .iis cotton and looking up a purchaserthe planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to seerfain the true slate of She market, nor sub jeer hiifiselt to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at ail times know where to resort for cot ton at the market price. Office il emulations relative to Cotton. Ist- In order to give time for sampler, citizens .offering cotton are requested e tave the ware house reci-i ds hy eight o’clock, a. si,—lf left later than t ine, sal.-;s cannot be realized till the sncceding nay If more convenient, s mas be enclosed in a letter of instruction's aud dropped in the letter bo:; the highs pro vious. 2d. Cotton will be sample and Jecc»v e’< fun wagon.-, till ten rdcluek'.'.i u d‘ ufleu-d after dint hour, sales can,ml In erniized tin next day. 3 Wiirt-hi use esju nses \v li ini griablj be deducted tVom tiic u couiu cs 4'ii. Sales w ill co loieuc-.- .«■ e < 'Vcieck and close at twelve, am, s'm. t’ersons elioosmg <> limit ajiii imi ting high-.r tha.i the inaik wdi (i.iv< j mi ic- ci ui returned tl;-,mi an paying j <> nils fora nag entry and sampling, fuh. Coiiiiniittlons on sales, 25 cents a j bale Orders from-the country, >n dosing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. htock Fxclmnwc aud * roLei ag'u, , y xyn, JL- ./■'<» y'VW' ■ J tr- -T-S-m n. . - me iiunrs, which wilt be iV.ira eight o’- ylork a, n l,ill two o’clock r. 51. and icon) due-; o’clock till five v. m. John Kinney, jun’r. Ojr* Money is sctnelitn-s -v ilh more ban at cih. is, Fcrsfms l-.aving it to loan, * nay, in the sti-ctest confulencp, avail uemseU es of the advantages of the mar ket, by apply in,; as ti.e Hboiye office. Novembers,— if Tax Collector’s Kale. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in ?f March, one aljoining Thoitias Wab.on’s I.ot.and s do as die pio p-rty i.fGues (-i'isw.ld, to satisfy his a.,d County T.i»,forlheyear 1820,, Any.oaai of Tax ’jfjSf Tsr ats K Bhcka t. a January 3. !> Ot ice i. Id. persons indebtr-ri-ta the estate c> XU. JoitisW. VV.u.-ro.-i are lequested t come forward ..nd make immediate pat ment, and those that the said estate u indebted to, are requested to biiug fo,- , ward then accost df» ila’y attested,- widiit. due time prescribed by 1 i\v SV F. Iloalc, Archilmltl iiaggie, J/jiiu Du mi, Admimsirators. January 3 6t 1 he 1 ton so aiii Lot, ~:t r3ITUAIT.O on llrond and Lincoln s recis, io-c now off-.-red ft r rase, it will o; in the hi «rk«t until llse 2.s'di day i-f U c -nidier, at u likh time, it not sold, it'. | ,‘m; withdrawn and will not b-s oil'ere : a t gam The sUtydion of the properly . • pliasant and livaldiy, its front i.t 130 fee air! runs bi-ck to Ellis street 160 met. For he terms apply to \i in. A Cobi> } By bis . tj‘Ut, I. Thomnsoii. Novcmb ; • *fi Take Notice, nr-ifr w die Ordiiv. n- ' i iilitled“ An X Ordinance to prevent lim-Ses vumm’g n largo in the Citv of Aug-da.” .wtdbe again put in force f pm ai.d idler tue loto Hi:.! ant January Issi Notice. 'jPI II K sn’jscriber having taken J> n » ’ fi. V, Andiikws into copartnership, dr, ‘ Aucdosi an! Commission Umsuicss wi-i ii ‘i:c'sfoiw ird be conducted u'-der the nun of Tiipmps in & Andr, ws. 1 Thompson. ] January 14 3t i vViiNTTjO, i , \ GOOD Fernah- House Servant. ,f A girt 10 or 13 years old to l * tak‘ ra.e of a Chd -for sue.i good v . ges will be given, uni -paid .r.oiitbly >t i ; quired. Apply a> this Office. Jamiarjr li) if 5“ The evil, that iiicn do, lives nftej them; p C’ TSio goo<[ i j ol*t iutes*red with thdr bSnes. 9 * Jf 1 au&. /arntiri■>!iai>aw..**Nl.*-«ana J a rr..~ T:~rrrr:~: Jix Li l/is) J Lin pshvarc C'nth’i'v. ■' * n \uS yviA'v,.yv\b(fci*« f I.W-d-rG Awmiui a connexion with an extc;iis:v mcicandie hmiso in Ncw-Voik, h-ivtsjnsl i-tCviied fr iu th'.,t- city, and I'.v now ope’diig in l’i‘--..iT-bfrCtt, next d.