Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, January 24, 1822, Image 1

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'I Augusta Clironicle & Georgia Gazette. **■ Wa' * —* sSF <6 — * h - ~ * (S'' | [VOL. SO.] TVmrsAa^, ZiVX^twiA* i Benfloch Ik Have received, by the ships Oglethorpe . and Emily, from Liverpool, and late arrivals from the north, an extensive supply of British, French, India & Do , \ mestic 1 DRY GOODS. ALSO, Hardware. Which they offer to country merchants on the most reasonable terms November 12 w2m ! Notice. , uHR Co-partnership heretofore cxist ;lj ing under the firm of F. C. Taylor & Co. (i V was by mutual consent, dissolved on the | 18th day of August last. I F. C. Taylor, Dexter Chapin. N. B. Business heieafter will be contin ued by F. C Taylor. November 12 ts. Wanted to Hire, ’#■ OU the ensuing year 40 or 50 good JSegro Fellows, for which a liberal price yili be given ; payable monthly, quarter ly, or at the end of the year- Apply to Henry Shultz, in Hamburg, t Pec sy ts Insurance against I Fire! t Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency. TL HE Subscriber offers to take risks a gamst Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, ■Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broml'Struet, ■{Between tin Post Office M Globe Tavern .) December 20 QUAKER SPRINGS. QTKIlie subscriber has taken that wel wTknown stand Qcakkr Springs. LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta }he Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general . satisfaction: i | John Turpin. 1 8 ts : '1 To Hent, . A- It Alt OR and comforable Dwelling ' HoiihL to which are attached three and an half fires of Land. This house is in the lowefpart of the city, on Ellis-street, and isevory way desirable as a residence for a private family Immediate possession wili be gWen.—.Apply to William W, Holt, , Esq. |i to I Nicholas Ware,. | Executor of Wm. Bacon. November 8 ts. Wiki he &oVA, ON the first Tut day in February, at the Court House in Warrenlon, be tween the usual hours ot sale, the follow ing property . One Negro Man, of the name of TOM id'ken as the pro perty of Benjamin Saudiiord, to satisfy an execution in favour ot i'eiry and Wright and others, viz ib-jamln Sanddbrd, Jere miali Deal!, a.d John Samiiford.—Also, cue toad Waggon, 4 p ur of Geers, two 1 Homes, taken as tliv property ot Elisha johufcon, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Ztpbiniah Hi::, vs. Elisha Johnson. Also, u bar of Gold, taken as the property of Joel Kinsey,- to satisfy an execution m pm our of Baker and Heetn, vs. Joel Kinsey. . , . , , r A. li. MCormick, Ih u. She'ffi. Warren County. /an. 3 __ WiW lie AT the Court House in Warrenton, on the first Tuesday in February next, between th . hours of Sale, 100 i\ cres of Pine Land, on the. waters ot Atedy Creek, adjoining r of lands of Hose and others, it being known as the place of Willowbys, taken a=> the pro perly of Zachariah Bailey, to sutisf an ex ' ecutico in favour of Dav.d C. Hose, vs. f-‘ a and Z. Bailey, and Willis Howard, pointed out by Howard, the Security. - Also, Three Negroes, viz. ;. James 38 years old, Mose 20 years old, and • .a woman 37 years old. taken to satisfy an i execution in favour us /ohn 1. Marti , Co! tbr the use of Jol.o F. »««•»! :,i' others, vs. James Rogers, and pom by Rogers.—Also, Two Negroes, one hov and girl, takenas the ,11 Harrel Neat, to satisfy an execution in j uaurof James Ned. vs. Han el. M A. B. Rogers, s. w. c. T Jan Codon, Htock, AND EixeLange Broker. » ITIHE subsejiber lias taken an otlice in JL the building lately occupied by- Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he offers his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au , gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokets; and hence the ease, certainly and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser ;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true stale of the market, nor subject himself to Hie caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton at the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist- In order to give time for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to leave the ware-house receipts by eight o'clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious, 2d. Cotton will be sampled and "receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a.m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eralized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales, 4th, Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, wili have i lieir receipts returned them on paying 6 i cents fora bag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, rn closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, In their Various Brunches, Willbe attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock c. m. and from three o'clock till five r. m. John Kinney, jun’r. Qj* Money is somei. ius '.v»’iih more iiau at others Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail iiemselvcs of tiie advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8.