Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 04, 1832, Image 4

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■ ♦ -ora*- «► —■ THE WI’B^C’KIBEK, r .l,nt« Proprietor'Of the Ctlobo Tavern? aid more roccally of lha Mansion Houso?/ KEHS leave it* announce io m.-.. mads Mini lli<‘ public generally,that lie has In ken that elegant commodious lire proof brick building on llie corner ol ltroa.l and .lacksun (Streets, ami immediately adjoining (lie new .tlnsonio lin'd. It is situated in llie most central (mil ufthe < 'ity. and is in llie very heart <d bnsine-s being in the vicinity oftlie Augusta Hank, and the .{ranch I’. ink ol' the Male ol Tieorgia. This Establishment is known ns the gloiii aiioTuii,., nnd in its interior arrangement and general construction, nodes in in. . lament de gree, s acmnsness. neatness, nnd comfort. I o the man ol family, Ine mdii n.nni traveller, the daily hoarder or llie fashionable visitor, llie (ihOlth present.- in eom modaiion* inferior to none in the Southern Stales. Having conilueted for a number of years, two among Ihe most popular Hotels in this (lily,he Halters himself that his experience in business,added to the siiperioi ad nntages offtitnation A; the resources under his eontronl. will enalile him to give the tioßf decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with (la ir patronage. His ST V IHiMS are sjmeiuiis mid well ventilated, and amply supplied with Ihe best of provender, nnd attended by experienced and steady ostler.-—in addition to which, I a* subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, tV in hi.- _ < barges, tvil! not forget the pressure of she times. Kf* The following' 'l'AtiKb arrive at. nnd dep,.rl irom, lau lino in; ‘I n; i regal,n ly as follows : .Vlii.i.i'dokvii.i.i; f'i'.u , n arrives iitrij .A../, sit (1 o'clock I*. iW.—mid departs ,rn i, iUii/, ill 11 I*, it|. 1 •' . ‘•louMint.i, ,S. St in is arrives rnri/ il.uj, uI !) o'clock. 31.—nrui departs .re./ cuy. a i o clock. I*. M. Atiih.ns St aun arrives rr.ri/ Tm-K-hnj nnd Frhhnf. nl 0 o’. loch I*. !>!.—and «!<*• paris retry Moml.iy nnd 77«im(.i//, at Id o'clock. A. M. Uunn.xvii.i.i.;, s ('. Snim arrive s .irrii 7W /.»./ nnd Hiifiinhii/, nl 7 o’clock. I*. ,tj. •*-nnd departs cr.-rcy '/'/ii.r.-;/ i;/ nnd Siniliii/, nl o'clnck. \ M. <' Mixi'.svii. i;. M. f. Sru,-r,'arrives (ivrc//Vcc/.cy, al (i o'clock, I*, tl —and departs vvcrij Aijnihiy, ut ! o’clock, A. dl. ‘ 1 . . WIhUAM Mli WMIN. A Malinin. Jinio IHJ]|. ■feTM.* v vncjirra »i,i:l m ir I’liil/IS, Fur the Slmli'tus ini'l Ntv/rH-i /loa/.-.'J'hene \ oyelahle IMIs me made I I lit* pre*< riplion of an old physician 1 in oxtcn.?ivu practice, mid have lony' been held in hi>r|i estimation titr< >n.<'!• on! imrnpe. TV.*t one pnrliele nl’ nan onry, .Antimony, or oilier m.ncial enter- V . c °iilfioßilfi>ii. '|'|„> v are e\;n <"l>, *° restore the tone and riiepiv and to remove and tifr, diof fjiii'il*. arominm, Iniliiin 1/ ifrhilii;/. and ally derangement id' (lie tt/uHhiilt or Irjiivb. Their operaa tinii is pei'icctly mild, mid reipiiics no rlnir'T ofdiet. mid persons ol' (In* most deli "ito constitutions may take tin'll!, with |I«'»• t safely. To (In' Merchant, the Writer, \ econn t’lnt ol' < 'lerl;. mid nil who, are i".|i >sed to the luiiiierous tram ol disease* invari aldy assailing |n rsons of sedentary Imh it*, they will he (liund to In* convenient mid valnahle medicine for sale in boxes at oh cents each, I>\ 'ITU PIN .)