Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, July 15, 1822, Image 1

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Mtiiget*** Cgreufelt # <£ror&to . ' —----- - * - L '- • £ ' _ . ' OU »] Ssssssassssssssm * ahorri Gypsies AND HATS. J .■■■■«■ ' ■ USES Ladles*, Hisses, Men # s & boy’s LfcgkoTn Gj^siea AND HATS, b fa Superior Quality, I TOB SAL* UNOSUALLI tow. KBIT dKDDH>§o fa,sire assortment of Staple H Fancy dby goods, Bo to the Present approaching Season, CVIZ J' ' FRA Super & Superfine, black blue Coronation mixed Cloths and Cas fres, (one niece blue cloth very frier ' fc common black white and figured seilles, Valencia, Florentine and red Cassimere Vestings, i and Striped Jeans, Cotton Floren |, cotton Casainoeres, plain and strip- Jrillings, blue Hankins, plain and red yellow ditto, (long and short and black Camlets, for coats [pantaloons L middling and low-pnced Bomba. | B| plain, twilled and figured black iftssortod coloti land blue black Bombazines, fine ■cheap ■Cashmere and figured Silk Hand* Ihiefs, new articles and very rich Its, Mull, Mull Jaconet and common bricks id 8-4 Damask Table Linen * London Chintz, Furniture and |ted Cambricks and Calicoes i and brown Irish Linens in whole half pieces, a part very fine fl, Bobinette and Silk Laces, a great Mment md French Levantines, Florences, fenetlea and Satins, plaid, striped, led and plain, black, white, green assorted colors k. CarUsle and cambric Ginghams M Tabby Velvets, assorted colors ; Sicce white, suitable for painting •lute and green Italian Crapes and ■lull and Jaconet Muslin, scollop Sserting trimmings, (a few pieces ftngs very wide and rich) Kndano, Canton and German Silk Kerchiefs Knd Canton . Crapes, plain and fi ■ black and assorted colors ■ Satin figured Mandarin crape land Mandarin crape Shawls and Kd figured Books, Leno and Swiss Ins and Scotch Lawns heed Lenoes, suitable for pavilions [spotted and cross-barred cambric ats ■ I and gentlemen’s black and white Hose and Gloves t figured Satin and Needlework bn Uobes, Walking Dresses am; ig, very rich is, an extensive assortment of all L too great a variety to particular ithrtad, bone and ivory Shirt and tender Buttons md Imitation Combs, a good assort t Wire, Pasteboards, Willow Flats Millineits ifxes, by >he package and dozen | white, blue, green and assorted Sh and India Sewing Silk ic Plaids, Stripes, Shirtings and ting, &c. &c. &c. U A GREAT VARIETT OF ARTICLES NOT ENUMERATED, ting an Merriment equal, if not su r to any in the city, which are offer r gale at wholesale or retail , vi ry low cash , »r on a liberal credit for town dances REGULAR SUPPLIES 5 received from our partner in New hrough the summer, which willen i to keep cons’antly on hand a gen sortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, newest fashions and latest imports On hand, ns usual. OD ASSORTMENT Os FASH IONABLE fine vv Bonnet* & Trimming. fc'wtU, AbfcW & Cq. Upper wing, City Hotel. 16— wtf The. Subamkeva £ ON RANH AND OFFIA FOH SALE, EtF CASA'S & TIERCES OF —-ALSO A SECOND JUXO [A NO FORTE. 3 no. U. Kimbell & Co, B 17—, fit j Loane Bones Have Received, he Georgia, and Juno, direct from Liverpool. IISOME AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT Os ockery, Glass di\tV China Ww** w f.-r Cash, or town acceptance. » j.U .- -if ■■ ,-i i MoinVwj. BUSHELS SAIT, For Sale by WM. HENRY EC4V, * Upper end South side of Broad-Street. July 4 3t JUST HECEIVBIf~ A FRESH SCFPLT OF Rochelle £5 Soda Powders, VERY SUPERIOR. | Prepared by Matnadd & Notes. ALSO, Saratoga Water, in Pint and Quart Bottles, FOR SALE BT Thos. I. Wray. June 6——Bt CORN. 500 B ushels prime cokn, for sale, very low for cash. Win, H. Egan. June 27—ts ■*■ ■ " - —t- * ■■■■' ■. -■■■l.. ■ •«.. I Cotton, Stock, AND Exchange Broker. THE subscriber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he ofieis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that ihe merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; sad