Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, May 23, 1822, Image 1

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Ir ■ * Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. SI The Subscribers. 11l BKCFIVEIJ, AVI) OFFERS FOB SALE ™JHr THE CASK OR BOX, I'Jkn elegant assortment of Mi/vV, FLINT, AXD MOULDED iT Glass, f — CONSISTISO or— E||LAIN Flint, Decanters, ■ Pint Decanters, I .Moulded Tumblers, half Pint, I ~Moulded Pitchers, E,: Half Tumblers ditto, I ALSO— I Complete, Dinner table Sets, I Liverpool Ware assorted, I {(China Tea Sets, I Assorted Fancy Lustre Ware, |%Liverpool Lamps, 1. > Tea Kettles with Heaters, | Hooks and Stands, k Windsor Soap in Boxes, together with Crates of Earthen JVare, | Assorted, VV. Rantin. March 14——ts V/itsf Receiv , USHELS CORN ;J)00 Pounds Prime Bacon, ”W:2O Ithds, Molasses W. 50 Bags prime Green Coffee, m 20 HltJds Muscovado & Orleans sugar V HO Barrels do do do ■f .40 Hhds Philadelphia Whiskey ft Barr ;>s Baltimore do Off SALE BY Wm. H. Egan, Upper end, smith side of Broad- street 9 ts * murance agairtst i j Fire •f im [hAleston Ei’re, ahd Marine kilirance Company Agency *,jfc Subscriber offers to take risks ti ll r |X Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings ;<■, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au s,Band ; ts vicinity. 'jm'imothy Edwards, Agent. im Broad-street, Mien thi Post Office & Globe Tavern.) Mcember 20 Tax. Collector’s laud Treasurer’s Office. MJE City, Road and Well Tax for the M 1822, being now due, and payable, paubscriber will attend at his office on Lad-street, upper tenement of the ■dye Bank, every day, from 9AM i- B M to receive the same until the 30 h ■ <>f June next, after which time e\ecu l| will issue against all defaulters with ■Jiscriminatioa. I John W. Wilde, I C. IS T. C. A. Bril 25 ts I COPPER COINU M: 2 public are informed that n supply Hr ts may still be had at the Mint of the Bd I Slates in Philadelphia, to ary rt a nil t amount, in exchange for an equal ipn t in specie, or in notes or draughts Bvr ible in any of the blinks of Phiiadel • They will also be transported, n required, to any considerable fl at, (not less than a keg, containing i 150 to ISO dollars,) either by land vater carriage, when such can be pro wl to any part of the United States, at expense and risk of the government, the receipt oj., deppsite to the credit of Tieasufer of the United States to the unt of the Cents required, in the Bank he United States, or any of its offices, t any Stale Bank which performs the es. of tire Commissioner of Loans ora tforpj,aing pensions, in those States re no i jflfice has been established. The osits t j the credit of ihe Treasurer of Unite 1 Stales, in all cases, to be made he sa oe state to which the cents are uired V> be transported. Application »e nu de to the Treasurer of the Mint. *hila- iclphia. ’he - the newspapers in the ere .it States of the Union arc rrspect y r equested to give the above a few in ftiv ns in their respective papers. (Jt T° In consequence of te at i id malicious reports having been su h t,?-d, and to prevent speculation, the die i ivj informed our Bills have been, twi Id continue to be punctually paid a presented at the shoals of Ogechee H- & T H. KENDALL. *a> . ,■ fi. 4t •* Ihe Augusta Chronicle and Wash #n News will give the above fourin o! is and forward their accounts to SJ ipals of Ogechee. Notice, E months after date application will t e made to the honorable the Infe ui t of Columbia county, sit f ir ordinary purposes, for leave to b e real n-iiate of D. Face, sen'r. de- I, for the benefit of the heirs and it >ts. Thomas Pace, ex’r. ». il 8, 1822 bjPth VOL. SO.] TlvuTsdaN, S* 4 The evil, that men do, lives aftor them: > ■ c“ The good is oft interred with their tones.” 3 IS&2. [Xe’W NV 04;.] THE EUTERPEIAD, OK, The Minerviad, Devoted to Literature and Amusement, FOIt IUK L A j)l ES—Boston. T - • ~™~" I. HE Third volume of The EcTEnrEiAD, or Musical, Intelligencer, is published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, exclusively devoted to the diffusion of Musical In telligence, and contains a sheet of Music with each number, at Two Dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance. Ihe 'MINERVIAD, devoted to Litera ture and Amusement for the Ladies, is published semi-monthly on the alternate Saturdays at Two Dollars per annum, pay able half yearly in advance The above publications may be had in connection, at Three Dollars per an num, or 'J\vo Dollars per annum, for ei ther, separate. John [{. Parker. QCj* A few complete sets of the 2d vo !ume of the EurunPEiAn, or Musical In tellioenceii, & Ladies’ Gazette, bound. Printed by tdve & gueene, Merchants Ball, Boston. April 15 if SKETCHES OF THE Life 8c Oorisj} onutanee Nathanael gueene Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the. Revolution. Compiled chiefly from original materials. Br the HON. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Os Charleston, South-Carolina. In two vols. 4to—ln Boards, $lO. FOR SALE BY J. & H. Klv. may 13 ts ilodoVpKc Sduvev, A NATIVF, of the Canton of Bern, in Switzerland, left this place in November, 1819, for the island of St. Domingo. He is known to have returned in 1820 to Savannah, Georgia, since which !iu-e his f lends have not been able to trace him. Any person therefore, 'having know ledge of Ins still being in existence, or tioof of his death, will confer a favor to his poor and disconsolate relations, by :onamunicaling such information to F. H Tsdiiffely, Washington City of newspapers South and West of this place, and friends to human! y, are politely requested to giv>- In above a few ins- i” • T VV\o\\Ui» VS uik i ~h iViilis V |_ HE subscribers Mills are still in ope ration, both SAW mid GRIST He v-i deliver Lumber in Augusta, at sl2 ]u thousand, and will cause '-vm a i. nii to be paid to each branch of hut bnsiues. —“ Ilif customers will be janly dealt by ‘ l , hoimis W atkins. April 8 ts For Sale, That well known and valuable plan- tation whereon William Tones, deceased, hved if. the County of Burke, containing. Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickoi; land, and about two hundred acres deal ed, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton. On the above premises there is a good two story house, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream —three hundred acres more of pint land adjoining the above, lying in the countv of Richmond, and about seventy acres cU arud. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, hut invite :tll those persons who wis'i io purchase a valuatile ' place, to come ami view the premiser and judge thr themselves. For further parti culars apply to Augustus 11, Anderson, Isaac VV lkcr, Administrators of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov 1 N. - ‘I WU'l’lCE. . Will be . ON the first Tuesday in July next, a gr-'eahly to an order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of [ Richmond county, 30 Shares Steam Boat . J belonging to the estate of David M'Kinney,. deceased. —Terms made known on the day of sal--. Constance S. JfPKinney, 1 Admin st’-aUix May 13 tds ' '* *1 forwarn all perboiis . rem trading for aay notes given by Hee ; v Shultz, and made payable to Benjamii- Pierce and William Allen Beni. Pierce. May 2 Cotton 9 titock, AND - Exchange Ruaßcir.' TMHK sabsoaiber has taken an office in ( JL the budding lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he offeig his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of bis friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers , m commercial operations generally, render 1 it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Colton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hCnce the ease, certainty and dispatch with ; which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer , chant, by applying at the office of the sub- . scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking ■ up a purchaser;— planter need be no ‘ longer involved in doubt and difficulty to . ascertain the true stale of the market, I nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton • the market price. Office Regulations relative to J Cotton. j Ist- In order to give time for sampling,' t citizens offering cotton are requested to 1 eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales - cannot be realized till the succeding day L It more convenient, the receipts may be ; ‘ enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the sight pre- ’ vious. -I 2J. Cotton will be sampled and "receiv- j ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— if off ered after that hour, sales cannot be I realized till next day. 1 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably * be deducted from the account sales. 4th Sales w ill commence at ten o’clock 1 and close at twelve, a. m. * sth, Persons choosing to limit and lim- : illng higher than the market, will have 1 their receipts returned them on paying * CJ cents fora bag entry andsampling. j 6th. Commissions on sates, 25 cents a ' bale. Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. I Stock Exchange and ( brokerage, In their Various Branches, < Will be attended to at all times during of- \ fice hours, which will be from eight o’- | clock a. m. till two o’clock r. m. and from ( three o’clock till five r. m. • John Kinney, jun’r. (JTJ* Money is sometimes w> i-tlv more titan at others Persons having il t» loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. I Nor ember 8. ts Globe Tavern. t .HE Subset iberinforms his friends and 'h-,- public, that his i Reading Room, - just arranged, and that his Bar is much ; ■• e convenient. And on account of; .. angingthe situation of the latter, lie is elter able to provide for the ancommo • lation of his customers; and can safely pior.iise them, that as far as his means and ; ability to comply with ills wishes run go, , will at lewl to the comfort and cooveni- j .--ire of every guest who may honor him with a call. , ?jpj-The Savannah & Wa«h --i ington Stages put up at tlie ' Gilohe. W. SJI VNJS'ON. December 20. The ViUageUoUdi Cambridge, S. C. j AT this establishment the most diligent attention and care towards* the con i venimec ami comfort ot Travellers and ' Hoarders, is respectfully offered by the subscriber. Families travelling can be accommodated with private rooms fitted up in a neat and comforlab-e manner.— Drovers can have the privilege of a lot and forage for horses on reasonable terms. Richard Matthews. April 25 \v6t Retailers Are hereby no ified, that their licen. I sea expire on the second Monday in May nislant, and that applications tor new li (naming securities) will be receiv ed at the Clerk’s office, City Hall, at any lime previous to that dry. Oxv m*va ol Bra^s Are also ..oiilied Urn their licenses expire > ,t the same time —and that new bonds must be given, and new numbers taken >ut, agreeably to tide ltd Section of Gene ral Ordinance. D. CLARKE, c, c. May 2 i For Sale, 4TWO pair of Northern well broke '*■ I Horses; also two good saddle ano jig Horses.—Apply to William Shannon it the G;obe Tavern. April 15. ■—> ts | Planters’ Hotel. fjPHE public are respectfully informed, JL lltat the subscriber, has now hi- VjftUiiHg Ls\ubVVsAuwi' u\ in reitdiness to accomii:odate the aubscri hers, as also those who are tlesltous of in dulgifg in a Luxury so necessary to the preservation of health. THtMS—Eight Dollars for a Season Tickqt, which will entitle the subscribei to thi(;e Baths each week, for six ptonlhs Fora single Bath 50 Gents. John Miller. Maj 6 & (9AI&Do JWEIf. HURLEY, of Richmond, Virginia, studekt of B. Baker, Esq well known to the faculty and the citizens of Virginia, is noty in Augusta, and proffers to the in habitants his professional services as a Dentist. The documents in the possession of Mr. H will be exhibited to those who may honor him with their confidence. Families will be attended -at (heir resi- leaving a line at the CITY HO Ts/.. •>)pr'ii 11 ts *** House <Sf Lot, For Sale, In Washington,Wilkes county A HOUSF,, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is offered fop salt at a just valuation. It is divided at preient, into two tenements, contain ing fair rooms on the lowei floor, five on the second, a good garret and cellar, and has a small piece of ground attached to it. Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately ; and of the other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Os. fice. Feb 18 ts gUAKEK SPRINGS. CTjphe subscriber has taken that well known stand Quaker Springs, LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general satisfaction: John Turpin. November B———ts Boats Lost! T WO Itoals, f Petersburg built, J broke firm their moorings during the late freshet- Whoever will bring them back to Augusta; or give information so that the owner can get them, shall be suitably rewarded. Joseph Hawes. Augusta, April 18 ts Sheriff’s Sale. Will he Sold, the Court-House in Jacksonborougb Semen County, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the hours of ten and four o’clock Two hundred acres of land, lying in sa;d county of Scriven, on Great Ogechee river, the plantation known by the name of Huckhalter’s Ferry, on said river, adjoining lauds of John Jackson and James Archer; levied on as the property of Gi anville Hevill, to satisfy sundry small execu'ions issued out of the Justices’ Court in favor of E. R. Young (vs.) Gran vilie Hevill —levied on and returned by B. Newton, constable. —ALSO— One negro man named An trim, levied on as the property of John Connelly, to bat.sfy sundry executions is sued out of the Justices’Court in favor of Peter Arnett, vs. John Connelly and Jam« s Gamble —property pointed out by the de fendan lohn Connelly—levied and return ed by constable Matthew Rogers. —ALSO— Two negroes, Jude and her child Daphna, levied on as the propeny Isaac Conyers, to satisfy suiidry executions issued out of