Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 04, 1832, Image 3

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Ire permitted to receive their letters iVe* of postage 3J. That the two cents at present a; lowed to postmasters tor delivering tree letters lie dispensed with. 4th. That so soon as the national do'.)’, shall ho paid "off. the whole expense o! the Post O.iice Department ho defrayed oat of the general fund. This propod tion, he presumed, would meet the view of g >nllemen who are so nitich alarmed to know what shall he done with the tjecntiag and increasing revenue. Mill. The lifih proposiiion he consid a ed a very important one. It was. that nil (he newspapers within the United Stales should bepermi ;t *d to publish the Laws of the U. f*t it‘s, and the Adver tisements of the Post Olltee Department and that, each should receive one him dred dollars per annum for such publica tion. livery man in this country wa - presumed to know the law : and hew n hold anionnhlo to the law as knowing it Such being tlie fact, lie thought that much pains should he taken to let those who are subject to the laws know what the laws were. As at present p'-oninl gated, there was not. he would venture to say, one man in a thousand who ever saw the laws that were there enacted. Mr. A. concluded hy moving that the petition he laid on the. table and printed which motion was agreed to by the , Dense. ~ AiTijrSvA: _ j WEDNESDAY, JAM A liV I, IKi'Z. I “ JU 75/*/, and fear aol," I REMOVAL. I ’l'iia office of the Augusta Chronicle is remov- I rtd, for the present, to the brick building on the I corner of Jackson ami Ellis streets, immediately I ,u the rear oftlie Globe Hotel. I COUNTY ELECTION. I At the election, on Monday last, for Clerk ofi the Supeiior Court, Sheriff, Tax Collector, Tax I Receiver, Surveyor, and Coroner, the following I named persons were elected. I i Ui:rk —JAMES Me LAWS— (vo apposition. J I Sheriff- I’LTLR F. BOISCLAHt. I Tar Collector —OLIVER HEED. I r.i.r. Receiver — MICHAEL E. ItOISCLAIK. I Surveyor —ROßEßT K.MFORD. I Coroner — UENJ. ROWLAND. I CAUCUS, AGAIN, I The Columbus Enquirer states that Messrs. I •Grantland, Whitehead, Beall, Noshit, Lloyd, I Reid, Terrell, Allen, Blackslioar, and Williams, I were nominated hy ihe members of the Legisla- fl lure (of the Crawford pnty, of course) a few I days previous to adjournment, as candidates for I Electors of President and Vice Presidcnt.of t) o I ,C. States. I fiiwtiK op xaiix. I “What’s ina name?—that which wo call a II • rose, hv any other name would smell as sweet, {I >Ve. And so, Unit which we call Ledetalism, || o; Caucus, hy any other name should he no less I •diops, ’fhe “Federal pa ty o,t dor L. Sitatys. |j (i iviTrVrnv.gwi dwt<V^roff7;- S *riie ‘ N.iliun d Re publican party,” and die Ciawfo.d parly are tn doavo ing to nltor the o iious name of ‘'Caucus,'' jo that of “ Conrcnliou!" Could a slionger pnu-f 1.0 given, that they know they a fc in error, hni lufusc to correct it—that they might veij p.rr.uriy exclaim : ‘ iVc knew l!ir rialil, and we approve it, Mo,— We ij.e wrong—and still the wrung pursue."— 1 :••(, "ii’weCannul alter t/riwjrs, iky Jove, wu’lle'iiuige Ihrir uaines, -ill" i VM)ID.