Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, July 08, 1822, Image 1

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M • ' f ** I iwgogU If foorfiia CXfnritn SOL. 36.] 9 i * I« 1 ' — v , «■ Co. rCRIVEB »X TBK LATEST ARntTALS IIOM WYBBPOOt & NKW-TORR, 2 rue and general assortment of GOODS, ivg chiefs of the following articles; GANT Flounced Robes, Needle :ed » . , . ced do do do work’d Flpuncea, Trimmings & rets do Mulls and Jaconets, . do Satin Stripes nbrics, at all prices laircord and muslinets 4 Plain Book Muslins, assorted Figured do do 4 Plain and figured Lenoes, Sec. hdkfs. assorted qualities & colors, Sc spotted hdkfs for neckcloths, ped Ginghams (very fine) id twill’d black Bombazelts ired do enn in half pieces 1 whole pieces 8 Long Lawns per* ettngs lerrno Shawls Jambries do Hdkfs. reiiU Oznaburghs lacking Bagging „ nd Strip’d Jeahs, for childrens mg 1 Casaimerwfor summer pantaloons •lack cloths ilk Sinchews Nankeens nd White Italian Crapes Vhite and coloured Florences :lo & do Satins nd White silk Stockings alf Hose Hite cotton half Hose ■Bead laces assorted ■fit on do do EHte black, blue, and assorted sewing Milks ■Bret Ribbons ifiestring and satin Ribbons ■Mired do vHte Cotton Fringe and round bobbin ißons assorted Laces ■t Bottons PB’king Cotton, in balls Hi do in do Hnrarmd Kid Cloves Hr Braids [ tenor Pins in papers ogne Water ■olet Soap Bitique Oil Bmatum Bessing Combs. fcUtub, made Clothing, I —VlZ laid Cloaks and Coatees Iperfme'black and blue Coats ll)o Cassimere Trowsen ■Bo n Brill do ■arse Duck do Bilenet and black silk Waistcoats Bntlemens* linen shirts, various qualities. I CROCKERY. Bates assorted bide Ware Ixes Liverpool China, in sets of 55 pie ices each Inalt sets do in Hogsheads Itchers in do I Also, on Consignment. I Tierces BBS London Porter, ■ Casks strong Ale, in bottles, I Boxes old Porte Wine, in do I Do Claret in do I Do Cider in do ■ From the advantage which the adver sers enjoy in having all their goods se- Bcted in Glasgow and Manchester, by one ■ their firm, they are enabled to offer le above as low as any Wholesale House I the United State-, ami as it is desirable I have their stock as low during the sum ler season as possible ; they will for a |w weeks sell considerably under their lual prices.—For CASH or Town ac ■ptances only. ■ June 6 ts Insurance against IFire! arleston Fire, ami Marine surance Company Agency HE Subscriber offers to take risks a st Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Js, Wares, and Merchandize, in An a and its vicinity; Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad-street, [between the Post Office & Globe Tavern.) December 20 r —I *** Missing & supposed ■O have been taken through mistake at tlie rivet landing in Augusta, or some of the Ware-Houses, the following articles, stap led in Savannah on the 2d April last, by lessrs. Andrew Low, & Co- among a uantity of others, three tierces, with the Blowing numbers and marks, viz : 'wo tierces Nos. 6 & 10, marked D.con taioing Glass-Ware. h-e tieice No. 52, marked D. containing Porter. Any information respecting the above rticles that may lead to a recovery ot vein, will be thankfully received, ana all ecessary expenses paid. Levi H. Echols. July 1— .It •Monday, {■ C , ’Jt L ••-■ , ■> Leghorn Gypsies I ■ AND HATS. 1 CASES ladies’,, Men’s 8t boy's X»eg\iOTn Gipsies AND HATS, Os a Superior Quality, FOR SHE UNUSUALLY LOW. An extensive assortment of Staple & Fancy DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO THE PRESENT & APPROACHING SEASON, EC VIZ- J XTRA Super & Superfine, black blue and Coronation mixed Cloths and Cas simeres, (one niece blue cloth very superior,' Super & common black white and figured Merseilles, Valencia, Florentine and figured Cassimere Vestings, White and Striped Jeans, Cotton Floren tines, cotton Cassimeres, plain and strip ed Drillings, blue Nankins, plain and striped yellow ditto, (long and short pieces,) and black Camlets, for coats and pantaloona Super, middling and low-priced Bomba zeltes, plain, twilled and