- ts Tax Collector’s Sale. \JkJ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in , ?» March, one HOUSE, adjoining I lioma 1 * Walton’s Lot,and sold as the pro perty of Giles G. is wold, to satisfy his Stab a d County Tux, forthe year 1820. Amount of Tax 75 cents E. Bugg. T. C. January 3. N otice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of John W. Waltov are requested to come forward mid make immediate pay ment, and tiiose that the said estate ary indebted to, are requested to bring for ward their accounts duly attested, within the time prescribed bv law. W. P. Beak, Archibald Uaggie, John JDunn, Administrators. January 3 6t _ _ 1 he House and Lot, Situated on B o?d and Lincoln streets, are now offered f r sale, it will In in the market until the 251 h day of l)e ; cember, at which lime, it not sold, it will be withdrawn and will not be offered a gain. The situation of the property is "pleasant and lu ahiiy, its front is 180 feet : and runs back to Ellis street 160 feet.'! Forthe terms apply to \V m. A Cobh, j ßy his Agent, I. Thompson. November 26 Take Notice, That the Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance to prevent horses running h l large in the City of Augusta,” will be ■ again put in force fioiti and after the 15lh ; instant. i January' 10, ; Notice. TH E subscriber having taken Joax P. Ajtbbews into copartnership, the Auction and Commission Business wiT henceforward be conducted under the firm of Thompson & Andrews. I sham Thompson. 1 .Taman 14 3t . WANTED, A GOOD Female House Servant. ALSO r A girl 10 or 13 years old to take care of a Child —for such good wa ges will be given, and paid monthly if re quired Apply at this Office. January 10 ts 5“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” 3 Hardware £5 Cuthry. 1 The Subscribers. 1 II 1 Having formed a connexion with an extensive mercantile house in Now-York, ' have just received from that city, and [ are now opening in Broad-Street, t next door to the Bookstore of Wm. J. Hobby, Esq a large and valuable Assortment of ! Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery -• AMONG WHICH ARE, OF DRYGOODS, Extra super, superfine and common Cloths and Cassimeres, assorted colors ; Satlinelts, different colors; blue and white Plains; red, white, yellow & green Flannels ; blue and green Bucking Bai zes ; Hose Blankets, assorted, from 7to 12 4; Point do; black and colored plain, figured and printed Bombazetts and Hat tinetts ; Caroline or Circassian and Tar tan Plaids ; black and colored plain & fi. gured Canton Crapes and Crape Dresses; black, blue, green and assorted fancy Ca licoes ; super London prints and printed Cambrics; fine Cambric ; plaid Ging hams; plain and figured book, jaconet, cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded and jaconet muslin Robes ; Irish Linens, va rious qualities; fine and coarse brown do ; Oil Cloths, handsome patterns; swans down, toilnette and fine white and print ed Valencia Vestings; buff, chintz, iuii tation silk and cotton and printed border ed cassimere Shawls ; India and German silk flag and bandana Handkerchiefs ; black and crossbarred Canton do; mad rass,pullicat and twilled cotton do ; spot ted, crossbarred and white bordered Cam bric Cravats; linen cambrics and cambric Handkerchiefs ; imitation do ; bkek and white silk, cotton and worsted Hose ; la dies and gentlemen’s black, white, and assorted colored, kid, beaver, castor and silk Gloves ; sewing Silks and Tw'St ; black and colored Ribbons, various widths ; elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins in packs; gilt coat and vest, pearl and ivory shirt Buttons ; button moulds; do mestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed Ticks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted Shirts and Drawers; silk Umbrellas, dif ferent qualities ; forotop, back, ivory and pocket Combs; coarse and fine linen and cotton Threads; Cotton Balls; fine steam loom Shirtings; Suspenders; an assort ment of Shoes ; rorum, imitation & real beaver Hats: AND OF HaxiVware & Gwftoy, Guns, assorted, some very elegant; Gun Worms; Trace Chains ; cliesv, butt, H and HL Hinges; Thumb Latches; trunk, chest, till, pad, knob and mortice Locks; tea and table spoors; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, pear, pmnning, curving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, butch er and drawing Knives; Knives Ik Forks; Razors, in cases; Scissors ; Handsaws ; handsaw and bastard Files ; Curry Combs ;• Sad Irons; Waiters and Tea Trays ; Car penter’s Rules; Squares and Compasses; Sand Paper; Shovels and Tongs ; till Tacks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk Han dies ; Wood and Red Screws ; Screw Pullies ; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings; Nail and Spike G'unblets; Nad Hammers; Jewsharps ; Shaving Boxes and Brushes ; metafile Paste and Paste Blacking ; and an assortment of Brushes. AII of which are now offered at re duced prices, wholesale and retail, for cash or approved paper in this city ; and from the advantages they will passes in the selection of their GOODS, having a pure baser constantly in the New-Vork market, hope to merit a share of public patronage. Witlnisley & Foster. December 13 if Ten Dollars Reward. J UNA WAY from the undersigned, a JA Negio fellow named TOM. He has been waggoner to Augusta, and is proba bly well known in tie city. The above reward will be given for his apprehension. J. T. Lent. Dec 31 Notice. *m/ILLbe Rented on the 24th instant, Vt the Sand-Hill residence of the (ate llezekiaii Beall, for one year. Terms made known on the day. N. H. Beall. | Administrator. January 3 law-tos The Subscriber OFFERS for Rent, for one or more years, between) two and three bun dred acres River Bottom Land, in lots of fifty acres ai*d upwards, to suit lessees. — Corn and Fodder can be had on the pie mises. Abofbr sale, Bor 10 prime work Mules and Horses. For further informa tion enquire ofilhe subscriber near the pre mises, fourteen miles below Augusta. Robert Jones. January 3 Sheriff’s Sales. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in mirch next, at the Court-House in the town of Way nesborough, Burke Coun ty between the usual Sale hours. Nine Negroes, (viz.) Dess, Hetty, Fanny, Harriet, Edward, Rich ard, Nancy, Hope and Jacob,. —Levied on ac the property of James Polhill, to satisfy 1 an Ex'- cution in favour of Job S. Barney, on the foreclosure of a mortgage. S. W. Blount, S. B. C. Dec 2f—-’ Uwts Grand Cl\iv\vtcT ot Oeor guv. BE Officers and Members of the GRAND CHAPTER, ?re requested to meet at tho Masonic Hall in Louisville, on Monday, the 4lh of February next, for the purpose of organizing the said Chapter, and installing the Officers, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may be found necessary. William Schley. Ghand lima Puixst Louisville, 18/A Dec. 1821' * See Ist section of the 2d article of the General Grand Constitution declar ing who shall be members of the Slate Grand Chapter. NOTICE. 77" THE Co-partnership heretofore existing un ec the firm of Leeds & Lynes Coach Makers, was dissolved b) its limita tionof the 24th November last; the books and accomus are left in the hands of J ames Lynes, one of the late firm for settlement. All persons indebted are respectfully re quested to make as early settlements as possible, and thereby save the inconveni ence and expence of a legal call Those to whom the concern was indebted will present their demands to him for settle ment. Nathan Leeds, James Lynes. January 7 if The Subscriber IR/ISHES to inf rrn his friends arid the y f public, that he shall continue the Coach Making Business,at the stand lately occupied by Leeds and Lynes, at the cor nerson Ellis and M'lntosh streets; where Carriages will be made and repaired at short notice, and in the best manner. • James Lynes. Jan 7 gjr’ The Editors oftlie Georgia Journal and Washington News, are requested to publish the above three times, and forward their accounts to this office. Coach Making. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has established himself in the above business, a few rods below the market, on thr south side of Broad-street, where a constant supply of northern made Carri ages and Gigs will be kept for sale, of suf >e rior style and workmanship. He has now on hand a supply of Carriages, made by 1). Beach, of Newark, N J which will be sold at the lowest nu.nufactury prices.