- V to die Ibojcstm-eof W;h. J. Hobby, Esq. a la»a:-d vahuibh- Aawrln cut cf idw. aud Slapi-z Diy Guo'j.S liai-dware and Culieiy : , . AMONG WHICH A HR, OF mir goods, R-xtra super, auoorfine and cutrunon C’-ths ami (!.. shn-i-es, asserted colors; MiUiucßs, different, colors ; blue ami '.*• lute Plains: red, while, yellow & green Flannels ; blue and green Doc Icing Dai ucs ; Itoss Jflankets, assorted, front 7to 12-4 ; Point d»; black iint colored nlain, figured a,id printed Doinbazelta sad Hat li. el t: ; \ r*. i nline or Circassian and Tar tar. Plaids i Idack and colored plain & fi. g’lrt d Canton Crrpes and Crape Dresses; black, bine, green and assorted fancy C|i c vs ; super London prints and printed Cambrics; fine Cambric ; plaid Ging hams; plain and figured bd-.k, jaconet, 'iambi k- am} fancy Muslins ; corded and j; c-u.ct iniislin Cubes ; Irish Linens, va tu rur. qua:,ties; fine and coarse broti'n dy ; 00 cmdis, hnudaom* patterns; swans dt-r-p, toiinettfc and hi. while ami print cu, Vuenc a Vestings ; buff, chintz, imi tation silk and cotton and printed border, cd ca''.snoere Shawls ; India and German silk flag and bandana Handkerchief; biuck ac.l crossbaned Canton do; mad ri'.f-s. judheal and twilled cotton do ; spot crussbarrerl and while bordered Cam b :ot avals; Inu-n cambrics and cambric Hu.'.' iiiofn ; imitation do; black and whit: il'k, cotton and worsted Hose ; la de i h d r.-riUenieu’s black, white, and .js ;it .1 '-lured, kid, beaver, castor and suk Glows; sewiitg Silks and Twist ; b’.ck and colored liibbons, various w d'lu ; elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins j !>i*cks; gilt coat and vest, pearl and j iv j y -hirt. D'Utons ; button ironlds ; do- I nit stio Shillings, Sheetings, Checks, j Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Dad I Ticks • black tabby Velvet ; worsted I Shins and Drawers; silk limb ret 1 as, dif ferent qualities , fore top, buck, ivory and pocket Combs; coarse and fine linen and cotton Tnrcads ; Cotton Dalis ; fine ateam- Shirtings; Sn.*pemlers; an assort inc-nt of Shoes ; roruin. Imitation ii real beaver lists: "IMPaaafcjSg Gups, assorted, some very elegant ; Gun Worms; 'lTace Chains ; clits l , butt, !! and HI, Hinges; Thumb Latches; f -qrk, chest, till, pad, knob and mortice t.o'iVs; tea and table spoors; pocket, pen. barlow, two blade, pear, prunning, ca;vi.u dirk, desert, shoe, bread, hntcii jer and elr»wi,ig Knives; KnivesßeForks; bhizorn, in cases ; Scissors ; Handsaws; handsaw and nastardFiles ; Curry Combs; Sad Iron# ; Waiters and Tea Trays ; Car neu'ev’s ilnji.s; Squares and Compasses; t and Paper; Shovels and Tongs; cot 'Packsaud Brads, assorted; Trunk Han dies ; Wood and Fed Screws ; Screw ■•-. lilies; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings; Nail and Spike Gimblcis; Nail Hammers; 1 -sharps; Shaving Boxes and (hushes ; uetalic paste and Paste Blacking ; and usiortment of Brudies, • "I of which arc now offered at rr dueetl prices, wholesale and retail, for as 1 ; or approved paper in this city ; and i exi the advantages they will posses in me selection of their GOODS, having a purchase- constantly in the New-York , naiker, hone to merit a eiiare of public patronage. Walidsley & Foster. Decembei 13 ts Tail Dollars Kewurd. 55 UNAWAY from the undersigned, a la. fegio fellow named TO.vI. lie bus btvO; m a.-;goiu:r to Augusta, and is proba bly v,’.-p knb'v.i in i.e oily. 4'fii above reward wifi he given for (>i;i apprehension, J. T. Dent. jA t , . * Notice. Rented on the 24th instant, Vv the S UK)-Uid residence of the late Ihzck aii Dzall, fhr oi-e year. Terms nude known on the day. N. If. Beall. Administrator. January 3 lnw-tds Tli« subscriber yfiFFEKs i.i|< Rent, for one or more y. uis, between; two and three hun i. - I ac; s River Bottom Land, in lots of rii.y aezys and upward i. to suit lessees. — . Coin and Fodder can be had on the pre mises. Also for sale. Uop 10 prime work Mules and Horses. For further ir.forma- I tion enquire oftii near the pre nises, rom-tecn mil--s below Augusta. Uobert Jones. January 3 SlierilYyi Sales. be sold, on tb