Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, February 04, 1822, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. ; —<——W——— * IT ll—■ ■«>—■.. Lg'.fwwr . ...... . * > [VOL. 36.] Monday The ««. tliat nieXiloj lives after fiem : } C k The good is oft interred wilii giouJboni ” S TetacuaY* 4, \Sm. Series—Xo. 33.] .. \ / J ' Cotton , AND ftaokrc. THE subsejiber hasten on office in thg building lately ptjaSiipitd b> Messrs Stewart Si Hargraves, on the n'-r! h siole of n road-street, opposite to the Post \ Office—where be off-is his services in ' the above business, and bones, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron. *ge of his friends and the public. '1 he great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operadons generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of An gnsta anti the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, anti particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton matt the business is principally done by brokets ; and henc. the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub soriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking 'up a purchaser {--the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true state of the market, Hor subject himself to the caprice (if the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton at the mark t -irVe. Office Regulations relative to i otton. vflst- In onler to give time fur sampling, citizens offering cotton are r< quested to leave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a, m.—ls left later than nine, sale s own'd be realized Till the sncceding day Irtiiore convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2J. Colton will be sampled and ‘receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eraiized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a, m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned litem on paying CJ cgnts fora bag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, ni closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly f xeented. . . aiock KxclmiiKC and T? rokeiatfo, V In their Various Branches, Will he attended to at all limes during of fice |f*ours, which will be from eight o’- clocfc a. si. fill two o’clock r. m. and from threeo’clock till five p. :u. John Kinney, jun ? r. jjTMoncy is sometimes worth rnor tban'at ethers Persons having it to 'o n. may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, liw applying at the above office. November 8 ' ;f A. I’scquet’s Cpipckerj Store, m BRIDGE BOiV % Mo. 5. JVSIIjSIECP.IVFn ON CONS'I r.NMENT Fresh and Handsome {$ Assortment of BUY HOODS, CONSISTING OF— ' Hollands, rting T.inen, assorted, 1 Masulipatan Handkerchiefs, Fancy ditto Ladies’white tops sup’r black Colton /hose, /ttiucy Quillings, fer.t white Flannels, jacoiu- 1 Cambrics 9-8,5-4 £> 6-4, Fine Russia Sheeting, *ioo I’ircrs Calicoes. late patterns, 1000 Pair Mens'* Wax Ca'fskin Shoes YVjpch will be sold low for cash or ap proved paper. He has also a very com plete assortment of and Glass WaTfc, forisale by the crate or retail, on very favorable terms. January 10 tin Tax Collector’s Hale. WILf- be sold o.i the (mat Tuesday _ in March, one HOUSE, adjoining Thomas Wal uu’s Lot, and sold as the pro perty of Giles Giiswold, to sat : sty his Stst and Ooun'y Tar, fort he year 182 J. Amount of Tax £9 75 cents E. Bug;. T. C. January 3. TilK AUGOstT” Jockey Club Races ILL commence on the fourth Toes ' ’ February next, free for ati> iiorre, gelding on the continent, (weights ofove ) it day, 4 mile brats, (purse) g 4 '0 11 do, 3 do. do. do. 300 1 do. 2 do. do. do. 200 li do. 1 do, the three In st in fn e, he entrance money the preceding —The proprietors of tbe tttrf dt. themselves that the money wil* g up each day. Ld. Bird, See. auuary - MLSH/dIM) Tilack BomKttZ?Atcs, Nankeen § Canton Crapes , and Crape Robes. i fMJMSLEr & FOSTER. • (next noon to the acbosta book stoue ) Have Just received