Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 21, 1832, Image 3

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n.r i«eJ ia tho Ckrrelccc mission, I, in *ZZ£ y (,!' 11.0 ol - Oeorfia, ' b ,ii ,vo that 'Of have degraded your high cal „ by Ull interference will, the fokucs ot the ' la to when, you were sent-that, m that ! .‘.(Vrencc, vou have cl.sjdayed nu ignorance of !;' history and latvi of your com,Cry, injunou |ho , Jtup le among whom you were Scat to j“ |lIU . ili»rejititahlo to you.selves as American uiiieiis, and in some degree, to the societies by iviiutll VOU wcrc SCIlt • . Vou 'should always remember, Mat you pro • • t.» be “llns EuibiipaJwrs lur Christ, and ,I,’ t i,u oi.jeet of your labors is to reconcile ibe ,vo Id unto tiod'’—that allho’ you are allowed to . v .il you,selves of the wisdom of the serpent, ' vou are commanded, m all things, to con f ur „; you,selves to the innocence of the dove— . , ul ,|, lt( gliould your actions merit the notice of q‘. ruinre historian, you can occupy no middle ..round upon his pages; for.should that historian te aide to apply the strong color, and to draw jjl,,J chaste and classic pencil of a Tacitus, a Hn'nie, or a Robertson, your Portraits will ap pear either among the great benefactors of the n race, or the most detestable of the s;.e --1 WAKRKX. CICS. c: TUAVUIjf^IXCi# We notice, with pleasure, the increased luci ;j[jcs ofeniiiiiiiiniealhiii between this place and Savannah; and think 100 much praise cannot be awarded to the present cent. act...s, for their un. pc mi. endeavours toseenro the convenience ami comfort of passengers. The I earns are c.v- • edict, througliout, & pcifoi... their tasks with out urging from the driver. The Coaches are excellent, a u„d on the whole the accommodations arc n.ucli belter than lei me: ly. Tiiosc wishing acmcli ami cmnfortalde conveyance, will no denbt he pleased with this lino of stages; at a,..a we are so, who have lately been PAsSliNGlilliL Aciics'i i, 18tl. Jan., ISiiJ. T'OM I3SM3IAiD. )).. the Henri'S OMncig At Xete lark, , Extract of a letter, diilml LiVK.nrnet., November 21. Onr Colton m i: ket still cnnliimes to be. calm— holders do not however scum generally disposed t „ , sales, and prices leaiain wilhuut any va riati'on. Wc a c inclined to think 111 .1 the next month will exhibit mere activity than the last, 5, ,t whether any fu ther rise in juices will take place, seems more doubtful, considering tint I ist advices from New Voik state tins stock in the whole nf the Ldiiuii to he above lv»0,«3<» bales, and hold nut the ores .eel of a mop as large or li," :r that that of last ye v. Tint state othnsi ii i?s in llio Colton niainifaeln ing disl iota is up on ilm whole aulisfaelo y, and most of the spin ners are fully occupied for one or two months to coin.!. Tim announcement that T irliament is to meet lor the despatch nf business ea ly next m mill, lias restore I confidence unionist all clas ses, which had boon a good deal spoken of by tlie uncertainty which had previously hung over tae intentions of the ministry. The sales of Tattoo from the Till instant to this date, have boon on in. average of lIKPI bales per day, and fa. arrivals 11).litI!) bales. A letter '.iverpmd of the Until, says : Kalllev nio.e is doing in Culloti to day." Jit/ the I film i nt Xnn York. * Havin'., Nove.