hence the ease, certainly and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton * the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist- In order to give lime for s ampling, citizens offering cotton arc requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m. —ff'left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may bp enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the eight pie vious, 2d. Cotton will be campled and “receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— •f off ered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a.m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6J cents fora bag entry and sampling. fitb. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country,en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and brokerage. In their Various If ranches, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o'clock p. m. and from thtee o’clock till five r. m. John Kinney, jun’r. tfff Money is sometimes worth more than at others! Persons having it t» loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8.-—ts fl(D® of Northern Hay, For sale at the V are-Houscof McKenzie & Ponce, May 23 —ts STORAGE AND Commission business. 1. HE Subscribers having connected themselves in the above busines*, uader the firm of JSinsgTOTe £j Gxo\es. Tender their services to the Merchants ‘ and Planters, and solicit the Patronage of their friends and the public. Their Ware- House is situated on the river bank, near he Steam Boat Wharf, (lormerly occupi n ed by K. h W, Poe,) which is now in good order for the reception of Cotton and every description of Merchandize, to ' the care of which the personal attention ■ of one of the firm will be constantly de ' voted. R. H, Musgrove, Hylvanua B. Groves. June 24—-lawtf “ - I —-- >■ 1 1 [ ' —"*-- u --^ :! C“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; c“ The good is oft interred with their bones.** 5 t \ r to M'Downll iSf Reid, Hay** just Received BT LATE ARRIVALS, AN ADDITIONAL STTPPLT OF Briiisk, PnmciVi £5 India (BKMPQNS,, —AMOITO WHICH ABR—• PIECES 4 4 Super. Cambric print a So do 7-8 do do do 50 do 7-8 do Furniture do 70 do 6-4 Cotton Cambrics Jaconets 50 do 64 8v 4-4 do Ginghams. 12 do Super Carolina Plaids 20 do 7-8 Cotton Cassimere for Gig Tops Best Super, & 2d quality blue Cloths do do blue Cassi meres English bombazines and bumbazetts do Drills and Hkfs Super black Uarceline and Florence Silks do Black Italian Lutestring French bombazines, Crapes if thread Laces Swiss muslins, Florentine Vestings Black and white silk Hose Vigonia Cassimere, Lawns and Cam bric Hkfs Nankeen and Canton Crapes and Flag Hkfs. The above together with their former stock on hand, they pffer for CASH or approved paper June 13—— law4w l*’uu, Salt £5 Sugar. &£) I ONS Iron 300 u Bu«hells Salt 30 Hhds Sugar 100 fibls do. 10,000 Lbs Baltimore Bacon 10 Hhds Rum, & 5 Pipes Gin. Which w ill be Sold low, at a liberal credit* rmjktpsow ot a.voueh s June 24 ts For Sale, 'The following Tracts of Land,' 10011 it • racta, originally in Hie county J[ of Wilkinson, 7ih district, known by numbers 315, 293,2 0 and 219 Lot No. 260, 9lh dist, Appling county. *628, 21 do. do. do. 86, sth do. Gwinnett county: 109, 6th do. do. do. 99, 3d do. Habersham county. 38, 3d do. Monroe county, 8, 16th do. H“i.ry county, 171, do. do. do. do. 227, l.Jth do. do. do. 169, 2d do. do. do. 160, Bili do. Houston county. * This tract is a fractional survej, con taining 370 acres, on the Altamaha, about 12 miles below the mouth of Ocmnlgee— having on it a high bluff on the river, with a large proportion of low grounds, and a ferry and good landing at .ached to it. Miy of the above tracts will be sold on good terms Application may be made to me, hear Augusta, or to James Bozeman, Esq. Miiledgevi|le. - A. Rhodes. June 27'.