\TE!S LOU COXGIIESS. We understand ihnt Judge St, of Rich 1, Gen. Nk\vnan,ol’ lien y.tieo. \V. Owens, ]Js [ of Savaim ih, Judge Hahhis, of Walton, Col. Damki. Hiicwaiit, of (ilynn, (icn. Thomas tii.AscocK, of Augusta, Gen. Jons Cori vii, ol Tollkir, Col. John A. Cutiirkry, of Baldwin, Col. Thus. W. Murray, o' Lincoln, Maj. Jacoii Wood, of J/i IntosJi,' Jno, C. Tkiireli., I'.sip o* Franklin, and Hoesev, Esq. ofl’utnam, Wore talked of by the Lumpkin, or Democratic- Urpuhlican parly, al Jl/illledgevilh;, as candi dates for Cong ess, and that the five fi st named may be conside.od as candidates. There was no caucus on the subject; and we would inform the editor of the Constitutionalist, that “the Caucus system is” wot “in favor with both par lies"—certainly not with the Domocratic-Ko publican parly —and it would seem that he him self is not well satisfied of its merits, since he speks tv holster lip its sinking cause with the “favor of both parties.” If nho right of itself, Id him show that it is so, which it may fid. ly hi! presumed ha can do, if such bo the case; mid jf il be not, why, the “favor of both pm lies” •:;'Jnngpt ipaka it so. TIIEATitICAL V PKOPOSITIOV. Do the people *)f Augusta desire to have llic filrical entertainments here, this season! lo those who do, the following piupoailinn is sub edited : The spirited & enterprising Manager, ijjr. I)n Camp, whose exertions for our amuse ment Loretofuro, under the most inauspicious circumstances, axe well known, and no doubt properly appreciated, and who has at present, iu Columbia, a Company which is said to com prise pinch talent and respectability,and engage ments with Messrs. CouPKn, Kean, Barton, iIuLI.ANi), 11 AC SET r, VoUNO, MiSsCIARA I'ISII it it, Mrs. Hogues, and others, with whom lie desires to entertain the good people of this city, & proposes lo do so,it they will give him an ear nest of their disposition to patronize him, and thereby enable, him to meet the great expense cl erecting a temporary Theatre, for the season, by subscribing individually for such a ntiliihei ol Tickets as each may choose, to ho taken and paid for whenever lire building is erected, ot nearly so, or a few days before tho opening ot it, as circumstances may require. He is cou strained to this course, 100, which was lecom mendod to him hy fiiomO.of the Drama in this place, hy the state ofhia funds, which have been mostly invested iii Theatrical edifices in Colum bia, and the Canadas, and otherwise. He has oho expended much in former temporal) ar rangements in this place, now totally lost to him, and as a [undent man, strictly punctual, upi ight, and honest in his dealings, as is well known to those who have had engagements with him, he i'S very properly disinclined, in a station which necessarily involves much risk, tv launch too ,ar idito ita sea of uncertainty. NEVV-OHLLx NS 1> ULV STAGE LIVE. Ihe lino ot Stages between this place and Now-OrJeaiis is now running daily throughout— a daily lino having lately been established from Macon, onward—and consequently, passengers I to New On ms may no w leave tills place on j any day, without waiting every other day, as j formerly, for tho stages which met those at | Macon, Scarcely any of ihe many improve- j incuts of «ur oo i.itry are more striking than j those continually occurring in ilie Stage & Mail j inipiov cuients, or any ol those more so than lliosa j w.deli have occur, ed oh the g cat No them and ■ \\ Onto n Line. But a lew years ago the mad * was ..J days in travelling hotween Washington I •t Now-0 leans, was carried in vehicles lilt o ; ‘ bettor than plm’ation jwagons, and the pas■• ; sage through the Indian country, was dilhcult i and dangerous, and distressing for want of ac commodations—twelve months