Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, July 11, 1822, Image 1

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■ •* r / - ■ ■O- ■ S Chronicle # (SincfJc* ’ « " '■%Rt '• ■—i—- ■ - |M-»J •****. I.V, «,«*». [Jta, «•")«-»* •») L.. .. .m •• ■—■ ■ .. —i— ■*■... » - i—Jr Ughom Gypsies WT AND HATS. BIASES Ladies’, Misses, Men’s k boy’s BliCgV-OTn Gypsies ' AND HATS, wpfa Superior Quality* X JOB SALS UNUSUALLY LOW. bIEIT <O®®IDSo ■rfrasive assortment »f Staple (J Fancy [ DRY GOODS, |TKD TO THE PRESENT Si APPROACHING SEASON, Cvizj STRA Super & Superfine, black blue id Coronation mixed Cloths and Cas meres, (one niece blue cloth very iperior ' er S; comnm black white and figured lerseilles, Valencia, Florentine and fcured Cassimere Vestings, Kte and Striped Jeans, Colton Floren lies, cotton Cassimeres, plain and Strip- Drillings, blue Nankins, plain and :iiied_jieHaw ditto, (tong and short eces,) and black Camlets, for coats |d pantaloons er, and low-priced Bomba ittes, plain, twilled and figured black id assorted colors k and blue black Bombazines, fine d cheap II Cashmere and figured Silk Ilund irchicfs, new articles and very rich nets, Mull, Mull Jaconet and common rabneks and 8-4 Damask Table Linen •r London Chintz, Furniture and •inted Cambricks and Calicoes bite and brown Irish Linens in whole half pieces, a part very fine tPeud, Bobinette and Silk Laces, a great I Mkortment ut and French Levantines, Florences, Brcencttes and Satins, plaid, striped, Mured and plain, black, white, green ■U assorted colors Mine Carlisle and cambric Ginghams ■pod Tabby Velvets, assorted colors ; •2 piece white, suitable for painting oK, white and green Italian Crapes and 3* Mull and Jaconet Muslin, scollop B inserting trimmings, (a few pieces Htctjngs very wide and rich) ■ Bandaw. C*nton and German Silk ■ndkerclitefs ■n and Canton Crapes, plain and fi Bed black And assorted colors Bat Satin figured Mandarin /rape BeMMi —•- —‘» Bin and Mandarin crape Shawls and parfs. pi and figured Books, Leno and Swiss luslins and Scotch Lawns r-priced Lenoes, amiable fur pavilions its, spotted and cross barred cambri. ravats ics’ and gentlemen’s black and white ilk Hose and Gloves gant figured Satin and Needlewoik flush n Robes, Walking Dresses a: Icarfs, very rich ibons, an extensive assortment of a! inds, too great a variety to particuh r e rl, thread, bone and ivory Shirt anu uspender Buttons 11 and Imitation Combs, a good assort ment met Wire, Pasteboards, Willow Fiats nd Millinetta dboxes, by the package and dozen k, white, blue, green and assorted | alian and India Sewing Silk lestic Plaids, Stripes, Shirtings arid reeling, Uc. Sec, Sec. WITH A GREAT VAIIIETT OF ARTICLES NOT ENUMERATED, , uprising an Assortment equals if not su ;i"‘or, to any in the city, which are offer- I fur sale at wholesale or retail, vt ry tow r \sh, or on a liberal credit for town :cepfances REGULAR SUPPLIES 1 be received from our partner in New k through the summer, which willen us to keep cyns'antly on band a gen assortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, re newest fashions and latest in porta s. On hand, as usual. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FASH IONABLE FINE traw Bonnet* & Trimming. | Jewett, AbeiW it Co. Upper wing, City Hotel, flay 16. -wtf ' TV\ft Subscribers IAVE ON HAND AND OFlEtl roa S.vlE, dFEfV CASA'S U TIERCES OF Mmm 8 A LiO — A SECOND HAND IANO FORTE. 