figured black and assorted colors Black and blue black Bombazines, fine and cheap Small Cashmere and figured Silk Hand kerchiefs, new articles and very rich Jaconets, Mull, Mull Jaconet and common cambricks 7-4 and 8-4 Damask Table Linen Super London Chintz, Furniture and Printed Cambricks and Calicoes White and brown Irish Linens in whole and half pieces, a part very fine Thread, Bobinettc and Silk Laces, a great assortment India and French Levantines, Florences, Sarcenettes and Satins, plaid, striped, figured and plain, black, white, green and assorted colors Caroline. Carlisle and cambric Ginghams Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted colors ; one piece while, suitable fur painting Black, white and green Italian Crapes and Gauzes Book, Mull and Jaconet Muslin, scollop and Inserting trimmings, (u few pieces Insertings very wide and rich) Flag, BanJano, Canton and German Silk Handkerchiefs Nankin and Canton Crapes, plain and fi gured black and assorted colors Elegant Satin figured Mandarin crape Dresses Nankin and Mandarin crape Shawls and Scarfs. Plain and figured Books, Lcno and Swiss Muslins and Scotch Lawns Low-priced Lenoes, suitable fur pavilions White, spotted and cross-barred cambric Cravats Ladies’ and gentlemen's black and white Silk Hose a&d Gloves Elegant figured Satin and Needlework Muslin Robes, Walking Dresses and Scarfs, very rich Ribbons, an extensive assortment of all kinds, too great a variety to particular ise Pearl, thread, bone and ivory Shirt and Suspender Buttons Shell and Imitation Combs, a good assort ment Bonnet Wire, Pasteboards, Willow Flats and Millinetls ' Bandboxes, by the package and dozen Black, white, blue, green and assorted Italian and India Sewing Silk Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Shirtings and * Sheeting, ike. ike. Ac. * WITH A ORE AT VARIETY OF ARTICLES ( NOT ENUMERATED, , Comprising an Assortment equal, if not su - ! penov io aoy in the city, which are offer- I ed for sale at wholesale or retail, very low fur cash, or on a liberal credit for town acceptances BEGULAU.SUPPLIE3 Will be received from our partner in New- York through the summer, which will en able us to keep constantly on hand a gen eral assortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, ( nf the newest fashions and latest importa tions. On hand, as usual, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FASH IONABLE, BINE Sjraw Bonnets & Trimming. 3cwett, JVbeW & Co. Upper wing, City Hotel. May 16— wtf For Sale, The folioicing Tracts of Land: IjUOUH t racts, originally in the county ■, I; of Wilkinson, 7th district, known by i numbers 315, 293,2.0 and 219. i Lot No. 260, 9th dist. Appling county. , •628, 21 do. do. do. , 86, sth do. Gwinnett county: 109, 6th do. do. do. , 09, 3d do, Habetsham county. 38, 3d dp. Monroe county. 8, 16th do. Henry county -171, do. do. do. do. 227, 13th do. do. do. 169, 2<i do. do. do. 160, B'h do. Houston county. * This tract is a fractional surve), con taining 370 acres, on the Altamaha, about 12 miles below the mouth of Ocmulgee— having on it a high bluff on the river, with a large proportion of low grounds, and * ferry and good landing attached to it. Any of the above tracts will be sold on good term*. Application may be made to me, near Augusta, or to James Bozeman, Esq. Hilledgeville. A. Rhodes. June 27.—-w3t C w Tlie evil, that men do, lives after them; c“ The good is oft interred with theif bones. ” k - 1, I Cotton , Htock, AND ExcKangts Broker. THE subscriber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargrave*, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where ho oHeis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers jn commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Colton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainly and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaserthe planter need be no longer involved in doubt and diffiuulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the Wary speculator —and the purchaser will at alt times know where to resort for cot. ton it the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist* In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Colton will be sampled and ’receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock,"a. m. — if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a. n. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6$ cents .for a oag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale. Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, Hi their Various Branches, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock f. m. and from three o’clock till five r. m. John Kinney, jun’r. 03* Money is sometimes werlb more titan at others Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8.- —ts LJ W OFFICE, AND General Agency, MOBILE - -ALABAMA. T J. HE undersigned respectfully informs his friends in Geo. and all others who may have occasion lor his services, that he has established himself permanently in the City of MOBILE, in the Stale of Alabama, as Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and General Agent- and will giv« particular attention to the Collection of D*J»is in (in states of Alahama & Mississippi, and at Pensacola. W. Barton. May 23———w6t Thomas Watkins’ Saw Mills ’L (IE subscriber's Mills are still in ope ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at g>J2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to he naid to each branch of his business. —“ Ills customers will be Jnirly dealt by." Thomas Watkins- April 9 ts Hamburg. EUGENE BRENAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District of Edgefield, in Soutb-Carolina, that he is ready to act as Conveyancer— or to make up Accompts between Part ners, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3< - if Lands For bale, If implication be made immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early’ County son the Halers of Lime Creek;} Lot 189, Distric, 3, Henry County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County,—Apply at this Office. April 16 Wanted as a Gardener; A MAN who does not get drunk more than once in a while, and who is not too lazy to work in hot weather.r-Apply at this office. Jane 13 M'Of mall <Sj* Reid, deceived RT LITKAIIRIVALS, AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY Os VreucAt Jj luAia ©©©lDSg —AMONG WHICH AHK PIECES 4 4 Super. Cambric Prints 50 do 7 8 do do do 50 do 7-8 do Furniture do 70 do 6 4 Cotton Cambrics £i Jaconets 50 do 6-4 & 4-4 do Ginghams 12 do Super Carolina Plaids 20 do 7-8 Cotton Cassimere for Gig Tops Best Super, & 2d quality blue Cloths do do blue Cassimeres English bombazines and bumbuzetts do Drills and llkl's. Super black Marceline and Florence bilks do Black Italian Lutestring French bombazines, Crapes (J thread Laces Swiss muslins, Florentine Vestings Bla< k and white silk Hose Vigonia Cassimere, Lawns and Cam. brie Hkts Nankeen and Canton Crapes and Flag Ilk Is. The above together with their former stock on hand, they offer for CASH or approved paper June 13———la\v4w a®®]? UNDI.ES of Northern Hay , For sale at the V are-House of McKenzie & Ponce, Mav 23 ts N For Sale, & Excellent B\glloTses, AND A Secondhand Gig Will be sold low for cash—Enquire at (lie Globe Tavern. May 27 ts 100 boWars llewavd. RANAWAY from the subscriberon the sth instant, a Negro Man cal.ed JILOB, a Carpenternby trade, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout And well made—he was seen on the Northern road, near (Jo in mb ia, with a sealed- pass, endorsed *< A pass for Jacob, from Oglethorpe County Georgia, to the State of Delaware,” and said he would take a seat in the stage for tlie North —The above reward will be paid if he be apprehended in any state north of S. Caiolina, or fifty dollars if in that state and delivered to the subscriber, and all reasonable expenses paid W. W Montgomery. Augusta Georgia, dune 20, 1822.