ago, the time " was, we believe, 15 days, tri-weekly, and the accommodal ons comparatively but little bettor; Iml, since then, the time has been 12 days, daily to Macon, and thence tri-woekly, with Coaches, | 1 equal in coinlort, and very nearly in quality, to ihe host private carriages, and excellent accom- I a modatloiis generally—and, lately the Line has j J been Daily, throughout—thanks to our able and j energetic Post-Master General, ami the [ire- | sent spirited enterpuing Contractors, Messrs „ James Uekside & Co. PUBLIC MEETING. At a Public Aleut ing held in Montgomery county, Kentucky, on the sth uit. the following preamble and resolutions were uiiunimously adojiUi-1 : “From tho altitude in which circumstances have placed the tw o great political parties of the Million, it becomes those professing lo belong lo the Jeffersonian republican school lo adopt every cfiicieiil and honorahlu means to sustain, in their simplicity and purity, the democratic princij los of our republican institutions: And whereas, ihe friends of tho present administration of the general Government have deemed it expedient to hold a convention on the -'-id day of the pie sent month, in the town of Frankfort, to nomi nate sui'ahlo persons to he supported for Gover nor and Lieuleiiuul Governor of this Stale, and eleetms fer President and Vice President oftlie ■ Uiiiteil States: Wherefno, Resolved, That tho interest of tho comniuui tv claims a paramount consideration over indi vidual aggrandizement, and that the belligerent parties should give to political piineiples an un i,u iblied pic-i mineiico over personal pai tialities. Reiolrcd, That wo approve of the lending political measures ol the present administration oftlie General Govi rninent. It critical, That we are not of those who reck less of princij lea, pursue heedlessly the loiUnies of any individual. Resulted, That \vc arc the unbending and uncompromising advocates of the political doc trines contained in tho Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of’its ami 'DO. , That wo consider an honest advo cacy of the ro-eleelkin of tho present Chief Al. i gistrate oftlie nilion, in no respect conflicting or incompatible with n patriotic republican devo lion to the second officer in the government.” ~M,VRBIBI)) to Savannah, na thcl-.h alt. by Eie Ilov. Jlr. .Mealv ■Mr. 1,01 IS GAWIlfj. -f r-.ivaniiali, lo Ab-s Lit AN C.'ES CO.V.V.of A imsi-v fcj m mm rnfmatanewammu »»»a«n«mt.wp i) A.\ ADDItKSS Will Ih‘ ilflivcioil liy Dr. 3 I'. As. lloiiKnrsiiN, Iv liiri \\wMt:i)ic.iL socir/n ofAiiifUbtn,'FUL'S S)A\, at I'J o'clock, j in the Lecture Hoom oftlie I'rcsljylcrian Church. The nip tthcrss ofllio Alodical profession, nnd jdihlic firencrnlly, nre rc speciriilly invited to attend. •Inn 1-•) a aiin.' To lh ■ Tali ons of Summerville.lauh uyt. ■holastic Exc'fcises of tliis In JIL fcilitntion will not rcooininence until .Monday next, beimy prevented from Ink ing place sopner, by some necessary re pairs being now in progress, Mr. Ha.visav. gr itelul for the lihcrnl pa tronage which he hns received, lias iiuule a ningcinei ts lo obviate the objoetio-m In ret dole existing, relative to .Issid.ii'U in the summer season, hy employ ing hi* brother, Ai.uin C. I.Umsu, who will re - main permanently, ami be under the ini mediate direction and conlroul of the principal. Jan 4 It -’■> uma’WaV '^maixEK^'. The following are the dinvvn nnnybers 1 oftlie Virginia tSlnle Lottery, lor the be nefit oftlie i’eteishurgh Dencvolent .Me chanic Association, Extra Class No. 0. f till. Sid. 5-2, 88, Stl, Ilf, 42. Delaware ami No. Ca Consolidated! Lottery, Class .Vo. 25, SO. n, SB, 27. 