Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 25, 1832, Image 1

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# jkwmwsxA eraonzeiE., 1 OETTCia # T ,"7'' ,' "/** jC- PUBLISHED EVERY I WEDNESDAY -iso SATURDAY MORNING, BY 4. If. I»RMBI)BTO.\, jj g g . 13 SKSH-WEERLY PAPER, FJVE DOI.I.ARS B'*S per annum, payaUi in advance, or !SIX IKiLHLAIIb ai B&B the *nd of iheyenp, I 1 WEEK I. V P VPER, THREE nOU.ARSprr ■ , « annum, pnjabfem advance, or h'Ut-K DUJDL<Aub ai K “ ilio ltd of the year. ■b , No paper will l«* discontinued (except at the choice of Br’ . pulilu her,) until nil arrearages arc paid. B , ADVERTISEMEN TS arc mortal ««•-»«% priat 6*21-2 cents per square, for the first insertion, and 4-5 J-I ®,V tents for each succeeding insertion— weekly Y at 62 1-2 cents per square fT>r each insertion—and monthly (when IPJc* not exceeding one square) at 31 for each insertion. — None, however small, is charged less than one. square. ■•■•*■■£ Those intended to be limited must have tire number o. insertions, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or »•>' they will be inserlcil semi-weekly till forbid, and char ■L. «ed accordingly. Jm The publisher lakes upon himself the risk of nil remit- Kr* tauees of money made, to him by Mail—Uie person remit- WL first paying the postage, and obtaining from me Post- K noisier, a wiiltui or verbal acknowledgement of the amount, ami its depositc lr* his oliice, which shall be given JK to the publisher in case of mlscarringe.. LKTTKHS (on business) must be post paid, or they Will ftOf he taken out of the office, a? The LAWS OF TIUB UNITED STATES ■fc ns Wished in this paper. Jr To Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. Hi SALES of LAN I) or NEGRO LS, by Adminisfra- H -tor-', iXecuior#*, or Guardians, arc required, by law, to ; h be licit! in the first Tuesday in the month, between the hour of on in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at HK t!ie Court- muse, of the county in which the property is K —No ice of these sales must be given in a public gazufte, STX.T V !ny« previous to llie day of .«»>. H| Notice of the fide of personal property, must be given H In like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale, g Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be Kg published for FORTY days. " Notice that application will be made to the Court oj Or nutty tor leave to sell LAND nr NEGROES, must ■ns I** published for COCK MONTHS. ■ ■ %£¥;..? v. n. ANV- f *** r y.‘' ~ i 'v I i yMa'k nr [ ' MStVrA.^kiSA, WOULD inform the Ladies of Au gusta anil its vicinity, that she has just received (from Cans a rut Now- York ) a large assortment of i JIHiIjINARY 1 A,\i> FANCT GOODS, which she oilers for sale at her ol.'l stand No. Broad-street, on tho lowest oral *, > vz.: Fashionable silk and straw Bonnets, l*,.)h! iuett Spencers anil Fillarccas, |{obbuielt and Dress Caps. 151,aid edged and Sattin Ribbons, Cap and Lutestring do. Feather Flowers and Heart Flowers, F, minid do, for Cakes, Silks of various descriptions, Jkdis. 'Coys, I tars, and Braids, ij’m. «JV. ' D.H.SSI'JS of the newest patterns. (Maher 2 >. dii.s to ssuse, I For nut: year, if appliedfar immediately. AN FAillO GIRL, about IS years j aid she is a good house servant ij- I ran cook and wash. For further parti culars emiuire ol I FUCD'Iv. E. DITOAS. j Jan 7 2(i _ ■AT PR IV ATE » A LS_O. A i,ike!y Veliovv («irl, about 2>> years aid uteiistoined to ail kinds of . Jmuie-wprk, is an excellent seamstress; ran i at oat and make tip linen and «tress- I es, a prime washer and ironer of line ! eloilies, a good nurse and cook, and com- I hiaiug every rpialiliention to n nder her I a vafaahlc m«upiisition, Wiie has been < raised in a genteel family, and is now ol- I feivd with reluctance. Apply io L. HUlili d- CO. Jan 4 * 1 I©o7oOO : SlilN ; -SLF'?. For Sale : / on the Wharf, by 1 HAIIBBR & BL.XIR, I JVVr/ door below Ike Briilge