a fust Tuesday in f V mircii neti, at tile Court-fiOnse in uc li wu of V'.'ayr.eiborough, Hurkc Coun y between • lie usifti! Sale hours. Nine Negroes, (viz.) ■ tcs-i, GeUy, Funny, Harriet, Edward, Rich Nancy, Hope anti Jacob. —Levied or , ihe property ts James Polliill, to satisfy 1 ~i Kxvcution in favour of Job S. Barney tic for -Closure of a moi tgage. W. W. Blount, 8, IL C. Dec 27 —— latvts ■N* y :sp‘ .WS;.' *-r j(>Yiwu\ ot Ger.s gVa. ip I *. HR Olficei's ntvl Members of the GRAND CHAPTRif, are totprcslud to meet «i t!)o ai:.sonic Mail in Louisville, j 7‘* -M'unum-, the 4-tb of February ncAt, lortliq purpose of organizing the said [ Chapter, and installing the Officers, and for tiir traiisuction oi' such other bold ness as may be found necessary, ’ William Schhvy. , Gu»ND UtOil I'lllEST Louisville, ISi/i Dec. 1821- * Sec ht section of the 2d article of the Ocncrsil Grand Constitution dcclar injf "’h ) rfliall be members of tbs Slate Grand Chapter. NOTICE. fJjMIR Co-partnership hejelouirc existing H uuer ilie (inn of Leeds ft Lynes Coach .Maker!’, was disstdveu b> its limita tion of die 24Ui Novcmh'T last; the books and jicconnss ire U-ftin the iiands of Janus Lynes, one of the late firm for settlement. All persons indebted are respectfully re quested to make as early settlements as possible, and thereby save the inconveni ence and expence ofa legal call- Those to whom die concern was indebted will present their demands to him fop settle ment. N athan Leeds, J ames Lynes. ' January T— f The Subscriber to inform his friends and the TT public, that he shall continue the Coach Making Business,at the si ml lately occupied hy Leeds and l.jncs, at the cor ners cm Ellis and M'lnlosh streets; where Carriages will be made and repaired at short notice, and in the best manner. James Lynes. Jan 7 (Ej* The Editors of tlie Georgia Journal and Washington News, a:e requested to publish the above three times, rml forward their accounts to this office. Coach Making. nnilß subscriber respectfully informs J!. his friends and the public in general, that lie has established himself in the above business, a few rods below the market, on thr south side of Broad-street, where ti nin-llicris mad : Card on hand a supply of Carriages made by 1). Beach, of Newark, N J. which will l/o sold at the lowest maisufaotury prices.— AH orders will bo promptly executed, and Carragesof every description repaired, kc in the best .manner and favorable an can be done elsewhere. The smallest favors will meet prompt attention and will be grate fully acknowledged- He takes this op portunity of returning to bia friends his sincere acknowledgements for favors here tofore rendered him inlthe übove line. Nathan Leeds. January 7 4w. Sheriffs Sale—Continued. WILL be sold on the first Tu-sdtiy in February next, at tbe court-house in Jacksonboroogh, Scriven county, be tween tbe hours of ten and three o’clock, 10 Negroes, namely, Amy, Luce, Dob, Dinah, Rady, Mitt, Chain, Jen ny and Ned, levied on as the properly of tames Gamble, Thomas Nicholson & Sarah Nicholson, to sadsfy an execution in favor of Richard Ileiiington, on the foreclosure of a mortgage. 1 Negro Woman named Lin der, one small wagon, one sorrel hoise, and one sorrel mare, levied on as the pro pcity of James R. Conyers, to satisfy sun dry executions Solomon Kemp, s.-s.c. January 7 —ids SM.} WtiWAvd, *V\ AWAY from the subscriber, a .roatlv since, fils negro man, SOLOMON, well known about this place He has he'll 1 fiequeutlv seen lurking about the. town ; anil tlie above reward will be paid to any ’ person who may happen to apprehend him, unless he should bean officer of the Police. A, McKenzie. January 7 ts Notice. A N Evening Singing School willbe com f /jLmenced hy the subsci iberthis evening, - in the now school room opposite Mr. - James Gardner’s, Reynold street. Persons c desirous of attending or sending scholars, - will please leave thei r names at the Aujjus - ta Dunk Store, or apply to Thomas S. Nelson, January 14 ts Strajctl or Stole it V 11 L* ROM the subscriber on the evening of tile IStli inst. a sorrel mare 15 or 16 hands high, with a huge white blaze in her fore head—Also one (‘f lier hiljd ancles much i- swelled, owing to a hurt received w hen a ii colt. Any person apprehending the said y mare, wifi plcuse to itddms a few lines to /, the subscriber in Auguata, -.