— All orders willbe promptly executed, and Carragesof every description repaired, &c iui he best manner and favorable as can be done elsewhere. The smallest favors will mpet protnpt attention and will he grate fully acknowledged- lie lakes this op portunity of returning to his friends his sincere acknowledgements for favors here tolore rendered him in{ihe above line. Nathan Leeds. January 7 ——4w, Sheriffis Sale—Continued. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house in Jaoksonborough, Scriven county, be tween the hours oi ten and three o’clock, 10 Negroes, namely, Amy, Luce, Bob, Ui.iaii, Eady, Mut, Chain, Jen ny and Neel, levied on as the property of James Gamble, Thomas Nicholson &. Sarah \icho son, to satisfy an execution in favor of Richard Herrington, on the foreclosure of a mortgage. 1 Negro Woman named Lin der, one small wagon, one sorrel hoise, and one sorrel mare, levied on as the pro perty of James R. Conyers, tosa isty sun dry executions Holomon Kemp, s.s.c. Jannan 7 —Uls <s,lo Vlew«u*A. Han AWAY from the subscriber, a month since, his negro man, SOLOMON, ■veil k.’iov/n about this place He lias been frequently seen lurking about the town ; old the above reward will be paid to any «*rson who may happen to apprehend him, unless he should bean officer of the t’olice. A. McKenzie. January 7 ts Notice. a N Evening Singing School willbe com- A meuced by the Subscriberthis evening, in the new school room opposite Mr. James Gardner’s. Reynold street. Persons desirous of attending or sending scholars, will please leave their names at the Augus ta Book Store, or apply to Thomas S. Nelson. January 14 ts 4 Strayed or Stolen From the subscriber cm the evening of the 18th inst. a sorrel mare 15 or 16 hands nigh, with a large white blaze in her tore* head—Also one of her hind ancles much swelled, owing to a hurt received when a colt. Any person apprehending the said mare, will please to address a few lines to the subscriber in Augusta, and a liberal re ward will bo paid when delivered. C. L. Acee. January 17- tv3tp d January s4*, 18$$. [XtNV\ cries—Xo. SO.] A. Ticquei’s Crockery Store, BRIDGE ROW, Jfo. 5. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT A very Fresh and Handsome Assortment of DRY GOODS, —CONSISTING OF Brown Hollands, Shirting Linen, assorted, Masulipatan Handkerchiefs, Fancy ditto Lathes’ white tops sup’r black Cotton hose. Fancy Quillings, Fine white Flannels, Apron Checks, Jaconet Cambrics 9-8, 5-4 SJ 6-4, Fine Russia Sheeting, 100 Pieces Calicoes, late patterns, 1000 Pair Mens’ Wax Calfskin Shoes Which will lie sold low for cash or ap proved paper. He has also a very com plete assortment of Crockery oiu\ QVasa Ware, for sale by the crate or retail, on very favorable terms, January 10 1m THE XcYf-Nork Commission BODE STOBB, HAS lately been removed to Ihe Store formerly occupied by Reid, Wood rulfi, &Co 3 doors below tlie Bunks— dial -where he has a Complete Jlatorlment of School, Classical, Medical, Law & Miscellaneous BOOKS. oYEW WORKS LATELY RECFAVLD ! Man of Feeling, with the Story of La Roche, first complete American Edition, Byron’s Works, new edition, with all his writings up to the present time, A Manuel of Chemistry, by Wm Thomas B iiANor., 3 vols. in one, to which are added notes and emendations by Wm. JaM i s Macnevkx, M. D.—first Ameri edition, Parry’s North West Passage, Ten year’s exile of Madame DeStael. JVew Books constantly receiving. Samuel Starves, Agent January 7 4t TUB AUQUSTA Jockey Club Races ILL commence on the fourth Toes day in February next, free for any horse, mare or gelding on die continent, (weights as heretofore.) I’he first day, 4 mile heats, (purse) $4 ;0 ~ 24 do. 3 do. do. do. 300 „ 3d do, 2 do. do. do, 200 „ 4 h do. 1 do. the three best in five, for tire entrance money the preceding days. N B —The proprietors of the <urf do pledge themselves that the money will be hung up each day. Ed. Bird, Sec. January 14. 830 Reward. Ran AWAY from the subscriber, liv. iug in Burke county, Geo. near Walker’s bridge, Brier creek, some time in Novem ber or December last, his negro fellow named KMANUKL, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has lost one of his eye teeth, and is of a yellowish complexion.