—if (£/■ The Editors of the City Gazette, & Mercmy, Charleston 5 State Gazette, Columbia S. C. Fayetteville Observer, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, and National Intelligencer, are requested to insert the above weekly three times, and forward their bills to the Office of the Au gusta Chronicle, where they will be promptly paid. W. W, M. 8100 Reward. [I 1-I.UjVAWAY from the subscriber, since tlie year 1817, a Mulatto Follow by the name of M ILf.IAM, which he has probab ly charged and will pass for a free man; be is about 27 years, short, and somewhat bow-legged, has a slight mark somewhere about his lip. He was lately taken in Barn well District, when lie passed as a free man by the name of Chisolm. It is appre* bonded that he will make his way to Au gusta or Savannah. One hundred dollars will be paid on his delivery to me in Charleston. James Lowndes. tPj" The Augusta and Savannah papers are requested to insert the above three or four times. June 24 4t Two ITvuuVreA and Fifty DolYiws IWward. CIIE above reward wdl be paid for my Ntgro fellow BILL, and the thief or thieves who may have inveigled him off, delivered to me in the County of Lincoln, or lodged in some safe Jail in the State and sufficient proof to convict the offen ders ; or if said Bill should be harboured in the County of Lincoln, I will pay the sum of seventy five dollars for his appre hension and sufficient proof to convict the harbourer if a person of Colours and one hundred dollars for information if a while person, and the delivery of «a.t Negro Bill, with proof sufficient to con vict the offender. Bill is a stout fellow about 21 years old, bright complexion about five feet 10 inches high, a Black smith by trade, no particular marks or scars by which he can be described, anu his clothing by this time must be altered as he has been off for some time. Any information respecting said Negro, will be thankfully received, and any ex pence cheerfully paid. Andrew Lee, jr. Jjucolh County Georgia. May G lam3m BWM— ... . ■ r -3®VS Si iA'w Series—Xo. IX] Augusta Stage < ffice, REMOVE]). T HE office of (he Augusta Stage hav ing been removed from the City Hotel, on the Bay, to Colonel Shellmun’s MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Persons wishing seats will apply there in future. John Womark. Savannah, June 17. July 4 ts m&msiyLaMi Fro\u XorU\ to fcovvUi. TT . X ROM four to six new, comfortably con* si fueled four wheel Vehicles drawn b) lout horses each, and drove by sober and careful drivers, will, wet out from Trenton in New-Jer*ey to Savannah, via Augusta iu Georgia, on or about the 15. h day of September next N The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carulinus, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of mountains, us the good roads through the ocunliy will allow. 'lht journey will be leisurely taken, so ns to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons w ho may become pus. Si iigets. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so bv applying to the Post master of 8 a van uah Priority in the. choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first sppli cant one, which w ill entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the lust, An entire carriage can be taken up by en. grging l|»e number of seats. P. S. All the GaZ'. tles in Georgia and those at Columbia. South Carolina, are re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Post-master at Savannah. June 3 Hr. Fe HAS removed hit* Shop to Dr. Wat. kino’ building on llrond-itract, a few doors below tlie Augusta Bunk. June 1(1 2m E. MNBKET^ PORTRAIT PArIJTTBR, HH.ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusts, that he has taken a Hoorn, (very suitable for his pro fesston,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the success of his pencil, and the satisfaction lie has uni formly given in his Likenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage N, B.—»Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be peifectory, no pay would be required June 6: .ts Latest Fashions. powers!*" i.ogan, maiL®ißS5 9 Respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves in the above line of business, in the low er room of the Chronicle Office, two doors below the GLOBE TAVERN.