‘iid a liberal re ward will be paid when delivered. I, C. I/. Accc. January 17- —w3tp — .-!LD—IL i . . I JT ■ _LL-Jlli, 3avav.wy at, 1822. [New Stwlcs—N'u.aQ.] i• . % 0 , i- ' tr.m.HTMr -—■ ■„ 5 ~~ * ~~ ***~ i. i.— i.. it i»i mn« l iui' » A. Tkqxtet’s Crockery' Store. nil jo up. uon\ j\>. j. A very Fresh and Handsome Assortment of DRY GOODS, VGA'S rSTTXC OF— IJnoWN Ifollnmk, , Shirting Linen, aborted, Masulipatan Handkerchiefs, Fancy ditto Ladies’ white tops sup’r black Cotton hose, Fancy Quillings, Fine white Flannels, Apron Checks, Jaconet Caiiihiics 9-8, J-J !J C- J, line Hussia Sheeting, 100 Pieces Calicoes, latNpatterns, 100'J Fair Mens’ Wax Calfskin siloes Which will be sold low {‘or cash or up. P'ovecl paper, lie has also a very com plete assortment of Gisockcry am\ Gluas Wave, for saic by the crate op retail, on very favorable leinis. January 10 lm tut: ovr-T orlv Goirnmsalou BOOK STORE, HAS latniv been removed totlie Store formerly occupi-d by lie id, Wood nili, yCo 3 doors he low tiie Hanks— Ami where he has a Complete Assovlnfeul of School, Classical, Medical, La w &f Miscellaneous Books. A’nir WORKS hAT ELY JIFCF.IVF.ZJ Man pf Fee ling, with tile Story ofl.flUochc, lirsl complete American Edition, Myron's Works, new edition, with all his writings <ip to the present time, A Manuel of Chemistry, hy W.m. Thomas Hinxm;, 3 vols. in one, to which are added notes and emendations by Wx. Ja,mis Macnkvin, M. D.—hist Ameri edition, Carry’s North West Passage, Ten year’s exile of Madame DeStael, const mi t!;/ receiving. *“ «44Hj>QC January 7 4t -* ,1. HF< subscriber lately from Columbia Court-House, Geo. oilers his services to the citizens of Hamburg, and the pnhllp generally, and respectfully informs them, that he intends commencing business in that place on the first of February next, in the 7t!i House from the lower corner, in cl e Watch Making And Jewellery Line, lip has on hand and tor Sale, an assort ment of CLOCKS &. WATCHES. He lias likewise o;i hand an assor mentof Dry Goods £5 Groceries. 11. UiUON. January 17 2tp THE AUGUSTA Jockey Club Races VV ILF. commence on the fourth Tues day in February next, free for any horse, mure or gr Iding on the continent, (weights as heretofore.) The first day, 4 mile heats, (purse) §41)0 „ 2 1 d«>. 3 do. do. do. 3i>o „ 31 do. 2 .do, do. do. 20U „ 4th do. I do, the three best in five, for the entrance money the preceding d.»ys. N. 15.—The proprietors of the turf do pledge themselves that the money will be hung up each day. Ed. Bird, See. January 14. &20 lie ward. H.\N AWAY from tho subscriber, lir ingin Hmke county, Geo- near Walker’s bridge, Brier creek, some time in Novem ber dr December last, his negro fellow named EMANUEL, ‘ about 2.7 years of age, 5 feet Bor 9 inqhes * high, bus lost one of his eye teeth, and is ’ of a yellowish complexion. —Also, ii a Kin, about Go yertrs of age, stout and well made, about 5 feet high, has a remarkable scar under bis right arm, occasioned by ahum, ' which prevents the free use of it. Emanuel was purchased from a geptle man living in Madison, Morgan county, where he has a wife, and for which place p he will probably, turn. Harry was former , i y purchased from a gentleman by the name of Brooks, of Washington comity. , A reward of Fifteen Dollars wiil be giv. , .mi for either of them, or Thirty dohars I for both, and all expenses paid, to any p C ,sou who may apprehend and dtlver them to me, or* lodge mem in any safe jail, so that I obtain them *g>in. Amos Wiggins. January 17- w4tj tJ* M i.w, mi „ , 11 (&** little after dark, cr* Tlmcaday evening, wnu* person or per-. S!,IIS followed (he li iok Keeper of the l’- nk of Augusta, into the rs tho House, and \* hlia thn.t officer was engArcd for a short time In lh • back apartment, t hey contrived to gain admission iu o (he f oul room, probably with the expectation ot obtaining something valuable; but dis appointed in this, (as no money is ever left; out of the vault after business boats,) ami finding nothing else, tlioy took from tho counter, seveial bunks, and ran off with them—,, have been picked up, uninjured* and one mutilated.