Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, August 05, 1822, Image 1

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I SlMßMSt.TCfjroM(rlr >ro-a ■ O #OU S6.] Monday, •toc^ r,ti 3 im'otton, Stock, A.HD '/BE'S.ebange Broker. subscaiber has taken an office in ■ the building lately occupied by .. : H ra Stewart & Hargraves, on the north K,! Broad-street, opposite to the Post- where he offers his services in business, and hopes, by strict loHonai attention, to obtain the patron :*K,t his friends and the public. great facilities afforded by brokers "■jmmercial operations generally, render •"■markable that the merchants of Au aml the planters have long suslain- Hhe inconvenience of having none, and Bicularly a Cotton Broker. In almost ■y other cotton mart the bnsiness is ■dually done by brokers; and henc« '■ease, certainty and dispatch with Ibh it is executed. The same system ■erfectly practicable here. The mer ftßit, by applying at the office of the sub fißjer, may hereafter save himself the of sampling his cotton and looking >iHa purchaser; —the planter need be no »Brer involved in doubt and difficulty to fHfcrtain the true state of the market, •'■subject himself to the caprice of tie- By speculator—and the purchaser will ‘Bui times know where to resort for cot |HF the market price. ■Mice Regulations relative to il Cotton. In orderto give time for samplintr. jjKens offering cotton are requested to the ware house receipts by eight ■lock, a. m.— ls left later than nine, sales Knot be realized till the succeding day SUnore convenient, the receipts may be ■Closed in a letter of instructions, and pipped in the letter box the night pre- Bias. Btd. Cotton will be sampled and ‘receiv- KKf from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m. — .■Lifered after that hour, sales cannot be Hlized till next day. ■M. Warehouse expenses will invariably fcjßdeducted from the account sales. KBth Sales will commence at ten o’clock KB close at twelve, am. rath. Persons choosing to limit and lim- HK higher than the market, will have ■Hr receipts returned them on paying ■Bents fora bag entry and sampling. 'Vli, Commissions on sales, 25 cents a girders from the country, en- the warehouse receipts, will b- executed. ■Stock Exchange and M Brokerage, Q In their Various Mranehes, ■ll be attended to at.aU times during of- B hours, which will be from eight o’. Bck a. m. till two o’clock p. m. and fro it. Bee o’clock till five p. m. John Kinney, jun’r. CJ* Money is sometimes w ith mor.. in at others Persons having it to loan. iy, in the strictest confidence, avail leraselves of the advantag. s of the iriar tt, by applying at,the above office. November B.————if .pi rr ~~ fl®3) Bundles of Northern Hay, »r sale at the V’ arc-House of McKenzie & Ponce, Hay 23-~-~tf STORAGE AND 'commission Business. 't _— .HE Subscribers having connected etnselves in the above business, under e firm of MnsgroTo $ Gtotos. ender their services to the Merchs us d Planters, and solicit the Patronage ot eirfriends and 'he public. Their Ware* mute is situated on the river bank, near e Sxeam Boat Wharf, (lormeriy occupi- I by R. & W*"Por.,) which is now in >od order for the reception of Colton id every description of M-'ichaiulize, to ie care of which the personal attention one of the firm will be constantly de nted. R. H. Musgr ve, Bylvanus B. Groves. June 24 i.wtt 8 100 lieward. S.TOLEN from tbe subscriber, on Sa kirf lay evening last, a Red Morocco Pock rt Book, containing Three Hundred and fifty D. liars, viz:—Two one Hundred dol lar Bills on the State Bank of Georgia Hm, Fifty dollar bid on the Darien Bank ; thirty three dollars of Tennessee money— the balance not recollected, with a num ber of due bills on different persons, to the amount of 30 or 40 dollars, with son- Jry accounts, ifc. The pe<son suspect td .o have stolen the Pocket Book, goes >y the name of C JURIES F Est REN, a lo'it 24 or 25 years of age, fair complex on, light hair, and abon; five feet high— frears a green frock, or Waterloo coat, and rhite pantaloons,—he i* by trade a Car lenter. The above reward will be given for the ipprehension of the Thief, and the rece ery of. the money, and all reasonable ex poses paid, by the subscriber, residing at ®r. Ligon’s Tavern, Augnrta. He;; A. Barcard. 