-nlie-10. CO TTON —There has been a cinuiimnlion of stc.iressioll in our rules for I . Stales short sla; la Cottons (luring the list lon days; and we may now estimate nt fully 2 centimes, at mi average, llm decline sine* the beginning of the month, on lie; fair loinfe ior ml.dilies of this dese: i, lion.— Oiicr so is are without alie.ittiim. Tim sales since onr last, re; ort com nise IVtl.i bides ns fol- Inws: 225') bale* t’plalld, aUoliil.*, Alabama or Temicssue at 7d ’o The in- i\ ids wuititi the snne pe.iod, June been 2-111!) bales (’. .States Cottons. I lav in:, -November 2,2. SV.s of Cotton.— l' b des Louisiana nt il.-l! ; £>l.U<ibile»t ttllf; hi Alabama nt Rdf; I 1 Ten- Uess-ne at 35f; *.l Ido in .-Of; (i tdo at s 1 ii 111. do at -*i f; 25 do at 72f; 77 !’ land at il l f; 27 do cl -ll; ~l) do at c'J 1 . Total 72*> bales. K-a*gjiv ass* .arca'A —■ —vug BSA.HRI73D, la Ini- r,i;v, an pie ISi!i instinn. nv tl.e Uev. Mr. (J.nnl tii an vie. I; >U f.l, Wllll'llV, la .Miss At \l£ Vli U -1A .-a!; .a'll.j- i*ily. il l i'u e .vain/ m’Pi.. ins*. }.v pa* Uev. Air. MaHa a. Ur. lll'AJ Hits It. \ .II NC, of Attica.-, to .Miss t'.1.1/t Utr. 11l flit IP Ut liVi - , ailM-cilv. On lliiie-.liiv rtu- -g-l.t mine. Cm'. THOMPSON .'Sllf.l’l'Kitli, ..lAurtt.-li, to Mbs FIIANfKS TAV l.'iil iIAPISON, i( 1 j'u* ll -1 Ilnur, Alailisoit Co. \ i.eii.i i. till. ia-t. at UitelieU VilJaee, So. On. t.v the lev. S. K. Taliiinge, tl.e l!.v, liiUt.U'F S. I’llATl', -Uarys, lie., to Miss IS.VURI. 1)11 V.SUAI.K, of I-"* I »r .id p.a • ■. A* \ca.\ork. t.rviltf 1 Oil. u!». I,v llit* IJfv, Dr. Knox, U-. I'H.lill.Krs I.XMIiKitT, of tie Urn. of o. ,v It. i-ati.l vrt, Aiwistn. lien, to At til t*TA, daustiter 'S 1,. in,*. A. Snyi'.er, ■ f that city. OFFICJIAIj I’UiZE Ii?ST. Drawn \na.hp. - s of llio ,N . \ ork Con- O-ldl-’d Lotlery, t'las.s No Cl. •IN 21 >, 11. 5,2 i», l:«. 21. Virginia Sifi.te liotlory, (Whcelhig.) ( lass No. I for n>». la, di ry), o, ( i( .j) t :jI, I-J, ot). CL/* I’rize.s Oaslictl ai MMKUW’S f trill mil,: h.1,,1/ Oj/i»; 211 firmld-.!. co\i3oiiii>.vri]i» lot rEitv. C’iasis So, I. R1 Xtinibcrs, JO Drown I;Allots. L/*Drawing i)-.|o 0:1 .Mo.Tloy Next. HKiilfiST PUt/J].' io s o»o 1 ickct ijfl, linlf?f2. (^n-.ii-ti'ri#l. I lotnpt utlontian paitl to orders at „ l*KidS§^ * oytaaato ljotto?y OTico. No. 211 Ifroutl slruct d / AAiiroas VV. I*. Ukkks. ' ,,ln \y.) TiSK <>!’ THE «I!J;aT -INAC-ONDA, AM) THE ®°A i : O.'VST B£fiC Tmi WILL DOM.MRXOFa THIS EVENING. rn’ 77 ’ 7 &MJOCV. , nnodh street. ’ a -* 'ao Ulll-UOODS «v THE PIECE ONLY. K* T. STEEL K, 3T,1 ISO.AI the City of \evv York, is now IIL Opening a Stock of Dry Good*, nt 2t)2 Uroad Street, consisting in part of the following articles: Silks, of vtn ions kinds and t;ua!ities. i IHerino Sh wls. Cloths an;l Circassians, : I' reach and English Prints, Tani-ta and Satin !ii!»l»ons, 1 Honnett, licit, and Cap do. SpitnKield H.ireeiona »*,'• Crape ILlkls. Silk I n.brellas, Hosiery and Gloves, anti liguretl Swiss .Muslin, Vnd a ntnnher if others, which lie oilers lor Sale to (lie .Merchants of Augusta, at I New'York prices. •Inn >1 lit lit) m Tim JURY. KirilMOM) !St I’MU (OK toruT, > Juuannj Term, 1.~e2. ) Grand Jury for the first weeff, I ” he fore t!io dissoliiliati oiTheir oflt eiul connexion with this Court, respect- , fully represent; 'n.atthay Imvehee., en-i gaged as fully its time would permit in (he consideration of the several matters will, which they have been charged by bis Honor the .fudge. They have through their Committee ; visited the Ollices oftbe Clerks, the .fail. ; anti the Free School, anil tl.e Grand .In- • ry lake mud. pleasure in stilling (hat the | j result of these investigations is highly satisfactory. 