Bank Building, j Ore 21 22 <; I liISCIIT I.O.VIiST' liEE'l' ; !» STAGE Ollico is moved to Mr. 1 nin inings' Law buildings, “““near the Fost < >lli< - e. Augusta, Nov. Kith it>3l. w-’ni 41 _ Sfim suhseriher Juas made engage- S ments with Mr. M. Ogden, well uaounia this city, as a lirst rate ineeha •nic, and for many years foreman ami general superintendent at Roll s. He Halters himself together with his former ■experienced hands, to bo able to give sa tisfaction to those l.Vat .may favor him with a call. Just Received from the North. ° rn W' J ‘ and 2 Gigs. Also, on ,lie , '' ~ Conchee, and hr expi Idee 14 ' tr^*~'> eiiTs' s lig ' lt : k» KOI, GiJ, AC. I.anding from Mcam boats. 100 Uarrels ) N. England S 5 Hilda. S IH >1 ]jL .1. 100 Harrels / Ualtimore o 0 Uhds. Whiskey, 2.j lih i s sort hern Gin, 10 bbls. Apple Hrandy, 10 do Peppermint Cordials, 10 hhds prime Molasses, 3d casks prime Goshen Cheese, 10 do new Rice, 2do l»hls. No. 1. 2 and 3 Mackerel. For SSale by G. 11. METCALF. Jan I 3i 2-5 GUI KSi.ISTIC OVEK-SSIOCIS. The Subscriber lias receiv f I cil this day, by the Wasb- Bitm iugl!iii. a large nssorflnent tkrtv ofl.adies Gam Elastic Pru nella Hoots. Gentlemen's India Rubber ;Over Shots and Roots—together with every article in the Root and Shoe Line. R. W. FORCE. Dee 2S (it 23 - dk^-oooiTs7 GV THE PIECE ONLY. VS. T. SIFEELEf S A ROM the City of New \ ork, is now S' Opening it Stock ofllry Goods, at 202 Rroad street, consisting in part of the following articles: of various kinds and qualities, Merino Shvvls, Ciotlisand Circassians, French and English Prints, Tatlcta and Satin Ribbons, Ronnett, licit, and Cap do. Spilalticld Rarcclona »)• Crape Hdkfs. Silk limhrcllas, Hosiery and Gloves, Plain and figured Swiss Muslin, And a numbey of others, which he odors for Sale to the Merchants of Augusta, at New York prices. Jan H 3t 30 Female Academy. MRS Iff. li. MOl^E, Wlt.L resumethe duties of her Aca demy, on Monday, 2d January, in which ail the branches, comprising a Course o CEJVGLJSIIISTUJJIES, will be taught. also, FliEXCll ; SP.IXISH, MUSIC, IMX cixg, . ixi) ruux axu o nx. /- . MEXT.IL XEEDLE WORK. i i EATE3 OP TUITTCN. 1 Fcr Quarter, Rudiments, $(» 00. 1 Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Ortbogra- J phy, Grammar <J* Geography, 00- 1 The above with Reading and Parsing in J blank verse, Orthoepy, Sacred and Profane History, Aneieut and Modern ' Geography, w ith the use of Maps and Globes, hr 10 00. The above with Composition, Rotany. ( Ornithology, Geology, Natural A Jlo ral Philosophy, Relies Lellres, and , Rhetoric, #l2 00. | French. Reilcslellrcs »0 Rhetoric MOO. ( Spanish “ “ “ H (10. j Music “ “ 15 00. | Boarding, lodging, washing, fuel and , Tuition, in iill thehrstnehes. comprising j (lie course of English studies 13 75. , A select number of young ladies would j be accommodated with boarding, lodg ing and washing. I k » Miss Hatty, (.'harleston, S. C. ' Jas. P. Waiiuhl, Rector of the Richmond ' Academy. Rev. S, K. Talmac;!:. _ f Rev. Fha.ncis Hki.amuux, > Walterboro’ , Rev. Ekwaiu) Palmkii. S. C. ' Hon. Wm i>. Mautin. Rarnwell, S. C. Col. Wm. Pixcknkv, Walterboro, S. C. 1 Fkaxku.n ll.Ei.mouk, do. , Dec 28 2t 43 j GEOIIfHA, FIIWKIJ.V COUNTY. * Tu Temperance Clerdatul and Joseph Cleveland. ( will please take notice, that I . shall apply to the next Superior Court, to be held* in and for said county. , on the second Monday in April nest, tor , a writ of partition for all the hauls he , longing to the estate of Wyatt Clove- | land, dec'd. If yon have any objections. , you will lilcasc mak< them at that time. ; ROBERT E. LANE. - January IS 4tni 2!