Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, June 03, 1822, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette. V(XI o/»-» xt „xA-n- \ou an.} aiouaa,, SlflTtfst Received, Utt®© Bu9»Et.S CORN MHmoa Pounds Prime Bacon, -20 Hhds. Molasses K;s4. JO Bags prime Green Coffee, ■ i /iSO Barrels do do do Hhds Philadelphia Whiskey H+. so Barrets Baltimore do if SALE BY Wm. IT. Fgan, end, tenth side of Broad-street I The Subscribers. Hl ’irCST RECEIVER ani> offers FOB SAFE W BY THE CASK OR BOX, I An elegant assortment of ■jfl/.V, ELJjYT, AjVD moulded I Glass, | —CO3BISTISO OF Flint, Decanters, led Pint Decanters, led Tumblers, half Pint, led Pitchers, Tumblers ditto, *»-ALSO— ilete. Dinner table Sets, pool Ware assorted, ' - \ Te*> Sets, ted Fancy Lustre Ware, pool Laipp3» Settles with Heaters, s and Stands, sor Soap in Boxes, -uilh Crates of Earthen Ware, Assorted, i \V, Rantin. k “~- |f - fjj urunce against IFire! i Fire, and Marine i Company Agency riber offers to take risks a in Houses, Out-Buildings. . , )J an Au ricintlv. r %y Edwards, Agent. Broad street, Post Office & Globe Tavern.) r Thompson ' w ' ' ' opated himself in Augusta, roffers his services to the in the city and the adjacent s several branches of his pro topea by assiduity and at ten n the experience obtained of twelve years in this State, irtion of public patronage-—- 3 be found, (except when en essional business) athisresi oad Street, directly opposite Apothecary’s shop. lay 23 2w . Dix Collector’s ! treasurer’s Office. , > ■ Road and Well Tax for the being now due, and payable, ier will attend at his office on t, upper tenement of the k, every day, from 9 A M to eceive the same until the 30th next, after which time execn sue against all defaulters with nation. John W. Wilde, Notice!!!! iltend at my office at the cop shington and Ellis Street, ad- W. W. Holt’s office, on eveiy id Friday, until the first day of ten until one o’clock, for the collecting the State and Conn ie year 1821- All persons in tax will do well to avail them- Hi opportunity, otherwise exc i oe issued without respect to B. Bugg, T. C, ds For Sale, ;ation be made immediately trict 22 Early County son the ime Creek;} Lot 189, Distric, County, Lot 210 District 12 unty.—Apply at this Office Notice. :ion will be holden on Satur le first day of June next, a I,for MAJOR, to command the talion 10th Regiment Georgiy » Major James Knight removed Jeremiah Winter, 'lbps. T. Grace, Captains 2d jßattaon, <B&ibid o HURLEY, of WchmniKl, Virginia, student of E. Baker, Esq well known to the faculty and the citizens of Virginia, 'i now in Augusta, aaul proffers to Hie in aabitants his professional services as a Dentist. The documents in the possession of Mr. H will be exhibited to those who may honor him with their confidence. Families will be atiended at their resi dence, by leaving a line at the CITV HO TEL. April 11—-ts ißAtraiß o Planters’ Hotel. public are respectfully informed, 1 that the subscriber, has now his fiatYiing EattvhVisVmveut in readiness to accommodate the subscri bers, as also those who are desirous of in dulging in a Luxury so necessary to the preservation of health. TERMS—-Eight Dollars for a Season Ticket, which will entitle the subscriber to three Baths each week, for six months For a single Bath 50 Cents. John Miller. May 6 ■- ■■ QUAKER SPRINGS. Sjllhe subscriber has taken that well li known stand Quaker Springs. LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general satisfaction: John Turpin. November B—if i *** House «Sf Lot, For Sale, In Washington,Wilkes county **ottse, eligibly situated, on the Public Stjakrc Washington, is offered for sale at a just valuta.