37. 00. 30, 19, 08, 11. ! Jan 1 MUSUSStA 1 18 B09) COWEBT •i. o. #• i*eij* sedge u, E,® espeettully informs liis friends an tin l public, flint iio intends giving <'oiicoit at tin* r.vrr.iiif.i.' CHI IH'il . next week, with the assist niirt l ol Mrs. I»i;kvi;s, Mr. Hi aso.x, am ot ii>r Professors and Amateurs, win ha ve kindly consented t > aid on this oe eassioa. So pains will he spared in tin selection and management id'tlie Music i Ik* pianos shall ho pi i.iripally new. am very ell’-clive. .Inn 1 *jt o.j fit! l\l» CONCERT! VOC Hi AND LSSTKI'.IIHS i'A L US. REEV ES and MR. MAREK llm. respool 1 illly informs the pnldie tliat with the assistance of a miniher id the Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs ol lids oily ; they will on FRIDA V Night. I lie dlh instant, at the Masonic Hall, gix» a Grand t ’oncert. tty s*Tickets 5 *Tickets Sl—and may lie obtained ol Mr. I?rn\. Richards iV Gainibl. aud at die Ihiiled Stales Hotel. •hill 1 o', A .N l> COXVI MISSION BU3IPJK 3S. adersigned will traiisaet the jH- Factorage and (.'animission Plm-i ness, tinder the linn of Heard <\ Wilson r. mi;Aiti), JOS. w. \\ ILSON. dan I 10, 0.3 KOI, (d.V, A:!’. Landing from Steam (mats. Hit) Itarrels / \. lam land 25 Dials. s mm. iflUl.ATi/lunT? dK' Harrels I H-illhaore 50 Minis. (, Whiskey, 25 litnN .Norliiorii Gin, 11) hills. -\ nple Grimily, 10 do Peppermint Cordials, 10 hints prime Molasses, Oo casks prime Goshen Clieeso, 10 do new Rice, ti'iO I,bis. No. I, 2 and 3 .Mackerel. For Sale by (1. il. Mine ALP. Jan d :ti 25 has sold y J b i‘maiDn^StocuTff'l'lmSlfl *“ Wr - U ' M Mere.,,.,, who will eontimie the l>, Hoods Gasmens, at the same stun*. Thunklaf for the patronage lie h is ri reived, respectfully solicits for his sui ressoe, a eontjmiation nfil. WM. O. AHERNETIIV. (T/* Mv Hooks and Notes will he lie; at the store lately occupied by me, whei those indebted, are rei|.tested to m.ik pax meal as early as convenient, dim I «l 25 W. It. I ~im si: b*<’bbibbus SpN e.-peetfully informs his friends, an B& -i own and Country Merchants i general. that in addition to the Sloel purchased of W. I). A iikiim/i iiv, he In dust lieeeived a fresh and complete at sort meat of Seasonable Goods, And has recently mad Tangement- t receive Additional Supplies from Net York, which h« idlers for Sale on favoi aide terms. i>lr. Ahernelliy’s former eu turners are particularly invited so call. WM. A. Ml i'CHELL, ’‘V. A. IM. oilers fir S.iie at ids id Stand, first door above the liable an Phoenix lintel, a General Assortment < GROCERIES Sc SHOES, Which v\ iil he sold low; ns he is dc-iroi to close that estahlislmical. dan I hi "Jo w 35 • "i\ v* is if n■: i \a O i l I}US his services to his friem and the public fft-ll Tally, ia the vt j rious branches of his Pcolbssion. Ii | may In; found at ids Cilice, a few dooi I below (lie Bridge Bank Ha iid lag. .iau 1 2t 25 AT LAUREL H£LL, A’ or .MrHi i n Crick, on the S.iumiiniii I too I". Ahlrs jiollL gi/.-m/ . ■ a The subscriber respectfully ii I’orms his friends, ami lit ■ pai i he generally, Unit In l will <• ,jt; lerlain tratdie: s at tin* abox meiiiiunod place, where every dibit w he made, to afford tin 1 at aosl saiisf.i tiua to those who may caff on him. HE.NJ.F. VERDEtCV. dan I .sSS,<M>D SHGLILS U ITU AO V*v\%ch oV s\ ,OVH). 