> | uuiiitii'm A €' A 8® ii JI V. - , .hL erntion, under the direction of Mr. , Ja.mks Lotion, whose well known ahili- | (y and indelbtigahle industry in the da- . ties of his School, deservedly entitle him ' to the potronage of the public. . Parents may rest assured that every s necessary attention will he paid to the , morals of their sons, whom they may , commit to the cure and instruction of .Mr. I, Lot-ton. I, Front the generiil good health and pre sent improvement in the morals of El- 1 ( berton, the Trustees Hatter themselves, j j that parents and guardians will avail j, themselves of the advantages ofthis In stitution to educate their children ami | wards. TI’.R.MS OF TftTION, TER YEAR. For the Latin and Greek Languages, Mathematics and Sciences, #251, English Grammar and Geography, s*2o Reading. Writing, tye. sl2 i No scholar admitted into school for o}, shorter period than three months. Board ami Tuition can he had with! the Teacher, #IOO per scholastic year, iCoaid within the year. ‘ -cm tic liad in the village, or J EPTIIA "V fl ]o #8 per month. I WM N, RF. i/aßdsuDa ISA AC y. DAMS, ... _ 'Trustees. CL ''crton, r, 3. m 3 BliAtß OSTRICH ihatihi;k»i. £ Large Assortment of Elegant Black A < »s- ■rich Featiikus. For Sale hy Mrs. A. SERA, No. 20S, Rroad street. Dec 31 ts 24 TO HIKE, For the remainder of the Year, A NEGRO Woman• accustomed to |( 'coking, washing and house work: and a Girl accustomed to attend chil dren and work in the house ; also, a Roy about 1-5 years old, accustomed to the ••are of horses and driving dray. En quire at tills Office. Jan 7 2(* TO KENT, a The STORE, and PLANTATION at tShell-Rlnli; in And possession given in January next. There is upwards of KM* acres of clear ed Land under fence—the Store-House is n substantial building, and an active and profitable business now in opera tion—the Cotton House capable of stor ing l(t!K) bales of Cotton—an established Ferry, and (he Landing and Storage of very considerable quantities of Goods, with a good Fishery, would render this a desirable and profitable establishment to an industrious and enterprising hull vidua). If desirable, the Stock of Goods on band may he bad, and in that. case. immediate possession would he given For further particulars, apply to the sub scriber. ATTON PEMBERTON. Burke county,*. 13 TO the Estate of Wm. VV. Harden, are requested to make immediate payment; and those to whom the Estate is indebted will present their claims, le gaily attested, for payment. ELMIRA II ARDEN. iV.r. JOHN LAMAR, Exr. Get. 2!) 8 PROS PKCT ui. THIS Prospectus respectfully in forms flic Patrons of the AVASIf INGTON NEWS, and public gener ally, that Cnpt. Thomas A. Pasteur, hav ing resigned the publication oftbc above named paper—it. will continue to i-sue under other siiperintendnnts. Its proprietors will not east any re flection on its [>ast, n»r will they vouch .unequivocally tor its future character and usefulness. Nevertheless, from a de cent regard to public opinion, and injus tice to their own feelings, they must dis claim that unhallowed proscription by which innocence is open condemned without a trial, the motives of oar In si public men misrepresented, and their •diameters unjustly defamed. The party spirit which runs so oxers-’ sively high in our State, has carried a long with it the most baleful consequen ces. Like (he wily serpent in Paradise, it has long since wound its way into onr Legislative assemblies—itself a poison, audits bite death. Under the clonk of patriotism it has retarded tho prosperity ofthc State by distracting the counsels of its noliticnl wisdom. They cannot support Iho rash enthu siasm of a heated partisan, tiny more tlnm they can themistaken zeal ofhliml cd bigotry: who worships man more than principle, worships an idol, t-nch a devotion (hey can never join. “Mea sures and not men” is their motto. They support the Constitution of the IT, S.. and declare with their venerable Chief Magistrate that “The Federal Un ion must bo preserved.’’ They support the sovereignly of the Slates in all those powers not granted to the Federal Government; and acknowl edge (he sovereignty ofthe Federal Gov ernment in all those [lowers granted by the Constitution, and not n served to the States. The columns ofthis paper will he open to judicious essays on all subjects, origin al and select—which may tend to inform the head, or correct the heart. Morals. Education, Politics, Agriculture. Ac. will claim frequent attention. Their design is, rather to he useful than ostentatious. Truth, consequently, will be their Polar Star: and though they may sometimes veer from the magnet, they will always endeavor to sail within its happy inlhi enee. ■ As they feel themselves a! liberty to express any opinion which they believe will ailvanee the public or private inter est of their fellow-citizens, so will they be free, by temperate discussion, to ex pose any policy of an opposite tendency. With these feelings and views, this pa per la submitted to the patronage of a generous <fv enlightened public. Hoping, that—though it may not he a luminary of the first magnitude, yet, for moral and li- 1 tcrary worth, it, may shine like a fixed star, with [Hire and steady lustre. This paper will continue to he forward ed to its present patrons, unless by them instructed to the contrary. The terms will remain as heretofore. AM letters aniW omiriniiicntions in re lation to Ibisollice. w ill meet with prompt attention, [(post pool and addressed to the I Proprietors Ojc=* The Editors of (lie Georgia Jour-( nal. Chronicle and Courier. Augusta,and Athenian, are requested to givethc above Prospectus four insertions, and forward their accounts to the proprietors for pay ment. Jan. 11, 1831. 27 4t MOTICIE. | Ale persons indebted to the estate o‘ | George Bill, deceased, arc required to make immediate payment; and tho-. 1 /Uiinands against said estate, ur cording; to law. ‘ • accounts, u< ROBT. PHILIP, Admr. Nov 9 stw u WJI. ,f. knots as V Is appointed Agent at Augu-ia, for t THE E lISV’B ESOOli* • The K•q)ository of arts, literature a- fasinos. .(This valuable work is issued in monthly numbers, each miuiher eontaiiiing 5(» large octavo pages or more, printed on tine super-royal paper. Every numher contains a piece of Music, one copper ’ [ilate Engraving, and at least four wood • Cats, illustrative of some ofthe contents ; ‘ and every three months a colored Plate ol tho latest fashions—and is furnished at the moderate price of #3 a year. A specimen ofthc work maj be seen at the Augusta Book, where subscrip tions arc received. Dee 21 3t 22 ii salß'l at Tina .'\ v\ gwsta ttmtk -vs\ov c. HE Cn/iISTIAJV ALMAXAC for B. 1852. Containing besides the usual valuable matter, Bishop llchcr’s Missi onary Hymn, with its appropriate music. . Dec 2M S>3 WWuW~ifMW~ ■’"OBI SS.lffjlj. Sj K PRIME FIELD HANDS,maIe S and feiinile, all young and soiniil. ALSO, A Good CARPENTER, about 40 years old, for sale low. Apply to L. HI LL A CO, Jan 21 30 ‘TraS'^rioST' !JB V old customers, and the public in IT B. general, are particularly request ed when they are in want of any first rate Cunicil BnJ\ to apply personally, or send their servants to the suhseriher. ISAAC HENDRICKS. (£/• The <‘llllßo of (he above notice, is, that families frequently get deceived by their servants applying to a colored man who is in the habit of vending corned beef in (he Market of such a quality that the subscriber would not oiler for sale. I. 11. Jan 11 27 ALT* persons indebted to the estate o' Eev y Florence, deceased, are r< quested to make immediate payment and all those having demands ngainsi said estate, are requested to presen them properly attested, within the time prescribed hv law. JOHN I. COHEN, Adm’r Jan 11 37 MATRON O U €■ JI ill IffAIJU The subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and the public generally, that lie has taken that large and commodious House, formerly occupied as a Tj! FEtt.