-. j t -, 3 divided At present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms on the lower floor, five on the second, a good garret and cev« r> an d has a small piece of ground attached tow Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately ; and of' he other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Os •Ice. Feb 18 ts SHERIKF'S SALE. M ill be Sold, At the Court-House in Jacksonborough Scriven County, on the fiist Tuesday in June next, between the hours of ten and four o’clock Vwo hundred acres of land, lying in sa.d county of Seri veil, on Grea Ogechee river, the plantation known by the name ot Buckhalter’s Ferry, on saif nver, adjoining lands of John Jackson ami lames Archer; levied on as the property of Granville Bevill, to satisfy sundry small execu'ions issued out of the Justices' Court in favor of E. It. Young (vs.) Gran ville Bevill —levied on and returned bt U. Newton, constable. —ALSO— One negro man named An trim, levied on as the property of John Connelly, to sat.sfy sundry executions is sued our of the Justices’Court in favor of Peter Arnett, vs. John Connelly and Jatm s Gamble—property pointed out by the^de tention lohn Connelly— levied and return ed by constable Matthew Rogers. —ALSO— Two negroes, Jude and her child Daphna, ievted on as the properly Isaac Cony ers, to satisfy sundry executions issued out of the Justices’ court in favor qf R. Wilkinson and others, vs. Isaac Con years—levied and returned by constable j W. Kettles. —ALSO — Five hundred acres of pine land adjoining lauds ot Roberts Arnett and others in said county ot Scriven—le vied on as the property of Peter Arnett, to satisfy sundry executions issued out ot | Justices’ cotut in favor of John Connelly vs. Peter Arnett and Robert Arnett—leri ed and returned by constable James P- Poythress. —ALSO— One hundred and six acres of land, levied on as the property ot Mere dith Poythress, senior, to satisfy sundry executions iesued out of Justices’ court ni favor of R. M. Williamson vs. Cleton Poythress and Meredith Poythress, sen r. said land adjoins land of Henry Joyce and ’ others, levied and returned by constable ! James PoylhreSs Jhb. Bryan, s. s. c. May 2- tds Brought to Augusta Jail, ■ a negro man named Simeon, says he be i o ngs to Henry Hart, in Edgefield, Sou h 1 Carolina. —ALSO-* t A negro man named Harry, * savs he belongs to John Allen, Barnweil District Sou ill-Carolina The owners arc reouested to come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges, and take them a« ay. Thos. Stewart, Jailor. May 23—*—^ C“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; The is oft illten ; d with theil . bonea ... $ THE EUTEEPEIAD, OK, NlwaicaY InttWigeuccr, AMU The Minerviad, Devoted to Literature and Amusement, FOR THE LADIES— Boston. TT HE Third volume of The Euterpe tan, or Musical, Istkli.ioknceh, is published semi monthly, on Saturdays, exclusively devoted to the diffusion of Musical in telligence, and contains a sheet of Music with each number, at Two Dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance. The MINERVIAD, devoted to Litera ture and Amusement for the Ladies, is published semi-monthly on the alternate Saturdays at Two Dollars per annum, pay able half yearly in advance. The above publications may be had in connection, at Three Dollars per an num, or Two Dollars per annum, for ei ther, separate- John R. Parker. Q[j* A few complete sets of the 3d vo lume of the Eutehpeiad, or Musical In telligencer, k Lauies’ Gaeette, bound. Printed by true k n reenz, Merchants Hall, Boston. April 15 ts SKETCHES OF TUB liVfe & CoYTtsipuiuVence OF NATHANAEL GREENE Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution. Compiled chief y from original materials. Bt the HON. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Os Charleston, South-Carolina, In two vols 4to—ln Boards, SIO FOR SALE BY J. $ H. Ely. may 13 if T\\o\wfta Watkins’ 1 Saw Mills S. HE subscriber's Mills are still in ope. ration, both SAW anti GRIST. He wifi j deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per j thousand, and will cause every attention I to be paid to each branch ot bis business. —“ His customers will be Jairly dealt by .” 'Uiomas Watkins. April 8 ts NOTICE. j Will be Sold, 1 ON the first Tuesday in July next, a greeahly to an order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of ’Richmond county, 30 Shares Steam Boat Stock, i belonging to the estate of David M‘Kinney, 1 deceased.