— From their experience and long practice, they hope to meet with a moderate share of public patronage, and flatter themselves hat they wdl be found to merit it MILITARY DRESSES Executed in the neatest manner. June 17. 4tw Administrator’s Sale POSTPONED WILL be sold at the Market-House, in the City of Augusta, on Tuesday, the Ist of August next, between the usual hours of Sale— A tract of Land, tying in the Second District of Early, No. 39. —ALSO— At tho same time and place, a Negro Woman, named Juna, be longing to the estate of Emanuel Grego ry, dec’d, and sold for die benefit ol the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Lewis H. Gregory, adm'r June 6 wtds Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Oflicc. TIIE City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M to I P M. to receive the same until the 30Ui day of June nex’, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W. Wilde, C. & T. C. A. april 25 df STORAGE AND . Com\mßß\on Viusiuess. T 1. HR Subscriber* having connected themselves in the above business, under ' lie lirm of . •MwsjCYiwfc Groyea. Tender their services to the Merchana and Planters, and solicit die Patronage of th- ir friends and die [tnblic. Their Ware i Ho ise is situated un the river bank, near i he St. am Boat Wharf, (formerly occuni s ed Uy It. & \V. Poa,) which is i,ow in yovnl order f r the reception pf Cotton and every description of ty rohandi»c, to f u ‘ e care of which the person d attention of one of the firm will be constantly de voted. * K s H. Miwgr've, ByTvanua |i, (iiuves, .Tun* 2d —« lawtf 1 Just Received , AX EI-ItOANT ASEOUTMEXT Os FcesU aud Seaftoautilft iflixDOMS^ —»Co misting Calicoes, Ginghams, Linens, Cnecks, Sinphews, J Muslin Kahns, , Diess Dimity, ~ Furniture do, White Jeans, Green Silk Gauze, H «iciy, Wll - ‘ tußl ' tt Sheetings & Brown M Which will be sold very lew, by the pm. ces, t » country merchants, for cash.' or on tune lor town acceptance, A. Vlcqaat, i _*». 6 £;•,* u ““ w just liecYi ' a vnKsif auppi.r op llocludle Soda Powders* VERY SUPERIOR Prepared by Mty*Aim & Vovas, .USO, Saratoga Water, in pint «nd Q,.iart Bottles, voa SAi,a m Thos. I. Winy. June 6 ■■ -fit y vans. 2y500 prime COftV* for sale, very low fir cash. Win. 11. Egan. June 27——if FOll SALE. PHEASANT and retired residence on the SAND HILLS. Apph to J. s. Holt. lune 27—-If WLttitCompany’» Office NOTICE. I'tHE President and Directors have this day declared u dividend of 1 1-2 pep cent, on the Capital Slock of the Company for the last quarter ending the 30 h id im« —the same will he paid to the Stockhol. ders or their Agents on and after the I2ih inst. John Sharp, TreasV. July 4- 4t City Sheriff’s Sale. I HE following property will be Sold at the Market-House, in the CHy of au. gusts, on the third Tuesday in the preper.f monfh viz;— All the interest, right and ti, tie, ot Edward McFarland, in and to the buildings and I tof hnd «i preset in the possession of John >"»ore, fronting oq Broad-Street, bounded North and Wes l , by lot* of Jacob Danfinth, and East by Washington-Stivet, levied upon as the property of Edwapd.McFarland, in sati-hc, foil of an Execution in favor of A. Cun, ningham. —AND— The following Negroes, le, vied upon as the propertv of Joshua Mer re 11 Sc Co. in satisfaction of six Execution* m favor pfTenny 11.11 vsMtd Joshua Mer rill 8c Co. viz—one Negyi woman named Nancy and her four chijdr ;, named Bat. lett, Louis, Hulsey a id Km l v —ALSO— One Negro man named Lon don, o ie buy named Tom, and one dark hay horse, levied upon as the pr p, r y of Jas. Spann, in satisfaction o( l!/r<;o 51 Executions in favor of Wni, Mckie and Job S. Barney. i AND— V One bed stead, one chest,' two ttbles and sundry art'cLs of kitth.p furniture, levied noon as the property Thomas Tant, in satisfaction of ap Eitcu t on in favor of Chu* l.ippetfSc C ■. ( ’auditions in all the above cat s O-tsh hi fire -.obsession, a«d.|». rcha ,. rst pay for ttics. Wui- Bee, sheriff C. A. Jul} 4—St V. . - • »> "