\ hy William Hardin, mid hopes from his long experience in business, to he able to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage Bis Bar will he supplied with the best of Liquors—and his Table furnished w ill) every lliingthc country adonis. IlisSla hie will be supplied with the best of pro vender, and attended hy an experienced and attentive <I,-tier. FRANCIS A. H list IN. Nov 2 Hi w 51 Tukl'T TKlm NO COMBINATION J KA SITESIvN - W \ S 5 I''* &, &■*<s■ ,9j SX'X.'Xfj gl y AND liOOSilAft ffriIiAWWRN. THOMAS J. BARROW A- Co. UII'ORTHIIW, So. P 3, t, Sue York. MW ING made extensive councx-j ions with one of the largest and iin*, i improved i’otteries in England, are enabled to offer owe ot the most •‘Xteli sivc stocks in ■ sirkct, consisting ol eve i’V variety EAIFI IIE.N WAKb, t HI NA,G L. A anil LGH KI • i -G1 * A ##- ES, either repacked to order, or in the original package, at uncommonly hue rules, for rash, or r.ily ficcrplanecs. The very lib eral support hitherto received from our (Southern and Western friends, under the most trying circumstances, calls Col our warmest thanks. We have survi ved thus far in the struggle vv ilh a body of men, who have combined ail their es I torts to effect our destruction, simply be- j cause we will not join them in combining to compel (lie country merchant to pay an exorbitant profit on his purchases in this line. We can only reiterate former assurances, of using every exertion to promote the interest of oar mercantile ii lends, in the extent and variety of our stock, Ihc Idleness of our pricer., and the .skill and can of our park I rs, depending upon a free trade, as the only system which can give i stability to the mutual interest of city and country merchants. TIKIS .I. BARROW At O. 88 Water-street, New-York. Jan. 21 4| 31 mm: (Mlico of the (Jerk of Uouncil ! Jb will be open from 2to•> o' lock, c. j vi. during live next two weeks, for the purpose of giving all persons liable to pay Ulty Tuxes, an opportunity to malti their returns. Ofthis, all interested, will please take notice. GEG. M. WALKER, Clerk. Jan 21 3(1 t 'flic Courier and Constitutionalist will i publish the above. I AOTITE; A EE persons indebted to the ill. Mai vT- hud“ nrj re ac-ted DDD^dmlepayment,mm , ,J.. riaving claims against the estate. -Wll present them duly attested. A. I. HI NTING I ON, Adni r. JUn. 1 ], 27 HlliVlift. Sil'OOMi. f|V»K suasenimr acqu.iuiis the gubtii ■ that be has engaged T. S. Moons i Option [Maker, ami that be can now bav< Spoons, Ladles, and SSugur Tongs iniuh to order, of tine Silver Work in tin above line, will be faithfully done, am •' on reasonable terms. Persons having • old broken silver spoons, or other old • silver articles, can have them made into r new (Spoons, at No. 147, Broad-st. Au gusta. I JOHN GIJIMARIN. ; Qsr** Old Oliver taken in exchange for ' new Spoons. 1 May 11 ts (53 • .;::AOffici:. ■ .’Ol It immllis alter dat«* application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, for ; leave to sell the real estate George Hill, i into of said county, deceased. ROUT. FIIILIP, Ailin’r. Novi) 4tm II I l. r l!»CI!ltlEs, tVC. I*IE ECS hemp,finx,tow and doineslic Bugging, 2.50 coils hale Rope, (itHIO bushels Liverpool Suit, 350 lihds. St. Croix, N. O. & Porto Rico Sugars, (500 hags Codec, 30 ts. superior prime green Cotlee, 40 hhls. do. do. do. 500 kegs cut nails, assorted, 20 (ons Swedes Iron, assorted, 400 hags Shot, assorted, 1000 pounds bagging twine, 5 tons Plough Moulds, 5 tons ((listings, assorted, 75 boxes Tobacco, 70 barrels loaf and lump .Sugar, 200 whole and hiilfboxcs Soup, 40 boxes spermaceti Caudles, 20 do. tullovv do. 30 hhds. Molasses, 00 barrels Flour, 70 boxes hunch Raisins, 40 caddy boxes Hyson, Gunpow der and Imperial Teas. 75 quarter casks sweet Malaga Wine, 25 do Tctmerifl’c A Sicily Madeira, 3 pipes pare old do 8 do Cognac hramly, pure, 0 do Holland Gin do 0 bluls pure Jamaica Ruin, 45 barrels Not hem Gin, (>0 do Northern Rum, 15 do Cordials, 30 hugs black Pepper, 15 do Pimento, 25 bags Ginger (Race.) 5 Ida Is green Copperas, 20 kegs Madder, 10 kegs (Saltpetre, 20 do