—Terms made known on the Jay of sale. Constance 8. IVUKinuey, Administratrix. Vay 13———tds NOTICE, ~ H HE following articles have remained in Store a long lime, WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE Til K POST OFFICE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION On the 2d Friday in June next, to pay Freight and other expenses, if not claim ed previous to said day of Sale. —viz : Marks T 1 Hlid. Sugar, 1 do. Liquor, TMBit Co. 1 Box Iron, IM& S M I Bbl. Lard, E S & S 1 Cask Cheese, M k M 1 Box Looking Glasses Carlos Tracy, Treasurer Steam Bout Company, May 20 law Ids For Sale, That well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory land, and about two hundred acres clear ed,,weil adapted to the culture of corn t and cotton. On the above premises there is a good two story house, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream —three hundred acres more of pine 1 land adjoining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those tersons who wish to purchase a valuable jdace, to come and view the premise* and judge fur themselves. For further parti culars apply to Augustus R. Anderson, Isaac Walker, > \dmlnistrattrg of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov 1 * N.S- ‘ f 1 *** 1 forwam all persons from trading for any notea given by Hen ry Shultz, and made payable to Benjamin Fierce and William Allen Benj. Pierce. . May 2 Cotton, Htock, AN II Exchange, \\vo\ccr. rpHE s*.h«cf,vber lias taken an oflice in JL the buiMiing lately occupied bj Messrs Strwhrt St liargrtves, on the north side of Broad-strett, opposite to the Boat- OlKce—where Ire ofteis Ins services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain tiie patron age of his friend* aiul the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true slate of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all limes know where to resort for cot ton a* the market price. Office Regulations relative to Gotten. _ Ist- In order to give time for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, salts canhot bo realized till the succedinjy day i If more C'.'.>\enient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped itt the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Colton will be sampled and "receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— If offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4lh Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying ; 6| cents fora bag entry and sampling. 1 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a ! bale Orders from the country, i n. closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. i Htock Exchange jmd Brokerage, In their Viirions Branches, Will be attended to at all limes during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock r. m. and from three o’clock till five p. m. 1 John Kinney, jun’r. is sometimes ■ wnrth 1 moye 1 than at others Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November B.——ts 1 Globe Tavern. T ! JL HE Subscriber informs his friends and the public, that his Reading Room, is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And on account ot changing the situation of the latter, he is better able tq provide for the accommo dation of his customers j and can safely promise them, that as far as his means and ability to comply with bis wishes can go, be will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every guest who may honor him with a call. d£j“Thc Savannah & Wash ington Stages put up at the Globe,, W. SHANNON. December 90. The Village Hotel, Cambridge, 8. C. AT this establishment the most diligent attention and care towards the con venience and comfort of Travellers and Boarders, is respectfully offered by the subscriber. Families travelling can be accommodated will* private rooms fitted up in a neat and comforlab e manner.— Drovers can have the privilege of a lot and forage for horses on reasonable terms. Hichard Matthews. April 25 wCt Administrator’s Sale. w ILL be sold at the Market-House, in the City of Augusta, on Tuesday, the 4tb of June next, between the usual hours of Sale— A tract of Land, lying in the Second District of Early, No. 39. —ALSO— At the same time and place, a Negio Woman, named Juna, b, - lonjfing'to the estate of Emanuel Grego ry, dec*d, and sold for the benefit of th» - heirs and creditors of said deceased Lewis H. Gregory, adm’r April 4—-wtds ! To Printers. IT|7 ANTED immediately a first rate ( v? COMPOSITOR; one that can 1 come well recommended. To such a<m», liberal wages will be given and c< nsta employment.