'i’he Drawing of the Vluidu OuuvxV \ioUcv\, •J J Clttss No. ti<>, for is;)|. Will he lieeeived on Saturday. SfllHM/:. i Prize of Xfi,()!)() I) til irs. 1 do of Kl.(Kii) Dollars. I tlo of o 0110 Dollars. I do of 1,111) Dollars. Id do id" 1,1(1)0 Dollars. 10 tlo of 000 Dollars. 01 do of WM) Dollars. 01 do { of 100 Dollars. 01 tlo * ol’ 00 Dollars, j 10-J do of -111 Dollars. 1 Jlfci tlo of 30 Dollars. iVe. tSiC. t} , c. !)•(•,. Ticket (d'H). llaU’jSO, (luarferi*(2 00. j Prompt attention paid to ortlers at IBBvlOiSS? i Fortunate Lottery Office. No. 211 Kroatl strer fl'r’ Address A\ r . P. Hkuks. | Jan I 25 AT pkivati; s iu:. A Likely \'ellow Girl, about 20 years . old—accustomed to all kinds ol house-work, is an excellent seamstress: can cut out and make up linen ami dress es, a prime washer and ironer of fine clothes, a good nurse and cook, and com • j hining every tpialilication to render her I a val.adde acquisition, fc>'he has I ec. i id | ruised in n genteel family, suitl is now of a feretl with reluctance. Apply to A* L. HI LL .J- CD. t- dmi I ts 2u a! - IO j LIST or LETTEKS, J® f.M AININfi in the Pust-Oliicu at Augusta, if (ia. on tin; Ist of January, ISI!2, (not i>, j hi'tore iulvcitised.) Persons wishing t.cUois ( | lioin this list will ploaso say they arc ad vcrliscJ. A. \ilains Jno Anderson Virginia - Adams llmi!y Arnnkl U I Ad.mis Sarah Atkinson U 11 Alims It. Hnnhs Dr liouhvarc Amanda ~ Ileall IN 11 HrooKing Kob't k Itislcll IWiihloa Miooknur Daniel . Hi II Urn \ It,orison /.coos Itcnnelt mrs Hinton John ' Hisscll Milo Hud long Pcarco ’ Hlair l.oht J Hnrrilt Isaac | Itiin c Alscy ItucUinglmm Charles • ' ItrounJnol Harden Arclnhali! Honrnu John Hnrkc Itohcrt d Dolan Richard M Duller N Iv " , C Cayo R limoad miss Charlotte Damps Case \V 1' earn of Martin Ciaw- Cassels Samuel J lev Cash James .1 Crat'lon Dennett Carols Thomas 11 Crawley mis Charter Win D Coghlan mr Ch;mi|'iiey Horatio N Crane William Cla ho lalward S Cook Roswell Curtis Urn id 1. j Dallas Coiiinirnloro A Dickson James Decamp V Duhhs J W ' e , I-, 1 Iklinonston Charles f.van rev Josiah 1 ( I'ghurl Peter M live Jnse, Ii Ajr I f lhs Charles I'.vans Jaeoh t V , few rev I A fox James I. E j fleming miss Martha foster Alexander! (i Hilton miss Ana (been Jesse I’ (ioiidmim miss Susan (irulihs llu/.ekiali (iny mrs Elizabeth (bissjl in, (ireenwooil miss A/arlha H I Harmans Matthew Houston Alexander 1 Hawley lle/.ekiah Hopkins Harrison 1 Hall Asa; h Howell Eliza 1) 1 Hay-good Appl ton Hull Thus II f Ila/./ard Oliver P Huggins Ahrnili 11 atn ill Andrew Hudson Hampton A I Harper A T Hunny J , Hiteheok Chester Hunter J W jr , Hills Stephen Hudson Wm O I Inleomho William Hutson Tiiuuiuu Hudson A J 1 James Josnph Ivy George A Johnson mrs Eli/.nlicth James mrs Alcy I I Johnson Hiram II Johnson dr W H i J- K I ns Kilhorn Chaiinecy , James M Kcnmifly Wilh.uu 1 Kcihuhi Nancy h " I,ron Lowirt Nancy It u’- Lmnliiirton AUVhiI I«uikl John Law Josiah S LTibhock iiijh Ii I.iUii's ']' M vt M . 71/ILon f'lnrloH 71/arfin nir« l\fatgunti 1 1 Mini/ Horatio JMrAiune John J l%< Mv'Vyrv Ann II riiift mins June! Afackio WiHiain it/illcn John i) V M Tyro Holland jVJiILs (> F care of Oliver jl/c.Millcn misß il/atilda Luinnr I 3/arshall Alt M mray l*J ml J/cMillan Archibald Mnw\ Tliohijm S j h Me 1C no Wlt d/oorc 1 lira lit I. iN . , Newnan Thomas Nevvin miss J/ary ' Nelson Jlitchell O Oliver Win D Owen fiehlen H 1* Pai her William Plummer Samuel A (o Philips Thomas Pumty Cheney ■w Perry 1! f Pope Aalhaiel ,!