15 "i ■ For Sale, S FiUceUeut Ulg Rw&es, AND A n secondhand Gig Harness f Will be soid’fow for cash—E tqur; hi the 11 Globe Tavern, May 27 ts t FOR SALE. A J\. PLEASANT and retired residence s on the SAND HILLS. Appb to ■; J. 8 Holt - lunc 27 ts ’ Hamburg. . EUGEN K BREN AN, ™ TTNPORMS the Public, that he is com ■ X. missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the - District of Edgefield, in South-Carolina, e that he is ready to act as Conveyancer— ? or to make up Accompts between Part -0 ners, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative t« to the Scrivener’s office June 3 ts >1 , Insurance against Fire / rfi- ■ t Charleston Fire, and Marine * Insurance C ompany Agency j Subscriber offers to take risks a guinsl Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Goods, Wares, and M rchandize, in Au ,, gusta and ’ts vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. E Broad street, (Between tin Post Office & Globe Tavern.) y December 20- t : —— i WlmvfCompany’s Clffice 1 NOTICE. r 5 r President and Directors have this i X day declared a dividend of 1 1-2 per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company for the last quarter ending the 30th ultimo —the same will be paid to the Stockhol ders or their Ageidson and after the 12 h inst. John Sharp, TrcasV. July 4- 4t Thomas. W wtV Ins’ Saw Mills T HE stib.crihci’s Mills are still in ope . ratijn, both SAW and GRIST He will i I deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gjl2 per I - thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of his business, —“ His customers will be fairly dealt by.” Thomas Watl ins. April 8 ts Lands For hale 9 If application be Trade immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County f on the Waters of JAme Creek ,*J> Lot 189, Uistric, 3, Henry County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16 For bale, I well known and valuable jilnn tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory land, and about two hundred acres clear > ed, well adapted to the culture of corn I and cotton. On the ab ive premises there . is a good two story house, and all other p necessary cut buildings, and an excellent . Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing i stream—hliree hundred acres more of pine i land adjoining the above, lying in the i county of Richmond, and about seventy i acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who wish to purchase a valgaole place, to come ami view the premises and judge f r themselves For further parti > culars apply 'o Augustus il. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Administrators of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov 1 N.s—tf i (ilobe Tavern. FhE Subscriber informs his friends and ! the public, that his Reading Room 9 is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And on account of i changing the situation of the latter, he is better able to provide for the accommo dation of his customers; and can safely . promise them, that as far as his means and 1 ability to comply with his wishes can go, . be will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every guest who may honor him > with a call. s3“The Savannah & Wash | ington Stages put up at the Globe w. shannon. December 20. C“ The evil, that men do, lives aftei* them; c“ The good is oft interred with their bones.” 3 Augusta Stage Office, REMOVED. The ofllce of tlie Augusta Stage hav ing been removed fV«m the City Hotel, on the Hay, to Colonel S/irHuum’s MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Persons wishing seats will in ply there in future. John Womack. Savannah, Juju i 7. July 4—>-t V' ro i\v is*nrt\\ to South, tr -i- BO M four to six new, comfortably con structed four wheel Vehicles, drawn by fout horses each, and drove by sober and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jersey to Savannah, via Augusta in Georgia, on or about the Isdi day of September next. The route through Pewrarhm-ia, Virginia and ihe Carolina*, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of mountains, as the good roads through the country will allow. The journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from filur to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons who may become pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so bv applying to the Post master of Savan l nah. Priority in the choice of seats will | be regulated bj numbering the first nppli- . , cant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the Igst. i An entire carriage can be taken up by en gaging the number of seats. P S. Mi the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia. South Carolina, are re j quested to inse,rt the above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Post -master at Savannah. June .3 Dr. Feudally HAS removed his Shop to Di. Wat kins’ buildiugonlUroad-street, a few’ I uoors below the Augusta Bank. | Juno 10— . .2m B. BASKET romRMT pujv'ieu, j jLkESPECTFULEY informs ihe Ladles I and Gentlemen of Augusta, (hat he has taken a Boom, (very suitable for his pro session,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the success of his pencil, and the satisfaction he has qni formly given in his Likenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage. N 13.