• D WTUJN \C, < tugllKl'l. < • ./ '* ill. Sept. 7. wTmlJt! F.OIIkV MIMHUIiVIS A HLPPLVof the ('1 hhml i! , I.' ■ :"/n' ivi. it'll>l tlj'fiii’iiVll, has ticca 11 ft is eil by TUUPJ N A D A NTILN \C. a- ilx i.ii ■■ l,i Ihi.t ( ill/. w (* jJV!*) V merely pom itur water on a ten • jjj j® spoonful of tins Aperient, a cool in"' ;is 1 1 .■.• Tat eta I eilerve ."imr he v crape i* olitained, resembling Sochi Water to the ta-te, >V imparting to the constitution nil Vhe henctits of the Congress Waters at Saratoga.” f{an.i;it‘s KPPRKVOtTKNT .A! Mi-1 NiOSi VN APHUiKNT, for the proven- ] lion and cure ofladigesUoa, ililions nn.l | Liver complaints. nervous weakness. I ijirndiii'lie. hearihai'ii, hahiliutl eostbe- giddiness. cutaneous diseiie***, d c. Vco. The surprising etiieaey of this mo peri or medicine has ohlnincd for it the patronage of many catinenl persons, whoso high, together with its 'OXtensiie mid increasing mile, tally proves its pre-eminence, and hid* fair to render it the mo*t papular remedy ex tant. To dyspepti". the sedentary, and studious, it w ill lie found invahmlde. 1’ »in its promoting a proper action oflhe liver in the secretion of Idle, or correct it when in a vitiated state, t *b.-triKtinn< of the stomach or bowels aro gradually reaiov ed, it restores the appetite, and tone, strength and energy to the system. Travellers, ami residents, in warm elt mates, will find Mailer's 'Magnesian Ape rient a desirable article; it prevent* nay neenmnintion ofhiie. is portable, mid the method of preparing it unusually con venient. Children have* fiecpient circa i-i in fur gentle and cooling purgative they will lake this Aperient in preference to any other. The public attention is resncctfnlly di rected to llie wrappei which contains many te-ditnoainU of its eilicney with fall liireetioa fu* its us.,—Prepared by 1! . Uatler. Chemist. London. Observe that each bottle hems ol'll. IJutier. Hept. 7. wfltnDO ALL oers ai* ndebied to too estate o L Daniel ■'■'.ivaa'e, deceased, arc* re V ttcc steel to coni" t award and settle* th -same; and nil those to wham the estat m indebted, will orosent theie elaiin within Uic time prescribed by law. r. w 01. vsrorw. ?. „ WiM.IJ.SAVAUL. s L} ‘ r Nov 0 ]j 1 RSHf'E^BVBSI*. j I'l'H I.A IL AliltllAl.H AMJ OX HAM). I *’Piii CA ie ' line and low price..- (’aheoes • >li (iieeers pink, liuli’ and fancy tstrij>« t dii; I ,hams lo!) ilo. I I. ■> I and (I I, ('ainhriea Id do. Sn j>s and Kook la.-iitis * 'e» Inn-jrest siv.e iSiiU l'iis-ia 1 ■"! a 1 1 *J case. 11 line and extra fate* Irish h ) Liners, a ;> do V and I I bleached Shirting I ( Linen (old) “ do ;t I do. do. 11 V I ale, *•> 1 brow n do. w 1 A* d o Cation <•.-.oahings o lI.K dor,. 11 Cotton i i.indiwicdii Is n P.t paces red, winle mid green Plan- (I ml s I' 10 do. mix! Satlinetts !i 111 do. 7 I heavyclntile Mlankets 11 Pit do, **■ point do. do. do. t I lit) ilov; *.\ hite and grey Landis Wool hall' Mom* |OO do. dl. < 'otton do. I ait do. slate w or-lcd ! lose do. patent, slide mid Cotton Sus penders i | i (Ml do. S,and t 'otton do. bo\es Cotton i’.ills J 111 ) do. liranilian Tucking Combs d I do. Nnv ariim i tats j I case < 'Ol toii 5 nihrellan 1 *SO reams Cap and Letter Paper 1 Por .