3 no. H. Kimbell & Co. ne 17 fit , P Loam Bones Have Received, r the Georgia, and Juno, direct from Liverpool. PANDSOME ANH GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF rockery, Glass iintV .China Wave, ,ow for Cash, or town acceptance. ere 20—■ , if 3 0 Wi)©3)3l©^ % Co. HATE RECEIVER UV THE I.JTEST ARRIVALS FROM LIVERPOOL k NEW-fORK, A large and general assortment of GOODS, Consisting chief y of the following articles: fciLF.GANT Flounced Robes, Needle worked, l-owpriced do do do Netdle-work’d Flounces, Trimmings & Collarets Do do Mulls and Jaconets, Do do Satin Stripes 4 Cambrics, at all prices 6-i)o Maircord and inuslinets 4-4 & 6-4 Plain Book Muslins, assorted 44 Figured do do 4 4 & 6 4 Plain and figured Lenoes, &c. Madras hdkfs. assorted qualities & colors, White & spotted hdkfs fur neckcloths, 4-4 Striped Ginghams (very fine) Plain and twill’d black Bombazetts Coloured do 4- Linens in half pieces Do in whole pieces 5- k 7-8 Long Lawns 3.4 Diapers 5 4 Sheetings Small Merino Shawls Linen Cambrics Do do Hdkfs, Fine Strclilz Oznaburghs Hemp sacking Cotton Bagging Blue and Strip'd Jeans, for childrens clothing Vegonia Cassimere-for summer pantaloons Super black cloths Black silk Sinchews Yellow Nankeens Black and White Italian Crapes Black While and coloured Florences Do do St do Satins Black and White silk Stockings Du half Hose White cotton half Hose Thread laces assorted Cotton do do White black, blue, and assorted sewing silks Velvet Ribbons Lutestring and satin Ribbons Figured do White Colion Fringe Flat and found bobbin Gtdoons assorted S'ay Laces Ullil t Doiinn* Marking Cotton, in balls Floss do in do Beaver and Kid Gloves Silk Braids Superior Pins in papers Cologne Water Violet Soap Antique Oil Pomatum Dressing Combs. made C\otb\ng, —ViZ- Plaid Cloaks and Coate a Superfine black and blue Coats Do Cassimere Trowsers Do Drill do Coarse Duck do loileuet and black silk YVaislcoats Gentlemens’ linen shirts, various qualities. CUOCKEBY. Cra’es assorted blue Ware Boxes Liverpool China, in sets of 55 pie ces each Small sets do in Hogsheads Pitchers in do Also, oa Consignment. 18 Tierces BBS London Porter, 12 Casks strong Ale, in bottles, ‘2O Boxes old Poite Wine, in do 30 Do Claret in do 50 Do Cider in do From the advantage which the adver tisers enjoy in having all their goods se lec'cd in Glasgow and Manchester, by one of their firm, they are enabled to offer the above as low as any Wholesale House in the United States, and as it is desirable to have 'heir stock as low during the sum mer season as possible •, they will for a tew weeks sell considerably under their usual prices.—For CASU or Town ac. ceptaoces only. June 6 ts Do wall , Have just Received RT LATE ARRIVALS, AN AIU'ITJONAL SUPPLY OF Ibeitlsb, Tveucb India (HPiUDSy —AMONIi WHICH ARE— m PIECES *4Super. Cambric Prints j 5j do 7 8 do do do 60 do 7-8 do Furniture do 70 do 6 4 Cotton Cambrics k Jacuucs 50 do 6-4 k 4-4 do Ginghams 12 do Super Carolina Plaids 20 do 7 8 Cotton Cassimere for Gig Tops Best Super, & 2d quality blue Cloths do do blue Cassimeres English bombazines and bombazetts do Drills and Ilkts. Super black Marceliae and Florence Silks do Black Italian Lutestring French bombazines. Crapes IS thread Laces • Swiss muslins, Florentine Vestings Black and white silk Hose Vigonia Cassimere, Lawns and Cam bric Ilkfis Nankeen and Canton Crapes and Flag Hkfs. Tiie above together with their former stock on hand, they offer for CASH or approved paper June 13 —* —la\v4w IM&W& BUSHELS SALT, For Sale by WM- HENRY EG AN, Upner end South side of Broad-Street. July 4 3t JUST RECEIVED , A FRESH SUPPLY OF Rochelle £$ Soda Powders, VERY SUPERIOR. Prepared by Maynard Si Notes, ALSO, Saratoga Water, in Pint and Quart Bottles, FOR BALE IIV Thos. I. Wray. June 6——Bt oornT <» 500 H prime CORN, for sale, very low fur cash. Win. H. Egan. June 27——ts Cotton , Htock , and Eit.c\\ai\ge Broken. THE subscaiber has taken un office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north i side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he offeis Ids services in i the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain tlie patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have lung sustain ed die inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Colton Broker. In almost every oilier cotton maitlhe business is I principally done by brokers: and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying ut the office o’ the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and diffioulty to ascertain the true slate of the maiket, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator —and the purchaser will at all limes know where to resort lor cot ton si the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton, Ist* In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the sncceding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and “receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4t!i. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying €>i cents fora bag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse recaipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, In their Various Brunches, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a, m. till two o’clock p. m. and from three o’clock till five p. m. John Kinney, jun’r. (O’Money is sometimes worth more than at others Persons having it tv loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November B.- -—ts M)©R UNDLES of Northern Hay , For sale at thf V of McKenzie & JPonce, May C 3 —ts BT(iIIiGE AND Commission Business. T —. AHE Subscribers having connected themselves in the above business, under the firm of JVlusgxoye £5 Groves. Tender their services to the Merchants and Planters, and solicit the Patronage of their friends and the public. Their Ware- House is situated on the river bank, near the Steam Boat Wharf, (formerly occupi ed by U. & W. Poe,) which i» now in good order for the reception of Colton and every description of Merchandize, to the care of which the personal attention of one of the firm will be constantly de voted. R. H. Musgr"ve, Sylvanu* B. Groves. June 24——lawtf " ' ' « •1 X Augusta Stage i *flice, REMOVED. T A HE office of the Augusta Stage bav ing been removed from the City Hotel, on the Bay, to Colonel Shell man's MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Persons wishing seals will anply there in future. John Womack. Savannah, June 17. July 4 -ts ¥rom Xorik to South. ROM four to six new, comfortably con structed four wheel Vehicles, drawn by four horses each, and drove by sober and c«-efuidrivers, will «tt out from Trenton in Ncw-Jetsey to Savannah, via Augusta in Georgia, on or about the 15th day of September next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carolinus, will he confined as much to the neighbor hood »>f mountains, as the good muds through the country will allow. The journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons who may become pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so bv applying to the Post master of Savan nah. Priority in the choice of seals will be regulated by numbering the first appli c mt one, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by en gaging the number of seats. P. S. All the Gazettes in Georgia ard those at Columbia, Smill.Carolina, are re quested to insert Hie above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Post-master at Savannah. June 3 l)r. Fen Has removed his Shop to Dr. Wat kins’ building on Broad-street, a few doora below the Augusta Bank. June 1(0—-—2m E ItlSiiiKE POIttBJIT Pi UTTER, UeSPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has taken a Room, (very suitable for his pro fesston,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the successor his pencil, and the satisfaction he has uni formly given in his Likenesses, that lie will merit a share cf public patronage N. B.—Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be pcrfectory, no pay would be required June 6 ts Latest Fashions. I.OGAN, Respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves m ihe above line of business, in the low er room of the Chronicle Office, two , doors below tlie GLOBE TAVERN. — From their experience nnd long practice, , they hope to meet with a moderate share of public pati image, and flatter themselves hat they will be found to merit it MILITARY DRESSES Executed in the neatest manner, June 17 4tw Administrator's Sale POSTPOATBR. a str vt ILL be sold at the Market-House, ,n the City of Augusta, on Tuesday, the Ist of August next, between the usual hours of Sale — A troct. of Land, tying in the Second District of Early, No. 39. ( —ALSO— i At the same time and ! place, a Negro Woman, named Juna, be longing to the estate of Emanuel Grego ry, dec’d, and sold for the benefit of the •leirs and creditors of said deceased. 1 Lewis H. Gregory, admT i June 6 —■ wtds l Tax Collector’s ; And Treasurer’s Office. Thß City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of the ■ Bridge Bank, every day, from 9AM to 1 1 F M. to receive the same until the 30tli Jay of June next, after which time exccu. tions will issue against all defaulters with- aut discrimination. John W. Wilde, » 0. UT.C. A. K apri! 25 ts For Sale, 3 Excellent GigHoTsea, AND A Secondhand GigijHarncss Will be sold low for cash—Enquire ui the Glob-.* Tavern. May 27 ts FOR SALE; A PLEASANT and retired residence on the SANDHILLS. Apply to J. S. Holt. lime 27 If Hamburg. EUGKNIi BBENAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District of Edgefield, in Soulli.Carolina, that he is ready to act as Conveyancer— or to make up Accompts between Part, tiers, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3 ts Insurance against Fire ( liarleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency Tub Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Goods, Marcs, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street, {Between the Post Office & Globe Tavern.) December 30 W \uvvf \s Dfficc NOTICE. fIIHE President and Directors have this A day declared a dividend of J 1-2 per cent, on the Capital Stock ofthe Company for the laal quarter ending Hie 30<h ultimo —the name will be paid to the Stockhol ders or their Agents on and After the J2'li inst. John Sharp, Treas’r, July 4 4t Thomas W alk in s ’ Saw iSfOrist Mills T. HE subscriber's Mills are still In ope ration, both SAW and GRIST. Il« will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl3 per thousand, and will Cause every attention to he paid to cadi branch of his business. —“ Hit customers will be Jairly dealt by.” Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts Lands For Sale, T ■ P application be made immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County fan the IVuters of Lime Creek /J, Lot 189, Distric 3. Henry County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16 City Sheriff’s Sale. T * HE fi llowing property will be Sold at the Market-House, in the City of Au gusta, on the third Tuesday in the present month, viz : All the interest, right and th lie, of Edward McFarland, in and to the buildings and lot of land at present in the possession of John Moore, fronting on Broad-Street, bounded North and West, hv lots ot Jacob Danforth, and East by Was)lingt m-Street, levied upon as the property of Edwar.i.McFarlaml, in satisfac tion of an Execution in favor of A. Cun ningham. —AND— The following Negroes, le vied upon as the property ofjoahua Mir rell & Co. in satisfaction of six Executions ie tavor of Tenny Hill vs said Josbua Mer nil & Co. viz—one Negro woman named Nancy and her four children, named Bat led, Louis, Palsey and Emely. —ALSO— One Negro man named Lon don, one negro boy named Tom, and one dark bay horse, levied upon as the proper ty of Jas. Spann, in satisfaction of three Executions in favor of Wm. Mckie and Job S. Barney. AND— One bed stead, one chest, two tables, and sundry articles of kitchen furniture, levied upon a» the property of Thomas Taut, in satisfaction of an Execu tion in favor of Chaa Lippett & Co. . Conditions in all the above cases Cash before possession, and purcha sers t > pay for titles. Wm. Bee, Sheriff C. A. July 4 3t Fur Sale, f <OT No. 