from Nev-Vork, and . tto7u opening A FRESH SUPPLY OF DRY coons, CONSISTING OF JrIGURF.D Rlnck, alack Nankin & Canton Crapes, Figured black Do Do Crape llobes, biack coloured, Black Canton IJandketchiefs, Silk Flags Randanoes. Merino a ;d Crape Shawls, Black Sdk Florentine Vestings, Uo Do Fancy Patterns, Bine mixed Sattinetts, fine, Domestic Stripes & bleached shirtings Waltham sheetings bleached very bavdsome, Osnaburgs & Hessians, good quality, Imitation H aver Hals, by the Case, lunation Tucking &. side Combs, Seersuckers and Parasols, assorted, (ItT* W ith a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, and with Stock now on hand comprise a pret ty general assortment of SEASON A BLK GOODS, Which will he Sold low for CASH or ap proved paper. January 31. wtf 3C3H hist of Notes Lost or 28th December 1831, by Washington Uabiuwat. * *NE Note of hand on J. Diaper for 484 Dollars, dm 25:h Due. 1820, with a credit of one hunched and thirty eight dollars and 72 cents Light Twenty five dollar Notes on Wm. A. Tyson, and embused bv Joshua Dra per, line 16lh December 1818 One Note on James Cody, sen. for Two hundred Dollars, with interest from Ist. January 1820. One Note on Thomas O. Tyson and W m Mays for one bundled and one Dol lars, due 25th Dec 1819. _ r i>eo. Apr ' One Note on David Cody sen. for one Hundred and Ten Holiars, due Ist. No vember, 1822- One Note oa \V;n. Goodsc n, fur forty two Dollars and some cents due 2511 i i Dec 1819. Two Notes on C ulster Evans, one for i hirty Dollars, due 25di De c. 1821, ami die other due 25th December 1820, for g 18 cents. Ojr No.e on AbnCr Rogers and Abner vl•Carmack, fur one hundred and ninety Dollars, due Nov. 1821, with a credit of Ninety Dollars One Note on Peter Cody f r thirty two Dollars and a few cents, due 25th December 1321. January 31 w3t (0 s A List 01l sYf UcAe-a put iu Storage at. the WAIIE-HitU'tfi of BiLnno & Chutes, by the Steam Boat Company’s Boats, aim u the 7 th inst. viz: 20 BMs. Liquor marked B k 1) 1 Bag Coffee, marked F II M'Leod 6 Demijohns marked the same 2 ila f bbls do I Tierce Rice do 1 Leather trunk marked on the Lock .) Hutchins, 1 Trunk Sam’l T Phelps 1 Trunk Juo. (). Elsworth 1 Package Book do 1 Tierce Liquor N. Wayer 25 Boses Candles T. 46 Bbis Flour F. 35 Bags Coffee F, 1 Hud. U. S. 14 Company E 6 Trunks, \V Nos 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Chest Miss Go .f ey, 2 Boxes M G No 3 & 4 1 Box 1 N. I Trunk C N 3 Boxes Dr. E Hunt, Nos 14 2 1 Keg Do. No .> 1 Half BbIS 1 Half bbl II P 1 ! ierce marked diamond A 1 Box M G 1 Box Ur. f'os Sandwich 2 Dbiu J <■ Clark I I ierce I Sc 1 GDI I £c 1 box 1 Sc 12 Hots Cider II P 4 Pipes I.iqu-T m u keel diamond II 10 JJ-egs Coffee ma keu dtanmud VV 1 Üb! Ku i. marked diamond M 1 K g Chrii.s I B No. 3 2 13!)is O angts, Cooke, 1 Pipe P C 1 box Jno Sayer 2 Tierces Hice It 1 IV'X s & L 5 boxes Fish M k M 165 Bars Iron 3 Corn Mills. N. B. There are other articles not yet called fur, which hate already been pub fished Persons calii: gfor go- da, will be required to produce orders from some offi cer of the Steam Boat Company. Billiro & Grovt’s. January 24, 1822. ■ >t i bocUiL* jj S lIAS removed Ids Office to Mclntosh 1 a.reef, third tenement north of Broad* ’ street, wlmve he can at any time be found, • when nut engaged in profcssional business. , ? ,1, ;rv 17 '-f ** Mi*. »' oary Humia • nan is fn by ant! orized to collect all (lebts ue to ties office, (from the 8d: of Octo ber ;) snt to give receipts for the same. January 17 \o .Mt e\\aiilcs G , kJEALFD Proposes, a.ldtvs°rdorhand- S el to the presi.»e: t . f ;ho J.diversity, wifi he received until tin- 32.1 day of March ne.v, for building a College Kdi ftce at Athens upon ti,,- clan a> <1 of the Dimensions following, vi/, The plan in ) all respects the ons already erected t! said place, to which, persons wishing * 1 " < > :, ‘l'?itake, n’-e paitieularly referred, as a clear description of the‘number < f Rooms, their sizes,} manner of finnishhg them, hre places, closets, pK.