-ale low for cash, or approve d 1 paper, hy 1 sept Pl C. PMILLM’S. 1 qjjLOPO *S',S to open a .t-TIIOOIc , on the lirst,Monday in .faanaey. at , the re- idene'e of Mr. If \L iii i.i iiv, in , | 'c'.llr Street, for tin* im Irnetion of yoang , I Ladies in Kemliug. Writing, linumtiar. ; j Uecigrnphy '- c,v log. Ac. I .Miss Clean, re* pi Is lime Parents j who witch to know more of tier School. , , (o call on her at .Mr. McaMurpliy's, in iv j lis street. > Dee 17 22 ■■ A. k 't«© »?§ t*, us * c§ n , | e.-pc'ctlolly uifoi nin lic'i fnctids. mid I ■ tin* piil.die generally , that she ha? , removed her Uo.irding eslahlisliineat Vo ~ j the llriek Tenement over .Messrs. L. ; | llii.i.’ • A Co's .‘vrcriov Sroia;. \o. Ploj ~ | iiroad street. She* lenders Iter gralefui ! thmilvs for the litieral panama :0 hereto ..; fore ree.'i v, cl, am! solicits a coni inn a tux ol'it. assuring llio*o who may favor lien 1 w it it their company, that 110 cd’oris shall . ■he spared on her part, to give the ut i most satisfaction, ci Dei Pi ts (i lU.CEIVLI) AT Tlll'J Alt 51’ST A -1 £*€& M Li % j Ist A i 1 in her cd' *• Tlie Aincricmi i-1 .u. .1 air mi lof Iniprovement* in the s| I selid Arts and .Mirror of (he Patent *> i'- ll I dee, eontaiaing auilinilie desrrii'.tions !. and illustrative drawings of ih. re cords, specifications mid models of v the Patent Olliee, by permission of the Secretary of .'tat o, being a laithl'ul rep resanintiotl of the st cc of lilt* arts in _l Vmerieu, Ac. iS. i’- Poor and Wm 1 Ureea & Co. Mditors and proprietors: .1. L Sivinner assistant laiitor, with an "'I ippendix containing the Patent Laws" I Subscriptions fertile above work will 10 1 lie received at the a/wgics'ci Ihol:-S'or,. 11 " where the first number can lie examined —it will no doubt eoahlin much Useful , ' formation of Mm state and progress of toe mechanic, arts in ear country. Oct po H &*ntinntx a kkmakkaiiu: cvru of s isv mu use of dii. jeeivs imr.uMATic liniment. C'ojj'i (if ii Ir Itv /! Cn \!ii.i;sto\v.n, (Mass.) Jum: 23. 7’/ the f^i'ojirirlin' tj lif.'i ,v l t iuiiii.i ut. llk.m; Sir—l deem it a slaty 1 owi 1 t > suffering humanity, to acquaint you. ami through you the public.(should you think best) of the unexpected and surprising cure performed on my.-e|f by the use of the itl)ov« most excellent Medicine. ! have heen tor more than thirty years ntn! some times most severely, ulllieted with ill!' Eibeumalism; have been frequently rendered perfectly helpless ; and in con f-esjii •nee conlined to my bed, when it has required two persons to move me, j !>ri«Jtr iti such extreme pain, I havesev lerul times been under the Care of the most eminent physicians, hat procured only temporary relief. 1 one day noli eed the advertisement of Dr. Jebb’s Liniment, with the testimonials accom panying it,and wan indneed to try :i tint ill-, vvltieh I imed without muidi xetisihle heiielit. I eonehlded, however, to per severe, and bought anoliier hot tie, and was greatly relieveil, and hy (lie use of half the third hotile, was wholly cured, and ha' e lav er since laid a return of the pain, wliii h I had not been free from n month at a lime for thirty years, and it is now more limn three years since I was eared. I wonl i most earnestly advise i;vei y person sull'ering under lids pniuful complaint,not to despair <fa cure so long as they can obtain •'Sir Ji lib's laid meat.” \on are at liberty to make any use of tin’s yon may think advisable. .Moat re.-pe' ilullv yours. nki'lii ft VMM MS, To the foregoing testimony, many o tlier nnejin—(ionable proofs might be add ed, in fa vour of the superior Liniment id ! Jr. .lebb. Aothing bat a fair trial v. iiiei: tlie proprietor, eonliih atiy s.iiieils. eat give nil adecpuite idea o! its unrivalled ellicuey, in mitigating. and thoroughly mastering, (lie excruciating disease, ti u iii. li it Ini.