the Justices’ court in tavor of H. Wilkinson and others, vs. Isaac Con years—levied and returned bv constable J. \V. Kettles. —ALSO— Five hundred acres of pine land adjoi-.oig lands ot Huberts Arndt ami others in said county of Scriven —le- vied on as the property of Peter Arnett, to satisfy sundry executions issued out of Justices’ couit in favor of John Connelly vs. Peter Arnett and Robert Arnett —len ed and returned by constable James P. Poythress. —ALSO— One hundred and six acres of land, levied -m as the property of Me-o dilh Poythress, senior, to satisfy sundry executions it-sued out of Justices’ court in favor of R. M- Williamson vs. Cleton Poythress and Merodilh Poythress, sen’r. said land adjoins land of Henry Joyce and others, levied and returned by constable James Poythress Jas. Bryan, s. s. c. May 2. tds # Tvincfc’a Bigest OF THE Laws of Georgia. p X HE undersigned having contracted to ; int for the Mate a certain number of topics, now issue iToposuls, hor / urnishtng u those -who may become Subscribers, DIGEST of te LAWS OF THE •Slate of Ueorgia, Containing all Statutes, and the sub.uance of all Resolutions of a general and pub lie nature, and now in force, which have been passed in this State pre vious to the Session of the Gene ral Assembly of December, 1820, With occasional ex planatory notes mul con necting references, and a list of the Statutes repealed or obso lete. 1 o which is added, au Appen- • djx, J Containing the Constitution of the Hniled.States; the Constitution of the State of Georgia, as a mended; the Statute of Frauds and Per juries, the Ha beas Corpus Act, &c. &c With a Copious Index. Compiled by the ap/to mlinr.iit, and under the ( authority of t/ie General Assembly, 1 Bx OLIVER H. PRINCE. 1 There are few so ignorant as not to ' know, that a work like this, if even tolc- 1 rably executed, must possess insuinsic ' value. The compilation of this book is 1 allowed by competent judges, to be per formed in a very masterly manner; and the well known character of the gentle man whose name it bears, forbids the idea of R«y deficiency of indubtiy or talent, in executing the important service confid ed to him by the Legislature. It is believed that every man tvho can conveniently buy this work ought to pos sess it, because it behoves every citizen to have some knowledge of the laws of his cdunlry. The opinion expressed by Judge BUckstone is certainly correct, that “As everyone is interested in the “ preservation of the Laws, it is incum “ bent upon every man to be acquainted “ with those at least, with which he is irn “ mediately concerned; lest he incur “l|ie censure, as well as inconvenience, “ of living in society, without knowing “ the obligations which it lays him un “ dcr.” CONDITIONS. The book will bs neatly printed and substantially bound in one large roynl octa vo volume, hi size equal to “ Ingersoll’s Digest rs the Laws of the United States,” and will be furnished to subscribers at the price that book sells for in Philadelphia, to wit, Seven Dollars per copy, payable on delivery of the work; which will be rtady by November or December next Grantland & Orme. Milledgeville, April 29, 1822* djf’The Editors of newspapers in this Stale are requested to give the foregoing one or two insertions. *** Subscriptions for the above work will be received at the Book- Store of L & 11. Ely. Adniinistrtttor’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday of July next, at Appling, before the court house door, 213 acies of land lying in Gobimbia county, adjoining Blount and Lamkin, belonging to the estate of Jordan George, dec and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.- Thomas I). Carr. Polly George, Administrators. april 25——tds Notice. fI’XHE Books and Papers of William I. Winchester, a deceased Alien, being oow ii the possession of the subscriber, all persons indebted to the Estate of the deceased, are requested to make payment without delay ; and those, persons who tiave demands against the estate are re quested to render in their accounts duly attested Isaac Herbert, Escheator Jor Richmond County, Georgia M . >'i aii 1822 -—l2l^ L stray. ♦ GEORGIA, ) . Columbia County. iVf»- John Pullen, District No 2. 