•. Penwell Thomas Pye William i- <l tinesmd Alfred R . . Rankin William Rice rev Eidhrr 1 ‘ Rani'i-y Edward Roekhouth Joseph , Reid eapt Rohert Roland Meiit °f Riley mrs Eh/.ahelh Ro’,crls f, S Snmlerlin (Jnorgo Sims Frederick e Scovell Chin les Smith Itichaid Sours rev Wm Smith .Moses Sri,lt Cidy l.ambard Allied, care of ” Sage Stephen U PS; elhnan Selleek f, edu. iek Sliingfellow Win •Is Shelton N I, Snngall W W n- Smilhw'iek John Spencer WA, UHA In Smidi Kininiy Smees A A Smith Stoddard W Sulliviui Alexundoi Taylor .1 W Thompson W II Tail Joseph S Tim, man mrs Eli/.ah'h ' Tale Ifoheil Tift Nelson ® Thomson miss Nancy Tu ley Thomas Thomsen Isham Turner lev sMleu ad. V Vailoiten francis W W.ilerman Asaph Wilson miss Julia Ann •I’" Walker (jeo II Wiggins William W ■n- Walker Alexander W itleox Eliza v<- j W'alker Heeheii Wilcox John .i I 1 Walke r miss Martha W, ight Ehenezor j Watson Alexander Wiighl (>.. 1 v ill West Eli/.aheih C Wiighl William Wiole mrs Elizabeth V Young mrs Mary s' Wm. C. MICOC, P. M. ° Jnn 4 2o At\u\\u’\s\vv\lov’s vsu\c. Oii Aloud a/, Ihr I ‘Aik of February m rl, I unsold to the highe.l bidder, I * V id Ihe late residemre. of J viu a, j Poi;m), deeeas-t'd, in Columbia county, {nil Ihe |ieri:sliulde (iropcTty belonging to ; said df‘eea!seil. eonsisling of: /V Morse, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, lings. Oxen, Carl, Pkintalion T'-.ols, hnusehnld and kiu-hea Farnilnrc. Com, Fodder. 1 Colton, N;e. Sell Ibr the benefit of tht ) heirs and creditors. Terms m ade known |on the dly of sale. The sain to eon- I dime from (Iny to day, until nd is sold.— The Plantation will he he rented, and the ( Negroes hired, at the wtn»" time. I HOS. E, HE.VLL, Adair, .fan I wtd 20 A A vu\ius\v aVo v’ h .\wl\cc. t & LL persons indebted to the estate of . .I.uuai Poti.Mi, dceouHed, late of'Co limit,ia county, are required to make im mediate |»ayinent: and all those to whom . theestate is indebted, will hand in their et. demands.aeeording to Ijnv. TID>S. E. REA LL, Adin’r. .far* i wul »r, ‘ sit BVI. I• Jl 11. f, I |*,N, Till# DAY, ■it ii crcr.ocK ; 4lfhds. and 3 I,his. Sugar, 20 qr casks .Malaga VVine, 20 boxes Soat), 10 pieces Hugging, II kegs Powder (Pitkin's) I tierce and 2 bids Klee, 10 boxes window Glass. Reoils Hope 1 box cotton Cards, 20 boxes Segars, ■1 doz wafer Huekels, 2 do nests dry Measures, 3 eases Horam Hats, •* P s - mixed Kerseys, T'superline Hats I Noth, 2iM at tresses, and 1 Cluck. Terms at sale. Till# MIGHT, At half past 0 o’clock, A complete assortment ofsluple & fancy imv food's BBOOT* AI\’l»SlfOHS, Cutlery, Fowling l*iceos, <)•(;• t|«e. •lan I 2t» Terms cash. | \\V>OKS AT BV li.lll THcnso.n /;/ /;,v/.vc, j,n. 5, AT the Store No. 2112 ISroad st. will I . be eonlimied the side* of valuable Hooks, consisting ol’n very general as , sortment ol’lbeologienl, historical, me dical, classical, biographical, miseella- ■ neons, law, and school Hooks; worthy the attention ol’all who desire to emliel J lislitbeir libraries with valuable additions, j Catalogues may be bad at the place of 1 sale, and the Hooks examined until half past <» o’clock, when the sale will begin. ! .Inn -I 2o 1 A IMI IN IST II VTOIIS #A i,E. i On lln' fust Tiwsdiiy in .tlurchiwrl, A GKEEAHLV to tut I’ the /A. Honorable the Interior Court of Kiebmond eminty, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, will be sold, the following f tracts of Land, belonging to the estate of Cluon Nally, deceased ; Ii Dm; Tract of 2ot) acres in Early, known