-=, —w3t A List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Columbia Court-house Geor gia, Ist. day July 1822. A WsrrenMo re Robert T A lien 2 Dm t r Moms Guilford Afford James Mt-ssep Miss Hester Andrew Mrs. P. M‘Comae Archer Avary Esq. Harry M‘ teuton Mrs. Ann Avary Sami \MI can B Robert M .rtin James Miss Sus P Bagget2joseph Moon Mrs El z. Bush 4 * O Mrs. G iff tip John Olive B' njmniii Hugg P Mrs P> lley Brai tly Jordan Fnm n 2 Josias B'.swell Augustus fferrymore Mrs Polly Uowdrie Jonathan Pearre Wdliam Bnrem Wiilia i F rry C Allen W, I'ri.r James S C .ry 3 Charles D Pace 2 Doctor Cloghorn Jared Pounds. .Mrs H Cob man Postmaster Browns- U -Ilium Culbroath boro Thomas Ct loreath R The Fresidei.t Co- David Roberts lumbia College H« nry Kay 2 , William Carrel) William Udey D James Ross Major Deot Law r. Richardson E S Cal.b Ewb <nk David Stanford Miss Jane Evans Mrs. S Sandiford Mrs. Lbz Evans Miss Ann B Simms Leonedus Few Henry Spoldlng Coi. J A Few Henry Slaughter G Andrew Slurges 2 Thos. Goffteley 2 James Shi* Ids 2 Win, Goins Samutl Shirley Juab Grubbs Wid. Martha Spelo Benjamin Grubbs T H Bird B Tindall James Harden Alsa Tarior I Miss E. C Holton Mr. Tinddl Hannah Rodgin Miss L. L. Thomas German Harvey Mrs Eliz. Tindall Lieut ThoaJ Harris U J William Upton Thomas Jones W • Benjamin Jones 2 Conrod Wall , Eliz Johnson EbenezarT Williams * L Cant T Willingham Joseph Larkin Jonathan Wood Sktffon Landers Wm. Wilkinson Miss phz Lamar Peter Watson , Sharlott Lamar Capt Wm H B Wright i Seth W. Ligon , John Walton . Joseph W Lurkett Y M James Yarboro 2 Thomas Malone 2 William Yarboro John Bynsuim. p. m. July 8 3tw II -""II Augusta Stage < iffice, REMOVED. fHE office of the Augusta Stage hav ing been removed from the City Hqtel, on the Bay, to Colonel ShcUman’t MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Persons wishing seats will apply th* re in future. John Womack, f Savannah, June 17. July 4—*—if 1 Vrom JS’orVU to So will. JP'BQM four to six new, comfortably con structed four wheel Vehicles, drawn by /out horses each, and drove by sober and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jerscy to Savannah, via Augusta in Georgia, on or about the 15lh day of September next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia apd the Cardinal, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood ot mountains, as the good roads through tiic country will allow* Tll e journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from tour to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat tippn the in clination of persons who may becoipe pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can (jo so by applying to the Post master of Savan nah. Priority in the choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first appb- Cant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by en. gaging the number of seats- P. 8. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, South-Caroling are re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts fop payment to the Post-master at Savannah. June 3 I)r. Fend all, HAS returned hie Shop to Dr. Wat kins' buildingoij Broad-street, a few doors below the Augusta Bank. June 10———2 m e.bisb¥e7 PORTRAIT PAINTER, KeSPECTPULLV informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has taken a Boom, (very suitable for his pro session,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the success of his pencil, and the satisfaction he has uni formly given in his Likenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage. N. B. -Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be perfectory, no pay would be required June 6 ts Latest Fashions. POWKRsIT T.OG AN, VAMNBSa Respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves in the above line of business, in the low er room of the Chronicle Office, two ■lours below the GLOBE TAVERN.