- been successfully applied in a malt il ale of eases. The operation e tiie Jjiiiimi nl is often immediate; and it la. ■ frequently eared I hcuinniie alike lions of years standing, iu l'mir unit hcenl linin'.':, il is also reeiimmeudi d wilii con (iilctlcc as nnr nf tin In . I nji/iln'illioin Icuhl'.'i fur rtijj'tr . s of il.r juiiil.'. numbness, sprain.- and cliilbhiins. t\ ir oI n nix. IT nrji 'tzt. »V» rr-v tr» a L 4 f’*- 2 ** riyktb EkA OH L\' I) !v i t'j S7'/( f. \ i>r«-vii!>M:t ns it «*\ la. its ciisiotnnry symi - it*nis ol 'mint (ts aiuhlflr, iltxi tixHim’Jl / fiil> /. • n .*•, lint rl-lwrn, jxini nt Ihe vfoiiiuch, ti cl* horn n'.r. inniS'H. i ini.i!nn>; imtf Is urns t »l to \ icM to tin* t lilrjo v ' I' 1)1!. Il KU’K'ri VKI.J/rVULC^IM’CJriC, AMI | j a / / nn iocs Thus:- 11 >! 11 e i i u for Di/.'/tr/'.-M. even alter il lias inquired tin i, ost obstinate character, and resisted • very elibrl of prof.'ssi.. , intl skill. W leat intli aie lieiues are administer! d in con ((*(') i f 111 »M 1115 SJT jtflliit i'Hil f'l id»r i f)ii'rr‘mini nccoinpunyin'j the I .tylM 'hi.rijir. the> liioremi'liiy c lean e tin* ait u'entary ennui of that viscid mucus i u hich is (!n> proximulc* cause of tiie clis asler, and as a I nic and Biiinulcnl, they restore the hcmlthy action a id eiierf>> o! die stomach, and i-tretigthcMi tin-dc bihta led system. The proprietor can alsi) eoii lidcnily rc’coiiimc-ad the I nalulde S[nr-Ju us one of the In st u medics known foi the Hid: If ml .7<7n f'riee &0 cents each article. IIIMTISII AN’t'lfTit’l'Ki EjfßT« , ras- , i69«.’K. For clfiineing' nh h imi'S. "ml }ur.<ariiig <«• *lWth tin l ' «r; 11 h v\'nr?;i* Tlf 'Ja l)!-:\TU’Klt‘M vvliicii die presell! j proprietor wishes most particularly to recommend to the attention cd the pnh peril ftiv exempt Irom all those iirui-' wliicdi in general lorm the bsisis cd toot.) powcleis in common list", and which >d (lioiish they may whiten the teeth far a short time', mast inevitably destroy tae I'jiiiinn Ihy their dcietei tc..',: * action online* Iteaulifnl coverinjr ol the teeth.- eoas«*qneaec is tiiat tin* i'-nnn: I uhien i the* shield provided hy nature to protect I lie spoutry mid nervous internal strue lure, is rapidly eorreuiee! by tln'sc> aei.l ingredients, become mure discoloured lima ever, and expose the inner purlieu of the tooth to r.::!•:■< and a_ rapid and certain decay. Uy (lie n>o of the IliiU-h . laini jitir Jlrulji'iir. in the*, ns occasion may reipiire. wtili a brush niou eralel hard.and cold water, the aceunui ialion tis 'J\nUir will not only be prevent ed. but the teeth rcv.tbcred fr.uiUJ'iih'n iniilliiriiiiinr.ilf/i.f'lr. and the gums re ston'd to that freedom from soreness, dial hardness and etUoresccnee w inch are the sure tests of their heal'.ay siate. tad the best guarantee of that natural fragrance oftbe breath which can never j he expected in connection w It Ir foul teeth ; and scorbutic', unhealthy ‘reins. (if i': 0«C ill 1.m.'