ti by lot No. 35, in the2ld district—undone e other True! in Wilkinson county, known h by lot No. 43. in the IDtb district, contain- s nig 21)2)) acres. The said lands tube sold at the Court-house doors of said coun ties. a, Will be sold at the Market bouse, in tin; city of Augusta, one Negro Girl nam ed Easter, belonging to said estate—to la; sold for the benefit of the heirs and I creditors of said estate. J AN. JOHNSON', Ailtii'r. 1 MARY JOHNSON, Adm’rx. 1 wtd 25 I *o r i7tT!r —i ON the first Saturday in January next, the City Council will appoint the following City Olllocrs, for the ciihu yeur, with tlie salai ies dnnexed ; Mnrsbii.', with n salary of tj(|,ooo Deputy do. S(H) Clerk of Council, -100 Collector and Treasurer, (MID Clerk of lower market, 300 Clerk of upper do. 7> Street Olliecr, 1,000 Jailor, (MH) Keeper of magazine, 21M) Two Constables, each -100 Keeper of hospital, Four Vendue masters. Persons desirous to obtain any of the loregoing appointments, will band their applications (naming securities) to the Clerk, on or before 10 o’clock, A. M. of that day. Hy order, ‘ GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. Jan t 25 Sew ChOOdn. SWOWDEW Sc SHEAR, lla re Uin ivcil Tlilk Day from JVno York, PER •ieb watered and fasbioimldo figured Silks. Extra figured French Muslins and Whir saw Prints, Rich white Gauze Veils and Crape de Sliien Shawls, Sujter plain French Ginghams and Thi bet Wool Handkerchiefs, New stile fancy Gloves ami rich Run nel Ribbons, Super blk \ limey eol'd Fur Tippets. I i-b Linens and extra line bird's eye Diaper. Super 4 I bleached Shil lings and wide Waltham Sheetings. Dee 21 It 21 A CI'NM.VGIIAM Ac €>. have • removed to the store formerly oceapied hy Mr. James Hones, as u Cr.iekery Slorti, at the corner of Hroad and Mclntosh streets, nearly opposite the Post < Dlice. They have received by recent arrivals from Philadelphia and New York, an ikVi'/kV.S/FF ASSORTMENT OF IMI VrN, A:C\ Which they oiler to Physicians, Mer ebnuls and others, on as good terms us they run be purchased in Augusta. A I.HO, ( / On band. SLH) gallons winter strained S-ierm Oil/ Maeeaboy, Rappee, Scotch and American Gentlemen’s Snuß’s. Pbysidans prescriptions put np ut all hours. Novi) H HAVING lately been burnt out, at bis old stand near the Globe Hotel, respectfully informs bin friends and the public generally, tbot be has taken the small Hrick Front Store. No. IST, north side of Hroad street, 3 doors above Mr. John Moore’s corner, lately oeeupietl by Mr. Dunlap, and nearly opposite Messrs. .Sibley Ac- Morrison’s corner, whore lie 1 hopes by bis devoted attention to the r CO.\TKCri<) y ISUSI.XESS, in nil its brunches, to share their former liberal patrovage. DANIEL DILL. JJcc S 2)) CUM ELASTIC OVER-SHOES. Subscriber has receiv . , <*d this day, by the Wash wWington, a large assortment Mk. ol’Ladies Gum Elastic Pru nella Boots, Gentlemen's India Ruhbeo Over-Shoes and Knots—together with every article i«i the Boot and Shoe Line, B. W. FORCE. HeegH fit 83 jbS£ v-"' * SST ' m«s. a. WOULD inform the Ladies of-Aii\ gustn iuni its vicinity, that she \ lias just received (from Paris and Xcw lorlt,) a large assortment of MILLfMARY AM) lA\<l GOODS, u liicb she offers for sale ntber old stand No. 5208, Broad-street, on the lowest enns, via.: Fashionable silk and straw Bonnets, Kohhinelt S(»encers and Pillareens, Hohhiiielt and Dress Caps, Blond edged and Hattin Ribbons, Cap ami Lutestring do Feather Flowers and Head Flowers, Pyramid