3 ItJL l olls before m. .lic bay marc ot the following !o wit t—about fourteen and a halt bands •iigh, eight years old, the left Iwnyl fool ite, shod all round, trots and canters by Biid B Tindell and Isaac Vaughn to Sixty Five Dollars, this 4th da iji April 1822 James Vaebououoh,J. P. li, Lamar, cl’k. May 9 3t - QfT The firm of Adams & Honi.s, being dissolved by.mutua. consepi, un he 15th instant, James Bones is dul> authorised to settle the business of tin concern Thomas H. Adams, James Bones. april 35—— ■ - , ■„ t>, ■ ■' Ml ill n AN 01(1)1.VANOK. VHEREAS idle und evil disposed pgr, sons havu been in (he habit of writing on, scratcaing, bruising, and oilverwise mjur ing the walls and other parts of the pub lic buildings in this city—to prevent winch, Ue it ordained by the” City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same,-that from and after the passing of this ordinance each and every person or persons who shall begtiil ty of w riting, printing, drawing, cutting, or carving any letter or letters, word or » ords, device or devices, or in any man ner mutilating or defacing any 0 f the walls or inner 1 or oifier apartments, or other parts of any of the Fuolic Building* in the City of Augusta, on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not ex* ceedmg five hqndred dollars. And be it further ordained, by the au, thonfy aforesaid, that each and every per son or persons who shall be guilty of standing, 01 placing his, her or their feet on or Kgainst any table, chair, bench, or otlior I min lure, or who shall in any way mutilate, injure, 'or deface any of the fur, mln.e in or about any of the Public Build, mgs m this city, on conviction thereof Shull pay a fine not exceeding one hun. died dollars Massed in Council the 20th March, 1822. Samuel Hule, ii .1 Chairman. . , **y the Chairman * A l'\erU W ivulniV. A YOUNG Man irom 16 lo 20 years' of of age, having not less than two years experience in the Dry-Goods busint *, who can oome well recongnc.nded from his'last employer, and willing to de\ote himself entirely to business for * modi rat© Salary, may hear of a permanent situation by leaving a note mentioning real name, addressed to A. D. at this office. May 20 2lpF *_ For Sale, A. VALUABLE Plantation, situate in the county of Burke, on Little Sweet Wa ter Creek, one and a quarter miles front Savannah River, occupied at present by Thomas Scarborough, containing five tain dred and seventy three and an li*lf acre* of LAND—about 150 acres of which i* under cultivation, and the remainder well timbered, and eligibly situated for either the Lumber business or Agriculture— ha ing an excellent scite, affording on a, bundanl supply of water for a Cotton Gin, Grist-Mil) or Distilery. pn said premise* are a good dwelling house and kitchen, car, riage house and stables, gin house, negro house, dairy house and poultry house, all framed buildings, and in good sc pair, and supplied with excellent water by a spring . 150 yards from the dwelling house. Pur ifier particulars and the term* will be giv cn by applying to Thomas on the premises, or to the subscriber at Augusta. John Kinney, jun, May 20 3t * , —— -*-* Notice, NINE months after date* application will be made to the court of urdinniy of Richmond county, for leave to sell one undivided fifth part of a tract of land in Oglethorpe county, on Long creek, ad-, joining land of Wm. Daily and others, con, taining fourteen hundred ,and filly acres, be the same more or less belonging to Fer dinand Hlirdell. « minor, to to ho »«»l«f for the benefit of said minor- John JPhinizy, Guardian, January 10, 1822—n-m9m 8150 Reward. WHEREAS, a person calling himself Samuel Wllay,,but whose real name is Daniel Donnegan, has been for some time past, endeavoring to inveigle and sell, in the neighborhood of C»mden and Columbia, several negroes belonging to different persons. The above reward will be given to any person who will appre, lu-nd the said Dm.negan, and lodge bini in any goal, and give the subscribers infor mation thereof Dunnegan is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, thick set, of a d/rk complexion, round full face, dark eyes, is a blacksmith by trade, speak* stow and stutters * little, is bsJiy dressed and is» very fond of spirits; it is said fie is mak ing for Savannah, by Augusta, Thomas Mrlggs, John Whitaker, May 13 ,3t lUf The Augusta Chronicle and Sevan, nab Museum, are requested to give the above three insertions each, and for, ward their account* to the Printing office iu Camden, fur payment %30 tt-KW IRQ HuNAIVAV from the subscriber,,on the 30th March, a negro man named '* LAW-SON, 26 years of age, stout made, daik com ■•lesion and has a large sear on his, faeadL occasioned hy a burn when young Tim reward will be paid to any one'fhsk" will bring him to Calhouns Mills, little ri, , er, Abbeville District, South-Carolina, securing him in any way so that -the vvner may get him again and *ll res. . liable cape nee* paid Ii is likely that he will make for Augui t or Savanna'', bj in >i>s of a Five past. Joseph Calhoun, April 11 if *#*■*„" i.|f tl \