—Enquire at the “ Augusta Examiner ” May 20——ts ■* „ o . Q , IC , ™ & , wa, ts«. pr«w «. wi] Uuinee’s Bigest OF TIZK Laws of Georgia. '!> i HE undersigned having contracted to jrint lor the btatc u certain number of copies, m>w-issue Proposals, For Furnishing .u those who may become Subscribers, DIGEST or the LAWS OF THE State ol* Ueorgia, Containing all Statutes, and the aubdance all Resolutions ot a general and pub lic nature, and now in force, winch have been passed in this.Siate pie viousto the Session of the Gene ral Assembly of December, 1820. With occasional ex planatory notes and con necting references, and a list of the Statutes repealed or obso lete. 1 o which is added, an Appen dix, Containing the Constitution of the United,Stales; the Constitution of the Stale of Georgia, us a men.ded; the statute of Frauds and I’er jurie* the Ha bei*s Corpus Act, he. Bte With a Copious Index* Compiled by the appointment, and under the author,ty of the General Assembly, lir OLIVER 11, PRINCE. ‘ There are few so ignorant us not to know, that a work like this, if even lole lubly executed, must possess instrinsic v * ue ‘ * compilation of this book is allowed by competent judges, to be per formed in a very masterly manner; and the well known character of the gentle man whose name it bears, forbids the ides of any deficiency of industry or talent, m executing the importaiu service confid ed to him by the Legislature. It is believed that every man who can conveniently buy this work ought to pos sess it, because it behoves every citizen to have some knowledge of the laws of ms country, The opinion expressed by Judge Blackstone is certainly correct, that ‘‘As every one is interested in the “ preservation of the Laws, it is inciun ‘ bent upon every man to be acquainted with those at least, with which he is im mediately concerned; Jest he incur « i- e l s e - ll * Ur . e ’ 89 ““ * l,c unvcnience, of living m society, without knowing the obligations which it lays him mi ...... COMDITIOMS The book will be neatly printed and substantially bound in one large royal octa vo volume, in size equal to « Jngevsoll's Digest of the Laws of the United States and will be furnished to subscribers at the price that book sella for in Philadelphia, to wit, Seven Dollars per copy, payable on delivery cf the work; which will be ready by November or December next. Grautland & Orme. Milledgeville, April 29, 1822- (XyThe Editors of newspapers in this State are requested to give the foregoing one or two insertions *** Subscriptions for the above work will be received at the Book- Store of J. h H Ely. Fitly Dollars IWward- RANAWAY from the subscribers, on the night of the 28th of April last, two negroes, CHARLES, a man of bright yellow complexion, about 25 >ears of age about C feet high, and well made, and '•as a pleasing countenance when spoken to, one or two of his fore teeth out ISA BEL!. A, a very black girl, fifteen years old, thick lips, dressing not known, ss they took with them a variety of fine clothes—As there is some spprehenaion of their being stolen, « reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars will be given for the thief and negroes E & E. Reid. Putnam County Geo. May 27—4 t (O' The Augusta Chronicle, Darien Gazette. Savannah Georgian, and Colum bia State Gazette, will publish the above advertisement two weeks in their respec tive papers, and forward their accounts for payment to E. Reid, P. M. Reisville, Putnam county, Georgia. Administrator’s Sale. IJ|7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday of ▼ ▼ July next, at Appling, before the court house door, 213 acres of land lying in Columbia county, adjoining Blount and t.amkin, belonging to tne estate of Jordan George, dec and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dereased. Thomas D. Carr. Polly George, Administrators, april 25 —■■tds . t . , , Notice. THE Books and Papers of Willia>' Winchester, a deceased AHep, bem, ■ow ir the possession of the subscribe', ■dl persons indebted to the Estate of th ie ceased, ar* requested to mpke paymen viihout delay; and those persons «!