.l [’or sale by his r.peeial uppoinlmert, with all the valuable ;*;edi c’liies as prepar'vl iiy tiie late ilr. I'ou iviiv.) liv TI ir.MN .V- IVANTUINAC. />/'i:gg<V/#, . highs/o. (iroi'rm. n rfs, that none are genuine wiiluntt the w lit ton signature of T. kli>- IH'd*. on lite outside printed wrapper. Xov ••mher -<> hit lii A WET WI’MSE A IIEAI/I'IIV Woman of good char JsL aeter, and without a cliild, will mee! w ith a good situation and liberal wages by application at this Otlice. Sent 21 ts LAND FOifi WALti. A GS-HSA.T SARaiUM Is now ollered in the sale of a tract, o lot of I. AXIL ia Carroll county, which i discovered to lie rich in the Gulden propei j lii. Tiie owner being on the eve of a loni 1 journey to the North, will now sell it lot. j, ifn quick application is made. Indispv table titles will lie delivered. APPLY AT THUS OFFICE. JanelG 73 ISKUIiIVJSSJ 1 IIV ’ %% -Viiio 5 AT TIIE AITJS STA KOOk ftTOUFI. I’ 1 I'll and death of liorc! filzgeraid. j | Liifayette in America. I .iunratii ol a Naturalist, 'i’tio IJravo, j i Hoxoia l, Llab Hook, Adecti-m’s Hifl, ‘ rriends!»i(i’s Oliering, Iliidr’s Lcu-tnres, I fhudeus of Warsaw, Anuatutius, i Mason’s I'an iery, Lilly. Ibciwifs Novels, c)‘c. A.<‘. Den 21 2( 22 ; kdicatioxT 1 A VOI Mi .MAN, (irmhiate of one I /a. of tiie first iSeininarics hi the ladled i ■"dates, and lia*several years an instruc- j mioifyi'iith, wishes employment a- Prin- . eipul ))fa:i Ac'ademy, or private .School, ! i from the- tir-t of .Linuury next. Parti- ; etiiar attention will be given to students i v. ho may wish to obtain a Knowledge of; die Languages, or the high) r branches csj’ I Miitlmm it (’oiiimimications adilressed to AMa s. : Angm ta B*cst. Oliice, post paid, between this and Christmas, slating the situation. ‘ salary, A.c. ofihe Scliooi, will be attend- ! ed to. Od I!) Otw 5 t! iwf it if ■£ ai, piiopu 11 -r y H aA <• a t V* ■- .ti! A M. JB lut'd. M ® 'i’ll M 11’■ ails a sir: j’fi.y or in:, ii. Gsr.rn:, .a •/ vi: of .r no Hors, And a variety of others, amoating to Property i< c.ll’eied to the pub .K. be for the purpose of defraying the debts of She b.t ■ linn ol’ IJuivnuiti ii Jin li nt, and indisputable lir’es to Priae I Sold ers will be* made Iv> it. Kelei'etue on this point may be made to Messr:-. (li'cc'n ! x (iranl, Lsijs. Tlmmaston, who area ■ cuts of the principal creditors, l.’efer •■uce as to the value i f the Properly, A:e. any be made to Michael Kelly, Will am d Harris, or Dr. Lillis of.Maenn ; or Mr. Douginas of Tlieiuaslon. The Lc.l --! ry will bo drawn n*s soon as (he Ti li as are ail sold: or if not sold within a • easenabh* time*, the money will be re turned to the purchasers c;f Tickets.— j 'be Tickets will be deposited w ilb re- <. aonsible Agents in Thonmston, Rincon. Miliedgev ille, Augusta. ISavnanah. Char- i ■eston, and perhaps hi some other place's, j who w ill retain (lie money . ii > i y is terminated. 'J’lu 1 i .rawing will be Miperiutc'nded iiy James I Sfieins. josepli Marges, Thomas Uoode. ,]■ Ilc iPieii .1. ( rews, lisc|s. of Thomaeton. ‘ [•’or a more p.anieidar c!< seriplion ot j Pm I', inos, rel'ei cnees may had to lice | ;ils or r-eliemcs, wliicli will ho Sound jJ •villi tiie A gents, Pi ice of Tickets No redurtion on i < * ..* , f .. - J. D DATUM AN. | | 'l'niinnrfnn. Dee 21 2t\v '■KOTicJi^r" A Lb persons indebted to the estate o! 1 it Ira ALiry IMeTyre, late el Uieli-j ini'iiil county, deceased, are requested to j come forward and settle the same, and ill those to \v horn the e.-late is indebted il! present their claims to the subset i ner, within the time ]ireseribed by law. i A. l-’KODIW. Dx’r. ( Nev in «:iw 13 I HD Sitbscrilrer lias Just Iteeeived j from Pranee, a large assortment I ol L'iie Works, eonsi.