—Mr. B. would observe, sftould a likeness not be perfectory, no pay would be required June 6 ts ( Seeds for Sale. on i a HE subscriber lias for Sale a quantity ■ of Turnip and Cabbage Seeds, which are warranted Fresh. 1 DAVID SMITH. j Near the JMuvket f Jiugustci, July 18— u4vv —.— i O y L one Bones Have Received, Per the Georgia, and Juno, tlirect from Liverpool, A HANDSOME AM) GIKEHAI ASSORTMENT OF t rockery, Class ilnA v)luua Wave, Low for or town acceptance. J-*ne 20, f %* Mr. Henry Hannah i]an , is authorized to collect for this fU fice,aiid correct ali errors. July 25 Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Office. J. HR City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on I liroad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M to 1 P M. to receive the same until the 30th day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W. Wilde, C. £jf T. C. A. apnl 25 ts For Sale, Lot No. 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Bcvan, Augusta. (T?* The Journal and Recorder at Milledgeyille, and the News at Wash ington will insert the above three times. July 4-- - 'I he subscriber respectfully submits to the ■ public the fuilutvittff PROPOSALS. For publishing at ATUKjXS, in the State of Georgia, a new weekly paper, to be entitled the A T/fENE VM. IN a community of Freenien, and where a disposition to patronize Literature and Science is extensively manifested, the importance of a well conducted Newspa per, must, of necessity, be generally un. derstuod ; and among a reading people, such a paper can hardly fail of being acceptable That the Atheneum will be a paper of this description, it might perhaps be deemed presumptuous to assert: but so far as the efforts of the Editor can render it useful—so far as per severing industry and attention can insure success to his undertaking—so Car, at least, the subscriber can pledge himself, that he will endeavor to render his paper wor thy the attention of its supporters. The growing importance of Athens, where the flourishing University of the State is located, and surrounded, as it is, by an intelligent and wealthy neighbor hood, bus induced a belief that no place in the upper country presented a mure in viting opening for lire establishing a new weekly paper,—and the inlfuence of this opinion ha*, led to the present proposals, and the subscriber Hatters himself, that, in the liberal patronage of an enlighten ed contmuiiLy, his undertaking will re ceive* an approving sanction. And while his own exertion will be perseveringly employed to furnish a paper which shall be useful to his supporters, he will ven ture to hope that liis columns may be di versified by tlie occasional communications of such scientific and literary friends as may be disposed, through this medium, to aid him, and benefit the community. To make his paper us<ful, will be the proprietor's principal atm ; and in the furtherance of this object, )ic will endea vor to give the earliest Foreign and do mestic Intelligence, with suclt portions of Congressional matter, when the National Legislature arc in session, us his limits will allow,-—together with suclt original or Selected Political Oommunicatioi|B, or Moral E*says, as have the public good in view, and are free from personalities : but to articles intended mereiv to gratify re vengeful feelings, and to provoke or con tinue personal conies's, no piece will be given And though in judging of these the editor may occasionally err, it is to be hoped that no improper motives may be supposed to influence his decision, inas much as the right of rejecting, as well us of inserting communications, must be re served to himself. As an editor, it will be his interest—as il.will be, under all circumstances, his in clination—to give general satisfaction. From the line of impartial duty, he will fcmieavor not to depart; and none shall have cause to accuse him of voluntarily giving a needless offence to a single in dividual. It will scarcely be necessary to say, that ' the poblicai complexion of the Atheneum 1 will