'J'heCoinmitlee appointed to examine tin? Slecords und inspect the Hooks of Clerks, hear iit their report simple testi mony to tho conduct and capacity of those oliieers. The order and cleanliness which pre vails throughout the .Sail, hnil the atten tion which is man Tested to the* comfort of the persons so far as is consistent with their security and for the purpoie s of the law, speak highly in favour of the Keep er of the .Jaii. and are eotit-ii.V cfOititublc Id him ay a man and ns un oliicer. The Free School of this place, in wh. h i pursued the Lancaslerian sy.-tem ol instruction, is reported by the visiting Committee, to be ia a nourishing condi tion. The average number of iSel.olars of both sixes in utlendnnce from day to day lias been ihtriog the past year about 125. This itepori the Gratni re ceived with high graidic’tlbam they consider the Institution in ijtu siion, to he one of eminent iiuporlunee —and they would ho glad to see enli ted in it-i a greater degree of public interest and eficoursigeinoni. The utility of this Hc!io*tl hits beet, al ready mmiiiVsle.l by its elfccts—ami t. c probable future inlluenee which it is to exert, in the formation of the clittraeler of our population, is incalculable. ll!t;r the means ol’moral ttml riidinien i Jlerary instruction to an interesting portion of otir eo natti.iity—anti is nlto getiier worthy of public consideration .inti patronage. The Grand Jury preseat as an iri! the existence ofTipling sitojis, where liip.ors | are retaileil on the Salih till, :tntl at other | , (inie,s after I)o cio.’k tit night.—l he re- j port of the Committee on this subject, ; having been made on the last day ol ser v i e, tlie .Jury leave it for oonsivlerution i .iftho succeeding Juries —at the stiinc time ie* ommeni! I<< the City and < oun j ly aul It **r: Ties additional vigihtnec la the; sti; ipressioti of the c. il. It. conclusion j lie Grand Jury for the present tvt ek 1 , resent to his Honor .Imlge lloi.T anil to 1 the Attorney General. <J. .*■ .Iknkix®, Esq. their thanks, for the courtesies which have uniformly ehar.icteri/.ed their inter course with them. , T. H. <’ASEV, T.ifcman. 1 If . J[. Tlllflhl , llu'-t.rl. It' d. IVm. U .Morn’lla, Jiimrs ->/- Rnrrntf , . rw. N. Mil’’ii If, Jl'ij■ T 11 ulnn, Ed:v, I Ini . hi! a cry, !t. il (.uo'r, Ju. IV. Dn"forth, Cliiu'lir Hill, ■ . R. Gordon, J,:s. E M'HJ, Jko. 11. Cnmini.i g, ‘I- Sih'rtf, ‘ J. C. Sunni, “ O.M I. >iii.-ihltn, . J. 1‘ Force, PsS f’gvHE Grand Jury of the county ot i _EI Hichmontl, for the second week, have pleasure to say, that few eirctim stances worthy ol’ Jiavo r come within their knowledge. 'They present as a grievance, the prac • ticc which some who reside in tl.e vicinity of our public Schools and ,"*eminaries. have of sidling goods on a credit to minors, without the consent ol ■ their parents or guardians. We would respectfully call the intention id onr Le gislature to this evil, for the par;. >se oi , preparing a law imposing a jccaamry ' tine on all wlio into be guilty ol such im proper conduct. I la inking leave of the Gourt, we pro j sent his Honor Judge llot.r, our thanks, forthe prompt and impartial manner in which iu- lias discharged bis duly, and ako return oar acknow ledgments to r,i uti.i:s ,1. Jk.nki.xs, Esq. Attorney CL-n --erai, for llm mode in w hich his duty has been performed. H.UJNA .TIKINM*. himnun. !Vin. IVis-h.' i'it. 11, urn 11. I"jd, John (.'urnii'i 01, I'm anr I.lirh . Ihnihuoi JJiiiJni'ili, • i' fJ ~ ft r, Ji,h:i ll ~rv, ‘ IT fill Tnrrom-, ,'f r j S.ia’irt Chi 9 j./fhe. I- i> : i;r ! ; i Trimrnrr, !