-ting of Nky Hoi k lot*. Homan randies, Mats of I, 2,3 anci 1 changes, Wheel Uockets, Flower I’ots, f-hpiibs, cj'c ixe. i AI. FKLDLPK K. | Nov 30 i\t\mu\\»VYttVov ft (),i I’lr jli'ti! Tinsdtiij in March nc.rl. \f. W • ILL be sold, at the Court House, \t in (.'ohimbiu county, by order ol ' tie Court ofDrdinary of said coutdy : ; irerc's of hind, more'or less, lying in said county, nd,joining lauds ol Abner I p. [{ohertson and UenjaminS Cox, be- j i longing to the estate of Hubert Craw- ■ | lut'd, deceased. UI’NJ. y. COX. Acini r. Dee 17 wtdJJO^ A!>R»!NI'THAT<MPL'9 NOTH'LL A Llj persons indebted to the estate c>! / 1%. Joux H'.!, deceased, bite eft'o m’iubin county, tire requested to make immediate payment ; and those having j I demands, tire reciuesled tolmne tiiem iti . I v. iihia the time prescribed by law. I Ol’iMUlEM'Ki). lU’lltUl.. Um.v. ■ !>, e ii »>tvv 2d \I > NltrTliATOU'si S2ALI3. (f: I’nrl TmMi if la l'\'lu'titti'if next, ILL he sold at ( Vrnesv ill.Pianklia ’ \> v t’oarl house, the negroes beioiig - iter to Ibe estate c ■!’ Lev i Stokes, deems | oi i.—Teiit’.s made known outlie day of JAMILS RJOHKPS. Adta'r. t , {}(■<•:< wid 17 ' IcOiiUJIBIA SALE. On Ihejinil Tursihiii in ALwch nc.rl. ~ i -I'M 7 i i.L be sold at the Coui t-House, i \V V in Columbia county, within tin ! usual hours of sale, | Two Negroes. Jacob.a man: and I’ee .. j ky, a woman, each about 21 years of age. ■I ! tu m tisfy a mortgage ti. fa., John ftmilh .j vs. .1 esse H. iMorriss. HU'U AHi) 11. JONES. Sit'd*, v. c. Dee 31 Wtil 24 ' I for” NAIiK. ONE lii st rate Huggy Waggon ami 11arness—made' to order, and on nn N improved plan, patent axiltrees, shilling to—mid every eonvenieneO possible I’m nn article of the kind. Any person w ishiifg to purchase* will please call at u Mr. Jehu Linedrons. where they will have an oppcrlunily of judging Ibr them Selves. Nov 30 17 STATION * mAiij i LINE I Oil -\IiW OHI.EAXf*. ! R Pi'oprietors respostfully inlbni’. j I), the jn’.hiie. tiial I’iey w ill not bo nc j countable for the loss or miscarriage of any 'flunks, Dales, Hoxeg, Pack ages, ‘ or nrliciea of any description, carried or j sent in any of their Conches, oi Mean.! i Meats, either wither without passengers, j All goods must be considered at the risk j of the owner or owners thereof, other ! wise they will not bet alien. JA.MErS HEEdIDE A CO. ! | Juno 7J j i i JPtrV 'M? i'f.t'i 't f Jr A if b y ■ i ■ I ■ ■ ‘ v j < I i .'•avving Lumber, an excelleiit. Negro rtiawyer, and -1 other aide Negro Men. ALf'-o, rou r-’a hi: Three prime well broke tUI'LES, a ('•arry-Log and (.leer, and every tiling necessary belonging' to if ; on u credit o! twelve mouths. JAMILS DEAL. Dee 2ft 3tw 23 1,100 OSS E? ! At'ilOf laA ft ßl'- ; At Saw, Plonr. and Mice .Mill -1 V v on it: sitnuted in Ibtriivvcl! Dis > trie t. ft. 2ftinSl’esfrom Augusta and 10 , i from the ' illogo of Marnwe!l, alioiil on a i line direct from < iiarie ton to Augusta, tiiercfore if is p,resumed the rail road will • •ither pass through it or not far off.— Price ft 2 <!0f); eiu'-fillli cash or approved I endorsed paper at (if) ami I/O days, (he lav I lance at 1,2,3, and-I years credit, wall interest and mortgage oftae rreimst's. — [Tides indisputable and wan anted. I 0 to ! JOHN DVOLVIUX. U'liifhiiiiihcr, Mi. 1-17 Bread stmet, -'■■y. iftm July » r> *sJL*u Fes* Sale- *essb*** f HE ,«üb-fi iber Piters for sale.a tract ! |-|_ of first quality Oak. and Hickory ; {.'