• i«ve demands against the estate are re quested to render in their account* do' • tested. I«aac Herbert, Escheator 1 for R chm .nd County, Getrgsh. March 28th, 1822— *-42 1 8 50 lie ward. HaN AWAY on the evening of the 10 th instant, from the subscriber near Cahawba, a mulatto fellow, named CARTER, about five feet ten inches high, fog* ty five years of age, is a carpenter fiy trade, and shrewd, sensible and ingeni ous The most characteristic mark upon his face is a flesh mole or wort upon the left side of his nose about midway up.— As lie Iclt this, well dressed, he may pro bably attempt to pass himself for a white man, and if not for a free negro* as in all likelihood lie may have obtained free pa pets. The above reward will be paid to any one who will deliver said negro to me, or secure him in any jail to that I get him. John Scott. Cahawba, May 18 m3O 3t 810 Reward. RUN AVV VY from the subscriber on the 2d instant, a negro fellow by the name of JOE, about twenty-one years of age, five feet three or four inches high, dark complexion, an African by birth, speaks good English, and shows very little of his native tongue, when spoken to.— The above reward and njl reasonable ex* ponses will lie paid to any person deliver mg said fellow to me, or lodge him in any secure jail, so 1 gtl him again'. Wm, Shannon. Mav ~7 ——if *■* ' >», 35 Dolls Reward. Ran AWAY from tlie sub,critter .kont the 25ih Marih, a negro named Ali It AM, about 22 or 23 years of age, dark com plexion, about six teet high, speaks cor. rectly, has a down look, stoops very mtiyh in his walk, remarkable large feet, thiik lips, has a scar on his forehead apparently occasioned from a slick, one of his thumbs much disfigured from a whitlow, is very capable of telling a plausable story. The above reward will be given to any person who wit) deliver said negro tome in llarnwell District, neap King Creek Post Oflice, or ten dollars if in any jail where nformation may be had.—Said fel low is acquainted butt) in Ouike and Au< gusuta y- ' William Black. April 2$ p »10 Reward. RUN A WAV from the subscriber on Stindiw the seventh instarr, a short thick, tfelT let ftegro man, "about forty five years of age, by the name of H* I,PH, who has been hired for several, months past to Mr. Sbultz, of Hamburg; he is by trade a Carpenter, Cooper, and Painter i hi# head has a scald place on the right side, as well as recollected, which is del. titute of hair Any person wrho will ap* prehend the said fellow and lodge him in the Augusta Jail, or any other convenient jail, and give the subscriber information thereof, as soon as possible, shall receive the above reward. James Beal, April 18 .w4t %20 REW ARB ~ jR-UNAWAY {rom the subscriber, on the 30tb March, a negro man named LAWSON, 36 years of age. stout made, dark com plexion and haa a large scar on bis head, occasioned by a burn when young The above reward will be paid to any one that will bring him to Calhouns Mills, fittie ri ver, Abbeville District, South-Carolina, or securing him in any way so that the owner may get him again and all rot. sonubte expences paid. . It it likely that he will make far Migm> a or Savannah, by m-'sns of a Free pass Joseph Calhoun. April 11 if For tSule, A MOST desirable SUMMER TiESf. HENCE on the Sand-Hills, near the branch of the Itichmond Acidemy, with any quantity of land not exceeding forty or fifty acres The dwelling lions -is large, commodious, and neatly finished, having two stories and eight rooms, besides pas sages and a garret, and a piazza on one side of tile building, and a portico on the other, together with tea or eleven com fstable out houses; a good garden; a collection of the most choice fruit trees, grape vines, &c. and a spring of pure win. er within seventy or eighty yards of the dwelling house, and a spring house. — Ap- P V to Win. W. llui.t, Esq or the Office of the Augusta Coronicle. ’day 30——if 30uth-CarqUaau \ bhitney Nicholson. ) |„ fruity, lohn Jenkins, ct si 5 £dge/!thl Dntrict. \ A HEUEAS it appears that Haley G. ' r ▼ Jenkins resides w.thout the limits'-'"" I this state.—lt is therefore ordered, mat he said Haley O. Jenkins plead, an? aer or demur to the lull in D isease ■ thin three months after the publication iV'f, or tl e b'h will be lakep pro con fess against him. liitfield Brooks, Qom’r. £. £. fi- May 16,1833.