-sogesj win dows, doors, &c eu not be furnished in this notice. Toe building j s tw he one hundred and twenty (vet ong, forty five icet wide and four stories high—the fount anon isu he of stone. *o reach to the Clay, say ahoo two feet below, and to extend It o Ice' abo c the high. St su.f.ce or trie t |, e .| ln?e jjrst stones are to b ? nine f «. pitch end), the other eiirh'-tlia wail oV il. o ba -ment story rs to bo twenh-sev. \, lc!| .. a ihick, m relation to which. the 0%, r8 aie t< un .ergo a successive and propionate diminution «»f thickness Tlie brinks to ! be laid in Line Moptarjiho woolen Work of the Building is to be Pamltd in and outside. 1 iie undertaker vvid furnish all the materials, they arc o he ~f the hi at - | quali v, all timbers exposed to te.e wen. ; ‘her are to be oi heart pine. The work is to oe don. in a neat substantial ai d woikmanii k inivner; bond and securi ty in dt.iibb. • tie sum proposed, sill be i required and k ust of the securities must I accompany the proposal. The time, i when toe building will be completed must also be siati d. Five 'litmsand ilollars will be paid to Uk- undertaker on the hist day of June n< xt.; seven thousand when the building' i is coveted m, and the balance when it is completed. Persons disposed to propose for this j H 'ork hail belter visit the sat of the Uni j versify, when all the inforniuiion in llie power of the Ptesident thereof, the Se cretary of ihe board of Trustees or the Presidential Committee will be cheer iiii y afforded in reference to any particu lar whatever, connected with the under taking. A sbury Hull. Sec’ry Hoard Trustees, of Uni - ) versify of Geonrui, 5 January 28 (Ty* The Augusta Chronicle U/ill t\L»A»« I ■Fitii'fcMvs iiiseriions in his paper, and request the Georgian of Savannah, the Journal and Recorder nf Milledgeville to do the same, and forward their accounts to the Treasurer of the University for pay ment. A. H. Just Received, And for Sale. 40 PIPES real Holland Cl IN, 2 Half Pipes L. P. Te one rifle Wine 120 Bbls. N. E. GIN of approved Brands, 20 Quarter Roxes of Hyson & Hyson Skin TEA, iwFISKBV 4 llhds. Jamaica UU M, BARRELS OP APPI.ES, 100 Boxes RAD-INS, By T, B. Gordon. Ansley’s Han re. January 24 3t MKKINO SHAWLS, fecari’a § I‘oiuts, Very Elegant, Just Received from New-York. A i,so— Ct AROJANB Plants, a few pieces hand ) some patterns, Elegant white figured Satin Ilobes, Do. do. do. do. Ribbons, Ladies’ F'eecy C.’oves, Super, black Italian Crapes, Thread ami Bobbinetle Laces, a great assortment, Best company Flag Handkerchiefs, Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors, Very superior black Levantine Silk, IPack It' d and figured do. White figured Gros De Nap do. Black St daik blue Bombazines,very fine, with a vabiktv or § Faiuxj Articles, Which in .addition to Stock on hand, com prise a very general assortment adapted to the season. LIKEWISE Cash m e re a eels A few', very elegant, will be received in a few dajs Jewett, Abell, & Co. Ufiper iViug City Hotel. January 21 wtf Notice. * I.L pet sons are hereby forwarned .* trespassing on a certain tract of land two miles frrtm thi*' place, known by tlie name of Harmony-llall, immediately on ■he Crimpbelltou ferry road, without tiic i pi rmission of Mr. B. Warren, k who is my . agent during my absence. ’ Jas. B. Wilkinson. January 21 2 p - (p* iV tew rnoYe Board - s ers can be accommodated in a Private - Boardingllonse, with Rooms suitable for families. Apply at (his office. January's 4- 3t , The Augusta Bridge For Sale. '• J. I 2.N Obedience to a decree of the 6th Cir 'l uit Court of the United States for the - District nf Georgia, and in virtue of Let -1 lets of Attorney from the parlies in in -1 terest, will be sold, at Public Auction, ; to the highest bidder, at the Mukel , House in the city of Augusta, on Thurs day the 11 li of April next, Y\\e Awgwsla t'v’utgc AND ITS