—Also, HARRY, about 35 va*rs of age, stout and well made, about 5 fee. high, has a remarkable scar under his right arm, occasioned by a burn, which prevents the free use of it. Em; nuel was purchased from a gentle •nan living in Madison, Morgan county, where he has a wire, and for wmch place he will probably aim. Harry was former ly purchased from a gentleman by the name of Brooks, of Washington county. A reward of Fifteen Dollars will be giv en for either of them, or Thirty dollars for both, and all expenses paid, to any person who may apprehend and deliver them to me, or lodge them in any safe jail, so that 1 obtain them again. Amos Wiggins. January 17 w4t Notice. ■ IfTILL be sold at the late residence of f ? Elizabeth Dannelly, dec. in Colum bia county, on Tuesday the fifth of March next, the personal property of said dec. consisting of horse kind, hogs, cattle, one wagon, household and kitchen furniture, to be sold for the benefit of Uie heirs and creditors of said deceased—and also two Negroes to be hired for the present year. 'Perms of sale will be made known on that day bv William Carrell, Ex’r.—and all those having demands, will please render in their accounts duly attested—and all those indebted, will make payment to said executor. Wm. Carrell, ex’r. January 21- ■—wda French Goods. Just received by the subscribers per the Imperial, a General Assortment of French Goods, among which are— 4-4, 7-4 & 8-4 Merino Shawls, 4-4 Merino lout Hkfs. and Shawls, Linen Cambric it. Linen Camb- Hkls. Tambour'd and Needle Work Muslin Bands, Ribbons & Thread Laces, Ladies’ Kid and Beaver Gloves, Mens’Beaver & Bnckskm do. A\an I*toiw .X -\nvk, Fashionable Mixed Cass inters. Ladies’ Mohair Silk & Worsted Hose* Bomdazetls, assorted Colurfc Cotton Cord Sitk Buttons, Ami dose Cotton from No. 24 to 60, Which they offer for sale at reduced prices. Bigelow § Gilchrist. January 17 2i Entertainment. TUI. Subscribe informs his friends and the public, that he has opened a House of Entertainment at the Sima s of Ogochee, on the road leading direct from Augusta to Milledgeville, crossing at the Oconee at Messrs. Crawford’s &. Carter’s Bridge. His Stables are large and commodious, kept hy attentive hostlers, and will he at all times well supplied w»;h provender. His best exertions will be used to moke those comfortable who may cull on turn. Jolm 11. \Vriglit. January IT 4t Virginia Negroes FORH fjllHK F. will be off' 1 i.r sale, in B Hamburgh, b C. opposite Augusta, forty likely young Netut es, consisting of first rave ccbks, mint s r ants, carriage ! drivers, and field hauls—all of excellent character Those who feel disposed to purchase dad better make speedy enquiry at this office for information, as they will be emitted to first choice. January 17 3t A Hood Gardner w.ijn'Eu Apply at this office. J antiary 17 ts Property in Harris burgh For Sale. TH E Subscriber offers for sale his lot and improvements itv the town of Harrisburg, known by the. name of the Bine-House, at present uccupi- d by Mr. Jesse Smith, situated on the north side of the road, second lot cast from the cor* nor of the cross street, leading to the river.—lndisputable thies viit be giv en, and terms may be mad - known by ap plication to '. .ssrs. A. Slaughter &C. Labitzan, or to Harwood Roberts. Columbia c-ounty, Jan. 17 Jw (neorgm , Columbia county . •Sullivan haiimson tods before me a sorrel horse about ;«dve years of age, a d about four feet 9 or Id it cites high, tin b.aiuls discoverable, some sad'da nur'is 011 each side of his back, a large blaze f rom his eyes down to !us nose Appraised to thirty dollars hy F-U > li. Short slid Jam< sCam, this 7th day 1 1 Jan uary, 1822. Win. Bcott, .1. P. Georgia, Columbia county District >!o. 4. llHlri oaj io » d bt lore me by .(esse , lb>ldc 1, one sorrel horse, shod be fore, with a blazt fsre e\t< nding mostly over his t ight eye, his I ft bind foot white* considerable saddle spots, and the a.ipevr ance ol an oid founder from Ins hoof— about fourteen years od.—Appraised by Kdont Moon & David F Rogers to forty dollars, tills 26 it d*y ol Dec ntber 1821. Lewis Uuo.v, J.P. Jiarmoug, Clerk Inferior court Colum/ua county. January 17 dt Sheriff's Sale Postponed. w LL be sold at the Court-House In Warrenton, on the fit s! Tuesday in F» bru ary next, between the usual hours cf sule -434 Acres of land on tho waters of Long Creek, admitting ofjolta son. Friend and others, it being the placa whereon Benjamin Sandeford now fives i levied ou to satisfy an execution in favor of John Mytick and others, vs. Benjamin Sanucford. A. Rogers* Sh’ff. January 21 wds Estraj. GEORGIA, I IM7 IJncoln County. $ “▼ umam Matthew* of Capt. Walker’s District, tolls before mo a white mare 4 feetlOor lynches high, trots, no brands or mark* perceivable Appraised to Forty Dollars, by Henry Suddulh and Phillip Dill, 29th December, 1821. JOHN QUINN. J.F. True extract from the Estray Book of Lincoln County. Peter Lamar, cl % January 21-——,_J f