<■ MtLoinf. ]EH Mnr.o'ii'i, Oroi-ffr hntrjr, j'mz SB* FHI .ME FIELD 1 1 XMKS.nmlc »J 0 and female, nil young and sound, A 1.150, | a Good rAHFEN'i’EII, uoont 'K vcwrs old, for stile low. AlT'> '•> j HI LT, A- CO. j Jan £1 wric’K a a J,L persons indebted to tiie estate o * A Levy Florence, decer.sed, uro re quested to make innue-diulu ptiya.'/n --and all those having denmmu again ’ said ■estate, are requested to pivscn i tj.em properly ii/tCstod, wiltitn inot.i;:* wresccibed hy jaw. , . i roun\. div*. iHifEißftai vC-ijroiwicit« FREE TII AOE* iwo combination: EAR W i U E, AND LOOKIiVCr Sj asses. THOMAS J. BARROW & Co. IMKOIITKIIS, j Ad. S 3, Water-Street, A h ir-Vurk. j M S WING made extensive connox -3 3 ions with one of the largest und must improved Potteries ia England, are enabled lo oiler one of the most exten sive storks io •’'Hrket, consisting of eve |ry variety KAISTIIEN-WAKE. C III VA,GI.AS!s«,»nd LOOKING-GLASS -1 ES, either repacked to order, or in the ; original package, at uncommunh/ hwruhs, ' for carh, nr ril /itrcrpl fares. The very lib era! support hitherto received from our | Southern and Western friends, under ; the most trying circumstances, calls for : our warmest thanks. We have survi i veil thus far iu the struggle with a body i of men, who have combined nil their ef forts to etluct our destruction, simply be ; cause we will not join thoa. in combining to coinpe! the country merchant to pay an exorbitant profit on his purchases in ; litis line. We,-an only reiterate former assurances, of using every exertion lo i promote the interest, of our men.untile i (Vietuls, in the cjimt i:nd rnri. In nf on rrluc!:, j Ihf liii’nis.i of onr prices, mid the. skill mid curt ;of onr parkins, depending upon a free i trade, us lilt' only system which can give stability to the mutual interest of city and country met chants. THOh. J.HAHHOW A GO. bS Water-street, New-York. Jan. 21 It 21 Wwmrit* THE Olllee of the Clerk of Council w II! he open from 2to 5 o loci;, r. m. during tkc next Iwo weeks, for llm purpose of giving nil persons liable to pay City Taxes, an opportunity to make their ret urns. Os this, all interested, will please take notice. GEG. ;»i. WALKEN, Clerk. Jan 21 :«) The tiuiirier and Constitutionalist will ptibh.-h tlie above. I*'4 PS ’ft'T J VftY«XiTk. \SV V\\\Vi\s\UC\v. ON .MONDAY. theJt) inst. at 11 o'clock, On Holton’s Wharf, in Savannah, THE STE.IM PACKET , JOIO r D.MOiWB r » With all Iter Furniture, .Maeliincry, Uig ging, Tackle .sad Apparel, as she now liesT The j’oitt and Alrndtittery have beet, thoroughly overhauled and the en gine supplied w ith new Boilers, during the present season, anil die* whole is now in (he most period order lor running. A I.SO. One new LIGHTED, capable of cat'- ! rying '-IK! bales eotl >ii. ! ., Two First rate l ; il.!)T»S. A I.SO, ! One HOII.SLH, lying on Hoehe’s j Wharf, and can be repaired at a small i expense. j The whole will positively he sold, to 1 close the concern. | J.m H a» TOWM MMT& FOR «.VBJ<a j, « The SSuhsvrib'crs, invested by the Legisiatare. with power for thnl purpose, will oiler for Siale, on Tuesday llte J-th of Felon try next, and on the succeeding day. a number of Lots, improved and unimproved, in the Town of Hamburg, owned by the t3taie of Smith Giirolimi. on the follow ing terms, v i/.: one third ot the purchase money to be paid in Cash, the remaining two thirds in one ond two years, with interest from the stile; the payment thereof to In* secured by bond and personal security, and a mortgage ol the premises. i T V'V--rr.N V,J rw - N. L. <« 11. IT IN, > sinners IIE.MtY Mit L I /.. S Jan 13. ISJ2 Im 2!) 