APPURTENANCES. The terms of sale will be—One third of the amount of the purchase, in Cash, One third, with interest at 7 per cent, in one year, and the remaining third, with like interest, in two years, from the day of sale. The purchaser or purchasers giving bond, secured by a Mortgage of the pre mises and per sand security. The undersigned respectfully invite the attention of Capitalists, to thia ad vertisement, as perhaps, an opportunity will never again occur of investing capi ttd so profitably, as in the purchase of the property now offered for Sale. ( .’i n isnipm: a Fitzsimmons, t x FJIEFMAN IVjiLKEH. V Commissioners. January 31, 1822 ids 'Xj N B« The editors of the Savan nah Republican, (Geo.) (he Charleston Courier, and (he Telescope Columbia (;s. C ] will please insert die above in their respective papers until the day of sa'e. and forward their accounts to this office. Just Rec ON CONSIGNMENT, Anil for Sale by the Su'tsvribrWt IQO Bag* Wimo Yofffto Jlilbro & Groves. January 31. ts Coffee, low fir sale —fop cash only, bv Thompson Andrews. January 17 3t A Piano Forte, for sale. ygA ——-r mic u very nm; riANO FORI E, which he will sail cheap for cash. The instrument can he seen by calling at the Planter’s Hotel. P. Gullahci’. . January 31—-ts MISSING, ON the evening of (he 18th uit. my NEGRO WOMAN Maht. She is about 26 years of age, dark complected, has a down look, and remarkable gnnn spoken when inlcrmga'ed—l nm appre hensive that she has been decoyed off, if so, a reward of Fifty Dollars wi Ibe paid for tlie delivery other, and the villian who took her off, or Ten Dollars for (he delivery of her ' ' me, or for such Informa tion as wiD enable me to get her again, Nathan 11. Beal, The editors of the Georgia. Journal, Savan nah Republican and Columbia Telescope, are reiuusted to give the above two in sertions, and forward fheir accounts to this office for payment. Jaivarv 31 ——ts *Mov\ui Zion ln%Ut\iUon jPIIE F'rst Session of this Institution for the year 1322, commenced on Mm day the 7th efthe piesent month Cahi.ileP.Be max, has the eupi rintendence and instruc tion of the Classical Department. This brunch of the Seminary is now respectable both os to the number of students and the character of their studies. A few more scholars may be received in this depart ment if application be made without delay. The IlKcron of the Instituted has the charge and instruction of the Females. As die cumber is yet small, this department is s ill m en for the reception oi scholars A well finished & commodious school-room is fun i bed Goo I hoard may be had at convenient distances from the Institution, and every attention is paid to their studies which is necessary to insure a respectable and honoiab.'e progress. It s intended that this Institution shall continue to de serve the patronage of the nublic. N S. S. BEMAN, Rector. January, 1822. Bacon Hams. jT HE Siiliscnl.mliave on han.l, n quan tity of first rate BACON HAM-S jfor sale, opposite tlie Market, south side Broad Street, Augusta. Dm id Bmitl), § Co. January 31 4t {o* Messrs. Gabriel Clark and C Crump, are employed to superin tend and carry on the BRICK BUSINESS of the estate of Lindsey Coleman, deceased and from '•heir long experience and know ledge of the business, it is hoped they will give general satisfaction and despatch to all work. A constant supply of all ma terials, arc and «ill be kept. 13. H. Warren, Administrator of the estate, January 24. 