.mil. containing JUKI oeres, situaled In viobimiiia cmiuly, on tbe Hig Kiokoe creek, adjoining laml-i of Mieieird ’I nb -1 man and ’i’unkei'sly, tno Lmd is ofeseeiient quaiity, and will be sold on accommodating terms:. In the absence ; | of the subscriber, apply to dol. William { Magur, or Mr. lienry Dolby. THOMAS WAitLL July 2 ts .1 j i A large DVc’ELiJXD, LOT. 1 LiSfeg ike. and A LASSDE STOKE, ■j }||m well eab;u!atc",l •Nr Dry-Hoods | f-iiiaSSt' and tJi'oeeric.-j, ojijiosile the 14 stove of Edward Thomas, uppe-r ■ <>nd. of Uroad-street—uii CjCecliejil stum! i for business. Piv-s?cs,.-;oji will Iks given l on the fast of October. I’ortenns. wliii ii ; will 1)0 liberal, apply to Mr. Jot j.i ii C’.vu I i rim. nt the above mac e. UAH HUT LA WHEN C’R. . j July 31 Mi i Savannah Siver . 1 S . j HE atrairs ofsaidltompony,having i .0. been brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders. j the undersigned gives notice to ail con ‘ corned. Mint a thud Dividend of One Dol - larand Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on all Shares on which £22 lias been paid) d will be pnid to the Stockholders or their ii legal representatives, accompanied by g the proper vouchers, on application at the ir first Eric k Diiilding Vv’i'ct of tiie New n Market, liroad-strcct, Augusta, to .t J. W. BHI IKIES. II Augusta, Oct. 30,1530. wtf H O S 15* HtmJu Al t ’«!• lUIIA ids NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE TMI.3 BS7BBSCIII £%) KsrKOTi'l iA.'t nd’uu ,'ir kh- friends ami the public gone-ruby, taut they arc receiving and opening ;;t liicir oil stand, 310, Clturlmhn, W. C. u largeund splendid as sortment of IIAISD-WABE. CUTIiKMY, AND s 9 To w hii-;! t!iC attention of country mer chants \ biting (he city for supplies is in vilctl. SMITH, HAIIUIS Co. Charleston, Oc.t.-ii {£/=* The Augusta Chronicle, Georgia .foarnal, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Ijiitjuiscr, Washington .News and Atho iiiau, \*.ill publish the above weekly, lor four months and send their hills for pay ment with a paper containing the above to RS. 11. A: eo. October SU wln>7 ”Ms." m a ’ IkVM-IATDD tO.fIDOCXD Hl' t I Slid 15:* AiSD tSAKWAl’A iviiji.A. an inoffensive, positive, amt speedy Hemedy for the euro of Gouor ri-nm, Gleet, fcemina Weakness, {Stric ture, W bites, Tains in tlie Loins, Kid aies. irritation <d the bladder and I rc ihra, Gravel, and other Diseases of the L’rii.iijfy Tassag'cs. i'lii.- most edieacious Preparalion is uiven-entiy used, and totally ( K void of ■ Killing qualities, irecpieiilly perfbrm g cures iis ti few days; it is healthful file stomach, ami by no means un eiisiiiit to the ptilutc ; possessing all the five medicinal properties necessary (he cure ot (lie above Diseases, with nl any lialiility of injury to tlie system y exposure to the wetilhcr. It has oh lined (he tiinelion of many of the re liable inembei s cf the i'acuUy, and :n! the approbation of all those who live had occasion lor its use. ‘■.i 'JV't! on the .Medicinal Properties of ’■ir.yjuir-'hi. cnutftl’tl from the loti Jhillwti m. strongly elucidate (lie high repute !!< 1 1 great siicce.