do. for Cukes, Silks of various descriptions, Dolls, Toys, Curs, and Braids, ts-c. »f-e. HKl'/SSKS of the newest patterns; October 2f). fimH H UlTiniV WARE* r|Vli; snbseriber oilers for Sale in Ka .M. v annaii. a large assortment of (ho first quality Earthenware, in fine order; and will sell the same for city acceptan ces, in lots often crates or more, on an low terms, ns ware of equal qnality is sold, either in Charleston or New York. 8. B PARKIiIAN. Savannah, Dee. 7, ISIJI 6t-w3m 18 luiMiiUK wabeT A< . HE subscribers are now in posscs sion of their fall stock of Goods, received per ships Oglethorpe and Wil liam Donald at Savannah, direct from Liverpool—which they oiler to country Merchants and others upon terms as lib- with ia^BM^M^nur--^ [ffet Their Stock was purchased hy one of the lirm in England foreash, which given them advantages equalled hy no house in this State, nor surpassed hy any in tho < 'luirleston or Northern Markets. Their arrangements are permanent, and such us will enable them at all times to he in curly receipt ofthe newest style ofshapes and patterns. Feeling confident of ma king it to the interest of those wishing supplies they respectfully solicit patron age—and pledge themselves no piiinn will bo spared to give satisfaction. P. B. TAYLOR A Co :tST, Broad street, Augusta, near tbo Merchants'and Planters’ Bunk. 017” The Athenian, Georgia .lournal and Cnrolinian will give the uhoveUvelvo insertions and forward their bills fur payment. Nov f) ts 11 THE CHARLESTON CROCKERY STORE. fIMIIE (Suhscrihers well known in M. Georgia, us dealers in Earthen ware, China, Glass, Sec. hog leave to in form their numerous customers, ns well as others on their way to Charleston, that their stock is now complete, and pro nounced hy judges to be the best in tho f iiiltd States, which they are oflering to merchants at as low a rate us uiiymar ket in America. They are well aware that promises un less supported hy facts, are useless, mid worse than useless; they make no pro mises, nor appeal to public sympathy against powerful combinations or private, monopoly, they are well satisfied that the pu'iilc know how to appreciate snch appeals.— No market is closed against ns, hut on the reverse all are open, and our busi ness solicited hy the manufacturer; our friends are many and powerful, and with numerous other advantages, oar facilities for doing business are not eiptalled by any dealer in Augusta, orsurpussed hy any in .yew-York. We would say, in conclusion, that we intend making it the intern si of purchasers to hay from us; our prices shall be low ( and terms liberal. We refer to our cus tomers in every village in Georgia for the respectability of our house and retV titude ofour business principles. 11. B. G LEA WON Sc Co. JVo. 364 King Street, Charleston . Feb 10 ts 40 TOWMLOT FOR HALE. s '1 be subscriber offers for BnU»,- <fkT?S» die largo and valuable LOT »rt IlSlral ibe corner of Washington sbyUgEsL Reynold streets, and immedi ately opposite Camming' s Warehouse. THOS. I. WBAY. , Dec 84 4t 23 A IWISIAtIII i WASTED - %-i WANTED, in a respectable ofld highly profitable business, n part* I nor, who can invest seven or eight thdiM sand dollars in the concern, and take wf ’ active interest in the management ofl* ; — Satisfactory evidence would be given, I that such sum would be solely and very . I'.rotilubly invested. For further parti culars, direct, ppet paid, to 8. W «■ cure oflbc editor of the Augusta Chronicle.. Dec M ID