4t Found, A Bed Morocco POCKET BOOK - The owner can get it by proving property, and paying for Ibis advertisement. Apply at the Cltron'sHe Office, January 31—-—if *** Wanted, a good House Woman, one that is .veil acquainted with house business and a good Seamatrcas, and can come well recommended, the casli would be given fim— Apply at ibis office. January 21 2t ___ • f Stenography. V"r.NTI,F.MKM (Icirmis of in.lructimi in the above art, can in the cun se of fen (by two hours in each day) become acquainted with its fundamental principles, at the moderate expense of TEN DOLLARS. Ten Sub srribers are required before any engage ment can oe mailt! on the part of the In structor. Reference may he made to William IV. Holt and 11. W- Cook, Feqra. or to the subscriber, at the City-Hotel, during the present week Isaac Win ship. January 31 <f STmiTE All persons having demands sgairst the estate of the late Lindsey Cos ism an, deceased, are rsquested to render them in, duly attested, within the time pre scribed by law j and dome in Itbtvff, to make payment. li. H. Warren, Adurr, Augusta, Jan. 24 lm Take Notice, TII VT the Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance to prevent horses running at large in the City of Augusta,” will be again put in force liorn and after the 15th instant. January 10. In Equity. Edward Boyd, Joseph Reid, V Foreclosure of Mort vs. _ f gage. Rarna M'Kinnie.J i ■jT N obedience to an order of the Court J1 of Equity, will be sold at Edgditdd Court-House, South Caioiina, on the first Monday in February next, on the follow lug terms ;—“For cash to the amount of six thousand two hundred and fifty dol lars, with interest from the Ist clay of ./.umary, 182) —also, to the amount of ! st oaj/orramJ rffy'/i'&J' hh interest from of twelve months for ihj balance” of land containing about Nine Thou sand acres, more or less, lyba^T-■ known by the name of Silver Bluff. This tract consists of a due proportion of licit low and wed lim bered highland, with a oolnfoi table uwel ling house, and other necessary out build ings, and has attached to it a first rate Saw and Grist Mill, lately erected by Mr. M‘Kinnie. The pmchasi r will be requir ed to give bond and secuiity for such part as is ordered to he sold on a credit- A\ bitfield Brooks, Commissioner in Equity. Edgefield Court-Houre, Dec 10, 1821 Jluyusta, B th January, 1822. fHE Copartnership heretofore existiu;' tinder (ho firm of Stone IS Reynolds, is tli;- day dissolved by mutual consent. All mi settled business of said firm will be attend ed to by Thomas Reynold, who is duly au (.homed to settle the same. All person* Indebted to said firm arc requested U make immediate payment j and those hav ing demands, to present them for settle ment. Wm. Ktone, Thomas Ryenolds. January 10— —wtf QTJAKUU SPRINGS. a (he subscriber has taken that wel known stand Qi'AKcn Srnisms. LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta on ,fie Washington read and hopes from his attention to business to give gencra> satisfaction: John Turpin. November 8 ts To. Kent, iV I.AU'i'i ami comforab’e Dwelling House, to which are attached three and au half acres of Land. This house is in the lower part of the city, on Eilis-strect, and is every way desii able as a tesidencc fbi a ’private family Immediate possession >i id be given.—Apply to titlliam IV, Holt, Esq. oi to Klcliolrs V\ are, Executor of If m. Bacon, November 8 if. WANTED, A GOOD Female House Servant. —A 1. c O — A girl 10 or 12 years old to take care of a Child—for sucl) good wa ges will be given, and paid monthly if re quired. Apply at this Office. January 10 ’( S(D© TIERCES Boston STONE LIME, Just Received and for Sale, tow ron cash, it John C. Holcombe. January 24 | Georgia, Niclimoml comity November Term , 1831. I resent, tiic lion. Jons 11. Uo!iTiHj.irtßV , Judge. The Planter’s Hank the State of Georgn, I .Ix -rnes of Purna | Petition for Fare* •Me Knne, y closure • v». j James Ji. LafitCt, awl ) Jour Pots in ,litrrvsfn J BULL NISI.) Upon he Petition of the Planters Bank, ot the state of Georg'a, praying iho the foreclosure of the equity of red'emp. lion in siul locertain Lots, in (he county ami slate aforesaid, known in the plan . f Lots laid out at the upper *nd of Bread street, in Augusta, iiy Daniel Slurges, Sunejot General, on the (wtnty.eightli day of February, one thousand eight hint*’ die 1 and eigli t en. and lying on the noi t.'t side of Jlroad street, as