Glauber and Epsom Salts, 5 boxes Brimstone, 3 barrels; A limn, 50 boxes 8 by 10 window Glass, 2 boxes Logwood, 200 reams wrapping Paper, 125 do writing and letter do. 2000 pounds shoe Thread, NtOll pounds prime Bucoii, 0000 Spanish and common Segars, 8000 pair Shoes, well assorted, 50 boxes heaver and wool Hals, 25 «h»z seal and leather caps, 40 boxes cotton and wool Curds, 10 barrels Almonds, 20 half barrels crackers, 10 kegs bar Lead, 300 canisters splendid sporting Gun powder, 100 men mid women's Muddles, Bridles, Ac. A t.xo, 100 picccsdefllc and point Blankets. ■ld do red, w hite A green Flannels. 25 bales Homespun assorted, 35 pieces Negro cloth—togetliei with ii well assorted stock of (Staple and Fancy Goods, suitable lor the country trade. ALSO, Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils and Vices (Spades and .‘■'hovels, mill cross cut and hand (Saws, Mill Irons, • Trace, halter, fifth and log chains, Rifles and Guns, carpenter's Planes, (Had Irons', (,'ollcc Mills, hoop and shed Iron—with a handsome assortment of cutlery and shelf Goods—tor sale on the most favorable terms • y, VV. A 11. BRYSON, Opposite the Globe J Intel, October 22 ts <> FACTO ft A G|TaT COM M I SSI ON Isß>l.\T>S. HE Subscriber having commenced 0. the above business in Augusta, will devote his lime exclusively to tin* inter of bis friends nail others, who may patronize him. All Colton and other ; Produce, or goods sent to him for sto rage, will he stored in a lirst rate Fire i’roof Ware-House, at the customary charges. Ml orders to him, previous to his arrival at Augusta, directed to the care of John C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. His office, for the present, is at the first door above Holcombe •)* Cornfields. ARMSTEAD RICH A RIISON. Oct. 8 __ TliffO MIJIM UlSiliir U » V IN G lately been burnt out, at Ids pj 9 old stand near the Globe Hotel, respectfully informs bis friends mid the public generally, that lie has taken the small Brick Front (Store, No. 187, north side of Broad street, 3 doors above IMr. John Moore's corner, lately occupied hy Mr. Dunlap, and nearly opposite Messrs. Sibley A .Morrison’s corner, where lie hopes hy his devoted attention to the COXFECTIOXARY BUSUXESS, in all its branches, to share their former liberal patronage. DANIEL DILL. Dec 8 23 ~T O W * TOT ..... -poit aiff,*:. a The subscriber offers lor Sale, the largo and valuable LOT at the corner of Washington A Reynold streets, and inum-di ately opposite Cuniming’s Warehouse. THOfck I. WRAY, Dec 21 4t 22 : T!SS&K' ;r . nnry, JH']2. The pT.I*„ •• that allt be olilces of the Oolite are’iio w *. Hied, and (hat iiistiucliun in lhe ril , us departments of literntur c „ nd M . ivnce ail hereafter bo given, ns '* "ell as by (he study of text books, Lectures on the fiiUitwing «u •- feels, have been jiresi ribed w the ')Vus* r tees, viz : 1. Mental Philosojihy, Political Eeo noiny, and evidences of tin? Christian l.‘< by ’' r * Prest A. f'ntsu;ii, ri -• Natural Philosojihy and < hem^iiiy, , 'Vila ineira in .non to the asi-VuUrts—• by Prof. .1 amks Jackson. A. JM. I 3. Philology anti Classical Learning ’ by Prof. Janus WttANr-o.v, A. iW. 4. Astronomy, and (lie benefit iagfroni the Mathematics, to the pstluJ _ arts—by Prof. llp.nry Ham., M. I) 5. Itlieloric and Oratory, and I’.nglif-U and Ainericnn Literature—by Prof. Bn:-' I enuN, A. 111. <>. Natural History, including .lifn^a jogy, Geology, iloluny, I’hisioiigy, Ac. —by Prof ill a i.thus A. Waiui, ill I' 1 . , 7. 