'l'hc Charleston Mercury, Augusta Chronicle, Jt Goltmibia Times, wall pub . lish the above far one month, A forward I their bill to Henry Mhnllss, Haaibiirg. Carolinian. f OHIO WHISKKV* (&.■ r*’ H.\ HI!!'.[,;•! Western Whiskey r 4 ofsnperinr quality, will be land e*l by the first Company's HoaN, anil w ill In* solil from the \\ harf, on liberal terms, for cash or good paper. also, in .STOKE, 1(1 Tierces Frime Hire, ’ 10 ilbls. Onions, oil biniclies per bid. j And, On Consiirniuait. , 10 11 lids. St. < 'roix A- F. rto Uico Sugar For Sale Ly s M. NELSON. Jnn IB ' 2f - >!) IHNCOLN 3!!i:RI l i ’S BALL. On Hit first Tinsila;/ in Min ch in:i l. WGLL be sold nt Lincoln Court House, between the usual hours i of sale: I acres of Laud, more or less, on tim waters of Loyd's creek, ndjoining Me ! Kinnev, iMimiford and others, taken as _ (he property of Win. Woods, to satisfy I sundry li- fas. from a Justice's t ourt, Nathaniel Hagaiu vs. Win. Wooils nap .John McKinney : property levied on ami i returned to in.* by ts eonslidtlc. THOMAS LYON, e *" • ! 'j Janjj ""L-jbl - • iIAI’TION* V old customers, and the pabhe iu 1?H "one.rn!. are. particularly request eil when they are in want of any first raU - Conn I llnf. to apply personally, «rsen* ‘ ilicn* servants tc; tl;c» » , .»li»rriuc*r. , >r ISAAC IIENUHK n-s. cause.of tlie above not lee, < families frequently get deceived o> St , ihoir to n e«d««*'* ~)-o io in tho liabit ol vending < on ‘ >o j beef in the Market o/mch « «i«aldy t .a : -he sabseriher wnoM U’W f'- " lcr B ‘' Jan !’ J. D. Speisscgg r*s CONCERT OF S ii'KM) MUSIC. THE Public are respectfully inform ♦'<( that (he CO.VC Eli TOF &VJ CIiEU MUSIC will talCe place OM WOXDAY EVE\.\L\(;, January :11st, lsv)2, at the Unitarian Church, When some select SOLOS, DUETTS and CHOItI'SES, will he performed, by several Ladies and Gentlemen, Ama teurs, together with the Professional aid of.l//v. It EE FES and Mr. HUDNO.V. OUDKK or FEKIOUMAXCE. PART I. I. Opening Instrumental Piece. 2. Siiihnrr. Salvation beiongeth unto the Lord."—Kunt. ■l. Dm It, 11 All things liar and bright are thine."—Shaw. !. Churns. " Daughter of Zion.” 5. Solo, ‘Most beautiful appear.’—ll.wun. (!. Sulo 4' * Churn*. "Gome ye disconsolate" Wianii:. 7. Sal:), *■ The Polar Star.”-—Shaw. ■?. Chorus, “ Wake Isles of the South."— HASTINGS’. PART 11. j 'I. S,ntatr.c, ‘The Lord will comfort Zion.’ j HI. Solo, “ The Smile."—Shaw. : ) I. Duett, *• If e’er Avhcn solemn stillness reigns.—Mo/.ucr. ! 13. Solo «}• ( hums, ■■ Wntehmcn tell us of the night.’’—L. Mason. id. Sulo, ■ 1 ’Tis to the East the Hebrew bends.’’—Sn v\v. • I I. Sulo (’,• ('hums. “ I’ur, fur o’er hill and dale."—Spanish aik. j Id. Dm it, Ari'ayed in clouds of Golden light."—Sa.AAV, 1(1. Finn!,: Chums,'' Hallelujah to the God of Israel."