tumiheisone, two, eleven and twelve, contain!' g feet front on said Broad street, (no rtSe'i* one excepted,) which contains on IVonl alrcet, twenty-two and a half feat, and oit .limes Street, thirty fee t, being the satire on that, (Jones sdcetj as iheoihvr t'u< n Lota; which said Lots were mongag. d j-.y James ft. Lafitte to Bar'ta Mclvuiii'*, tin t'f.i first day of July, one thousand < ighr linn drt-d and eighteen, to secure die ~aym • t of the sum of three thousand six hun dred an ! seventy-two dollars aij'-h fifty cents, with interest,at one, two and tV-e --yearn, two thousand four hundred ai.d fnity eight dol'ars and thir<v-;wo r ts. with interest thereon, hying now due i.r,d unpaid to llte said Planters Bunk— And nowrt this term, upon (f t notion of Thomas Flournoy, in bchait qfilir Plain, f'dl’: It is ordered, that tin* principal ir . teresl & cost duo on said mortgage he paid, ; ntn flout t, within twelve nvmtlts t om" the date hereof, or from thenc< farth tho equity of redemption will he forever liar, red and foreclosed, and th ■ ninny,, *ed ‘ premises will be disposed of as the law directs. An I it is further ordered, tbit hisTT !• be published in one of t* public G.<7, cites of this place, at least once in eWnr motitli, until the time appointed for pay ment, or served on the Mortgagor, or bis special agent at least rix months, pre vious to the lime the money is directed he paid. rfwhen front the AJhiiltr.g,) Jo!m 11. Mann, Clerk, GEORGIA, Geoi .»it lkir.oml Supe rior Court. November Term, 1821. Present, the lion. Iras 11. iia.vru3!n > Judge. The Planters’ Bai.k, or the Stale of Georgia, Assignees of Duma i'eti'ion for Fora McKmne, > closure.. r*. j Two I.ots of Land in Augusta. J UULENiSI. XJI’ON the Petition «f »hc Planters' Bank, of the stair cf Georgia, praying tho foreclosure of the equity <f redemption, in and to two lots ol land, in the county and state aforesaid, and city of Augur..r, n tho plan of lots laid out at the eppt r mil ot Broad street, in said city of Augus by Daniel Sturgi s, Surveyor General, t.n the 1 wenty-eighth day of February, me thousand eight hundred S; eighte v, 'ying on the south side of Broad 'dree', n numbers fifeen and sixteen,containing; thirty feet each, from on -aid Broad.street, "d extending back to Ellis stretU which dd lots of land were mortgage 1 on die first, day of July, one thousand eight hun dred ami eighteen, by Patrick McDow aP, hi his life time, to Barna MtKlnne, to se cure the payment of the sum < f fifteen hundred and twenty-seven collars and a half, which stud mortgage, the said Barra VlcKinec, assigned to the Planters’ Bank, of ti e state of Georgia, on the twenty ninth of July, one thousaid eight hun dred and nineteen, upon which there is now due the sum of fiv» hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents, besides inter ■s'.s as is stated. And now, upon motion of Tl.omr.u Flout ncy, attorney for said Bank; It is or dered, that the principal, ini • est and costs due on said mortgage he- paid into (hunt within twelve months from the dates hereof, or the equity of redemption in. tlie, said mortgaged premises, will he for ever foreclosed, ami the said lots will bo disposed cf, as the law directs. And it is further ordered, that this Hula he published in one of the Public G‘- eltesof this state, at least omcedo every ■ month until the time appointed for pay* ment, or served on the mortgagor or h't special agent, at least six months previcu* • o the time, the money is directed to be paid. (Taken from the M'nntes ) John 11. Maiin, Ctovk, Clerk’s OHme, } 13di Nov. 1821. 5 Nov. 15 n,l2nt IN otict*. . ALL persons indebted to (be es(«e of John W. Walton are requi^-Usd'iMf come forward and make immediate pay ment, and those that the said es-’a'e are indebted to, are requested to bring for ward their accounts duly attested, within the lime prescribed bv law. i W P. Dealt*, >\rclnMd Hfiggif, John Dunn, AdrrintetratorHi January 3* 6t