— From their experience and long practice, they hope to meet with a moderate share of public patronage, and flatter themselves hat they will be found to merit it MILITARY DRESSES Executed in the neatest manner. June 17 4tw Administrator’s Sale postponed. ILL be sold at the Market-House, in the City of Augusta, on Tuesday, the Ist of August next, between the usual hours of Sale—. A tract of Land, tying in the Second District of Early, No. 39. —ALSO— At • the same time and place, a Negro Woman, named Juna, be longing to the estate of Emanuel Grego ry.dec’d, and sold for the benefit of thi heirs and creditors of said deceased. rjewis H. Gregory, adm'r June 6 wlds Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Office. 1 THE City, Road and Well Tax for tin year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M tr 1 P M. to receive the same until the 30th day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W, Wilde, . St. if T. e, A. april 24-——ts adMl 3uVj 15, Is2£, Xevf Starlet —Xo. 10] '* '', w •• For Sale, ii E%cfcWfcni Hotsos, . AND A i SiM’oiullmml Gi^£jHarness | Will be sold low for cash—Enquire at the Globe Tavern. May 27 ts FOU SALK. A PLEASANT and retjrtd residence „ Off the SANIJ-HILLS. Apply to J. S. Holt. s f„ ne O J f Hamburg. EUGENE HRENAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for (he District ol Edgefield, in South.Carolina, I that, he is ready to act aa Conveyancer—* or to make up Accompta, be( ween Hurt ners, or for Executors and Adiniiiiatraiors Host Books and do every thing retative to the Scrivener’s office June 3—<f i Insurance against \ Fire j Charleston Fire, anti Marine Insurance Company Agency, The Subscriber offers to take risks a gainat Fire on Hous.-s, Qut-Muildings, Goods, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and us vicinity; I iraoihy Edwards, Agent, , Broad street , {Between the Post OJicc Li Globe Tavern.) December —.. W *» Oj&cfc NOTICE. THE Prosident and Directors have this clay declared a dividend of I 1-2 per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company for the last quarter ending the 30th uliimo --the same will |jc paid to the Stockhol ders of their Agents on and after the 12ib inat. John Sharp, TreaJr, July 4- It Thomas Watkins 1 Baw<S*Grist Mills i’ M. HE subscriber’s Mills are stjll jn ope ration, both SAVV snd GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at J 512 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of his business. —“ His customers will be fairly dealt f>yV Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts Lands For Sale, T . JLF application be made immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early Cpunt v C on the IVuters of Lime Creek ,• Lot 189, Distric. 3. Henry County, Lot 210 piafrict 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16— City Sheriff I ’s Sale, Ii HE following property will be Sold at the Market-House, in the City of nu gusta, on t ie third Tuesday in the preae't month, viz . All the interest, right and ti tle, ol Edward McFarland, in and to toe buddings and I tof land at present it the possession of John M°°re, fronting on Broad-Street, bounded North and West, by lots ot Jacob Danfuttlimqd East by Washington-Str et, levied upon as the property of Edward McFarland, in satisfac tion of an Execution in favor of A. Cun ningham. —AND- The following Negroes, le vied upon as the property ofjoshua Mer rell & Co. in satisfaction of six Executions in favor of Tenny Hill vs said Joshua Mer , nil &Co viz—one Negro woman named Nancy and her four ch.ldren, named Bal -1 lett, Louis, Fdtsey and Emr ly. —ALSO— One Negro man named Lon don, one negro boy named Tom, and one dark bay horse, levied upon as the proper ty of Jar. Spann, in satisfaction of three Executions in favor of Wm. Uckie and Job 8. Barney. -AND— One bed stead, one chest, two tables, and sundry of kitchen furniture, levied upon as the prop -rly of Thomas Taut, in satisfaction of an Execu tion in favor cf Cbas Lippe't £t Co. Conditions in ail tne above cases Cash (i<-f r possession, and purcha-. v r> t” oay f< r t tlea. Wm. Bee, SJierifl’C. A. July 4 3t F r Sale, <OT No. 210, District 12, Monroe County, Apply to Joseph V. Bevan, Augusta. (t/ 5 * r