-s which has long at ‘•"led its ir-e, in various internal Citron ■ Di-eases. Another choice Ingredient, obtaining tea! celebrity in Ihirope, has also been ilroduccd, forming a safe, speedy, and ri’inam-iit cnri‘ for the* nbovo cliscjoan*®, Prepared by feC G. IJarelay, M. V fraud. j london ; and for sale by' TLItIMX <Sj D A.M'fGWC, Aiiirvrs. ,'ii/giisttf, ijLvt'gia . ■nt 3 v.liin !),'j SjAW -^©TlcEh E ISIS ALb horeaftei regularly attend the {Superior Courts of IDHimoiid uiinty. it! y olliec and residence are in hccnsboiongh. J’ersons residing iu ••Mgusta. bating business to transact, eijuiring the services of a Lawyer, in be counties of Groene, ill organ,' Xew- Clarke, Oglelorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, I'iillialerro, Monroe, or Hancock, and ■vho may choose to calnut. it to me, ivill-lmve an opportunity of conferring ivdii me personally, twice in a year J^^iadhmtoir r-cr o if IS On t'riduy, the 13/A of January next, : £%T I*'?' Ik* sab! to iiie highest bidder, if V sit Lincoln I -ourl llonse. on n ere ;!it till the 2*31 h cl December, l"-4till tin personal properly belonging to tiio ec t..u --•::■(* Dr. Aka Uhai i., dec’d, consisting of’; Horses, Cuttle. Hogs, Corn, Fodder, ilotui Wilson nmi (jeer. 9 horse Wag gon complete, one pair steers ami * .'art, (jig ami Harness, Plan!.(lion Tools ol (Unerci.i kinds, a barge slock ql'JJcdiciucs with Hnrgicid Instruments, ictil all,the Furniture lor a Doctor's simp, 1 leasehold ami Kitchen Furniture, Mahogany side board mul Tables, ('hairs, a number of iSeils and Furniture, ami oilier m tides too tedious to mention. Any ofthe above aroperty may be bought privately. U'ap plicaiion is made before the tiny of sale. The sale will continue till all is sob.!. i’Lhvl LIDIFON, Adtu'r. Doc 21 v.ul 2t A 5 tV.I .% Ism'll ATOU'«.\OTICH. I)t i.i. persons indebted to the estate of J tl. I);-. Aka 15i;a i.i., dcc'd, lute of Lin coln couidy, arc requested to call and settle tiffin without delay, as it requires a speedy settlement ; and those wlio have claims c.'raimi the estate, will render them in due time, as the lav requires. 1t!33l HEAIh-DA, Adtu’r. Doc 91 Gtw 21 (iHOISdIA, ( Corner or Oki>i.naky t rnn'd;:! CmiiU'i/. \ May Term, 1831. | Ti’t'.'i the petition of Jamus 11. Lrr sU Ti.n. and S.oiun, Smaaaox, Execu tors ol ihe estate off licit auo \Vvoi>», de ceased, praying: for Lcllorb of Idismir • ion from said e>.cc | ’:()rs'r ,ji, j ® 1 IH Daniiic'd/duit letters ol disntssioi.) Ibo .'frailt'd to the said Executors, at the nc-.i .nmu ppy Term of this Court, unless siiiiiciait cause is then shewn to the con ■ (!'iUy---nnd that this order be published ! once a month for six months. A (me extract from the minutes, 3rd 1 day. iy:jl. TMOS. KIXO, C. C. O. may fl film (S’) "isotiveT 7 3DOUR months after date, application JSi* w ill be made to the Honorable the- Inferior Court oi'ilieiiinoiul county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for lenveto sell the Lot of Lam! in the City of Au gusta, situated on the north aide of Broad street, near the corner of Centre street, known ufi the old Jail lot, & the lot on the north aide of Hruad street, nest west wind oft lie lot. of Win T. Could, agree ably to the will of John Clarke, deceased JADES iiAIIFHR, Trv.itrr of H. Clarke and if. Jluriison. _ Oct 19 ‘ _4lai :}_ AIMIBA iSiT'it ATKIX’S .SAIiE. ' >n ’J'nesdiii/jJhc 24th sis January next, 'SW ILL be”sold at the residence of VV the subscriber, in Columbia coun ty, all the perishable properly of Jons’ liuKcn, deceased, lute of said county, con sisting’ of: Corn, Fodder, &c. Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Took-, th >Stoek of all descriptions; sold for the - benefit of the heirs nm! creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the t - day of sale. ‘ OHFDIEACE D. LURCH. .Odm r. Dec 17 <lt\v 20