be Republican In this age of light i and knowledge, and in this country, none ' other ought to ask, or could be expected ' to receive, public patronage. I _ I CONDITIONS, i The Atheneum will be published once a week, on a super-royal sheet, and delivered to subscribers, or for warded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable in advance, or Four Dollars, b payment is deferred to the end of the year. All subscriptions will be for one year at least, and till a discontinuance is directed. No paper discontinued, except at the op . tion of the editor, until nil dues are paid Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. O' Persons disposed to encourage the undertaking, are requested to signify the same by the first of September, hs it is contemplated to issue the first number early ia that month. Benj. Brantly. (EjT Editors of newspapers in Georgia, ' arc requested to give the above a few in sertions. Augusta July ]. A ?\*tw VubWcaUon* S COLVIN having, for aconsi . derable time past, had it in contemplation i to publish a Periodical Work, now repo ses to issue the First Number of it as soon as it has been ascertained that suffi cient patronage will be afforded to defray the expenses of Publication. The Title is intended to be A. S. COLVIN’S WEEKLY MESSENGER. It w ill contain four pages Uoyal Quarto, and be delivered to Subscribers every Sa turday, at the price of Four Dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. I Its Contents will be chiefly Literary ; but there will be such notices of other matters, of News, of Fashions, of Taste, of Marriages and Deaths, &c. as to render it a vehicle of General Interest and Amuse ment The inhabitants of the District: of Co. lumbia will be waited upon in a few days for the purpose of obtaining their Signa tures. Subscriptions will also be received at the Bookstore of Messrs Davis Sc Fence, Pennsylvania Avenue N. B. Persons residing at a distance, may forward their Subscriptions to the Editor, post paid. Washington, June, 1822. I (TT A Subscription Paper is left at the Bookstore of J. & ||. Fi t. i July 4 August 5, im. r Xew Series—Xo. 85.] a A Residence IST WASUINHTOJt, FOB. SALE. J OFFER for Sale, the House and Lots whete I reside in Washington Wilkts ooutiiy. The premises consist of a small two story Dwelling-House,in good repair, with the Usual out-houses, and funr Lots ol an acre each, subject to the deduction of a tew feet on the street sides. About half the ground slopes gently to the South, and is in other respects adapted to early gardening. The residue, is a beautiful grass Lot almost level, with the ornament and convenience of a Spring, and of a mail stream winding through it. The situation though near and convenit nt to tlie most public part of the town, is out of its noise and bustle ; and hence is aptly formed either for the enjoyment of the excellent society of this place, or fur re. tirement and quiet as may suit the taste of the occupant. I will take the very low price of two thousand two hundred dollars; and will if desired give almost any length of cre dit, on being unquestionably seemed with interest from tlie date of the purchase. I would prefer not to give possession until October next, but may agree oil ait earlier day. Oliver il. Prince. June 3 • lawtf Ml For Sale. 'ST , . h WO Lots in the town of Washington, Wilkes County, well improved, with dwelling houses thereon and convenient out houses. One of the I,vta on the pub lic square, or. which there are several te nements. No further description is ne cessary, persons wishing to pur base by applying to the subscriber personally, or by letter directed to this place, will re ceive any information they may desire. ALSO, 200 Acres ol* Land near Washington, will improved, with all the necessary houses for a plantation. I lie and is of the first quality ; for fmther particulars apply as above. Terms made accommodating. John B. Leonard. July 15 At A House and For Sale, In Washington,Wilkes county A HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is offered for sale at a just valuation. It is divided at present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms on the lower floor, five on •he second, a good garret and cellar, and has a small piece of ground attached to il. Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately; and of the other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Of ’ce. Feb 18 ts TOR KMT. „ f 1. the Branch Bank ; well adapted for a small family— i> lowej part of which is also convenient ly arranged for Offices—enquire at the Bank. July 25 ts Sheriff’s gale. Will Sold, AT Lincoluton on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours. 200 Acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of John M'Cnrd and John 11. Walker, on the waters ofl.t lie river; to satisfy sundry small execu tions issued from a justices Court, against Henry Sturges ; levied and returned to me by a constable, the property pointed out by said Sturges. -- ALSO— -100 Acres of land, ta en as the properly of Wm. Covington, Ju nior, adjoining Lamkin and Fleming, on little River ; it being a part of a tract for merly belonging to Wm. Covington, dec the place whereon the defandant now lives, to satisfy sundry executions, issued from a Justices Court, against said Wm. Covington, Junior; levied and returned to me by a Constable, the property poin ted out by the sliuity. Terms Cash N. Bussey* s. l. c. July 25 3t For Sale, Lot 189, District 3, Henry County. —apply to Barham T. Hall, Savannah July 4 For Sale, TWO Likely Negro Men, under good correction, anil a Girl about 14 years ■ Id, which will be sold 10. f r cash.—Ap pl> to Wm. Suaxxox, at ijie Globe Tavern. July 8 ts - ■■■-■ I ti THE KUTEBPEIAD, Musical lulcWigcnccT, AM} if s The Minerviad, t Devoted to I.:teiatwn aud AmusemeiU t b TOR THE LADIES—Bouton. t T , LHE Third volume ol The jBSuTKRPRun, 'i or Musical, Ivtbu.ioknckh, is published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, exclusively t devoted to the diffusion of Musical In » lelhgence, and contains a sheet of Music L ' witl ' eacl ‘ number, at Two Dalian per '* annum, payable half yearly in advance ' Tuk MINERVIA 1), devoted to Liters, ' ~n;e t . !l I " d 1 Ani,lseme, ‘t fur tin- Ladies, is published semi-monthly on the alternate Saturday* at 7'u'ft Dollars per annum, pay able halt yearly in advance Iho above publication* may be had ' in connection, at Three. Dollar, per an num, or Two Dollars per annum, for ei ther, sepaiutt. John R. Parker. OCr' A few complete sets of’he 2d vo, lome of the EucßneyAii, or McstciL In, rrii invwmi, & Limn,' Gizktts bound, * noted btj t his A. c 111;i nk, Merchantj il'-l'l, Dost Oil. April Ivs ts QUAKER SPmNGa subscriber has taken that well ok known stand QtMUKn SriiiNos. LA I KL\ occupied hy Major Dmkee, Bcvt'U miles above Augusta < the Washington mad and hopes front his attention to business to give general atisfaction: John Turpin, November 8 ts Notice. C OEALRD IVoposaJs will be received by the luh.ior Court of Burke County,, untd the hrst day of Sf T | cm lur ne>;t, ton bud Imp in Hi,, town ot Wavnesbnro.iph, a s’ronp and substantial Jail of Brick. 52 cet Imp. by 40 i„ width, two stories high*, to have lour rooms below twenty feet square, with a passage of twelve fret, and tour rooms of the same sine in the second story, the undertaker to finish all the materials. The proposals to be left with the Cl -rk ot said Court. Dy order of the Court. .lolm Carpenter, VVk . Waynesboro* Jujy 15, 1822.y1aw7t An Apprentice to the Ilairdressinpand Barber s business. A smart active lad from 13 to 14 years ot ape—he will receive the best of in, structions and pood treatment. A White youth will be preferred, but if none such should offer, a bripht mu latto will not be refuse 1. JOHN SMITH, . , Hairdresser and Barber, July 18 3t O' Call at the Barbers Pole, (he third door above the corner of Centre & Broad street, for information* * J - S * NOTICE. I WILL deliver in \upiista, or Summer vine, any quantity ot Lijhi-wood Hosts , also, Oak or Pine IVond Either of the above can be had at short notice, by ap, plying to the subscriber. July 25 3,w Mea,illß - Sale, T-iOT 35, District 22, Early County, It is situated on the waters of Lime Creek.—apply to Lane 8r Sims, July 4 Notice Tor Yankee Tricks. Au. persons are hereby caution-,I from chadms for a note of hand, signed Elen- | ter M, Lain kin, dated the third of No vember, 1821, given to Vlr.S. Foot, pay. able six months after date, for Thirty, two Dollars; the same being fraudulent y obtained for a consideration which have hitherto failed, and will for ever con • fad.—Therefore I am determined not to pay it unless compelled. August I.—2t, JOHN LA.VIKIN. 10 boUuTs Vlevavrd. \ from the s twice of R. H, n ’ Wilde, on the 291 h ins*. Sarah, V Negro woman belonging to the estate of William Bacon, dec’d. about 30 or 35 years of age, dark complexly, ami well known about Augusts, in die r eipbbor bood of<which she is moat prob ihly con cealed. fen Bolltus reward will be paid f« her apprvhention. August 1. ot. *'