A he Journal and Recorder at Milledgeville, and the News at Wash ington will iostert the above three time*. Jffly 4- - 7T"T"; ".r i i A Jfew Publication. Mrs. S. COLVIN having, for goonsr, derahlo time past, had it in con-tempi (ioq S to publish a Periodic-! Work, now ropo e sen to issue the Fir t Numb-Vr of it a* soon as : t has been asc> rtamed {bat so'ffi-. - cie-i patronage wll be aft'orled to defray tlie expenses of Publication. The Titta •** is intended to b‘e ? . A. S. COLVIN’S WEEKLY MESSENGER. M w iy contain four pagi s Royal tluarfo, and be delivered |n 9uba< Tiber# v< r\ Sa turday, at the price of Fouy D lLfs pu; annum, payable qm rtefiy in advance Its Contents will be chiefly Litrr.ry; but lucre will be such notices orot’><r matters, of News, of Fashions, of I’apte, of Marriages and Deaths, Ac. as to render . it t vehieje of general Interest and Amuse i ment T be inhabitants of (lie pisfrict of Co, ' Junibia will he waited upon in a few days . for the purpose of obtaining their Sigua j ti.reg . . Subscriptions will ajso be received u( the B’lokstore As Messrs. Davit & Ponca, Penpst Ivsma Avenue N. U. Persons residing at a distance, may forward their Subscription* to the Editor pout paid. v 1 ■ Wasnini'ton, June, 1822. (fj* A Subscription Paper is icfjt at tlift Lfookatore of J. A II July 4.™ LJwomW t ASH General Agency, M OniLi;--ALABAMA. T ‘ a P HE undersigned respectfully inform| hisfriendsih Geo. and all others who may have occasion for his services, that lie hat} established himself permanently in th*> City of MOBILE, in tlie State of Alabama, as and Counsellor at Law, and General Agent--and will give piyriif'jlaC attention to the Colloction-of Debts In 1 lie States of Am»w«* A Mississippi, and gs; PxNSacoJLa, yf. Barton. May 23-——w6t A House anti For Hale, In Washington,Wilkes county \ HOUSE, eligibly situated, on tho Public Square in Washington, is offered for sale at a jus* valuation, it is divu)e(| at present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms on the lower floor, five mi the second, a good parrel and cellar, artl lias a small piece of ground attached to it. Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately ; and of the oilier, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Of fice. Feb 18-r-r-ts jul a ' SlliJl Residence iv wasHtMOTOir, FO& SALE. ( OFFER for Sale, the (louse and Lot* where 1 reside ip Washington Wilke* t ounty. The premises consist of a small iwp story Dwelling-House, in good repair, »ith the usual ont-houses, and four Lot* of an acre each, subject to the deduction <>f a few feet on the street sides. About half the ground slopes gently to the South, and islii other respects adapted to early gardening The residue, .is a beautiful grass almost level, with the ornament and convenience of a Spring, and of * mall stream winding through it. The situation though near and conyenh nt to the most pqblic part of the town, is out-of its noise and bustle ; and hence is aptly formed either for the enjoyment of the excellent society of tins place, or for re. tirement and quiet as may suit the ta*le of the bccupaut. I wilt take the very Jnw price of two thousand two hundred dollar*; and will if desired give almost any length of cre dit, on being unquestipnnbly secured with interest from die date of tlie purchase. I would prefer not to give possession until (October next, but may agree on an earlier day. OJiyer fi. Prince^ June 3 lawlf Estray. GEORGIA, / Ckrk't Office of the Ip Lincoln Count}/. $ feritr Court. v 1* EWEI, WALTON, sen of Captain / York’s district, tolled before John M D.«w --•I', esq. of the .am- district, a Grey Hors*, about seven year* old, no brands or nisrik# perceiveabie, low in order, appraised by J tv- York and David S. York, to fitly -five dollars. ’ . June 4Ui, 1822. True extract from the F.s'ray flpok. PfiTER LAMAR, r.. jl. « C. July 1 ■ V For Pale, ’ liOT 189, District 3, Henry County, t a ppiy tp Durham T. Hall, > Savannah July 4- -