—Haiun. Of/-’ Doors open at l’>. performance to commence at 7 o'clock. Tickets one Dollar each, to lie had at Richards & Ganalil’s Hook store, and of CiI.VS. LAIR /.ANA A. P. PI Lid ITT, A. GUMMING, J P. GREINER. EDW’D. THOM AS, .Managers. BENJ’V BAIRD, N. H. MOORE, K H. IIA VfLAND, G. R. ROUNTREE, , Jan IS (anM I ltlliSi, 4C. : 830 PI EEC’S hemp,flax,tow and ’ domestic Ragging, 25U coils hale Rope, IKIIKI bushels Liverpool Salt, Jill hhds. St. t’roix, N. O. & Porto Rico Sugars, filK) hags < ’ollee, ;UI ts. superior prime green Codec, ](> hills, do. do. do. 500 kegs cut nails, assorted, 2(1 tons Swedes Iron, assorted, i doll hags Shot, assorted, I 1000 pounds bagging twine, 5 tons Plough Moulds, 5 lons Cast ings, assorted, 75 boxes Tobacco, 70 barrels loaf and lump Sugar, 200 whole ami half boxes Soap, .)() boxes spermaceti Candles, 20 do. tallow do. ;i0 hhds. Molasses, r ! 50 barrels Flour, . | 70 boxes bunch Raisins, ,• 10 caddy boxes Hyson, Gimpow r dcr and Imperial Teas. ■ 75 quarter casks sweet Malaga Wine, 25 do Temierifie &Sicily Madeira, I :{ pipes pure old do H do Cognac, brandy, pure, 5 do Holland Gin do , i 5 hhds pure Jamaica Rum, I I 45 barrels Nothcra Gin, I 1 O') do Northern Rum, I 15 do I kirdials, | .‘JO bags black Pepper, 15 do Pimento, 25 bags Ginger (Race.) 5 hints green Copperas, , ’JO kegs Madder, 10 kegs Saltpetre, j •„’() do Glauber and Epsom Halls, 5 boxes Brimstone, :t barrels Allmn, 5 » boxes S by 10 window Glass, 3 boxes Logwood, 200 reams wrapping Paper, j 125 do writing and Idler do I 2(H 0 pounds shoe Thread. 1 SHOO pounds prime Macon, 'Xl(;0 spani'b and common Segal’s, bOOO pair Shoes, (veil assorled, 50 boxes beaver and wool Hals, 25 do/, seal and leather caps, do boxes cotton ami wool Cards, 10 barrels Almonds, 20 half barrels crackers, 10 kegs bar Lend, TOO caiiislerssplcadid sporting Gun powder, 100 men and women’s Saddles, Bridles, &>'• ~ AINO, 100 pieces dullle and point Blankets, (() do red. white iV green Flannels, 25 bales Homespun assorted, JJS pieces Negro cloth—together K with a well assorted slock of Staple and y I’uncy Goods, suitable for the country I. trade. AI.SO, I Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvil*and Vices Spades and Shovels, mill cross cut ami baud Saws, Mil! Irons, , . - i Trace, baiter, fifth and log euama, R iiie*-* and t Juris, carpenter s Planes, -Jud Irons, ( Olfee 51 ills, hoop and sheet 11 j,. 01J with a handsome assortment ol 1 | cutlery and shelf Goods—for sale on the 0 I most favorable terms by, rlj ' w. eV H BRYSON, (Jupovlr i!,c (1 Ivhii Holt l» ! October 22 J <! • i Wanted Immediately? ,::1 v\s\ib, a; jrfcTO Work on (be Charleston Rm m Road. Apply «' «»•« ,loal ctd. Marsh's n,itfe, no Horse creek, i Oct X ’* E AGLE AND PHIIA IX HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T 1 !?. ; ,, f ", v i nff ,lf H^, I ,hc nou ’ nß<l <’lepa..t Hotel, known n» 1. Hu irk,null lucre /10t,1, 1111 this C ity, bog leave to inform the Public, that .tis now ready (or the recept.on of (heir friends and customers generally. This Establishment stands on the site of the old City Hotel. „ n Broad Street, and in point Ol eouiiiiodiousness is exceeded by none in the Southern Country. It isplens-nt ly situated, and contiguous to the points of active business in the City Os their own services, they shall say nothing, leuvinplbeni to speak for themselves. I. ,s however, due (heir Inends tosnv. that no personal exertions or expenee shall bo spared to render their visitors odd hoarders comforlnhle. mu) give universal satis .(actum. 1 bey have the usual means, attentive Clerks and accommodating Ser 'in I '*- B’2. 