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Levan, Augusta. The Journal and Recorder at Milledgeville, and the News at Wash ington will insert the above three times. July 4—— A Vuh\\c«tUou* 1 M«S,S. COLVIN haring, for a consi derahle time past, had it in cor.t j inp|. lion I to publish a I’eriotjicul W>'rk t now ,repo ses to Lsue the Number us it .is soon as it has been ascertained’ that snrti« , dent patronage w.ll be afl'urleJ to deo-ay (he expenses of Publication, t he' i .tlit is intended to be . A. S. COLVIN’S WEEKLY MESSENGER, It will contain four page ß Hoya'l <4*>rto, ami be delivered to Subscribers <■%, ry Sa. turday, at the price of Four 1)11 ri per annum, payable, quarterly in advance. Its Contents will be chiefly Lit r ry; hut there will be such u< t'c s of oto’er matt rs, of News, of Fashions, «f’! »ste, of Marriages and Deaths, &c. as to r .nder it a vehicle of General Interest and Amuse* g ment. ~, L The inhabitants of the District of Co. ’ lumbia will be waited upon in a few days for the purpose of obtaining their Signs ’ tores . Subscriptions wifi also he r-ceivwlil tlie Bookstore of Messrs Davi* &, Fours, Pennsylvania Avenue N. II Persons residing at a district?, may forwar I their Subscriptions to the Editor, f post jiuill. Washington, June, 1822. (O* A Subscription Paper is left at the Bookstore of J, & H F-i.r July 4*— LA W OFFI AND Cieuerwi Agency, M OUILE--AIAJLL UA, T M. HE undersigned reapi&tfuUy info'nm ) bis friends in Geo. and ail mbeis who may have occasion for his services, that he h is established himself permanently in tlio i Cily of MOBILE, in the State of Alabama as Attorney and Counsellor a' Law, and General Agent—and will give particular attention to (he Collection of Debts in din s States of Ai.aua&u & Mississirri, and at r Pensacola. ' W. liar Uni. ; May 23 w6t am! For Sale, In Waßhington,Wilkrs county t A. lIOtTSTS, eligibly sltuatedi ’d / (he Public Square in Washington, is < 111 rid for sale at a just valuation. U is divided I at present, into two tenement*, contain , ; ng four rooms on the lower floor, <i, eon , 'he second, a good garret and collar, *f d bus a small piece of grpundattached tint, Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately; and of the other, in May—. For further particulars, enquire at this Os, nee. Feb 18 ts JWk, A Hi Residence IK WAS 111 NO tom, TOR SALE. I OFFKK fop Sale, the Home on.l Lou v here I reside in Washington Wilkes tounty. The premises consist of u small ■ wo story Dwelling-House, in good repair, ~‘til the usual out-houses, and four l.ol* ol an acre each, subject to the deduction ■l a few feet on the street sides. Aboufc 'lalfthe grpund slopes gently pi the booth, Utd is in oilier respects adapted to early gardening. The residue, is a beaudlul grass Lot almost level, with the ornament, mTI convenience of a Spring, md of mall stream winding through it. The situation though near and convenjf nl t(j the most public part of the town, is on’ of . its noise and oustle , and hence is aptly . formed either for the enjoy memos the ‘ xcellent society of this place, or for re, dremeiit and quiet us may suit 1 lie tystp >f the occupant, I will take the very low’ price of tw<> thousand two hundred dollars; in id wilj if desired give almost any length of cre dit, on being unquestionably seemed u ills interest from the date of the purchase. I would prefer not to give possession until October next, but may agree on ijp earlier day. Oliver 11. Prince, June 3 lawtf ■ sr Estray. GEQUOIA, j Clerk'* Office of the hi Lincoln County. 3 fervor Court. IS F.WF-L WALTON, sen. of Captain York's district, lolled before John M IJ >w oP, esq. of the same district,* Grey Ho se, about seven years old, no brands or marks perceiveable, low in order, appraised by I oho York and DavidS. York« to filly five dollars. June 4th, 1822. True extract from the F.struy Book PETEK LAMAU, c. f,- » o. July \ Far Sale, LjOT 169, District 3, Henry County. —apply to Durham T, Hull. ftavaunnh. . July 4