'I d- -, i gauges ol'Europe—by Prof. Win, 1 kiima.n, A. HI. B. B. il t I’M Ns, A. U. l 'utorin tin- \ti cicnt Languages. . Wji, L j i uiki.l, A. ill. Hftttluin di cul 'J'utor. Candidates for admission into mij of the regular classes, can be ret • v. d t any lime, if prepared upon ih< vnp ■ oo studies. Any individual. In wcvci, v- l-o iloes not 'visit In pursue a I'eguli-! foi se, ean attend in sue), subjects or it ans be may choose, and "111, on a in'- j institution, receive from tile fifeiniy . n cerlilicato of the progress whiili he has made. The Professor of Natural History, hun procured a cabinet of Mineral*, and " ill lie prepared, both on Mincntlogv aiul Botany, to render his lectures ifllercsti. g mid profitable. The PliiloHojihicnl Apjhtfwtf'tf*fs one oftho most complete In the United states, ami the Chemical, extensive—Miitherof which received any injury from the (iri The Professor of (Mathematics is "ell furnished with all the necessary instru ments for giving instruction in his dc art ment, ami will he particular to assist ail " ho wish to ipiulily themselves for prac tical surveying and engineering. The Library is now very rcsjieetnldp, mil the Trustees are making large unn ti ll additions. A new t 'ollege building has been erec ted, and is ready for the reception of students. The course of study prescribed for the regular students, is nearly the some as that pursued heretofore, anil is so arrang ed, that each student will have an oppor tunity of attending nil the lectures unit recitations All who wish, will have an opportunity of studying the Hebrew, French, .Spanish German, and Italian languages. No additional charges, how ever, will be made for either Lectures or Modern Languages, 'flic only College charge is that of Tuition. Which is per annum, paid half yearly, in advance, on the Ist of August and Uebruary. By order of the Faculty, WM. L. MITCH ELL, Hcc’y. Dec HI ilfsni 24 Jvi S6TiSßv\ %VAIt E, * AiV* y jHU sabscril.erH arc now in posscs- M sion oftheir lull stock of tb oils, received per ships Oglethorpe and Wil liam Donald at .Savannah, direct Irom Liverpool—which they oiler to country ’derchants and others upon terms ns lib oral as will he met with in nay other mur in the United States. Their Stock was parclinscil by one of die firm in England for cnsli, which gives 'hern advantages equalled Gy no house in ibis State, nor surpassed by any in the i harleston or Northern Markets. Their arrangements are permanent, and such is will enable them at all limes to be ia early receipt of the newest style ofnhnpes and patterns. Feeling confident of ma king it to (be interest of those wishing supplies they respect billy solicit patron age—and pledge themselves no pains will be spared to give satisfaction. I*. IJ. TAYLOR vV Co , itd7, Broad street, Augusta, near the Merchants’and Planters’ Bunk. 07*The Athenian, Georgia .Journal and < ’arolinian "ill give the above twelve insertions and forward tbeir bills for payment. Nov 9 ts 11 XilKTlfAltbllSTOlV ~ CROOKEHY &%OB£S J'gtllU Mnliscribers 'Veil known in li. Georgia, ns dealers iiF’Earllien wure, Cliiim, (dais. &e. lieg leave to in form their nmmmus customers, ns well as otliers on their way to C'luu lestou, that their stock is now complete, and |*ro nounced by judges to he the heel in die United Stilus, which they are ottering to merchants at as low a rate us any mar ket in Jlmerkn. They are well aware that promises un less supported by facts, are useless, and worse than useless; they make no pro mises, nor appeal topnbtie:<ympat by a gai nst poinrjul combina limit or private monopoly , they nre well satisfied that the-public know how to apjireeiate such appeals.— \o market is closed against us, but on tiie reverse all are open,* and our busi ness solicited by the manufacturer ; our friends nre many and powerful, and with numerous other advantages, our facilities for doing business are not equalled bv any dealer in Augusta, oraurpussed by tiny in Afcu- York. '... We would gay, in conclusion, intend making it the* interest of purchasers J to buj from us; our prices shall In* ion\ , and terms liberal. We reficr to our cus l turners in every village in Georgia for . the respectability of cur bolts;- and rec titude of our business principles. 11. B. GLKAoMN A, Co. JYo. 2641-King Street, Chart -sion. ‘ Feb 19 ts 40 J