8 ’2. ,? v • , ’ rov * <l ‘‘ l,ll 11,0 Vi "" 'y “"J luxury which the market can nlford J heir ratable is very spacious, provided with ,capable ostlers mid filled w ith the best provender, iliey oiler their services to the public and expect a share of liberal patronage. „ . .. COSNARD fc BYRD. IL.-r’ I be National Intclhgencer, Cluirloston Courier, Savannah tieorgiun, Gonr. gia Journal, Macon Advertiser, and Columbus Enquirer, are requested to publish the above once a week for live weeks. January 11 07 SAIiF* Circuit Court U, S. JVur, nn, I Sill, ) iSoi ra Cakoi.ina Distkict, ( IN CHANCERY. The Uitulc 11/' Georgia is. (lilhi nuilolhcra. BV virtue of an order of the Honora ble the Circuit Court made at No vember Term, IKII, the following very valuable propeity will be sold 011 the premises, on Momiat, the 2Jrd of Juini ary next, at )2o’elo<-k. to wit: THE lIELUOCH MILLS, situate in Itarawell District, together with all the property appertaining to said M ills, of which a mure particular descrip tion will he hereafter given. M. A. WAKING, Marshall. Conditions—As much as will cover expenses of sale in cash; the balance in a bond secured by mortgage of the pro perly and approved personal security, payable in one and two years. Dec. 111. ISM St I The Augusta Chronicle, Savannah Georgian, and Edgelield Carolinian, will publish the above once a week, and send their accounts to M. A. \V. for nay meat. , CiiruHiiiun. urn \i>, ON llic* Sd instant, at the 17 Mile iiouse. oil the Snvimiinh Road, a long linked GOLD I IIA IN,?' ith swivel KEY. It is supposed lo belong to Mr. Veisseuger, a gentleman who lives in Alabama, and was on bis way to New- York. Any person elniming, and prov ing the same, can have it, hy paying lor iidvertisiag. 15. F. YEBDEKY. January IS -!> NOTH F. ft LTi persons having demands ngainsl the tSleam Packet JOII.V Dell ID MO.yCI.V, are re«|uesled to present the same to the undersigned, uu or before the 251 b instant. A. MACKENZIE Sc CO. Jan M* ‘JI Desirous of enlarging my business. I have appointed d J.\mi:s Johnson, Jun’r. ol Augusta, Geo. my Agent. A I orders will be forwarded to me, by him. free of cost. Gigs, Walkies. T ilbui - ries. Buggies, Baroiicbes, and \ chicles of nil descriptions, will I»<• warranted to sail or no sale; and will be. made to or der at a short notice. JAMES TURNBULL, *\<iu'urk, shew Jsrstj, *jg'iSl a ' BWUKIISKII H AS 011 liimd. a gem rid assorlmenl of Carriages of all kinds, seiei led from (lie best .Manufacturing Establisb incnls at the North. He lias (dso made arrangements to receive New ork weekly, and endetivoring to rendersatis faetion to bis friends, by bjs iiiinn earied ’ attention to business, be still desires a continuance of patronage. .(A MES JOHNSON. Jun. 1 Corner of Mclntosh mu! Reynold ulrn f, f xitc hi Messrs. Ilenr.l Cook's Him house. \, B. Carriages and Harness re i paired at tiie shortest notice. 1 Dec 21 -I ’ !*» I ■ I* * 38 9 V».-, Hhds. New Orleans Sugar. .),( ,| () . jst. Croix & I’oito Rieo do. ■>oo hags Cuba Coflee, (new crop) t 20 tons Swedes Iron,assorted, f <(0 barrels Mackerel. No. J, (. do Baltimore Floor. Loaf and Lump Sugar, Bagging Twine and Sacking, For Sale Mc<J .| lA pf. Jan IS >8) PAKTIESi ! net ILL in future lake place on MON I DAY Nighb? 