—Of those still missing* one only is of any importance, and that i.<| about, a.? ijuirc bound book, with red cor-t nem. A liberal reward will be given a$ the Bank, to any person who restores th'f rnsl mentioned volume, or the part tor* trom that which was mutilated. Adfit tional compensation will be made for in* telligence leading to a discovery cf (lira perpetrators of t is wanton act. Uy ordea cf the Board Augustus Moore, Cash’r January 14 if French Goods. JUfiT rccciv.'.l liv II.“ aiil’s'-r’Vrs p„ the Imperial, a General .Umirnr nt o£ French Good?, aftio<>g which are— -44 7. 4 y 0-4 Merino S' nvl., 4 4 Merino half illet’s, and «!,«- fit, Cambric St Linen Camb. Tambour'd ai.d Needle Work Muslim Bands, Kibbons & Thread Laces, I.aclies* Kid and Weaver f.lovej, Mens* Heaver St Buckskin do. iUso l*voi\\ .N evt -\pi k, Fashionable Mixed Cassinic-rs, Laches’ Mohair silk St Worsted Hose* Bomdarretts, assorted Colors* Cotton Cord Siik Buttons, Aijd Hose Colton from No 24 to 60, Which they ollep for sale at reduce! prices. Bigelow £5 Gilchrist. January 17 2t E nterta in frill K Subscriber informs bis trie ml# .1.. and tho public, that he has opened a I louse of Entertainment at the Shoals of Ogechee, on the road leading direct fro.u Augusta to MiHedgoVille, crossing at il.ei Oconee at :4ps#;«. Cravyfo d’s Si Cart. i’a Bridge. Ills Stables are large and C'utimo 'ions, i- h[i;o|eis. arid will be utf those comfortable who illuy tan on John H. Wright. January 17 4t ♦ Virginia Negroes mu s.n.o. fTHEKF. Will be off n .1 for sale, if* JL Hamburgh, S C. opposite Augusta, tony likely young Negroes, consisting of first rate cooks, house s n ants, carriage drivers, and field hands—ail of excellent character. Those who feel disposed to purchase had better make speedy enquiry at this office for information, as they will be entitled to first choice. January 17—-dt A (xood (xardner WAJTVKU. Apply at this office, January 17——ts Property in Hairisburglx For Sale, *rilE Subscriber offers for sale his lot V and improvements in the town of Harrisburg, known by tb. name of the ttlue-lloits", at present occupied by Mr. Jesse Smith, situated or. the north side of the road, second lot east from the cor ner of the cross s'.r r e, leading to fti& river.—lndisputable- ft' ijss wiu he giv* en, and terms may he ran .e known fy ap* plication to Messrs. A. Slaughter Ik G,. Labuzan, or to Harwood Uoherts, Columb.a county, Jan. 17 dw (0“ Brought to Jail in Jacksortborongh, Georgia, . 1822, a negro man, wlio says ins rathe is UAUTLET, and that be b tongs to Hen ry Mealing, o I Augusta, Georgia—be is w country born, about forty years old, ..rfc complexion, five feet eight or nine inches hi Hi: stout made ; has conspicuous -cap over his left eye brow, which i.e ssys was occasioned by the bite,or a b.ack roan ill a fight; has also on Ids left 1> g, a ' e.y had sore; says he niMntty just about Christmas. The owner is requester* V> comeforw ard, prove propt'ty, pay charge# and take him away. . Solomon Kemp, gaoler. . January 7 -it \ 0^ Notice. "JrW I Uoi.OF.RS of Gun Powder arc hereby | notified that the Keeper of UwrMagaji a mav from thenceforth be found arv un o d during the day, at the Clerk’s Office of the Mayor’s Court, City Hail, to receive and deliver powder. - * _ j Lawrence Tie \riison, | Keeper of the Jlig-izoiQ | January 18—. J ,31 •* , i I 4 * /-• ■■ ■-* fw ■■‘ ,v . jEH if?- V. ’■ - r ' * w