1. vi:is*ri i Cr GEORGIA. fIIHK l-Jxereises «l‘ Ibis Institution JL "’’ll be resumed on tlx* first ofJan uury, IKW. Tlio public lire iniormed, tluil all the offices of the College arc ik w filled, and (hut instruction in the various departments of literature niul science, will hereafter be given by lectures, us well ns by the study of approved text books, Lectures on the following rub- I’ccts, have been proscribed by the 'i ras ters, \ isc t J. Menial Philosophy, Political Eco nomy, mid evidences of Hie Chris;inn Heligion—by the. Prest. A. Cnuitcil, I>. I». 2. Natural Philosophy and Chemist j, with their application to the useful arts— hy Prof. Jami'.s Jackson, A. 31. Jl. Philology and Clussienl Learning— by Prof. Jami;* Shannon, A. 31. 4. Astronomy, nnd (he benefit result ing from the Matliematics, to the useful arts—by Prof. 11 RKKY Jlai.l, 31.1). . r t. ithetorio and Oratory, and Haglish and AtiuTieiin Literature—by Prof. Stk i'jikn Oun, A. 31. t>. Natural History, including Jlinern jogy, Geology, Hoftiny. Pbisiology, Ac. —by Prof 31*LTiirs A. VVaiio, 31 l>. 7. Modern Languages olTlurope—by Prof. 33 u., A. 31. 11. H. Iloi' kins, A. 31. Tutor in the An eieni Languages. W.u, li. JlmuuLL, A. 31. 31athem;ili cttl Tutor. CandidatcH lor admission into tiny ut the regular classes, can be received ut any time, if prepared upon the requisite studies. Any individual, however, who does not wish to pursue u regular coarse, can attend to such subjects or lectures as be may choose, and nil), on leaving thu Institution, receive from the Pacnlty, u eertilieule of the progress which lie lias made. The Professor of Natural History, him procured a cabinet of .Minerals, and will be prepared, both on Mineralogy ami Hot any, to render bis lectures interesting and profitable. The Philosophical Apparatus is ono ofthe most complete in the United States, mid the Chemical, extensive—neither of which received any injury from the lire. The Professor of 3lathematits is well furnished with all the necessary Inetru- I ments for giving Instruction in his depart ment, and will ho particular to assist till who wish to quality themselves for prac tical surveying and engineering. The Library is now very respectable, and the Trustees are malting large annu al additions. A new College building has been cree led, and is ready for the reception of students. The course of study prescribed for the regular students, is nearly the smite as 1 that pursued heretofore, and is bo srrang cd, that each student will have an oppor tunity of attending nil the lectures mid recitations. All who wish, willhuvean opportunity of studying the French, rSpanish, Herman, nml Italian languages. No additional charges, how ever w ill be made for cither Lectures or Modern Languages. The only Collcgo flange Is that of Tuition, winch is |MT annum, paid half yearly, in advance, on the Ist of August nml February. Hy order ofthe Faculty, ' 3V31. L. 31 IT Cl ILLL, Sec’y. Dee SI % The subscriber, ns Agent Ibr the Wtate, wishes to ) .arehase 26 Negro Fellows, from 18 to ! y, ycflis of uge, for which tho cash will 1,0 ~IIUI, THOMAS GLASCOCK. Jan 7 tT 2« , c o r no\ ha%v-gaas» f Sill!'! subscribers have established n ML Shop in Augusta, for the purpose of making ami repairing (.O IION itIINS. The (jins will be made ol the I best materials, and warranted to answer us good a purpose ns any tins herehdore v made. 3Ve will keep on hand, of lillcrenl sizes. Our shop ,s übo “ t J" yards above the I pper Market -dace. \Ve are also appointed Agents ior Watford’s IJOATV3 KU.ll I vV JONLH. fi 7=- The Georgia Journal, federal Cm oiu Abbeville 3Vlog, vill insert the above one month, nml lor ward their accounts to (his place. * Aaiyuata, Jan. W ” n